View Full Version : The new money, better then dollars!

20th January 2021, 02:42 AM
Sometime this year I believe people will be standing in line to get their money out of banks.
I believe we are about to see things happening this year for what gsus was originally started for. Remember the lists of prep items we used to post. I think that time is here.
I think tangible assets are going to see massive appreciation. I'm not sure the stock market, or bitcoin will survive 2021.
Bullets are the new currency!

Florida Gun Owners Camping Out for Chance to Buy Ammunition

Gun owners in central Florida began camping out as early as 2 a.m. Monday in order to enter Lake Mary’s Academy Sporting Goods for ammunition when doors opened at 9:00 a.m.

Fox 11 reports that campers voiced concern over President-elect Joe Biden’s anticipated gun control push and wanted to stock up on ammunition while they still could.

One Floridian, David Godkin, said, “I think we all believe Biden is going to take it away from us too.”

Godkin also outlined the places he plans to go throughout the week for ammo, saying, “I just come here on Monday. Tuesday, I go to Buena Vista. Wednesday, I go to East Colonial. Thursday, Buena Vista. Friday, East Colonial. Sunday, I go to Millenia.”

The demand for guns and ammunition soared throughout 2020 and is now in earnest with Biden’s gun control proposals looming. The Orlando Sentinel notes that Florida’s Volusia Top Gun had a line of “60 people waiting in front of the store” prior to the doors opening on Sunday, but that is tip of the iceberg.

The demand for ammunition has been so strong since the election that ammunition manufacturers simply cannot keep inventory on hand, according to Bearing Arms.


20th January 2021, 06:38 PM
Way of the World has a pretty good video of what whites are facing in Europe and the United States. There's no easy way out of this mess and no one is coming to save us.


On Bitchute


20th January 2021, 06:56 PM
I purchased 500 rounds of once fired 9mm polished brass casings this morning, for $36.18 delivered. That's a good price considering.
I checked back a while later and it looks like they have nothing left to sell in any caliber.
Man this ammo thing is the worst it's ever been. It's like the end of the world is coming.

I found this site that has some brass if anyone is looking https://iabrass.com/
I have to wonder if used brass is going to get harder to come by because people will be shooting less in the near future? Ammo is too expensive for most to burn up at ranges. Ammo has become a precious metal.

20th January 2021, 07:39 PM
You can still get 762x39 and 762x54 but at about three times the price of what it used to be.

I bought 750 12 gauge shotgun shells this morning. I also bought a slug mold and a lead pot so I can pour the pellets out of those shells, melt them down and make a slugs out of them then put them back together. :)


20th January 2021, 07:48 PM
You can still get 762x39 and 762x54 but at about three times the price of what it used to be.

I bought 750 12 gauge shotgun shells this morning. I also bought a slug mold and a lead pot so I can pour the pellets out of those shells, melt them down and make a slugs out of them then put them back together. :)


I like it!

I feel it was the American thing to do on the day our Republic died

20th January 2021, 07:50 PM
I like it!

I feel it was the American thing to do on the day our Republic died

Me too and I think I'll enjoy using them. :)

20th January 2021, 08:54 PM
I think we may see a decoupling soon. The interest rate paid on deposits will go way south of real inflation; it's already south of it but it will become something remarkable and frightening. Then, what will happen when all over the world, people realize that the Dollars they are holding are rapidly loosing value? They will want to trade them for real goods while they can. It will become a panic. All over the world right now, people are watching what is going on here and they are worried. It will become a feedback loop as people with dollars realize the US doesn't make anything they want, everything is made in China. What happens if China starts getting shy about taking the inflated dollars? What happens if China starts to use the leverage of their gold holdings to bolster their own currency? Can China make a go of it without the dollar as a lubricant for their economy? I'm really just thinking out loud here and I don't have any answers, just questions.

We know that a controlled demolition of the dollar is something the banksters want; it leads to their new system (the Great Reset), whatever that may be. I have read that there are more $100 dollar bills in existence than $1 bills and this is an amazing fact if it can be believed. This means there is a lot of cash floating around out there (all over the world) and it's not just in banks. This tells me that when inflation hits, it will hit fast because the faster it happens, the more the Federal Reserve steals from everyone holding cash. Remember when India made the larger bills illegal? There was a huge panic and many people were out of luck with the conversion window closing....just going from memory here. I don't think they need to make large bills illegal, they will have a more elegant solution by inflating the money and flooding the system. Direct cash to the people on the street and you won't be able to refuse. How are people around the world going to repatriate dollars for something that will hold value? They won't have the time because the system will backup like a sewer with too much sewage. It will be a stinking mess.

The only thing we have had to back up our dollars are oil and military power and the oil was based on military power. New alliances are being made and our military power will quickly become less effective as people realize the real nature of our ruling class and it's sinister and illegitimate methods of control. A house divided cannot stand and we are more divided than we have been at any time since the civil war. The strength of our money has been predicated upon the strength of our nation since the gold window was closed in '71.

I think we need to realize that The Banksters have a new bitch. That bitch is China and they will use her even more ferociously than they used the US. We have fought their illegal wars and done their corporate bidding all over the world and now they feel we are used up. They knew the day would come when our resentments would bubble to the surface and a certain percentage of people would realize how we have been used. When this happens, a nation or a people become intractable, like a horse that has been used to hard. They aren't new at this game. It has been played for thousands of years.

Like I said, I am just thinking out loud here. I really don't know much about the intricacies of our financial system and I probably sound like an idiot. Well I am an idiot but I am curious and I haven't heard anyone address the facts properly.

22nd January 2021, 02:08 PM
Oklahoma machine gun shoot 2019. Americans practicing with their guns.


22nd January 2021, 02:58 PM
Why do Conservatives buy guns if they never intend to use them?

Honest question.

I see people march around at rallies with guns, then later get arrested by Feds. What's the point of all of this?

midnight rambler
22nd January 2021, 03:31 PM
To those who don't understand no explanation is sufficient; to those who do understand no explanation is necessary.

midnight rambler
22nd January 2021, 03:33 PM
Oklahoma machine gun shoot 2019. Americans playing with their guns.


Hosted by Mike at The Firing Line, the go to guy for AK work.

22nd January 2021, 04:21 PM
Why do Conservatives buy guns if they never intend to use them?

Honest question.

I think they do intend to use them but it isn't the time too just yet. When the time comes they will.

midnight rambler
22nd January 2021, 04:48 PM
I think they do intend to use them but it isn't the time too just yet. When the time comes they will.

There's a whole lot of extremely unhappy combat vets currently.

27th January 2021, 07:19 PM
You can still get 762x39 and 762x54 but at about three times the price of what it used to be.

I bought 750 12 gauge shotgun shells this morning. I also bought a slug mold and a lead pot so I can pour the pellets out of those shells, melt them down and make a slugs out of them then put them back together. :)


Another option


27th January 2021, 08:11 PM
^ I tried that a few years ago with paraffin wax but it didn't work to good. Maybe the candle wax is better and I'll give that a try. Shells, slug mold and lead pot I ordered have arrived and I just need to find the time to try some of this stuff out.

It's good to know about the candle wax because it's hard to find a 7/8 oz mold for 12 gauge now. Lots of 1 oz molds but the 7/8 are said to work better and are more accurate. It's hard to find anything to reload with. Won't be long and you won't be able to find candles either when more people learn about this.

28th January 2021, 06:38 AM
I see people march around at rallies with guns, then later get arrested by Feds. What's the point of all of this?
Money. When you assert a right that is violated there is a debt owed. It is called decivilization ... Converting a common law right to cash.

28th January 2021, 10:36 AM
Scheels has some bullets in stock again, if anyone is looking
Some rifle bullets too.
