View Full Version : biden vs trump, deep dive voting guide

30th October 2020, 08:41 PM
biden............................................. .................................................. ..................trump

1. has made millions/billions without any effort....................................worked 24/7 to build a hotel chain, numerous bankruptcies

2. persuaded the entire giant media oligopoly to campaign for him............has no support from any major media org, despite spending millions on ads

3. owns FBI, the most prestigious law enforcement agency........FBI considers him enemy of the people and will do anything to besmirch/remove him

4. has support of ex presidents, including the first gay and the first (half) black..........no ex president has ever endorsed him

5. nominated an indian/black woman for his vp, it will be her turn next....................vp is just another old white guy

6. vp's family owned/operated scores of slaves on plantation................cant even control his wives, much less a hundred slaves

7. son operates as joe's agent, picking up millions in bribes............son is campaign manager and tv talking head

8. son bangs prostitutes, thots, and family members while smoking crack....................son rumored to be gay

9. leading in all polls, despite doing practically no campaigning..........flying all over the country, doing campaign performances every day. still losing.

10. has earned the deep respect and admiration of the int'l community............is hated by all of our allies and enemies alike

11. was part of the team that killed osama bin laden...............bombed/killed thousands of poor people in yemen

12. was able to acquire the debate questions in advance.......................had no clue what the next question was going to be

13. wife is well respected professional woman..................wife is mail order bride, probably mk ultra wiped brain, sounds stupid trying to speak english

14. responded with force during the gang violence superpredator era...................enacted criminal justice reform to keep criminals in our society

15. supports the right to protest, backs blm and antifa.......................advocates for gov crackdowns on peaceful protestors

16. still strong and virile, works out on his bowflex in his basement...................was hospitalized by the pathetic flu

17. has support of the great majority of america's nba, nfl sports heroes...................hated by nba, nfl - works to harm their ratings with racist rhetoric

18. thinks that twitter is for girls and fags, real men dont tweet.................spends all day tweeting, like a 7th grade girl

19. key member of team that made healthcare affordable, affordable care act.............repealed key part of affordable care

20. america back into global warming agreement, will change the weather........gave us worst hurricane season ever, NOAA ran out of names for them

31st October 2020, 05:57 AM
Cat people like Biden

Dog people like Trump

Zombie people are still pushing for Hillary