View Full Version : September 11 2020 bollyn.com is still up !

10th September 2020, 09:33 PM

Hard to remember all the details.

Specific link is from 8chan , just the articles titles are revealing,
good reminders and overviews, full of substance.

Quite a lot on 9/11 on 8chan.

HEADS UP. Just Beware. If you are new to this read first.

The Most Anti Semitic Board on the Internets AUG 2020 (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?102742-The-Most-Anti-Semitic-Board-on-the-Internets-AUG-2020)

Blog has key investigative info on it, key articles, cases against
specific people, companies, their roles. I posted about this many
times and to save what is on there. If you read and save one thing.
This is it. How coordinated and planned out it was. Bollyn's blog if
you are new reader is funny, clicking on link, if scripts off, site is buggy,
you have to scroll down to the article, saving is easy, each page many
articles, FireFox Save Compete Page, works well.

Epstein is involved too, more ways than one, his family members, key companies.


(https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/10596316.html#q10596544)10597949 ISRAEL and JEWS DID 9-11, A Who's Who Link Bollyn (https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/10597798.html#q10597949)

Christopher Bollyn (https://www.bollyn.com/home#article_16214)

Christopher Bollyn - Solving 9 11 Audiobook - First Six Chapters Narrated by Christopher Bollyn (https://www.bollyn.com/home#article_16297)
Interview about My Latest Book on "Guns and Butter" Radio Show (https://www.bollyn.com/home#article_16295)
Why is Michael Bloomberg, Knight of the British Empire, running for president? (https://www.bollyn.com/home#article_16289)
BEWARE: ISIS Reports come from Israeli Intelligence (https://www.bollyn.com/home#article_16286)
The Turkish Invasion of Kurdish-Occupied Syria (https://www.bollyn.com/home#article_16281)
Jeff Prager's Apology to Christopher Bollyn (https://www.bollyn.com/home#article_16280)
"Be Not Afraid Of Their Terror" - Dr. Chuck Baldwin (https://www.bollyn.com/home#article_16279)
Bollyn Interview on "Guns and Butter" with Bonnie Faulkne (https://www.bollyn.com/home#article_16277)

The Epstein Connection to 9-11 (https://www.bollyn.com/home#article_16267)

The Mysterious Final Load from Ground Zero (https://www.bollyn.com/home#article_16266)
Christopher Bollyn is now on Patreon (https://www.bollyn.com/home#article_16233)
The 9-11 Cover-up: An Ongoing Crime in Real Time (https://www.bollyn.com/home#article_16262)
What Does the 9-11 Cover-up Tell Us About Who Runs the U.S.? (https://www.bollyn.com/home#article_16260)
Evidence of Molten Metal Melts the Government Version of 9-11 (https://www.bollyn.com/home#article_16259)
Donald Trump, Netanyahu & 9/11 (https://www.bollyn.com/home#article_16250)
Trump's Confusing and Fragmented Thoughts on 9/11 and Afghanistan (https://www.bollyn.com/home#article_16248)
Why are so many WTC First Responders dying? (https://www.bollyn.com/home#article_16243)
Jon Stewart and 9/11 - Is it all a show? (https://www.bollyn.com/home#article_16242)
Iran and the War on Terror (https://www.bollyn.com/home#article_16240)
Why did foreign companies manage the 9-11 debris removal? (https://www.bollyn.com/home#article_16236)
Q&A and Comment Forum (https://www.bollyn.com/home#article_11686)
Towers "had help" coming down: Chief Engineer at Ground Zero (https://www.bollyn.com/home#article_16229)
9-11: The Lauder/Rothschild Connection (https://www.bollyn.com/home#article_16214)
Those who can make you believe absurdities... (https://www.bollyn.com/home#article_16211)
Norwegian Interview with Bollyn and Amundsen (https://www.bollyn.com/home#article_16210)
Tricked into the Fraudulent Zionist War on Terror (https://www.bollyn.com/home#article_16208)
Terrorists Targeting Iran with Christopher Bollyn (https://www.bollyn.com/home#article_16207)
Netanyahu's Terrorist Party and 9/11 (https://www.bollyn.com/home#article_16198)
Likud: The Terrorist Party of Israel (https://www.bollyn.com/home#article_16194)
Video Interview: Christopher Bollyn, 9/11 and the Clash of Civilizations (https://www.bollyn.com/home#article_16193)
How do we bring the 9/11 culprits to justice? (https://www.bollyn.com/home#article_16190)
Is Gordon Duff and "Veterans Today" Disinfo? (https://www.bollyn.com/home#article_16192)
LVI's Disappearing R&D Contract with U.S. Army (https://www.bollyn.com/home#article_16191)
It is Unpatriotic Not to Stand Up for 9-11 Truth (https://www.bollyn.com/home#article_16188)
Chuck Baldwin Praises Bollyn's War On Terror Book (https://www.bollyn.com/home#article_16089)
Are the California Fires Cyber Terrorism? (https://www.bollyn.com/home#article_16181)
Fake News? The Question is Who is Real News? (https://www.bollyn.com/home#article_16116)
The Key Zionist Control Points of 9/11 (https://www.bollyn.com/home#article_16099)
Why is Trump Putting the Screws to Iran? (https://www.bollyn.com/home#article_16076)


10th September 2020, 09:46 PM
(https://media.8kun.top/file_store/62aa5bee7fe7cbee947b5870742fa794c9c467f56976ed3ac4 bbd52698282bf0.png)THREAD POST 10586826 HEADLINES JEWS ARE THE COMMUNISTS ANARCHISTS (https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/10586331.html#q10586826)

HEADLINE " A JEW IN MAO'S CHINA " THE SCHMOOZE 2012 BY GOLDMAN INCLUDING GOLDMANSACHS FAMILY MEMBERS " 90% of the foreigners helping the Chinese at the time of the Communist takeover were Jewish " JPEG

(https://media.8kun.top/file_store/62aa5bee7fe7cbee947b5870742fa794c9c467f56976ed3ac4 bbd52698282bf0.png) HEADLINE " 1895 A JEW WHO WOULD THANKLESSLY HEAD GERMANY's COMMUNIST PARTY IS BORN " HAARETZ 2016 BY GREEN JPEG (https://media.8kun.top/file_store/3978c836ef85c06a189c9df147d77e14320152ec161cbbfbdb 4a89efd2830683.png)

HEADLINE " PUTIN FIRST SOVIET GOVERNMENT WAS MOSTLY JEWISH " TIMES OF ISRAEL 2013 JPEG (https://media.8kun.top/file_store/347f503b563d3539c10967c032bc92aec802e6f3ec9bef4103 4b7ff942fc1870.png)

THREAD POST 10597929 " ITS THE JEWS " COPY PASTE " ART " (https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/10597798.html#q10597929)

░█░▀█▀░▀░▄▀▀░░░▀█▀░█▄█▒██▀░░░░▒█▒██▀░█░░▒█░▄▀ ▀
░█░▒█▒░░▒▄██▒░░▒█▒▒█▒█░█▄▄▒░░▀▄█░█▄▄░▀▄▀▄▀▒▄█ █


You can scroll up to the top of threads from specific posts.

I remember on GIM outing the NeoCon Scum bags, seeing
the term ' ZOG ' would make me cringe, nasty, smartass Jews
need a slap in the face, they have gotten away with all of this,
we have gotten meaner throughout the years, but if you want
nasty, visit 8chan regularly. Trump does not Disavow, LOL !

Paraphrasing but very close,


11th September 2020, 05:09 AM
There's a good video on Bitchute with good questions that our government can't and won't answer about 911. It's short and points out very well what a bunch of liars we have running this country.


11th September 2020, 06:22 AM
The official story is that COVID-19 has killed 60x more people than 9/11. We better start considering where the monument to these people will be located and what it will look like.

11th September 2020, 06:35 AM
The official story is that COVID-19 has killed 60x more people than 9/11. We better start considering where the monument to these people will be located and what it will look like.

An imaginary monument for imaginary deaths?

11th September 2020, 06:42 AM
An imaginary monument for imaginary deaths?

Recognize a pattern?

11th September 2020, 06:49 AM
Some people get it and some people never will. Well educated people, who prefer being nice to thinking, about anything that might upset them.
All my relatives are absolute morons.
If I say one thing about the Jews that is not fawning praise, you can see the hair start to stand up on the back of their necks. They literally bristle at the thought that anyone would be so insensitive to criticizing those poor, poor victimized people.The people that get it are about 2 to 5 percent of the population.

These people have to lose everything, before they will raise their heads and look around for a reason.

11th September 2020, 08:18 AM
fwiw, I'm seriously outraged and disgusted with my fellow citizens who NEVER bothered to figure out the truth about 9/11. I just tried to scroll through comments over on the 9/11 post at conservativetreehouse and I was so sickened to see that they all still believe the BS lies about 9/11. Looks like they are going to get away with everything b/c Americans are too lazy.

11th September 2020, 09:01 AM
fwiw, I'm seriously outraged and disgusted with my fellow citizens who NEVER bothered to figure out the truth about 9/11. I just tried to scroll through comments over on the 9/11 post at conservativetreehouse and I was so sickened to see that they all still believe the BS lies about 9/11. Looks like they are going to get away with everything b/c Americans are too lazy.

What did you expect from that site? It has always been toe the standard line. Are they Trumptards now?

11th September 2020, 10:33 AM
What did you expect from that site? It has always been toe the standard line. Are they Trumptards now?

I was hoping to see some people finally start waking up. It's been 19 years, and I was hoping that after seeing all the corruption in govt (that the rest of us already knew about) these morons would at least start questioning the narrative. But I realize that it's completely hopeless. We are in the process of being enslaved, but the American people are too dumb and lazy to figure it out.

11th September 2020, 12:08 PM
I was hoping to see some people finally start waking up. It's been 18 years, and I was hoping that after seeing all the corruption in govt (that the rest of us already knew about) these morons would at least start questioning the narrative. But I realize that it's completely hopeless. We are in the process of being enslaved, but the American people are too dumb and lazy to figure it out.

Some want to actively tune it out to live in the fantasy.

11th September 2020, 02:22 PM
I was hoping to see some people finally start waking up. It's been 19 years, and I was hoping that after seeing all the corruption in govt (that the rest of us already knew about) these morons would at least start questioning the narrative. But I realize that it's completely hopeless. We are in the process of being enslaved, but the American people are too dumb and lazy to figure it out.

Little discussion with my good neighbor Ole, Republicans are better than anything else. 911, everyone know's what happened there! He believes all the lies and no discussion is allowed.

11th September 2020, 02:26 PM
Some want to actively tune it out to live in the fantasy.

We see things not the way they are. We see them as we are.

11th September 2020, 08:04 PM
you read my mind old friend.. bollyn is still the gold standard for 911