View Full Version : Are we being punked?

midnight rambler
1st September 2020, 11:32 PM
Serious question. Creepy Joe can only appear as a ghost of himself now. He cannot even read a fucking teleprompter in a friendly environment. His dementia is becoming more and more advanced. It's becoming difficult to dismiss. It amounts to elder abuse. There's no way in hell his handlers are going to allow him to debate Trump.

I counted at least eight disconnects in this 12 seconds, he has no continuity of thought, he appears to be completely incoherent -


midnight rambler
1st September 2020, 11:39 PM
And then there's always Camala, who is above reproach or being blackmailed.

2nd September 2020, 04:59 AM
He seems normal to me.

2nd September 2020, 06:37 AM
I don't think you are being punked. There a lot of lefties that are being punked. The JSM is wholly in on the deception. Why do you think he stays in the basement and never takes a question?

2nd September 2020, 06:38 AM
He seems normal to me.

Yep, another zombie. :D

2nd September 2020, 09:09 AM
Yep, another zombie. :D

Zombies need their leaders too. Same goes for child molesters, tranny's, LBGTQ's, Mason's, Jews, Jesuits and all points in between.

2nd September 2020, 02:04 PM
Up by at least 700 % points over Trumpy

2nd September 2020, 03:10 PM
Q. Should members on this site be complaining about Biden if they have no intention of voting?...the very same people that are helping Biden win?

2nd September 2020, 03:24 PM
People shouldn't complain if they aren't registered to complain.

2nd September 2020, 03:56 PM
Q. Should members on this site be complaining about Biden if they have no intention of voting?...the very same people that are helping Biden win?

A vote for the Trumpster won't matter where I am at. Total blue area. I will vote against a handful of tax increases.

midnight rambler
2nd September 2020, 04:23 PM
People shouldn't complain if they aren't registered to complain.

The word register comes from regis which means king, so if one is 'registered' or owns anything that is 'registered' then that person or thing is property of the king (the state)

2nd September 2020, 04:43 PM
The word register comes from regis which means king, so if one is 'registered' or owns anything that is 'registered' then that person or thing is property of the king (the state)

Alright. Then the only way to complain is to be properly licensed to do so. Fortunately I am in possession of a license to do as I like (which includes the prerogative to complain). It has been issued by the state Dept of Permissions.

2nd September 2020, 05:41 PM
Alright. Then the only way to complain is to be properly licensed to do so. Fortunately I am in possession of a license to do as I like (which includes the prerogative to complain). It has been issued by the state Dept of Permissions.

So we are JQP's property?

2nd September 2020, 06:00 PM
A vote for the Trumpster won't matter where I am at. Total blue area. I will vote against a handful of tax increases.

Ditto. Try living in CA. My vote for Trump won't matter. We need a topic on the outcome. What would life be like for us if Trump wins? What would life be like if Biden wins?

Honestly, life is great, I'll make the best of it...but things aint looking so good for us folks in CA.

2nd September 2020, 06:55 PM
So we are JQP's property?

You have a mouse in your pocket perhaps?

2nd September 2020, 06:58 PM
Ditto. Try living in CA. My vote for Trump won't matter. We need a topic on the outcome. What would life be like for us if Trump wins? What would life be like if Biden wins?

Honestly, life is great, I'll make the best of it...but things aint looking so good for us folks in CA.

Nobody lives in CA. According to the EPA everyone lives in a watershed. When was the last time you heard of a election in a watershed?

Don't pay attention to what THEY want you to pay attention to. What is more important is the thing THEY are trying to divert your attention from.

2nd September 2020, 11:43 PM
And then there's always Camala, who is above reproach or being blackmailed.

Kamala is channeling Obama.

Hatch together a bunch of ornate political phrases that in the end only equal < Obey.

3rd September 2020, 03:05 PM
Kamala is channeling Obama.

Hatch together a bunch of ornate political phrases that in the end only equal < Obey.

So Kamala identifies as a gay halfrican man?

3rd September 2020, 03:06 PM
You have a mouse in your pocket perhaps?

I tend to eradicate vermin on site. And no holes in pockets that I know of.

3rd September 2020, 05:42 PM
I tend to eradicate vermin on site. And no holes in pockets that I know of.

Ahhh. Then we use the royal WE then don't we?

3rd September 2020, 07:20 PM
Ahhh. Then we use the royal WE then don't we?

He said "I". Not we.

You know ziero, you really are a dickhead. No offense, but you are an asshole sometimes, like in this thread.

You can take your "holier than thou" BS and fuck off.

Half Sense
3rd September 2020, 07:21 PM
Kamala was the Obama-Jarrett choice from the start. Obama-Jarrett and Harris were in on the Smollet hoax. A week after Harris and Booker introduced "anti-lynching" legislation, they cooked up this idiotic fake lynching in -20-degree weather. jussie is such a bad actor, even the laziest cops in the world smelled a rat.

3rd September 2020, 11:33 PM
We need a topic on the outcome. What would life be like for us if Trump wins? What would life be like if Biden wins?

If Pelosi wins by no default, you should do well where your at in S.F.

Bankers like to have 8yrs. of admin. from any party if at all possible for their expense accounts, its tough for them these days.

4th September 2020, 03:00 AM
He said "I". Not we.
"So we are JQP's property?"
Is that what I looks like?

You know ziero, you really are a dickhead. No offense, but you are an asshole sometimes, like in this thread.
That is truly disturbing. Especially since California has set up legislation to control criminal behavior around consenting minor A-holes.

You can take your "holier than thou" BS and fuck off.
I am beginning to notice a pattern in your thought processed. It ain't pretty either.

4th September 2020, 09:15 AM

Demented Joe Democrats are even more cringe than Black-face Trudeau Liberals.

4th September 2020, 11:34 AM
He said "I". Not we.

You know ziero, you really are a dickhead. No offense, but you are an asshole sometimes, like in this thread.

You can take your "holier than thou" BS and fuck off.

Easy bro!

4th September 2020, 11:32 PM
I am beginning to notice a pattern in your thought processed.

Called himself plastic before, could be he's faking it..

6th September 2020, 08:09 AM
A well edited video comparing current events with historical footage of communist Red Guard terrorism.

Paul Joseph Watson: Ritual Public Shaming


6th September 2020, 07:00 PM
'We Are Democrats' (?) Campaign Ad


25th January 2021, 09:08 AM
Biden-"I don't Know What I'm Signing [here]" SIGNS IT ANYWAYS!


20th December 2021, 05:34 PM
Trump Gets Booed For Getting COVID-19 Booster Shot
Dec 20, 2021


A longer clip is even worse: NEW - Trump: "You’re playing right into their hands" when you doubt the #COVID19 vaccines.

washingtontimes.com: Trump demands China pay $60T in reparations for the coronavirus pandemic (https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2021/dec/19/trump-demands-china-pay-60t-reparations-pandemic/)

December 19, 2021
Former President Donald Trump said Sunday that China should pay reparations for its role in the COVID-19 pandemic.

Mr. Trump, a leading figure within the GOP, told Fox News’ Maria Bartiromo that the communist regime should be held responsible for its role in helping spread the coronavirus.

“China has to pay, they have to do something,” said Mr. Trump. “They have to pay reparations and China doesn’t have the money to pay those reparations.”...

“I believe that worldwide, I’m not just talking about the United States, but worldwide [its] $60 trillion of damage,” said Mr. Trump. “China doesn’t have $60 trillion, but they have to do something to make up for what they’ve done.”

While truthful, it has been suggested that this Trudeau clip has been taken out of context.


midnight rambler
20th December 2021, 05:47 PM
While truthful, it has been suggested that this Trudeau clip has been taken out of context.

How can that possibly be taken out of context?? ???

20th December 2021, 06:19 PM
How can that possibly be taken out of context?? ???

It is from an interview (https://www.theglobeandmail.com/politics/article-justin-trudeau-shares-fathers-disdain-of-notwithstanding-clause/) with the Globe and Mail possibly (behind a paywall).

Seems the context is he against over-riding rights, but with further context he is referring to the religious rights of a Quebec Muslim public servant to display her religion in the classroom.

Controversy over the override clause has heated up recently with the news that a Muslim teacher was removed from her elementary school classroom in Chelsea, Que., because she wears a hijab — in violation of Quebec's two-year old secularism law.

Not much controversy in corporate media and their politicians in Canada though for the democide of Canada and Canadians for what a few years ago was called cold and flu season.

Psaki tells the truth: Biden "always thinks of himself as a senator…"


21st December 2021, 09:55 AM
Trump Gets Booed For Getting COVID-19 Booster Shot
Dec 20, 2021

A longer clip is even worse: NEW - Trump: "You’re playing right into their hands" when you doubt the #COVID19 vaccines.

I'm wondering what his angle is on this.

midnight rambler
21st December 2021, 11:34 AM
I'm wondering what his angle is on this.

He was shown the a film of the JFK assassination from a different angle than the Zapruder film and with much better clarity. Trump is a team player but it's not our team. He's a showman, think WWF.

21st December 2021, 05:24 PM
He was shown the a film of the JFK assassination from a different angle than the Zapruder film and with much better clarity. Trump is a team player but it's not our team. He's a showman, think WWF.

Agree and disagree. I don't think he is in any position to be killed by Jackie. He is teaming with Israel Jews who are shut off as much as most the USi population. The True (fake) Jews want us all dead. So he gets the support of jews and the USi televitz watching fools that think Isreal is some sort of heaven. Fuk that, it's good if you want to burn in the desert unless you have AC, which don't happen in the desert. But he needs to have some sort of jew support to have any backing at all.

I think he is negotiating with both sides and has to give and take (bad jew dick) to get anywhere. They would not hate him so much if he was 100% controlled and Kosher man. Something is with it and we just don't know.

25th March 2022, 10:21 AM
If you thought a cold was bad, wait till you get the flu!

dailymail.co.uk: How thousands of Australians are getting sick with a 'super cold' - but it's NOT Covid - here's how to tell the difference (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10638175/Covid-Australia-Super-cold-super-flu-fears-nation-braces-sick-winter.html)

22 March 2022
A 'super cold' is breaking out in Australia after two years of Covid isolation as health experts warn of more respiratory illnesses as the country re-opens.

The super cold first appeared in the UK in November, with victims suffering flu-like or Coronavirus-like symptoms, but repeatedly tested negative to Covid.

Now a similar outbreak is happening in Australia, with thousands reportedly being struck down...

GPs are now warning that Australia has never been more susceptible to colds and flus than it is right now after being cut off from the rest of the world for so long...

There are even fears the flu may kill more people than Covid this year.

25th March 2022, 12:13 PM
America’s Frontline Doctors Confirm: Vaccine-Related AIDS Will Hit MILLIONS By Fall
noah by noah2 days ago2 days ago

This is a very serious alert, and I wish I didn’t have to bring it to you, but our mission is to print the truth wherever we find it.

And even when the news is bad, we have to report it!

Dr. Elizabeth Eads is one of America’s Frontline Doctors and she warns that millions of Americans are about to have AIDS.

No, not the STD, but functionally the same thing.

Auto-Immune Deficiency Syndrome, and she says it’s directly caused by the poison vaxx.

Dr. Elizabeth Eads, a 25-year Florida physician of osteopathic medicine, told USA Watchdog’s Greg Hunter on Tuesday that the tripled vaxed are exhibiting signs of AIDS and that she and her colleagues are struggling to figure out how to treat them, as hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, and other methods like anti-parasitics are having no positive effect.

“Yes, we are seeing vaccine related acquired immunodeficiency in the hospital now from the triple vaxed…It is a vax injury, and we are not really certain how to treat this,” Eads said.

“We are kind of throwing the kitchen sink at it…We are trying to use everything we can think of to boost up the CD4 and CD8 counts and reverse this collapse, this calamity of immune collapse. It’s very stunning.”

Eads went on to explain that the more COVID shots the patients took, the worse their autoimmune and neurodegenerative symptoms appeared, describing the third dose as the “kill shot”:

The Kill Shot, the Money Ball or whatever you want to call it. It is just devastating to the immune system, and I’ll tell you why. If you look at the recent Stanford study, and I am just going to read a couple of sentences from the Stanford study: ‘The spike protein in the CV19 vaccines that everyone is talking about is called the Lentivirus. The Lenti contains a combination of HIV, types one through three, SRV/1, which is AIDS, MERS and SARS.’

In the Stanford study, the best-known Lentivirus is the human immune deficiency pathogen, which causes AIDS. This is why we are seeing autoimmune and neurodegenerative decline after the Covid 19 (Vax), especially the booster…It permanently changes the genome of the cell. That is why this is so terrifying to us in the medical community. We just don’t know how to attack this.

“That is what the Spike Lentivirus is. It is made up of HIV and AIDS along with SARS and MERS,” she stressed. “That’s why the vaccinated and boosted are so sick. That’s why they dominate the hospitalizations regarding Covid illness as well.”

When asked how bad she thinks the AIDS vaccine injury situation will be several months down the road, Eads said:

I think from April through the summer you’re going to start to see more cases diagnosed of AIDS, especially in the 18-39 category. And the categories in the middle, those in their 40s and 50s, probably over the next year you’ll start to see immune systems collapse.
