View Full Version : Likely Final Outcome

8th November 2020, 07:51 AM
Below are some of the likely final outcomes of this mess.
Which one do you think will happen?
Add another scenario if you think I missed one.

A. Trump never does concedes even though the Electoral College gives it to Creepy Joe.

B. Trump exhausts all legal and political options to no avail even though he has a lot of evidence. He eventually, but reluctantly concedes.

C. Trump quietly negotiates his concession that lands him billions in an account and more importantly, the guarantee of his family's safety. The Deep State moves forward with their agenda. Say hello to President Harris within 18 months.

D. Trump brings forward unmistakable massive evidence of voter fraud in multiple states that even the MSM and Leftist politicians can't ignore. Biden is forced to concede to save the hide of many in his party.

E. Trump brings forward evidence of voter fraud in multiple states before the meeting of the Electoral College in December which puts everything on hold while the mess is sorted out. Trump emerges victorious. Rioting goes into overdrive while many claim that Trump is a dictator. Many will also state that this was the plan the entire time and that Trump loves jew jizz and is part of the Deep State.

F. Trump or Biden expire before the Electoral College meeting just to throw even more chaos into this situation.

8th November 2020, 08:01 AM
Currently a ruling exists that mail in votes of Pennsylvania after election day should be disregarded by separating them.

I would say B is most likely if that's ignored by Pennsylvania.

D if its folllowed, the rest of the states would be bound also.

8th November 2020, 10:22 AM
I am thinking scenario E. Time will tell

8th November 2020, 11:20 AM
Trump has 5 weeks to put forth the evidence. Unfortunately I think you will see his inner circle of support staff slowly dissipate as the days get closer to December 14th. I'm assuming the Republican legislatures in the states in question have to show a backbone as well to turn this around. That's highly doubtful.

My view is if Trump is part of the Deep State they would have never concocted this BS. The Deep State simply would have let him win a second term.

I go back to what EE stated some time ago: The Deep State is "all in" and are making their move hence the over the top multi state fraud this time. They failed in 2016, but left nothing for chance this go around.

Trump will be defiant to the end, therefore I choose scenario A as the most likely final outcome.

8th November 2020, 11:44 AM
U.S. is being turned into "just another second world nation" complete with a powerless populace & insignificant elections.

I doubt Trump knew his part, but if future plays out as you suspect,,, then Trump was a critical cog in that plan.

midnight rambler
8th November 2020, 11:51 AM
U.S. is being turned into "just another second world nation" complete with a powerless populace & insignificant elections.

Don't you mean just another third world nation??

8th November 2020, 01:00 PM
Don't you mean just another third world nation??

When you become a banana republic, does it really matter?

8th November 2020, 01:09 PM
When you become a banana republic, does it really matter?
Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse, you realize We Don't Even Grow Bananas. What can be more pitiful than a banana republic with no bananas? I know; beets, we grow lots of beets; a beet republic.

8th November 2020, 02:36 PM
Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse, you realize We Don't Even Grow Bananas. What can be more pitiful than a banana republic with no bananas? I know; beets, we grow lots of beets; a beet republic.

We do claim Hawaii.

8th November 2020, 02:53 PM
We do claim Hawaii.
pineapple republic.

8th November 2020, 04:08 PM
The attorney Sydney Powell on General Flynn’s legal defense team has filed a motion to stay the certification of the vote counts until a government investigation is completed. This blog post explains what may be transpiring
https://larkwick.wordpress.com/2020/11/08/it-just-gets-deeper/ (https://larkwick.wordpress.com/2020/11/08/it-just-gets-deeper/amp/?__twitter_impression=true)
It just gets deeper

larkwick (https://larkwick.wordpress.com/)2 hours ago

It just gets deeper and its TREASON

Bruce 11/8/2020

The voting reversals that I identified in the swing states, and there are other states involved, were based on statistical basics. In simple terms: a population of voters typically vote the same over time. You know this to be intuitively true, people don’t change voting habits overnight, but the farce that happened five days ago showed millions of people changing their voting pattern literally over Tuesday night. This is something that does not happen anywhere! The voting trends in critical areas as dissimilar as Arizona and Georgia radically changed, with vote tally’s that represented hundreds of thousands of votes, perhaps millions of votes, and overnight, those votes went from Trump to Biden.

My supposition was that the voting machines themselves contained an algorithm that shifted votes, but only after a set percentage had been collected, thus causing a “last minute reversal” in voting trends established in the 2016 election, as well as trends that were obvious on Tuesday’s vote count. By Wednesday’s tally, the critical, close, states began the shift to the left. That system continued to be used in a lighter way right up to today when the critical states had all flipped to Biden.

I suspected that a “compilation type software program” had shifted what would have been valid votes, electronically from one candidate to another real time, sort of what we saw in Antrim, Michigan, what I am discovering today is how that happened at a national level and it is an eye opener. If it had been done as I originally suspected, the machines and complier software could be checked against hard copies and the errors found, WHICH CAN STILL BE DONE IN A PAPER RECOUNT! What I had no idea of, was the possibility of SIGINT being a player.

SIGINT means Signals Intelligence, in the DOD, it is a term that describes a way to monitor and alter communications electronically. Most SIGINT information is rated as Top Secret. Lt General Thomas McInerney (3 Star Ret) of the US Air Force released an interview just BEFORE the election and indicated this sophisticated system which the CIA and other government agencies HAVE USED to influence other country’s elections was being used illegally to alter this election! This is the smoking gun to account for the shift in votes away from the expected results, to the desired results! Sidney Powell, a DC attorney has uncovered the mechanics of this ruse and is filing briefs in Federal court to stay the certification of voting results until this idea can be checked by high level Government investigators. This is the most important filing of a motion ever done in this nation’s history. If SIGINT was used, it would alter election results as they are being sent electronically at the state or even Federal level and could do so at the speed of light, insuring no one would, or could, observe any change in the numbers. This is NOT science fiction; I personally had some SIGINT clearances when I worked for DOD and I have more than a clue how this could work.

This issue implies serious deep-state, treasonous involvement, or even foreign government involvement using their own proprietary software and hardware. As I said before, counterfeit currency is nothing compared to counterfeit votes! Staying the NATIONAL certification of votes is imperative BEFORE an electoral college decision!

We need to do more than just pray and hope, we need to demand action at the highest Federal level. National Security concerns be damned, if this was used to alter an American Election its treason for anyone caught and this time… no Corney FBI “get out of jail free card”!


8th November 2020, 04:30 PM
Trump will NEVER concede.

Trump can destroy the MSM and DNC and the swamp in one fell swoop: publish all of the proof of voter fraud on Youtube, Bitshute and Banned. Have reputable and articulate voices like Guiliani, Powell and Gingrich present the case of massive fraud using the actual documents, video and witness' testimony. If Biden is given the presidency it would be a pyrrhic victory as the credibility of the MSM, DNC and elite will be utterly destroyed. And I expect the cowardly repubs who rolled over and didn't support Trump will be destroyed, deservedly.

8th November 2020, 04:52 PM
Trump will NEVER concede.

Trump can destroy the MSM and DNC and the swamp in one fell swoop: publish all of the proof of voter fraud on Youtube, Bitshute and Banned. Have reputable and articulate voices like Guiliani, Powell and Gingrich present the case of massive fraud using the actual documents, video and witness' testimony. If Biden is given the presidency it would be a pyrrhic victory as the credibility of the MSM, DNC and elite will be utterly destroyed. And I expect the cowardly repubs who rolled over and didn't support Trump will be destroyed, deservedly.

Trump should also take 100 US Marshals to the FBI, seize all documents related to the coup and declassify all of them for the public to see.

8th November 2020, 05:07 PM
The outcome of elections are determined by the company that manufactures electronic voting machines. All this ballot adversity you're reading about is a distraction from that fact and like the Antifa/BLM manufactured crisis, is designed to get us involved in a left vs. right violent conflict. It really doesn't matter much if Trumpstein or Bidenstein is sitting in the White House, the Jews are still in control.

What if they gave a war and nobody came?

8th November 2020, 05:17 PM
E. Trump brings forward evidence of voter fraud in multiple states before the meeting of the Electoral College in December which puts everything on hold while the mess is sorted out. Trump emerges victorious. Rioting goes into overdrive while many claim that Trump is a dictator. Many will also state that this was the plan the entire time and that Trump loves jew jizz and is part of the Deep State.

^ I think this is the most likely thing that will happen. Ice age farmer believes the new world order is the real winner in this election with their divide and conquer strategy. No matter who is declared the winner the new world order plans will move forward.


8th November 2020, 06:01 PM
Trump will NEVER concede.

Trump can destroy the MSM and DNC and the swamp in one fell swoop: publish all of the proof of voter fraud on Youtube, Bitshute and Banned. Have reputable and articulate voices like Guiliani, Powell and Gingrich present the case of massive fraud using the actual documents, video and witness' testimony. If Biden is given the presidency it would be a pyrrhic victory as the credibility of the MSM, DNC and elite will be utterly destroyed. And I expect the cowardly repubs who rolled over and didn't support Trump will be destroyed, deservedly.

You are are vastly overestimating the masses of lemmings. The bluestein side won't care. Their guy won. The redstein side will moan and wail, but will roll over because football is on.

I would bail on Guilianni. He isn't the best representative.

This will go to the Supremes and Trumpstein's latest pick will stab the republic in the back.

Then we all get face braziers and lockdowns forever.

8th November 2020, 06:45 PM
The guy who runs this site (set up to expose the Covid Hoax) has put together a huge post on the ELECTION FRAUD: https://www.stopworldcontrol.com/election/
Here's part of his email message:
There is MASSIVE VOTER FRAUD being revealed, with dozens of live videos and documented information. I made a unique and historic overview of all this voter fraud. This proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Democrats (handled by the Deep State, Rothschilds, Soros, etc) have stolen the election. This is massive news and I am asking you with all my heart - for the sake of humanity - please share this post in every possible way. I deeply believe - based on years of observing - that President Trump was chosen by the Patriots to oppose the new world order and fight for freedom. Not only for America, but for the entire world! He is the single most important obstacle for a one world government, that is being implemented now....

Please share this link!! (and check out all of his information on the Covid FRAUD)

8th November 2020, 07:04 PM
The guy who runs this site (set up to expose the Covid Hoax) has put together a huge post on the ELECTION FRAUD: https://www.stopworldcontrol.com/election/
Here's part of his email message:
There is MASSIVE VOTER FRAUD being revealed, with dozens of live videos and documented information. I made a unique and historic overview of all this voter fraud. This proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Democrats (handled by the Deep State, Rothschilds, Soros, etc) have stolen the election. This is massive news and I am asking you with all my heart - for the sake of humanity - please share this post in every possible way.

I deeply believe - based on years of observing - that President Trump was chosen by the Patriots to oppose the new world order and fight for freedom. Not only for America, but for the entire world! He is the single most important obstacle for a one world government, that is being implemented now....

Please share this link!! (and check out all of his information on the Covid FRAUD)

Some of the people here will have a problem with this. They may even be happy the election turned out this way, so they can feel vindicated for not voting.

8th November 2020, 08:10 PM
Some of the people here will have a problem with this. They may even be happy the election turned out this way, so they can feel vindicated for not voting.

8th November 2020, 08:40 PM
The metals are very strong of late. Consider that over 90% of US dollars are held abroad by foreigners. They hold US dollars because they have confidence in the United States and the rule of law prevailing in America. They know that the dollar is not backed by gold. They know that the US dollar is fiat and can be conjured into existence at will by the US Government via the US Treasury/Federal Reserve. Yet they hold dollars knowing that $trillions of dollars and dollar-denominated assets (US Treasuries) are held by central banks and private institutions world wide. My question is this: how will their confidence be affected if they see a Biden installed in the presidency via a obviously corrupted and stolen election? If Biden becomes president the United States will be no better than a third world banana republic, massively indebted and having the will of the people thwarted by an elite few who can install anyone they choose into office. Do you think they will have the same confidence in the dollars they hold with a president Biden?

I think a Biden presidency could precipitate a rapid collapse of the US dollar.

9th November 2020, 05:43 AM
Consider that over 90% of US dollars are held abroad by foreigners. They hold US dollars because they have confidence in the United States and the rule of law prevailing in America. They know that the dollar is not backed by gold. They know that the US dollar is fiat and can be conjured into existence at will by the US Government via the US Treasury/Federal Reserve. Yet they hold dollars knowing that $trillions of dollars and dollar-denominated assets (US Treasuries) are held by central banks and private institutions world wide.There is no way for us to verify information like this. These figures no doubt came from the financial media and you know who that is.
But just the same, metals are bullish.

9th November 2020, 07:15 AM
Max has a video up on bit chute about the election and voter fraud. He makes the point that one of our most powerful enemies is the main stream media. At about the 38:00 mark when Max is signing off there is a lecture and warning for Americans of what happened to Serbia when their 2000 election was stolen.

He is hard to understand but he makes the point that the American people are at their strongest and the Globalists at their weakest at this point. Other countries have lost their freedom and many people in those countries have hoped that Americans would fight against these Globalists, defeat them and then help others in other countries regain their freedom. He believes if Americans don't fight back now and we lose our freedom we will probably never regain it and neither will any other country that has already lost theirs.


9th November 2020, 07:36 AM
It's one thing to point to all the various kinds of frauds etc... It's something totally different to police said frauds...

...particularly when the supposed police are part of the frauds.

9th November 2020, 02:40 PM
The outcome of elections are determined by the company that manufactures electronic voting machines. All this ballot adversity you're reading about is a distraction from that fact and like the Antifa/BLM manufactured crisis, is designed to get us involved in a left vs. right violent conflict. It really doesn't matter much if Trumpstein or Bidenstein is sitting in the White House, the Jews are still in control.

What if they gave a war and nobody came?

One thing anti scamdemic activist Dr Carrie Madej (https://twitter.com/DrMadej) has repeated in her interviews, is reminding USA is being governed by FEMA, thus the election "outcome" doesn't much matter, at least no comparison to the left vs right divide/conquer hype!

9th November 2020, 02:41 PM
Its kinda of confusing legally, to me anyways.

The states apparently can set their own voting laws, I have no idea how they're even held to some federal standards.

Apparently PA had the ok from Supreme to do whatever they wanted to do by counting late.

How that ever got ok'd I have no idea?

"We'll let you know soon."

9th November 2020, 11:33 PM
Max has a video up on bit chute about the election and voter fraud. He makes the point that one of our most powerful enemies is the main stream media. At about the 38:00 mark when Max is signing off there is a lecture and warning for Americans of what happened to Serbia when their 2000 election was stolen.

He is hard to understand but he makes the point that the American people are at their strongest and the Globalists at their weakest at this point. Other countries have lost their freedom and many people in those countries have hoped that Americans would fight against these Globalists, defeat them and then help others in other countries regain their freedom. He believes if Americans don't fight back now and we lose our freedom we will probably never regain it and neither will any other country that has already lost theirs.


He's a smart and honest man and certainly correct in his observations. However, there is a contradiction in the whole narrative: if the MSM is so omnipotent as Max asserts, why did Trump win by a landslide? After all, the MSM has been consistently savaging Trump from day 1 and poisoning the well of public opinion. The people who believe the false MSM narrative are the minority. Trump has won the votes of the majority - election night proved that. Now the Democrat election fraud and attempted coup while the country is divided, the majority have rejected the MSM. As evidence, I point to the collapse in the ratings of the MSM - the heady days of Walter Cronkite are long gone. Most people are on the internet selecting their sources of information. While I have no doubt that Max's assessment of the corrupt elite and their minions in MSM's plan for we the people, whether they succeed with carrying out their evil plan is open to question. If enough of the population resist and fight back, the elite front guard of corrupt judges, politicians and businesses just might break ranks and flip over to the Trump side if only to save their own hides. I reiterate: the election is proof that the MSM has not mesmerized the majority of the people. Those of us who support Trump and oppose the elite satanist cabal need to vigorously network and make this awareness obvious to the entire world. Then the millions who presently are hiding in the homes, either out of fear, ignorance or denial, might join the battle and a critical mass of opposition could be reached that the elite cannot stop. We must encourage each other, domestically and internationally with the message of resistance to the creeping tyranny, We must starve the corporate monster that feeds the elite aggressively, in our purchases and life choices. We must support, morally and financially any and all prominent figures leading the resistance. I tell you this from the bottom of my heart: I believe that God the father and our lord and savior Jesus Christ are alive and with us. If we move, He will move with us and for us. If God is with us, we cannot be defeated.

10th November 2020, 04:30 AM
He's a smart and honest man and certainly correct in his observations. However, there is a contradiction in the whole narrative: if the MSM is so omnipotent as Max asserts, why did Trump win by a landslide? After all, the MSM has been consistently savaging Trump from day 1 and poisoning the well of public opinion. The people who believe the false MSM narrative are the minority. Trump has won the votes of the majority - election night proved that. Now the Democrat election fraud and attempted coup while the country is divided, the majority have rejected the MSM. As evidence, I point to the collapse in the ratings of the MSM - the heady days of Walter Cronkite are long gone. Most people are on the internet selecting their sources of information. While I have no doubt that Max's assessment of the corrupt elite and their minions in MSM's plan for we the people, whether they succeed with carrying out their evil plan is open to question. If enough of the population resist and fight back, the elite front guard of corrupt judges, politicians and businesses just might break ranks and flip over to the Trump side if only to save their own hides. I reiterate: the election is proof that the MSM has not mesmerized the majority of the people. Those of us who support Trump and oppose the elite satanist cabal need to vigorously network and make this awareness obvious to the entire world. Then the millions who presently are hiding in the homes, either out of fear, ignorance or denial, might join the battle and a critical mass of opposition could be reached that the elite cannot stop. We must encourage each other, domestically and internationally with the message of resistance to the creeping tyranny, We must starve the corporate monster that feeds the elite aggressively, in our purchases and life choices. We must support, morally and financially any and all prominent figures leading the resistance. I tell you this from the bottom of my heart: I believe that God the father and our lord and savior Jesus Christ are alive and with us. If we move, He will move with us and for us. If God is with us, we cannot be defeated.

I agree with most of what you've said and Max is a smart guy. I"ve also noticed that he denies that jews are at the root of the problem and you have to know who your enemy is to defeat them. In the comments to some of his videos and in his videos he defends jews so like most people he's still not awake to the root of the problem or the solution.

I talk to people everywhere I go about the foolishness of wearing masks and also about the bullshit we're being fed about "the covid". A lot of the people I talk to are getting really tired of the covid bullshit just like I am but they don't know where to find the truth. I tell them to look on the internet for Dr. Carrie and Andrew Kaufman. I also talk to them about the Bolshevik revolution and what was done there and that this country is headed in that same direction. At the moment that's what I'm doing to resist what's going on. When I go in to stores I don't wear a mask even if they say it's required. I haven't been thrown out of any place yet but it's a strange feeling being the only one in a large store not wearing a mask. I got the same sort of feeling some years ago when I was in Memphis and Atlanta and every direction I looked I was the only one that wasn't a nigger. Same thing along the Mexican border when I was the only one that wasn't a Mexican.

White christians have gotten behind Trump and supported him because they see him as a symbol of their resistance. There's no one standing up for them. Trump stands with the jews even though they are attacking him. He sure doesn't look like he's standing with white christians to me. His grandkids are jews and he's surrounded himself with them. Maybe if the jews continue to attack him he might wake up and turn on them but I doubt it. He could end these lockdowns and restrictions any time but I don't believe he will. He still appears to be going along with the development of the DNA altering mark of the beast poisons they want to inject us with and also with the lockdowns.

I tell you this from the bottom of my heart: I believe that God the father and our lord and savior Jesus Christ are alive and with us. If we move, He will move with us and for us. If God is with us, we cannot be defeated.

I'm in agreement with you on God being with us and that he can and will heal our nation but we have to obey his laws or he will let us suffer the consequences if we don't. We haven't learned the lesson of Babylon and continue to defy God by thinking "we are all the same". This is pointed out in a video I've posted in the past and I'll post a link to it below again. No one wants to hear the message it conveys or keep the law of God. So the consequences of not keeping the law of God are to be a scourge to us.

The Lesson of Babylon


Don Fox interviewed William Finck where they discussed the book of Revelation. It's a four part podcast and I'll post a link to it. They get to the point of why we're in so much trouble now in part four and you can download it. We haven't learned the lesson of Babylon and we are called to come out of Babylon and if we do our nations will be healed. If we don't we'll continue to be punished with the scourge of jews, spics and niggers that hate us.

Beginnings and Ends part 4


I'm going to edit this and add another link that
points out very well what will happen to us here on
earth if we don't follow the laws of God.

Our Nest The British Isles


10th November 2020, 07:43 AM
I talk to people everywhere I go about the foolishness of wearing masks and also about the bullshit we're being fed about "the covid". A lot of the people I talk to are getting really tired of the covid bullshit just like I am but they don't know where to find the truth. I tell them to look on the internet for Dr. Carrie and Andrew Kaufman. I also talk to them about the Bolshevik revolution and what was done there and that this country is headed in that same direction. At the moment that's what I'm doing to resist what's going on. When I go in to stores I don't wear a mask even if they say it's required. I haven't been thrown out of any place yet but it's a strange feeling being the only one in a large store not wearing a mask. I got the same sort of feeling some years ago when I was in Memphis and Atlanta and every direction I looked I was the only one that wasn't a nigger. Same thing along the Mexican border when I was the only one that wasn't a Mexican.

I I took my wife to Yosemite Park on Nov. 1. There were a lot of people not wearing masks all around the park but in Yosemite Village almost everyone had a mask. We went to the Village Store to buy something to eat and had to enter through a barricaded affair like a loading chute standing 6 feet apart. Nearly everyone had a mask. The closer we got to the door everyone but me and my wife had a mask. There was a park employee sitting between the entrance and exit doors like a traffic cop allowing one person to enter when one exited. My wife and I entered without masks and were the only people in the place without a mask. The store didn’t have a snack bar or sandwiches so I tapped a park employee stocking the shelves on the shoulder and asked him if there was a restaurant open. He looked at me like the bull with the bastard calf but did tell me if I went out the back door and to the right there was a delicatessen about 15 minutes walking. It was obvious as hell he was uncomfortable having to talk to me. I am sure he thought he was going to catch the virus.

We left the store through the back door and walked out to the street expecting a 15 minute walk but found the delicatessen about 150 yards away. We entered unmasked. As we were standing inline my wife said to me “we’re the only ones without mask, you’ve got a lot of guts”. I said “no, I’ve got rights”. The only time I have been told I must wear a mask was last summer. I bought a quarter of beef in Fallon. When they called and said it was ready we drove to Fallon to the butcher shop to get the beef. We both went in without mask. The girl behind the meat counter said I have to wear a mask. I said no I don’t have to wear a mask. I am here to get my beef. She asked my name, I told her then she said put on a mask. I said no. She said you’ll have to go outside. I said you’ll have to come outside to get paid. She followed me to the door and said take your car around back and they will load your meat. The owner came out with my order. I asked him why don’t you people stand up for your rights? He told me he was threatened with $70,000 fine and that he didn’t have enough money to pay lawyers to defend him. I asked him who threatened to fine him. He said it was OSHA.

I just mailed a certified letter to the Chief Medical Officer of Nevada demanding proof the governor and health department complied with the statutes to quarantine, declare an emergency etc.. I also asked what method(s) they used to determine the source and method of transmission of the pathogen and do they have evidence of an isolate of the SARS CoV 2 virus.
He will get the letter on Thursday Nov.12 then has seven days to respond. If he doesn’t or can’t provide the proof required by Nevada law with the assistance of a legal advisor I will file a petition for a writ of mandamus in the district court.

10th November 2020, 08:54 AM
I I took my wife to Yosemite Park on Nov. 1. There were a lot of people not wearing masks all around the park but in Yosemite Village almost everyone had a mask. We went to the Village Store to buy something to eat and had to enter through a barricaded affair like a loading chute standing 6 feet apart. Nearly everyone had a mask. The closer we got to the door everyone but me and my wife had a mask. There was a park employee sitting between the entrance and exit doors like a traffic cop allowing one person to enter when one exited. My wife and I entered without masks and were the only people in the place without a mask. The store didn’t have a snack bar or sandwiches so I tapped a park employee stocking the shelves on the shoulder and asked him if there was a restaurant open. He looked at me like the bull with the bastard calf but did tell me if I went out the back door and to the right there was a delicatessen about 15 minutes walking. It was obvious as hell he was uncomfortable having to talk to me. I am sure he thought he was going to catch the virus.

We left the store through the back door and walked out to the street expecting a 15 minute walk but found the delicatessen about 150 yards away. We entered unmasked. As we were standing inline my wife said to me “we’re the only ones without mask, you’ve got a lot of guts”. I said “no, I’ve got rights”. The only time I have been told I must wear a mask was last summer. I bought a quarter of beef in Fallon. When they called and said it was ready we drove to Fallon to the butcher shop to get the beef. We both went in without mask. The girl behind the meat counter said I have to wear a mask. I said no I don’t have to wear a mask. I am here to get my beef. She asked my name, I told her then she said put on a mask. I said no. She said you’ll have to go outside. I said you’ll have to come outside to get paid. She followed me to the door and said take your car around back and they will load your meat. The owner came out with my order. I asked him why don’t you people stand up for your rights? He told me he was threatened with $70,000 fine and that he didn’t have enough money to pay lawyers to defend him. I asked him who threatened to fine him. He said it was OSHA.

I just mailed a certified letter to the Chief Medical Officer of Nevada demanding proof the governor and health department complied with the statutes to quarantine, declare an emergency etc.. I also asked what method(s) they used to determine the source and method of transmission of the pathogen and do they have evidence of an isolate of the SARS CoV 2 virus.
He will get the letter on Thursday Nov.12 then has seven days to respond. If he doesn’t or can’t provide the proof required by Nevada law with the assistance of a legal advisor I will file a petition for a writ of mandamus in the district court.
It takes guts to defy the herd. I find myself pissed-off and waiting for someone to confront me when I am out shopping. I even scowl as I pass through the market doors and pass the Greeters. I don't mean to be unfriendly but I am waiting for a confrontation that has only taken place once since this 'mask mandate madness' Mcubed, began in spring. I even saw in an email today, one of my sisters complaining about people who aren't wearing masks. If they think masks work, why would they worry that someone else wasn't wearing one. To each their own I would say. I do feel like telling everyone in the stores to take off the ridiculous masks but I just stay silent.

10th November 2020, 09:19 AM
The local newspaper two weeks ago said several school students had tested positive. I printed out several pages of information exposing the fraud and took it to the paper office to give to the editor only to find the windows and door papered over and a sign saying the office is temporarily closed

10th November 2020, 10:43 AM
Its kinda of confusing legally, to me anyways.

The states apparently can set their own voting laws, I have no idea how they're even held to some federal standards.

Apparently PA had the ok from Supreme to do whatever they wanted to do by counting late.

How that ever got ok'd I have no idea?

"We'll let you know soon."

Only the legislators have authority to change election law. This is what Trump is contesting in PA. The Supreme Court of PA will likely get over-ruled. The US Supreme Court chose not to block pre-election, but had misgivings and asked PA to isolate certain ballots from teh rest.

10th November 2020, 01:21 PM
Posted byu/G3roni (https://www.reddit.com/user/G3roni/)

27 days ago (https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/jaz5bi/leaked_email_from_liberal_party_of_canada_lays/)

[Leaked Email From Liberal Party of Canada Lays Out The Plan, Very Concerning.

w: LPC Strategic Committee LeakInboxLPC leaker <‪LPC_leaker@protonmail.com‬>1:47 PM (7 hours ago)toHello,
Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ On Saturday, October 10, 2020 1:38 PM, REMOVED <REMOVED> wrote:

Dear *******,

I want to provide you some very important information. I'm a committee member within the Liberal Party of Canada. I sit within several committee groups but the information I am providing is originating from the Strategic Planning committee (which is steered by the PMO).

I need to start off by saying that I'm not happy doing this but I have to. As a Canadian and more importantly as a parent who wants a better future not only for my children but for other children as well. The other reason I am doing this is because roughly 30% of the committee members are not pleased with the direction this will take Canada, but our opinions have been ignored and they plan on moving forward toward their goals. They have also made it very clear that nothing will stop the planned outcomes.

The road map and aim was set out by the PMO and is as follows:

Phase in secondary lock down restrictions on a rolling basis, starting with major metropolitan areas first and expanding outward. Expected by November 2020.
Rush the acquisition of (or construction of) isolation facilities across every province and territory. Expected by December 2020.
Daily new cases of COVID-19 will surge beyond capacity of testing, including increases in COVID related deaths following the same growth curves. Expected by end of November 2020.
Complete and total secondary lock down (much stricter than the first and second rolling phase restrictions). Expected by end of December 2020 - early January 2021
Reform and expansion of the unemployment program to be transitioned into the universal basic income program. Expected by Q1 2021.
Projected COVID-19 mutation and/or co-infection with secondary virus (referred to as COVID-21) leading to a third wave with much higher mortality rate and higher rate of infection. Expected by February 2021.
Daily new cases of COVID-21 hospitalizations and COVID-19 and COVID-21 related deaths will exceed medical care facilities capacity. Expected Q1 - Q2 2021.
Enhanced lock down restrictions (referred to as Third Lock Down) will be implemented. Full travel restrictions will be imposed (including inter-province and inter-city). Expected Q2 2021.
Transitioning of individuals into the universal basic income program. Expected mid Q2 2021.
Projected supply chain break downs, inventory shortages, large economic instability. Expected late Q2 2021.
Deployment of military personnel into major metropolitan areas as well as all major roadways to establish travel checkpoints. Restrict travel and movement. Provide logistical support to the area. Expected by Q3 2021.

Along with that provided road map the Strategic Planning committee was asked to design an effective way of transitioning Canadians to meet a unprecedented economic endeavor. One that would change the face of Canada and forever alter the lives of Canadians.

What we were told was that in order to offset what was essentially an economic collapse on a international scale, that the federal government was going to offer Canadians a total debt relief.

This is how it works: the federal government will offer to eliminate all personal debts (mortgages, loans, credit cards, etc) which all funding will be provided to Canada by the IMF under what will become known as the World Debt Reset program.
In exchange for acceptance of this total debt forgiveness the individual would forfeit ownership of any and all property and assets forever.

The individual would also have to agree to partake in the COVID-19 and COVID-21 vaccination schedule, which would provide the individual with unrestricted travel and unrestricted living even under a full lock down (through the use of photo identification referred to as Canada's HealthPass) .

Committee members asked who would become the owner of the forfeited property and assets in that scenario and what would happen to lenders or financial institutions, we were simply told "the World Debt Reset program will handle all of the details".

Several committee members also questioned what would happen to individuals if they refused to participate in the World Debt Reset program, or the HealthPass, or the vaccination schedule, and the answer we got was very troubling. Essentially we were told it was our duty to make sure we came up with a plan to ensure that would never happen. We were told it was in the individuals best interest to participate.

When several committee members pushed relentlessly to get an answer we were told that those who refused would first live under the lock down restrictions indefinitely.

And that over a short period of time as more Canadians transitioned into the debt forgiveness program, the ones who refused to participate would be deemed a public safety risk and would be relocated into isolation facilities. Once in those facilities they would be given two options, participate in the debt forgiveness program and be released, or stay indefinitely in the isolation facility under the classification of a serious public health risk and have all their assets seized.

So as you can imagine after hearing all of this it turned into quite the heated discussion and escalated beyond anything I've ever witnessed before.

In the end it was implied by the PMO that the whole agenda will move forward no matter who agrees with it or not.

That it wont just be Canada but in fact all nations will have similar roadmaps and agendas. That we need to take advantage of the situations before us to promote change on a grander scale for the betterment of everyone. The members who were opposed and ones who brought up key issues that would arise from such a thing were completely ignored. Our opinions and concerns were ignored. We were simply told to just do it.

All I know is that I don't like it and I think its going to place Canadians into a dark future.

10th November 2020, 01:36 PM
^ that "plan" allegedly leaked from an anonymous 'Librul Party' canadian lawmaker has been discussed at length - some 'truthers with a platform' seem to have adopted it as gospel despite its defacto unknown origin, coz it 'rings true'... & maybe it's good for clicks?

Dave Cullen / Computing Forever did a good 20 min analysis a few weeks ago,

(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lKCTkLJbtT4)Possible Leaked Roadmap for the Next Phase of the Agenda (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lKCTkLJbtT4)

3 weeks ago

10th November 2020, 01:51 PM
^ that "plan" allegedly leaked from an anonymous 'Librul Party' canadian lawmaker has been discussed at length - some 'truthers with a platform' seem to have adopted it as gospel despite its defacto unknown origin, coz it 'rings true'... & maybe it's good for clicks?

Dave Cullen / Computing Forever did a good 20 min analysis a few weeks ago,

(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lKCTkLJbtT4)Possible Leaked Roadmap for the Next Phase of the Agenda (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lKCTkLJbtT4)

3 weeks agoPat, you have always maintained a cool balanced head and I respect that. Nevertheless, on its face this document is not a response to a crisis but a script for planned crisis! How would they know how many cases of COVID-19 there will be on specific dates? Because the cases are created at will via fraudulant testing. How do they know that a new virus called COVID-21 is coming? Because like COVID-19 it is total creation of the elite and a psyop. There is no virus. But the elite understand that perception is all they need to control. The thing is, this is getting real, as in internment camps, forced vaccinations, checkpoints and possible arrest and seizure of assets. Can we afford to dismiss this memo as disinfo or fake?

10th November 2020, 02:28 PM
The thing is, this is getting real, as in internment camps, forced vaccinations, checkpoints and possible arrest and seizure of assets. Can we afford to dismiss this memo as disinfo or fake?

that "seizure of assets" bit touches where this commie jooflu19 plandemic hits a rough spot -- what do they do with "fake-test/vax refuseniks" who are debt free & keep the bulk of their 'assets' in a hole in the ground?

label them "threat to society" & lock em up in concentration/death camps?

10th November 2020, 03:11 PM
that "seizure of assets" bit touches where this commie jooflu19 plandemic hits a rough spot -- what do they do with "fake-test/vax refuseniks" who are debt free & keep the bulk of their 'assets' in a hole in the ground?

label them "threat to society" & lock em up in concentration/death camps?

I think what they did in Ukraine when the communist took over and they collectivized the farms they used taxes to force people to give up what they owned. If you resisted you were murdered or sent to a work camp to be worked to death.

midnight rambler
10th November 2020, 03:45 PM
I think what they did in Ukraine when the communist took over and they collectivized the farms they used taxes to force people to give up what they owned. If you resisted you were murdered or sent to a work camp to be worked to death.

In their glee (of getting their guy 'elected') they're* already talking openly about creating *lists* of who they want to fuck with**, the very first step toward what you're referring to.*

*talking heads on Talmudvision, far left politicians, etc.
**white men

10th November 2020, 05:26 PM
The long game is to have everyone on renewable energy, then just change the weather to cloudy with no wind.

11th November 2020, 05:56 PM
or G.....................Trump wins election

11th November 2020, 07:49 PM
This is how it works: the federal government will offer to eliminate all personal debts (mortgages, loans, credit cards, etc) which all funding will be provided to Canada by the IMF under what will become known as the World Debt Reset program.
In exchange for acceptance of this total debt forgiveness the individual would forfeit ownership of any and all property and assets forever.

They want us in debt, to be slaves. If people had no debt, and no ownership if any property and assets, heck they've got nothing to lose. That means a lot of loose cannons uncontrolled by TPTB. Nope, the noose around the neck is debt, and they know it. Anything they peddle to the masses has strings attached.

11th November 2020, 09:10 PM
Article lays out how a Trump litigous reversal is best for globalists.

Get Ready For Chaos Regardless Of Who Ends Up In The White House


12th November 2020, 05:53 AM
The long game is to have everyone on renewable energy, then just change the weather to cloudy with no wind.

Grand Solar Minimum

12th November 2020, 02:24 PM
Grand Solar Minimum

And add Flat Earth there, tilt it away a bit.

23rd November 2020, 07:09 AM
This election and the fight over who won I think is distracting people from what the devils taking control of this country are doing to move their plans forward.

There's a pretty good video on World Truth Video that covers a lot of the lies we've been told and how it fits the plans of those who want to control or destroy us.

It's food for thought as we watch this fight over the election and the coming NWO injections being brought to us at warp speed.


23rd November 2020, 07:34 AM
Noble metals are classified noble because they don't react.