View Full Version : Here It Is: First Section of 8,192 Chinese Communist Party Member’s Names, Positions,

13th December 2020, 06:52 PM
(https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/12/first-section-8192-chinese-communist-party-members-names-positions-etc-leaked-public/)On Sunday Sky News in Australia (https://www.skynews.com.au/details/_6215946537001) that there was a major leak of a list of nearly 2 million CCP members, something never seen before. The list exposes members who are working (https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/12/breaking-list-communist-party-members-around-world-leaked-reported-australia-news-will-released-today/) all over the world and also lifts the lid on how the party operates under Xi Jinping.
The list was allegedly extracted (https://www.theepochtimes.com/ccp-members-hold-positions-at-british-consulates-major-uk-us-firms-leaked-database_3616310.html) in 2016 by people believed to be Chinese dissidents, from a Shanghai server.
The Epoch Times (https://www.theepochtimes.com/ccp-members-hold-positions-at-british-consulates-major-uk-us-firms-leaked-database_3616310.html) reported: The Mail found that major aerospace companies Airbus, Rolls-Royce, and Boeing employed hundreds of CCP members. Additionally, Pfizer and British drugmaker AstraZeneca employed a total of 123 Party members.
Here is the report from Sky News Australia:

* And here is the list of 8,192 Chinese Communist Party members (https://f.maga.host/DGieOgS.pdf) in the US and the West.



15th December 2020, 01:27 AM
CCP loyalists routinely steal corporate secrets and compromise the security and integrity of corporations that might compete against Chinese interests. Also according to the UK Daily Mail, “there were more than 600 party members across 19 branches working at the British banks HSBC and Standard Chartered in 2016.”
The CCP created the coronavirus bioweapon, and we believe that the CCP used its spies to infiltrate and compromise vaccine manufacturers in order to turn coronavirus vaccines into “second wave” bioweapons that will injure or kill very large numbers of people who take the vaccines.
This also means that individuals who are pushing vaccine mandates are playing right into the hands of communist China — which has sworn to destroy the United States of America through “unrestricted warfare” — and are themselves engaged in acts of criminal treason against the United States.
How many CCP loyalists work in Big Tech?

So far, only 8,192 names have been publicly released of the nearly 2 million CCP loyalists whose names are on the full list. We have not yet seen how many CCP loyalists are working with the tech giants such as Google, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. However, we already know that Facebook deliberately hired communist Chinese software experts to design its “hate speech engineering” algorithm (https://nypost.com/2020/10/20/meet-your-chinese-facebook-censors/) that censors U.S. citizens who defend the Constitution or President Trump.
In other words, Big Tech deliberately recruits communist Chinese to build more advanced censorship algorithms to censor Americans, and then Big Tech deploys these algorithms to bury all evidence of election theft that was also carried out via China-owned Dominion Voting Systems. What we are describing here is a massive, international criminal conspiracy to overthrow the United States of America.
This is why all the CEOs of Big Tech must face arrest, prosecution and public executions if found guilty of treason.
From the UK Daily Mail:
Writing in The Mail on Sunday today, former Tory Party leader Iain Duncan Smith says: ‘This investigation proves that members of the Chinese Communist Party are now spread around the globe, with members working for some of the world’s most important multinational corporations, academic institutions and our own diplomatic services.
Communist China, in other words, has infiltrated Western nations, corporations and governments. The hour is already late. Communist China also owns Dominion Voting Systems (https://www.naturalnews.com/2020-12-03-swiss-bank-communist-china-paid-dominion-400-million.html) and used the rigged systems to recently try to steal the U.S. election and install their puppet candidate (Joe Biden) as the U.S. President.
The entire Biden crime family is deeply compromised by communist China, and CCP loyalists have also successfully infiltrated Airbus, Boeing and Rolls-Royce.
Now the software “glitch” about the Boeing 737-Max makes more sense, doesn’t it?
Don’t forget, either, that Joe Biden held priority meetings with the very same vaccine makers who have been infiltrated by the CCP. What do you suppose they discussed?
US Army General Perna announces “Vaccine D-Day,” using CCP-influenced vaccines to declare, “the beginning of the end” for America

Suddenly Operation Warp Speed makes even more sense. US Army Gen. Perna and former Defense Secretary Mark Esper chose China-connected vaccine companies to supply millions of vaccine doses that would be administered to harm U.S. military personnel. As we have previously covered in daily Situation Update podcasts, one of the groups being targeted for these priority vaccines is cyber warfare soldiers.
Gen. Perna has publicly declared that vaccines will be rolled out across the military as a “Vaccine D-Day,” (https://www.naturalnews.com/2020-12-13-situation-update-dec-13th-gen-perna-announces-vaccine-d-day-beginning-of-the-end.html) further claiming the vaccines will be “the beginning of the end” for America. This makes perfect sense when you consider how these black hat operators in the DoD are already aligned with China and have been exploited to distribute a dangerous, even deadly vaccines manufactured by corporations with ties to communist China. (The DoD is split. There are anti-America, pro-China “black hat” forces inside the DoD, but also pro-America, pro-Trump “white hat” forces. A civil war is under way in the Pentagon…)
See the full announcement here:

China has long had a goal of the complete destruction of the United States of America, and the CCP can’t accomplish that goal unless they can first cause widespread casualties and deaths among military personnel, after which a land invasion via Canada will be much easier to accomplish.
As bombshell documents released in the last two days have stunningly revealed (https://www.rebelnews.com/the_china_files), Canada’s treasonous prime minister Justin Trudeau allowed Canada’s military to help train communist Chinese soldiers in winter warfare tactics, all in preparation for a land invasion of the United States. This places Trudeau in the “enemy combatant” category, and as I will be covering in tomorrow’s Situation Update, President Trump is preparing to drop huge economic and trade sanctions on Canada in response to Canada’s betrayal.
See this important interview with JR Nyquist to understand China’s grand plan to destroy the United States, invade North America and conquer the continent through the mass extermination of all who oppose them:
Thus, China’s infiltration of the vaccine manufacturers was necessary to cause mass casualties across US troops, while Canada’s prime minister would allow China to use Canada as an invasion staging area to threaten the United States from the North. With Big Tech and Big Media also completely controlled by communist China, no American would be allowed to speak about the invasion taking place, and those who posted videos or photos of the wartime invasions would, of course, be blacklisted and deplatformed.
China’s “total war” on America is now fully revealed

The truth is now obvious: China planned a multi-faceted assault on America using rigged voting machines, toxic vaccines, land invasion plans and corporate infiltration, all while controlling tech and media in order to completely overthrow the United States of America and claim North America for the CCP.
As I have stated in today’s Situation Update (https://www.brighteon.com/fc65632e-e3c2-4b04-a686-3fe0a274cdae), we are now living in an active war zone, while China-controlled Democrat governors have taken millions of Americans prisoner, turning them into POWs in their own homes, via weaponized covid-19 lockdowns that make no scientific or medical sense whatsoever.
These are acts of war against the American people, and the Democrats are almost universally corrupted and compromised by communist China.
This is why I repeat my call to arrest, prosecute and execute all treasonous Americans who are proven to be working for communist China to undermine the United States of America.
President Trump appears to be on the verge of invoking the Insurrection Act and deploying Special Operations Forces (SOF) to carry out mass arrests of treasonous operatives across America. Military tribunals are probably not far behind, and here’s what Gen. Michael Flynn said just today (via Maria Bartiromo / Fox Business):
Sidney Powell right now has four lawsuits pending at the Supreme Court… we have conclusive evidence of foreign interference in our election… , I think that the President of the United States has to trigger his executive order of 2018, and probably appoint a special counsel to look into all this… because we have serious, serious foreign influence problems with this Dominion voting machine.
And Sidney Powell added to the intrigue in a recent interview with Lou Dobbs, saying:
We know that 400 million dollars of money came into Smartmatic from China only a few weeks before the election, that there are George Soros connections to the entire endeavor… Frankly, our national security agency and defense intelligence agency need to be all over this immediately. The evidence is overwhelming and extremely troubling that this has been going on and didn’t just start this year.


15th December 2020, 07:57 PM
The Roman republic survived for seven centuries in large part because of a provision in their laws for the appointment of one man to act as total dictator over literal life and death in times of national emergency. Only such a drastic measure would do, authored by a people who absolutely hated a king or any sovereign, yet understood that a crisis of national survival could only be addressed by an individual making decisive actions to save the republic. One might call it metaphorically political and economic chemotherapy. It worked well when the right man was chosen (i.e. Cincinnatus). I think our republic is in the greatest mortal danger of its history, surpassing the pre-Civil war era. It is time for one man to act as Cincinnatus did so many centuries ago, to save the republic. And I think you know who that man is and what law has been provided to that end.

16th December 2020, 03:55 AM
It should be pointed out that we are under a multi-pronged attack. How could it not be? "They" have been chosen by the "Chosen" to play a huge part in the take-down of the West. It should also be pointed out that any multi-pronged attack will employ chemical means also. China has been supplying our Flouride (toxic waste) that has been added to municipal water supplies for many years now. Just what is really in that shit?

16th December 2020, 04:24 AM
Brown Spots On The Wall by Who Flung Poo 💩