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18th January 2021, 05:24 PM

8:15 video runtime

The Commies Are Coming
Do you understand the full weight of it?
January 18, 2021 143 Comments
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Church Militant (a 501(c)4 corporation) is responsible for the content of this commentary.

No doubt about it — the communists are coming. And depending on how you do your calculations, they're already here. As a matter of review, it's important to remember that all we see playing out before us is the result of a massive betrayal of those we trusted to preserve and pass on a free society.

Renowned author and historian Trevor Louden recently spoke with Church Militant about this whole scene. Louden and others, including Church Militant, are continually stressing the need to recognize that what's happening is the result of decades of a communist takeover, moving slowly and stealthily at first, but now feeling free to be more open and plain in their goals.

And while we were all on guard and keenly aware of the threat posed by Russia, too many were willing to give China a pass and even hop in the political bed with them, tipping the scales of world dominance heavily toward Beijing. In fact, China's influence has grown so strong over the United States — even members of Congress — that Beijing controls much of what happens in the United States regarding laws.
A large number of prominent Democrats (stretching back to Obama in 2008) are already on the record stating their disdain for religion.

What believers must recognize sooner rather than later is that communism is here, and it hates religion, most especially Christianity and, in particular, Catholicism. Remember, it was Theodore McCarrick, quietly trained by Soviets in his young years in Switzerland, who returned to New York and entered the seminary, climbing the ranks of power with payoffs — money (millions of dollars) given to him by the Soviets, according to our sources. As what amounts to little else than a communist spy in the Church, McCarrick was the single man anointed by Pope Francis who hammered out the Vatican-China accord, throwing the underground Church in China under the bus.

Simply stated, McCarrick was one of them — is one of them. And they hate the Church. There's a lot of evidence to support Louden's predictions. A large number of prominent Democrats (stretching back to Obama in 2008) are already on the record stating their disdain for religion, in general, and conservative, religious-minded people, specifically.

Whether it's Obama, Hillary, Harris or any others from the rogues' gallery, these are the leaders of the communist movement in America. To fully comprehend the current political scene, nothing can be viewed in isolation. All of it is interrelated.

The censoring by giant tech, the political rhetoric from the Democrats, the media controlling the narrative, accusing conservatives of being traitors, the theater of an impeachment to so smear Trump that his supporters are reviled, all of it — every last bit of it — is related. And there is one goal in mind — to keep any significant resistance from forming before the demonizing of conservatives can take serious hold.

So the race is on. Can conservatives, with all their various disagreements, form any kind of effective opposition to the storm about to break? Louden says that it all depends.
The reason the communist bastards always have the destruction of the Church so high on their list is that they recognize the power the Church holds.

Of course, for Catholics, there is a higher calling than just preserving a nation. We are called to convert the nation. For Catholics, political conservatism is and always should be viewed as a mere means to the end of producing a more favorable environment in which effective evangelization can be conducted.

The reason the communist bastards always have the destruction of the Church so high on their list is that they recognize the power the Church holds. Since they don't believe in God, they never weigh the spiritual might, but they nevertheless do understand history and can do the math. The Church has been around much longer than they have, and it will be around after they've gone.

It won't be the first time an evil empire has had the upper hand and wielded a sword over our heads, and unless all this is the setup for the end of the world, it won't be the last. But still, this is the time in which we are living, not 2,000 years ago and not 500 years in the future. This is our time, and we must respond accordingly.