4th December 2020, 01:14 PM
NLP is Neuro linguistic programming*
"‘A system of affecting the behavior or opinions or thoughts of another person or persons without their knowing you have done so, usually through the use of subtextual or subliminal cues, be they verbal or written.’ In other words, you talk about one subject, but what you’re really saying is something else. NLP is a version of mind control. Agencies like the CIA and other intelligence groups, plus the ‘business’ known as Public Relations are especially known for using NLP."
Allan C. Weisbecker
The person speaking the words knows exactly the deception they are perpetrating in their speech.
Here we have two different Fox News talking heads on this same day, December 4, 2020, using the same NLP trick.
Two times today I notices the phrase from two different reporters on two different shows - presstitutes who got them emo to deceive and destroy America with their NLP speech.
The real message they surrepticiously planted in the minds of the listeners was
America and Trump are going down.
Trump is not going down without a fight.
Slime creatures Chris Wallace andd Geraldo Rivera also dissed Trump in their sly left-handed rhetoric.
Trump is not going down without a fight - or several fights | FOX News Rundown
Fox News
28K views 3 hours ago
Fox and Friends show of December 4, 2020
I think the person on the left is named Dorsey and he said
His closing words were something like...
The American spirit - Nobody's going down without a fight.
"‘A system of affecting the behavior or opinions or thoughts of another person or persons without their knowing you have done so, usually through the use of subtextual or subliminal cues, be they verbal or written.’ In other words, you talk about one subject, but what you’re really saying is something else. NLP is a version of mind control. Agencies like the CIA and other intelligence groups, plus the ‘business’ known as Public Relations are especially known for using NLP."
Allan C. Weisbecker
The person speaking the words knows exactly the deception they are perpetrating in their speech.
Here we have two different Fox News talking heads on this same day, December 4, 2020, using the same NLP trick.
Two times today I notices the phrase from two different reporters on two different shows - presstitutes who got them emo to deceive and destroy America with their NLP speech.
The real message they surrepticiously planted in the minds of the listeners was
America and Trump are going down.
Trump is not going down without a fight.
Slime creatures Chris Wallace andd Geraldo Rivera also dissed Trump in their sly left-handed rhetoric.
Trump is not going down without a fight - or several fights | FOX News Rundown
Fox News
28K views 3 hours ago
Fox and Friends show of December 4, 2020
I think the person on the left is named Dorsey and he said
His closing words were something like...
The American spirit - Nobody's going down without a fight.