View Full Version : Fox News Insurgents employing NLP nust like James Corbett

4th December 2020, 01:14 PM
NLP is Neuro linguistic programming*

"‘A system of affecting the behavior or opinions or thoughts of another person or persons without their knowing you have done so, usually through the use of subtextual or subliminal cues, be they verbal or written.’ In other words, you talk about one subject, but what you’re really saying is something else. NLP is a version of mind control. Agencies like the CIA and other intelligence groups, plus the ‘business’ known as Public Relations are especially known for using NLP."
Allan C. Weisbecker

The person speaking the words knows exactly the deception they are perpetrating in their speech.

Here we have two different Fox News talking heads on this same day, December 4, 2020, using the same NLP trick.

Two times today I notices the phrase from two different reporters on two different shows - presstitutes who got them emo to deceive and destroy America with their NLP speech.

The real message they surrepticiously planted in the minds of the listeners was

America and Trump are going down.


Trump is not going down without a fight.


Slime creatures Chris Wallace andd Geraldo Rivera also dissed Trump in their sly left-handed rhetoric.

Trump is not going down without a fight - or several fights | FOX News Rundown
Fox News
28K views 3 hours ago


Fox and Friends show of December 4, 2020

I think the person on the left is named Dorsey and he said

His closing words were something like...

The American spirit - Nobody's going down without a fight.

midnight rambler
4th December 2020, 01:50 PM
Your post is very confusing. That's a 30 minute video podcast you linked to...who's got time to listen to 30 minutes of a Fox Noise podcast?? Can you be more specific? There is no "person on the left" when I scanned that video, it's mostly a static screen with the Fox logo while the podcast plays. And where does James Corbett come into play?? James Corbett uses NLP?? ???

presstitutes who got them emo to deceive and destroy America with their NLP speech.

Say what?? ???


noun (https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/noun)

\ ˈē-(ˌ)mō

Definition of emo

: a style of rock music influenced by punk rock and featuring introspective and emotionally fraught lyrics

midnight rambler
5th December 2020, 12:30 PM
Your post is very confusing. That's a 30 minute video podcast you linked to...who's got time to listen to 30 minutes of a Fox Noise podcast?? Can you be more specific? There is no "person on the left" when I scanned that video, it's mostly a static screen with the Fox logo while the podcast plays. And where does James Corbett come into play?? James Corbett uses NLP?? ???

Say what?? ???


noun (https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/noun)

\ ˈē-(ˌ)mō

Definition of emo

: a style of rock music influenced by punk rock and featuring introspective and emotionally fraught lyrics

Still wondering if you have any clarification on all this?? ???

midnight rambler
6th December 2020, 10:37 AM
Do you plan on elaborating on your OP?? It is quite confusing...

8th December 2020, 05:28 PM
How about emotional?