View Full Version : Any smoke or fire reports in CA?

8th September 2020, 08:00 AM
Is this a normal fire season or worse?

CA is not looking too good these days with the lock downs, businesses and conservatives fleeing the state.
CA is only attracting liberals, criminals, illegals, homeless and now with the new pedo-law, pedophiles. Not sure why anyone else would move to CA.
What will the population of CA look like in 5 years/10 years?

8th September 2020, 09:51 AM
"What will the population of CA look like in 5 years/10 years?"
It's a trick question. There are no people in CA. THE ANSWER IS ZIERO0.

8th September 2020, 12:46 PM

8th September 2020, 02:24 PM
I'm about as far away from these SoCal fires as you can get (except for the coast) and it's overcast with ash everywhere.

8th September 2020, 06:35 PM
Ash everywhere here as well. This is a bad fire season for us, so far. Was worse 2 weeks ago, when the lightning struck. CA seems to be turning into a 3rd world country, with roving power blackouts, apocalyptic fires, riots in major cities. Builds thick skin I guess. I'd sure like to plop my 40 foot boat in Montana right about now.

8th September 2020, 06:42 PM
Ash everywhere here as well. This is a bad fire season for us, so far. Was worse 2 weeks ago, when the lightning struck. CA seems to be turning into a 3rd world country, with roving power blackouts, apocalyptic fires, riots in major cities. Builds thick skin I guess. I'd sure like to plop my 40 foot boat in Montana right about now.
That boat should represent freedom. As most of us are til retirement, you are probably tied to a job. But just think, at a moments notice you could cast-off and head for Old Mexico and spend a season or a year on the Pacific surrounded by brown beauties and cold cervecas. Or is it not that easy? How far can one go on a full tank? Is your boat equipped with sails? Can one man navigate the seas?

midnight rambler
8th September 2020, 06:48 PM
That boat should represent freedom. As most of us are til retirement, you are probably tied to a job. But just think, at a moments notice you could cast-off and head for Old Mexico and spend a season or a year on the Pacific surrounded by brown beauties and cold cervecas. Or is it not that easy? How far can one go on a full tank? Is your boat equipped with sails? Can one man navigate the seas?

I know of a real estate broker I had dealings with who made enough money off RE deals to buy a sailboat about the same size as Hitch's and he sailed around the world for five years, often solo. Friends of his would fly to whether he was and sail with him for a time and then return home. He also made friends along the way who sailed with him from what I gather.

This was in the late '90s to early '00s. Today doing so is not so safe as I understand.

midnight rambler
8th September 2020, 06:51 PM
Can one man navigate the seas?

Dunno, but a 16 y.o. girl can sail solo around the world.


8th September 2020, 07:17 PM
That boat should represent freedom. As most of us are til retirement, you are probably tied to a job. But just think, at a moments notice you could cast-off and head for Old Mexico and spend a season or a year on the Pacific surrounded by brown beauties and cold cervecas. Or is it not that easy? How far can one go on a full tank? Is your boat equipped with sails? Can one man navigate the seas?

Yet another reason I keep my diesel fuel tanks full. I'm on a trawler now, no sails, but I could make Mexico. The trawler burns about 1 gallon an hour at a speed over water of 6 knots. Like most of us though, I'm tied to a job until retirement. But, I can navigate the seas alone and the boat, yes feels free. I am free and home onboard her. I suspect a lot of boaters in CA are heading south to Mexico during this time.

8th September 2020, 10:02 PM
Another look:

10th September 2020, 11:34 AM
I warned of this a couple months ago.

Sources: Series of wildfires on the West Coast may be “coordinated and planned” attack


10th September 2020, 12:11 PM
Antifa militant livestreams his own arrest after allegedly setting fire in Washington State


10th September 2020, 02:00 PM
Antifa militant livestreams his own arrest after allegedly setting fire in Washington State


article headline says BLM (not antifa) then pics show whitey

10th September 2020, 08:01 PM
Everything is getting covered in ash in the SF bay currently. Yesterday, it was dark all day due to a marine layer, and smoke, blocking the sun. For the first time I can remember, every vehicle on the road had headlights on at 11 in the morning. Today, smoke and ash. I said to a coworker, "this is apocalyptic." He looked at me, and said "no, this is biblical"

Worst fire season ever recorded going on in CA now. Add in the riots, coronavirus, it teaches you to live day by day. Each day we have alive is a Blessing from God.

10th September 2020, 08:08 PM
Everything is getting covered in ash in the SF bay currently. Yesterday, it was dark all day due to a marine layer, and smoke, blocking the sun. For the first time I can remember, every vehicle on the road had headlights on at 11 in the morning. Today, smoke and ash. I said to a coworker, "this is apocalyptic." He looked at me, and said "no, this is biblical"

Worst fire season ever recorded going on in CA now. Add in the riots, coronavirus, it teaches you to live day by day. Each day we have alive is a Blessing from God.

You should have stayed home, the ash is toxic to your lungs. This much burned land doesn't bode well for the winter rains.

The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health has also declared air quality levels “unhealthy” for residents.

Smoke from wildfires can cause serious irritation to a person’s lungs, the Environmental Protection Agency says. Wildfire smoke is made up of a “complex mixture of gases and fine particles” that are created when wood and other organic materials burn, the EPA explains.

“The biggest concern with wildfire smoke is fine particles. They can penetrate deep into your lungs,” Dr. Raymond Casciari, a pulmonologist at St. Joseph Hospital in Orange, Calif., tells Yahoo Life. Those particles can cause a slew of health issues, including burning eyes and a runny nose to chronic heart and lung issues, the EPA says.

But being exposed to wildfire smoke and poor air quality can also increase your risk of infection, including SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, Dr. Amesh Adalja, a senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, tells Yahoo Life. “Smoke can damage a person’s respiratory defenses and lower the threshold for infection with a variety of agents, which would include SARS-CoV-2,” he says.

Wildfire smoke specifically causes your mucosa, the tissue lining your airways, to become dry and inflamed, Casciari says. “Your mucosa becomes vulnerable and that makes it easier for SARS-CoV-2 to enter into your cells and body,” he says.

Wildfire smoke can also leave a person vulnerable to complications from COVID-19, Dr. Jonathan Parsons, a pulmonologist at Ohio State’s Wexner Medical Center, tells Yahoo Life. “Wildfire smoke can lead to significant irritation and inflammation of the respiratory system,” he says. “If this inflammatory environment is present at baseline, and one contracts COVID-19, the risk of complications is increased significantly.”


10th September 2020, 08:29 PM
“The biggest concern with wildfire smoke is fine particles. They can penetrate deep into your lungs,” Dr. Raymond Casciari, a pulmonologist at St. Joseph Hospital in Orange, Calif., tells Yahoo Life. Those particles can cause a slew of health issues, including burning eyes and a runny nose to chronic heart and lung issues, the EPA says.

It's bad out here in CA right now, at least where I'm at. I've got the burning watery eyes and runny nose from the ash and smoke. Brewtech, how are you doing down there? PatColo?

10th September 2020, 08:51 PM
It's bad out here in CA right now, at least where I'm at. I've got the burning watery eyes and runny nose from the ash and smoke. Brewtech, how are you doing down there? PatColo?

If you're working out in this shit it's even worse, because you tend to be breathing more deeply and sucking it deeper into your lungs.
You should be chilling at home with the ac running and drinking cold beer.

10th September 2020, 09:08 PM
If you're working out in this shit it's even worse, because you tend to be breathing more deeply and sucking it deeper into your lungs.
You should be chilling at home with the ac running and drinking cold beer.

Oh I'm working out in it, and I'd love to be home with ac running drinking beer. But right now, I'm glad to be working. I'm employed. I know a lot of folks aren't. Day by day, EE. Hopefully it will better tomorrow, if not, the next day.

10th September 2020, 09:10 PM
Oh I'm working out in it, and I'd love to be home with ac running drinking beer. But right now, I'm glad to be working. I'm employed. I know a lot of folks aren't. Day by day, EE. Hopefully it will better tomorrow, if not, the next day.

You are only tied to this job because you want to be. With your resume you can work anywhere.

11th September 2020, 12:23 AM
Sac's mostly just been ashy/smokey but obscured blue sky, none of that "apocalypse-orange" sky shit here. For some reason I never bothered to look up 'why' on local nooz websites, but Tues was WINDY AF ALL DAY. My >22K lb rig is on level/raw earth, but raised a few inches via the hydrolic levelers mostly just to make stable like a sticks/bricks house - also happened to be oriented pointed straight at the oncoming wind so that was helpful, but regardless it was getting blown around, felt like low magnitude earthquakes half the time

drove muh car tonight for 1st time in several days; took several rounds of the windshield spray&wipe routine to make it 'safe' IE transparent.

guess in this instance, I'll wear a damn dirty face diaper outdoors, mainly just when I'm walking A-to-B on foot - this is the kind of air hazard it could actually help mitigate :rolleyes:

11th September 2020, 05:51 PM
It’s Not Global Warming: Oregon Officials Announce Arrest of Two More Alleged Arsonists Including Criminal Transient


12th September 2020, 10:02 AM
It’s Not Global Warming: Oregon Officials Announce Arrest of Two More Alleged Arsonists Including Criminal Transient


Link does not work. Gateway pundit site seems to be down.

Reddit.com: BLM Member Jeff Accord Films Self Getting Arrested For Starting Washington Wildfires (https://www.reddit.com/r/Washington/comments/ir3l6w/blm_member_jeff_accord_films_self_getting/)

Sorry, this post has been removed by the moderators of r/Washington.
Moderators remove posts from feeds for a variety of reasons, including keeping communities safe, civil, and true to their purpose.

Lots of articles like this are available though:

Telegraph.co.uk: Police debunk false social media rumours about Antifa starting West Coast wildfires (https://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/2020/09/11/police-debunk-false-social-media-rumours-antifa-starting-west/)

12th September 2020, 11:10 AM
Telegraph.co.uk: Police debunk false social media rumours about Antifa starting West Coast wildfires (https://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/2020/09/11/police-debunk-false-social-media-rumours-antifa-starting-west/)

little dot connecting:

- Antifa & BLM = dajooz (I call recent events "The Joosh Useful Idiot Riots")
- Telegraph.uk = dajooz
- joodeo-masonic commanded police, at least at the times/places of these top-down orchestrated 'riots', were complicit in 'allowing' them, IE Charlottesville

So it's all really just perception-management, 'debunking' that joodeo-antifa useful idiot(s) are setting the fires

Consider if joodeo-BLM were perceived as setting the fires, after the 100s of mil'$ several joodeo-corps have handed them (still keeping it in the fam, you could say...)? THAT would obv be double+ bad... or maybe not, as it would see (whites++) being enraged @ blacks... 'useful' for (((their))) race war agenda

My working-paradigm says the fires are certainly top-down deliberate; who or what 'tech' (satellite/drone EMF etc) are being employed is basically irrelevant; but TPTB obv decided the public perception that "antifa are setting the fires" is a net bad thing wrt the 'overall virtuous SJWs' joodeo-antifa's rep has been carefully crafted as.

(((their))) agenda says the fires must be publicly perceived as "Act of God" coz the Muh Climate Change sins of mankind.

12th September 2020, 11:35 AM
must watch, Gavin The Creeper.... & yes it's REAL not an SNL skit... {0}

36s clip:

well at least he put one thing to rest - THE DEBATE IS OVER, IT'S MUH CLIMATE CHANGE!

12th September 2020, 12:56 PM
must watch, Gavin The Creeper.... & yes it's REAL not an SNL skit... {0}

36s clip:

well at least he put one thing to rest - THE DEBATE IS OVER, IT'S MUH CLIMATE CHANGE!
"It's not even debatable." I keep hearing this from the leftards.

12th September 2020, 07:34 PM
Anything and everything is debatable.....except lies.

13th September 2020, 12:06 PM
This is the website I use to track the fires.


We probably have around 2 million acres currently burning in the state. Worst fire season ever.

13th September 2020, 07:49 PM
must watch, Gavin The Creeper.... & yes it's REAL not an SNL skit... {0}

36s clip:

well at least he put one thing to rest - THE DEBATE IS OVER, IT'S MUH CLIMATE CHANGE!

^ a re-do, but with the THEY LIVE sunglasses ON, 14s: :D


14th September 2020, 09:53 AM
Edit: Moved post to