View Full Version : Shami

21st February 2021, 01:50 PM
Shami: When you get some free time would you please consolidate your thoughts on cryptos in this thread? I struggle to find all of your excellent posts in multiple threads.

My free time is limited and often used to check on my cannabis and uranium stocks, so a summary of your thoughts would be appreciated.

* Please give us a list of your top picks short term (1-2 years) and long term (HODL). Feel free to throw in some lottery picks.
* What are your Price Targets to the upside and downside?
* What can go wrong and how likely do you think it will happen?
* What is your buying strategy? Is it simply TA related? Dollar cost averaging in?
* Are there any crypto/blockchain related stocks like RIOT or MARA that you think will continue to skyrocket?
* What is your exit strategy?

Also, very importantly please give us options on the best places where we can buy cryptos. It seems there isn't one place that is considered the best platform to trade. Wallets?
Are there any YT videos that you recommend that can show us clearly how to start and fund an account? Wallets for dummies?

You have been the man with your crypto calls. You deserve tremendous accolades. I know it has been frustrating for you to try to get us old farts (Gen X'ers and Boomers) to get involved. I'm the most guilty of anyone. I remember bringing up Cardano to you when it was 3 or 4 cents. However I still own zero cryptos. My ignorance and reluctance has cost me life changing monetary gains. I'm assuming your wealth has grown exponentially! Congrats on being ahead of the public.

Ares: I'm not forgetting about you bud. Please chime in as well. Your posts that I have read have also been spot on! It will be interesting to see if how much of your opinions match Shami's.

21st February 2021, 03:45 PM
I post my main holds on my Twitter. Don't share it here but if you haven't figured it out, it's ask by PM.
(Please don't share my Twitter, I try to keep that shit separate since they'll possibly come after this forum).
Cypherpunks are the biggest threat to bankers and governments. We will eat the world, as Russ says:

We will create a new world like this:


I won't answer all of your questions since I'm mostly sick of posting on this forum, it's a huge waste of my time. I'm not getting anything out of it. I'm likely going to disappear again.

I honestly don't know what to buy right now other than Monero and Bitcoin (yes really.) We're currently in the middle of the bull market, meaning you should have bought all these cryptos when no one wanted them in 2020. I sold everything I had, including my house in March 2020 and bought all these low cap projects. The day the blackswan crash happened I called a realtor.

I don't have a "cash out strategy", other than I'm in the process of setting myself to buy a house 100% in cash. I'm scaling out of shitcoins, but I have no plans on ever selling any Bitcoin till I'm 100% sold out of all my altcoins. I plan to hold some of my top altcoins like Cardano and Polkadot since I think those will be even bigger next bullrun. I think Ethereum has a potential of MySpacing itself, which will lead to Cardano and/or Polkadot taking over. Possibly even Binance BNB (I totally missed this one.) BNB may be the next Amazon.com of Crypto and I missed it. I am invested in one of their side projects though so whatever.

"Cashing out" would be switching to stablecoins, and spending those. I can earn 5-10% interest in stablecoins.

I'm in a position now where I don't need to work again lets just say. I think you guys don't get it. Other than mortgages, some utility bills, and paying taxes you DON'T need to cash out, EVER. You can buy everything with crypto.

My best advice to you since you have limited time is to watch Crypto Zombie daily. He's by far the best YouTuber and gives some of the best crypto picks and seems to know the market better than anyone. Avoid all the leverage trading ByBit shit or whatever.


Some other smart people are DavinciJ15. Any video that MMCrypto makes where he collabs with DavinciJ15 watch. When those two are together they come up with solid predictions.

This video has very good short term info

21st February 2021, 04:57 PM
Thank you for the reply.

I hope you stick around here or at least check in on occasion.

22nd February 2021, 07:01 PM
Major price dumps in Bitcoin recently are being done by a major Chinese mining pool called F2Pool.
They are coordinating dumps with themselves and their insiders shorting the market together.


Nothing to be too worried about, just buy the dips.