View Full Version : 4Chan Anon Warning From October

12th January 2021, 03:56 AM
The following is a thread from October 17, 2020:

The top part has already happened just like predicted, which is why I'm posting this. The following below is the 11 posts strung together this person made.

I'm not exactly leaking anything since you all would be able to discern this if you've been paying attention. I'll just cover the basics. The election results won't be announced the night of because of the mail-in counts. Will be a tense period. Biden will be 'announced' as the winner. (He's obviously not the winner and you will all know that.)

It's going to shock the hell out of you. It's going to be the most demoralizing and unacceptable thing you've ever experienced.

I'm not sure what will happen with Trump, and I do not even know who he really is, but I do know he will not end up in charge.

I also know that there are tons of sealed indictments and who they are for. Long lists of names in many states. China has a lot of interest in this. Back in January/February a lot of guys from China were here getting everyone to believe in Covid-19. It worked for a few months but unfortunately it petered out. It's kind of complicated but basically you were all supposed to be locked down while Biden was announced.

The next move will happen anyway. Basically once you guys (not really you but whoever they pick) starts "reacting" to the Biden win with acts of terrorism, there's going to be a crackdown on white supremacist terrorism.

All of the thinktanks are pushing the threat of white supremacist terror hard right now in preparation for this.

After a few huge attacks that will have the nation mourning, yes even conservatives, you guys are going to be universally despised.

Now here is what I CAN speak to. A very user friendly site will be published where anyone can type in a name, kind of like google, to check for white supremacist affiliation. This is going to be advertised as a hack. But basically, anything you've ever said here, along with answers to many data mining threads, will be cross referenced and linked to your social media. And that is just the start. If you have ever been in front of a webcam watching things you shouldn't have, it's going to be included with footage in your summary (that is China's operation).

Basically China and Biden are in this together. Once everybody knows if they have any white supremacists among their friends or family, that is when the gun control will speed through. Basically a red flag law will be invoked for any person on the website who also is a gun owner. Basically a prison sentence if you do not turn it in voluntarily.

With the entire nation knowing who all of you are, and hating you for the acts of terrorism, most of you will actually cave and turn in the guns. That is the expectation. A few will split off and basically become insurgents, which the apparatus installed for covid (China style monitoring) will nab over time.

Sorry guys. And yes most likely from what I can piece together, you are the names on the sealed indictments.

Oh I forgot to mention. The reason it is expected that most of you will turn in your firearms voluntarily is because they think most of you are not militant and will be vulnerable to the social repercussions alone.

It is only the harder types, fewer in number, who will essentially resort to a life of insurgency. Not sure where things go from there but the covid apparatus that is being installed will make it impossible for you to function, organize, or so much as buy anything.

It is also part of the point to make you feel that Biden is not the winner, he's clearly not. You are supposed to feel that way, so that you act. It is psychological. The thinking is that the one factor which will force the right to get violent is if they can no longer rely on voting itself. It is within that context, and of feeling a coup has removed Trump and installed Biden, that white supremacist terror attacks will be blasted all over the news.

I know you guys won't believe it, totally understandable. When the election results aren't announced the night of, you'll remember this thread and know that I was being honest with you. Good luck.

Honestly, I'm not trying to demoralize. Being here a while kind of grew on me. The main thing I would say is maybe try organizing ahead of time, talking to your friends in the military, because if this all goes down as intended, it will probably be too late then. The one variable is in their assumption that the resulting "insurgency" (basically they mean the few of you double down, stand by everything you said, and go off grid) will be squashed by winter 2022. I'll just say this much. That would not happen if you had friends in the military. The military they're not sure of, but basically you'd have to convince the military to defend white supremacists, which is considered a tall order given its diversity. But it can be done. So I'm not exactly demoralizing.

I'm not saying to not vote for Trump. That's not the point. They know most everybody is voting for Trump. What I'm trying to communicate as best as I can is that the point is to get you knowing there is a clear loser in the WH and the election was rigged. Not sure if this is making sense but the point is that you are SUPPOSED to know the election was rigged. It is some psychological thing but I don't know the full details there, just that it's supposed to make you feel that you can't trust your vote.

My GUESS is that Trump's role will initially be to encourage action. But then he and most conservatives will end up disavowing once the white supremacist terror factor emerges.

Whoever said the thing about how freeing the exposure would be, is basically something they are factoring in. Because evidently the list has gotten enormous, and the idea is people may just double down if they get a sense of their true numbers. This is why they've been trying to make a big stink of white supremacy lately. They want as much of the population as possible prepared to come down hard on it before you guys get a chance to feel any kind of temptation to double down because of your numbers and the factor of "having nothing left to lose" after their little site is published. By the way, it won't be hackers, it is a group you all know, starts with A and ends with L. They've been mining comments here for years. And...they may or may not have a contract with Facebook. That's where the cross referencing to social media comes in.

No I have no idea what the acts of white supremacist terror will be, only that they (thinktanks) plan on it happening. And that the nation will be mourning. That is when the site will be published so people can search names and find out if they know any white supremacists. Picture it like a nationwide campaign for healing and encouraging white supremacists to come forward voluntarily and turn in their firearms. Again it's all very psychological. I know it sounds far fetched, but just think about how easily they got the population turned against you for not wearing a mask. It's along the same lines as that. I am sure the site will be controlled to weed out POC and satire (just my own guess). Like I said, they've been mining for years.

Again it's not a conservative vs. liberal civil war. It may seem like that but it morphs into everyone vs. white supremacists once the terrorism occurs. Conservatives will in no way want to be associated with it. It will bring the nation together. So my guess is the attacks will have to be of enormous scale for that to happen. "This is an attack on all of us" --- that's the kind of message that everybody will be feeling.

I understand the doubts, I guess the one way to prove the plausibility of what I am saying is for you all to reflect on the fact that they have been whipping up fears of white supremacist terrorism more than usual lately. So just think about why that is and do with it what you will. It is not for the election, it is for after the election.

12th January 2021, 04:37 AM
Makes more sense than the Charlie Ward, Simon Parkes, Juan O Savin baloney.

12th January 2021, 05:32 AM
For a brief moment in history we were empowered, now we will learn to live in fear.

Half Sense
12th January 2021, 01:50 PM
Brennan recently called for Red Chinese-style "shudder sessions" for Trump supporters; public floggings in which the accused are shamed, attacked and stripped of assets and privileges. This sounds like the modern equivalent.

Plenty of people predicted this was how the election steal would go do, including Trump himself and the creeps in the "Transition Integrity Project". The rest of his prediction does seem to be happening, but so far they are overplaying it. Banish and destroy half of American society because of a few trespassers? They will definitely need false flags to blame on patriots, and the Capitol was one such op, but not big enough. On the other hand, they have built the perfect snitch society, first via reality TV, then social media and now with covid. Nobody has anything better to do than sit in their house, stare at a screen and take their frustrations out on personal or political enemies.

12th January 2021, 05:37 PM
Brennan recently called for Red Chinese-style "shudder sessions" for Trump supporters; public floggings in which the accused are shamed, attacked and stripped of assets and privileges. This sounds like the modern equivalent.

Plenty of people predicted this was how the election steal would go do, including Trump himself and the creeps in the "Transition Integrity Project". The rest of his prediction does seem to be happening, but so far they are overplaying it. Banish and destroy half of American society because of a few trespassers? They will definitely need false flags to blame on patriots, and the Capitol was one such op, but not big enough. On the other hand, they have built the perfect snitch society, first via reality TV, then social media and now with covid. Nobody has anything better to do than sit in their house, stare at a screen and take their frustrations out on personal or political enemies.

Well said. Mass shootings again in the near future? We haven't had one in awhile. The next one will obviously be a Trump supporter. Trump's been blamed for 4 years for everything that's happened to our country, COVID, riots, etc. Now, the shift will be on Trump supporters. They are already getting kicked off of planes. Yet, antifa, BLM, can riot, burn, loot, destroy monuments, etc. and they get praise.

Hillary Clinton is blaming the Capital incident on "whiteness". Racism against white folks is unfortunately on the menu now.

12th January 2021, 06:20 PM
Racism against white folks is unfortunately on the menu now.
I think we need to start qualifying the word 'Racism'. Perhaps a better word to use for the persecution of an entire race would be Anti-racism. We need to take the sting out of being 'for' race and the word racism should be used in a positive way. God is obviously a racist and the original racist because he created races. Those who would vilify and destroy a race of people are obviously anti-God and anti-race.

Every other race can express love for their heritage but Whites cannot, without being targeted as evil. Why is that?

It is because race is a unifying force and they are scared shitless that whites will find unity.

12th January 2021, 06:29 PM
Plenty of people predicted this was how the election steal would go do, including Trump himself and the creeps in the "Transition Integrity Project". .

I don't see the "creeps in the Transition Integrity Project" predicting this, I see them doing a dress rehearsal for this and that all key players in that TIP were part of the COUP. A bunch of treasonous psychopaths IMO. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transition_Integrity_Project

We should have an enemies of the people thread, but it would be an endless thread. There probably aren't enough hours in the day to list all of the people who have been plotting against America and the American people. And it would have to include the entire US govt. (Dems, RINOs, DOJ, FBI, CIA, DHS, CISA, CDC, FDA, HHS, NIH, the courts and SCOTUS).

Yes, more false flags are coming. They have made it clear that the #1 agenda is to frame Trump supporters and conservatives (especially whites) as "domestic terrorists." They will do their best to get Trump supporters and conservatives to do something stupid, and it nobody takes the bait, they will simply dress Antifa up in Trump gear and do it that way. And it will definitely involve guns--pretty sure the treasonous FBI is already warning about "armed protests" across the nation (that they, no doubt, set up). And the lefties are so insane that they are even willing to rat out their own family members (I think that happened with the 1/6 protests--some left wing kids ratted out their own parents!!!)

midnight rambler
12th January 2021, 07:01 PM
Brennan recently called for Red Chinese-style "shudder sessions" for Trump supporters; public floggings in which the accused are shamed, attacked and stripped of assets and privileges. This sounds like the modern equivalent.

Killary is totally onboard -


Just a refresher -


midnight rambler
12th January 2021, 07:03 PM
They will do their best to get Trump supporters and conservatives to do something stupid

Naw, much easier to use well established sleeper assets as usual.

12th January 2021, 07:05 PM
"I think we need to start qualifying the word 'Racism'. Perhaps a better word to use ..."
would be tribalism.

12th January 2021, 07:15 PM
We should have an enemies of the people thread, but it would be an endless thread. There probably aren't enough hours in the day to list all of the people who have been plotting against America and the American people. And it would have to include the entire US govt. (Dems, RINOs, DOJ, FBI, CIA, DHS, CISA, CDC, FDA, HHS, NIH, the courts and SCOTUS).

Here's a list of the things the enemies of the people own, use and promote to destroy us.

Who owns all 6 Hollywood studios?

Who owns the Newspapers?

Who owns the Magazines?

Who owns the television stations and creates fake news?

Who prints all the school books?

Who changed the immigration policies in western countries in 1965?

Who started feminism, telling white women to not listen to their men and not get married or have babies and create a family?

Who was the first person to give a white woman an abortion in Montreal Canada?

Who invented the birth control pill?

Who did 9/11 and tried to blame it on Arabs?

Who are the people putting soy oil, which contains phytoestrogen, in all of the corporate baby formula fed to white male babies?

Who's putting all the soy in all of the food?

Who has special symbols on the food telling them it's safe to eat?

Who puts all of the fluoride in the water?

Who uses mercury to fill peoples teeth?

Who owns the central banks and prints the money?

Who owns the pharmaceutical companies and created the vaccine about to be injected into everyone?

Who hates white people?

Who owns the porn industry and always matches white women with black men?

Who are the chosen people?

Who is in charge of gang stalking?

Who's throwing political dissidents in mental hospitals and telling them they are delusional?

Who controls Freemasonry and the other secret societies?

Who controls Signals Intelligence and is torturing people with frequency weapons?

Who invented modern psychology and uses it to label their critics delusional?

Who stole the Palestinians land?

Who murdered Jesus?

Who controls all of our politicians through secret societies like Freemasonry and Lions Club International?

Who murdered over 60 million white Christian Russians in their Gulag Death camps and then tried to blame it on Hitler?

Who ran the Atlantic slave trade and owned the slave ships and tried to blame it all on white people?

Who controls The United Nations and wants a world government?

Who wants to get rid of cash and chip everyone with digital currency?

Who created the fake pandemic and is destroying all of the small businesses and destroying the middle class?

Who wants to inject you with poison?

Who's the biggest liar on earth and has fooled everyone?

Who always pretends to be a victim but actually controls the world?

Who are the wolves in sheep clothing?

Who is The Synagogue Of Satan?

Answer: Jews.

12th January 2021, 07:16 PM
"I think we need to start qualifying the word 'Racism'. Perhaps a better word to use ..."
would be tribalism.
But there is really nothing wrong with tribalism either. It simply denotes a coalescing force, a solidarity if you will, a unifying force and the only real problem in this world is the attempted destruction of groups and dis-unification is really the thing to be wary of.

12th January 2021, 07:22 PM
"I think we need to start qualifying the word 'Racism'. Perhaps a better word to use ..."
would be tribalism.
I guess the key here is 'heritage'. Who would want to deny of hide their heritage? (I think we know.) Why not be proud of your heritage? Note that those who are trying to change our world into Mordor are attacking heritage systems. Everything must be torn down, at least everything white, because they hate us and want a world of their own. "Build back better."

13th January 2021, 06:13 AM
"I guess the key here is 'heritage'"
Inherit. These are of two types: fixed and moveable. Generally refer to 'things'. It is what you got and everyone else wants. Or as Obama claims "you didn't build that". Unless of course you did build that in which case the cause is "you did it to spite me".

You can do whatever you like but keep off my blue suede shoes.