View Full Version : The Roadrunner and Wile E. Coyote at end of shift

midnight rambler
7th September 2020, 10:35 AM
See you tomorrow!


7th September 2020, 02:38 PM
I believe that's a "thanks for all the overtime we are getting",see you tomorrow, happy cheer. These cops dealing with the protestors must be making a killing in overtime pay. So much for defunding the police. The protestors are funding cop's vacation homes, lol.

midnight rambler
7th September 2020, 02:49 PM
The other bonus is getting to beat the shit out of Bolsheviks.

7th September 2020, 06:12 PM
Now I'm not for civil war, which today means basically dependent and miseducated leftists, a criminal controlled civil service and JSM working together in attempt to destroy western peoples and civilization, but a civil servant civil war is a different beast.

Forbes.com: Scholar Strike Forming On Social Media May Be Omen Of Things To Come (https://www.forbes.com/sites/stephengavazzi/2020/09/06/scholar-strike-forming-on-social-media-may-be-omen-of-things-to-come/)
(Sept.6, 2020)

The call for a 48-hour work stoppage in higher education has been initiated by two university faculty members as a response to recent police shootings of African American citizens...

Using the hashtag #ScholarStrike on Twitter and other social media outlets, these two professors are proposing a general strike for 48 hours — immediately following Labor Day on both Tuesday September 8th and Wednesday September 9th — or “working to the clock” in the case of unionized university employees. “It is time for the academic community to do more than teach classes and offer reading lists on racism, policing, violence, and racial injustice,” the two professors wrote on the Academe Magazine blog. “It is time for us to pause the endless meetings on diversity and inclusion, disrupt our institutions’ routines, look outward to the American public, and share our dismay, disgust, and resolve.”

8th September 2020, 01:01 AM
I've given up hope believing that things are reaching the limit of absurdity.

This has become a bad acid trip, and we are only a half hour in on a major overdose. God help us.

And to think we thought 2009-2010 was "the end". ROFL!