View Full Version : Did they kill the internet, yet? Looks like a TV to me.

18th December 2020, 09:27 AM
If you guys have any site links that don't appear tainted let me know. My interent is like switching between Chinese news stations...

18th December 2020, 11:21 AM

Financial Information:

YouTube alternatives:

18th December 2020, 03:46 PM
OANN and NEWSMAX are ok but cater to the MSM watching plebs so they don't lose viewers. Gateway pundit is another.

On Twitter I follow Ted Cruz and add insight from there such as lin wood, donald trump etc etc.

19th December 2020, 09:01 AM
Seems like a major ‘dumbing down’ and shove left CIA-MIC-ZOGy fallen feminine ‘decomposition’ campaign with social and alt-media sites going on now. Drudge to Fox News now sites like Daily Wire, mass Twitter and Facebook banning of conservatives and conservative topics, most recently Youtube conservative commentors being mass banned, David Knight fired from InfoWars, etc. Bitchute is overrun with Q-copers banned from other sites.

And the alt-news media people at the beginning of the year that were early promoters of the scamdemic with a big side-serving of NeoCon war mongering. Some are still.

Very black-pilling year for consumers of centrist and right-wing journalism.

19th December 2020, 09:05 AM
Seems like a major ‘dumbing down’ and shove left CIA-MIC-ZOGy fallen feminine ‘decomposition’ campaign with social and alt-media sites going on now. Drudge to Fox News now sites like Daily Wire, mass Twitter and Facebook banning of conservatives and conservative topics, most recently Youtube conservative commentors being mass banned, David Knight fired from InfoWars, etc..

And the alt-news media people that were the early promoters of the scamdemic with a big serving of NeoCon war mongering. Many are still.

Very black-pilling year for consumers of centrist and right-wing journalism.
Seems like everything is tainted. I see lots of Marxist filth being spread; ideas are dangerous and verbal rape and such. It is a mess.

19th December 2020, 11:35 AM
TV still worse though.

ABC News: UPS, FedEx team up to deliver COVID-19 vaccine
1min 33sec


CNN's Brain Stelter's "exclusive" coverage of the takeoff was even 'better' (could not find the clip). He was having a near religious experience "witnessing hope."

19th December 2020, 04:18 PM
TV still worse though.

ABC News: UPS, FedEx team up to deliver COVID-19 vaccine
1min 33sec


CNN's Brain Stelter's "exclusive" coverage of the takeoff was even 'better' (could not find the clip). He was having a near religious experience "witnessing hope."
"Precious cargo" absolutely sickening. It makes one want to vomit.

19th December 2020, 05:10 PM
"Precious cargo" absolutely sickening. It makes one want to vomit.

Not as bad as some of the national radio spots.

They interviewed a college kid working as a handler. Yeah, the boss said I was going to be unloading the first vaccine shipment. I feel really honored and I am doing my part to fight this virus. Some bullshit like that. All news spots were about the "first shots".

It's an all in programming blitz to get the masses to dope up.

19th December 2020, 06:41 PM
Glad to hear that you guys have noticed that it has changed recently. MSM may have gone censored route, but many of these other outlets appear to have taken their previous place.

Gateway pundit? Is any (or only some) of the stories to be trusted there?

19th December 2020, 07:03 PM
Glad to hear that you guys have noticed that it has changed recently. MSM may have gone censored route, but many of these other outlets appear to have taken their previous place.

Gateway pundit? Is any (or only some) of the stories to be trusted there?

Rabid Trump fans. All in on Izzy. Owned by a faggot. A little bit of hyping. Articles seem spot on. They are getting blocked/shadow banned on stories so they must be over the target on some topics.

24th December 2020, 11:28 AM
Did they kill Republicanism yet?

Video: Bang girls blast free cash into crowd at Turning Point Conference



A “conservative” event by Turning Pointing USA featured two scantily-clad women firing cash through a cannon into a crowd of cheering Republican teenagers.

Charlie Kirk’s TPUSA 2020 Student Action Summit conference on Sunday was sponsored by Bang Energy’s “Bang Girls”, who blasted free cash into crowd of college and high school students.

TPUSA: Socialism stinks!

*shoots thousands of dollars into a crowd of college students*

24th December 2020, 03:25 PM
Did they kill Republicanism yet?

Video: Bang girls blast free cash into crowd at Turning Point Conference

recall kosher-conservative TPUSA were the targets of Nick Fuentes' groyper wars in... was it Fall of 2018 or '19?

27th December 2020, 08:32 PM
Its near death for sure,

I fear for the future, can the children somehow romanticize on these as good ole'days?

29th December 2020, 03:22 PM
is there a seach engine that actually provides accurate results? gewgle destroyed theirs -- all results are leftist crap -- utterly useless

29th December 2020, 04:26 PM
is there a seach engine that actually provides accurate results? gewgle destroyed theirs -- all results are leftist crap -- utterly useless
Right Dao (https://rightdao.com/)

You could try this.

30th December 2020, 04:59 PM
Right Dao (https://rightdao.com/)

You could try this.

that is MUCH better. thanks!

8th January 2021, 05:06 PM
Videos show difference in media coverage between BLM protests and Jan 6 Election Matters protest.

Grabien: Media: Yes, Violence Is the Answer [Supercut]


Grabien: Supercut: The Media Would Like to Add a Bit More Gasoline to this Fire


9th January 2021, 04:07 PM
ǝɔᴉʇsnɾ ɟo sɯǝʇsʎs ᄅ pǝlɐǝʌǝɹ ʇoᴉɹ :sᴉɹɹɐH 'uǝpᴉq :ssǝɹԀ pǝʇɐᴉɔoss∀


AP did not select the best inverted Harris speak: Youtube:Harris deplores racial treatment disparities between Capitol rioters and BLM protesters (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hZkn9Hg6wME)

"We witnessed two systems of justice. When we saw one that let extremists storm the United States Capital and another that released teargas on peaceful protestors last summer" -Kamala Harris @1:16

9th January 2021, 07:36 PM
New Parler app was deplatformed by tech giants.

The U.S. Constitution does not exist @internet.

9th January 2021, 07:45 PM
our boy hoarder nailed this one --

the information age is over

11th January 2021, 04:33 AM

RE that ^ "Office of the President Elect" backdrop which Creeper's body-double has been using since shortly after the fake election; for those who didn't get the memo...


it's purely made up to (further...) gaslight the normies; part of THE STEAL, prolly concocted by that (satanic-inversion-speak translators on,) "Transition Integrity Project" (TIP) established last mid-summer, to plan/war-game/etc THE STEAL.

If fake nooz weren't all in, they'd be calling out the "Office of the President Elect" BS, mocking it etc

11th January 2021, 06:51 AM
Parler is down this morning...

11th January 2021, 03:49 PM
RE that ^ "Office of the President Elect" backdrop which Creeper's body-double has been using since shortly after the fake election; for those who didn't get the memo...


it's purely made up to (further...) gaslight the normies; part of THE STEAL, prolly concocted by that (satanic-inversion-speak translators on,) "Transition Integrity Project" (TIP) established last mid-summer, to plan/war-game/etc THE STEAL.

If fake nooz weren't all in, they'd be calling out the "Office of the President Elect" BS, mocking it etc

Biden's IS only the office of President Elect, cause he will be corrupt impeached when arriving and Harris installed as President.

28th January 2021, 05:51 AM
Jimmy Dore exposed Democrat-establishment shills and is doing good left wing journalist activism recently, supported 'force the vote' for medicare, having some good faith 'unity' content after 'winning' the election.

The Majority Report w/ Sam Seder: Jimmy Dore's Dangerous Lightbulb Moment (Jan 22)
The Young Turks: Jimmy Dore Is WRONG About The Boogaloo Boys (Jan 25)
The Amazing Atheist: I'm Sick of JIMMY DORE (Jan 28)

Meanwhile, on CNN with Jew Jake Tapper:

Supercut: Tapper Obsessively Using ‘MAGA Terrorists’ Talking Point


3rd February 2021, 05:36 PM
My pillow guy, had a T.V. interview about how he was censored on the internet, then they cenosred him on T.V.

https://mobile.twitter.com/newsmax/status/1356810753869819905?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5 Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1356834592783806464%7Ctwgr% 5E%7Ctwcon%5Es3_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.thegatewaypundit.com%2F2 021%2F02%2Fwatch-newsmax-brings-pillow-founder-mike-lindell-back-hostile-segment-anchor-stormed-off-set%2F