View Full Version : Just a few of the things in the "Coronavirus Relief Bill"

21st December 2020, 07:17 PM
$200,000,000 to Safe Schools Emergency Response to Violence Program
$300,000,000 for Migrant and Refugee Assistance pg.. 147 DA FUQ?!

$10,000 per person for student loan bailout

$100,000,000 to NASA, because, who knows why.

$20,000,000,000 to the USPS, because why not

$300,000,000 to the Endowment for the Arts - because of it

$300,000,000 for the Endowment for the Humanities/ because no one even knew that was a thing

$15,000,000 for Veterans Employment Training / for when the GI Bill isn't enough

$435,000,000 for mental health support

$30,000,000,000 for the Department of Education stabilization fund/ because that will keep people employed (all those zeros can be confusing, that’s $30 BILLION)

$300,000,000 to Public Broadcasting / NPR has to be bought by the Democrats

$500,000,000 to Museums and Libraries / Who knows how we are going to use it

$720,000,000 to Social Security Admin / but get this only 200,000,000 is to help people. The rest is for admin costs

$25,000,000 for Cleaning supplies for the Capitol Building / I kid you not it's on page 136

$7,500,000 to the Smithsonian for additional salaries

$35,000,000 to the JFK Center for Performing Arts
$25,000,000 for additional salary for House of Representatives
$3,000,000,000 upgrade to the IT department at the VA
$315,000,000 for State Department Diplomatic Programs

$95,000,000 for the Agency of International Development

$300,000,000 for International Disaster Assistance
$90,000,000 for the Peace Corp pg. 148
$13,000,000 to Howard University pg. 121
$9,000,000 Misc. Senate Expenses pg. 134
$100,000,000 to Essential Air carriers pg. 162. This of note because the Airlines are going to need billions in loans to keep them afloat ($100,000,000 is chump change.)
$40,000,000,000 goes to the Take Responsibility to Workers and Families Act This sounds like it's direct payments for workers pg. 164
$1,000,000,000 Airlines Recycle and Save Program pg. 163
$25,000,000 to the FAA for administrative costs pg. 165
$492,000,000 to National Railroad Passenger Corporation (Amtrak) pg. 167
$526,000,000 Grants to Amtrak to remain available if needed through 2021 pg. 168 (what are the odds that doesn't go unused) Hidden on page 174 the Secretary has 7 days to allocate the funds & notify Congress

$25,000,000,000 for Transit Infrastructure pg. 169

$3,000,000 Maritime Administration pg. 172
$5,000,000 Salaries and Expensive Office of the Inspector General pg. 172
$2,500,000 Public and Indian Housing pg. 175
$5,000,000 Community Planning and Development pg. 175

$2,500,000 Office of Housing

What DOES ALL of this have to do with the Virus?

midnight rambler
21st December 2020, 07:35 PM
What DOES ALL of this have to do with the Virus?

Those of us paying attention have long known that the scary killer virus is merely cover for their nonsense, and frankly it's a brilliant strategy.

22nd December 2020, 03:43 AM
The essence of terrorism is to strike fear into the populace by whatever means and use that fear to achieve political ends. "Our" government, operating in tandem with the media have created fear far beyond anything we have ever seen in a populace and probably far beyond their wildest speculations and they have used this to enact tyrannical edicts and destroy us as a society.

22nd December 2020, 04:16 AM
We are so fucked.
$900B COVID-19 Aid Bill Will Give Households With Illegal Aliens Up to $1,800 Checks While U.S. Citizens Get Only $600 (informationliberation.com) (http://www.informationliberation.com/?id=61964)

22nd December 2020, 06:35 AM
Passed in the middle of the night by a veto proof majority.

22nd December 2020, 06:49 AM
I am so angry.

First they steel the election, then they shove this shit down our throats.

22nd December 2020, 07:33 AM
I once maintained a residence at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave but the cost to keep it in repair became prohibitive and I abandoned the property years ago.

History buffs seem to have deep pockets for their hobby.

midnight rambler
22nd December 2020, 08:39 AM
Passed in the middle of the night by a veto proof majority.

Is there also a veto proof majority in the Senate for this nonsense?

22nd December 2020, 09:44 AM
Is there also a veto proof majority in the Senate for this nonsense?

92 - 6

22nd December 2020, 10:36 AM
For every person in the US .196 trillion go to the people @ $600 each. (This includes those not eligible for comparison purposes.)
2.3 trillion go to everything else.

Wrap you head around that.

midnight rambler
22nd December 2020, 11:23 AM
For every person in the US .196 trillion go to the people @ $600 each. (This includes those not eligible for comparison purposes.)
2.3 trillion go to everything else.

They're laughing their asses off over how easily the proles can be bought off while giving lawbreakers three times as much.

Lesson learned here: One is three times better off if one is a lawbreaker.

22nd December 2020, 05:38 PM
They're trying to take away Trump's power to use the Insurrection Act by a passage buried in this abomination:


23rd December 2020, 10:42 AM
They're trying to take away Trump's power to use the Insurrection Act by a passage buried in this abomination:


That's why Vodka Nancy and Schumer were all giddy thinking Orange Man took the bait. They agreed to Trumps idea of a 2000 check. I don't think this bill in any form will be passed. So now dems will blame Trump and Trump will throw it back at them, kick the can again. Trump wants to eliminate all the BS in the bill. I wonder what other strategies the dems and repugs inserted into that monstrosity?
