View Full Version : Trump's Got This! No doubt about it.

25th January 2021, 10:54 PM
Trump's got this - no doubt about it. Listen to recent Pete Santilli interview with James Pugh (fast forward to 1:10 mark). The latter lays it all out. The military has been planning this for over 10 years. Trump was brought in to carry it out because was squeaky clean and had the necessary executive experience. The corporate US government was dissolved in 2019. Biden is a figurehead. DC is now a foreign territory under duress.The Congress is surrounded by military and 2000 US Marshalls. White House is closed. Biden is working out of a studio iimitation of the Oval Office. Trump is letting the Congresscritters hang themselves by their recent actions. Many will be arrested and tried for pedophilia and child murder. Others will face treason and sedition charges. Trump is president of the new Constitutional Republic and is active issuing orders. He has broken the back of the deep state, the bankers and the Vatican and liberated the American people from the debt-slave admiralty law corporation system. The national debt and many personal debts will be jubileed. Trump will go down in history as the greatest presiident since Washington. Be patient and enjoy the show: Biden, Pelosi, Schumer and the rest of them will face retribution in good time. Trump is in complete control and the military is 100% behind him.


25th January 2021, 11:19 PM
How pathetic is it that youtube is still putting a notice under its videos that "Joe Biden is the president of the united states".

Wow, why do they feel they need to do that?

midnight rambler
25th January 2021, 11:25 PM
How pathetic is it that youtube is still putting a notice under its videos that "Joe Biden is the president of the united states".

Wow, why do they feel they need to do that?

Gotta repeat it over and over again so the truth can sink in. (Believe it or not this technique works extremely weill on the vast majority of the proles, I'm seeing it with respect to the ChiCom bio-weapon...which no one wants to talk about)


26th January 2021, 02:56 AM
I will still recognize Trump as our president.

President Trump Announces ‘Office of the Former President’ – Will Carry On the Agenda of the Trump Administration
By Joe Hoft
Published January 25, 2021 at 7:45pm

President Trump announced he created the “Office of the Former President”. He will use this office to carry on the agenda of the Trump Administration.
President Trump announced that he is officially creating the ‘Office of the Former President’. He announced this on Telegram today:

This is one of the first actions coming from the President since he departed Washington DC. President Trump was up on election night by hundreds of thousands of votes in multiple states but early in the next morning, Democrat operatives added hundreds of thousands of additional ballots to the election and by the end of the week, the states the President won on election night were flipped to Joe Biden. Any fraudulent activities related to these events have never been forensically audited and the court cases surrounding the apparent fraud have never allowed evidence to be presented.

US elections will never be free and fair in the future until all the fraud is investigated and adequately and independently addressed. The 2020 election was the largest steal in world history. Everyone but the President and the American people were involved.


26th January 2021, 03:30 AM
Well worth it............

Explains that Washington DC is now a separate entity and Biden is Pres of Washington DC only.

T inaugurated Jan 11 as Pres of new republic...............

1.05 hr mark, shocking information on why they test so far up the nasal cavity.


26th January 2021, 03:32 AM
I will still recognize Trump as our president.

President Trump Announces ‘Office of the Former President’ – Will Carry On the Agenda of the Trump Administration
By Joe Hoft
Published January 25, 2021 at 7:45pm

President Trump announced he created the “Office of the Former President”. He will use this office to carry on the agenda of the Trump Administration.
President Trump announced that he is officially creating the ‘Office of the Former President’. He announced this on Telegram today:

This is one of the first actions coming from the President since he departed Washington DC. President Trump was up on election night by hundreds of thousands of votes in multiple states but early in the next morning, Democrat operatives added hundreds of thousands of additional ballots to the election and by the end of the week, the states the President won on election night were flipped to Joe Biden. Any fraudulent activities related to these events have never been forensically audited and the court cases surrounding the apparent fraud have never allowed evidence to be presented.

US elections will never be free and fair in the future until all the fraud is investigated and adequately and independently addressed. The 2020 election was the largest steal in world history. Everyone but the President and the American people were involved.


T is pres of every state but DC..........................

I believe new HQ will be somewhere else outside of DC, and its satanic grid lines ect.

Perhaps the same place it was before it was moved to DC.

26th January 2021, 03:58 AM
Trump's got this - no doubt about it. Listen to recent Pete Santilli interview with James Pugh (fast forward to 1:10 mark). The latter lays it all out. The military has been planning this for over 10 years. Trump was brought in to carry it out because was squeaky clean and had the necessary executive experience. The corporate US government was dissolved in 2019. Biden is a figurehead. DC is now a foreign territory under duress.The Congress is surrounded by military and 2000 US Marshalls. White House is closed. Biden is working out of a studio iimitation of the Oval Office. Trump is letting the Congresscritters hang themselves by their recent actions. Many will be arrested and tried for pedophilia and child murder. Others will face treason and sedition charges. Trump is president of the new Constitutional Republic and is active issuing orders. He has broken the back of the deep state, the bankers and the Vatican and liberated the American people from the debt-slave admiralty law corporation system. The national debt and many personal debts will be jubileed. Trump will go down in history as the greatest presiident since Washington. Be patient and enjoy the show: Biden, Pelosi, Schumer and the rest of them will face retribution in good time. Trump is in complete control and the military is 100% behind him.

Excellent summary , Mamboni.

The fog is beginning to lift a little each day and the picture is becoming clearer.

26th January 2021, 05:40 AM
How pathetic is it that youtube is still putting a notice under its videos that "Joe Biden is the president of the united states".

Wow, why do they feel they need to do that?

Same thing with F.E. and the Oyid AI

26th January 2021, 05:41 AM
Are we going to site Benjamin Fulford next?

This is the next bandwagon for extracting frns from dupes.

26th January 2021, 05:43 AM
SGTReport interviews Wayne Jett about this as well.


26th January 2021, 06:10 AM
SGTReport interviews Wayne Jett about this as well.

I must admit, this is fascinating. I have been certain that some members here have been hallucinating but they are not alone. Some very sage voices have been chiming in also. At this point who knows? Most of me says too good to be true and the rest of me says be careful what you wish for because unseen events and any events can have unseen consequences. Just when you think you are at victory's door you can find yourself in a blind alley or worse.

If there is any truth to any of this, then there is a very strange battle going on. Warfare that has not gone ballistic/fluid/kinetic.

26th January 2021, 06:57 AM
I must admit, this is fascinating. I have been certain that some members here have been hallucinating but they are not alone. Some very sage voices have been chiming in also. At this point who knows? Most of me says too good to be true and the rest of me says be careful what you wish for because unseen events and any events can have unseen consequences. Just when you think you are at victory's door you can find yourself in a blind alley or worse.

If there is any truth to any of this, then there is a very strange battle going on. Warfare that has not gone ballistic/fluid/kinetic.

I didn't watch the Biden inauguration but other people did and pointed out some very odd inconsistencies.... His nieces disappearing with different angles of the camera.
Nieces disappearing:

Biden only received a 2 gun 10 shot with 10 second pause salute.

Other POTUS ceremonies had 4 gun 21 shot with 3 sec pauses:




Biden's is the only one that is different. Trump / Obama got the proper 4 gun 21 shot salute.

Whitehouse, Washington Monument is dark at night.

There is some kind of structure currently being erected right in front of the white house.

No news article about it, but you can see it on a livecam.


The entire nations capital is fenced off. 20K +/- NG troops stationed in DC with rumors that they are being replaced by actual military. (Still waiting for evidence of that one).

These are just a few of the oddities.

The other was Obama glitching out of existence during a "live" discussion with Clinton and Bush.


link to video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=flMvOQDR9jo

The Oval office being so different in such a short period of time. A painting on Biden's oval office wall that was in the movie Independence day. It was posted on /Pol and did a comparison of Biden's oval office with that of Independence day and the same painting was on the wall in the same location.

So I haven't the foggiest idea of what's going on. I have hope that we really are restoring our Republic and will be able to enjoy the fruits of our God given rights, but like you have that nagging feeling that maybe its too good to be true.

With that said, there are just way too many inconsistencies or coincidences that do not add up during this past election.

26th January 2021, 07:22 AM
I've listened to quite a few of these videos where it's said Trumps still in control and the military is just about to round up all the traitors and criminals. I thinks it's possible but I don't expect that to happen.

MR is fond of the phrase "Sis vis, para Bellum" , "If you want peace, prepare for war". That's how I see this. It would be great if these guys are right and the military does act on our behalf but I'm not counting on it. Listening to these podcasts that are promoting this idea makes a person feel good though and it is entertaining.

In the past I used to buy a lottery ticket when the payoff was large just for the fun of thinking what I'd do with the money when I win. :)
I knew I wouldn't but it's good entertainment to think about for a little while until the drawing then I'd throw it in the trash. Kind of like drinking a few beers, it makes you feel good for a little while.

That's the way I see all this "Trump and the military are going to set this all aright and save the republic".

26th January 2021, 07:31 AM
I've listened to quite a few of these videos where it's said Trumps still in control and the military is just about to round up all the traitors and criminals. I thinks it's possible but I don't expect that to happen.

MR is fond of the phrase "Sis vis, para Bellum" , "If you want peace, prepare for war". That's how I see this. It would be great if these guys are right and the military does act on our behalf but I'm not counting on it. Listening to these podcasts that are promoting this idea makes a person feel good though and it is entertaining.

In the past I used to buy a lottery ticket when the payoff was large just for the fun of thinking what I'd do with the money when I win. :)
I knew I wouldn't but it's good entertainment to think about for a little while until the drawing then I'd throw it in the trash. Kind of like drinking a few beers, it makes you feel good for a little while.

That's the way I see all this "Trump and the military are going to set this all aright and save the republic".

Oh I agree, but I still can't find a logical conclusion outside of the inconsistencies noticed during the inauguration, why the White house, Washington Monument are dark at night, like no one is there.

No Secret Service sniper(s) on White house roof which are ALWAYS there....

I don't have the answers and the questions keep piling up with even more questions..

26th January 2021, 08:04 AM
1.05 hr mark, shocking information on why they test so far up the nasal cavity.


^ spoiler re Serpo's 1h 5m mark claim by JWillie: (((they))) stick the tester so far up the nose to DESTROY THE PINEAL GLAND.

reminds of a segment of Max Igan's new vid today beginning @ 17m - some black nursing home CNA dude claims after residents are getting MuhRONA-vaxxed, they're dying within days/weeks, meanwhile their personality changes... for the worse! more docile, not walking around any more, less conversational etc... check it out, 44m:

AMERICANS ARE NOW WONDERING WHAT THEY HAVE "ELECTED" (https://www.bitchute.com/video/EXtOST4lmicp/)

and we have that vid of the guy giving presentation @ DOD/pentagon re how they can "vax away religious extremism" -- of course presented as needed to solve the (((muh scary muzzy ter'sts problem))), but anyone can deduce, (((their))) "extremism vax" whacks the pineal gland, which (((they))) want to do to the goyim worldwide... similar to the real reason our municipal H2O is fluoridated... >:D

26th January 2021, 08:59 AM
So I haven't the foggiest idea of what's going on. I have hope that we really are restoring our Republic and will be able to enjoy the fruits of our God given rights, but like you have that nagging feeling that maybe its too good to be true...

Here is another video from radio show of yesterday, 012521, James Fetzer and Scorpio. I did not listen.

The Raw Deal (25 January 2021) with David Scorpio


First published at 13:50 UTC on January 26th, 2021.

channel image

Jim Fetzer

Jim Fetzer

3594 subscribers

Benjamin Fulford's report that the inauguration of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris was staged, that the signings of executive orders are being filmed on a sound stage and not in the Oval office, that Antifa.com links directly to the Biden White House and that the corporation UNITED STATES OF AMERICA formed in 1871 had been dissolved in favor of the United States of America as a constitutional republic, which means that, had they been properly inaugurated, it would have been as President and Vice President of a defunct corporation.


(P.S. gossipy info in my memory - Pete Santilli is a deceiver. Bad record on Bundy case and Bad record on 9-11 and Dr. Morgan Reynolds whom I greatly admired for his no planes research. Also a copy of proof that Santilli was in the employ of the FBI around time Bundy case matters.

Also never heard anything substantive coming out of Fulford.

Maybe these people fill the role of "string-along artists."

I just keep trying to focus on what should be my reaction to all this hopeful sounding (hopium?) information if I were a strong Christian. I think I would be circumspect and not come to any conclusions and just try to prepare spiritually and physically for bad times coming, even if the hopeful stories prove true.

26th January 2021, 09:09 AM
One good thing about all of this is we're able to see which people in the "Patriot" movement are Glowies (controlled opposition).

The "Patriot Leaders" with the "TRUST THE PLAN" are all Glowies. They've driven a huge segment of the Right into becoming insane schizos. It's baffling to watch. This has turned out into a worse case scenario, worse than I had predicted, and I'm ultra Black Pilled. Most humans can't deal with deep Black Pills so accept religions to cope with the darkness of the world.

I guess I shouldn't be shocked: The Roman government did this when they created their slave religion Christianity when they wanted to stop slave uprisings. Once they put together the Bible and formalized the Christian religion all the slave uprisings stopped since "Turn the Other Cheek" (their version of TRUST THE PLAN.)

This new Schizo Boomer religion will be used as a new secular Christianity to keep the slaves in check too.

26th January 2021, 09:39 AM
(P.S. gossipy info in my memory - Pete Santilli is a deceiver. Bad record on Bundy case and Bad record on 9-11 and Dr. Morgan Reynolds whom I greatly admired for his no planes research. Also a copy of proof that Santilli was in the employ of the FBI around time Bundy case matters.

Also never heard anything substantive coming out of Fulford.

Both glow in the dark.

Pete Santilli was trying to get close to me on Gab and I stopped posting there since I could see what was happening.

midnight rambler
26th January 2021, 09:43 AM
I can't help but think all this stuff about Trump still being POTUS with the support of the military is a psyop to neutralize as many as possible. The money powers are way out ahead of any such problems for their plans, they've been planning this agenda of theirs forever.

26th January 2021, 09:58 AM
The Oval office being so different in such a short period of time. A painting on Biden's oval office wall that was in the movie Independence day. It was posted on /Pol and did a comparison of Biden's oval office with that of Independence day and the same painting was on the wall in the same location.

twatted Jan 21 evening, open for images

Zach Vorhies
@Perpetualmaniac (https://twitter.com/Perpetualmaniac)
Wow, it looks like @JoeBiden (https://twitter.com/JoeBiden) changed the wall paper in the White House on day one!
That’s quite an accomplishment!
I hope he tells us how he managed that with such a busy day in the White House with all the executive orders orders he just issued!

in this next one, Zach seems to be trying to highlight what's seen through the windows, but I can't help noticing wallpaper is also diff yet again in Trump image; not the vertical stripes shite! :(??

26th January 2021, 10:01 AM
I can't help but think all this stuff about Trump still being POTUS with the support of the military is a psyop to neutralize as many as possible. The money powers are way out ahead of any such problems for their plans, they've been planning this agenda of theirs forever.
Yup. And as TW said, it's just a little hopium to amuse us. Strange shit going on for sure though. Misinfo everywhere. Benjamin Fulford should be taken as a weather vane. What Fulford says is the opposite of what is true.

26th January 2021, 10:16 AM
I can't help but think all this stuff about Trump still being POTUS with the support of the military is a psyop to neutralize as many as possible. The money powers are way out ahead of any such problems for their plans, they've been planning this agenda of theirs forever.

Also a likely possibility to pacify a portion of the population that is armed and wants this theft overturned.. However I don't know if you're looking at the actions of things on the ground and things that haven't been making sense. That's what I keep going back too.

I'll be the first to admit I have no idea what the hell is going on and what is real info vs what is disinfo. I don't know and I doubt anyone in the public space would know.

Go look at the livestream of the white house I posted above. There is a structure built right in front of it, no idea what it is, or what its for. No Secret Service snipers on the roof of the White house, place looks dead. When Trump was occupying the white house you constantly saw cars and people coming and going in and out all day long.

I'm just trying to piece it together, and honestly I don't know if I ever will.

1.) Bidens inauguration was supposedly staged. There are reports out of Europe (although I can't seem to find any solid evidence of it admittedly I have not driven too far down that rabbit hole) 10 hours before it happened in the states.
2.) His nieces disappearing during the inauguration even though the camera angle changes they should still be visible.
3.) Pentagon hasn't been all that cooperative with Biden, hearing rumors that they still aren't providing details about ongoing operations.
4.) Obama glitches out during supposedly a "live" discussion about the "peaceful transfer of power" with Clinton and Bush.
5.) Biden did not receive a proper military salute upon inauguration.
6.) NG turned their backs to Biden a supposed "commander in chief" that's likely a punishable offense (someone correct me if I am wrong its been a while since I've been in.)
7.) Marines not saluting Biden. (also likely a punishable offense)
8.) No military aircraft provided when Biden flew from Delaware to DC. That in itself is a HUGE red flag. This is the incoming Commander in Chief where operational security and personal security is of the utmost importance, yet he flew in on a chartered private plane. Why? That's never happened before.
9.) 20,000+ National Guard stationed around DC for a "virtual inauguration" with which no one attended and there was no violence whatsoever and has been extended until March. Why?
10.) The Pentagon is who called in the National Guard for Washington DC. Not Trump, Pelosi, or Pence.
11.) 2,000+ National Guard are sworn in as deputy U.S. Marshalls... WTF? Why?

Its stuff like this that makes me question what the hell is actually going on. We all know the MSM tells us one thing and we generally ignore it. The "Truth Movement" is also known to have very few truth speaking members and a lot of disinformation, yet neither of which can account for all of the inconsistencies listed above.

I definitely feel that there is a shit ton going on behind the scenes, but don't have an idea of what it is and what it leads too. New rebirth of our Republic? Great I'll take it in a heartbeat... Or just the ratcheting up of our police state?

I guess like always only time will tell.

26th January 2021, 10:27 AM
I certainly understand the skepticism here. But, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. If the deep state is in charge and is psyoping us who supported Trump (who won by a record landslide) I ask the following:

1. Why the massive censorship of conservative voices? Why has questioning the election become a virtual crime? Why are statements "Joe Biden is the elected president" plastered everywhere?
2. Wayne Jett reported receiving a Trump posting on Parlor announcing invocation of the Insurrection Act. Shortly thereafter Parlor was taken down. Why is every avenue by which Trump might communicate with the people being snuffed?
3. Why did Biden have to fly into DC on a private jet whilst Trump let office on Airforce One? Why did Trump retain the nuclear football?
4. Why has the Pentagon refused access to Biden and his administration?
5. Why has the Capitol been fenced in 7 ft tall barbed wire with locks on the outside?
6. Why are there over 30,000 military troups occupying DC?
7. Why have 2000 military personnel in DC been sworn in and deputized as US Marshalls.
8. Why is Biden operating out of a staged Oval Office while the real Oval office White House is shutdown, with no power and no rooftop snipers as reported by eyewitnesses on the ground?
9. Why did the head of the National Guard refer to a "peaceful transfer of power to the military" at a recent press conference?
10. Why was the Inauguration obviously prerecorded and staged at several times and locations, a clear violation of the Constitution which invalidates the entire ceremony?

If I were the deep state and I want to gaslight the people into accepting Biden as the legitimately elected president, I would not allow for any of these anomalies.

On a lighter note, I think Schumer is jealous of Trump's ability to invoke an 'erection.'

26th January 2021, 10:40 AM
Also a likely possibility to pacify a portion of the population that is armed and wants this theft overturned.. However I don't know if you're looking at the actions of things on the ground and things that haven't been making sense. That's what I keep going back too.

I'll be the first to admit I have no idea what the hell is going on and what is real info vs what is disinfo. I don't know and I doubt anyone in the public space would know.

Go look at the livestream of the white house I posted above. There is a structure built right in front of it, no idea what it is, or what its for. No Secret Service snipers on the roof of the White house, place looks dead. When Trump was occupying the white house you constantly saw cars and people coming and going in and out all day long.

I'm just trying to piece it together, and honestly I don't know if I ever will.

1.) Bidens inauguration was supposedly staged. There are reports out of Europe (although I can't seem to find any solid evidence of it admittedly I have not driven too far down that rabbit hole) 10 hours before it happened in the states.
2.) His nieces disappearing during the inauguration even though the camera angle changes they should still be visible.
3.) Pentagon hasn't been all that cooperative with Biden, hearing rumors that they still aren't providing details about ongoing operations.
4.) Obama glitches out during supposedly a "live" discussion about the "peaceful transfer of power" with Clinton and Bush.
5.) Biden did not receive a proper military solute upon inauguration.
6.) NG turned their backs to Biden a supposed "commander in chief" that's likely a punishable offense (someone correct me if I am wrong its been a while since I've been in.)
7.) Marines not saluting Biden. (also likely a punishable offense)
8.) No military aircraft provided when Biden flew from Delaware to DC. That in itself is a HUGE red flag. This is the incoming Commander in Chief where operational security and personal security is of the utmost importance, yet he flew in on a chartered private plane. Why? That's never happened before.
9.) 20,000+ National Guard stationed around DC for a "virtual inauguration" with which no one attended and there was no violence whatsoever and has been extended until March. Why?
10.) The Pentagon is who called in the National Guard for Washington DC. Not Trump, Pelosi, or Pence.
11.) 2,000+ National Guard are sworn in as deputy U.S. Marshalls... WTF? Why?

Its stuff like this that makes me question what the hell is actually going on. We all know the MSM tells us one thing and we generally ignore it. The "Truth Movement" is also known to have very few truth speaking members and a lot of disinformation, yet neither of which can account for all of the inconsistencies listed above.

I definitely feel that there is a shit ton going on behind the scenes, but don't have an idea of what it is and what it leads too. New rebirth of our Republic? Great I'll take it in a heartbeat... Or just the ratcheting up of our police state?

I guess like always only time will tell.

We don't have much choice but to wait.
In the meantime, anyone that considers themselves a patriot, should be boycotting all things produced and controlled by the left. Stay off twitter, facebook, netflix etc. Don't patronize their businesses. Ignore their news sites and TV. Put your house in protection mode.

26th January 2021, 10:41 AM
I certainly understand the skepticism here. But, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. If the deep state is in charge and is psyoping us who supported Trump (who won by a record landslide) I ask the following:

1. Why the massive censorship of conservative voices? Why has questioning the election become a virtual crime? Why are statements "Joe Biden is the elected president" plastered everywhere?
2. Wayne Jett reported receiving a Trump posting on Parlor announcing invocation of the Insurrection Act. Shortly thereafter Parlor was taken down. Why is every avenue by which Trump might communicate with the people being snuffed?
3. Why did Biden have to fly into DC on a private jet whilst Trump let office on Airforce One? Why did Trump retain the nuclear football?
4. Why has the Pentagon refused access to Biden and his administration?
5. Why has the Capitol been fenced in 7 ft tall barbed wire with locks on the outside?
6. Why are there over 30,000 military troups occupying DC?
7. Why have 2000 military personnel in DC been sworn in and deputized as US Marshalls.
8. Why is Biden operating out of a staged Oval Office while the real Oval office White House is shutdown, with no power and no rooftop snipers as reported by eyewitnesses on the ground?
9. Why did the head of the National Guard refer to a "peaceful transfer of power to the military" at a recent press conference?
10. Why was the Inauguration obviously prerecorded and staged at several times and locations, a clear violation of the Constitution which invalidates the entire ceremony?

If I were the deep state and I want to gaslight the people into accepting Biden as the legitimately elected president, I would not allow for any of these anomalies.

On a lighter note, I think Schumer is jealous of Trump's ability to invoke an 'erection.'

I wish there was a screen shot of Trump saying he signed the insurrection act on Parler before it was taken down. I know he joined Parler shortly after his twitter account was suspended.

But you're right, the amount of censorship is enormous and if history has shown us anything, its a desperation attempt more than a confidence in our control sort of thing. Censorship in of itself is pointless in the digital age as there are other means of sharing and disseminating said information.

Nonetheless it does show us one thing... They are scared. You do not censor speech if you are not scared of what people are saying.

26th January 2021, 10:41 AM
^^ wow great synopsis' both Ares & Mambo!

& I gather u were both composing them @ same time; no copy catting! "great minds..." & all dat shite!

26th January 2021, 10:44 AM
We don't have much choice but to wait.
In the meantime, anyone that considers themselves a patriot, should be boycotting all things produced and controlled by the left. Stay off twitter, facebook, netflix etc. Don't patronize their businesses. Ignore their news sites and TV. Put your house in protection mode.I've been doing all of these for years. I only purchase food and supplements.

Starve the beast!

26th January 2021, 10:52 AM
^^ wow great synopsis' both Ares & Mambo!

& I gather u were both composing them @ same time; no copy catting! "great minds..." & all dat shite!After I posted I saw Ares post - great minds think alike. Being retired, I have had ample time to monitor the aireways for information. From where I sit, it is obvious that we are in an informational civil war and the military has been activated. The deep state and their tools the MSM and high Tech are gaslighting the population in a full court press to sell the Biden presidency hoax a la a big budget Hollywood production. There is one thing each of us can do now that is very important: talk to your friends, neighbors and coworkers, especially the gaslit ill-informed drones, and plant the seeds of doubt. Point out the irregularities and anomalies. They will deny it all, yet it will register subconsciously. The greatest concern the military and Trump have is a negative backlash from a brain washed population that will be unable or unwilling the accept the facts and evidence of criminality when the hammer falls on the deep state actors. The hammer is going to fall. The real question is what will transpire in our communities in the aftermath. Civil war is still a possibility; and educating our fellow citizens now as to the truth could make the difference later.

midnight rambler
26th January 2021, 11:14 AM
Bidens inauguration was supposedly staged.

I've looked at the videos closely and I agree that the parties are not in the same position as the views change...WHY would they do 2nd, 3rd takes or whatever when it's so obvious they're unable to have continuity from shot to shot?? And why is SS agent David Cho all up China Joe's ass, like he's expecting him to have some medical emergency at any moment??

26th January 2021, 11:26 AM
I've looked at the videos closely and I agree that the parties are not in the same position as the views change...WHY would they do 2nd, 3rd takes or whatever when it's so obvious they're unable to have continuity from shot to shot?? And why is SS agent David Cho all up China Joe's ass, like he's expecting him to have some medical emergency at any moment??

No idea, its shit like that, that makes me question all of this and give a bit of credence to the "military has control" narrative. Along with all of the executive orders Trump signed about election fraud, foreign interference proven in the DNI report and what not.

Most on this board knew our Government was a corporation a LONG time ago. The fact that a sizable portion of the general population is now waking up to that reality is absolutely enormous and not something any of us would have predicted a decade ago.

If any of you would of asked me back in 2011 if a portion of the population that could fill multiple states would know that the Federal Government is actually a corporation incorporated with the Act of 1871 I would of said not a snowballs chance in hell, yet here we are today with people realizing it, questioning it, researching it and talking about it, and the censorship involved trying to suppress that discussion is unreal. Mamboni's video in his original post on this thread is now gone, *poof*.

26th January 2021, 11:34 AM
another thing I noticed re the pretend-inauguration, & that now-iconic Bernie/mittens photo:

WHY was no one there to notice Bernie's situation:'(, & to assure someone delivered him some MOAR COWBELL?! :|~


^ PROOF POSITIVE the Jan 20 pretend-inauguration was a FRAUD!! :o

26th January 2021, 11:52 AM
As I dive down into this whole thing, I'm not sure if you guys remember Kim Clement? He predicted that Trump would get elected, and would be re-elected again. He also mentioned "2 Presidents".


26th January 2021, 12:31 PM
another thing I noticed re the pretend-inauguration, & that now-iconic Bernie/mittens photo:

WHY was no one there to notice Bernie's situation:'(, & to assure someone delivered him some MOAR COWBELL?! :|~

^ That about sums it up with what's been happening here in clown world. :)


26th January 2021, 12:32 PM
Here is another video from radio show of yesterday, 012521, James Fetzer and Scorpio. I did not listen.

The Raw Deal (25 January 2021) with David Scorpio


First published at 13:50 UTC on January 26th, 2021.

channel image

Jim Fetzer

Jim Fetzer

3594 subscribers

Benjamin Fulford's report that the inauguration of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris was staged, that the signings of executive orders are being filmed on a sound stage and not in the Oval office, that Antifa.com links directly to the Biden White House and that the corporation UNITED STATES OF AMERICA formed in 1871 had been dissolved in favor of the United States of America as a constitutional republic, which means that, had they been properly inaugurated, it would have been as President and Vice President of a defunct corporation.


(P.S. gossipy info in my memory - Pete Santilli is a deceiver. Bad record on Bundy case and Bad record on 9-11 and Dr. Morgan Reynolds whom I greatly admired for his no planes research. Also a copy of proof that Santilli was in the employ of the FBI around time Bundy case matters.

Also never heard anything substantive coming out of Fulford.

Maybe these people fill the role of "string-along artists."

I just keep trying to focus on what should be my reaction to all this hopeful sounding (hopium?) information if I were a strong Christian. I think I would be circumspect and not come to any conclusions and just try to prepare spiritually and physically for bad times coming, even if the hopeful stories prove true.
Pete Santilli showed his true colors when he took the plea deal during the Bundy trial.

26th January 2021, 01:42 PM
1h 15m - haven't listened yet, but have little reason to believe EMJ or Tim will touch on the theories in this thread, except maybe to disparage them?

Our Interesting Times With Timothy Kelly 2021.01.26 (https://grizzom.blogspot.com/2021/01/our-interesting-times-with-timothy_26.html)

E. Michael Jones on Post Trump Populism and Narrative vs. Truth

Dr. E. Michael Jones returns to Our Interesting Times to a discuss the tumultuous end of the Trump era as a continuing war on populism, the power of narrative vs. the Truth, and why Logos is rising.

Dr. Jones is the editor of Culture Wars (https://culturewars.com/) magazine and the author of many books including the recently published Logos Rising: A History of Ultimate Reality (https://www.fidelitypress.org/logos-rising).

Download (https://tkelly6785757.podomatic.com/enclosure/2021-01-26T06_12_24-08_00.mp3)

26th January 2021, 02:20 PM
Senator Rand Paul
The Senate just voted on my constitutional point of order.

45 Senators agreed that this sham of a “trial” is unconstitutional.

That is more than will be needed to acquit and to eventually end this partisan impeachment process.

This “trial” is dead on arrival in the Senate.

26th January 2021, 02:26 PM
Rense last nigh, havent' listened to any

that Grover dude has been a regular on the show since... I believe summer '18, maybe ~9 months after Qanon's Oct '17 appearance - 'professional' anti-Q 'debunker'. I've long said, mostly back when I was much more into Q circa 2018, the fake news MSM's unified "4am Memo" effort to smear/villainize/marginalize Q/aholics as being "crazy, baseless, deranged, dangerous!:o" was the single strongest piece of evidence for me that there was something to Q.

McGill in hr 3 is a rense sponsor, so it's likely to be infomercial for his PMs biz... :rolleyes:

Download (https://ln2.sync.com/dl/ad05998c0/iu9g2zr8-pjvfcz72-2hxprmab-zybcnnz3) Hour 1 - Donald Jeffries (https://donaldjeffries.wordpress.com/) - America's Sorry State Of Affairs

Download (https://ln2.sync.com/dl/8fa1fe380/vdeif5ki-ut9qyac6-6z3qxmat-es6wzcye) Hour 2 - Bernard Grover (https://augenguy.blogspot.com/) - The Desultory QAnon PsyOp

Download (https://ln2.sync.com/dl/5dec8bfc0/8i3gqemc-5a2k5vqg-xg2npva6-gma7idpj) Hour 3 - Mike McGill (http://libertygoldandsilver.com/) - The New Bolshevik Economy

26th January 2021, 02:37 PM
"have little reason to believe EMJ or Tim will touch on the theories in this thread,"


He never comments on false flags and that glaring omission taints his whole message.

26th January 2021, 02:56 PM
Senator Rand Paul
The Senate just voted on my constitutional point of order.

45 Senators agreed that this sham of a “trial” is unconstitutional.

That is more than will be needed to acquit and to eventually end this partisan impeachment process.

This “trial” is dead on arrival in the Senate.F'ing repugs know that if they railroad Trump the large majority of Americans who support Trump will dump their sorry asses and give the repug party the heave ho. I think the GOP is all but dead.

26th January 2021, 03:17 PM
F'ing repugs know that if they railroad Trump the large majority of Americans who support Trump will dump their sorry asses and give the repug party the heave ho. I think the GOP is all but dead.

Lets hope, and that the Dem party is next.

midnight rambler
26th January 2021, 03:20 PM
Lets hope, and that the Dem party is next.

That will never happen, the Commies have taken over and aren't going anywhere short of getting their tickets punched.

26th January 2021, 08:52 PM
White house is dark again.


midnight rambler
26th January 2021, 09:01 PM
White house is dark again.


Slo Joe's bedtime is 8 PM. Your point is...?

26th January 2021, 09:16 PM
Slo Joe's bedtime is 8 PM. Your point is...?

Unless the Washington Monument is on the same sleep schedule


I think there's a message being sent.

midnight rambler
26th January 2021, 10:34 PM
I think there's a message being sent.

The message is probably: Go back to sleep, Trump's got this!

WTH not? The same formula has worked like gangbusters for years now.

27th January 2021, 12:02 AM
I must admit, this is fascinating. I have been certain that some members here have been hallucinating but they are not alone. Some very sage voices have been chiming in also. At this point who knows? Most of me says too good to be true and the rest of me says be careful what you wish for because unseen events and any events can have unseen consequences. Just when you think you are at victory's door you can find yourself in a blind alley or worse.

If there is any truth to any of this, then there is a very strange battle going on. Warfare that has not gone ballistic/fluid/kinetic.

This is the truth that I have been following closely since I havnt been here.

This is an ever changing progression of events that are unpredictable and changeable depending on circumstances.

The change happening at the moment on earth is rather BIG on many levels.

GOD WINS, we win ,T wins , life wins, America wins, earth wins.

It maybe hard to believe but it is time to rejoice.

27th January 2021, 12:05 AM
The message is probably: Go back to sleep, Trump's got this!

WTH not? The same formula has worked like gangbusters for years now.

Still havnt got it MR?

What choice have you but support T, there is no other choice if you look at it.

The evidence is going to be an avalanche in the not to distant future.............

27th January 2021, 12:39 AM
As the story goes, which was not apparent to me even not long ago but now is, that EVIL has ruled over this planet for 1000s of years.

That is now over, GOOD is throwing evil, ie demons ect out of this planet.

This not political as most of the GOP are as bad as the Ds.

This is a battle between good and evil.

Its not all about T as the military are running things at the moment.

If someone has TDS , then too bad, its the media that has brainwashed you, because they are on the side of evil.

I have never doubted T and the Alliance for even a minute, even though it is relentless BS from the media.

Never give up because if you do then there is no answer, no way out, negative emotions take over and understanding becomes more difficult.

Give your heart a break and understand the immensity of what is actually going on.

It is ultimately the best news that any of us could wish for, after the fema camps they had lined up for us, now they will be used for the evil ones instead.

Losing is not an option because there is only one chance to take down the DS and this is it. They are not going to blow it, every lose end will be resolved, the planning behind this take down took many years. That is why they say, sit back, enjoy the show, and have some pop corn.

It has already played out in a way and we have won, but it has to play out this way to show everyone what the NWO had in store for us.

It is a great plan.

It is worth the wait.

27th January 2021, 01:14 AM
Unless the Washington Monument is on the same sleep schedule


I think there's a message being sent.


meaning is .................patriots are in control if lights go out..........santa surfer video, she is a little crazy but has many gems.

27th January 2021, 04:00 AM
Blackout is sone kind of messaging.

Blackout also at Vatican , Rome.

Blackout in Vatican, Roads blocked in Rome: Here’s what ...

Jan 10, 2021 · Officially, there is no confirmation of what has caused Vatican city to go into a blackout. Some reports on social media cite technical power outage while several users are quoting a conspiracy theory that says, “Vatican in black out after affidavit was leaked of the Italians involvement in US election Interference.”.

Also in Pakistan.

Power outage plunges Pakistan into darkness - CNN

Jan 10, 2021 · (CNN) A breakdown in Pakistan's national power grid plunged the country of 212 million people into darkness on Saturday night, officials said. "A countrywide blackout has been caused by a sudden...

Coinkydinky NOT.

27th January 2021, 05:10 AM
Supposedly another insider on the chans dropping breadcrumbs last weekend:


27th January 2021, 06:50 AM
Supposedly another insider on the chans dropping breadcrumbs last weekend:


That punches all the right buttons.

SC links from the bottom post.


I think this is the docket #. What I figured for the cast# (5C20-845) one in the link did not work. I searched for 845 and got the below.


27th January 2021, 07:13 AM
That punches all the right buttons.

SC links from the bottom post.


I think this is the docket #. What I figured for the cast# (5C20-845) one in the link did not work. I searched for 845 and got the below.


So what's interesting and maybe someone here can help fill in my knowledge gap, but when the case was docketed they were due a response by 1/22/2021, but they haven't responded yet.

Dec 21 2020 Petition for a writ of certiorari filed. (Response due January 22, 2021)

Anyone have an idea as to why that would be?

midnight rambler
27th January 2021, 07:34 AM
All of you getting stoned out of your minds on hopium need to focus - this world is lorded over by the Money Powers/the Illuminaughty/The Chosenites/the Secret Societies/Satan worshipers/etc. They have literally been planning this total and absolute enslavement of humanity which is within their grasp for centuries. Do you really think these dark forces are going to just roll over??

"We're philanthropists, this is our time!" --Dr. Bill Gates

“It is natural for man to indulge in the illusions of hope and pride. We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth, and listen to the song of that siren till she transforms us into beasts. Is this the part of wise men, engaged in a great and arduous struggle for liberty? Are we disposed to be the number of those who, having eyes, see not, and having ears, hear not, the things which so nearly concern their temporal salvation? For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst, and to provide for it.” --Patrick Henry

27th January 2021, 07:41 AM
All of you getting stoned out of your minds on hopium need to focus - this world is lorded over by the Money Powers/the Illuminaughty/The Chosenites/the Secret Societies/Satan worshipers/etc. They have literally been planning this enslavement of humanity for centuries. Do you really think these dark forces are going to just roll over??

"We're philanthropists, this is our time!" --Dr. Bill Gates

Also have to ask yourself if they were that much in control and had all avenues covered why they are so panicked?

It's not so much as "hopium" just documenting and noticing the inconsistencies and signs indicating that they are desperate.

Censorship is the first clue that they are desperate.

27th January 2021, 07:47 AM
All those "Executive Order" Commander-in-Cheat" signed are not Executive Orders and are not listed on the Congressional Record as they would be if they were actual EOs.
The papers it sighed were "officially" "Executive Actions."

FAKE President

FAKE Oath Swearing

FAKE Inauguration

FAKE Oval Office

midnight rambler
27th January 2021, 07:50 AM
Also have to ask yourself if they were that much in control and had all avenues covered why they are so panicked?

It's not so much as "hopium" just documenting and noticing the inconsistencies and signs indicating that they are desperate.

Censorship is the first clue that they are desperate.

Everyone should be hedging their bets right now. Remember that Trumpstein is beholden to the Rothschilds* at least at some level, that much is undeniable. Ya gotta dance with who brung ya.

Think worst case scenario and go from there, i.e. Trumpstein is a Trojan Horse. Experience your disappoint now, avoid the rush.

If things work out in our favor, great. Suggest you lower your expectations for your own mental and emotional health and well-being, then if things go our way you can be pleasantly surprised.

*top Rothschild agent Wilbur Ross was put in place as Sec. of Commerce to protect Rothschild interests

27th January 2021, 08:11 AM
Everyone should be hedging their bets right now. Remember that Trumpstein is beholden to the Rothschilds* at least at some level, that much is undeniable. Ya gotta dance with who brung ya.

Think worst case scenario and go from there, i.e. Trumpstein is a Trojan Horse. Experience your disappoint now, avoid the rush.

If things work out in our favor, great. Suggest you lower your expectations for your own mental and emotional health and well-being, then if things go our way you can be pleasantly surprised.

*top Rothschild agent Wilbur Ross was put in place as Sec. of Commerce to protect Rothschild interests

Agreed and I've even called him Zion Don in personal life communications.

There was that supposed insider drop I posted earlier that referred to Trump as a "pawn, or knight", but not the brains behind the operation.

Study the Q drops, he (most likely they) talk about that this has been planned since the Kennedy assassination. Now whether that's true or not remains to be seen, but you can't deny 25k troops in DC with no exit strategy, and most have no idea why they're even there as being "nothing happening."

Also the oddities with Bidens election, staged, didn't get a proper salute, NG turning their backs to him (huge sign of disrespect).

I have hope of course, but like you said we have to hedge our bets as well.

midnight rambler
27th January 2021, 08:14 AM
Q is a psyop directed toward the rubes.

27th January 2021, 08:18 AM
Q is a psyop directed toward the rubes.

I thought that as well at first until I dove into it. If it's a psyop then it's one of the most elaborate ones that calls out both D's and Rs as traitors.

Names pedophiles, as well as eludes to elite families that actually run this planet.

So if it's a psyop then it's a self defeating one.

27th January 2021, 08:44 AM
For the hopiumists. :D Just started this myself. It's another 1 0 7 interview from 1-20-21. Never listed to the interviewers before. I want to hear what 1 0 7 has to peddle today. I haven't listened to 1 0 7 for a few weeks.


27th January 2021, 10:40 AM
All those "Executive Order" Commander-in-Cheat" signed are not Executive Orders and are not listed on the Congressional Record as they would be if they were actual EOs.
The papers it sighed were "officially" "Executive Actions."

FAKE President

FAKE Oath Swearing

FAKE Inauguration

FAKE Oval Office

Try the Federal Register

27th January 2021, 10:51 AM
Try the Federal Register
Hey Boogie! Where ya been?

27th January 2021, 11:36 AM
All of you getting stoned out of your minds on hopium need to focus - this world is lorded over by the Money Powers/the Illuminaughty/The Chosenites/the Secret Societies/Satan worshipers/etc. They have literally been planning this total and absolute enslavement of humanity which is within their grasp for centuries. Do you really think these dark forces are going to just roll over??

"We're philanthropists, this is our time!" --Dr. Bill Gates

Of course I will be branded a conspiracy theorist for linking this


27th January 2021, 01:34 PM
Of course I will be branded a conspiracy theorist for linking this


This is a video of Dr John Coleman that has been posted on this forum in years past about the committee of 300. It's a good one and he exposes who they are and their plans for the destruction of the United States. He accuses the politicians of sedition and treason because they have all been carrying out the plans of the committee of 300 and they still are to this day. He says they planned to destroy the middle class and manufacturing industries of this nation and kill off half of the population. It's a good talk and interesting to look back because they've been at this a long time and they're not going to give it up. He talks about their plans to use viruses but that hasn't gone well for them in the past.


27th January 2021, 02:19 PM
Wife caught this just now. Biden walking somewhere. It's not winter or even cold wherever he is. There's an unkempt garden and kudzu in the background.


I went to the newsmax article but this picture was replaced with windmills.

Some weird shit going on people.

Edit: The article: https://www.newsmax.com/politics/oil-gas-emissions-wind-turbines/2021/01/27/id/1007446/

27th January 2021, 02:27 PM
Wife caught this just now. Biden walking somewhere. It's not winter or even cold wherever he is. There's an unkempt garden and kudzu in the background.


I went to the newsmax article but this picture was replaced with windmills.

Some weird shit going on people.

Edit: The article: https://www.newsmax.com/politics/oil-gas-emissions-wind-turbines/2021/01/27/id/1007446/

Yeah I don't think he's at the white house.

27th January 2021, 02:30 PM
Yeah I don't think he's at the white house.

HAhaha.... Thanks for the LOL.

27th January 2021, 02:43 PM
Yeah I don't think he's at the white house.

Or a photo from this summer... Probably a stock Biden photo on facepuke.

27th January 2021, 04:23 PM
Try the Federal Register

OK, https://www.federalregister.gov/agencies/executive-office-of-the-president

Termination of Emergency With Respect to the Southern Border of the United States and Redirection of Funds Diverted to Border Wall Construction (https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2021/01/27/2021-01922/termination-of-emergency-with-respect-to-the-southern-border-of-the-united-states-and-redirection-of)

by the Executive Office of the President (https://www.federalregister.gov/agencies/executive-office-of-the-president) on 01/27/2021 (https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2021/01/27).

Economic Relief Related to the COVID-19 Pandemic (https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2021/01/27/2021-01923/economic-relief-related-to-the-covid-19-pandemic)

by the Executive Office of the President (https://www.federalregister.gov/agencies/executive-office-of-the-president) on 01/27/2021 (https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2021/01/27).

Protecting the Federal Workforce (https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2021/01/27/2021-01924/protecting-the-federal-workforce)

by the Executive Office of the President (https://www.federalregister.gov/agencies/executive-office-of-the-president) on 01/27/2021 (https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2021/01/27).

Ensuring a Data-Driven Response to COVID-19 and Future High-Consequence Public Health Threats (https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2021/01/26/2021-01849/ensuring-a-data-driven-response-to-covid-19-and-future-high-consequence-public-health-threats)

by the Executive Office of the President (https://www.federalregister.gov/agencies/executive-office-of-the-president) on 01/26/2021 (https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2021/01/26).

Ensuring an Equitable Pandemic Response and Recovery (https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2021/01/26/2021-01852/ensuring-an-equitable-pandemic-response-and-recovery)

by the Executive Office of the President (https://www.federalregister.gov/agencies/executive-office-of-the-president) on 01/26/2021 (https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2021/01/26).

Establishing the COVID-19 Pandemic Testing Board and Ensuring a Sustainable Public Health Workforce for COVID-19 and Other Biological Threats (https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2021/01/26/2021-01854/establishing-the-covid-19-pandemic-testing-board-and-ensuring-a-sustainable-public-health-workforce)

by the Executive Office of the President (https://www.federalregister.gov/agencies/executive-office-of-the-president) on 01/26/2021 (https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2021/01/26).

Improving and Expanding Access to Care and Treatments for COVID-19 (https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2021/01/26/2021-01858/improving-and-expanding-access-to-care-and-treatments-for-covid-19)

by the Executive Office of the President (https://www.federalregister.gov/agencies/executive-office-of-the-president) on 01/26/2021 (https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2021/01/26).

Promoting COVID-19 Safety in Domestic and International Travel (https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2021/01/26/2021-01859/promoting-covid-19-safety-in-domestic-and-international-travel)

by the Executive Office of the President (https://www.federalregister.gov/agencies/executive-office-of-the-president) on 01/26/2021 (https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2021/01/26).

Protecting Worker Health and Safety (https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2021/01/26/2021-01863/protecting-worker-health-and-safety)

by the Executive Office of the President (https://www.federalregister.gov/agencies/executive-office-of-the-president) on 01/26/2021 (https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2021/01/26).

Supporting the Reopening and Continuing Operation of Schools and Early Childhood Education Providers (https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2021/01/26/2021-01864/supporting-the-reopening-and-continuing-operation-of-schools-and-early-childhood-education-providers)

by the Executive Office of the President (https://www.federalregister.gov/agencies/executive-office-of-the-president) on 01/26/2021 (https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2021/01/26).

Protecting the Federal Workforce and Requiring Mask-Wearing (https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2021/01/25/2021-01766/protecting-the-federal-workforce-and-requiring-mask-wearing)

by the Executive Office of the President (https://www.federalregister.gov/agencies/executive-office-of-the-president) on 01/25/2021 (https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2021/01/25).

27th January 2021, 05:29 PM
If we want to know who is the de facto president we need to answer two questions:

1. To whom does the military pledge allegiance?

2. Who carries the nuclear football?

27th January 2021, 06:05 PM
If we want to know who is the de facto president we need to answer two questions:

1. To whom does the military pledge allegiance?

2. Who carries the nuclear football?

Well We know the military does not have allegiance to Biden.

The other question the media made it sound like there were 2 nuclear footballs, and as soon as Biden was sworn in Trumps was deactivated and Bidens was then activated and was the primary.

Correct me if I am wrong, as I very well could be.

27th January 2021, 06:26 PM
I thought that as well at first until I dove into it. If it's a psyop then it's one of the most elaborate ones that calls out both D's and Rs as traitors.

Names pedophiles, as well as eludes to elite families that actually run this planet.

So if it's a psyop then it's a self defeating one.

The psyop was when the media all came out and demonized Q.

plus this, Doug Billings with Charlie Ward


27th January 2021, 10:52 PM
This interview will interest all here. This Brent Johnson sounds quite sure of Trump and the military:


midnight rambler
27th January 2021, 10:57 PM

28th January 2021, 12:48 AM

Epic Round Table Discussion! Mike Health Ranger, Dave X22 Report, Sean SGT Report, Clay Clark Thrive Time Show

28th January 2021, 04:51 AM
I'm still hopeful something will happen, but if the military has allowed our country to be captured by the CCP, I can no longer support anyone joining today, or any actions taken by the military around the world.
I've always been a strong supporter of our men and women in the military, if the leadership does nothing I will no longer refer to the military as being a US entity.
I will refer to them as the CCP controlled military in the US.

28th January 2021, 06:57 AM
Ask Putin. He'll tell you who he plans to call before launching.

28th January 2021, 07:22 AM

Epic Round Table Discussion! Mike Health Ranger, Dave X22 Report, Sean SGT Report, Clay Clark Thrive Time Show

Do you got to buy Au/Ag or a lifetime supply of supplements/survival food to listen?

28th January 2021, 10:00 PM
Do you got to buy Au/Ag or a lifetime supply of supplements/survival food to listen?

skip all that, ads are the only way these people can survive because spewtube have demonistised them.

Very small amount of decent intel left on YT.

29th January 2021, 05:08 AM


1:36 video runtime

turn volume to max and listen carefully

DJT says

We're not finished yet."


Also in this Greg Hunter weekly wrap-up report, he states repeatedly that "Trump will have his day in court."

very good wide-ranging coverage - Watch whole one hour report at...


Illegitimate Government, Impeachment Backfire, Economy Tanking
By Greg Hunter On January 29, 2021 In Weekly News Wrap-Ups 4 Comments

29th January 2021, 05:36 AM

DJT says

We're not finished yet."


It just dawned on me, Trump constantly boasts and brags about everything. Could the military have shut down all his media accounts so he don't fuck a mission up? First thing you do when taking down an adversary is 'shut the fuck up!' Adversary's are saying go shut him down so he doesn't exist, supporters outraged at the silence. Just thinking out loud.

29th January 2021, 05:52 AM
I'm still hopeful something will happen, but if the military has allowed our country to be captured by the CCP, I can no longer support anyone joining today, or any actions taken by the military around the world.
I've always been a strong supporter of our men and women in the military, if the leadership does nothing I will no longer refer to the military as being a US entity.
I will refer to them as the CCP controlled military in the US.

Here is some good news for you then.

Forward.com: Enough for a minyan: A Jewish Who’s Who of Biden’s Cabinet-to-Be (https://forward.com/news/462330/enough-for-a-minyan-a-jewish-whos-who-of-bidens-cabinet-to-be/)

It’s a “remarkable statement about the place of Jews in this society,” said Jason Isaacson, the American Jewish Committee’s chief policy and political affairs officer in Washington. Amid the rise in antisemitism and its role underpinning the Capitol siege on Jan. 6, Isaacson added, the fact that so many well-known and engaged Jews will serve in the highest levels of the administration “and no one talks about that and it’s not an issue, that says a lot about how far American society has progressed.”

29th January 2021, 08:31 AM
Here is some good news for you then.

Forward.com: Enough for a minyan: A Jewish Who’s Who of Biden’s Cabinet-to-Be (https://forward.com/news/462330/enough-for-a-minyan-a-jewish-whos-who-of-bidens-cabinet-to-be/)

It's the Synagogue of Satan running things

30th January 2021, 09:09 PM
Gotta repeat it over and over again so the truth can sink in. (Believe it or not this technique works extremely weill on the vast majority of the proles, I'm seeing it with respect to the ChiCom bio-weapon...which no one wants to talk about)

you really mean you gotta repeat it over and over so the "lie" can sink in!

1st February 2021, 08:01 PM
I see 2 new Jim Fetzer shows posted today, haven't listened to either:

Feb 02, 2021
Need to Know: The Fetzer Report Episode 121 - 01 February 2021 (https://www.bitchute.com/video/8F2NsdaPLLse/)
Need to Know Episode 121 (01 February 2021) with Carl Herman and Chris Weinert. Trump assassination attempt! Federalist says Trump did NOT incite insurrection. Brother of Antifa leader claims 226 antifa provocateurs start Jan 6 Capitol Hill False Flag. Senate challenged with second impeachment. Military at White House arresting traitors?!? Biden overusing Executive Orders. COVID Quackccination delivers horrible side effects and death, no actually immunity. ISIS false flags shenanigans begin again… and so much more.

Feb 01, 2021
The Raw Deal (1 February 2021) The Raw Deal (1 February 2021) The Raw Deal (1 February 2021) (https://www.bitchute.com/video/IvY5y7RsJEG8/)
Another attempt to assassinate Donald Trump took place last week, where it appears that a drone was used to fire into his bedroom and he would have been killed but for having installed bullet-proof glass. There was no incitement and no insurrection, so a trial for incitement and insurrection has no basis in law or fact. The Democrats are pushing in the hope that they might acquire enough support to deny him the right to run for federal office in the future, where they fear he will clean their clock again, just as he did during the 2020

did I totally miss this ^ story of a supposed T assassination attempt last Tue 1/26?! MSM blackout?

Fetzer is all-in re the speculation in this thread.

1st February 2021, 08:14 PM
So someone looked up the official Army manual for gun saluting. Check this out:

3–3. When and how rendered
b. Cannon salutes to persons.
(1) The time interval between rounds in a cannon salute will be three seconds except as follows:
(a) When honors are rendered at funerals, in which case the cannon salute will be fired at five second intervals.
(b) When such interval is in conflict with prescribed safety regulations for the type of cannon employed.
(c) When such interval is not feasible considering condition of ammunition and materiel, number of guns available, proficiency of gun crews, atmospheric conditions, and other local limitations.


Biden received 10 shots with 2 guns at 10 second interval. So anything north of 3 seconds is not a legit salute. I'm thinking this is the military's way of indicating that they do not recognize Biden as a legitimate president.

2nd February 2021, 11:50 AM
this interview took place Jan 22 but I just discovered - listening now, Maryam Henein was at Jan 6th DC FF 'seige', they discuss all the anomalies & theories, VG!

65m: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uaSFQdT3g1A


@ BC: Mel K Welcomes the Incredible Maryam Henein 1-22-2021 (https://www.bitchute.com/video/WgoSsIqWyRA3/)

2nd February 2021, 10:35 PM
8m clip inside: https://gab.com/BloodLinePatriot/posts/105665768714745851

Stephanie Ayres Posted this tonight on tele. Watch it and make up your own mind. Strange Things going on at the Capital tonight, or is this a distraction, possible Pysop? You decide ...thoughts ?

forget which venue I saw it at but someone posted that POTUS mortorcade was on the move in DC tonight @ 10:30p ET - nothing on POTUS schedule to account for it. -PC

3rd February 2021, 04:59 PM
I'm ~half thru Jim Fetzer's "Need to Know: The Fetzer Report Episode 122 - 02 February 2021 (https://www.bitchute.com/video/kWmtV6Bb13Q8/)" show, mostly been discussion of anomalies re Sniffer's pretend-administration... Fetzer's all on board w this thread's "White Hats in Control" hypothesis.

@ 6:15, they play a clip of, supposedly, rear-view of Sniffer walking across WH lawn & getting on Marine One chopper, a SINGLE Marine at door saluting (aren't there always two Marines?)... looks really fake/CGI, and/or it's the actor-Sniffer; the whole clip doesn't pass the SNIFFER TEST AT ALL - it's all from a distance & we never see Sniffer's face; man depicted is too tall/thin & agile. :D

3rd February 2021, 05:19 PM
I'm ~half thru Jim Fetzer's "Need to Know: The Fetzer Report Episode 122 - 02 February 2021 (https://www.bitchute.com/video/kWmtV6Bb13Q8/)" show, mostly been discussion of anomalies re Sniffer's pretend-administration... Fetzer's all on board w this thread's "White Hats in Control" hypothesis.

@ 6:15, they play a clip of, supposedly, rear-view of Sniffer walking across WH lawn & getting on Marine One chopper, a SINGLE Marine at door saluting (aren't there always two Marines?)... looks really fake/CGI, and/or it's the actor-Sniffer; the whole clip doesn't pass the SNIFFER TEST AT ALL - it's all from a distance & we never see Sniffer's face; man depicted is too tall/thin & agile. :D

I saw the clip walking to MO. That is the best steps PedoJoe has taken in years. He took the chopper steps two at a time.

3rd February 2021, 05:22 PM
"man depicted is too tall/thin & agile. "

That is the way that I judge if it is or is not the real Sniffer. The body and carriage. The chest / torso carriage when walking off a plane or helicopter is the give-away to me that it is not Biden.

I have seen so many different face shots of "Biden" and they vary so so much. Biden walks and talks and looks very much like "an old man."

I cling to little bits of hopium and like to hear about them but I do not come to any conclusions.

I guess it is a positive hopeful sign that the real Biden is really not trying to be the real president.

All I know is that movie going on in DC now masquerading as our government just is not going to work at all. It's a total NO-GO.

3rd February 2021, 05:58 PM
Here is a bit of hopiim that Jsnip4 just mentioned.

2 different helicopter crashes, each recent, reach involving 3 killed military members. JSNIP4 says he gets guidance from "spirit", that is his "spirit guide" and he has several woo woo firends that he shares info with.

Seems like this upcoming second impeachment thing to happen this week is interpreted to be something that will involve Hunter Biden laptop and all it contains and that will play a big part in what goes on in the hearings and that is the hopium that will blow the lid off this whole illegitimate Biden-is-president deception.

Here are the two helpicopter crash stories. The one happening at the Finger Lakes area shows those lakes to exactly match the tattoo on Hunter's back.

Who knows? Jsnip4 has moved the goal post so many times I stopped counting. Nothing he predicts comes about but he does have some little hopium bits like this.


Local News
3 Idaho Army National Guard members killed in helicopter crash
The pilots were on a routine training flight when their Black Hawk helicopter went down near Lucky Peak.



REALIST NEWS - omg...O.M.G. Hunter Biden's back tattoo and the helicopter crash. You won't believe
•Jan 22, 2021
99.2K subscribers
Join my Woo Woo Crypto Patreon https://www.patreon.com/jsnip4/member...​



6:51 video runtime

3rd February 2021, 05:58 PM
I saw the clip walking to MO. [...]

^ wut? Missouri? [edit: ah, "Marine One"; I thought u were describing where YOU were when you saw the clip :|~]

I see this gab: https://gab.com/Beer_Parade/posts/105664553390487571

"Random thought... how is it that not ONE successful Trump businessperson has yet to return to running their companies?"

[plus image of Trump fam photo]

that Fetzer show above also raised question: How come during pretend-inauguration movie, Sniffer, with 8 years as VP experience ending 1/20/17, made that gaffe of repeating his earpiece message, muttering back, "salute the Marines" -- & meanwhile NOT saluting them ???

3rd February 2021, 06:36 PM
#FakeNewsCNN joospewed:

She was stunned by Biden's inauguration. How this South Carolina mom escaped QAnon (https://www.cnn.com/2021/02/03/tech/qanon-mom-former-believer/index.html)

Story by Donie O'Sullivan (https://www.cnn.com/profiles/donie-osullivan)
Video by Zach Wasser (https://www.cnn.com/profiles/zach-wasser) and Richa Naik (https://www.cnn.com/profiles/richa-naik), CNN Business (https://cnn.com/business)

Updated 12:34 PM ET, Wed February 3, 2021

3rd February 2021, 06:50 PM
#FakeNewsCNN joospewed:

She was stunned by Biden's inauguration. How this South Carolina mom escaped QAnon (https://www.cnn.com/2021/02/03/tech/qanon-mom-former-believer/index.html)

Story by Donie O'Sullivan (https://www.cnn.com/profiles/donie-osullivan)
Video by Zach Wasser (https://www.cnn.com/profiles/zach-wasser) and Richa Naik (https://www.cnn.com/profiles/richa-naik), CNN Business (https://cnn.com/business)

Updated 12:34 PM ET, Wed February 3, 2021

what is everyone's take on this?

4th February 2021, 05:27 AM
what is everyone's take on this?

CNN being CNN, likely interviewing someone who never dove into the information that Q released, and just there for the 15 minutes of "fame". Even Midnight Rambler called it a pysop. It's a pretty poor pysop if it was, due to the info Q exposed and people began digging into.

Pedophiles, Hollywood Pedophiles, Systemic Corruption not just in the U.S. but global.

Why I say that woman in the CNN interview is a fake is that you can never go back to being "blue pilled" once you've taken the "red pill". That would be like saying, yep I know the people who run most western countries are pedophiles who grift their family and friends with government contracts with a kickback and do not prosecute each other when crimes are committed, and I'm fine with that. It doesn't make any logical sense.

So another interesting video has been released showing evidence that Biden is really in the Castle Rock (now Amazon) studios in Culver City California.


4th February 2021, 05:40 AM
what is everyone's take on this?

I'm kinda blank on much of it...

4th February 2021, 06:23 AM
Agree with Ares. Very subtle crafted lies. But what else could come from CNN.,

4th February 2021, 06:51 AM
Biden has a doppleganger that performs better than he does at presser events...

4th February 2021, 07:00 AM
Thomas Wictor’s thread the Quod Verum forum is very interesting


Edit: I copied the wrong link


4th February 2021, 09:04 AM
When Trump saw that shipping rates from China went 4-500% he wanted nothing to do with U.S. for the next 4 years..

5th February 2021, 02:30 AM

5th February 2021, 07:01 AM

Two hours? How about a synopsis?

5th February 2021, 07:05 AM
^ that host/vlogger Jean-Claude did a great roundtable a few days ago; first ~hour is mostly discussion of the HR bill currently in play, threatening to "regulate firearms out of existence" -- draconian! real agenda FECKING OBVIOUS. 2nd hour more diverse, but also excellent!




another awesome one not to miss -- the woman is a comedienne so u can imagine, it has a lightness to it. I love her "Starbucks coffee people vs Dunkin Donuts coffee people" analogy :D 80m:

Charlie Robinson with... Episode #95 - Capitol Nonsense & The New Normal | Chrissie Mayr (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RUJAqrhviJc)

(begin @ ~8m to skip overly long intro + overly long sponsor promos :rolleyes:)


BTW both those shows ^ in part discuss the USA INC... biz this thread entertains.

6th February 2021, 12:14 AM
Two hours? How about a synopsis?

Its only everything thats at stake, you are either following this or still wondering what is going on.

A synopsis is ..............It is a very good and believable explanation from Jim Willie about what is going on with the DS take down.

6th February 2021, 03:11 AM

Need to Know: The Fetzer Report Episode 125 - 05 February 2021 (https://www.bitchute.com/video/SmUsAoZLX5vl/)

1:17:27 video runtime

I have only listened so far to about the first ten minutes. Sounds like Dr. Fetzer is still presenting newly installed congress member Marjorie Taylor Green as the real deal. She recanted her positions regarding false flag events and stated to congressional hearing that those were her ideas in the "past" but not today. There is an article on JamesFetzer.org stating that she recanted all of that impressive information and more or less took a begging groveling stance when asking to be allowed to keep her congressional committee assignments which were denied.

First few minutes of this James Fetzer Need to Know show of yesterday on Bitchute show actual filming of the fake White House Oval Office with fake Biden behind the desk. I understand the person who obtained this video is someone from "Red Pill Action" and that this bombshell video was orginally posted at that channel. I very much would like to have the URL and channel name where this video was originally posted and that is one major defect of Dr. Fetzer's presentation here. Attribution of original source crucial on some of the major pieces of data such as this.

First published at 03:15 UTC on February 6th, 2021.

channel image

Jim Fetzer

Jim Fetzer

4032 subscribers

Need to Know Episode 125 (05 February 2021) with Michael Ivey and Chris Weinert. Is Groper Joe operating from a Hollywood sound stage? House strips Marjorie Taylor Greene of committee memberships. AOC lies about being in Capitol during the January 6th false flag. Why is a traitorous Cheney in Congress? Maxine Waters: a living monument to Black History. Texas wins first border lawsuit against Biden… and so much more!
Category News & Politics
Sensitivity Normal - Content that is suitable for ages 16 and over

7th February 2021, 01:50 AM

Need to Know: The Fetzer Report Episode 125 - 05 February 2021 (https://www.bitchute.com/video/SmUsAoZLX5vl/)

1:17:27 video runtime

I have only listened so far to about the first ten minutes. Sounds like Dr. Fetzer is still presenting newly installed congress member Marjorie Taylor Green as the real deal. She recanted her positions regarding false flag events and stated to congressional hearing that those were her ideas in the "past" but not today. There is an article on JamesFetzer.org stating that she recanted all of that impressive information and more or less took a begging groveling stance when asking to be allowed to keep her congressional committee assignments which were denied.

First few minutes of this James Fetzer Need to Know show of yesterday on Bitchute show actual filming of the fake White House Oval Office with fake Biden behind the desk. I understand the person who obtained this video is someone from "Red Pill Action" and that this bombshell video was orginally posted at that channel. I very much would like to have the URL and channel name where this video was originally posted and that is one major defect of Dr. Fetzer's presentation here. Attribution of original source crucial on some of the major pieces of data such as this.

First published at 03:15 UTC on February 6th, 2021.

channel image

Jim Fetzer

Jim Fetzer

4032 subscribers

Need to Know Episode 125 (05 February 2021) with Michael Ivey and Chris Weinert. Is Groper Joe operating from a Hollywood sound stage? House strips Marjorie Taylor Greene of committee memberships. AOC lies about being in Capitol during the January 6th false flag. Why is a traitorous Cheney in Congress? Maxine Waters: a living monument to Black History. Texas wins first border lawsuit against Biden… and so much more!
Category News & Politics
Sensitivity Normal - Content that is suitable for ages 16 and over

I remember seeing this video as one of the first ones after Biden took up office .

7th February 2021, 01:56 AM
CNN being CNN, likely interviewing someone who never dove into the information that Q released, and just there for the 15 minutes of "fame". Even Midnight Rambler called it a pysop. It's a pretty poor pysop if it was, due to the info Q exposed and people began digging into.

Pedophiles, Hollywood Pedophiles, Systemic Corruption not just in the U.S. but global.

Why I say that woman in the CNN interview is a fake is that you can never go back to being "blue pilled" once you've taken the "red pill". That would be like saying, yep I know the people who run most western countries are pedophiles who grift their family and friends with government contracts with a kickback and do not prosecute each other when crimes are committed, and I'm fine with that. It doesn't make any logical sense.

So another interesting video has been released showing evidence that Biden is really in the Castle Rock (now Amazon) studios in Culver City California.


Bidens been in Castle Rock the whole time.

Thus Bezo is stepping down...........arrested and most probably executed could probably be his fate , TREASON, only one of a VERY LARGE NUMBER.

That is why it is a show, to wake people up, to see how bad it is under B.

B is under the control of T.

It is being played out to draw in the corrupt ones , and show everyone because you cannot tell people , they dont listen.

The only way is for it to be played so people actually see for them selves the disaster of B. B remorse.

T needs a support level of 70%.

Anyone IMO that dosnt/cannot/wont support T then go and support whatever/whoever you have as an alternative and let me know because I would be very interested.

Not holding my breath.

9th February 2021, 06:27 AM
The Republic is Dead; There won't be any "White Hats" Riding to the Rescue; Either Fight now or prepare to die

There are a lot of people posting B.S. from "credible sources" about how Biden will be in power for 9 weeks, or how the military really is in DC to protect us, or (do I really have to make a 3 page line item list?) I'll skip that.

I understand that in some cases people can't come to grips with the fact that everything really is lost. So they post crap about "what is going to happen" and general blah said blah or my lawyer said blah or Sidney released blah or whatever blah blah blah - none of it has merit.

FACT: The communists seized the country. The coup is complete.

And it was well planned, where Obama rigged the military to make sure they went along with it.

It is OVER. Trump is not secretly being president behind the scenes, no one is waiting for anyone to prove how bad they are before they get arrested and the military is not running the country.

People need to come to grips with this, because hopeful stories are paralyzing them like a frogs under a bright light, preventing them from jumping to action.

Sitting still like it is business as usual right now is exactly what the communists want, while they pile more and more and MORE troops into DC to eliminate all danger for them while they shred the country.

That is what the military is there for - to support the coup.

At the bottom the coup has been enforced by kids that got brainwashed by communists primarily in school. Everyone just sat back and let the kids get their brains washed, and now we have the consequences. Communist soldiers that are America's own kids, enforcing the death of the country. It really meant something. The schools really were important. And got ignored. No one believed this day would come.

To see where America is headed, just look at what the trolls are saying online: Ha ha, Musk can't play his space games and he was trash anyway, - The MyPillow guy is a seditious former crack addict (after he released truly damning stuff that is anything but sedition) - and now even Time magazine is stating there was a coup, but "it is all for your own good". Translation: We are shutting the country down, if you even mention what we did, you are a criminal, yes, we did do a coup and you will accept it.

Now the communists who stole the country are doing "good things" to help us like them. There will probably be a (few) bones thrown to appease the masses and "prove" those who did the coup are not all bad. But it will only be a game.

The bottom line is that Mars is canceled and though SpaceX is still flying, it is only to fill government contracts and it won't be for long.

The bottom line is that the Georgia Guidestones are real.


The bottom line is 1984 is their operating manual, and it is worse than 1984, the bottom line is they intend to corrupt the genome to create an underclass - the bottom line is everything is going to China and America will be deleted.

Do not delay your preparations over whatever shitposters who have not got a grip yet or downright subversives strategizing a way to get you to sit paralyzed under a spotlight are saying.

It happens this way EVERY TIME. The communists launch hopeful stories EVERY TIME in EVERY TAKEOVER to cause people to sit on their butts waiting for miracles to happen. Miracles are NOT going to happen.

My God the latest shooting hoax was so effing stupid cops and robbers BULLSHIT right when a gun grab bill is going through and NO ONE saw through it as far as I can tell - that was disturbing, how easily people were fooled.

And for that and a LOT more I have a huge ball of stress and dread. My thoughts are paralyzed and stuck on ONE THING: My God, they really are doing it. They really are destroying the United States and they are not taking their time, even insulin went back to $1000 a month, they are comprehensively destroying EVERYTHING, - setting up total destruction and genocide - they REALLY ARE DOING IT and nothing is stopping them. Paralyzing stress and dread.

And no one is doing ANYTHING because "today was like yesterday and I still have time". Actually, you do not have time. If you cannot bug out or GET OUT, and I mean OUT OF THE COUNTRY, NOW, your only option is to purify your soul and prep for death. I kid you not, it is THAT BAD.

My estimate is you have anywhere from 5 months to 18 months. It won't be finished in 18 months, but it will definitely be started. It will be over by 2025.

For the record: No election will work. The last one did not work, and they are solidifying and rooting in the fraud to heights beyond what it took to simply steal it like flipping a switch last time. We are not going to vote our way out of this.

For the record: There will be no "charge of the light brigade" and Trump is in charge of NOTHING. It will be ALL darkness from here on out.

For the record: The military is NOT going to save you.

At least repent of anything in your life you need to repent of, so you can go to God in good condition. What more can I say? It is THAT BAD.

The ONLY reason why the Ukraine genocide stopped with only 30-70 million dead is because there was not a population present to have a larger genocide be possible. Communists will have zero qualms about pushing America's genocide to over 200 million "if that is what it takes" and they won't do it shooting, they'll instead, like Ukraine, cut off food and expel people from their homes.

And they set this up with coronavirus, to prevent Americans from making payments.

The writing is ON THE WALL.

What Now?

They've completed their coup and are here to preside over the destruction of not only the US but also as much of the western free world as they can take down with us.

The moves they're about to make combined with the ones they already have are the precision cutting charges that will start the entire structure of the western world crumbling inward and down slowly at first but eventually reaching free fall speed.

They think they have a plan in place to successfully rule over the wreckage, and they might be right...

At this point it's genuinely questionable as to whether we can stop them and their controlled demolition of the west or not.

But the one thing we can do...

Is we can make sure that we take them down with us.

That may have to be enough for us at this point.

Once you accept that this is truly where we're at, you and we can at least focus on making sure the fuckers at the top don't survive the coming destruction.

It's the least we can do for the survivors and those who will come after us.

This is not a popular message, but it needs to be said.

In order for people to take action, they first need to acknowledge that action is needed, and that will never happen while they continue to cling to false hope. I feel like many people are clinging to falsehoods because believing the lie is easier than facing reality.

It's time to wake up. A communist coup just took place in the United States and nobody is coming to save us.


9th February 2021, 06:55 AM
Awesome write up, but totally shocked it comes from Hal Turner!

9th February 2021, 07:30 AM
Awesome write up, but totally shocked it comes from Hal Turner!

I posted it here more along a "What If?" kind of scenario. I cannot account for all of the oddities during Bidens inauguration, chartered private plane to DC, no 21 shot salute, etc.

I freely admit I don't have an idea whats going on, but there are appearances of something behind the scenes taking place, but appearances can be deceiving so I posted that "What If?" kind of scenario if the military really isn't in charge, and for all the oddities surrounding Biden that clown really is President?

midnight rambler
9th February 2021, 07:52 AM
Hal Turner apparently copied what Jim Stone wrote -


9th February 2021, 08:38 AM
I posted it here more along a "What If?" kind of scenario. I cannot account for all of the oddities during Bidens inauguration, chartered private plane to DC, no 21 shot salute, etc.

I freely admit I don't have an idea whats going on, but there are appearances of something behind the scenes taking place, but appearances can be deceiving so I posted that "What If?" kind of scenario if the military really isn't in charge, and for all the oddities surrounding Biden that clown really is President?

If the military is not in charge, then they are in on the coup.

What I can say is, if Building 7 on 9/11 was an inside job, then all of 9/11 was fraudulent.

If the military did nothing to stop the coup, then the military is fraudulent and all military actions around the world are fraud.
It's time to let the men and woman in the military, the vets that are maimed and died, know that it was all for nothing and not for our country.
The government and military leadership are laughing at all who served, came back in pieces and died, as they were just pawns to fill the elite's pockets...to keep the money machine turning.

The next thing the elite are destroying are the police. They are doing a pretty good job of it already.
IMO, the plan is to create so much crime with too few police and no new recruits. Problem, reaction, the solution is waiting in the wings. UN Troops in the US!
They know the police won't seize our guns, but UN troops will. I just hope they will be wearing those blue helmets!

9th February 2021, 09:01 AM
The UN Troops would likely fair worse than the police attempting to seize our weapons. They would be considered a foreign invasion force and all bets are off.

9th February 2021, 10:04 AM
The UN Troops would likely fair worse than the police attempting to seize our weapons. They would be considered a foreign invasion force and all bets are off.

This just keeps ringing in my ear.


9th February 2021, 10:41 AM
Awesome write up, but totally shocked it comes from Hal Turner!

Really, I was quite surprised to see he was the source.

9th February 2021, 10:59 AM
Hal Turner apparently copied what Jim Stone wrote -


That might explain JS's little post about people stealing his content a day or two ago.

midnight rambler
9th February 2021, 11:09 AM
That might explain JS's little post about people stealing his content a day or two ago.

Hal Turner is not trustworthy.

9th February 2021, 01:09 PM
Hal Turner is not trustworthy.

Yep, and always bears repeating.

Hal Turner is not trustworthy.

9th February 2021, 04:29 PM
Agree with Ares. Very subtle crafted lies. But what else could come from CNN.,

Escaping Q said it all for me....................BS

Q was simply intel with plusable deniability , nothing more nothing less.

If media demonizes something you know it must be good.

9th February 2021, 04:39 PM
Ashli Babbit exposed............

https://www.brighteon.com/930b273a-2662-4633-80ad-a282df7fc599 (https://www.brighteon.com/930b273a-2662-4633-80ad-a282df7fc599)

9th February 2021, 05:00 PM
Ashli Babbit exposed............

https://www.brighteon.com/930b273a-2662-4633-80ad-a282df7fc599 (https://www.brighteon.com/930b273a-2662-4633-80ad-a282df7fc599)
Definitely faked. We knew this early on when the video showed the bystanders staying within range and not scattering. When someone is shot near you, you will instinctively run for cover. No ifs ands or buts.

9th February 2021, 06:29 PM
Definitely faked. We knew this early on when the video showed the bystanders staying within range and not scattering. When someone is shot near you, you will instinctively run for cover. No ifs ands or buts.


10th February 2021, 09:24 PM
Start at 14:25


11th February 2021, 05:20 AM
Amazing how many republicans have moved on from the blatant fraud.


11th February 2021, 05:34 AM
Amazing how many republicans have moved on from the blatant fraud.


Its almost as if there was a single party in DC..... hmmm

11th February 2021, 05:52 AM
Its almost as if there was a single party in DC..... hmmm

145 to 61 GOP congressmen vote to keep Liz Cheney in as conference chairwoman. I would vote for a democrat to remove republicans.
They think they can sucker voters to vote for them to take the power away from democrats.
I will vote for the governor, sheriffs and school boards, but never again for any republican in congress.

11th February 2021, 10:08 AM
Its almost as if there was a single party in DC..... hmmm

I think you might be on to something!

Birds of a feather flock together!

I learned about the right left paradigm in 2008.

11th February 2021, 10:55 AM
Stop being a Democrat or a Republican and start being an American

12th February 2021, 10:24 AM
Yep, it's in the bag.


12th February 2021, 10:25 AM
Stop being a Democrat or a Republican and start being an American

Why not preserve states rights 1st. It would be much easier. I self identify as an Illinoisan from a specific county. And fuck JB Pritzker.

12th February 2021, 10:52 AM
Yep, it's in the bag.

Chinese New Year. This is what we expect from China Joe.

midnight rambler
12th February 2021, 12:31 PM
Yep, it's in the bag.


Comments are turned off.

12th February 2021, 12:35 PM
Comments are turned off.

Because you have to turn comments off on the most popular president in history......

midnight rambler
12th February 2021, 03:41 PM
Because you have to turn comments off on the most popular president in history......

Indeed, the comments from hundreds of billions of dyed in the wool Xiden fans would overload jootube.

13th February 2021, 06:40 PM
2h audio:

The Realist Report – Tim Kelly
February 13, 2021 (https://therealistreport.com/the-realist-report-tim-kelly-capitol-insurrection/) Realist Report (https://therealistreport.com/author/realist/) Leave a comment (https://therealistreport.com/the-realist-report-tim-kelly-capitol-insurrection/#respond)

On this edition of The Realist Report, we’re joined once again by Tim Kelly, host of Our Interesting Times (https://tkelly6785757.podomatic.com/), one of the most interesting and thought-provoking podcasts in the alternative media. Tim joins me to discuss the Capitol “insurrection”, Time Magazine’s incredibly revealing article detailing the Deep State’s Color Revolution against Donald Trump (https://time.com/5936036/secret-2020-election-campaign/), the sham impeachment trial, the war on White America, the concept of “anti-Semitism” and much more!

Download (https://ia601402.us.archive.org/9/items/tim-kelly-capitol-insurrection/Tim%20Kelly%20-%20Capitol%20Insurrection.mp3)

13th February 2021, 08:00 PM
Peter Navarro: “What Mike Pence Did to Donald J. Trump – Will Go Down in History as One of the Greatest Betrayals Imaginable” (VIDEO) (https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/02/peter-navarro-mike-pence-donald-j-trump-will-go-history-one-greatest-betrayals-imaginable-video/)

By Jim Hoft (https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/author/jim-hoft/)
Published February 13, 2021 at 7:21pm

14th February 2021, 12:23 AM
Kerry Cassidy "Project Camelot" with Jaun O Savin... don't know anything about the guy; just heard this interview discussed elsewhere so giving it a shot now. I gather it suffers some tech probs (Jaun's cell phone flaky signal, goes roboto here & there). I gather he's on board w the Q/plan shite; but shite is plainly going down behind the scenes with USA Inc, the MuhRONA, metals/BTC etc. Interview happened Feb 12.

1h 55m

KERRY INTERVIEWS JUAN O SAVIN (https://www.bitchute.com/video/D0Aes7jsCaEv/)

PROJECT CAMELOT (https://www.bitchute.com/channel/projectcamelot/)

Author, mystery man, special forces?, Q?, JFKjr? Historian, Spokesman for Trump and team…. INTERVIEW CONDUCTED ON FRIDAY, FEB 12, 2021. We talk about military being in charge, arrests and how Trump and team are still on track to save the world and humanity from the Luciferian Agenda.

14th February 2021, 07:57 AM
What The Q Is Going On In Our World?

brand new page posted @ David Sorenson's brilliant anti-#FluWorldOrderPlandemic (https://gab.com/tags/FluWorldOrderPlandemic) site StopWorldControl makes the case that, coz the #FakeNewsMSM (https://gab.com/tags/FakeNewsMSM) is so weaponized against us & we can read the world & major players in the opposite of how MSM spins them; & coz #Qanon (https://gab.com/tags/Qanon) #GreatAwakening (https://gab.com/tags/GreatAwakening) is such a threat to the evil satanic cabal which rules the world as reflected by MSM's hate of #Q (https://gab.com/tags/Q)... Q must be the real deal.

I've said more than once, (((MSM's))) Q-hate was the single most compelling badge of "Q Proof" for me... b4 I lost interest ~2y ago due to lack of BOOMs ever materializing.

14th February 2021, 10:38 AM
What The Q Is Going On In Our World?

brand new page posted @ David Sorenson's brilliant anti-#FluWorldOrderPlandemic (https://gab.com/tags/FluWorldOrderPlandemic) site StopWorldControl makes the case that, coz the #FakeNewsMSM (https://gab.com/tags/FakeNewsMSM) is so weaponized against us & we can read the world & major players in the opposite of how MSM spins them; & coz #Qanon (https://gab.com/tags/Qanon) #GreatAwakening (https://gab.com/tags/GreatAwakening) is such a threat to the evil satanic cabal which rules the world as reflected by MSM's hate of #Q (https://gab.com/tags/Q)... Q must be the real deal.

I've said more than once, (((MSM's))) Q-hate was the single most compelling badge of "Q Proof" for me... b4 I lost interest ~2y ago due to lack of BOOMs ever materializing.
As we have discussed before, the 'supposed' hatred of Q may simply be put out to make it seem legitimate and distance the press from it's fellow traveler, Q.

14th February 2021, 11:24 AM
As we have discussed before, the 'supposed' hatred of Q may simply be put out to make it seem legitimate and distance the press from it's fellow traveler, Q.

as I pointed out b4, that ^ 'explanation' is at least a fanciful as the "Qaholics rationalize every failure of Q's prophecies, with absurd '5D chess' explanations!" charge which Q-critics constantly pin on Q-people.

IMHO (((fake news))) were plainly out for blood in their unanimous/4am-Memo anti-Q hit pieces. Despite Q's failures, most who came on board had their consciousness raised a few notches with the attention to real conspiracies Q brought. (((MSM))) sought to scare off noobs coming on board, by programming them to knee-jerk react to Q with "baseless anti-shlomo debunked CT from the darkest corners of the interwebs" responses.

like I said, I just lost interest for Q's lack of BOOMs -- none of the conspiracies Q pointed to were new to me.

BTW all the associations with Q & "trafficked children being rescued; pol's being put in Gitmo RIGHT NOW! :o" -- stemmed from "Q grifters", those spinning fanciful interpretations of Q's actual drops, into clickbait for their yidtube channels. Spooky-voice "David Zublick" comes to mind, among a few others...

14th February 2021, 03:23 PM
Kerry Cassidy "Project Camelot" with Jaun O Savin... don't know anything about the guy; just heard this interview discussed elsewhere so giving it a shot now. I gather it suffers some tech probs (Jaun's cell phone flaky signal, goes roboto here & there). I gather he's on board w the Q/plan shite; but shite is plainly going down behind the scenes with USA Inc, the MuhRONA, metals/BTC etc. Interview happened Feb 12.

1h 55m

KERRY INTERVIEWS JUAN O SAVIN (https://www.bitchute.com/video/D0Aes7jsCaEv/)

I am about done listening.

It was a weird interview.

KC kept hounding JOS about the tunnels under DC and rescuing the children. JOS never bit and just let her ramble about that. KC kept bringing up prisons on the moon too. JOS didn't take that bait either. Just changed the subject.

JOS seemed to backtrack on his 4/1 prediction from December. Now talking about dual presidency.

14th February 2021, 04:01 PM
as I pointed out b4, that ^ 'explanation' is at least a fanciful as the "Qaholics rationalize every failure of Q's prophecies, with absurd '5D chess' explanations!" charge which Q-critics constantly pin on Q-people.

IMHO (((fake news))) were plainly out for blood in their unanimous/4am-Memo anti-Q hit pieces. Despite Q's failures, most who came on board had their consciousness raised a few notches with the attention to real conspiracies Q brought. (((MSM))) sought to scare off noobs coming on board, by programming them to knee-jerk react to Q with "baseless anti-shlomo debunked CT from the darkest corners of the interwebs" responses.

like I said, I just lost interest for Q's lack of BOOMs -- none of the conspiracies Q pointed to were new to me.

BTW all the associations with Q & "trafficked children being rescued; pol's being put in Gitmo RIGHT NOW! :o" -- stemmed from "Q grifters", those spinning fanciful interpretations of Q's actual drops, into clickbait for their yidtube channels. Spooky-voice "David Zublick" comes to mind, among a few others...
I thought the whole Q thing was pretty stupid from the get-go. I admit I ignored it mostly. Puzzle me this, puzzle me that. Immature, pretentious and appealing to the morons who actually thought they were going to be supposedly brought in to the inner circle of arcane scheming against the Deep State. In essence, a bunch of shit. Why would someone in the know 'drop crumbs' for those not in the know? Why not just say it plain?

14th February 2021, 06:58 PM
I thought the whole Q thing was pretty stupid from the get-go. I admit I ignored it mostly. Puzzle me this, puzzle me that. Immature, pretentious and appealing to the morons who actually thought they were going to be supposedly brought in to the inner circle of arcane scheming against the Deep State. In essence, a bunch of shit. Why would someone in the know 'drop crumbs' for those not in the know? Why not just say it plain?

Because you can't tell people anything. You have to show people. They have to do their own research and see the findings for themselves. Just like all of us here did our own research to come to the conclusion that the monetary system is a complete fraud.

So people were given crumbs about the elite, not just in this country but the world that they are Satan worshipping child raping pedophiles. Before Q, the vast majority of people wouldn't believe it, even on conspiracy websites (godlikeproductions, AboveTopSecret, etc.) After Q, the tone has changed on those sites from outright denial to, okay show me the evidence.

Q was / is being used as a way for people to wake up. I'd say in that respect it has been successful.

Even an existence of an elite was questioned by most people thinking it wasn't possible with governments that were supposedly representative. Now its a foregone conclusion that the worlds nations are under the rule of a sinister self appointed elite.

That is exposure and now everything that transpires via legislation whether in this country or in countries in Europe are being questioned much more than I ever thought possible.
France has strikes that cripples the country almost monthly now. You have nations in Europe now even questioning being part of the EU. With Britain leaving, that was the first domino and I don't think will be the last.

Their façade of a solid foundation for their control has been exposed as being built on Sand. None of that would have happened without Q or the Q group dropping crumbs for people to research.

You can't show people, they have to do their own research just like all of us did here.

14th February 2021, 07:10 PM
^^This an excellently worded and well thought out reply. Thank you Ares; this is why you have mucho respect here. I will integrate this into my pool of thought.

eta--as a possibility; not saying I'm swallowing it.

14th February 2021, 07:34 PM
^^This an excellently worded and well thought out reply. Thank you Ares; this is why you have mucho respect here. I will integrate this into my pool of thought.

eta--as a possibility; not saying I'm swallowing it.

Thanks, I appreciate it. I ignored Q for the first couple of years as well. I would encounter it here and there on the chans. I didn't pay it much mind until I started seeing Q proofs, where people in the /Research channel would ask Q to have Trump do or say something in a speech before hand and he would say it during one of his rallies, or Q posting pictures from inside Airforce 1. So it was stuff like that, that started drawing my interests that it wasn't some larp to waste peoples time if they're going to that much effort to provide proofs without exposing who they are.

Anyway, once you figure out that the reason for the drops was for people to start researching into what was being said and asked of Q makes more sense to do it that way. Because as we can all attest to in our time on this planet, you can't tell people anything. They have to look at the information themselves.

15th February 2021, 10:33 AM
Our Interesting Times With Timothy Kelly 2021.02.15

Musonius Rufus on the End of the Trump Era and the Crisis of Legitimacy

Musonius Rufus returns to Our Interesting Times to discuss the tumultuous end of the Trump era. We also talk about controlled opposition and how the cynical and hysterical reaction by the establishment to the Capitol Hill incident signals a crisis of legitimacy for the DC Regime.

2h 37m: https://www.podomatic.com/podcasts/tkelly6785757/episodes/2021-02-15T04_58_49-08_00

16th February 2021, 08:54 AM
Because you can't tell people anything. You have to show people. They have to do their own research and see the findings for themselves. Just like all of us here did our own research to come to the conclusion that the monetary system is a complete fraud.

So people were given crumbs about the elite, not just in this country but the world that they are Satan worshipping child raping pedophiles. Before Q, the vast majority of people wouldn't believe it, even on conspiracy websites (godlikeproductions, AboveTopSecret, etc.) After Q, the tone has changed on those sites from outright denial to, okay show me the evidence.

Q was / is being used as a way for people to wake up. I'd say in that respect it has been successful.

Even an existence of an elite was questioned by most people thinking it wasn't possible with governments that were supposedly representative. Now its a foregone conclusion that the worlds nations are under the rule of a sinister self appointed elite.

That is exposure and now everything that transpires via legislation whether in this country or in countries in Europe are being questioned much more than I ever thought possible.
France has strikes that cripples the country almost monthly now. You have nations in Europe now even questioning being part of the EU. With Britain leaving, that was the first domino and I don't think will be the last.

Their façade of a solid foundation for their control has been exposed as being built on Sand. None of that would have happened without Q or the Q group dropping crumbs for people to research.

You can't show people, they have to do their own research just like all of us did here.

Ya sure, you are awake now, Q'd up.

What a load of bs.

what is who is a q, stand in line and get your shot.

16th February 2021, 09:08 AM
Ya sure, you are awake now, Q'd up.

What a load of bs.

what is who is a q, stand in line and get your shot.

No idea who Q was or is, just know from researching into what was asked that the data leads to some very powerfully corrupt people.

Its easy to sit on the side lines and bitch and complain. So keep doing that, it'll serve you well. :rolleyes:

16th February 2021, 07:25 PM
No idea who Q was or is, just know from researching into what was asked that the data leads to some very powerfully corrupt people.

Its easy to sit on the side lines and bitch and complain. So keep doing that, it'll serve you well. :rolleyes:

Cheer leading for q is not on the sidelines according to who?

17th February 2021, 05:00 AM
Cheer leading for q is not on the sidelines according to who?

I haven't been cheer leading. Is reading comprehension not a strong point for you? I just detailed what I have researched and what others have researched. If you want to think Q was a Psyop, by all means think it was a psyop. Considering WHO was implicated in these drops and even drops pertaining to the 13 blood line families its a pretty poor psyop as it exposes the ruling class.

A lot of that info we in this forum knew about but had little to no reach in exposing it. Most of our friends / family would consider us nuts if we said the ruling class is comprised of 13 wealthy families and Rothchild's are used as a Public Face while the real power is hidden.

Trump called it the deep state, Q exposed it as being much more pervasive and larger than just the deep state and incorporated many other countries.

Like it or not, no one in the general population would even be OPENLY questioning this past election if it wasn't for Q.

Try mentioning Q or QAnon on social media and let me know what happens to your account.. :)

17th February 2021, 04:01 PM
Thomas Wictor thinks Trump has got this: Scroll to the top to get to the beginning of the thread.

https://social.quodverum.com/@ThomasWic/105744310076034997 (https://social.quodverum.com/@ThomasWic/105744310076034997)

midnight rambler
17th February 2021, 04:14 PM
Thomas Wictor thinks Trump has got this: Scroll to the top to get to the beginning of the thread.

https://social.quodverum.com/@ThomasWic/105744310076034997 (https://social.quodverum.com/@ThomasWic/105744310076034997)

403 Forbidden

17th February 2021, 04:28 PM
403 Forbidden
Are you using a VPN?

I get a 403 Forbidden when IU am behind a VPN.

17th February 2021, 06:10 PM
Thomas Wictor thinks Trump has got this: Scroll to the top to get to the beginning of the thread.

https://social.quodverum.com/@ThomasWic/105744310076034997 (https://social.quodverum.com/@ThomasWic/105744310076034997)

Who is this? Never heard of him before.

17th February 2021, 06:47 PM
Who is this? Never heard of him before.

He is a hermit who was on twitter and got booted for violating their terms of service Other than he had a big following on twitter I don't know anything about him. The forum has a YouTube channel I have never watched QuodVerum 8.65 k subscribers



18th February 2021, 04:59 AM
More discussion/speculation re Thomas Wictor’s speculation

https://uglas/10575038183984624 (https://social.quodverum.com/@StevenDouglas/105750381839846248)

18th February 2021, 10:23 AM
Who is this? Never heard of him before.
Both Thomas Wictor and Saul Montes Bradley were born in South America.
Thomas Wictor from his inactive blog:


Saul Montes Bradley has a very interesting and diversified background

Saul Montes-Bradley II

Vice President of Communications,

Senior Fellow



Trained as an Electrical Engineer and later in Romance Languages, he left NYU in 1982 to become a Consultant to the UNDP Administrator.

Disillusioned with the UN bureaucracy, he went to work for Arrow Air in 1983, then as General Manager for AER and TAR Airlines and eventually Director and General Manager of Aeroposta Airlines, the first privately owned major carrier in Argentina since the 1950s. Back in the US, he spent 17 years in Wall Street and is now a genealogist and researcher living with his family in Virginia.

For nearly thirty years, he has studied the evolution of terrorism in South America and the Middle East and witnessed how misguided policies have enabled and strengthened Islamic National Socialist movements in the Middle East and around the world.

He has published numerous books and dozens of articles on historical and genealogical subjects and on the rise of Islamic National Socialism.


Sons of the Revolution in Florida (President Emeritus),
Sons of the American Revolution (Past Reg. VP),
Order of the Founders and Patriots in Florida (Past Governor),
Society of the War of 1812 in Florida (Past President),
Royal Society of St. George, and numerous genealogical, historical and Masonic organizations.