View Full Version : Line in the Sand

3rd October 2020, 12:01 AM
Looks like there was a 4 hour "Line in the Sand" covid hoax truther event yesterday. Posted on brandnewtube
Here are some of the speakers:

Del Bigtree
Pete Evans
Mikki Willis
Rocco Galati
Susan Stanfield
Michael Tellenger
Zach Bush
Sherri Tenpenny
Dr Buttar
Nurse Kate
Dolores Cahill
Mark Steele
Dr Northrup
Pam Popper
Dr Lewis
Tom Brown
And I think I saw Dave Martin and G. Edward Griffin




Very interesting comment from over there:

Jram (https://brandnewtube.com/@Jram) 5 hours ago President Trump tested positive for the Covid probably because he got the flu shot this year and from what he was saying on tv it was his first flu shot ever they should investigate what the flu vaccine contains

Just looked it up and found this:

Trump, May 14: I never lost anybody to the flu. Look, I’ve had people having the flu. I said, “Hey, how are you doing with the flu?” They had the flu. I never had the flu. You know, the first thing they did, they want to give me a flu shot. I never had the flu. And I come to the White House, “Sir, we have to give you a flu shot.” I said, “Why?” And I took it. I don’t know if I should have. Who knows? Three times now. I’ve taken three flu shots, but anyway. …

3rd October 2020, 02:02 AM
^ yes, found transcript of that potus interview where he said that; CTRL-F "flu"