View Full Version : Enjoy the last two months of our country as it is...

5th September 2020, 09:03 AM
In two months I firmly believe our county will erupt into a massive bloody civil war. I don't see anything to stop it.

It will be a very bad time to live in a big city. I'm talking to people I know in real estate in very rural areas that say there are not enough homes for sale to meet the demand of people trying to get as far away as possible from big cities.

I believe we will have a small window on the election date to make final preparations for the apocalypse that is coming. Last one to the bank will be a monkeys uncle.

Everything is on the line for the Democrat globalists, if they lose:

The Supreme Court will be out of their control for 30 years.

Crimes of treason by so many of them, will finally be prosecuted.

Their party and their globalist agenda will be destroyed for a generation, or longer.

Liberal run cities that are hoping to be bailed out with socialism, will collapse. They are collapsing now and they are desperate for money.
The Democrats/globalists have been all in on the take down of our country in the last four years, there is no reason to believe they will stop now.

There is a good reason you cant find ammo anywhere, you will soon see why.

Good luck to all, may God be with us.

Of course this is all my opinion, I could be wrong.

5th September 2020, 11:57 AM
civil war (n.)
"battles among fellow citizens or within a community," from civil in a sense of "occurring among fellow citizens" attested from late 14c. in batayle ciuile "civil battle," etc. The exact phrase civil war is attested from late 15c. (the Latin phrase was bella civicus). An Old English word for it was ingewinn. Ancient Greek had polemos epidemios.

The U.S. has always been a FEDERATION and not a COUNTRY. They established freed slaves as federation citizens by the XIV amendment so if you insist on having a war between citizens it will be black on black.

5th September 2020, 07:22 PM
I've been thinking the same. No matter who wins, there is going to an escalation in violence. To be honest, it shouldn't be stopped by any authorities. This has been brewing for decades and if contained and not "fought out" -- when it does come time for the "Great Reset" [as I call it], it will be much, much worse.

My opinion.... The Left doesn't have a chance.

You have Red States and Blue States. If it was to be broken down by county, there is much, much more red. Do you know what I call most of those red Counties? Farm land. Trump supporters control the food supply.

There are also Legions of right-leaning, trained, ex-military Patriots with real-world combat experience. The standing military and police also leans right. The Left has soy-boy Antifa and Blacks who can't even organize themselves enough to clean up their own neighbourhood.

6th September 2020, 02:36 AM
Don't enjoy, but rather prepare.

6th September 2020, 07:45 AM
As difficult it is to see, I too see the disintegration of the U.S. happening after the election no matter who wins. The right won't accept Biden and will accuse the Dems of stealing the election. The left won't accept Trump as winning and will accuse him of stealing the election.

This is a recipe of a civil war. You already have thousands of people leaving the cities due to the unrest and violence. You have millions of first time gun buyers and even more millions of people stock piling weapons, ammo, body armor etc.

You have the cultural Marxist left pushing anyone who is white and male into a corner for which no other option remains other than to fight.

I know the Constitution as we read it does not exist, and has not existed since the 1860s. The only benefit I see in any of this is the tighter grip the state tries to maintain control the more it loses. Maybe, just maybe we can get local city states back and state, and central governments can go into the dustbins of history as a 5000 year experiment that has murdered millions while accomplishing nothing other than enriching those who align their selves with it.

The other benefit I see is that in this point in American history it would be damn near impossible to implement a mandatory vaccine without risking inflaming tensions further. But that may be their goal. Some may say division makes people easier to rule, but the risk and its a huge risk is a side learning of the controllers and changing its attention to them.

6th September 2020, 08:41 AM
The future is clear. The new world order is LBGTQ and only Black Lives Matter. The XIV amendment ushered in a nation-state of freed slaves. Democrats are the only undeplorabes on the planet and when everything looks bleak just remember. Russia is responsible.

6th September 2020, 10:33 AM
I don't think the right will fight back if Biden wins. Most of us are too complacent and soft. If they had any fight in them, they would have done something before we got to this point. We typically just bitch about things and usually offer idle threats if someone was to walk on our property or try to take our guns away. Who on the right is going to organize a revolt? The pussification of America has also infected many of those whom we consider allies. I'll be stunned to see the right come out swinging if Biden wins.

I think you'll see massive voter intimidation and the promise of much more rioting if Trump wins which in turn will keep many older Trump supporters at home. Will they be able to mail it in? I also think you'll see Trump promise the use of the military on home soil if he is re-elected to finally clean up the mess. No way Trump wins without the elderly voting. However, I believe white females between the ages of 35-50 will ultimately decide the election.

The Deep State has to decide what they want.
Biden wins: The rioting ceases. Senile Joe probably resigns within the first year in office because of dementia and we get President Harris.
Trump wins: Major cities burn, many deaths, massive bailouts which accelerates the looming financial crash.

If the Deep State believes all of their chips are in the middle of the table, we’ll definitely see a major event (October Surprise) before the election that will make the swing voters (white women mentioned above) go towards Senile Joe. Keep in mind that The Bolsheviks still have to disarm the populace at some point to realize their goals. A massive false flag event (shooting) that will make all others look like amateur hour could be what they go for if they decide not to crash the market.

Then again, their plan could include Trump getting re-elected to start the riots/war that you mention.

6th September 2020, 11:34 AM
I don't think the right will fight back if Biden wins. Most of us are too complacent and soft. If they had any fight in them, they would have done something before we got to this point. We typically just bitch about things and usually offer idle threats if someone was to walk on our property or try to take our guns away. Who on the right is going to organize a revolt? The pussification of America has also infected many of those whom we consider allies. I'll be stunned to see the right come out swinging if Biden wins.

I would have to disagree here. The right is complacent ONLY on the hope of Trump getting re-elected as he is "their guy". If he loses there is no longer any reason to remain complacent while the left does anything and everything to ensure you and your families subjugation to the Alphabet people, while grooming your children for child sex trafficking.

I think you'll see massive voter intimidation and the promise of much more rioting if Trump wins which in turn will keep many older Trump supporters at home. Will they be able to mail it in? I also think you'll see Trump promise the use of the military on home soil if he is re-elected to finally clean up the mess. No way Trump wins without the elderly voting. However, I believe white females between the ages of 35-50 will ultimately decide the election. I agree, and also foresee massive I mean literally MASSIVE amounts of voter fraud due to mail in ballets.

The Deep State has to decide what they want.
Biden wins: The rioting ceases. Senile Joe probably resigns within the first year in office because of dementia and we get President Harris.
Trump wins: Major cities burn, many deaths, massive bailouts which accelerates the looming financial crash.

Possibly, but I don't think the rioting will end if Dementia Joe somehow gets elected. He's not far enough to the left for them.

If the Deep State believes all of their chips are in the middle of the table, we’ll definitely see a major event (October Surprise) before the election that will make the swing voters (white women mentioned above) go towards Senile Joe. Keep in mind that The Bolsheviks still have to disarm the populace at some point to realize their goals. A massive false flag event (shooting) that will make all others look like amateur hour could be what they go for if they decide not to crash the market.

Then again, their plan could include Trump getting re-elected to start the riots/war that you mention.

There was a guy earlier this year who had a dream of these events. He said there was a skeleton hand pointing to March, and May. He said the skeleton hand during the month of September pointed to September 3 times. I wish I could find the video, I didn't pay much attention to it initially (this was around April when I first saw it). I assumed it was just another fake prophet, then May (George Floyd riots) happened. Which made me take notice.

We just started September, so if the guy is right and what he was shown during his dream comes to pass then we won't even have to wait until October to find out.

6th September 2020, 12:20 PM
Do the looters/rioters have to try to disrupt smaller/rural towns before the right shows a backbone? Do we have to rely on a 17 year old to fight back? At what point do the big talkers take action instead of oiling their slides?

I suspect many on the right are just chuckling as they see major cities destroyed not thinking it affects them. Who do they think will eventually bail out these shit hole cities? Of course it will be the tax payer as usual. The private sector is getting cornholed by a massive schlong and yet we sit passively like a closet cuckold watching their wife suck off a Shine.

At what point do we return to our roots (Taxation Without Representation) and fight back? I don't see it ever happening unless you see states secede from the union. I have brought that up before because I firmly believe that is our only chance. Granted the likelihood of that being allowed to happen is almost nil, but it is my pipe dream. Every Moulinyan will be given reparations in this decade.

I have accepted the fact that the U.S. is near toast and never coming back. The Shylocks are in complete control. For selfish reasons, I hope the final nail in the coffin can be delayed a bit while I'm still alive. Slow burn baby. We're still barely airborne, but getting close to our final descent....

I'm prepping for myself and family members which of course have no clue what is coming down the pike. Enjoy life while you can. Simple pleasures might be gone come early November. This decade will not be a redeux of The Roaring Twenties unless you're talking about fires.

6th September 2020, 03:26 PM
If you don't think patriots will fight back soon, you will be mistaken.


Police Won’t Name Leftist Who Attempted to Kill Trump Supporter on Saturday, Girlfriend Says ‘This Was Absolutely a Targeted Attack’
By Cassandra Fairbanks
Published September 6, 2020 at 3:42pm

UPDATE: An additional fundraiser has been created on the Christian platform GiveSendGo, since GoFundMe is unreliable when raising money for conservatives.

UPDATE #2: Sources have told Law Enforcement Today that the attacker is identified, but still at large. They additionally reported he is a patched member of the Mongols Motorcycle Club, in addition to any ties he may have to Antifa. The Gateway Pundit previously reported that witnesses said the suspect was arrested, but we are updating accordingly as we have been unable to confirm an arrest.

A member of the Proud Boys is in intensive care from being hit by a truck after attending a memorial for Aaron “Jay” Danielson, the Trump supporter who was murdered by Antifa in Portland.
The incident took place very close to Portland, in nearby Vancouver. Police have refused to release the name of the driver, even to the long time girlfriend of the victim.

TRENDING: EXCLUSIVE: Militant Leftist Attempts to Kill Conservative Activist After Memorial for Trump Supporter Murdered By Portland Antifa (VIDEOS)

The Proud Boys are a pro-Trump male social group that frequently stands against Black Lives Matter and Antifa militants — which has naturally made them a hated target of the left.

Enrique Tarrio, the leader of the Proud Boys, has provided Gateway Pundit with a photo of the attacker:

His truck:

The victim, Shane Moon, is bleeding from his brain, sustained damaged to his left temporal lobe, has a concussion and cannot remember the impact.

A friend of Moon’s who witnessed the incident, Rex Fergus, spoke to and interviewed his girlfriend, Laura Tobolski, on Sunday at the hospital. She provided him with updates about her boyfriend’s condition.

The audio of the interview was provided to the Gateway Pundit.


According to Tobolski, the bleeding in his brain has not increased and he is expected to be moved out of the ICU today.

“As of right now, there is no change in his condition, which is a good sign. It’s not getting any worse. The bleeding in his brain is stable, it’s staying the same,” Tobolski told Fergus. “As long as that continues, he will be transferred out of the ICU today, and he will have to stay in the hospital for another couple of days. He’s sore. He’s hurting and doesn’t feel good.”

Tobolski said that other than not being able to eat much, he is in good spirits.

Moon does not remember the impact, but remembers everything leading up to it, according to Tobolski.

“He remembers trying to get out of the way, he physically tried to move out of the way of the truck. The truck obviously did not try to get out of Shane’s way. He remembers up until that point, then he doesn’t remember anything until he woke up on the stretcher,” she explained.

Tobolski said that she does not believe that Moon had got into any kind of confrontation with the man outside the bar before being hit by the truck.

“I don’t think he even spoke a word to him,” Tobolski said.

Moon absolutely feels like this was a targeted attack, and Tobolski agrees.

“There was plenty of room for the truck to go around Shane, or even wait for him to move out of the way,” Tobolski noted. “There was none of that. It was absolutely targeted.”

Tobolski said that she has been attempting to get information about the man who hit her boyfriend, but has not heard a word back from the police.

Likewise, the Gateway Pundit has repeatedly called and emailed the Vancouver Police Department without any response.

A GoFundMe has been launched for Moon’s medical expenses.

As Gateway Pundit previously reported, Moon had just attended a memorial for the man who was murdered by Antifa member Michael Forest Reinoehl when he was hit.

Following the memorial, Moon and a group of his friends and Proud Boys went to a local bar down the street. According to Tarrio, a man who appeared to be a member of Antifa was also at the bar and began taking photos and recordings of the people inside.

Fergus, who witnessed the incident, told the Gateway Pundit that the man “started walking around the bar and recording us, putting his phone in our faces, supposedly for doxing.”

“As he was doing that, one of our guys confronted him and said ‘hey, get out of here, we don’t want you filming us. This is a private establishment and we’re not in public.’ The man continued to try to pick fights with people in the bar at the time, until security finally kicked him out of the bar,” Fergus said.

As the man was kicked out of the bar, there were several Proud Boys in the parking lot smoking cigarettes and just arriving from the memorial service. Fergus explained that the man had also become combative with them.

“Once the guy started his vehicle up and started to drive off, he hit Shane,” Fergus said. “Shane tried to get out of the way and the guy ran him over.”

Fergus said that Shane’s body went up on to the roof of the truck and his head hit the concrete when he fell.

“Immediately he was unconscious. After he hit him, the driver of the truck gassed it and left the parking lot, leaving Shane on the ground, bleeding out of his ears,” Fergus said.

“We immediately ran over and start doing everything we could to stabilize him. He was not conscious, but he was breathing,” Fergus said. “Blood was pouring out of his ears and his nose. His eyes were completely bloodshot.”

Luckily, a surgeon happened to be at the bar and helped them get control of the situation until the paramedics arrived.


6th September 2020, 03:59 PM
PATRIOT, n. One to whom the interests of a part seem superior to those of the whole. The dupe of statesmen and the tool of conquerors

6th September 2020, 05:29 PM
PATRIOT, n. One to whom the interests of a part seem superior to those of the whole. The dupe of statesmen and the tool of conquerors

Protestors don't give a shit about your legalese.

6th September 2020, 05:44 PM
BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: BLM Activist Who Attempted to Kill Conservative After Memorial for Murdered Trump Supporter IDENTIFIED


The question remains, will this guy be charged with attempted murder and fleeing the scene, or because he's a Democrat he get to skate?

6th September 2020, 05:49 PM
Protestors don't give a shit about your legalese.

Patriots don't give a shit about his legalese either.

6th September 2020, 06:01 PM
I would have to disagree here. The right is complacent ONLY on the hope of Trump getting re-elected as he is "their guy". If he loses there is no longer any reason to remain complacent while the left does anything and everything to ensure you and your families subjugation to the Alphabet people, while grooming your children for child sex trafficking.

I would agree with your assessment. I think the Left will be emboldened by a Harris win [that's who the vote is for, Biden won't be there long if elected. If he doesn't step down, he should hire a food-taster] and they will be targeting Trump supporters -- and it is brewing already. The Left is also more likely to have a "in your face" attitude and publicly gloat which will stir up the hornet's nest with Trump Supporters too.

We live in interesting times.....

6th September 2020, 06:10 PM
I would agree with your assessment. I think the Left will be emboldened by a Harris win [that's who the vote is for, Biden won't be there long if elected. If he doesn't step down, he should hire a food-taster] and they will be targeting Trump supporters -- and it is brewing already. The Left is also more likely to have a "in your face" attitude and publicly gloat which will stir up the hornet's nest with Trump Supporters too.

We live in interesting times.....

Interesting times is an understatement. It feels like living in 1860 which is a year before the civil war started.

The tension around the country feels like it could erupt at any time. Just waiting for a match to ignite the drum of gun powder that's been left out in the open around a bon fire.

6th September 2020, 06:24 PM
2012 RNC Trump parody never aired


6th September 2020, 06:54 PM
Protestors don't give a shit about your legalese.
protester (n.)
also protestor, 1540s, "one who makes solemn affirmation;" agent noun from protest (v.). From 1960 as "demonstrator, public opponent of the established order."

7th September 2020, 07:04 AM
Do the looters/rioters have to try to disrupt smaller/rural towns before the right shows a backbone? Do we have to rely on a 17 year old to fight back? At what point do the big talkers take action instead of oiling their slides?

I suspect many on the right are just chuckling as they see major cities destroyed not thinking it affects them. Who do they think will eventually bail out these shit hole cities? Of course it will be the tax payer as usual. The private sector is getting cornholed by a massive schlong and yet we sit passively like a closet cuckold watching their wife suck off a Shine.

At what point do we return to our roots (Taxation Without Representation) and fight back? I don't see it ever happening unless you see states secede from the union. I have brought that up before because I firmly believe that is our only chance. Granted the likelihood of that being allowed to happen is almost nil, but it is my pipe dream. Every Moulinyan will be given reparations in this decade.

I have accepted the fact that the U.S. is near toast and never coming back. The Shylocks are in complete control. For selfish reasons, I hope the final nail in the coffin can be delayed a bit while I'm still alive. Slow burn baby. We're still barely airborne, but getting close to our final descent....

I'm prepping for myself and family members which of course have no clue what is coming down the pike. Enjoy life while you can. Simple pleasures might be gone come early November. This decade will not be a redeux of The Roaring Twenties unless you're talking about fires.

This video below is pretty good at explaining how we've gotten to where we are now in this country. It's long but it's pretty good. This question about the American people and standing to fight our enemies is spoken of starting at about the 43:00 minute mark. John Quade speaks about what the founders of this country had to do before the fight could begin. I see this happening in a similar way with armed patriots protesting but they haven't fired a shot yet. They're waiting I believe as the founders did.

I think it would be good for everyone to watch this whole video but at about the 43:00 mark it pretty well sums up where we're headed too if we want to set things right.


7th September 2020, 04:37 PM
The tension around the country feels like it could erupt at any time.

Yeah, I don't live in the US at the moment. I'm in the People's Republic of Kanuckistan [canada]. Most of my family is in the US though. I'm actually looking forward to moving back -- Civil War 2, or not.

7th September 2020, 05:33 PM
Yeah, I don't live in the US at the moment. I'm in the People's Republic of Kanuckistan [canada]. Most of my family is in the US though. I'm actually looking forward to moving back -- Civil War 2, or not.

What area of the U.S.? Some areas will fair better than others once the shit hits the fan.

8th September 2020, 11:35 AM
What area of the U.S.? Some areas will fair better than others once the shit hits the fan.

Central Ohio [close to Mansfield] . It's a total Trumpian area and I do not foresee any "civil unrest" in the area. Cleveland/Columbus may be a different story. Even then, I don't see too much happening there either.

8th September 2020, 11:39 AM
Central Ohio [close to Mansfield] . It's a total Trumpian area and I do not foresee any "civil unrest" in the area. Cleveland/Columbus may be a different story. Even then, I don't see too much happening there either.

Midwest as a whole should fair better than the East and West coasts for sure.

8th September 2020, 03:48 PM
Midwest as a whole should fair better than the East and West coasts for sure.
We Michiganders will have to deal with that nasty infestation in the southern half of the state.

8th September 2020, 04:39 PM
We Michiganders will have to deal with that nasty infestation in the southern half of the state.

In accordance with the US GOVERNMENT PUBLISHING OFFICE STYLE MANUAL you are officially to be refered to as a Michiganian. That would make you a native.


8th September 2020, 05:05 PM
In accordance with the US GOVERNMENT PUBLISHING OFFICE STYLE MANUAL you are officially to be refered to as a Michiganian. That would make you a native.

The Michiganians reside in the southern half of the state. I call myself a Michigander. Anyone in the lower peninsula is referred to as a 'Troll' by those in the Upper Peninsula because we live 'under the bridge'. We call them Yoopers because they live in the UP (Upper Peninsula).

8th September 2020, 05:20 PM
The Michiganians reside in the southern half of the state. I call myself a Michigander. Anyone in the lower peninsula is referred to as a 'Troll' by those in the Upper Peninsula because we live 'under the bridge'. We call them Yoopers because they live in the UP (Upper Peninsula).

Of course you can call yourself whatever you like.

Michigan is the reason the Northwest Ordinance is in effect west of the Mississippi (except for Missouri and Arkansas). Also Michigan courts have made it clear that counties are composed of cities, villages and townships (manors). I have uncovered no other source of this information.

8th September 2020, 06:02 PM
Of course you can call yourself whatever you like.

Michigan is the reason the Northwest Ordinance is in effect west of the Mississippi (except for Missouri and Arkansas). Also Michigan courts have made it clear that counties are composed of cities, villages and townships (manors). I have uncovered no other source of this information.

Northwest Ordinance


The Northwest Ordinance (https://memory.loc.gov/cgi-bin/ampage?collId=lljc&fileName=032/lljc032.db&recNum=343), officially titled "An Ordinance for the Government of the Territory of the United States North West of the River Ohio," was adopted by the Confederation Congress on July 13, 1787. Also known as the Ordinance of 1787, the Northwest Ordinance established a government for the Northwest Territory, outlined the process for admitting a new state to the Union, and guaranteed that newly created states would be equal to the original thirteen states. Considered one of the most important legislative acts of the Confederation Congress, the Northwest Ordinance also protected civil liberties and outlawed slavery in the new territories.

8th September 2020, 06:31 PM

Northwest Ordinance


The Northwest Ordinance (https://memory.loc.gov/cgi-bin/ampage?collId=lljc&fileName=032/lljc032.db&recNum=343), officially titled "An Ordinance for the Government of the Territory of the United States North West of the River Ohio," was adopted by the Confederation Congress on July 13, 1787. Also known as the Ordinance of 1787, the Northwest Ordinance established a government for the Northwest Territory, outlined the process for admitting a new state to the Union, and guaranteed that newly created states would be equal to the original thirteen states. Considered one of the most important legislative acts of the Confederation Congress, the Northwest Ordinance also protected civil liberties and outlawed slavery in the new territories.

The NW Ordinance is one reason the constitution came about. When created under the Articles of Confederation the NW Ordinance made it clear to the lawyers of the time that they had to have a city to attach territory to. The Articles only had 13 independent countries.

As to Michigan's involvement in the 1830s a miner in Dubuque killed another. They solved the murder by miners court but the trial precipitated assigning areas west of the Mississippi to Michigan. They created Iowa county in Wisconsin and two counties covering Iowa (w of the river from Missouri to the Canadian border). Next they declared the laws in effect in Iowa county (wisconsin) to be in effect west of the river). They never actually mentioned the NW Ordinance by name but that was the only law in effect to apply.

8th September 2020, 06:36 PM
This left is paid for.

9th September 2020, 07:19 PM
this latest Zach Vorhies interview w Del Bigtree gets into (((Deep State/Big Tech's))) plan to turn this election into biggest clusterfvck in USA history...

36m: https://www.bitchute.com/video/lMB7n0EUv9ZU/

& related, as I just posted in the pizzagate thread,

whitney webb:

Ashton Kutcher’s NGO Supplies Police with ‘Free’ CIA-linked Surveillance Tool to ‘Protect Kids’
A suspect NGO claiming to combat child trafficking by providing surveillance tech to US police has allowed Amazon to continue supplying U.S. law enforcement with facial recognition software despite the tech giant’s moratorium on its sale to police.

related interview pub'd today, 30m:

Whitney Webb Uncovers Ashton Kutcher's CIA Linked NGO (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fe-6VSd4FyA)


midnight rambler
9th September 2020, 08:05 PM
Uncle Creepy Joe comes down with the killer virus so Kumswalla becomes the Ho in Charge. Nice. This is actually the best setup for Killery since she could pull the strings and stay out of the line of fire. Kumswalla has to dance with who brung her (Killery and Soretoro). Toss that in with Kumswalla being the perfect blackmail candidate and therefore so easily controlled - it's a dream come true for Killery.

9th September 2020, 08:34 PM
The Most Important Video of 2020


11th September 2020, 12:04 PM
BIG TECH COLLUSION: Facebook, Twitter and Google Announce Measures to Censor Pro-Trump Information Before the Election (https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/09/big-tech-collusion-facebook-twitter-google-announce-actions-prevent-trump-win/)
By Joe Hoft (https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/author/joehoft/)
Published September 11, 2020 at 7:57am
193 Comments (https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/09/big-tech-collusion-facebook-twitter-google-announce-actions-prevent-trump-win/#post-comments)

Big Tech companies are putting in place measures that will prevent Trump supporters from openly communicating and promoting their candidate before and after the election. Big tech will collectively put their knee on the neck of democracy.

After the 2016 election the Democrats, who had run the US into the ground during the previous eight years of the Obama Administration, put together a plan to destroy the new media (i.e. entities like The Gateway Pundit) which helped share President Trump’s message before the election. Their plan, endorsed and disseminated by Soros-funded Media Matters, (https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/09/proof-facebook-worked-soros-funded-media-matters-eliminate-pro-trump-conservative-content-platform/) was to crush and destroy every successful new media outlet which shared information complimentary to the truth and in support of President Trump.

And they did.

Drudge Report is now linking to radical anti-American, anti-Trump articles.

TRENDING: Leftist Mob Swarms and Violently Attacks Kaitlin Bennett at University of Central Florida (VIDEO) (https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/09/leftist-mob-swarms-violently-attacks-kaitlin-bennett-university-central-florida-video/)

Numerous individuals have had their accounts taken down by Twitter which shadow-bans and censors pro-Trump accounts, adds disclaimers to tweets, and misrepresents the number of followers and responses to tweets. For example, President Trump with more than 85 million followers rarely receives more than 15,000 retweets to his individual tweets which compares to other accounts with less than a half a million followers. To see the President’s tweets a follower has to go to his account because his tweets are not shared. This happens to many, if not all, large and small effective conservative accounts. Twitter is now even taking down tweets the President shares.

Facebook stopped freely sharing conservative posts shortly after the election. Individuals might share a conservative article but the article never reaches the ‘friends’ of the Facebook user, and if it does, it’s buried in the individual’s timeline.

Google has manipulated nearly all searches. If you pull up questions related to President Trump the information comes from far-left hateful sites with bogus reports like CNN, ABC, CBS, MSNBC, Politico and other far-left media outlets. Searches on topics positive towards the President are manipulated and directed to the hateful anti-Trump sites. Searches of conservative sites like this one will bring up bogus liberal fact-checker articles that disparage this site’s message. The same is rarely if ever done for pro-Hillary and now Biden sites.

Note that this was all done while the Republican Party, which controlled the House for two years and the Senate for four years, did nothing. Freedom of speech is now nearly gone! A Biden Presidency will eliminate it totally.

Now Big Tech is going to further interfere with the 2020 election by implementing unheard of measures to further prevent Republicans and President Trump from winning the upcoming election while Republicans slept.


Creepy Mark Zuckerberg started off the recent announcements by Big Tech stating that Big Tech needs to “prepare the American people that there’s nothing illegitimate with this election taking days or even weeks to make sure all the votes are counted”.

Facebook CEO Zuckerberg: “What we and the other media need to start doing is preparing the american people that there is nothing illegitimate about this election taking additional days or weeks to make sure all the votes are counted.”
Days or WEEKS..pic.twitter.com/uMkg95wXwy (https://t.co/uMkg95wXwy)
— Benny (@bennyjohnson) September 7, 2020 (https://twitter.com/bennyjohnson/status/1303115711796121600)

(Why Zuckerberg feels his face helps when communicating tyrannical actions to the public is a wonder.) Of course these actions are unusual and have never happened before on such a large scale.

Prior to this Facebook shared other anti-Trump policies:

Facebook will ban new political ads for the week leading up to Election Day in the US, and remove posts that try to suppress or discourage voting, Mark Zuckerberg announced Thursday. https://t.co/Nkvq3Ck8gI
— MSNBC (@MSNBC) September 11, 2020 (https://twitter.com/MSNBC/status/1304314487399383040)

This policy only hurts Republicans and the President. For the week before the election, only pro-Biden messages shared on social media from the mainstream Biden-loving media will be shared while Trump won’t be allowed to even buy ads to share his message.


Twitter now has announced its plans to prevent anyone from Tweeting that President Trump won the election after election day:

Big Tech could not be more clear about its intention to steal the election in November. https://t.co/Soc8sFKBbl
— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) September 10, 2020 (https://twitter.com/seanmdav/status/1304152822137708545)


Tech giant Google announced that it will manipulate search parameters to prevent users from finding answers to their election questions after the election:

Basking in the orange glow of their policy positions burning all around them; silicon valley executives are smugly proud and boastful of their collective knee on the neck of democracy.
— Modern Orwell ⌛️ (@Fglobalism1984) September 10, 2020 (https://twitter.com/Fglobalism1984/status/1304157344788631552)


The Democrats and Big Tech want and need to win. It’s all about power. They are working together to win this election at all costs. They are already claiming their horrible candidate, former Obama Vice President Joe Biden, who can barely function due to the 77-year-old becoming senile, is winning in the polls.

But this doesn’t make sense (https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/09/momentum-trump-2020-presidential-event-totals-date-starting-labor-day-2/). Just since Monday, President Trump has held events with more than 20,000 attendees while Biden has held events with only 41 attendees! Of course, if you use your own eyes and judgement, there is no way Biden is winning in any legitimate poll against the President.

The only way the Democrats, their media and their Big Tech can win this election with this candidate (Biden) is to delay vote counting, add enough votes to steal the election and then claim like they always do that they won or the election was tainted if they can’t manufacture enough votes.

The only fair thing to do is to put in place laws to prevent Big Tech censorship altogether. Allow people to choose what they individually want to censor, not Mark Zuckerberg and the rest of the Bid Tech gang.

Too bad the Republicans will do nothing to stop them. Again, the weight of the free world lands on the shoulders of President Trump to address the election abuse already in place from the far-left. The Republican Party continues to fail him and their supporters.


13th September 2020, 11:22 AM
Polly Sep 10, 36m:



20th September 2020, 09:10 PM
Freeze dried food if you don't have any, here's your chance:
