View Full Version : Good bye quid-pro-quo Joe
15th October 2020, 04:00 AM
This is an important story for the First Amendment. Watch for the legal ramifications of this.
11:37 video runtime
NY Post to 'release bombshell expose' linking Hunter Biden to Chinese business deals
•Oct 15, 2020
Sky News Australia
710K subscribers
Miranda Devine says The New York Post will tomorrow release even more bombshell evidence linking Hunter Biden to Chinese business dealings after they obtained leaked emails and photographs from the hard-drive of Hunter's laptop.
The New York Post today released an expose detailing links between Joe Biden and his son who was paid at least $50,000 a month to sit on the board of a Ukrainian energy company who allegedly set up a meeting with the Vice President.
"Hunter Biden is an individual with serious drug problems, he's admitted this, he was drummed out of a post he held in the naval reserve his father procured for him after three months, in his 40s, because of cocaine use," Ms Devine said.
"This is not someone you would expect foreign companies to pay millions of dollars to when he has no experience, for instance, in an energy company or no real skills other than influence with his father."
Ms Devine cited attempts by Twitter and Facebook to "smother" the story, by locking the NY Post's account, for malicious and damaging content, while Facebook claimed they were removing the article to fact-check it.
"These are the two big tech companies, multi-national companies, some of the biggest companies in the world and they are interfering in the US election, she said.
"It's three weeks out from the election, and Joe Biden is the Democratic Presidential candidate,
"These are emails linking Joe Biden to his family's cash-for-influence scandal. This is a Biden family grift. This is the first time there has been an actual, physical, evidential link, between Joe Biden and his son and his brother's business dealings overseas."
Instead of addressing this issue, Joe Biden called a lid yesterday.
Twitter and Facebook chose to suppress and spike this New York post story. THAT is interference in a USA presidential election.
15th October 2020, 06:51 AM
8:34 video runtime
‘Unprecedented scandal’: Joe Biden reportedly linked to son’s dealings with China
•Oct 15, 2020
Sky News Australia
712K subscribers
Sky News contributor Cory Bernardi says emails which have reportedly been taken from Hunter Biden’s laptop linking him to Chinese business dealings suggesting he “put half of his ill-gotten gains into his fathers pocket” are “not claims”.
It comes as the New York Post will reportedly release even more bombshell evidence linking Hunter Biden to Chinese Business dealings after they obtained leaked emails and photographs from the hard-drive of Hunter’s laptop.
“They’re not claims, these are actual emails," Mr Bernardi told Sky News host Peta Credlin.
“This is a scandal of unprecedented proportion.
“American people have long suspected that there’s been a cover-up with The Clinton Foundation … and now we’ve got a pay-for-play scandal involving Joe Biden.
“Everything that the Democrats have accused Donald Trump of, it appears they are guilty of themselves, this is projection, on the broader scale it is an absolute scandal.
“I hope Donald Trump prevails on November the 3rd."
15th October 2020, 08:24 AM
I guess yesterday Qanon (orig source?) put out pics of Hunter on a crack/meth binge
twatter in particular has been on a censorship binge, locking prominent public figures' accts & blocking the ability to tweet out a NY Post article yest reporting Hunter's emails indicating he intro'd some Russian Nat Gas oligarch to his VP dad CreepyJoe.
twatts apparently later backed off a notch, & put the NY Post link behind a "warning: UNSAFE LINK" scarecrow page - try to click through from this tweet:
the story:
Smoking-gun email reveals how Hunter Biden introduced Ukrainian businessman to VP dad (
By Emma-Jo Morris ( and Gabrielle Fonrouge (
October 14, 2020
15th October 2020, 09:40 AM
This is an important story for the First Amendment. Watch for the legal ramifications of this.
11:37 video runtime
NY Post to 'release bombshell expose' linking Hunter Biden to Chinese business deals
•Oct 15, 2020
Sky News Australia
710K subscribers
Miranda Devine says The New York Post will tomorrow release even more bombshell evidence linking Hunter Biden to Chinese business dealings after they obtained leaked emails and photographs from the hard-drive of Hunter's laptop.
The New York Post today released an expose detailing links between Joe Biden and his son who was paid at least $50,000 a month to sit on the board of a Ukrainian energy company who allegedly set up a meeting with the Vice President.
"Hunter Biden is an individual with serious drug problems, he's admitted this, he was drummed out of a post he held in the naval reserve his father procured for him after three months, in his 40s, because of cocaine use," Ms Devine said.
"This is not someone you would expect foreign companies to pay millions of dollars to when he has no experience, for instance, in an energy company or no real skills other than influence with his father."
Ms Devine cited attempts by Twitter and Facebook to "smother" the story, by locking the NY Post's account, for malicious and damaging content, while Facebook claimed they were removing the article to fact-check it.
"These are the two big tech companies, multi-national companies, some of the biggest companies in the world and they are interfering in the US election, she said.
"It's three weeks out from the election, and Joe Biden is the Democratic Presidential candidate,
"These are emails linking Joe Biden to his family's cash-for-influence scandal. This is a Biden family grift. This is the first time there has been an actual, physical, evidential link, between Joe Biden and his son and his brother's business dealings overseas."
Instead of addressing this issue, Joe Biden called a lid yesterday.
Twitter and Facebook chose to suppress and spike this New York post story. THAT is interference in a USA presidential election.
“CONGRESS SHALL MAKE NO LAW <snip>; or abridging the freedom of speech, or the press; “
Twitter and Facebook are not government entities so there is much room for argument that they are permitted to regulate what subscribers may or may not print and whether their actions are a violation of 1st A or not. I think what they are doing is reprehensible but I am inclined to think they may not be guilty of violating the first amendment. It is not much different than a newspaper refusing to print a letter to the editor the editor disagrees with. The 1st A restriction is on Congress. No one else is included.
15th October 2020, 10:07 AM
It is my understanding that many newspapers and other media fall under the "news corp" category and they can be held responsible under the law for the news they print. They have to fully vet or research stories they print. But Facebook and Twitter, as of now, are private entities and they can chose to suppress whatever they want. But this instance looks like something is going to have to happen to social media to make them responsible for their decisions. Greg Hunter used to work for CNN I think. He said they have to really research a story they are covering and his work was checked over by a team of lawyers and others before he could go on air and report.
By the way, Instagram also suprressed this newest Hunter Biden matter.
What is really at issue here is that we now can see how easy it is to control the people and send certain messages to certain followers of social media to cause them to go and vote and to vote a certain way. Easy peasy.
16th October 2020, 10:29 AM
this guy is former 8ch, now 8kun owner/admin, twatted ~30m ago; just passed >3K retwatts
Ron @CodeMonkeyZ (
Woah... Just saw an alleged image from the Hunter laptop. Not going to go into detail on the image but you will know it when you see it. Its so horrifyingly terrible that i cant even describe it here.I weep for the abused.
9:56 AM · Oct 16, 2020 (
16th October 2020, 11:00 AM
this guy is former 8ch, now 8kun owner/admin, twatted ~30m ago; just passed >3K retwatts
Ron @CodeMonkeyZ (
Woah... Just saw an alleged image from the Hunter laptop. Not going to go into detail on the image but you will know it when you see it. Its so horrifyingly terrible that i cant even describe it here.I weep for the abused.
9:56 AM · Oct 16, 2020 (
DOH! this'll teach me to quick repost shite!
Ron @CodeMonkeyZ
( my last few tweets because some good people DMd me and debunked the content I saw. Dont want to contribute to fake news. Sorry about that. My stance on the death penalty still stands.
10:51 AM · Oct 16, 2020 (·Twitter Web App (
16th October 2020, 11:44 AM
well it SHOULD BE GOOD BYE QUID PRO JOE, but you know they are doing everything they can to steal it!!!!
16th October 2020, 12:13 PM
Guliani is giving reasons why he is not releasing the rest of the Hunter B material at this time. Did not go to the interview of him that took place yesterday so don't know what he said but leverage and timing strategy involved in their games.
I still have a gut feeling that somehow Joe is going to be out of the candidacy before Nov 3 though early voters have already voted for him.
NY Post said reason they showed the photo of Hunter sleeping with a crack pipe is solely to show that he is a person not qualified to be a high-level energy company official. Yea right.
16th October 2020, 12:36 PM
Joe directly involved with China / bribery / kickback felony and treason is the important issue here, not Hunter's character and lifestyle.
16th October 2020, 02:47 PM
Thought I should post the address and the orginal source publication of this story.
October 14, 2020
The New York Post broke this story.
Post photo composite
Smoking-gun email reveals how Hunter Biden introduced Ukrainian businessman to VP dad
By Emma-Jo Morris and Gabrielle Fonrouge
October 14, 2020 | 5:00am | Updated
Hunter Biden introduced his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, to a top executive at a Ukrainian energy firm less than a year before the elder Biden pressured government officials in Ukraine into firing a prosecutor who was investigating the company, according to emails obtained by The Post.
The never-before-revealed meeting is mentioned in a message of appreciation that Vadym Pozharskyi, an adviser to the board of Burisma, allegedly sent Hunter Biden on April 17, 2015, about a year after Hunter joined the Burisma board at a reported salary of up to $50,000 a month.
“Dear Hunter, thank you for inviting me to DC and giving an opportunity to meet your father and spent [sic] some time together. It’s realty [sic] an honor and pleasure,” the email reads.
An earlier email from May 2014 also shows Pozharskyi, reportedly Burisma’s No. 3 exec, asking Hunter for “advice on how you could use your influence” on the company’s behalf.
The blockbuster correspondence — which flies in the face of Joe Biden’s claim that he’s “never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings” — is contained in a massive trove of data recovered from a laptop computer.
Hunter Biden email
The computer was dropped off at a repair shop in Biden’s home state of Delaware in April 2019, according to the store’s owner.
Other material extracted from the computer includes a raunchy, 12-minute video that appears to show Hunter, who’s admitted struggling with addiction problems, smoking crack while engaged in a sex act with an unidentified woman, as well as numerous other sexually explicit images.
The customer who brought in the water-damaged MacBook Pro for repair never paid for the service or retrieved it or a hard drive on which its contents were stored, according to the shop owner, who said he tried repeatedly to contact the client.
The shop owner couldn’t positively identify the customer as Hunter Biden, but said the laptop bore a sticker from the Beau Biden Foundation, named after Hunter’s late brother and former Delaware attorney general.
Photos of a Delaware federal subpoena given to The Post show that both the computer and hard drive were seized by the FBI in December, after the shop’s owner says he alerted the feds to their existence.
A federal subpoena showing the computer and hard drive were seized by the FBI
But before turning over the gear, the shop owner says, he made a copy of the hard drive and later gave it to former Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s lawyer, Robert Costello.
Steve Bannon, former adviser to President Trump, told The Post about the existence of the hard drive in late September and Giuliani provided The Post with a copy of it on Sunday.
Less than eight months after Pozharskyi thanked Hunter Biden for the introduction to his dad, the then-vice president admittedly pressured Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko and Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk into getting rid of Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin by threatening to withhold a $1 billion US loan guarantee during a December 2015 trip to Kiev.
“I looked at them and said: I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money,” Biden infamously bragged to the Council on Foreign Relations in 2018.
“Well, son of a bitch. He got fired.”
Shokin has said that at the time of his firing, in March 2016, he’d made “specific plans” to investigate Burisma that “included interrogations and other crime-investigation procedures into all members of the executive board, including Hunter Biden.”
Joe Biden has insisted that the US wanted Shokin removed over corruption concerns, which were shared by the European Union.
Meanwhile, an email dated May 12, 2014 — shortly after Hunter Biden joined the Burisma board — shows Pozharskyi attempting to get him to use his political leverage to help the company.
The message had the subject line “urgent issue” and was also sent to Hunter Biden’s business partner, Devon Archer, who also sat on the Burisma board at the time.
ost photo composite
Smoking-gun email reveals how Hunter Biden introduced Ukrainian businessman to VP dad
By Emma-Jo Morris and Gabrielle Fonrouge
October 14, 2020 | 5:00am | Updated
Drunk girl kept from tipping over by her dog
Hunter Biden introduced his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, to a top executive at a Ukrainian energy firm less than a year before the elder Biden pressured government officials in Ukraine into firing a prosecutor who was investigating the company, according to emails obtained by The Post.
The never-before-revealed meeting is mentioned in a message of appreciation that Vadym Pozharskyi, an adviser to the board of Burisma, allegedly sent Hunter Biden on April 17, 2015, about a year after Hunter joined the Burisma board at a reported salary of up to $50,000 a month.
“Dear Hunter, thank you for inviting me to DC and giving an opportunity to meet your father and spent [sic] some time together. It’s realty [sic] an honor and pleasure,” the email reads.
An earlier email from May 2014 also shows Pozharskyi, reportedly Burisma’s No. 3 exec, asking Hunter for “advice on how you could use your influence” on the company’s behalf.
The blockbuster correspondence — which flies in the face of Joe Biden’s claim that he’s “never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings” — is contained in a massive trove of data recovered from a laptop computer.
Enlarge Image
Hunter Biden email
The computer was dropped off at a repair shop in Biden’s home state of Delaware in April 2019, according to the store’s owner.
Other material extracted from the computer includes a raunchy, 12-minute video that appears to show Hunter, who’s admitted struggling with addiction problems, smoking crack while engaged in a sex act with an unidentified woman, as well as numerous other sexually explicit images.
The customer who brought in the water-damaged MacBook Pro for repair never paid for the service or retrieved it or a hard drive on which its contents were stored, according to the shop owner, who said he tried repeatedly to contact the client.
The shop owner couldn’t positively identify the customer as Hunter Biden, but said the laptop bore a sticker from the Beau Biden Foundation, named after Hunter’s late brother and former Delaware attorney general.
Photos of a Delaware federal subpoena given to The Post show that both the computer and hard drive were seized by the FBI in December, after the shop’s owner says he alerted the feds to their existence.
A federal subpoena showing the computer and hard drive were seized by the FBI
But before turning over the gear, the shop owner says, he made a copy of the hard drive and later gave it to former Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s lawyer, Robert Costello.
Steve Bannon, former adviser to President Trump, told The Post about the existence of the hard drive in late September and Giuliani provided The Post with a copy of it on Sunday.
Less than eight months after Pozharskyi thanked Hunter Biden for the introduction to his dad, the then-vice president admittedly pressured Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko and Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk into getting rid of Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin by threatening to withhold a $1 billion US loan guarantee during a December 2015 trip to Kiev.
“I looked at them and said: I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money,” Biden infamously bragged to the Council on Foreign Relations in 2018.
“Well, son of a bitch. He got fired.”
Shokin has said that at the time of his firing, in March 2016, he’d made “specific plans” to investigate Burisma that “included interrogations and other crime-investigation procedures into all members of the executive board, including Hunter Biden.”
Joe Biden has insisted that the US wanted Shokin removed over corruption concerns, which were shared by the European Union.
Meanwhile, an email dated May 12, 2014 — shortly after Hunter Biden joined the Burisma board — shows Pozharskyi attempting to get him to use his political leverage to help the company.
The message had the subject line “urgent issue” and was also sent to Hunter Biden’s business partner, Devon Archer, who also sat on the Burisma board at the time.
Pozharskyi said that “the representatives of new authorities in power tend to quite aggressively approach N. Z. unofficially with the aim to obtain cash from him.”
N.Z. isn’t identified in the email but appears to be a reference to Burisma founder Mykola Zlochevsky, whose first name is a Ukrainian version of “Nicholas.”
When the alleged shakedown failed, “they proceeded with concrete actions” in the form of “one or more pretrial proceedings,” Pozharskyi wrote.
“We urgently need your advice on how you could use your influence to convey a message / signal, etc .to stop what we consider to be politically motivated actions,” he added.
Enlarge Image
Pozharskyi and Hunter BidenVadym Pozharskyi and Hunter BidenYalta European Strategy / Getty Images
Hunter Biden responded by saying he was with Archer in Doha, Qatar, and asked for more information about “the formal (if any) accusations being made against Burisma.”
“Who is ultimately behind these attacks on the company? Who in the current interim government could put an end to such attacks?” he added.
The exchange came the same day that Burisma announced it had expanded its board of directors by adding Hunter Biden, who was put in charge of its “legal unit and will provide support for the Company among international organizations,” according to a news release that’s since been scrubbed from Burisma’s website.
Hunter Biden actually joined the board in April 2014, according to multiple reports.
His lawyer said last year that Hunter was “not a member of the management team,” adding, “At no time was Hunter in charge of the company’s legal affairs.”
About four months after Hunter Biden’s correspondence with Pozharskyi, Archer forwarded Hunter Biden an email chain with the subject line “tax raise impact on Burisma production,” which included Pozharskyi saying that the Ukrainian cabinet had submitted new tax legislation to the country’s parliament.
Photos from Hunter Biden's hard drive
“If enacted, this law would kill the entire private gas production sector in the bud,” Pozharskyi wrote.
In the Sept. 24, 2014, email, Pozharskyi also said he was “going to share this information with the US embassy here in Kyiv, as well as the office of Mr Amos Hochstein in the States.”
At the time, Hochstein was the State Department’s newly appointed special envoy and coordinator for international energy *affairs.
Enlarge Image
Devon ArcherDevon ArcherPatrick McMullan via Getty Image
In December 2017, the Naftogaz Group, Ukraine’s state-owned energy company, announced that Hochstein had joined the company as an independent director, but on Monday he announced his *resignation.
“The company has been forced to spend endless amounts of time combating political pressure and efforts by oligarchs to enrich themselves through questionable transactions,” Hochstein wrote in an op-ed published by the Kyiv Post.
In addition to denying that’s he’s spoken to Hunter Biden about his overseas business dealings, Joe Biden has repeatedly denied any conflict of interest or wrongdoing by either of them involving *Burisma.
Last February, he got testy during an appearance on NBC’s “Today” show when co-host Savannah Guthrie questioned whether it was “wrong for [Hunter] to take that position, knowing that it was really because that company wanted access to you.”
“Well, that’s not true. You’re saying things you do not know what you’re talking about,” the elder Biden responded.
Photos from Hunter Biden's hard drive
Last December, Joe Biden also lashed out during a Democratic primary town hall event in Iowa, where a man accused him of sending Hunter to Ukraine “to get a job and work for a gas company, he had no experience with gas or nothing, in order to get access to . . . the president.”
“You’re a damn liar, man. That’s not true and no one has ever said that,” Biden fumed.
Biden then continued berating the man as he stepped forward, called the man “fat” and challenged him to “do push-ups together, man.”
The FBI referred questions about its seizure of the laptop and hard drive to the Delaware US Attorney’s Office, where a spokesperson said, “My office can neither confirm nor deny the existence of an investigation.”
Hunter Biden’s lawyer refused to comment on the specifics but instead attacked Giuliani.
“He has been pushing widely discredited conspiracy theories about the Biden family, openly relying on actors tied to Russian intelligence,” the lawyer, George R. Mesires, said of Giuliani.
Pozharskyi and the Joe Biden campaign did not return requests for comment. Hochstein could not be reached.
Additional reporting by Ebony Bowden
Filed under computers , emails , energy , hunter biden , joe biden , natural gas , rudy giuliani , steve bannon , ukraine , 10/14/20
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Hunter Biden emails show leveraging links with dad to boos...
16th October 2020, 06:06 PM
Just learned the New York Post is owned by Fox News Network, Rupert Murdoch. Cause for concern to me.
Supposedly Rudy Geuiliani was interviewed by someone like a "P C tech" person within the last few days and asked several questions about when he will release the rest of the information is reportedly possesses on Hunter and Joe Biden.
I cannot find that video interview anywhere but I have seen a reference to it.
The person who operates the computer shop in Delaware is
John Paul MacIsaac
One other thing that is curious to me is that
Donal Trump Jr put out an email request for donations and appears to only be blaming Biden for more minor issues than the more serious implications that appear to present if this story is based in truth.
"Did you see the New York Post article? The article reveals how Hunter Biden introduced Ukrainian businessman to his father Joe Biden. And NOW Big Tech is trying to CENSOR IT. This is INSANE.
The Left knows that Sleepy Joe cannot beat my father so now they are working with Big Tech companies, like Twitter, to SILENCE us and STEAL THIS ELECTION. They are CENSORING information that’s damaging to Sleepy Joe and his son Hunter. They want him to win because they HATE my father.
First, Joe flat out lied and said he never spoke with his son, HUNTER, about his CORRUPT foreign business dealings. Then, when Joe and Hunter got caught RED-HANDED, their buddies in Big Tech stepped in and washed away the evidence. "
The implications are treason by Joe while VP - many private financial deals with a foreign government China. FBI and even Guiliani held info about this laptop matter for about 10 motnhs without taking action.
16th October 2020, 06:53 PM
Here is a vieo that sheds a little more information...
17:22 video rubntime
#MugClub #LWC
EXCLUSIVE: Giuliani Shows New Hunter Biden Evidence ON AIR! | Louder with Crowder
•Oct 16, 2020
4.82M subscribers
America's Major joins Steven and shows him the infamous Hunter Biden laptop and talks e-mail leaks, crack photos and money laundering in the Biden family.
16th October 2020, 08:25 PM
Worth Watching
skip to 0:21:20
16th October 2020, 08:38 PM
I take it there are still many here that see no need to vote?
16th October 2020, 10:02 PM
27:19 video runtime
Important insights from Tim Pool
give attention to 20:03 onward
Wallstreet big corporationd pouring in hundreds of millions in Biden campaign donations especially of recent weeks. like $392+ for one recent month. Establishment old Republicans in with Biden modus operandi
Tucker Drops MASSIVE Bombshell Directly Implicating Joe Biden In Ukraine Scandal, Democrats LOSE IT
•Oct 16, 2020
Tim Pool
1.15M subscribers
Tucker Drops MASSIVE Bombshell Directly Implicating Joe Biden In Ukraine Scandal, Democrats LOSE IT. Tucker's release suggests Biden directly intervened in Ukraine to help his sons company.
As more and more evidence begins to pile up Democrats and their establishment journalist and social media allies ramp up censorship, lies, and pressure.
More emails seem to prove Joe Biden is directly involved in his sons corrupt activities.
Trump and Republicans have been demanding more information and now want to know if the FBI had Hunter's laptop since last year as it could have exonerated Trump during the Ukrainegate impeachment.
16th October 2020, 11:43 PM
This video seems like crazy schizo shit at first. But then why are there pictures of Guiliani posing with this guy????
17th October 2020, 07:10 AM
Kevin Shipp came in and did a special show with Greg Hunter to address this Biden story.
Very good inside-baseball type detailed info on various issues.
I still have strong reservations about the honesty and character of Rudy Guiliani because I followed the actions of "America's mayor" very carefully. The almost total absence of 9-11 truth type groups in city of New York when the giant false flag event was there for all of them to see up close and personal.
Now we have Kevin Shipp and others telling us what a very astute prosecutor Guiliani is and how he who won a huge case against the MAFIA and almost singlehandedly is the source and reason for Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act .
Guiliani lied and lied over and over again to push the official narrative of the 9-11-01 false event.
(Also Guiiliani has a very suspicious looking history with dealings with the Ukraine as well as Israeli operatives in Florida. I believe I posted on these subjects in this forum a long time ago.)
44:10 video runtime
Kevin Shipp - AG Barr Fired After Trump Landslide Win
•Oct 16, 2020
Greg Hunter
254K subscribers
Former CIA Officer and counter-terrorism expert Kevin Shipp predicted nobody of significance would go to jail about the failed coup of President Trump. New declassified documents prove that the so-called “Crossfire Hurricane” and the FISA spy warrants were an illegal operation by the Shadow Government and the Obama Administration that was totally made up. It was a scam and a witch hunt to remove President Trump from office, and, yet, Attorney General William Barr has done nothing. Shipp says, “It was a soft coup. There is no question about it. No one involved has been indicted or even told they were a subject of a criminal investigation. None of the main players involved has that happened to. That is extremely concerning. . . . Trump is very upset with Barr, and he’s saying it publicly. . . . He’s very upset, and his family has been put through this, and nothing has come out with the Barr/Durham investigation. . . . The chances of Barr being fired with a Trump victory are pretty strong.”
Shipp says, “Trump is going to win by a landslide. . . .but people should expect significant violence in the streets. You should plan accordingly.”
Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with former CIA Officer and counter-intelligence expert Kevin Shipp.
24th October 2021, 09:14 AM
There is evidence Hunter Biden was colluding with the chi-coms re the oil shale reserves in the United States. There is an interesting Power Point presentation, mostly in Chinese with easily understandable graphics and English names on the companies and properties. Go to this post and click the Power Point icon to open the presentation.
[ File : 1_US_LNG_Upstream_y_Midstream_pdf_MervynSlides_v5_ 11_28_17_copy.pdf ]
Hunter was planning with literal ChiComs (Mervyn YAN, Ye JIANMING, Gongwen DONG, et al) to have a CCP-connected firm, known as CEFC, buy up your shale. It's all right here.
Treason comes in many forms. Economic is one of them.
5th February 2022, 10:07 AM
Classified Email Re. Hunter Biden Ukraine Burisma
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Classified 2016 Email Reveals Senior State Official Was Concerned About Hunter’s Ukrainian Business Dealings: Report (
by RTM Staff (
February 5, 2022 (
A recently revealed classified e-mail from 2016 indicates that at least one United States official raised concerns that Hunter Biden’s business activities in Ukraine could pose a problem for the U.S. and Eastern European nations’ ability to crackdown on Ukrainian corruption. In 2016, George Kent, a senior ranking state department official, emailed his superiors in the Obama administration his concerns that then-Vice President Joe Biden’s son’s dealings in Ukraine could “undercut” U.S. anti-corruption efforts.
The email was sent on November 22, 2016, and was first obtained and reported by Just The News:
“The real issue to my mind was that someone in Washington needed to engage VP Biden quietly and say that his son Hunter’s presence on the Burisma board undercut the anti-corruption message the VP and we were advancing in Ukraine,” Kent wrote multiple high-ranking officials in the State Department in Washington.
The email also indicated that Hunter was on the board when Burisma allegedly paid what Kent described as a $7 million “bribe,” though it is unclear if Hunter knew about it. Regardless, Kent also wrote that the perceived double-standard was worrisome and would send mixed messages to the Ukrainian people:
“Ukrainians heard one message from us,” Kent wrote, “and then saw another set of behavior, with the family association with a known corrupt figure whose company was known for not playing by the rules in the oil/gas sector.”
Watch: Putin Seems to Doze When Ukraine Athletes Enter During Winter Olympics Opening Ceremony (
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Hunter’s dealings with Burisma were a factor in the 2020 election, as President Donald Trump and his campaign accused the Biden family of improperly using Joe’s political offices in making money aboard. Burisma is an energy company, and Hunter had little to no experience in the energy industry before getting job at Burisma while his father was the vice president.
Just The News also noted that beyond Kent’s concerns, another issue raises by the discovery of said e-mail is the fact the State Department never acknowledged its existence:
It was classified “confidential,” the lowest level of secrecy, by then-U.S. Ambassador to Kiev Marie Yovanovitch, another of the Democrats’ impeachment witnesses, and was not produced as evidence to House lawmakers during impeachment. Contrary to federal law, the State Department failed to acknowledge the existence of the document to the court or to Just the News in its multiple Freedom of Information Act lawsuits against the State Department seeking records on Hunter and Joe Biden’s dealings in Ukraine.
Just The News also pointed out that the e-mail contradicts what many Democrats were saying regarding Hunter’s business efforts:
Most importantly, the email’s stark message directly conflicts with the narrative the mainstream media, State Department witnesses and Democratic congressmen gave the public two years ago, when they insisted Hunter Biden’s lucrative job with the allegedly corrupt Ukrainian gas company Burisma Holdings — while creating the appearance of a conflict of interest — had no impact on U.S. efforts to fight corruption in that country.
Kent, the diplomat who sent the e-mail, was featured prominently as an expert during the first impeachment of Trump.
17th March 2022, 09:37 AM
This is an important story for the First Amendment. Watch for the legal ramifications of this.
11:37 video runtime
NY Post to 'release bombshell expose' linking Hunter Biden to Chinese business deals
•Oct 15, 2020
Sky News Australia
710K subscribers
Miranda Devine says The New York Post will tomorrow release even more bombshell evidence linking Hunter Biden to Chinese business dealings after they obtained leaked emails and photographs from the hard-drive of Hunter's laptop.
The New York Post today released an expose detailing links between Joe Biden and his son who was paid at least $50,000 a month to sit on the board of a Ukrainian energy company who allegedly set up a meeting with the Vice President.
"Hunter Biden is an individual with serious drug problems, he's admitted this, he was drummed out of a post he held in the naval reserve his father procured for him after three months, in his 40s, because of cocaine use," Ms Devine said.
"This is not someone you would expect foreign companies to pay millions of dollars to when he has no experience, for instance, in an energy company or no real skills other than influence with his father."
Ms Devine cited attempts by Twitter and Facebook to "smother" the story, by locking the NY Post's account, for malicious and damaging content, while Facebook claimed they were removing the article to fact-check it.
"These are the two big tech companies, multi-national companies, some of the biggest companies in the world and they are interfering in the US election, she said.
"It's three weeks out from the election, and Joe Biden is the Democratic Presidential candidate,
"These are emails linking Joe Biden to his family's cash-for-influence scandal. This is a Biden family grift. This is the first time there has been an actual, physical, evidential link, between Joe Biden and his son and his brother's business dealings overseas."
Instead of addressing this issue, Joe Biden called a lid yesterday.
Twitter and Facebook chose to suppress and spike this New York post story. THAT is interference in a USA presidential election.
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Now that Joe Biden’s president, the Times finally admits: Hunter’s laptop is real (
By Post Editorial Board
March 17, 2022 4:56am Updated (
27th March 2022, 09:12 AM
Biden’s Ukraine Scandal is an older video by Maram Susli aka Syriangirlpartisan who resides in Austrailia
4th May 2022, 05:57 PM
How Hunter’s $30M Chinese Deals “Enriched the Entire Family”: Peter Schweizer | Facts Matter
13:44 video runtime
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