View Full Version : The Trump Trap

5th November 2020, 05:09 PM
Again all mine, from all I search and confirm.

This trap is going to be Huge!

Read this below link and then the video with it.

The video of the 'boxes' was taken from the vehicle behind the ballot vehicle in Detroit. No biggie. The person taking the video happens to be a Texas Lawyer who also belongs to "Lawyers for Trump". What a coincidence that some random person from Texas videoed this happens to be a Lawyer AND in Detroit AND behind the ballot dump. Coincidence?

Trump spoke today and vaguely mentioned the fraud, like they are tied up in court. To me this is a sign for more ballot fraud to be confirmed. Remember when he trapped the White house inside leaker? I don't think he is going to walk away as the loser.

I think if he can't cancel the fraudulent votes we will have a re-vote. Cant count thrown away ballots. Can't count votes after election day. Unprecedented times folks.

I don't really care for the site at the link but it does show both the insider and video.


5th November 2020, 10:51 PM
Yes ,I believe it is a Trump trap. Lovin it.

Spun Gold
6th November 2020, 01:15 AM

President Trump Setup Democrats In “Sting Operation” To Catch Them Stealing Election!

6th November 2020, 02:16 AM

6th November 2020, 02:51 AM
Trump and Republicans won't do shit.

They are all cucks and will roll over and do nothing.

The Right refuses to cheat, and will end up in gulags patting themselves on the back since they at least had "principles".

6th November 2020, 01:21 PM
Dems holding all the military ballots from being counted.

6th November 2020, 02:42 PM
Trump and Republicans won't do shit.

They are all cucks and will roll over and do nothing.

The Right refuses to cheat, and will end up in gulags patting themselves on the back since they at least had "principles".

The Republican's might roll over, but I don't think Trump will. This is his last hoorah, and Trump doesn't back down ever, in fact he comes back swinging twice as hard. I think he may get forced out though. I don't think he knows how to lose. Things could get interesting.

6th November 2020, 03:13 PM
The Republican's might roll over, but I don't think Trump will. This is his last hoorah, and Trump doesn't back down ever, in fact he comes back swinging twice as hard. I think he may get forced out though. I don't think he knows how to lose. Things could get interesting.

Trump still trying to fight. Rudy G, Pam Bondi, Sidney Powell in the fight.

Eric or Don jr. tweeted out where's the GOP??? FL's Desantis immediately came out and made a statement about the election mess and apparently called out FOX. Former MO GOP chair was saying where's the GOP.

Maybe Ted Cruz tweeted out the Philly poll watcher saying "this is a COUP against the President of the US" Jim Jordan went to a rally in PA. Vernon Jones (a freaking black Dem from Georgia) was out at an Atlanta rally, saying this was a battle cry --apparently, unhinged psychopath, Keith Olberman called for the FBI to go after Jones.

Traitor Lindsey Graham supposedly offered up $500K to Trump's defense fund--who knows if that's true.

IMO, GOP establishment is in on the coup (as they were in on the Russia hoax, and Rat Ryan set him up for impeachment by deliberately losing the house)
They want him out of there b/c they want more war, etc.

6th November 2020, 03:49 PM
Meanwhile back at the ranch...

I just did a bunch of research (Hours) on this mail in ballot stuff.

I have been in the printing industry for about 40 years so this subject intrigued me to the point of actually trying to understand the technology involved.

Did not read anything about a watermark. Each state does not print their own ballots, there are (I think) 7 facilities that print them for all states. All use huge ass HP digital printers with paper rolls that weigh about a thousand pounds each. Printing on this scale almost guarantees a contract so provided specific paper is almost guaranteed in this situation. The paper most likely can be identified by watermark or other means

You can look through the comments here and look for links yourself. I read several that lead to many others so I don't have all the links involved. This one started my madness: https://banned.video/watch?id=5fa480cc65f2d419a08b54e2 (https://banned.video/watch?id=5fa480cc65f2d419a08b54e2&fbclid=IwAR0zXklEy07hqtzGz9WCQX1RMNwoj5zRgr9a57QRw C4gClxjRANgfUBDLh0)

From what I understand these huge digital printers put a barcode on each and every mail in ballot and envelope that is supposed to coincide with the particular voters name, address and ties that to a signature to compare to the database. When it goes to the counting / scan machine if it gets rejected workers have to try and find the issue and correct it directly with the voter in most cases unless smudged ink kinda mess ups. This was by resending a new ballot with the errors indicated.

This was prior to election day.

Rules changed and it is now til the end of tonight Friday 11/06/2020. Still supposed to be cleared up directly with the voter by resending the ballot and a list of the error. Can not be a legitimate vote because of any errors and must be put aside and there is no time for that.

These people in the counting rooms are filling out bullshit. They are filling them out and forging names according the the screen they are getting info from. If there is a barcode it is fraud, if there is no barcode it is fraud. Watermark? I have no idea but since it was printed on a digital platform I am sure there is some markings just like on your home printer weather laser or jet.

Trump has been saying forever that mail in voting has a huge potential for fraud. Dems know it is also however Trump signed an EO to combat mail in ballot fraud. Many articles pro USPS said Trump was full of shyt saying it was in fact safe. Trump constantly contesting it. Meanwhile the dems are hard at work falsifying thousands of ballots. Trump sitting by pretending he doesn't know how to fix this.

Fvcking genius.

midnight rambler
6th November 2020, 05:42 PM
I hope you're right.

6th November 2020, 07:07 PM
It is possible that the only fair and verifiable system of voting will not rely upon totals but snapshots. In a 12 hour election establish a random 15 minute period and flag each ballot cast during this period. Base the election on the outcome.

6th November 2020, 07:54 PM
How many state electors will hold their nose and vote for biden? They will have that on their conscience the rest of their life. I know some states have made it a law the electors’ vote must go with the popular vote.

midnight rambler
6th November 2020, 08:01 PM
I know some states have made it a law the electors’ vote must go with the popular vote.

So what's the point of having electors? To add the appearance of legitimacy to something completely illegitimate?

Surely the GOP controlled legislators who hold the majority in their states (e.g. Pennsylvania) know which way the wind blows and will submit their own electors.

6th November 2020, 10:24 PM
Here is my proposed solution for the messed up states (GA, NC, PA, MI, WI, NV, maybe a few others). Electors assign half Trump and Half Biden electors. If the number is odd, flip a coin. Then tell them they are free to vote for either candidate. Send them to electoral college and see what comes out.

6th November 2020, 11:09 PM
Meanwhile back at the ranch...

I just did a bunch of research (Hours) on this mail in ballot stuff.

I have been in the printing industry for about 40 years so this subject intrigued me to the point of actually trying to understand the technology involved.

Did not read anything about a watermark. Each state does not print their own ballots, there are (I think) 7 facilities that print them for all states. All use huge ass HP digital printers with paper rolls that weigh about a thousand pounds each. Printing on this scale almost guarantees a contract so provided specific paper is almost guaranteed in this situation. The paper most likely can be identified by watermark or other means

You can look through the comments here and look for links yourself. I read several that lead to many others so I don't have all the links involved. This one started my madness: https://banned.video/watch?id=5fa480cc65f2d419a08b54e2 (https://banned.video/watch?id=5fa480cc65f2d419a08b54e2&fbclid=IwAR0zXklEy07hqtzGz9WCQX1RMNwoj5zRgr9a57QRw C4gClxjRANgfUBDLh0)

From what I understand these huge digital printers put a barcode on each and every mail in ballot and envelope that is supposed to coincide with the particular voters name, address and ties that to a signature to compare to the database. When it goes to the counting / scan machine if it gets rejected workers have to try and find the issue and correct it directly with the voter in most cases unless smudged ink kinda mess ups. This was by resending a new ballot with the errors indicated.

This was prior to election day.

Rules changed and it is now til the end of tonight Friday 11/06/2020. Still supposed to be cleared up directly with the voter by resending the ballot and a list of the error. Can not be a legitimate vote because of any errors and must be put aside and there is no time for that.

These people in the counting rooms are filling out bullshit. They are filling them out and forging names according the the screen they are getting info from. If there is a barcode it is fraud, if there is no barcode it is fraud. Watermark? I have no idea but since it was printed on a digital platform I am sure there is some markings just like on your home printer weather laser or jet.

Trump has been saying forever that mail in voting has a huge potential for fraud. Dems know it is also however Trump signed an EO to combat mail in ballot fraud. Many articles pro USPS said Trump was full of shyt saying it was in fact safe. Trump constantly contesting it. Meanwhile the dems are hard at work falsifying thousands of ballots. Trump sitting by pretending he doesn't know how to fix this.

Fvcking genius.

Excelllent post - thank you. Please go on: what do you think Trump's next move should be? Based on everything I have watched and read, the Dems are engaged in massive ballot stuffing in the key swing states. And I suspect that they are probably destroying Trump ballots or at minimum losing them.

7th November 2020, 12:16 AM
Evidence of Dem election fraud now being collected:



7th November 2020, 05:08 AM
50/50 is not a condition that occurs naturally. Yet in the last couple of presidential elections it appears to be the new norm.

Where 50/50 would happen is when the result is 45/55 and the 45 side pads the ballots. As the race gets closer the result approaches 50/50 in the limit.

50/50 is all the mathematical proof you need of fraud.

7th November 2020, 02:16 PM
If Biden is seated, and the Republican Party does not fight it, The Trump's and others need to start the MAGA Party and attract all American Patriots.

7th November 2020, 02:21 PM
If Biden is seated, and the Republican Party does not fight it, The Trump's and others need to start the MAGA Party and attract all American Patriots.

And they'll just steal it again. It's a dictatorship.

Probably going to give the Dems the Senate too, since they are the ones who are going to push the great reset through.

Dems have "Banking for all" bills ready to go in House and Senate, and I'm pretty sure there's something in there about having the Federal Reserve set up accounts for each American, so they can get the UBI going, people will be told they have to spend the money within a certain amount of time or it will go, so people will quickly spend, hello hyperinflation, good-bye dollar, get your mandatory DNA altering Covid vaccine w/RFID microchip for your financial and vaccine records.

7th November 2020, 02:57 PM
If Biden is seated, and the Republican Party does not fight it, The Trump's and others need to start the MAGA Party and attract all American Patriots.

I believe million man militias will be formed, maybe 50 million across the country. We will have to start our own party, Republicans will be of no help.
I think it should be done in honor of Trump since he started this movement. Call it The Real United Minuteman Party
It should be done as a peaceful movement until we get the numbers. It's best we take the fight to them on our terms, then to have them bring the fight to us on their terms, and you can bet they will be coming for us. We will need military guys to help lead and plans where to meet for when they shut down the internet and cell service.
This is what I believe some here have been hoping for, now maybe you will get your chance.
Let's see how this plays out in the courts. Right now I think is would be prudent to keep prepping, food is going to become an issue.

7th November 2020, 04:14 PM
If Biden is seated, and the Republican Party does not fight it, The Trump's and others need to start the MAGA Party and attract all American Patriots.

They'll likely put him in jail, or threaten him with jail to stay silent. His children are targets too.

Trump is a total cuckold so he won't do shit. His smartest play will be to flee to Israel.

This is a coup d'etat without firing a single shot since everyone knows the Right are useless blowhards.

If you want to fight this system buy and use Bitcoin and other blockchain technology. The only opposition to this system are Crypto Anarchists like me trying to remove the power of the money printer from these Satanists. It's the ONLY way to defeat the NWO without violence, and we all know the Right will never engage in violence, so it's the only solution. If the Satanists can't print money anymore to oppress us they lose all their power. This is the only realistic option to win. The only way.

7th November 2020, 04:25 PM
I believe million man militias will be formed, maybe 50 million across the country.

White people won't do anything. The most extreme is you may see a few more Brenton Tarrant's (New Zealand Mosque shooter), and that's it. Then you guys will say it's crisis actors and act like it was all fake anyways. They'll use this to speed up taking away our guns, which most of you will give up without a fight.

Why do you think White males are turning into trannies en masse? White Males are the most hated and discriminated group in human history and this will only intensify. The Left always projects and gaslights people of the very sins they are doing. The smart White Males will turn transgender to survive and not be 3rd Class citizens. I recommend you look into the process of getting your gender changed on your drivers licenses so you can be treated like a human in the NWO. You can do it without changing your appearance, it's just a legal formality. This will be the only way you'll have a chance at getting a decent paying job. I'm not joking. Adapt or die.

7th November 2020, 04:36 PM
White people won't do anything. The most extreme is you may see a few more Brenton Tarrant's (New Zealand Mosque shooter), and that's it. Then you guys will say it's crisis actors and act like it was all fake anyways. They'll use this to speed up taking away our guns, which most of you will give up without a fight.

You obviously don't have one ounce of real fight in you. You are wrong about white American civilians and military.
Find a nice hole to hide in with your government controlled bitcoin. The shit will hit the fan this time if the Dems take control. Nothing will be safe, not you, or your bitcoin.

7th November 2020, 04:46 PM
You obviously don't have one ounce of real fight in you. You are wrong about white American civilians and military.
Find a nice hole to hide in with your government controlled bitcoin. The shit will hit the fan this time if the Dems take control. Nothing will be safe, not you, or your bitcoin.

I do. I'm just a realist. I won't fight for anything I know I'll have no backing for. Marching around with "Q" signs with your AR-15 on a sidewalk, without using it won't change anything.

Bitcoin is the only way. If the government could stop it they would have. They can't.

7th November 2020, 04:53 PM
And they'll just steal it again. It's a dictatorship.

Probably going to give the Dems the Senate too, since they are the ones who are going to push the great reset through.

Dems have "Banking for all" bills ready to go in House and Senate, and I'm pretty sure there's something in there about having the Federal Reserve set up accounts for each American, so they can get the UBI going, people will be told they have to spend the money within a certain amount of time or it will go, so people will quickly spend, hello hyperinflation, good-bye dollar, get your mandatory DNA altering Covid vaccine w/RFID microchip for your financial and vaccine records.

This is all true. People need to view the US government like the Chinese government. It's just a one party state now. Trump was an anomaly but he didn't reform the election system, and paid the price for it.

They'll get people destitute and dependent on UBI. If you go against the system they limit or even end your UBI. They will block you from their monetary system.

This is why a decentralized monetary system is so important, and funny thing we have one now, we just need people to adopt it.

7th November 2020, 05:08 PM
I do. I'm just a realist. I won't fight for anything I know I'll have no backing for. Marching around with "Q" signs with your AR-15 on a sidewalk, without using it won't change anything.

Bitcoin is the only way. If the government could stop it they would have. They can't.

You don't think the globalist are going to let you subvert their system, do you? You are dreaming if you think they can't stop bitcoin. The global currency of the not so distant future will be digital and will comply. Bitcoin is the step to go digital. You are helping the globalist. Not to say you can't make a fortune in the meantime on it.

7th November 2020, 05:10 PM
Adapt or die.

Adapt or die? Seriously? Shami...you sound like your balls shriveled up or something. I would never "adapt" to something I am not, nor expect anyone else to. Die, we all die, and God will judge us.

Everything, all sins and good deeds, are made equal under God.

I say have Faith. Do not Adapt to evil, and do not fear death. God has our backs in these times ahead.

7th November 2020, 05:11 PM
They'll get people destitute and dependent on UBI. If you go against the system they limit or even end your UBI. They will block you from their monetary system.

This is why a decentralized monetary system is so important, and funny thing we have one now, we just need people to adopt it.

These two statements are contradictory

7th November 2020, 05:15 PM
Adapt or die? Seriously? Shami...you sound like your balls shriveled up or something. I would never "adapt" to something I am not, nor expect anyone else to. Die, we all die, and God will judge us.

Everything, all sins and good deeds, are made equal under God.

I say have Faith. Do not Adapt to evil, and do not fear death. God has our backs in these times ahead.

Pete did you see California voters voted against Prop 16? Maybe your vote counted for something?

7th November 2020, 05:27 PM
Pete did you see California voters voted against Prop 16? Maybe your vote counted for something?

Thanks EE, I did see that. :) I guess my vote against that, counted for something, or helped. I did vote for Trump though as well. I was tempted to write in a vote for Ron Paul, but I didn't.

EE, we are back to prepping for complete disaster, apocalyptic. Just like that, like a light switch. I'm working on solar to be off-grid.

7th November 2020, 05:34 PM
I think it's safe to say 'Independence Day' will be taken off the Federal Holiday schedule under a Harris/Biden communist oligarchy.

"I Am Done, I'll Not Vote Again" - One Middle-American Mom Rages At 'Real-Life Idiocracy'
by Tyler Durden
Sat, 11/07/2020 - 18:15

Authored by 'OHMama' via The Burning Platform blog,

I was born at the end of Gen X and the beginning of the Millennial Generation, and grew up in a middle class town. Life was good. Our home was modest but birthdays and Christmas were always generous, we went on yearly vacations, had 2 cars, and there was enough money for me to take dance classes and art lessons and be in Girl Scouts.

My 1940s born Dad raised me to be patriotic and proud, to love the war bird airplanes of his era as much as he does, and to respect our flag and our country as a sacred thing. I grew up thinking that being an American was the greatest gift a person could have. I grew up thinking that our country was as strong, and honest and true as my Dad. I grew up thinking I was free.

As an adult, I have witnessed the world I grew up in fall to ruin. I have watched as our currency and our economy have been shamelessly corrupted beyond redemption. Since we’ve been married, my husband and I TWICE had our meager investment savings gutted by the market that we were told to invest in, now that pensions no longer exist and we working stiffs are on our own. We will be working until we die, because the Social Security we’ve been forced to pay into has also been robbed from under us.

I have watched as our elected officials enter Congress as ordinary folks and leaves as multi millionaires. I have watched my blue collar husband get up at an ungodly hour every day and come home with an aching back that we pray will hold out long enough to get him to old age in one piece. Outside of shoes, socks and underwear, almost everything my family wears was bought used. We’ve been on one vacation in 12 years.

We don’t have cell phones, or cable, or any sort of streaming services, just a landline and internet. We hardly ever eat out. Our house is 1400 square feet, no air conditioning. I cook from scratch and I can and I garden and I raise chickens for eggs and meat and I moonlight selling things on Etsy. Still it is barely enough to pay the bills that go up every year while service quality and the longevity of goods goes down. What I just described is the life you can live on 60K a year without going into debt.

At last calculation, when you consider all of the federal, state and local taxes plus registration and user fees, Medicare and SS payroll taxes, almost a third of what my family earns is stolen by the govt each year. What’s left doesn’t go far, just enough to cover the basics and save a little for when the wolf howls at the door.

I watched as my family’s health insurance was gutted and destroyed. Our private market insurance, which we had to have because my husband’s employer is too small to have a group plan, was made illegal. We were left with the option of either buying an Obamacare plan with unaffordable deductibles and insanely ridiculous out of pocket maxes, or paying the very gov’t that destroyed our healthcare a fine for not buying the gov’t mandated plan that we cannot afford. We now have short term insurance that isn’t really insurance at all, and I live in fear of one of us getting injured or sick with anything I can’t fix from the medicine cabinet.

I have watched as education, which was already sketchy when I was a kid, became an all out joke of wholly unmathematical math, gold stars for all, and self-loathing anti-Americanism. My family has taken an enormous financial hit as I stay home to home school our child. At least she’ll be able to do old-fashioned math well enough to see how much they are screwing her. A silver lining to every cloud, I guess.

I’ve sat by and held my tongue as I was called deplorable and a bitter clinger and told that I didn’t build that. I’ve been called a racist and a xenophobe and a chump and even an “ugly folk.” I’ve been told that I have privilege, and that I have inherent bias because of my skin color, and that my beloved husband and father are part of a horrible patriarchy. Not one ******* bit of that is true, but if I dare say anything about it, it will be used as evidence of my racism and white fragility.

Raised to be a Republican, I held my nose and voted for Bush, the Texas-talking blue blood from Connecticut who lied us into 2 wars and gave us the unpatriotic Patriot Act. I voted for McCain, the sociopathic neocon songbird “hero” that torpedoed the attempt to kill the Obamacare that’s killing my family financially. I held it again and voted for Romney, the vulture capitalist skunk that masquerades as a Republican while slithering over to the Democrat camp as often as they’ll tolerate his oily, loathsome presence.

And I voted for Trump, who, if he did nothing else, at least gave a resounding Bronx cheer to the richly deserving smug hypocrites of DC. Thank you for that Mr. President, on behalf of all of us nobodies. God bless you for it.

And now I have watched as people who hate me and mine and call for our destruction blatantly and openly stole the election and then gaslighted us and told us that it was honest and fair. I am watching as the GOP does NOTHING about it. They’re probably relieved that upstart Trump is gone so they can get back to their real jobs of lining their pockets and running interference for their corporate masters. I am watching as the media, in a manner that would make Stalin blush, is silencing anyone who dares question the legitimacy of this farce they call democracy. I know, it’s a republic, but I am so tired of explaining that to people I might as well give in and join them in ignorance.

I will not vote again; they’ve made it abundantly clear that my voice doesn’t matter. Whatever irrational, suicidal lunacy the nanny states thinks is best is what I’ll get. What it decided I need is a geriatric pedophile who shouldn’t be charged with anything more rigorous than choosing between tapioca and rice pudding at the old folks home, and a casting couch skank who rails against racism while being a descendant of slave owners.

I’m free to dismember a baby in my womb and kill it because “my body my choice”, but God help me if I won’t cover my face with a germ laden Linus-worthy security blanket or refuse let them inject genetically altering chemicals into my body or my child’s. I can be doxed, fired, shunned and destroyed for daring to venture that there are only 2 genders as proven by DNA, but a disease with a 99+% survival rate for most humans is a deadly pandemic worth murdering an economy over. Because science. Idiocracy is real, and we are living it. Dr. Lexus would be an improvement over Fauci.

I am done. Don’t ask me to pledge to the flag, or salute the troops, or shoot fireworks on the 4th. It’s a sick, twisted, heartbreaking joke, this bloated, unrecognizable corpse of a republic that once was ours.

I am not alone. Not sure how things continue to function when millions of citizens no longer feel any loyalty to or from the society they live in.

I was raised to be a lady, and ladies don’t curse, but fuck these motherfuckers to hell and back for what they’ve done to me, and mine, and my country. All we Joe Blow Americans ever wanted was a little patch of land to raise a family, a job to pay the bills, and at least some illusion of freedom, and even that was too much for these human parasites. They want it all, mind, body and soul. Damn them. Damn them all.


7th November 2020, 06:32 PM
You beat me too it--excellent rant. Great to see people feeling the RAGE at what has happened!! I thought she nailed it with the ending!

I will not vote again; they’ve made it abundantly clear that my voice doesn’t matter. Whatever irrational, suicidal lunacy the nanny states thinks is best is what I’ll get. What it decided I need is a geriatric pedophile who shouldn’t be charged with anything more rigorous than choosing between tapioca and rice pudding at the old folks home, and a casting couch skank who rails against racism while being a descendant of slave owners.

I’m free to dismember a baby in my womb and kill it because “my body my choice”, but God help me if I won’t cover my face with a germ laden Linus-worthy security blanket or refuse let them inject genetically altering chemicals into my body or my child’s. I can be doxed, fired, shunned and destroyed for daring to venture that there are only 2 genders as proven by DNA, but a disease with a 99+% survival rate for most humans is a deadly pandemic worth murdering an economy over. Because science. Idiocracy is real, and we are living it. Dr. Lexus would be an improvement over Fauci.

I am done. Don’t ask me to pledge to the flag, or salute the troops, or shoot fireworks on the 4th. It’s a sick, twisted, heartbreaking joke, this bloated, unrecognizable corpse of a republic that once was ours.

I am not alone. Not sure how things continue to function when millions of citizens no longer feel any loyalty to or from the society they live in.

I was raised to be a lady, and ladies don’t curse, but fuck these motherfuckers to hell and back for what they’ve done to me, and mine, and my country. All we Joe Blow Americans ever wanted was a little patch of land to raise a family, a job to pay the bills, and at least some illusion of freedom, and even that was too much for these human parasites. They want it all, mind, body and soul. Damn them. Damn them all.


The Larouchies are out there supporting Trump, warning that the Green New Deal and ending fossil fuels is a policy of GENOCIDE!!


NEWSMAX is still with TRUMP-refuses to recognize Senile Joe and Ho Harris

Same with President of Mexico--says it's TOO EARLY to recognize Biden https://twitter.com/Breaking911/status/1325231168657256451


IN-YOUR-FACE FRAUD!! A HUGE F*** YOU to the American people.

I switched to Newsmax and Greg Kelly said Fox would not let Judge Jeanine have information on her show about the voter fraud so she quit. Maybe others will quit as well. Fox has definitely gone left.

7th November 2020, 06:37 PM
Watch this - video of a woman poll worker filling out blank ballot after ballot after ballot; while other workers are destroying ballots! Thousands of dead people voted in the 2020 election!!!


7th November 2020, 06:44 PM
Watch this - video of a woman poll worker filling out blank ballot after ballot after ballot; while other workers are destroying ballots! Thousands of dead people voted in the 2020 election!!!


Yes, it's SICK!!! I posted tons of that kind of info on the FUBAR thread

7th November 2020, 08:30 PM

8th November 2020, 03:56 PM
Asian poll worker counted 61 boxes of ballots being hauled into Detroit, which was videoed by that Texan lawyer that is in the group 'Lawyers for trump'.

That's a lot of fictional evidence right?


8th November 2020, 04:17 PM
Electronic voter fraud captured in real time. BUSTED!!
https://brandnewtube.com/watch/vote-...uH5iueluz.html (https://brandnewtube.com/watch/vote-switching-in-real-time-fraud-in-action_N4v7YyuH5iueluz.html)

10th November 2020, 05:36 PM
Electronic voter fraud captured in real time. BUSTED!!
https://brandinewtube.com/watch/vote-...uH5iueluz.html (https://brandnewtube.com/watch/vote-switching-in-real-time-fraud-in-action_N4v7YyuH5iueluz.html)

Great catch Mamboni, these voting machines look fine from the outside but are crooked on the inside.

We have it all, everything has been observed, it is BIG SWAMP DRAINING going to come into effect.

Need patience for a week or two. The media has no way out of this as well as all the rest that stuck their heads up.

10th November 2020, 06:33 PM
BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Analysis of Election Night Data from All States Shows MILLIONS OF VOTES Either Switched from President Trump to Biden or Were Lost — Using Dominion and Other Systems



10th November 2020, 06:39 PM

10th November 2020, 08:03 PM
haven't listened but this 'trap' biz looks to have been topic of today's TruNews - vid & description:

11th November 2020, 05:40 PM
Current Election Update: Trump Ahead with Most States, Most EC Votes and Most Legitimate Votes In History – Biden Committing Greatest Fraud Ever

11th November 2020, 10:36 PM
Guess Who Counted The Votes?


Maybe long but plenty of good information.

12th November 2020, 06:24 AM
Guess Who Counted The Votes?


Maybe long but plenty of good information.

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