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24th February 2021, 06:29 PM

25th February 2021, 03:53 AM
* Comments...

25th February 2021, 05:43 AM
You don't ever really want to be the first to break people's illusions.

Terrorists and holdup men wear masks. Once you are masked society can label you a criminal. The reason for the mask is irrelevant.

26th February 2021, 05:32 PM
CBC: Trial date set for Alberta pastor charged with violating COVID-19 restrictions (https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.5925745)
February 24, 2021
James Coates with GraceLife Church in Parkland County is scheduled to be tried before Stony Plain provincial court judge Charles Gardner for three days starting May 3.

Coates was arrested last week when the church continued to hold services that police say violated COVID-19 restrictions on attendance, masking and physical distancing. He was held in custody last week after refusing to agree to bail conditions, RCMP said.

Coates's case was addressed in Stony Plain court Wednesday morning, but he did not attend...

Police fined the church $1,200 in December. A closure order was issued in January but was repeatedly ignored...

Coates was twice charged in February with violating the Public Health Act and violating a promise to abide by rules of his release, which is a Criminal Code offence...

Faith-based services across Alberta are limited to 15 per cent of normal capacity and mask use is mandatory. Physical distancing between members of different households must be maintained.