View Full Version : Trump Biden debate
midnight rambler
22nd October 2020, 11:17 PM
I endured the entire episode so you don't have to. The best part starts at 1:32:00 for the last 20 minutes of this video, prior to that nothing special worth noting imo -
23rd October 2020, 01:03 PM
* 1:32:00
23rd October 2020, 03:24 PM
I ain't bothering with a viewing.
23rd October 2020, 04:38 PM
Stand Down? Did Trump Back Off Biden’s Chinese Money Scandal During Debate?
Content Contributed By — TruNews Team
Also notice several times during this sly left-handed complimentary commentary by Ben Shapiro where he appears to be saying Trump did well in the debate but said several times that there is no proof that Joe Biden ever directly received money in any of Hunter Biden's deals with foreign countries and said that the President said falsely that he did.
If Rick Wiles wants to know who got to Trump overnight, maybe Ben's insulting commentary where he said two or three times that the President made false statements will provide the answer.
I feel extremely vexed that Trump and his advisors did not get their FACTS straight as to what exactly Joe Biden did that they had proof of that went beyond the usual low-level corruption of almost all of our politicians at all levels of government. We the people were strung along and led to believe that the proof against Joe Biden was solid and fool proof and that Biden was to be indicted and prosecuted. We were all successfully had including the president.
There probably is strong legal proof in all of these Hunter Biden and associates' activities, but there is no individual with character enough to speak out with the facts and truth.
The people who sold out America to the Chinese are
Joe Biden
Donald Trump and his closest advisors
Rudy Guiliani and Bernard Kerik and their mobbed up team
Ben Shapiro and his team
1:24:32 video runtime
The Final Debate: Trump’s Big Comeback | Ep. 1122
•Premiered 6 hours ago
Ben Shapiro
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Trump brings Hunter Biden’s former business partner to the debate as the media studiously avoid the story; Good Trump shows up for the debate – mostly; and Joe Biden pledges to end the oil industry.
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23rd October 2020, 06:49 PM
Stand Down? Did Trump Back Off Biden’s Chinese Money Scandal During Debate?
Content Contributed By — TruNews Team
They talked about politicians looking like they've been beat up and showed photos of them. Roy Potter said one of Trumps eyes looked funny after he said he went in to the hospital and had been diagnosed with "the covid". Maybe what's going on is they've had chips implanted or hydrogell injections to control them.
23rd October 2020, 07:50 PM
They talked about politicians looking like they've been beat up and showed photos of them. Roy Potter said one of Trumps eyes looked funny after he said he went in to the hospital and had been diagnosed with "the covid". Maybe what's going on is they've had chips implanted or hydrogell injections to control them.
Roy Potter just uploaded another video about Trump not telling the truth about Operation Warp Speed. The contract is for 500 million doses. Link to the contract
23rd October 2020, 08:06 PM
Roy Potter just uploaded another video about Trump not telling the truth about Operation Warp Speed. The contract is for 500 million doses. Link to the contract
Everyone I know won't be taking the vaccine. The sheeple want a vaccine, give it to them. Hopefully all the liberals will take it, they provide no value to society.
23rd October 2020, 11:16 PM
Roy left a link on one of his videos to a talk by a guy that goes by the name "Legal Man" where he talks about how he believes we will be coerced to take the vaccines. For the ones who resist they will have FEMA camps, gulags or other camps where you will be gathered and either take the vaccine and submit or be kept imprisoned or killed. I think Canada is getting ready or has begun setting up some camps there now and Max Igan may have mentioned it in his last video but I'm not sure of that. Might have been somewhere else I heard that.
Link to Max's latest video.
A link to "Legal Mans" talk.
24th October 2020, 06:27 AM
Withdraw your consent.
Stop being a US CITIZEN.
24th October 2020, 07:25 AM
Withdraw your consent.
Stop pretending a FRN is money.
Stop being a US CITIZEN.
Being is a such a high standard to achieve. NEVER BEEN is much easier.
24th October 2020, 02:41 PM
Stop pretending a FRN is money.
Being is a such a high standard to achieve. NEVER BEEN is much easier.
Truer words that apply to most of us... never been.
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