View Full Version : Cake Wallet - Monero Atomic Swaps

14th February 2021, 10:20 AM
Quick review of the Cake Wallet.

I tried it and it works. This is a HUGE game changer in crypto and once people find out about it Monero will explode in price:

This is the first wallet without KYC with atomic swaps. That means you can exchange cryptocurrencies for Monero and back without KYC, anonymously.

This is big since you can use this to stop all government government tracking of your crypto.


Here's the official tutorial from Cake Wallet:


Just a tip, once the exchange happens it takes 20 minutes for the available balance to update. This is just a security feature so don't worry about it.

14th February 2021, 04:46 PM
I've heard people say that those third party exchanges the wallet is using aren't super reliable and that the fees aren't predictable. When atomic swaps come out, thats going to be huge because right its a liability to move too much currently.

I've heard that TradeOgre and Bisq are some recommended methods to trade btc for xmr, I'm going to try to give those a shot.

It really is painful to get xmr right now, and I'm sure thats suppressing the price.

The thing about cryptos is that even if you connect with proxies or tor, the address you are sending from is still publicly viewable. xmr fixes that.

Spun Gold
14th February 2021, 05:20 PM
Quick review of the Cake Wallet.

I tried it and it works. This is a HUGE game changer in crypto and once people find out about it Monero will explode in price:

This is the first wallet without KYC atomic swaps. That means you can exchange cryptocurrencies for Monero and back without KYC, anonymously.

This is big since you can use this to stop all government government tracking of your crypto.


Here's the official tutorial from Cake Wallet:


Just a tip, once the exchange happens it takes 20 minutes for the available balance to update. This is just a security feature so don't worry about it.

thanks for this info!!!

29th March 2021, 07:07 AM

4th April 2021, 01:15 PM
How to buy Monero infographic:

12th April 2021, 09:56 PM
Jump to 36 minutes. This is really important if true.
https://www.bitchute.com/video/n9VVdXbFoE05/ (https://www.bitchute.com/video/n9VVdXbFoE05/)

Jeff Berwick says that there's a secret Cypherpunk plan where once the price of Bitcoin is driven up to a half a million that the Monero people will implement Atomic Swaps then dump all their Bitcoin on the bankers and transfer all the wealth of the ruling class to Cypherpunks. It would basically be an event to crash and end all governments in the world.

This is the first time I heard anything like this, thought I'd share.

Regardless, I'm only focused on buying Monero right now.

12th April 2021, 11:10 PM
Great vid.

When you say focused on buying monero, what’s your strategy? Obviously you could just convert everything at once if you wanted to.

How how fast are you buying and what percentage are you looking to accumulate to?

Looks like Pirate Coin more than doubled since he made that video last weekend. Are you going to get some? I know you said it was already quite high. I’m not sure what the point of it is, will have to research it. $177m market cap.

If pirate coin could be adopted by the dark web as the coin of choice, then it would take the pressure off monero and help legitimize it. Looks like pirate coin has a cap of $200m coins so maybe that’s what it’s designed to do - be the new dark web currency.

12th April 2021, 11:18 PM
Great vid.

When you say focused on buying monero, what’s your strategy? Obviously you could just convert everything at once if you wanted to.

How how fast are you buying and what percentage are you looking to accumulate to?

Looks like Pirate Coin more than doubled since he made that video last weekend. Are you going to get some? I know you said it was already quite high. I’m not sure what the point of it is, will have to research it. $177m market cap.

On Pirate Chain I honestly don't know. But I'm considering getting into some of the super undervalued Privacy Coins as a temporary play due to people missing out on Pirate Chain.
I wish I got in though. It's on Changelly now though so its super easy to get.

I have a policy of not chasing trains that have already left the station. I try to get on trains before anyone else has gotten on. If I miss a train, I simply wait for the next train.

As for Monero, I'm just putting all the extra funds from my income I'd normally put into buying Bitcoin/high caps from the USD since I like to hold as little money in USD as possible. Like most, we're just buying Litecoin, and swapping it on Cake Wallet.

In my view any Monero bought below $1,000 is cheap. Especially since it should hit $10k eventually, and you shouldn't have to sell it, but spend it for real things. Now that transaction fees for Monero are like a penny, it makes sense for it now to be used as a true digital cash.

Here's a list of places that support Monero without KYC:

12th April 2021, 11:45 PM
Also check /biz/ every day or so if you can. There's almost always a thread going on for Monero since its super popular on /biz/.

Monero is starting to explode in actual usage and it's creating a ton of die hard fans. Right now I'm seeing more and more businesses accept Monero for payment.

There's even a private jet service that will let you leave the country anonymously with a payment with Monero.

13th April 2021, 05:43 AM
Some questions I have.

We can see all currency going digital, the digital yaun is coming in the next year. The US is concerned the digital yaun will destroy the US dollar as the world reserve currency.
The US will be force to create a digital dollar to compete.

1. Will communist China allow it's people to use other digital coins, or will they be forced to only use the DY? My bet is China will control crypto currencies.
The US is now under communist China's control. Will our communist overlords do the same as China and only allow citizens to use digital dollars, outlawing all other crypto currencies?
Don't tell me it can't happen. If the communist US government outlaws all transactions in digital currencies other then crypto dollars, the crypto boom will be over.

2. Trust in the US government is gone and people have a need to preserve their wealth outside of the corrupt government...what will people buy to preserve their wealth outside of the communist US government?

I know this is still a few years out, but there is little doubt it is coming. These are not exciting times ahead of us.

13th April 2021, 10:44 AM
Some questions I have.
The following is just a collection of my thoughts and theories:

There's a sequence of events I see playing out where the US will continue to lose its power over the Dollar collapsing.
The government will be forced to do something insane with crypto, likely increasing taxes with some shitty chain analysis, make people declare all their holdings, or attempt to audit people with it. They'll likely get draconian or something. This will blow up in their faces as these people are used to controlled opposition cowards like Conservatives who fold easy, and don't have any backbone. Cypherpunks actualy deliver and fight. They can't see us and don't know how much we hate them and this system.

What I see happening is governments will crash their current "paper" currencies then try to introduce "Fedcoin". They'll tie this to some form of UBI and social credit system. The UBI will be the carrot to get adoption. They'll claim its a cryptocurrency since by then crypto will have more and more legitimacy and uses. Like right now people are asking increasingly to have their income from their job paid in crypto. This trend is catching on fast and more and more people aren't selling crypto for the USD, but spending crypto directly. The problem with Fedcoin is it is NOT a cryptocurrency since the government will be able to just print up as many of them as they want, and stop transactions with anyone they don't like at any time (it's just Fiat rebranded.) Regardless they'll push this shit on the public. I don't see it doing so good and people will sense the desperation of the government and increasingly switch to actual crypto. I do expect chain analysis companies to explode as the government will be desperate to track down people who are avoided extortion (taxes). This technology lets governments and institutions track where funds go from blockchain to blockchain and to figure out who is who. The government is too stupid to do this on their own.

For China, I think they're mostly a paper tiger so unsure how that plays out. Automation will kick online in the coming decade, and their slave factory model won't work anymore as everyone will be able to make their own shit for cheaper at home. Most people will be out of work and reliant on UBI/welfare at this point. The only reason China has a chance to kick America's ass is since their government isn't at war with their own people (like America is anti-White). I see more of a balkanized scenario where governments will increasingly try to clamp down, but will just get ignored and laughed at as you see a more decentralized revolution, and Corporations emerging as the new state:


I see Monero possibly becoming the new digital cash as governments crack down out of desperation. 99.9% of cryptocurrencies are scams designed to make a quick buck. Monero was designed as the true Cypherpunk currency to end state controls and free humanity. It's more about freedom than making money.


I'm buying Monero right now since I want to accumulate as much digital "cash" before they try to outlaw it. Australia already did, but thanks to our government being slow retards they haven't done it yet (these people still haven't figured out what Bitcoin is). The government's crackdown likely be the catalyst of it's emergence as the global currency (or something like it.)
Satoshi (the creator of Bitcoin) originally designed Bitcoin to be like Monero is today:

Basically Satoshi originally made Bitcoin with public ledgers knowing that the government would less likely ban it if it was easy to track, and it could get more widespread adoption. Either Bitcoin was meant as a trojan horse, or Bitcoin has been hijacked by the bankers before Satoshi could change things with the switchero (I think it's the first option but unsure.) There's a conspiracy that Satoshi himself is currently behind Monero. You can see in my above Reddit link that the actual Satoshi basically was the first to come up with the concept of Monero.

Monero is Satoshi's vision.

13th April 2021, 11:14 PM
Looks like pirate coin took a dip. Went from $1.50 to $2.50 down to $1.70 as of now within the last day.

13th April 2021, 11:16 PM
I'm sticking to Monero. Pirate Chain isn't used by anyone. It's just a meme coin like Ghost was IMO. It will pump, dump, then people will forget about it.

Actually it is smart to buy if you want to wash your money since Changelly now has it, then buy something else with it. I may consider that since buying Monero raises red flags. Pirate Chain isn't on the radar right now.

Chasing pumps almost never works out well except for that one time.

16th April 2021, 12:45 AM

16th April 2021, 07:37 PM
Monero Chan is my waifu.

16th April 2021, 09:19 PM
Economist explains why Monero is the greatest money in human history.


17th April 2021, 04:08 PM
Pirate chain pumping again

17th April 2021, 10:14 PM
Pirate chain pumping again

Stop jinxing it.

You caused an entire flash crash.

17th April 2021, 10:31 PM
Stop jinxing it.

You caused an entire flash crash.

I got bogged. Put in a leverage long order in for $59k. Bitcoin was training at $60 to $61k. Go make dinner. Come back, my trade had executed and already been liquidated.

Unfortunately, monero isn’t even going down very much.

Regarding Pirate Chain, why is the trading volume for it 5x that of monero on TradeOgre? Seems weird.

17th April 2021, 10:32 PM
I never leverage trade.
Just buy and hold.

I got bogged.
Oh he knows.


19th April 2021, 07:39 PM
TxStreet now supports Monero.
Previously they've only supported Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, and Ethereum.

Here's a link showing what's going on with Monero versus Bitcoin live:

This website has been around for a long time too, so the fact their adopting Monero over all the other coins should give you an indicator of the shift I've been trying to tell you guys about.
Notice how each block automatically scales with every transaction, and how the fees are all fractions of a penny.

22nd April 2021, 10:18 PM
Damn, Pirate Chain is going parabolic.

23rd April 2021, 06:58 PM
Here's a copypasta on Pirate Chain floating around /biz/

Pirate Chain is no more than a pump and dump vehicle for the Komodo platform and Asic miners.

- The blockchain launched three years ago, and has already mined 90% of it's total coins. Not even bitcoin has reached this percentage yet. The vast majority of these mined blocks are completely empty outside of a single transaction (being the block reward) giving the owners of these block rewards an overwhelming supply to dump on investors.

- Pirate Chain has a convoluted mining system called "DPow". The easiest way to explain DPow is its Proof of Stake (notary nodes) mixed with Proof of work (Asic miners). The block reward is dominated by ASICs who have hoarded the entire supply, presumably in collusion with the owners through their dex.

- Can you run a notary node? Nope. There are only 64 notary nodes, and the only way to vote for these nodes is during annual elections if you own KMD, the cryptocurrency based on Komodo. One KMD = One vote. Good thing you hold ARRR!

- Oh, and did I mention the creator of Komodo, Jl777, is a known scam artist who loves premines? KMD, by the way, had a 100,000,000 premine out of a total supply of 200,000,000.

- What about the product? Pirate Chain has not developed a single technological innovation. They have not published any research or have influenced any other chains. Their entire project is based on the success of Zcash -- literally, Pirate Chain needs a shitcoin like Zcash to innovate for Pirate Chain's project to even survive long term.

- And if it can't get any worse, the technology behind Pirate chain privacy, zk snarks, requires what is ironically called a "trusted setup", because you need to trust that the developers had destroyed their private keys during the setup ceremony. Otherwise, they will be able to create coins out of thin air. Nice job doing research on this you retarded butt pirates!

23rd April 2021, 08:44 PM
Hackers attempt extort Apple for $100 Million of Monero for data they stole and plan to leak out.

Notice they don't want Bitcoin.

24th April 2021, 04:26 AM
Hackers attempt extort Apple for $100 Million of Monero for data they stole and plan to leak out.

Notice they don't want Bitcoin.

Notice they don't want cash, or money from a bank account. They would have to meet for cash and the FBI would be involved if ransom money was coming from a bank.
Cryptos are perfect for extortion.

2nd May 2021, 07:43 AM
Dr. Daniel Kim presents the case why Monero is the perfect money.


4th May 2021, 12:43 PM

6th May 2021, 07:53 PM
Built in Atomic Swaps should come out later in the year from a project called Haveno.

Haveno will allow built in decentralized, and trustless Atomic Swaps, as well as fiat onboarding/offboarding. People can send others bundles of physical cash in the mail and back, as well as swapping for other cryptos. I expect this to start mostly with criminals and cypherpunks, but this marketplace can really grow into something more Normie friendly over time.

This will speed up the adoption of Monero, and should continue to solidify the underworld/black market. I believe strongly the black market continue to use Monero, and it will grow immensely as a preferred method of exchange. This will be the foundation where real crypto commerce begins without taxation. This will all happen while government scrutiny will clamp down on crypto holders since the governments will be desperate after destroying their currencies for more taxes.

I believe the true bull run for Monero is in the next 3-10 years potentially. Accumulate until then.

6th May 2021, 08:10 PM

Criminals Are Abandoning Bitcoin, Says Former CIA Director – Here’s Why

The former CIA director says (https://www.thecipherbrief.com/report-an-analysis-of-bitcoins-use-in-illicit-finance) online darknet marketplace (DNM) White House Market and ransomware-as-a-service group Sodinokibi are now only accepting privacy-focused cryptocurrencies for payments.

“The prominent DNM ‘White House Market’ has moved to accepting Monero (XMR) exclusively. Similarly, the ransomware group, Sodinokibi, no longer accepts Bitcoin as payment and will only take Monero.”

According to Morell, Bitcoin’s publicly available and verifiable blockchain makes it ill-suited for criminal activity.

7th May 2021, 07:27 PM
I agree.

I think that the big thing in the 2020s is going to be currency crisis. All the PoW cryptos will do great imo. Btc, dash, bch, ltc, xmr, and whatever else. There will be a government crack down as the old system dies, and hence the supremacy of xmr.

We’ll all be criminals when the draconian currency, taxation, and price control laws come into effect.

Currency collapse happens in 2 to 4 years imo.

After the world begins rebuilding, then all the other cryptos will be what grows. But to get there you need cold hard coins.

18th May 2021, 03:13 PM
People are saying that there are issues withdrawing monero from exchanges:



18th May 2021, 03:27 PM
People are saying that there are issues withdrawing monero from exchanges:



Seems we caught it at the same time. Please move Monero discussion to the new thread since this sub-forum doesn't allow images:

19th May 2021, 12:18 AM
Seems we caught it at the same time. Please move Monero discussion to the new thread since this sub-forum doesn't allow images:

Thanks, was not monitoring that sub subforum. Also didn’t know we have pictures, cool.