View Full Version : OK.. Help me. I can't find the thread or post

24th February 2021, 09:31 AM
Long story short. A friend of mine has "Aggressive Breast Cancer."

On this forum, could be years ago, it was either Mamboni or another Member that posted things that should be done or shouldn't be done in regards to cancer. (I think it was Breast Cancer)

I have spent a few hours searching the forum and I can not find the post.

Does anyone on the forum recall or remember what I am talking about??

Any help would be appreciated.... Thanks.... Atocha in Dallas

midnight rambler
24th February 2021, 10:26 AM
I don’t recall what you’re referring to but perhaps this will help -


24th February 2021, 11:01 AM
Serpo started this thread http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?26070-Possible-treatments-for-CANCER&p=215039&viewfull=1#post215039

and this http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?73875-Sea-Cucumber-Found-to-Kill-95-of-Cancer-Cells-Shrink-Tumors&p=670848&viewfull=1#post670848

24th February 2021, 12:00 PM
Thank you! Each and every one... For past and future references and help.

Unfortunately people think I should work when I am work. I will look over the above reference links when I get home... Again... Thanks y'all

24th February 2021, 12:27 PM
My mother died because of breast cancer twenty years ago and I did a lot of looking for cures for quite a few years. It seems to me there were many threads on this forum where cancer cures were discussed but I don't seem to be able to locate more than just a few.

I've read you need to avoid sugar because cancer feeds on it and keep your body PH as alkaline as possible. I've also read taking Iodine is beneficial. Intravenous high dose vitamin c has cured some people of cancer.

Lately I've been taking pharmaceutical grade DMSO for problems with my feet and I've read it is also helpful for people taking chemotherapy and is very helpful in avoiding the side effects of it. Post #68 in the Bottom link discusses DMSO and cancer treatment. Post #69 could possibly be the one you're looking for.

Below is another link to a thread in the health section on cancer and the use of intravenous vitamin C in curing it.


Link to another thread with lots of possible treatments or cures
and a whole lot of other links in it to more information.
Post #69 has a list of foods not to eat.


24th February 2021, 12:40 PM
Here are some general guidelines for folk fighting cancer.
Diet and supplements are geared towards alkalinizing the body and boosting immunity.
Cancers feed off excess calories.

Starve the cancer: eliminate sugar, processed starches and grains. A low carb diet high in healthy fats and clean proteins.
Diet is centered on green juices made from organic washed vegetables, especially kale, broccoli, spinach etc. flavored with a minimum of fruits to minimize sugar
Protein can be obtained from pasteur raised eggs - probably best to eliminate meats
Supplements should provide the ninety essential nutrients: 60 minerals, 12 amino acids, 16 vitamins, 2 essential fats. See Tangy Tangerine and other products from Youngevity.
Natural supplements with proven anti-cancer activity:
Liposomal vitamin C - 2 or more gram equivalents per day (non-toxic, so more is better)
Selenium - 200-400 mcg per day
Sprouted broccoli - excellent source of sulfurophane
Seeds such as apricot and apple are good source of vitamin B17 can be purchased on Amazon. These should be finely blended to facilitate absorption.
Lots of clean filtered water (i.e. Zero water filters remove fluoride, chlorine and heavy metals)
Toxic foods must be eliminated: no fried foods, no sugar, no processed foods, no luncheon meats, no gluten (no barley wheat rye or oats), no commercial fruit juices (loaded with sugar). Probably best to abstain from commerical dairy products (anything pasteurized). If you can get raw milk that is probably OK.

Post script: Load the diet with natural anti-oxidants as these have anti-cancer activity. Lots of green tea. Extracts of green tea, grape seed and resveratrol can be taken ad libitum. Garlic and garlic oil ad libitum. Vitamin C and selenium as stated above. Liposomal Vitamin C is far more powerful than oral ascorbate, delivers high dose vitamin C directly to the lymphatic and blood stremas and does not cause bowel intolerance (i.e. diarrhea). In general, green leafy and brightly colored vegetables are excellent sources of natural antioxidants and consuming juices prepared from these are highly beneficial. Other specific supplements to recommend include Vitamin D and iodine. Vitamin D is best obtained from liberal sun exposure but natural vitamin D supplements are good too. Take 5000 IU per day - more cane be tolerated short term. Iodine is best taken in nascent form (elemental iodine in glycerine) - 1-4 mg per day (many multiple of the too low RDA) helps to flush fluoride from the body. Thyroid gland needs iodine plus all the other essential minerals and vitamins to work optimally.

Regular exercise.
Positive attitude

Cancer is a self-induced disease and therefore reversible.

24th February 2021, 01:31 PM
My mother died because of breast cancer twenty years ago and I did a lot of looking for cures for quite a few years. It seems to me there were many threads on this forum where cancer cures were discussed but I don't seem to be able to locate more than just a few.

I've read you need to avoid sugar because cancer feeds on it and keep your body PH as alkaline as possible. I've also read taking Iodine is beneficial. Intravenous high dose vitamin c has cured some people of cancer.

Lately I've been taking pharmaceutical grade DMSO for problems with my feet and I've read it is also helpful for people taking chemotherapy and is very helpful in avoiding the side effects of it. Post #68 in the Bottom link discusses DMSO and cancer treatment. Post #69 could possibly be the one you're looking for.

Below is another link to a thread in the health section on cancer and the use of intravenous vitamin C in curing it.


Link to another thread with lots of possible treatments or cures
and a whole lot of other links in it to more information.
Post #69 has a list of foods not to eat.


My mother had breast cancer but survived. This was the in the 1950's. The lung cancer got her though. To many Pall Mall Reds and Bugler tobacco. I do not know if chemotherapy was a thing in the early 70's.. I know she went through Cobalt Radiation treatments. They burned her good. She did not make it.

24th February 2021, 02:28 PM
Iodine for breast cancer, is what sticks in my mind.

I can't recall the why, but I'm thinking the source is Dr. Brownstein from Detroit. He is also a big advocate of using Celtic Sea Salt every day, like a teaspoon per day, has a book on it.

24th February 2021, 03:07 PM
This thread by zap stirred my memory.


24th February 2021, 03:17 PM
My mother had breast cancer but survived. This was the in the 1950's. The lung cancer got her though. To many Pall Mall Reds and Bugler tobacco. I do not know if chemotherapy was a thing in the early 70's.. I know she went through Cobalt Radiation treatments. They burned her good. She did not make it.

My mother found a lump in her breast and had it removed. She had chemotherapy and thought they might have gotten all of the cancer. About a year after the first chemo treatment the cancer was back. I don't think she ever really had a good day after she started the treatments. After it came back she only lasted three or four months and they were hell going through for her because of the chemo and radiation treatments. If I was diagnosed with cancer I'd try the natural cures but not the chemo or radiation.

24th February 2021, 03:19 PM
I have read that some success has been had with mushrooms. If I remember, Paul Stammets cured his mother's breast cancer with organic maitake mushrooms. Look into it; I could have it mixed up. Might be some other type of mushroom. Turkey tails are also used as an anti cancer agent. I think chaga and a few others have been highly esteemed for cancer treatments.

24th February 2021, 03:45 PM
My mom had lung cancer. She got radiation and chemo. The cancer came back on her spine a year later, right behind where they shot the lung.
She started taking Essiac Tea daily. After she had been taking it for a month or so, She said she spit up a mass. She was legally blind so really couldn’t tell other than it looked gray. She continued to drink the tea and the cancer stayed away for 2 years. She said she was tired of fighting and stopped drinking the tea and the cancer came back, paralyzed her and she died within 4 months.

I don’t think herbs work as good if the patient has already done chemo and or radiation.

24th February 2021, 06:51 PM
COVID Vaccine Reaction Can Mimic Breast Cancer Symptoms (https://www.webmd.com/vaccines/covid-19-vaccine/news/20210211/covid-vaccine-reaction-can-mimic-breast-cancer-symptoms)

25th February 2021, 11:16 AM
My mom had lung cancer. She got radiation and chemo. The cancer came back on her spine a year later, right behind where they shot the lung.
She started taking Essiac Tea daily. After she had been taking it for a month or so, She said she spit up a mass. She was legally blind so really couldn’t tell other than it looked gray. She continued to drink the tea and the cancer stayed away for 2 years. She said she was tired of fighting and stopped drinking the tea and the cancer came back, paralyzed her and she died within 4 months.

I don’t think herbs work as good if the patient has already done chemo and or radiation.

My mother was tired of fighting also. I remember.