View Full Version : Prediction: Trump WILL invoke the Insurrection Act

12th January 2021, 08:08 PM
I want to succinctly explain why I am going out on a limb to predict that Trump will invoke the Insurrection Act.

1. Never corner an animal that can fight to survive and inflict mortal or lethal injury. This is common knowledge. The Deep State and their minions in Congress and the Judiciary have cornered Trump legally and formally. He has exercised every constitutional mechanism in his appeal of this election and has been stonewalled. Now, he is being threatened with political destruction. The vindictive Congress, consumed with hatred for this man, are not content to let the clock run and let this man fade into private life. They are doubling down, making it clear that they are hell bent on destroying Trump so that he can never hold public office again. Also, they wish to destroy his reputation, and likely his ability to reconstitute his estate and conduct commerce as a private citizen. They are determined to destroy the Trump brand, a very valuable commodity. They have cornered Trump and now are bludgeoning him.

2. Trump likes to win; it is an obsession. He is pure alpha. An alpha doesn't walk away from a battle with his tail between his legs if there is a way to win, regardless of the odds. An alpha thrives on such circumstances.

3. Trump need not be deterred by negative reaction to invocation of the Insurrection Act. The Deep State and their minions have clearly demonstrated their unquenchable hatred for him. As for the people, Trump won this election by a landslide. Over one million citizens came out on Jan. 6 to support Trump. The only portion of the public that will condemn him are the small minority of the population that have been radicalized and brainwashed by four years of blistering attacks on Trump by the MSM and sundry elected officials. These people will condemn Trump for any reason. Their opinions are known and frankly, unchangeable anyway.

4. As POTUS, if Trump has documented proof of election fraud he is legally obligated to put that proof in front of the American people, in as much as the Congress and courts have refused to examine this proof.

5. Some say Trump will not invoke the Insurrection Act because of the rioting and bloodshed that are likely to follow, as radicalized groups attempt to cause total disruption of the process and further damage Trump politically. To paraphrase Andrew Jackson, if I [Trump] invoke the Insurrection Act it is certain that some will be injured and some may die; but that is the the Deep State's sin, that created this subset of misinformed useful idiots having no respect for the rule of law or private property. But, if I do not act, it is certain that many more will be injured and many will likely die, and the Constitution will be all but destroyed, and that would be my sin.

6. Certain Democrats are pushing legislation to declare Trump supporters and constitutional patriots as domestic terrorists, subject to imprisonment. Further, they would be forbidden to engage in peaceful assembly. Such legislation if passed would destroy two fundamental tenets of the Constitution: the right of free speech and right of peaceful assembly. If Trump leaves office on January 20, he leaves open the possibility of passage of this legislation.

7. Some question whether the military will obey the president in invoking the Insurrection Act. I do not believe the million person rally was organized primarily for the benefit of certain of his defenders in the Congress. I believe it was organized for the benefit of the military. The latter witnessed one million citizens voluntarily come to Washington to support Trump. Therefore, any doubts that the public would support a military solution to the election problem are quelled.

8. If Trump fails to invoke the Insurrection Act, he leaves office in disgrace, defeated by the deep state. What is worse, he leaves the people of the nation a the mercy of the Marxist-Leftists and an illegitimate government that has publicly made clear that it is intent on shredding the constitution and instituting a draconian police state of control and surveillance.

In my humble opinion, the Deep State and their corrupt minions have given Trump no choice: he has everything to gain and nothing to lose by invoking the Insurrection Act.

12th January 2021, 08:26 PM

In my humble opinion, the Deep State and their corrupt minions have given Trump no choice: he has everything to gain and nothing to lose by invoking the Insurrection Act.

Interesting opinion. I thought about this, and also point #7- would the military obey him. But if you are right, then your last statement would have me think: Is this maybe exactly what they would want him to do?

12th January 2021, 08:31 PM
Interesting opinion. I thought about this, and also point #7- would the military obey him. But if you are right, then your last statement would have me think: Is this maybe exactly what they would want him to do?Any member of the military having an IQ above room temperature has to know that it is only matter of time before Biden orders them to fire upon fellow American citizens. I'd wager that a disproportionate number of participants in the Jan. 6 rally were members of the military and their family members.

12th January 2021, 08:31 PM
Trump didn't sound like a man who had any capacity to fight out of the corner he's been backed into at his last speech imo. He sounded like a wounded duck with no options, defeated. Horrible to see and hear actually from such a proud man with a huge ego. If he invokes the Insurrection Act he better have some juicy shit on all the criminals else he'll go down in history as a tyrant and dictator.

Interestingly the Right wing government here has been saying how shocked and disappointed they are at the tech giants attempts to silence Trump, so there are still governments that condemn this move.

Just to add, I think I already mentioned how I feared a a Trump presidency back in 2016, I knew deep down something horrible like this would unfold so I hope he doesn't let you guys down, or whats left of the free world for that matter.

12th January 2021, 08:39 PM
Its over.

Trump could sign the insurrection act this moment, and people would just ignore it.

He could declassify information and discussion of it would just be banned.

He could get the marines to arrest Pelosi, and the military would just court marshal all involved and charge them with attempted coup.

Here's the letter sent to our armed forces today:


12th January 2021, 09:05 PM
Its over.

Trump could sign the insurrection act this moment, and people would just ignore it.

He could declassify information and discussion of it would just be banned.

He could get the marines to arrest Pelosi, and the military would just court marshal all involved and charge them with attempted coup.

Here's the letter sent to our armed forces today:

They have the deck stacked. These are probably the generals that Obama placed. Traitors who actually refer to the constitution as if they were legitimate.

midnight rambler
12th January 2021, 09:36 PM
If he invokes the Insurrection Act he better have some juicy shit on all the criminals else he'll go down in history as a tyrant and dictator.

Lincoln, America's Caesar, got a YUGE monument.

midnight rambler
12th January 2021, 09:39 PM
I think I already mentioned how I feared a a Trump presidency back in 2016

And exactly how was Killary better??

12th January 2021, 09:50 PM
And exactly how was Killary better??

She would never have been, sure you bought yourselves four years but will it have been worth it now that 75 odd million of you guys may be placed on a watch list?

midnight rambler
12th January 2021, 09:58 PM
She would never have been, sure you bought yourselves four years but will it have been worth it now that 75 odd million of you guys may be placed on a watch list?

Those tens of millions would have been put on a watch list by 2018 anyway.

12th January 2021, 10:23 PM
Those tens of millions would have been put on a watch list by 2018 anyway.

Maybe, maybe not. We'll never know I guess. Anyhow I suspected something like this would happen


12th January 2021, 10:38 PM
Any member of the military having an IQ above room temperature has to know that it is only matter of time before Biden orders them to fire upon fellow American citizens. I'd wager that a disproportionate number of participants in the Jan. 6 rally were members of the military and their family members.

During the incursion into the capitol buildings, I was on Twitter, and people were saying "call the National Guard". I replied- they could, but a lot of the guardsmen may be in that crowd!

13th January 2021, 02:50 AM
I'd say there is about a .000000001% chance of this happening. The biggest reason is he would need to roundup 1000's of people across the US for so many different crimes, all at the same time. In order to do that he would need overwhelming evidence against all of them. In order to get that he would need a DOJ and FBI that actually did something for him.
So yea there's a chance of this happening. There's also a chance that a meteor will strike DC before the 20th. I wouldn't place a bet on either one though.

13th January 2021, 04:14 AM
I love you Doc and you lay out excellent reasoning, but you're missing one big point. Trump does have something to lose: His life and the lives of his family.

Trump received the phone call and was told no more or else....... He's just protecting his family and himself.

midnight rambler
13th January 2021, 07:39 PM
Its over.

Trump could sign the insurrection act this moment, and people would just ignore it.

He could declassify information and discussion of it would just be banned.

He could get the marines to arrest Pelosi, and the military would just court marshal all involved and charge them with attempted coup.

Here's the letter sent to our armed forces today:


Fake document? A couple of people pointed out these problems with that memo:

No date on the document
All the signatures appear to be signed with the same pen
That's not Milley's signature (someone sent me Milley's actual signature and while close, definitely not done by the same hand, which I have to wonder, if photoshopped why such a poor job? not that difficult to 'shop someone's real signature)

13th January 2021, 09:20 PM
We are supposed to be a "We the People" led govt, not a national top down bunch of clowns, dictatorship.

We are 50 States.

We are the people.

If we saw off the loony left and let them have Jew York, DC and Lost angeles, whats left would make an even finer country.

All the organic laws are still in place. Declaration of Independence was a great start, with American Common law.

We need to kick the Kikes in the teeth, they run these BAR kangaroo courts, but the common law is the law of the land.



I'm not saying to run right down to court and take em on. I am saying to avoid their damn courts and the policymen as much as possible.
This info is for emergency use only.

13th January 2021, 10:35 PM
but the common law is the law of the land

You have the right to say that,

the issue is that common law only works for those who can afford to purchase it with political position.

Everyone else is subject to speculative law from judges who are not in any way held accountable for transgressing common law.

Except by their uncommon piers...

13th January 2021, 10:43 PM
They have been goading Trump to do anything of the such for his entire term.

Fleets & Minions of politicians and lackeys really are not concerned at all either way, as their country is set up to fall.

The entire Trump spectacle keeps attention away from themselves, they will miss him completely when gone & out of office.

13th January 2021, 10:44 PM
You have the right to say that,

the issue is that common law only works for those who can afford to purchase it with political position.

Everyone else is subject to speculative law from judges who are not in any way held accountable for transgressing common law.

Except by their uncommon piers...

I think, you are talking about a defn given by the lieyers themselves, a fiction they made up.

Listen to the video, common law is law for men, that trumps law for fictions.

Can you flesh this out, I would like to know your position?

midnight rambler
14th January 2021, 08:18 AM
Its over.

Trump could sign the insurrection act this moment, and people would just ignore it.

He could declassify information and discussion of it would just be banned.

He could get the marines to arrest Pelosi, and the military would just court marshal all involved and charge them with attempted coup.

Here's the letter sent to our armed forces today:


One can accuse me of smoking hopium however I can't help but think Trump is sitting on a pat hand after all the recent events. We hear very little from Powell, Wood, JulieAnnie, et al. Meanwhile the libtards continue to howl like the jackals they are.

Listen very carefully, he's setting the stage -


14th January 2021, 10:47 AM
One can accuse me of smoking hopium however I can't help but think Trump is sitting on a pat hand after all the recent events. We hear very little from Powell, Wood, JulieAnnie, et al. Meanwhile the libtards continue to howl like the jackals they are.

Listen very carefully, he's setting the stage -


Law and order. No violence. Etc... He is setting the stage.

midnight rambler
14th January 2021, 11:53 AM
Reportedly there are 20,000 NG troops in DC, that’s essentially two divisions. That’s not for Trump supporters.

14th January 2021, 12:51 PM
"Reportedly there are 20,000 NG troops in DC, that’s essentially two divisions"
Must not be any from Ohio. It only took 28 of these to protect Kent State.

14th January 2021, 02:27 PM
I think, you are talking about a defn given by the lieyers themselves, a fiction they made up.

Listen to the video, common law is law for men, that trumps law for fictions.

Can you flesh this out, I would like to know your position?

Is that Big John hisself in the video? :)

He appears filled with contempt...

14th January 2021, 04:20 PM
National Guard (3400) with additional 15,000 en route

Now why would we need all that with this being a virtual inauguration?

I think shits going down and we haven't heard the last from Trump.

14th January 2021, 04:33 PM
Is that Big John hisself in the video? :)

He appears filled with contempt...

Leckrone looks like an average size guy, to me, maybe he looks big to you.

Did you visit Norway, to get your Valhalla pass?

midnight rambler
14th January 2021, 08:34 PM
Its over.

Trump could sign the insurrection act this moment, and people would just ignore it.

He could declassify information and discussion of it would just be banned.

He could get the marines to arrest Pelosi, and the military would just court marshal all involved and charge them with attempted coup.

Here's the letter sent to our armed forces today:


Despite lacking a date and other issues, note the URL -

https://www.jcs.mil/Portals/36/Documents/JCS%20Message%20to%20the%20Joint%20Force%20JAN%201 2%2021.pdf

14th January 2021, 08:47 PM
Despite lacking a date and other issues, note the URL -

https://www.jcs.mil/Portals/36/Documents/JCS%20Message%20to%20the%20Joint%20Force%20JAN%201 2%2021.pdf

There's a lot wrong with that document. It should be the "Message FROM the Joint Force".

Unclassified should be in RED, not black.

There are some other issues with this document. But I can't remember a past presidential election where there was so much informational warfare.

midnight rambler
14th January 2021, 08:51 PM
Am I wrong? Is that not the official website for JCS?

I agree about there being so much wrong with that document.

14th January 2021, 08:54 PM
Am I wrong? Is that not the official website for JCS?

I agree about there being so much wrong with that document.

Yeah that's a government website, but a lot of people have looked at it and pointed out a lot of things that are wrong with it. Official Government documents have other information that is missing on this form which a lot of people are thinking its a fake, or put out by non-loyalist.

Its hard to know which direction the wind is blowing during this storm.

14th January 2021, 11:29 PM
Trump didn't sound like a man who had any capacity to fight out of the corner he's been backed into at his last speech imo. He sounded like a wounded duck with no options, defeated. Horrible to see and hear actually from such a proud man with a huge ego. If he invokes the Insurrection Act he better have some juicy shit on all the criminals else he'll go down in history as a tyrant and dictator.

Interestingly the Right wing government here has been saying how shocked and disappointed they are at the tech giants attempts to silence Trump, so there are still governments that condemn this move.

Just to add, I think I already mentioned how I feared a a Trump presidency back in 2016, I knew deep down something horrible like this would unfold so I hope he doesn't let you guys down, or whats left of the free world for that matter.

It is all a big show and the outcome is determined. The ALAMO , means the last stand. Trump is acting apart. This is exactly what you want your enemy to think , that you are defeated an down. The opposite is the truth and things are about to go down in a big way.

It is his responsibility to protect America , full stop.

He is the only thing between us and the NWO taking over.

Front row seat with pop corn is best but if you are further back and dont understand fully what is going on then it is harder to see things as clearly.

Dont give into FEAR , I have not and will not because I believe in the out come is going to be a success for humanity.

This is a test of our FAITH in a positive outcome.

15th January 2021, 12:20 AM
The only thing remotely accurate about any of this so far has been my own prediction from 2016.


maybe not down to the minutia, but hey its got the general "vibe" of it


15th January 2021, 02:13 AM
The only thing remotely accurate about any of this so far has been my own prediction from 2016.


maybe not down to the minutia, but hey its got the general "vibe" of it

Still way off...................

Trump is opposite of what most people think.

15th January 2021, 02:17 AM
Still way off...................Trump is opposite of what most people think.

Nope, spot pretty much on up to here it seems o)(~

15th January 2021, 02:27 AM
Nope, spot pretty much on up to here it seems o)(~

Completely wrong about Trump, do not under estimate Trump.

15th January 2021, 02:39 AM
Completely wrong about Trump, do not under estimate Trump.

not so far it seems

15th January 2021, 02:46 AM
Believe me it wont be long........................

latest rumor ......Trump already inaugurated.

15th January 2021, 02:50 AM
Believe me it wont be long........................

latest rumor ......Trump already inaugurated.

rumor or proven track record?


15th January 2021, 05:13 AM
Nope, spot pretty much on up to here it seems o)(~

No, not really. He wasn't an "approved candidate" both parties ran against him. As soon as Repubs noticed how popular he was they bit their own tongues as to not piss off his massive base.

Now that he's supposedly been beaten by China Joe, now you see the Repubs who once supported him come out and show their true colors.

To say he was selected is to ignore the evidence of both parties actively working against him.

Edit: An approved candidate like you claimed also would not have exposed the unelected bureaucracy that runs this country the way he did. He called it the deep state, most of us prior to Trump even running called it the powers that be, the hidden hand, etc. The unelected unaccountable people are truly the ones that run things, and now over half the country knows it. That is an enormous accomplishment when you consider 10 years ago you'd be called a conspiracy theorist for even suggesting it.

15th January 2021, 05:45 AM
No, not really. He wasn't an "approved candidate" both parties ran against him. As soon as Repubs noticed how popular he was they bit their own tongues as to not piss off his massive base.

Now that he's supposedly been beaten by China Joe, now you see the Repubs who once supported him come out and show their true colors.

To say he was selected is to ignore the evidence of both parties actively working against him.

Edit: An approved candidate like you claimed also would not have exposed the unelected bureaucracy that runs this country the way he did. He called it the deep state, most of us prior to Trump even running called it the powers that be, the hidden hand, etc. The unelected unaccountable people are truly the ones that run things, and now over half the country knows it. That is an enormous accomplishment when you consider 10 years ago you'd be called a conspiracy theorist for even suggesting it.
I find myself thanking both viewpoints. You make valid points; Trump may very well have been a wild card, but at the same time he is certainly deeply involved in that elite society that has profited from and run the deep state. Is he a turncoat to his elite brethren? Did he switch to favoring the common man? Aeondaze looks to have been spot on though. If China Joe is inaugurated and no steps are taken by Trump, then we will know. Then again we may never know what kind of leverage the rulers have to overturn things in their favor. They could very possibly threaten his family, right down to some kind of Sampson option where nukes or some kind of widespread destruction is threatened. Never underestimate cornered rats. They've had a long time to consider their options and all the money to hire and sway the best minds for their thinktanks. At this point it is becoming clear to even the apathetic masses that we are headed into a very dark future. Even members of my family who seemed unreachable are starting to see it.

15th January 2021, 06:58 AM
I find myself thanking both viewpoints. You make valid points; Trump may very well have been a wild card, but at the same time he is certainly deeply involved in that elite society that has profited from and run the deep state. Is he a turncoat to his elite brethren? Did he switch to favoring the common man? Aeondaze looks to have been spot on though. If China Joe is inaugurated and no steps are taken by Trump, then we will know. Then again we may never know what kind of leverage the rulers have to overturn things in their favor. They could very possibly threaten his family, right down to some kind of Sampson option where nukes or some kind of widespread destruction is threatened. Never underestimate cornered rats. They've had a long time to consider their options and all the money to hire and sway the best minds for their thinktanks. At this point it is becoming clear to even the apathetic masses that we are headed into a very dark future. Even members of my family who seemed unreachable are starting to see it.

"he is certainly deeply involved in that elite society that has profited from and run the deep state"

Not so, Trump was never part of their secret societies, never been a member, or went to their gatherings. Bilderberg, Skull And Bones, The Illuminati, Freemasons, Knights Templar, Bohemian Grove, or any others.

15th January 2021, 07:03 AM
Comments by Lt. Gen, McInerny, relevant: fast forward to 1:05 mark


15th January 2021, 08:26 AM
Comments by Lt. Gen, McInerny, relevant: fast forward to 1:05 mark


Our last hope is our military, if they do nothing then we are really lost. The upper echelon will be deemed compromised and trust in our military will be lost.
We know most wars in our history were unjust and a product of the military industrial complex. I will never trust, or support any military action again.
Don't ever tell me we are protecting our country by building walls and protecting borders of enemy countries, when we won't protect our own country. I won't buy it ever again.
I would recommend to anyone thinking about joining the military to not do it! "US" should be removed from "military". We can call it "the military".

15th January 2021, 10:08 AM
"Our last hope is our military"

When are you going to take responsibility for yourself? Illusions are the easiest thing in the world to deal with. Just close your eyes!

15th January 2021, 10:18 AM
This discussion is well worth your time - a wealth of insights can be had by reading between the lines. These gentlemen appear to have no doubts that Trump will remain as president for a second term. Subjects covered include child trafficking, martial law, lockdowns as cover for covert arrests, DUMBs being destroyed, NESARA and GESARA, Trump's executive order of 2018 re: foreign interference in US elections, traitors and double agents in Washington, and the coming day of reckoning for the deep state. Recommended!


15th January 2021, 10:48 PM
Has America been made great again or is it worse?

I would err to worse side from what I can see,

well I supposed you have to gut a fish first before you stew it... right now its like fish guts from here.

16th January 2021, 12:59 AM
This discussion is well worth your time - a wealth of insights can be had by reading between the lines. These gentlemen appear to have no doubts that Trump will remain as president for a second term. Subjects covered include child trafficking, martial law, lockdowns as cover for covert arrests, DUMBs being destroyed, NESARA and GESARA, Trump's executive order of 2018 re: foreign interference in US elections, traitors and double agents in Washington, and the coming day of reckoning for the deep state. Recommended!

video unavailable

16th January 2021, 01:16 AM
This discussion is well worth your time - a wealth of insights can be had by reading between the lines. These gentlemen appear to have no doubts that Trump will remain as president for a second term. Subjects covered include child trafficking, martial law, lockdowns as cover for covert arrests, DUMBs being destroyed, NESARA and GESARA, Trump's executive order of 2018 re: foreign interference in US elections, traitors and double agents in Washington, and the coming day of reckoning for the deep state. Recommended!


Trump will be the president for the next four years.

Its more than the election but more like a complete up date of the SYSTEM world wide.

It also the take down of the satanic global network.

Trump was a builder and how do you demolish a building.

Its going to be one big demolition, just like building 7, the whole D.S in one big detonation.

16th January 2021, 06:36 AM

16th January 2021, 06:38 AM
More Revelations About the Nature of the ‘Capitol Coup’
January 16, 2021 (https://www.winterwatch.net/2021/01/) Russ Winter (https://www.winterwatch.net/author/russ-winter/) Articles by Russ Winter (https://www.winterwatch.net/category/articlesbyrusswinter/), Crime (https://www.winterwatch.net/category/crime/), Media (https://www.winterwatch.net/category/media/), Politics (https://www.winterwatch.net/category/politics/), US News (https://www.winterwatch.net/category/usnews/), Winter Watch Articles (https://www.winterwatch.net/category/winterwatcharticles/) 4 (https://www.winterwatch.net/2021/01/more-revelations-about-the-nature-of-the-capitol-coup/#mh-comments)

Details are emerging that point to the psyop nature of the Jan. 6 Capitol Hill shit storm. One assorted group of sketchy characters I have referred to as the “Village People” — headed up by a guy in absurd Viking attire — was on the scene.

moar https://www.winterwatch.net/2021/01/more-revelations-about-the-nature-of-the-capitol-coup/

16th January 2021, 08:25 AM
Nice find


16th January 2021, 05:28 PM
I am truly terrified at what is happening now. We are in the midst of a communist takeover of the United States. I wonder how many Americans see it. The nation is coming apart at the seams. Our communities are being battered with violent protests and vandalism by ANTIFA and BLM, all condoned by the Democrat politicians. The president, the president!!!!, the only elected official voted in by all the people is being censored by big tech. The Jan 6 rally has been perverted by planted agent provocateurs and converted into an excuse to condemn Trump and anyone who supports the Constitution and the United States. The Democrats are engaged in out and out treason; they are calling for dismantling the Constitution and threatening with violence millions of citizens who's only crime is expressing free speech and the right to vote. These same Democrats who condoned violence and vandalism by leftist agitators have impeached the president and all but called for his arrest and imprisonment; his only crime is his loyalty to the Constitution and the people. These events are building up to a crescendo, a terrifying roar of chaos and lawlessness. What is happening is astounding. And behind all of this treason is Chinese money and certain foreign actors. These people are not going to stop until the republic is shattered and millions are dead, from starvation and God knows what else.

The president must invoke the Insurrection Act, to restore calm and order to the land, uphold the primacy of the Constitution, and bring to justice the treasonous persons in our government and corporate entities that by their actions have proven their malevolent intent. This is truly a national crisis of survival. We are a nation under attack, standing at the precipice and staring at the abyss. If we don't fight for our republic now we are doomed.

midnight rambler
16th January 2021, 05:36 PM
Recent Mike Lindell interview, after his recent visit to WH, 30 minutes, disturbing -


16th January 2021, 05:54 PM
This was always going to be the play if and when Trump was elected. If lowly old me could figure it out, you can be sure they would have this sort of playbook engineered to come to fruition.

"Trumpism" was all about goading constitutional minded individuals into exposing their beliefs then engineering an event to marginalize, ostracize and isolate them within society. Jan 6th was the culmination of that play, theres no where to go now, Trump and his supporters have been tragically played unfortunately.

16th January 2021, 06:45 PM
I am truly terrified at what is happening now. We are in the midst of a communist takeover of the United States. I wonder how many Americans see it. The nation is coming apart at the seams. Our communities are being battered with violent protests and vandalism by ANTIFA and BLM, all condoned by the Democrat politicians. The president, the president!!!!, the only elected official voted in by all the people is being censored by big tech. The Jan 6 rally has been perverted by planted agent provocateurs and converted into an excuse to condemn Trump and anyone who supports the Constitution and the United States. The Democrats are engaged in out and out treason; they are calling for dismantling the Constitution and threatening with violence millions of citizens who's only crime is expressing free speech and the right to vote. These same Democrats who condoned violence and vandalism by leftist agitators have impeached the president and all but called for his arrest and imprisonment; his only crime is his loyalty to the Constitution and the people. These events are building up to a crescendo, a terrifying roar of chaos and lawlessness. What is happening is astounding. And behind all of this treason is Chinese money and certain foreign actors. These people are not going to stop until the republic is shattered and millions are dead, from starvation and God knows what else.

The president must invoke the Insurrection Act, to restore calm and order to the land, uphold the primacy of the Constitution, and bring to justice the treasonous persons in our government and corporate entities that by their actions have proven their malevolent intent. This is truly a national crisis of survival. We are a nation under attack, standing at the precipice and staring at the abyss. If we don't fight for our republic now we are doomed.

Keep in mind that the president called the NG into DC, and there are 20,000-30,000 of them. The only question is, in which direction will they point their guns (inward or outward)?

16th January 2021, 07:31 PM
Keep in mind that the president called the NG into DC, and there are 20,000-30,000 of them. The only question is, in which direction will they point their guns (inward or outward)?

Yep 24K with razor wire to keep them(who) out. This is going to be fun if we get live video. I don't know shyt. All Cell phone and internet transmission will be cut at 10am. Again This was, from some dude last year in a holograph. There will be nothing live.

16th January 2021, 07:36 PM
At least 4 more years

16th January 2021, 10:01 PM
At least 4 more years

Of what?

When are you guys going to admit that Trump will never run again? His kids may never run again. This isn't just about Trump, this is about destroying "Trumpism" which is now collectively all those that support the constitution. Now its about rebuilding the GOP without the constitutionalists that have been a pain in the GOP side for thirty years.

Its been a game within a game for over four years now, they sidelined the constitution before the last election with mail in ballots. Remember that they control the dialectic with their 24/7 media coverage and tech giant support, not the believers in the constitution, they don't have ANY voice anymore thanks to Jan 6th. This was all set in motion in 2016, you could see the writing on the wall with all the rhetoric that was being spewed at the time.

Whoever is controlling this clearly has the constitution in their sights. Trump or "Trumpism" was nothing more than a vehicle for them to destroy it.

When is this going to become apparent, you've had four years, but in three days time things will be different? :rolleyes:

Trump wasn't playing 3D, 4D or whatever D chess like an opponent, he was simply just a pawn on the board

16th January 2021, 11:40 PM
Trump wasn't playing 3D, 4D or whatever D chess like an opponent, he was simply just a pawn on the board


17th January 2021, 12:18 AM
Just getting caught up on some interviews; this is TLA Vagabond & Whitney Webb, pub'd Jan 7, the day after the Jan 6 FF "siege" :rolleyes:

1h 35m, not sure how much of that duration is the WW interview:

First published at 21:55 UTC on January 7th, 2021.
The Last American Vagabond (https://www.bitchute.com/channel/thelastamericanvagabond/)
19064 subscribers

Whitney Webb Is joining me today to discuss what appears to be the "opening act" of the new US war, the "War on YOU."

17th January 2021, 01:21 AM
Of what?

When are you guys going to admit that Trump will never run again? His kids may never run again. This isn't just about Trump, this is about destroying "Trumpism" which is now collectively all those that support the constitution. Now its about rebuilding the GOP without the constitutionalists that have been a pain in the GOP side for thirty years.

Its been a game within a game for over four years now, they sidelined the constitution before the last election with mail in ballots. Remember that they control the dialectic with their 24/7 media coverage and tech giant support, not the believers in the constitution, they don't have ANY voice anymore thanks to Jan 6th. This was all set in motion in 2016, you could see the writing on the wall with all the rhetoric that was being spewed at the time.

Whoever is controlling this clearly has the constitution in their sights. Trump or "Trumpism" was nothing more than a vehicle for them to destroy it.

When is this going to become apparent, you've had four years, but in three days time things will be different? :rolleyes:

Trump wasn't playing 3D, 4D or whatever D chess like an opponent, he was simply just a pawn on the board

Deep State is finished , finished off by Trump and the Alliance.

It has already happened. Looks like you missed it,but I didnt.

17th January 2021, 01:31 AM
Deep State is finished , finished off by Trump and the Alliance.

It has already happened. Looks like you missed it,but I didnt.

Don't know where you were in 2016, but I called it then.

Three days to go, not a lot of time. Surely Trump would have enacted his master plan by now? What is the purpose of waiting until Bidens inauguration?

Doesn't make any sense, does it?

17th January 2021, 02:21 AM
If we don't fight for our republic now we are doomed.

If these communists take control they'll do to us what they're done to others in the past that showed any resistance to them. They kill off those who resist and they show no mercy.

In the words of James Wickstrom "lock and load, we have an enemy in the Land".


17th January 2021, 07:18 AM
More Revelations About the Nature of the ‘Capitol Coup’
January 16, 2021 (https://www.winterwatch.net/2021/01/) Russ Winter (https://www.winterwatch.net/author/russ-winter/) Articles by Russ Winter (https://www.winterwatch.net/category/articlesbyrusswinter/), Crime (https://www.winterwatch.net/category/crime/), Media (https://www.winterwatch.net/category/media/), Politics (https://www.winterwatch.net/category/politics/), US News (https://www.winterwatch.net/category/usnews/), Winter Watch Articles (https://www.winterwatch.net/category/winterwatcharticles/) 4 (https://www.winterwatch.net/2021/01/more-revelations-about-the-nature-of-the-capitol-coup/#mh-comments)

Details are emerging that point to the psyop nature of the Jan. 6 Capitol Hill shit storm. One assorted group of sketchy characters I have referred to as the “Village People” — headed up by a guy in absurd Viking attire — was on the scene.

moar https://www.winterwatch.net/2021/01/more-revelations-about-the-nature-of-the-capitol-coup/

In all conclusive evidence you could point to this "Capitol Marched On" event as a Greater Union between the 2 opposing U.S. entities, you could call it at the very least "Again" that...

Not so Great, but at a minimum United under 1 Valkerie.

Still kinda looking like fish guts though, imo.

17th January 2021, 07:38 AM
Just getting caught up on some interviews; this is TLA Vagabond & Whitney Webb, pub'd Jan 7, the day after the Jan 6 FF "siege" :rolleyes:

1h 35m, not sure how much of that duration is the WW interview:

First published at 21:55 UTC on January 7th, 2021.
The Last American Vagabond (https://www.bitchute.com/channel/thelastamericanvagabond/)
19064 subscribers

Whitney Webb Is joining me today to discuss what appears to be the "opening act" of the new US war, the "War on YOU."

here's WWebb with host Jason Bermas, pub'd Jan 11 -- promises to be more succinct at 22m, vs her interview above w TLAV who's typically long winded (I still haven't listened to above), plus it's 5 days after the Jan 6th capitol FF/psyop so they've had time for all the vids & testimonies debunking that 'event' to become public.

Whitney Webb Breaks Down The Capitol And The Ghosts Of DHS Past And Future!
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JdP5b3WKYj4)12,216 views
•Premiered Jan 11, 2021
Jason Bermas
61.4K subscribers
