View Full Version : HR127: Biggest Gun Grab in History Targets Poor, Makes Mil's New Felons Overnight

6th February 2021, 01:37 PM
Biggest Gun Control Bill In History Targets The Poor, Will Make Millions Of Felons Overnight
FRIDAY, FEB 05, 2021 - 21:00

Authored by Matt Agorist via TheFreeThoughtProject.com, (https://thefreethoughtproject.com/biggest-gun-control-bill-in-history-targets-the-poor-will-make-millions-of-felons-overnight/)

HR127, (https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/127) known as the Sabika Sheikh Firearm Licensing and Registration Act introduced by Rep. Jackson Lee, Sheila [D-TX-18], is, without a doubt, the most tyrannical gun control bill ever proposed.

Like all gun control measures, this bill would hit the poor and minority communities the hardest. Its massive scope would also turn tens of millions of legal, law abiding gun owners into felons overnight.


As TFTP reported (https://thefreethoughtproject.com/joe-biden-gun-control-executive-order/) in December, before Joe Biden took office, his administration has major plans for eviscerating the Second Amendment. Biden has been an outspoken gun grabber and on his campaign website, (https://joebiden.com/gunsafety/) he’s stated that he will use executive action to enforce gun control.

On the site, Biden states that he will use executive action to “get weapons of war off our streets.” Calling an AR-style weapon a “weapon of war” is laughable given the fact that Biden, under president Obama, aided in the wholesale slaughter of countless innocent civilians in Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, and Somalia — using actual “weapons of war” like drone strikes, hellfire missiles, and sanctions.

Nevertheless, the new boss — who is the same as the old boss, (https://thefreethoughtproject.com/trump-take-guns-first-due-process/) contrary to what many believe — is presiding over a Congress that will consider the most tyrannical gun control measures in the history of America, HR127.

Former vice presidential candidate for the Libertarian Party, Spike Cohen points out that “HR127 would be most heavily enforced against those with the least ability to defend themselves in court: the poor, and minorities. It will also make things much worse in marginalized communities, where only police and criminals will have guns.”

In a post to Facebook, Cohen narrowed down some of the bill’s most ominous points that would target every single gun owner in the country.

1. Firearms License required for any new gun purchases or ownership transfers.

Licensee Must be 21, complete a 24 hour gun safety training course, and must undergo a psych evaluation.
Multi-tier license. Individual license for ownership and display of “antique” firearm, standard firearm license, and “military style” license.
Military license requires additional 24 hour safety course.
Licensing is revoked immediately for anyone indicted of a crime in which the sentence lasts longer than 1 year.

This heavily discriminates against anyone who has ever seen a therapist or had to get mental health treatment, such as victims of abuse and people with depression, and veterans seeking care for PTSD. Depression and addiction are mentioned specifically as reasons for licensing denial.
Also, gun licensing is expensive, which makes ownership less accessible for those who need their own protection most.

2. Requires an $800 annual government insurance fee for all current and future gun owners, to be paid to the Attorney General EVERY YEAR.
There is no grandfather clause, meaning this applies to anyone that owns a gun at all, not just those who purchase a new firearm after this passes.

This fee will certainly go up each year. It’s yet another barrier for those in poverty to be able to defend themselves.

3. Mandatory Nationwide Firearms Registration & Database

ALL firearms owned shall be registered under penalty of up to $150,000 and 15 years in prison.
Serial, make, model, date, identity of owner, and the location of where the firearm will be stored to be collected and maintained in a database by the US Attorney General.
Names and information of all those who may have access to the firearms shall be collected as well.
This information to be accessible by state, local, and federal police, military, as well as state and local governments.

4. Ammunition and Magazine Bans

Bans .50cal and larger ammunition outright.
Bans all mags that hold more than 10 rounds

This ammo is mostly used for hunting and is rarely used against people. The most common handguns and rifles use magazines that exceed this arbitrary limit, which makes TENS OF MILLIONS of law-abiding gun owners felons overnight.

Illegal ownership of even a single round of banned ammo will result in up to $100,000 in fines AND 20 years in prison.

This bill was originally presented last year and reinvented this year with a whole new level of tyranny added to it both in the government and out of it. For example, the registration data will be made public. Given the cancel culture mass hysteria-inciting media frenzy as of late, this list could be used by big tech and woke cults to target their political rivals. They could seek out this data and use it to implement blacklists, social media bans, and any other number of ways the cancel culture attacks those with whom they disagree.

As we reported in December, many of these gun control measures are already on the president’s agenda, which go even further.

One of Biden’s most ominous moves in regard to controlling guns is his push for “smart gun technology” that will require biometrics to fire in an ostensible move to “prevent unauthorized use.” In reality, however, this paves the way for bad actors, including the state and hackers, to be able to control, hack, or essentially turn off your gun, making it a paperweight.

Biden also plans to pick up where Trump left off (https://thefreethoughtproject.com/in-a-single-tweet-donald-trump-unwittingly-showed-the-us-how-red-flag-laws-will-be-abused/) in regard to extreme risk laws, also called “red flag” laws. Under Biden’s plan, which is similar to the many plans implemented (https://thefreethoughtproject.com/nearly-200-citizens-guns-seized-in-nj-under-red-flag-laws-in-4-months-some-of-them-permanently/) under Trump, family members or law enforcement officials will be able to make claims — many which involve no evidence — allowing a person’s guns to be temporarily taken until that person is declared fit enough to get them back.

This attacks on the Second Amendment must be resisted. Please consider calling your representative and peacefully telling them to oppose this bill.


6th February 2021, 01:44 PM
give at least the first ~hour of this a listen; roundtable guest Amy Fulmer is quite expert re HR127

^ that host/vlogger Jean-Claude did a great roundtable a few days ago; first ~hour is mostly discussion of the HR bill currently in play, threatening to "regulate firearms out of existence" -- draconian! real agenda FECKING OBVIOUS. 2nd hour more diverse, but also excellent!




midnight rambler
6th February 2021, 02:35 PM
It's a good start. Once we round up the guns from those who failed to qualify after stepping forward to comply with our registration/insurance requirement (we will be turning them down right and left for misdemeanors such as traffic tickets) it will be so much easier to round up the balance from those who managed to somehow slip through our vetting process. The best part is making the database of gunowners, what they own, and where they store them completely public so now our shock troops BLM/antifags will be targeting those stupid gunowners. It's a great plan and the 'law-abiding' will fall into line, the rest are simply a bunch of insurgents/insurrectionists we need to rid ourselves of anyway.

Oh yeah, the $800/year insurance requirement is just the beginning, we'll be hiking that up into the thousands once we get going.

6th February 2021, 02:59 PM
This will likely die in committee as it's poorly written and would be a bureaucratic nightmare to implement. They will get something real like this eventually though.

For when something like this passes:
Register a few guns you don't like, then once you're on their system, sell those/turn them in.

You're "gun free" then.

Keep the rest.

Conservatives won't fight back against this. Buying and having guns was always a LARP. None of them ever intend to use them, and will gladly hand them over for a 30% off coupon at the grocery store. Don't be shocked at how cucked the "Red Blooded Americans" really are. They're all hot air. Every single one of them.

midnight rambler
6th February 2021, 04:26 PM
Register a few guns you don't like

Like most millennials you don't get it. We're in a spiritual battle, which is like RFK Jr. has referred to as "the last battle." Those who don't fight the Beast System with every once of their being, at least at the spiritual level, will succumb to the Beast System in some form or fashion and will find themselves literally in Hell.

Suggest you millennials get over yourselves and appreciate the truth that older folks possess more wisdom than you kids do. You need us more than we need you.

6th February 2021, 04:32 PM
I'm not religious or spiritual. Religions were always created to keep human cattle docile and obedient to ruling orders. They are being phased out for atheistic religions like Black Lives Matter, Environmentalism, and Social Justice. As someone with aspergers I have a natural disconnect from the spiritual parts of the human brain that most humans have, so I can see things for what they are.

What's going on is the inevitable outcome of giving women voting rights, and technological advancements making everyone soft and feeble.

There's no magical sky god that's going to come rescue you. Those stories of "JESUS IS COMING" were invented to prevent you from doing anything and accepting the current system as it gets worse and worse. Just like the "TRUST THE PLAN" Q-Anon shit that prevented anyone from doing anything about the stolen election.

You will eat the bugs. You will live in the pod. You will love it.

midnight rambler
6th February 2021, 04:36 PM
As someone with aspergers I have a natural disconnect from the spiritual parts of the human brain that most humans have, so I can see things for what they are.

That is genuinely sad that you cannot see the spiritual side of life because essentially that's all there is. That's nothing to be proud of.

If one cannot see the truth in this:

"Choose this day whom ye shall serve"

then one is toast, literally. That is really the only choice that matters, all else is inconsequential.

6th February 2021, 04:50 PM
That's nothing to be proud of.

It means I'm immune to being controlled and manipulated.
I see things for how they are, rather than how I want them to be.

All this spiritual shit is used AGAINST you.

6th February 2021, 05:03 PM
The information in the video below is a warning to us about what happens to people that give up their guns.

It's pretty good except for the "jew holy hoax bullshit". History repeats and it looks like the jew communists are planning to do to us what they did to others in the past.

We need to use our guns when the time comes as the founders of this nation intended.


midnight rambler
6th February 2021, 05:12 PM
All this spiritual shit is used AGAINST you.

That is something only the lost would say. Nothing comes between me and The Source. All my communications with The Source are at quantum speed aka FTL, i.e. instantaneous*. Dunno how THAT can be "used against" me. ??? I feel very blessed to have that in my life.

*What Einstein referred to as "spooky action at a distance."