View Full Version : Strong evidence Jan 6 2021 U S Capitaol event was another False Flag event

8th January 2021, 07:10 PM
"4 dead after US Capitol breached by pro-Trump mob during 'failed insurrection'"


James Fetzer presents strong evidence that the whole scene at the U S Capitol on Jan 6 2021 was another FALSE FLAG EVENT.


The Raw Deal (8 January 2020) with Danny Cirrus: Where do things stand?


First published at 02:17 UTC on January 9th, 2021.

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1:56:45 video runtime


Jim Fetzer

Jim Fetzer

2644 subscribers

Where do things stand? Review of the latest from Charlie Ward and Simon Parkes on the President's situation and alternative actions, where they knew the crowd would make a scene (with the cooperation of the Capitol Police) to discredit Trump supports and derail the review of proof of election fraud, but where his allies were able to secure more damning proof from the laptop of Nancy Pelosi and other traitors to the nation. What is to happen will happen soon.
Category News & Politics
Sensitivity Normal - Content that is suitable for ages 16 and over

9th January 2021, 01:54 PM
I would like to know why President Trump invited people to show up en masse at the Capitol on January 6 when presumably he knew there would be subversive false flag games likely to happen there. I remember he issued this invitation repeatedly and one time he ended it with "It will be wild." Seems he was enticing his followers to show up.

9th January 2021, 04:22 PM
Independent UK: Alex Jones says he paid $500,000 for rally that led to Capitol riot (https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-election-2020/alex-jones-paid-rally-capitol-riot-b1784603.html)

He then claimed - erroneously - that an army of “antifa” was there, and blamed the rioting at the Capitol on them.

9th January 2021, 04:37 PM
It still does not make sense to me. Trump definitely wanted that crowd to be there at that time. The exact planning of the timing of the entry of "protesters" to the capitol building when the alleged violence and shooting happened coincided with the exact time that the congress members were to stand up and give testimony of the vote fraud thus preventing the proceedings to continue because of the disturbance in the building is an important fact to consider.

There are so many games going on behind the scene and I know we do not begin to understand what is going on. Dr. Fetzer should provide possible context and reasoning to support his presentation of the video purportedly proving the false and theatrical nature of the shooting. I understand the video was origninally provided by Patrick Byrne, former CEO of Overstock.

9th January 2021, 05:56 PM
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You have all heard about the bused in people from Antifa, BLM, & other paid terrorists, but did you know, have you heard about the seal team that was also there? During all of the hub bub of activity, a seal team found and took Pelosi's laptop and a few others that were left there. Damming information has been found on them! Nancy now knows she is in deep doo doo and is going to try her best to get Trump impeached before he can use that evidence to put quite a few people under arrest and tried for treason! He had made an executive order on Sept. 12, 2018 that stated that if there was foreign interference in a Federal election, he could declare martial law and let the military take over and arrest those top level enemies for treason against our government! It seems that the Vatican and Italy were the ones who were involved and used Leonardo satellite to do their dirty work and a man at the US embassy was in charge of changing votes on Dominion machines from Trump to Biden! Also ,as a side note, Comey was found to have sold Hammer & Scorecard programs to the Chinese too! Anyway, it looks like Biden will not be sworn in on the 20th and many treasonous people may end up in Gitmo and tried by a military tribunal, which they richly deserve!

Likely we will know more when Hollywood comes out with the movie next month.

9th January 2021, 05:57 PM
Good reminder that this is a communist takeover. All the signs.



16:51 video runtime

Ted Cruz And Josh Hawley Asked To Resign For Upholding Constitution; Trump Suspended On Twitter
•Premiered Jan 8, 2021
Beyond The Noise with David Zhang
121K subscribers
President Trump Twitter perma-suspended

In this special end the week-day episode where I will share with you my deep analysis on the rise of communism at this very moment due to the apparent end of the election. There is a danger that is the unseen enemy of communism.

As well, updates on President Trump, who has not gotten his social media permanently suspended by the Big Tech. These include Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat.

Also, I have a very special message for you, the viewers.

Stay tuned, to Beyond The Noise.

00:00 Intro
00:34 The American Cultural Revolution
10:45 Trump: Not Attending Inauguration
13:43 Special Message To Our Viewers
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The US Is Facing An Rising Communist Movement; Trump Will Not Attend Inauguration on January 20

#Inauguration #USA #Trump
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9th January 2021, 06:38 PM
exactly right. the communist coup has accelerated

crushing dissent, silencing opposition, rigging the ballot box, relentless one-sided propaganda from 'news'....more...

they are making their move NOW

10th January 2021, 06:06 AM
Received in email

Likely we will know more when Hollywood comes out with the movie next month.
The whole thing does appear to be a scripted theatrical event. One almost can't help but choose a side and root for their chosen team. Kinda like pro-wrestling.

10th January 2021, 06:30 AM
"The whole thing does appear to be a scripted theatrical event. One almost can't help but choose a side and root for their chosen team. Kinda like pro-wrestling. "

Dean Hartwell wrote about 5 books on 9-11. One of them was titled "Was 9-11 a movie." Amazon stopped carrying all of his 9-11 books.

10th January 2021, 07:22 AM
Good reminder that this is a communist takeover. All the signs.

It is indeed. Complete domination by the Oligarchical Elite. No dissent will be allowed as humanity is crushed and atomized into feudal units of powerless chattel.

10th January 2021, 07:35 AM
Morlocks will always behave as Morlocks.

4th February 2021, 09:22 AM
It is indeed. Complete domination by the Oligarchical Elite. No dissent will be allowed as humanity is crushed and atomized into feudal units of powerless chattel.

I heard Lin Wood on his recent Feb 1 interview say he thought that Jan 6 thing was a "Color Revolution"

Step 1. Fraudulen election

Step 2. Violence in the streets

Step 3. Can't remember this part

Anyway, it looks like what happens in corrupt South American country.

4th February 2021, 12:14 PM
As people get clued it to illusions the mind candy used to convince those still remaining just get more obscene.