View Full Version : that other gold website is available for takeover

3rd February 2021, 02:53 PM
gim2 management is quitting, looking for somebody to take it over

so far, no takers

time for one of you gim1 members to restore it to it's former glory {--->){0}{--->)


3rd February 2021, 04:40 PM
heh :D step one:

purge all the dinjoo-nuffins/sycophants

litmus test: A compulsory non-anon poll where all members admit: holohoax-truth, dinjooz did 911, the MuhRONA is a dinjoo hoax/takeover.

any wrong-voters, or those who don't respond to the poll b4 XX days, get perma banned. :cool:

oh yeah, & the whole joint gets migrated to Iceland/Russia or some other 'safe' webhost...

3rd February 2021, 06:03 PM
I nominate PatColo ^^ to head up this project.

Time to get to work Pat!

3rd February 2021, 06:59 PM
hey I wonder if Iceland is taking part in the MuhRONA hoax lockdown BS?

recall in '08/'09, they walked away from their (((odious debt))) & jailed their (((treasonous banksters))) & their shabos helpers?

International (((Fake News MSM))) blackout.

we still never hear anything today re Iceland...

3rd February 2021, 09:29 PM
gim2 management is quitting

Why? What happened?

4th February 2021, 05:54 AM
Why? What happened?

I think they make better money working for Antifa.

4th February 2021, 11:37 AM
Currently Active Users (a Thursday, mid-day)

GSUS: There are currently 448 users online. 7 members and 441 guests

GIM2: Total: 250 (members: 51, guests: 199)

midnight rambler
4th February 2021, 12:01 PM
Currently Active Users (a Thursday, mid-day)

GSUS: There are currently 448 users online. 7 members and 441 guests

GIM2: Total: 250 (members: 51, guests: 199)

How many of those guests are bots?

4th February 2021, 01:40 PM
Why? What happened?

it wont say