View Full Version : Antifags intentionally setting fires on west coast

midnight rambler
12th September 2020, 09:55 AM
The day will come when they are hunted down and sent south since they belong to their father and do their father's work.


13th September 2020, 12:28 AM
got this from John Kaminski (I'm on his mailing list)

this looks like what happened to Paradise, CA....strange "forest fire" pattern...

"14 min. Mostly helicopter footage with no commentary.
Entire towns and developments gone...but trees still standing?

Bizarre and disturbing. Ideas in comments."


midnight rambler
13th September 2020, 05:16 PM
Antifags dressing up as firefighters to gain access to restricted areas. Note fuel can on back of Bolshevik on right.


14th September 2020, 09:38 AM
Facebook says it’ll REMOVE all posts alleging Oregon fires ‘were started by certain groups’​
13 Sep, 2020

^ meh, whether joodeo-antifa, or joodeo-BLM, or jooz.gov DEW drones/satellites starting the fires -- AFAIC the (((certain group))) behind this year's Western Agenda21 fires, is CERTAIN! :cool:

FWIW though, the same-ole 'anomalous/precision' burn patterns of these so-called 'wild'-fires, say to me, DEWs not antifa tweekers

14th September 2020, 10:24 AM
Corporate news going full Nineteen Eighty-Four!

Watched a video showing faceboook videos of people filming the arsonists and themselves talking of the arsonists they saw setting fires.
Malicious and erroneous they were, just like cops now being put on leave if they notice too much. It can lead to 'gasp' people taking action to protect their neighbourhoods from actually being burned down!

Antifa terrorism is being protected and promoted (and probably funded and organized) by a corrupt government bureaucracy, politicians and corporate media.

NBC News: Facebook to take down false reports of antifa arson in Oregon (https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/facebook-take-down-false-reports-antifa-arson-oregon-n1239966)

The rumors apparently inspired some Oregonians to set up checkpoints

Facebook said Saturday it would take down erroneous posts claiming anti-fascist activists have been maliciously sparking wildfires in Oregon and other Western states.

...and another sheriff's department placed a deputy on leave after he was seen on video suggesting fires were being started by antifa adherents...

The Clackamas County Sheriff's deputy placed on administrative leave Saturday had been tasked with "ensuring that residents knew of the wildfire hazards" when he was captured on video speaking about arson fires, officials said.

Sheriff Craig Roberts apologized for the unidentified deputy's alleged actions...

A firefighters union in Washington said on Facebook recently that the platform was "an absolute cesspool of misinformation right now."

Facebook's Stone said the effort to remove such content could save lives.

"This is consistent with our past efforts to remove content that could lead to imminent harm given the possible risk to human life as the fires rage on," he said.

ABC: Washington governor Jay Inslee says the fires devastating California and the Northwest shouldn’t be called wildfires, but “climate fires.”. (https://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/latest-oregon-governor-dozens-missing-amid-wildfires-72958936)

TheHill: Oregon governor calls wildfires a 'bellwether for climate change': 'This is a wake up call for all of us' (https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/516189-oregon-governor-calls-wildfires-a-bellwether-for-climate-change-this-is)

14th September 2020, 11:08 AM
Governor of California escalates; threatens citizens!

Newsom: More Fires in U.S. ‘Unless We Disabuse Ourselves of All the BS That’s Being Spewed’ on C.C.


14th September 2020, 11:40 AM
http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2020/09/antifa-film-themselves-starting-forest.html (new video)

14th September 2020, 11:57 AM

BREAKING: Portland Police arrested a man today suspected of starting a brush fire using a Molotov cocktail. Firefighters extinguished the grass fire before it could spread further. Domingo Lopez Jr., 45, was arrested. He was quickly released without bail

BREAKING: Within hours after being released for allegedly starting a brush fire in Portland using a molotov cocktail, Domingo Lopez Jr. allegedly started six more fires along the west side of the I-205 freeway. He's been arrested again.

14th September 2020, 12:40 PM
Nancy Morgan Hart commenting on antifa setting fires in the Forrests.



23rd September 2020, 10:03 PM
from Catherine Austin Fitts' twitter:

Beam Of Light Aimed At West Coast Fires As Pentagon Warns That China Has Weaponized Space

https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=289&v=Pc2wnsL0b4w&feature=emb_ logo


Love Roscoe (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrmyNu9YVAw3OEqTO0QwHhQ) 2 days ago (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pc2wnsL0b4w&lc=Ugy9VPhWKlWTHWip_ZB4AaABAg)
This is a cover for our involvement in Agenda21: Because too many of us know.

Cynthia Eng (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaLsWh_6U-NeVzGE3erUQcg) 1 day ago (edited) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pc2wnsL0b4w&lc=Ugy9VPhWKlWTHWip_ZB4AaABAg.9DsMGy-2H7g9Duc7Tu5IaG)
BINGO ... and agenda 2025, agenda 2030... Agenda 2025 means Washington DC has 4 years to kill off 200 million Americans... 1. Income GONE 2. Shelter GONE 3. Food supply GONE 4. Medical GONE 5.Final (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=comments&stzid=Ugy9VPhWKlWTHWip_ZB4AaABAg.9DsMGy-2H7g9Duc7Tu5IaG&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbExob2ZHRE5HaTBET002RHIyZWNvaU dFeGM1UXxBQ3Jtc0trNnVWRnFGbGdZMUlnZ0kxZU9UbU5YVjVJ aWpMalFrU0c3Rl94TkZmb0VMVnA1cmc0a3pyb0VraHUwU2paX2 l4VjFnSF9BdFdzUk02VFlWblNRZjVtSnlLalhIamtCWmJMTmpu LTcyZXZFc2pCNXA1NA%3D%3D&q=http%3A%2F%2F5.final%2F) solution 6. BLM, ANTIFA 7. Fire DEW 8. Floods 9. WAR Washington DC will reach their goal in record time and they did all this with the flip of a switch... THE COVID 19 switch...AMAZING

And this is an old one from 2018 and the fire in Paradise CA:


14th September 2021, 03:22 PM
cbn.com: At Least 45 Christian Churches Set on Fire In Canada as Attacks Escalate (https://www1.cbn.com/cbnnews/2021/july/number-of-canadian-christian-churches-vandalized-set-on-fire-rises-as-terror-campaign-continues)

An apparent ongoing anti-Christian campaign in Canada has resulted in a total of 45 churches being attacked with some of the buildings being burned to the ground.

As CBN News has reported, terrorists are responsible for the attacks against mainly Roman Catholic churches serving indigenous congregations...

Seventeen of the 45 church buildings attacked have suffered fire damage or completely burned to the ground.

globalnews.ca: Woman arrested for arson after fire destroys Surrey Orthodox church (https://globalnews.ca/news/8152760/woman-arson-fire-surrey-coptic-orthodox-church/)

August 30 2021
Surrey RCMP said Kathleen Panek, 35, and of no fixed address, was arrested on Aug. 26.

Investigators confirmed she attempted to first set a fire at the church on July 14 and then returned on July 19 to set a second fire that burned down the church.

Officials at the church have promised they will rebuild the structure and the community.

UNZ.com: Washington: Feds Drag Their Feet As Antifa Terrorists Emerge As Top Suspects In Train Derailment (https://www.unz.com/estriker/washington-feds-drag-their-feet-as-antifa-terrorists-emerge-as-top-suspects-in-train-derailment/)

September 13, 2021
Last November two left-wing activists, Ellen Brennan Reiche and Samantha Frances Brooks, were caught red-handed placing devices intended to jam train signals on the BNSF tracks outside of Bellingham, Washington.

During the arrest, Reiche and Brooks, who both appear to be white, had anarchist propaganda on them suggesting they are supporters of indigenism, a philosophy that opposes the existence of European descended people in the United States.

The two women have been convicted (https://www.charlotteobserver.com/news/nation-world/national/article254121173.html)...There have been numerous attempts at derailing trains running on the BNSF tracks in the past year, including a successful potential attack last December, two weeks after Brooks and Reiche were arrested...

Last week, the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) released the findings of its investigation into the December 2020 derailment in Whatcom County, not far from where Reiche and Brooks were seen placing shunts to interfere with train signals.

According to the FRA report (https://www.king5.com/article/news/local/custer-oil-train-derailment-report/281-cd8aee7a-429a-4742-a95f-aef9f0397743), ["Possible vandalism" was a contributing cause of a fiery Whatcom County oil train derailment in December 2020]

1st January 2022, 12:57 PM
msn.com: Bellingham woman sentenced to federal prison for placing train shunt in November 2020 (https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/bellingham-woman-sentenced-to-federal-prison-for-placing-train-shunt-in-november-2020/ar-AARVY7p?ocid=BingNewsSearch)

Dec 17, 2021
After a two-day trial, a jury convicted [Ellen Brennan] Reiche of violence against a railroad carrier in early September, according to previous reporting in The Bellingham Herald.

At Reiche's Friday sentencing hearing, Chief U.S. District Judge Ricardo S. Martinez called Reiche's offense "extremely serious," the Department of Justice release states.

"Placing a shunt on active railroad tracks puts lives in danger — to drivers preparing to cross the tracks who may not get any warning lights of an approaching train, and to the homeowners in the area who could be endangered by a train derailment," U.S. Attorney Nick Brown said in the release. "In this case the shunt was placed just prior to the arrival of a train with 97 tanker cars loaded with crude oil. Thankfully, the device was discovered and removed before it could cause a tragedy."...

Since Jan. 19 of 2020, there have been at least 41 similar attacks along BNSF track in Whatcom and Skagit counties where shunts have been placed, according to previous reporting in The Herald and several Department of Justice releases. The FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force has been investigating the incidents since the first attack in January 2020.

On 10 occasions, shunts were placed in areas that disrupt crossing guards where tracks cross streets, the release states. And on Oct. 11, 2020, multiple shunts were placed in three different locations in Whatcom and Skagit counties. The shunts triggered an automatic braking system on a train, which was carrying hazardous and combustible material, and caused a portion of the train to decouple from the engine, the Department of Justice releases state.

Investigators believe some of the attacks on the safety equipment were to protest the construction of a natural gas pipeline

thepostmillennial.com: Former Washington state Democrat campaigner sentenced for terrorist attack on railroad (https://thepostmillennial.com/ex-washington-state-democrat-campaigner-among-two-charged-over-terrorist-attack)

Dec 27, 2021
On Nov. 28, 2020, two women from Bellingham, Samantha Frances Brooks, 27, and Ellen Brennan Reiche, 23, were arrested and charged with terrorism after an attack on BNSF railroad by allegedly placing a "shunt" on the tracks which disrupts the low-level electrical current on the tracks and can disable the train’s safety features.

Reiche, who identifies as "non-binary" and uses "they/them" pronouns, was the deputy field organizer for Washington State Democrats, according to their now-deleted LinkedIn profile.

2nd January 2022, 03:15 PM
Okay, didn't know where to put this, but since those fires in Paradise CA were posted further up the thread, I thought I would post here.

Anyway,this video popped up in recommended for me-- as soon as I looked at this, it reminded me of the fire in Paradise CA. (looks strange, houses completely decimated by fire, yet trees still standing).


And in this article here, some commenters are speculating about DEWS:

Could This Be Source Of Catastrophic Colorado Wildfire? https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/could-be-source-catastrophic-colorado-wildfires

3rd January 2022, 04:32 PM
Okay, didn't know where to put this, but since those fires in Paradise CA were posted further up the thread, I thought I would post here.

Anyway,this video popped up in recommended for me-- as soon as I looked at this, it reminded me of the fire in Paradise CA. (looks strange, houses completely decimated by fire, yet trees still standing).


And in this article here, some commenters are speculating about DEWS:

Could This Be Source Of Catastrophic Colorado Wildfire?


Just found this comment over at Fetzer's site:

I can confirm a savage directed energy attack on Superior, Colorado based on the tell tale signature of structures turn to dust; a light gray ash while adjacent evergreen trees were untouched. It resembled the Santa Rosa and Paradise fires to the nines. Over 500 houses were turned to dust. Car wheels and engine heads were melted nowhere near a ready flame source. The evergreens stand nearby untouched like green ghosts. The DEW fires would be even more noticeable had it happened before leaves dropped off.
The News Kens and Barbies have already spun the tale of downed power lines from wind causing this damage. No fucking way.
Melting points of materials bore people to stone. When I talk about the impossibility of porcelain vanishing in a house fire, their eyes roll with disinterest. When i speak of the rim to rim Grand Canyon like distance between melting points of car wheels and wildfire temps, they just don’t care. The News told them it’s a wildfire so my table of unchanging melting points is just an annoyance. You become a bur in their saddle. It’s so much easier to dismiss the message than to face the horrifying reality. The powers that be could wipe your world from the map with the snap of a finger. isn’t that a bit more frightening than Kung Flu?
The fires from directed energy weapons are not actual fires. it resembles the house turning into a giant welder’s arc or perhaps an ignited magnesium strip from your high school chemistry class. I recall a neighbor’s house fire from the mid 70s. The house was a total loss and had to be scraped and rebuilt from scratch. You know what was different about this fire verses the directed energy ignition? The Parish family home was still intact. None of the exterior vanished from this realm. It stood there for weeks blackened and yet very much intact until demolished and hauled away. If you look up pictures of structure fires from long ago, very much the same phenomenon can be observed. Some times parts of the structure collapse, however much of them remained standing.
For those wondering how the map for a re-wilded suburbia in Agenda 21 would be realized, look no further than this photo of Superior, Colorado.

Check this photo out of Marshal, Colorado which is nearby to Superior ad Louisville, Colorado. I know this area well from delivering bottled water there in the mid 80s It would be fascinating to find out if this was the only home without a smart meter. Kind of interesting I know a former meter reader who was given the job of destroying his livelihood by Holy Cross Electric COOP. He installed all the smart meters on his route before being permanently laid off. He failed to see the irony of his last job title. This was after he survived a mine cave weeks before it closed permanently. Michael Jaco discusses the latest Colorado SMART fire with a local who also connect the dots between the “fire” and aluminum laden chemtrails. If you have never seen aluminum powder burn, it’s even a more explosive fire than lighting a magnesium strip.

7th March 2022, 08:38 AM
americanlookout.com: Seattle Woman Sentenced To Five Years In Prison For Torching Police Cars In 2020 (https://americanlookout.com/seattle-woman-sentenced-to-five-years-in-prison-for-torching-police-cars-in-2020/)

March 03, 2022
A woman who torched police cars back in 2020 has just been sentenced to five years in jail for her crimes.

It’s notable when someone on the far left actually suffers legal consequences for something like this because it seems like it happens so rarely.

It looks like she got busted because it was all caught on video.

From the Department of Justice:

According to the plea agreement, Channon [Margaret Aislinn Channon, 26] appears in videos from the protest in downtown Seattle wearing distinctive clothing and showing tattoos on her hands and arms. Channon is captured on video using fire and aerosol cans to light five Seattle Police Department vehicles on fire. She is also shown entering various stores and removing items of clothing.

She admits smashing the window at the Verizon Store, and entering a sandwich shop and destroying the electronic cash register...

Under the terms of the plea agreement, Channon is responsible for restitution. The amount will be determined at sentencing...

During the sentencing, U.S. District Court Judge John Coughenour told Channon that her conduct had done “tremendous damage to Black Lives Matter in Seattle.”…

king5: Federal agents arrest Tacoma woman accused of setting Seattle police cars on fire during recent prot


10th May 2022, 08:34 AM
Portland corporate journalist escalates fake news antics.


Willamette Week (WW) is an alternative weekly newspaper and a website published in Portland, Oregon, United States, since 1974. It features reports on local news, politics, sports, business, and culture...

Willamette Week is part of the City of Roses Newspaper Company, which also owns the Santa Fe Reporter in Santa Fe, New Mexico, and Indy Week in The Triangle area of North Carolina....

In June 2015... Editor Mark Zusman [became] publisher, while also retaining the editorship [Zusman taught journalism at the University of Oregon].

Willamette Week is the only weekly newspaper to have had one of its reporters, Nigel Jaquiss, win a Pulitzer Prize for Investigative Reporting.
thepostmillennial.com: Portland journalist who reported on the 'alt- right' for liberal papers arrested over attacks on synagogues, mosque (https://thepostmillennial.com/portland-journalist-who-reported-on-the-alt-right-for-liberal-papers-arrested-over-attacks-on-synagogues-mosque?utm_campaign=64483)

May 8, 2022
Portland reporter Mike Bivins was arrested on Saturday over alleged attacks of vandalism and arson at houses of worship, according to the Portland Police Bureau.

Michael E. Bivins, 34, of Portland, Oregon was booked into the Multnomah County Detention Center early Saturday. Bivins was charged with multiple counts of criminal mischief in the first degree, criminal mischief in the third degree, and arson in the first degree...

The accusations against Bivins, according to PPB, are as follows:

On April 30, Bivins allegedly broke windows to Congregation Shir Tikvah, a Jewish Synagogue, located at 2420 NE Sandy Blvd in Portland.

On May 2, Bivins allegedly graffitied the Jewish Synagogue Congregation Beth Israel, located at 1972 NW Flanders in Portland.

The following day, on May 3, Bivins allegedly set fire to Muslim Community Center of Portland, a mosque that was occupied during the time of the attack.

On May 4, Bivins allegedly struck Jewish Synagogue Congregation Beth Israel again and threw a large rock through the library window...

Ngo reported that Bivins was most known for his reporting and video coverage of right-wing rallies and protests; and captured many viral videos of riots in Portland.

In late 2020, Mike Bivins and leftist lawyer Michael Fuller of the Underdog Law Firm announced a $1 million lawsuit against the Department of Homeland Security. Bivins alleged that while reporting on a riot in July, DHS intentionally sprayed him in the face with law enforcement grade tactical pepper spray, which allegedly caused ongoing burning in his eyes, respiratory system, and a severe rash on his neck...

"Mike Bivins wrote for @wweek from 2017 to 2019. He covered street brawls and other political polarization for us (along with selling video to local and national outlets). We're conducting a review of his work," Willamette Week news editor Aaron Mesh said on Twitter...

Corey Pein, a leftist freelance journalist also weighed in and said, "Since I expect to get asked about this: Mike and I shared a byline once on a story about rising right-wing extremism in Portland, but we reported and filed entirely separately and the story was stitched together later in editing. I really can't speak to his life, or this event."

According to the police report, Bivins was arrested with the assistance of the Beaverton Police Department after he visited a television news station where he demanded to speak to a reporter. A Beaverton Police Detective followed up, coordinated with Portland Police, and Bivins was taken into custody. PPB detectives have also been in contact with federal authorities regarding these cases.

Authorities say that additional investigation is ongoing and further charges are possible.

23rd May 2022, 06:52 AM
thegatewaypundit.com: Antifa Terrorist Convicted of 4 Counts of Attempted Manslaughter for Shooting at Driver Trying to Flee Rioters — Gets NO Prison Time — Shot and Injured 2 Fellow Protesters (https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/05/antifa-terrorist-convicted-4-counte-attempted-manslaughter-shooting-driver-trying-flee-rioters-gets-no-prison-time-shot-injured-2-fellow-protesters/)

May 21, 2022
During the Antifa-BLM riots of 2020 protesters in Aurora, Colorado shut down Interstate 255 in the afternoon.

As Cassandra Fairbanks reported at the time — One family in a vehicle attempted to drive through the crowd of protesters that were walking on I-225 in Aurora, Colorado. That’s when an angry protester pulled out a gun and started shooting. The terrorist shot other protesters while trying to shoot the driver of the car.

This was attempted murder in broad daylight captured on video.

At least two protesters were hit or grazed by bullets as the fellow “protester” tried to shoot the driver. There were multiple gunshots directed at the car, but the people inside did not appear to be injured...

Here’s a video of a vehicle that was shot at by rioters in Aurora, CO today.

A couple notes: the jeep was driving down an open lane, it seems to have a flat tire from rioters damaging it previously, the rioters begin shooting at it after it passes them by without hitting anyone pic.twitter.com/wPWzFYIuqE...

So this shooting just happened at BLM riot in Aurora. There was a car with a family in it, they approach the car with a rifle…The car speeds off. They almost executed a family just like they executed the teenagers in the Seattle chop. #aurora #protests #antifa #BLM pic.twitter.com/lEBCyKlWAt
locals.com: Andy Ngo (https://ngo.locals.com/post/2172117/colorado-antifa-shooter-gets-no-prison-time-on-attempted-manslaughter-conviction)

May 21, 2022
Colorado Antifa shooter gets no prison time on attempted manslaughter conviction

Colorado Antifa shooter Samuel Young, who was convicted of four counts of attempted manslaughter when he shot at a driver trying to flee rioters on the highway in Aurora, was sentenced this week to no prison time. He received only five years of probation instead of the six years in prison that the prosecution sought. He had faced a maximum of 16 years in prison under sentencing guidelines.

On July 25, 2020, far-left extremists from a local communist group shut down the I-225 highway in Aurora. A driver who tried escaping from the mob was fired at five times by Young. His shots missed the driver but two of his comrades were injured.

At his trial in March this year, Young was also convicted of two counts of second-degree assault and one count of illegal discharge of a firearm. He received a 90-day and 30-day county jail sentence for those convictions, respectively.

Mere hours before the s hooting in 2020, Young wrote and published an essay on Medium expressing support for the Antifa rioters in Portland, Ore. and saying that the U.S. was on the cusp of a fascist takeover.

12th July 2022, 08:37 PM
theepochtimes.com: BLM Supporter Sentenced to 10 Years Prison for Violence During Portland Riots (https://www.theepochtimes.com/blm-supporter-sentenced-to-10-years-prison-for-violence-during-portland-riots_4552943.html?utm_source=newsnoe&utm_campaign=breaking-2022-06-23-2&utm_medium=email&est=%2BL7oaObvi6eFb897%2BQFEpLKp4TpmmtSxo1LAteluhN aInAU6n5I3djnUIKrelexEeg%3D%3D)

June 23, 2022
An Indiana man has been sentenced to 10 years in federal prison for playing a significant part in fueling violence during the Black Lives Matter (BLM) protests and rioting in Portland, Oregon, in 2020.

Malik Fard Muhammad, 25, was sentenced on June 21 for “repeatedly and intentionally jeopardizing the lives of police officers, destroying public property, and encouraging others to commit violence during protests,” according to a Department of Justice (DOJ) statement.

In addition to the prison term, Muhammad was sentenced to three years of supervised release. Although the DOJ release didn’t mention the BLM protests in its release, Muhammad was arrested in 2020 following evidence collected at a BLM protest-turned-riot.

During the BLM demonstrations that ended in violence on Sept. 21, 2020, Muhammad threw a beer growler made into a Molotov cocktail onto a police officer sitting inside his vehicle. The officer jumped out when he saw the firebomb hurtling toward him, which didn’t detonate...

The district attorney’s office said that Muhammad intentionally and repeatedly jeopardized the lives of police officers, engaged in activities that destroyed public property, such as smashing the Oregon Historical Society’s windows, while calling on others to commit violence....

Based on court documents, Muhammad traveled to Portland from Indianapolis with his girlfriend in the late summer of 2020 to be part of the BLM demonstrations.

Through evidence and DNA collected from riot grounds and cell phone surveillance, along with closed circuit television footage where Muhammad was seen purchasing bats and several “growler” bottles, law enforcement connected him to the crimes.

On Sept. 23, 2020, “protesters set fire to and broke windows at the Multnomah County Justice Center,” the DOJ release said. “When officers advanced toward the crowd, an individual threw a Molotov cocktail in a large yellow growler that landed in front of the officers, shattered, and exploded into a large fireball. While some officers were able to move out of the way, one officer’s leg caught fire. Several videos obtained by law enforcement show Muhammad throwing the explosive device.”

Muhammad was arrested on Oct. 11, 2020, after a short chase following the destruction of building windows with a group of 250 people in downtown Portland. He had on him a loaded handgun magazine during the arrest.

Muhammad later pleaded guilty in Multnomah County Circuit Court to “seriously burning a demonstrator by throwing a Molotov cocktail” and handing out baseball bats to the crowd, the DOJ release said.

Besides BLM, Muhammad was also allegedly involved with the extremist organization Antifa.

“Investigators obtained evidence that he traveled to Louisville, Kentucky, in August 2020 to meet with anti-government and anti-authority violent extremist groups to conduct firearms and tactical training,” the DOJ release said.

“On May 28, 2022, Muhammad pleaded guilty to two counts of possessing unregistered destructive devices. As part of his sentencing, Muhammad forfeited or abandoned his interest in a 12-gauge shotgun, an AR-15 semi-automatic rifle, a second rifle, a pistol, assorted ammunition, and all seized Molotov cocktail components and ingredients.”

thepostmillennial.com: Host at leftist Portland radio station arrested for trafficking and rape of Canadian child (https://thepostmillennial.com/host-at-leftist-portland-radio-station-arrested-for-trafficking-and-rape-of-canadian-child?utm_campaign=64470)

Jul 11, 2022
Following the disappearance of a Canadian child last month, a 40-year-old Portland-area man and radio host on the left-wing station, KBOO, has been arrested for child trafficking and child rape.

Noah Whitefield Madrano, of Gladstone, Ore., allegedly kidnapped a 13-year-old girl from Edmonton, Alberta. She was reported missing by her family on June 24 after never showing up for school and was finally discovered in an Oregon City hotel room more than a week later by local police and agents with the FBI. Oregon City is about 12 miles south of Portland.

Madrano is currently being held on a $500,000 bond in Clackamas County, Ore. on felony charges of first-degree sexual abuse, second-degree rape and second-degree kidnapping.

Madrano used male, female and nonbinary pronouns and the monikers, “Bud Jackson,” “NoMad” and “Noah Zark.”

At a bail hearing last week, Clackamas County prosecutors said the girl was targeted and groomed "over the course of a year" before being kidnapped. They also accuse Madrano of making “threats to kill her and have sex with her dead corpse."

Until the publicity around Madrano’s arrest, he was a producer and co-host of the "Sub-Human Intellect Theater" (S.H.I.T.) monthly show at far-left self-described Antifa Portland radio station, KBOO-FM. The show’s other host is Karen Green, who has deleted all her social media accounts after the arrest of her co-host.

The Post Millennial can exclusively report that Madrano’s Twitter account has pro-pedophilia content.