View Full Version : Fakiest Psyop I've ever seen Seal Team 6 mattyer October 13 2020

13th October 2020, 04:52 PM

29:23 video runtime

BREAKING: Whistleblower Drops HARD Evidence, Biden, Obama, Hillary EXECUTED Seal Team 6, Audio Proof
•Premiered Oct 12, 2020
The Next News Network
1.76M subscribers


This is so fakey I could not listen to but the first couple of minutes.

Looks like a John Breenan creation to me. Here we have an "ex CIA whistleblower" , very American and wearing the head gear of the same religion of John Brennan.

C'mon man!

midnight rambler
13th October 2020, 05:29 PM

13th October 2020, 08:10 PM

29:23 video runtime

BREAKING: Whistleblower Drops HARD Evidence, Biden, Obama, Hillary EXECUTED Seal Team 6, Audio Proof
•Premiered Oct 12, 2020
The Next News Network
1.76M subscribers


This is so fakey I could not listen to but the first couple of minutes.

Looks like a John Breenan creation to me. Here we have an "ex CIA whistleblower" , very American and wearing the head gear of the same religion of John Brennan.

C'mon man!

You are not alone



13th October 2020, 08:31 PM
yeah, I didn't waste more than a few seconds on this--isn't this just another propaganda operation to say that Iran had Osama bin Laden, who didn't do 9/11? IMO it's all just more BS. I think that guy at truepundit has been pushing this BS about Osama Bin Laden being in Iran too---it made me roll my eyes, as in no wonder we are screwed, these morons still haven't figured out 9/11 after 19 freaking years!!

Well, I decided to make sure I was right about that guy at True Pundit (who has been good on Covid), and yes, I found an older article from him still pushing the BS about 9/11. And I think he's one who has been pushing propaganda about Bin Laden being in Iran for a while. So, I sent him a whole bunch of 9/11 truther info.

16th October 2020, 11:42 AM
okay, researched this TruePundit guy further. I think I found his site b/c he's been telling at least some truthful info the domestic political sagas (like impeachment, the ukraine scam, etc) and he's at least been questioning the Covid BS (though not perfect--still thinks it's real and China did it, no clue that people have always been getting sick in Wuhan b/c of the toxic air pollution)

Anyway, looks like he wrote a whole book on the BS that Osama was in Iran (I think he ever says Osama was running Al-Qaeda from Iran--I'd LOL on that but I'm too sick of the never-ending BS)https://www.amazon.com/PAINE-How-Dismantled-FBI-Pajamas/dp/0692190473 (so I don't know what this guy's story is--deliberate disinfo or MORON?)

So, I sent him 1st message with 9/11 truther info, that it was a false flag for the MIC and banks to get the war on terror going, and all of these: 9/11 Missing Links (Israeli false flag, includes USS Liberty and Operation Susanna aka Lavon Affair)


Masters of Deception: Zionism, 9/11, and the War on Terror Hoax By Zander C. Fuerza http://lesvisible.net/DOCS/MastersOfDeception.pdf




(I'm sure he will ignore all of it!)

Then today, I sent a 2nd message, with the video of Benazir Bhutto w/David Frost from 2007, when she said Bin Laden had been murdered. And I sent info on the US arming, training, and funding Al-Qaeda and ISIS, and this one https://turcopolier.typepad.com/sic_semper_tyrannis/2020/01/the-facts-about-iran-and-terrorism-by-larry-c-johnson.html

I'm seriously blown away that people are so freaking brainwashed....We are on the verge of losing our country and freedom forever and they STILL CAN"T WAKE UP!!

16th October 2020, 03:06 PM
This video has disappeared from The Next News Network channel on YouTube but the channel still exists. Gary Franchi does not have a Bitchute channel or any other video platform for his videos. It looks like Gary Franchi just disappeared his own video and we are never to know the original source of this video. If this was disappeared by YouTube, it was probably done to make the contents of the video appear more true for having been spiked.

Gary Franchi does not have a god record as a good content-creator in my opinion because he does not carefully vet his stories. He is mostly after click baity subjects clicking.