View Full Version : Who will be celebrating Thanksgiving this year?

9th November 2020, 04:24 AM
I know I won't.

Unless things change and we get our country back, I see nothing to celebrate.
I'll be having roast beef for dinner like it is any other day.

That makes two Holidays erased from history, Thanksgiving and Independence Day.

What will you be thankful for this year?

PS: I will use this Holiday to stock my pantry with non-perishables as I believe food is going to become an issue.
I'm seeing word truckers will be shutting down on Nov. 29, in protest.

9th November 2020, 11:39 AM

I've pretty much lost all hope at this point.

Since this covid HOAX got started, I've been working every spare minute on spreading the word. I started to feel more hopeful when Trump brought Dr. Atlas on, since he was countering the narrative and saying we have to end the lockdowns. I started to feel even more hopeful when Trump started mocking the "cases, cases, cases" BS narrative from the MSM. Also, felt more hopeful when Trump said "there's nothing to fear from the virus, we shouldn't let it dominate our lives" after he got the fake virus. But then another part of me started thinking "uh-oh, there's no way now they will let him back in b/c he's calling out the BS too much."

Unless things change and the DemonRAT/Davos party gets exposed for their massive election THEFT, then I think it's pretty much done for America. Senile Joe and the Ho are already announcing a national mask mandate. You know the national lockdowns are coming, and the mandatory vaccines.

So, no need to celebrate Thanksgiving. These people have finished America off, and things are only going to get worse going forward. They are stealing our futures. And all the more maddening is that a good portion of the people in this country are so dumb and brainwashed that they think that having the DemonRAT/Davos party in power is going to make things better. Never-ending Orwellian NIGHTMARE!!!

9th November 2020, 02:56 PM
Don't be so desperate. If biden wins - at least He will OWN his economic collapse that is coming.
Maybe its a good thing.
The congress is still not dem's, so hopefully that will slow biden down.

Becides,Thanksgiving - it's not about politicians.

9th November 2020, 03:30 PM
Don't be so desperate. If biden wins - at least He will OWN his economic collapse that is coming.
Maybe its a good thing.
The congress is still not dem's, so hopefully that will slow biden down.

Becides,Thanksgiving - it's not about politicians.

Well said, Thanksgiving to me is being thankful for family, friends, good health, other things I am grateful for, such as an honest job that I enjoy. And, you folks at GSUS, of course. :)

9th November 2020, 03:47 PM

Unless things change and the DemonRAT/Davos party gets exposed for their massive election THEFT, then I think it's pretty much done for America. Senile Joe and the Ho are already announcing a national mask mandate. You know the national lockdowns are coming, and the mandatory vaccines.

No one is going to make me wear a mask. No one. All it takes is a small minority of people who won't comply and will fight tooth and nail to derail such monstrous mandates. It is completely unconstitutional and an assault on human dignity. Fight like your life depends on it, because it does. If you don't fight mask mandates then the ensuing mandates will become ever more draconian until your ass is handed to you and everything you thought made life worth living will be lost.

9th November 2020, 03:54 PM
no one is going to make me wear a mask. No one. All it takes is a small minority of people who won't comply and will fight tooth and nail to derail such monstrous mandates. It is completely unconstitutional and an assault on human dignity. fight like your life depends on it, because it does. if you don't fight mask mandates then the ensuing mandates will become ever more draconian until your ass is handed to you and everything you thought made life worth living will be lost.


One thing I do feel positive about is that people are OUTRAGED!!

Seems like civil war of some sort is inevitable??? At this point, anything is better than what they have planned for us.

midnight rambler
9th November 2020, 04:18 PM
Well said, Thanksgiving to me is being thankful for family, friends, good health, other things I am grateful for, such as an honest job that I enjoy. And, you folks at GSUS, of course. :)

I make it a point to give thanks every day for my blessings. NO ONE can deprive you of giving thanks but one can certainly allow that to be TAKEN from them. In such cases I regard those as losers because they have lost via their own volition.

9th November 2020, 04:25 PM
Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. My wife isn't well anymore so I think we won't be doing a big dinner here. Sucks.