View Full Version : The Chinese are laughing at us

midnight rambler
1st January 2021, 08:57 AM
Generally speaking Americans are SO stupid -



1st January 2021, 09:07 AM
Fun is my Chinese neighbors middle name!

1st January 2021, 11:06 AM
I laugh at most Amerikans as well.

1st January 2021, 11:07 AM
Fun is my Chinese neighbors middle name!

Wang Fun Tu?

1st January 2021, 02:33 PM
Taking ownership: The Western world is responsible for our own COVID-19 self-destruction

China planted the seed, but the damage has been done by our own ruling class.


From Jordan's twitter:


China did not defeat a virus, but they did declare victory over a virus, then told us they had eliminated a virus, and simply moved on. China’s disseminated falsehood has worked beyond the CCP’s wildest dreams, so why would they stop now?

What continues to amaze me is why many are so quick to buy into the "lockdowns work" narrative. Probably because most Western "public health" officials are also singing the strategy's praises. Does the avg citizen know that lockdowns are China-spawned pseudoscience? Probably not.

(I disagree on characterizing lockdowns as "China-spawned"--these lockdowns were part of the strategy in Event 201, plus they were also in that TV show episode Deadzone, The Plague that depicted this whole scenario--lockdowns are from the central bankers--force poverty on the masses to transition them to the new system)

Everyone learned the wrong lesson. China: "you can be open like us if u do what we did & shut it all down until lockdowns work." There was no secret formula. Lockdowns are pseudoscience. China now ignores virus mania. That's their real secret formula.

If you think China doesn't care about deaths of millions of its own people, you're wrong. Stop with the thoughtlessness designed to compartmentalize your fear. China can't cover up deaths of millions without people noticing. Occam's razor: they found out it's not that big a deal.

China didn't beat the virus, they ignored it *because it's not that big a deal, and because the disease it causes has a 99.9% recovery rate*.


China has been fully open without a vaccine for months. They have no issues whatsoever with "public health" problems. If this confuses you, it's time to start the journey to accepting the fact that you've been played.


They figured that a virus with a 99.9% survival rate is not worth destroying life as we knew it over. They also figured that they could trick the rest of the world into destroying itself with viral clips of people dropping dead all over the place. They figured right.

FWIW- This Hans guy is blaming China for the viral clips of fear porn with people dropping dead, but I was wondering if it was our own CIA types over there doing that. Months ago, I listened to F. William Engdahl and he seemed to suggest there was an "American faction" over in China causing trouble (feeding the psyop), and that China somehow routed them out. It kind of makes sense to me because they've caught this sort of thing elsewhere, like in parts of Africa where they got the Ebola psyop going--I think it was in Liberia, where they caught men putting formaldehyde in the water to make people sick, and then it was declared that they had "Ebola" so they could start cracking down on the population by declaring a pandemic (like they did here, declare pandemic and get total power over the population). And I think it was in Ghana, I read something from a nurse saying it was fake and that Red Cross people came and made people sick, then they said it was Ebola, and that one might have been used to get troops sent in. So, the whole point is that it seems like they've done it in the past to get these sickness psyops going. And I also recall seeing videos from the Ebola scam, were these poor black people were paid to roll on the ground and act sick, then when they thought they were off camera, they walked away after getting a hand-off of $$$.
New Year's Eve, 2021: Masses Party in Wuhan While New Yorkers Locked in Their Homes


1st January 2021, 03:01 PM
Hey Chinks, "he who raffs rast, raffs best".

5th January 2021, 02:30 PM
Even we are laughing at us

Dire Report Warns Hospitals Are Filled To Capacity With Dancing TikTok Nurses

It probably would not surprise me to know that China is using HCQ and Ivermectin to help treat this which lowers fatal cases even more.

15th June 2021, 11:59 AM
The Wuhan “lab-leak” story: more fear porn Thanks to CJ Hopkins and Consent Factory for permission to transcribe their Twitter threadhttps://off-guardian.org/2021/06/07/the-wuhan-lab-leak-story-is-just-more-fear-porn/

The media – both alternative and mainstream – are all talking about the possibility that the virus which allegedly causes Covid19 was leaked from a virology lab in Wuhan, and may have been developed as a bio-weapon.
We published, just last week, a fact-check article (https://off-guardian.org/2021/05/29/coronavirus-fact-check-11-is-sars-cov-2-a-bioweapon/) looking at the evidence for and against it.

Suffice to say, there’s very little evidence to support the idea the virus known as Sars-Cov-2 was developed in a lab. And, given its low death rate, no reason at all to fear it even if it were.

Nevertheless, the story doesn’t seem to be going away (https://www.dumptheguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/jun/01/wuhan-coronavirus-lab-leak-covid-virus-origins-china?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other), especially with the release of the Fauci emails. To us, the FOIA-released emails seem nothing but a distraction.

The fact this story is being spread by Buzzfeed, CNN and Washington Post, some of the most controlled media in the age of controlled media, doesn’t seem to be putting off people who should probably know better.

Just yesterday the Wall Street Journal published an article headlined (https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-science-suggests-a-wuhan-lab-leak-11622995184):

The Science Suggests a Wuhan Lab Leak

It’s pretty clear that the entire Covid19 “pandemic” narrative is undergoing a shift, a change in focus that will both reinforce the idea the virus is definitely real/frightening, and re-frame China to play the heel (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heel_(professional_wrestling)#:~:text=In%20profess ional%20wrestling%2C%20a%20heel,or%20%22good%20guy %22%20characters.).

The problems with this narrative were perfectly summed up by our friends over at the Consent Factory (https://consentfactory.org), home of satirist-in-residence CJ Hopkins and a Twitter must-follow (https://twitter.com/consent_factory). We’ve transcribed their brilliant Twitter thread below.

* * * The lab-leak story is:

an out for those who haven’t wanted to face the fallout of covering the actual Covid story (i.e., manipulation of definitions and statistics to generate the illusion of an apocalyptic plague)
reification of that illusion.

If they can get you to focus on how the “monster virus” may have “escaped from a lab” (like in a sci-fi movie)…maybe you’ll forget about Sweden, Florida, Texas, etc.

When you're desperately trying to pretend that the world is threatened by an apocalyptic virus, and then Sweden ruins it by letting everyone carry on with their lives as normal ...

If they can get you to focus on how the “monster virus” may have “escaped from a lab” (like in a sci-fi movie)…maybe you will forget how they redefined a medical “case” to include perfectly healthy people (https://off-guardian.org/Users/Family/Desktop/WHO-2019-nCoV-Surveillance_Case_Definition-2020.2-eng.pdf?x51581), and then reported an explosion of “cases.”

If they can get you to focus on how the “monster virus” may have “escaped from a lab” (like in a sci-fi movie)…maybe you’ll totally forget how they defined a “Covid hospitalization” as anyone in hospital, for any reason, who tested positive with a PCR test jacked up to 40 or 50.

If they can get you to focus on how the “monster virus” may have “escaped from a lab” (like in a sci-fi movie)…maybe you’ll totally forget how they defined a “Covid death” as anyone who died, of any cause, who tested positive with a PCR test within the previous 28 days (https://coronavirus.data.gov.uk/details/deaths).

If they can get you to focus on how the “monster virus” may have “escaped from a lab” (like in a sci-fi movie)…maybe you’ll forget how they suddenly decided that herd immunity had never existed (https://peckford42.wordpress.com/2021/04/19/why-did-who-change-definition-of-herd-immunity-last-year/), and could only be achieved with an experimental “vaccine.”

If they can get you to focus on how the “monster virus” may have “escaped from a lab” (like in a sci-fi movie)…maybe you’ll forget how they showed us fake photos of “people dropping dead in the streets from Covid” back when the Shock and Awe campaign began.

If they can get you to focus on how the “monster virus” may have “escaped from a lab” (like in a sci-fi movie)…maybe you’ll forget how they terrorized everyone with pictures of “death trucks.”

Normally, when people die, families make arrangements to have their bodies picked up and prepared for funerals, but that's hard to do under lockdown, thus bodies remain in hospitals longer ... but that explanation isn't as scary as pictures of refrigerated "death trucks."

If they can get you to focus on how the “monster virus” may have “escaped from a lab” (like in a sci-fi movie)…maybe you’ll forget all the empty (https://www.bmj.com/content/369/bmj.m1860) “emergency Covid hospitals.” (https://www.seattletimes.com/nation-world/many-field-hospitals-went-largely-unused-will-be-shut-down/) (and empty testing tents)

In May 2020, the Berlin government spent €27 million for this "emergency Covid hospital," which costs over €14 million per month to keep open. Not one patient has been treated there. Not one. But, go ahead, call us "Covid deniers" again.

If they can get you to focus on how the “monster virus” may have “escaped from a lab” (like in a sci-fi movie)…maybe you’ll forget the totally non-apocalyptic age-adjusted deaths rates. (see graph at https://off-guardian.org/2021/06/07/the-wuhan-lab-leak-story-is-just-more-fear-porn/)

And so on…

But, whatever, forget all those facts, and enjoy the lab-leak story. It probably happened just like in the movies! (yes, see end of Contagion)


ZionHedge has been pushing the "It's a bio-weapon from China" fear porn since day 1.

And here's the latest in the scripted narrative shift:

Jew media shill versus Jew media shill:

Jon Stewart Hijacks Colbert Show With Lab-Leak Rant, Liberal Twitter Explodeshttps://www.zerohedge.com/political/jon-stewart-hijacks-colbert-show-lab-leak-rant-liberal-twitter-explodes

This commenter sees through the BS:

"John Stewart overpowered Colbert's ability to shill" is exactly what happened - one shill instructed to relieve another shill because all of a sudden the narrative has to be tweaked. Tweaked to anything other than to the proven fact that Covid was planned in 2010 and laid out in The Rockefeller Foundation document Lock Step as the vehicle to usher in a totalitarian world government run by satanic psychopaths. satanic - not Leftist, not Marxist. If you need a label other than satanic, Fascist or Zionist would be a better choice.

"John Stewart overpowered Colbert's ability to shill" is exactly what happened - one shill instructed to relieve another shill because all of a sudden the narrative has to be tweaked. Tweaked to anything other than to the proven fact that Covid was planned in 2010 and laid out in The Rockefeller Foundation document Lock Step as the vehicle to usher in a totalitarian world government run by satanic psychopaths. satanic - not Leftist, not Marxist. If you need a label other than satanic, Fascist or Zionist would be a better choice.