View Full Version : Marxist Media Lynching Process

15th January 2021, 06:26 AM



8:10 video runtime

The Vortex — Media Lynching
•Jan 15, 2021
Church Militant
259K subscribers
Church Militant (a 501(c)4 corporation) is responsible for the content of this commentary.



Church Militant (a 501(c)4 corporation) is responsible for the content of this commentary.

The media claims that the attack on the Capitol last week was an insurrection are patently stupid. No one was trying to overthrow the government and the media, of course, knows that. There was no coup, or even attempted coup. But spinning language like that is the stock and trade of Marxists, just read a little Saul Alinsky.

But if you notice the strategy of, first, the media elites finding the right vocabulary and then, once that's settled, pumping it out like sewage, you'll see how these phony dramas like the impeachment unfold. The word "insurrection" became the media go-to word and quickly circulated among the Marxist Democrats, proving once again that whatever the communist bastard Democrats accuse someone else of doing is exactly what they are actually doing.

Think Hillary, think Ukraine, think Russian collusion, and, now, add to it "insurrection." Man, they are good at what they do, at twisting the narrative. And it always results in a media lynching, which was the point to begin with. Take, for example, the case of Mark McCloskey and his wife Patricia of St. Louis, who unwillingly were blasted by the white-hot media spotlight for defending their home as BLM and Antifa rioters crashed through the gates of their neighborhood last summer.

Their standing on their front stoop, ready to defend their home from those violent rioters was a scene the media had to attack because, to any normal person, it makes perfect sense to defend yourself as a mob is drawing close to your house yelling things like, "We're going to burn it down and rape your wife and kill your dog."
The country is run by a small handful of people who hold the microphone, and no one is allowed to challenge them.

Of course, the Marxist district attorney charged the McCloskeys with a crime. The mob? Meh, they were marching and rioting for a really good reason so that's okay. Earlier this week, we spoke with McCloskey and asked for his view of what's happening right now in America.

The country is run by a small handful of people who hold the microphone, and no one is allowed to challenge them. The Democrat and Republican parties are now subservient to the media. It's media-owned government.

In an extremely glaring example of, call it what you will, hypocrisy or the double-standard, McCloskey draws on his and his wife's own bad experience to highlight the perversity. And drawing the even larger point about the hypocrisy, McCloskey drew a comparison between the Washington, D.C. violence and the violence of the mob at his house this last summer.

As the dark winter of socialism begins to descend on America, even before Biden has illegitimately taken the oath of office, the Marxist language machine is already cranking up. Anyone who supports or supported Trump is "irredeemable," "treasonous" and "unpatriotic." The table is, indeed, being set.

It's one thing to have been labeled "deplorable" or accused of "clinging to your guns and Bibles," because those are just insults and slurs. But to be called treasonous is a whole new level because treason is a crime. One of those labels will eventually be settled on — the media is just exploring for the moment, running focus groups on which one sticks, like "insurrection" and "coup."
The Marxist language machine is already cranking up.

It's all part of the lynching process. To be damned by the media, you must first be accused by them of something. So they cast about, looking to see which accusation best resonates with low-information people and other Marxists. Once they land on it, they're off to the races.

One example of this was how refusing to wear a mask or even challenging it became "unpatriotic," according to Joe Biden, the man who wants to implement a nationwide mask mandate seconds after he's sworn in. If you don't comply, you are unpatriotic. McCloskey sees all this being set up months ago, as the Marxists got unbelievable traction out of the Wuhan virus. And now, how they will continue to milk it for everything they can!

Censorship, being bullied, forced to comply, silencing free speech, labeling dissenters from the established narrative as traitors, it's all part of the media lynching process — soon to shift into even higher gear (in a little over a week). After all, they got their man in the White House, without even winning the election.

15th January 2021, 07:25 AM
Americans failed the test bigly!
Amazing and disheartening how the majority of people in this country fell for their lies and submitted to their will.
This scam perpetrated on the people and their compliance has shown me there is little hope for our country. Our country is weak. I still don't know anyone across the country that is, or was critically ill or died from covid. The people I have heard of from friends that were sick, or went to the hospital, were found to have other ailments like pneumonia that the hospital tagged as covid. Now we have thousands and thousands of people standing in lines begging for the shots. It only gets worse from here.

15th January 2021, 08:41 AM
Briefly scanning though local radio the last three mornings, noticed they are really pushing anti-white racism.

15th January 2021, 08:53 AM
Woe to you that call evil good, and good evil: that put darkness for light, and light for darkness: that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter.

Isaiah 5:20

15th January 2021, 01:52 PM
Americans failed the test bigly!
Amazing and disheartening how the majority of people in this country fell for their lies and submitted to their will.
This scam perpetrated on the people and their compliance has shown me there is little hope for our country. Our country is weak. I still don't know anyone across the country that is, or was critically ill or died from covid. The people I have heard of from friends that were sick, or went to the hospital, were found to have other ailments like pneumonia that the hospital tagged as covid. Now we have thousands and thousands of people standing in lines begging for the shots. It only gets worse from here.

It is all by design.The public indoctrination centers shifted into high gear early in the 1960's The 3 Rs were abandoned. Mission accomplished.

15th January 2021, 02:29 PM
"It is all by design.The public indoctrination centers shifted into high gear early in the 1960's The 3 Rs were abandoned. Mission accomplished. "

Very true. Things seemed normal and happy in the 1950s and then the sixties seemed all at once to be destruction of values and reason.

When I think back I realize the destruction and subversion had to have started much earlier in time.

I find I cannot stand to listen to the stories of top Lefities that Rick Wiles features in his daily TruNews shows. I get angry and frustrated and wish he did not seem to appear to be wanting to deliberately get his listeners riled up. That is not right.

15th January 2021, 02:48 PM
Good rundown of how we are being right now taken over by a communist revolution. We are seeing all the actions of the communist bolshevic rules for radical playbook.

They must get us fighting with each other as that is the best way to get fastest control of us. They're using white race against people of color to get this done.

They must get our guns so will make us register them and even register ammo.

I believe Christ will show us how to intelligently subvert their Luciferian plans.


The Raw Deal (15 January 2021) with Edward Hendrie: SERVERS DOWN/MY GUEST WAS BRILLIANT

First published at 19:48 UTC on January 15th, 2021.

channel image

Jim Fetzer

Jim Fetzer

3041 subscribers

59:00 video runtime

SERVERS DOWN/MY GUEST WAS BRILLIANT My producer, Mitchell, notified me of a problem with the servers just as my guest and I made contact. We had a very spirited discussion for an hour, where Ed laid out how the nation has been enveloped by a classic communist/Bolshevik revolution, where the future of the nation is grim should Trump be unable to deal with it successfully. So I wanted to share it with as wide an audience as possible.