View Full Version : Supreme Court declines to hear Trump-supported Texas case over election results in fo

11th December 2020, 05:09 PM
Supreme Court declines to hear Trump-supported Texas case over election results in four other states


Still looking for info but this was the strongest case I think.

11th December 2020, 06:30 PM
I don't get why people get their hopes up for a Satanic System to reform itself.

Buy Bitcoin and join the Crypto Revolution and REPLACE these people. They can't stop that.

That's the only vote that matters.

midnight rambler
11th December 2020, 06:33 PM

12th December 2020, 12:47 AM
I don't get why people get their hopes up for a Satanic System to reform itself.

Buy Bitcoin and join the Crypto Revolution and REPLACE these people. They can't stop that.

That's the only vote that matters.

So use their system and creation to take down their system?

How's that working out for you?

12th December 2020, 05:28 AM
How's that working out for you?

I'm close to becoming a millionaire.

People like me are already working to build break away civilizations based on the Blockchain.


12th December 2020, 06:50 AM
"civilizations" --- civilization is a process. It is conversion of a REAL injury based criminal acts to FAKE civil law monetary crimes. Civilizations of all kind work to the end of enslaving free people. Not a worthy goal for anyone (including self-professed millionaires).

12th December 2020, 06:57 AM
Politics means nothing anymore.

Everything is people who want control humanity (Big Tech Technocrats) through technology or free them (Blockchain Crypto-Anarchists.)

The recent election was a power play by Big Tech. You'll know they have full control of the United States government once they ban Donald Trump off of Twitter. The Biden Administration is putting many Google, Facebook, and Twitter employees in their administration. Everything will be a giant Technocracy.

12th December 2020, 08:15 AM
Fraudulent elections are ok in U.S. is the verdict.

There's just nothing you can do to prevent fraudulent candidates from taking office.

12th December 2020, 10:41 AM
Fraudulent elections are ok in U.S. is the verdict.

There's just nothing you can do to prevent fraudulent candidates from taking office.

The system has been rigged a long time. They just feel they don't need to keep up the illusion much longer.

midnight rambler
12th December 2020, 11:31 AM
I'm close to becoming a millionaire.

People like me are already working to build break away civilizations based on the Blockchain.


That's all well and good, and I wish you success, but unless and until you get those who have the wherewithal to take it to the kinetic level onboard you're spinning your wheels imo. You really need to resolve that issue. Ultimately eliminating the Communists is necessary and sufficient.

12th December 2020, 05:45 PM
That's all well and good, and I wish you success, but unless and until you get those who have the wherewithal to take it to the kinetic level onboard you're spinning your wheels imo. You really need to resolve that issue. Ultimately eliminating the Communists is necessary and sufficient.

I wish I was savvy enough to be able to invest in digital currencies IE: Bitcoin when I first saw it. I was and still am curious how to get any money out besides reinvesting and keeping it in the blockchain. I want to buy food but don't have cash.... Hang on I have a card full of Bitcoin? I somewhere lost the idea right at the confusing beginning and am still there. The more I researched the more I found this not to really effect my real world. Sorry if I got it wrong, just sayin.

12th December 2020, 07:06 PM
Bitcoin may only give you an idea that you could build something to last outside of it.

Communist Covid economy becoming a normality you could only contract into a shell outside of it.

13th December 2020, 04:38 AM
I wish I was savvy enough to be able to invest in digital currencies IE: Bitcoin when I first saw it. I was and still am curious how to get any money out besides reinvesting and keeping it in the blockchain. I want to buy food but don't have cash.... Hang on I have a card full of Bitcoin? I somewhere lost the idea right at the confusing beginning and am still there. The more I researched the more I found this not to really effect my real world. Sorry if I got it wrong, just sayin.

Bitcoin will likely go to $50-500k in the next 1-5 years.
Ethereum will likely go to $2-20k in that time.
Polkadot, Cardano, XRP/Flare all both Dark Horses and may go much higher too, but I'd sell those for profit first unless one of them beats Ethereum.

Any Bitcoin below $20,000 is cheap, and I'm still buying at these levels. Major investors are literally selling Gold for Bitcoin now, so eventually you should see Bitcoin match or even beat the market capitalization of gold (approximately 8-10 Trillion.) That would put Bitcoin at over $500,000. Your still early. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity.

Polkadot is the most undervalued of the major things that may go up in my opinion as major investors haven't realized what it is and its value yet.


For selling there's Black Market, Grey Market, and White Market options:

Grey Market would be to use gift cards you buy with crypto (Google it.)
(You can find Black Market and Grey Market with KYC Know Your Customer to avoid taxes)

There's various cards both debit and credit that are linked to crypto that convert your crypto to spendable cash.

BlockFi is launching the first Visa Credit Card for Crypto:

Do me a favor and look on the CEO of Twitter's page. Look what it says:

14th December 2020, 05:09 PM
Biden claims this case was squarely rejected on its merit.

Joe denies that it was anything more than a baseless claim by 17 U.S. states..

Atleast that is the way that I heard it...

14th December 2020, 05:38 PM
http://gold-silver.us/forum/images/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by Shami-Amourae http://gold-silver.us/forum/images/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?p=974364#post974364)
I'm close to becoming a millionaire.

People like me are already working to build break away civilizations based on the Blockchain.

That's all well and good, and I wish you success, but unless and until you get those who have the wherewithal to take it to the kinetic level onboard you're spinning your wheels imo. You really need to resolve that issue. Ultimately eliminating the Communists is necessary and sufficient.

"Those who cannot bravely face danger are the slaves of their attackers" Aristotle

16th December 2020, 10:42 PM
Any Bitcoin below $20,000 is cheap, and I'm still buying at these levels.

Bitcoin is at $22k now. You can see why I said any Bitcoin below $20k was cheap.

If it dips below $20k again buy the crap out of it.

17th December 2020, 06:00 AM
If it dips below $20k again buy the crap out of it.

Man is where he is by the law of his being (per James Allen). This is a law that cannot err. If you find yourself doing something or failing to do something bear this concept in mind. Whatever the outcome you are where you were meant to be. This relieves a lot of stress in your conscious mind.

17th December 2020, 07:29 AM
Ziero0 be Ziero0 :)

17th December 2020, 02:13 PM
Supreme court is so dirty, just like the rest of the govt. Now there's no denying it (they're not going to save us from the bioweapon injection or the injected hydrogel biosensors, of the injected microchip digital "currency" system (we are totally on our own--no media, no govt, except govt that wants to kill us, no FBI, DOJ, CDC, FDA, NIH--all of these are against us.


The #SupremeCourt (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SupremeCourt?src=hashtag_click) electronic filing system shows our EMERGENCY Petitions docketed for #Georgia (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Georgia?src=hashtag_click) & #Michigan (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Michigan?src=hashtag_click) but SLOW-walking w/ state response not due until JAN 14! Today it FINALLY submitted our #Arizona (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Arizona?src=hashtag_click) & #Wisconsin (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Wisconsin?src=hashtag_click) EMERGENCY petitions filed Friday INEXPLICABLY rejected them

They were submitted electronically Saturday morning and all copies hand-delivered and fees paid. #SupremeCourt (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SupremeCourt?src=hashtag_click) clerk refused to give reason and will not return phone calls!! What is going on?? Unprecedented lack of professionalism

And then there's this from Linn Wood- ( I think he's suspicious of Roberts b/c of rumors about him on Epstein pedo-island)


This may be most important tweet of my life. Chief Justice John Roberts is corrupt & should resign immediately. Justice Stephen Breyer should also resign immediately. They are “anti-Trumpers” dedicated to preventing public from knowing TRUTH of @realDonaldTrump (https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump) re-election.


And who knows if this is true. Just a rumor and maybe just a cover story to make it look like they were worried about the riots, versus that they are controlled by the deep state via blackmail (or controlled by Mitch McConnell as some like Robert Barnes has suggested--though that just applies to ACB, Gorsuch, and Kavanaugh)

Texas Congressman Matt Patrick Stunning Claim, Supreme Court Chief Justice Worried About Riots

17th December 2020, 03:37 PM
Ziero0 be Ziero0 :)

Facts be Facts

fact (n.)
1530s, "action, anything done," especially "evil deed,"

17th December 2020, 03:52 PM
While you were gone
These faces filled with darkness
The obvious was hidden
With nothing to believe in
The compass always points to Terrapin

Sullen wings of fortune beat like rain
You're back in Terrapin for good or ill again
For good or ill again

17th December 2020, 05:20 PM
While you were gone
These faces filled with darkness
The obvious was hidden
With nothing to believe in
The compass always points to Terrapin

Sullen wings of fortune beat like rain
You're back in Terrapin for good or ill again
For good or ill again
Hey, I've got that album.....somewhere. I caught the grandkids one day, using my old vinyl like sleds. They had taken many albums out of their covers and were sliding on them. I don't know if that album will ever be played again, but there is always digital. I just ain't the same, damn it!

17th December 2020, 05:36 PM
Hey, I've got that album.....somewhere. I caught the grandkids one day, using my old vinyl like sleds. They had taken many albums out of their covers and were sliding on them. I don't know if that album will ever be played again, but there is always digital. I just ain't the same, damn it!

My kids were taught in 5 minutes what vinyl is with a magnifying glass. They appreciate it and respect it. Guess it matters what you teach.

17th December 2020, 06:01 PM
Can be giggly and her adds at start but santa girl brings home the bacon regarding, intelligence and up to date happenings.


17th December 2020, 09:19 PM
I tried to use a peace equalizer apo to levitate the digital turtle.


It just does not fill in its a shell of a maxell gold cassette.

18th December 2020, 04:41 AM
I tried to use a peace equalizer apo to levitate the digital turtle.


It just does not fill in its a shell of a maxell gold cassette.
I have to admit you've gone completely over my head here. Or perhaps I've just pulled my head into my shell, akin to an ostrich response when technical difficulties crop up.

Back on topic: It does seem that everything that is being done or not done is purposefully designed to inflame us, one side against the other. We are given lousy choices. Remain calm but maintain vigilance.

18th December 2020, 09:31 AM
Its a bit tricky there i know with the Peace Equalizer, has to front end load the apo first.

Sounds like Dominion software in a technical support way.

I have not seen any Venezuelans at my machine so far with it... :)

18th December 2020, 11:24 AM
I have to admit you've gone completely over my head here. Or perhaps I've just pulled my head into my shell, akin to an ostrich response when technical difficulties crop up.

Back on topic: It does seem that everything that is being done or not done is purposefully designed to inflame us, one side against the other. We are given lousy choices. Remain calm but maintain vigilance.

I am wondering what Horn is doing with the recordings. And it seems Horn doesn't like the broad's voice. He got a maxwell gold. Was aiming for a 33 LP.

18th December 2020, 02:52 PM
Maxell gold, not Maxwell..


Any True Scottsman audiofile knows his tape is better than vinyl, cause it does not require dusting at each application...


19th December 2020, 04:21 AM
Maxell gold, not Maxwell..


Any True Scottsman audiofile knows his tape is better than vinyl, cause it does not require dusting at each application...


Get original. Go phonograph.

19th December 2020, 07:10 AM
Life may be sweeter than this, why bother fussing with brushes and dirty rags, when all you need is a bit of alcohol to clean your heads...