View Full Version : Real Short of breath, not sure what to do

25th February 2021, 08:31 PM
For about 10 months, maybe longer been short of breath. I do smoke about 5-7 home rolled cigarettes a day without that fire safe paper crap.

I got a cold a while back, turned from sinus to throat to chest. Thought I got that gone but the chest thing never went away. No other symptoms. Cough up clear foamy shyt, never any other color. Seems like it's foamy and chokes the fuck out of me. Stupidest shit I know I will type. I go out for a smoke and cough a couple times and spit that out and I feel fine.

But it remains, day after day. Licorice tea kinda helped but wife stopped making it (first sign). Just kidding, not sure what to try or where to go. Jogging not an option since I cant breathe.

The whole world seems to be closed and getting any answers are under wraps. My doc's and nurses tell me they are not allowed to tell me anything anymore. I am not going to a hospital, nope never. Unless I break a bone or something.

WTF is this?

Seriously anything that helps me breathe.

25th February 2021, 11:37 PM
For about 10 months, maybe longer been short of breath. I do smoke about 5-7 home rolled cigarettes a day without that fire safe paper crap.

I got a cold a while back, turned from sinus to throat to chest. Thought I got that gone but the chest thing never went away. No other symptoms. Cough up clear foamy shyt, never any other color. Seems like it's foamy and chokes the fuck out of me. Stupidest shit I know I will type. I go out for a smoke and cough a couple times and spit that out and I feel fine.

But it remains, day after day. Licorice tea kinda helped but wife stopped making it (first sign). Just kidding, not sure what to try or where to go. Jogging not an option since I cant breathe.

The whole world seems to be closed and getting any answers are under wraps. My doc's and nurses tell me they are not allowed to tell me anything anymore. I am not going to a hospital, nope never. Unless I break a bone or something.

WTF is this?

Seriously anything that helps me breathe.You may have emphysema and/or anemia. There are other less common possibilities. In any event the good news is you can rebuild your lungs and your body. Commit to quitting tobacco (ween off over time can be done easily using supplements) and commit to a strict diet with supplements. Research the dietary recommendations of Dr. Joel Wallach on Youtube. I can assure you that if you strictly adhere to his recommendations you will experience significant symptomatic improvement within a few weeks and virtual recovery within a year.

In the short term supplements that improve oxygen delivery to and ameliorate oxidative damage (from smoking) to the tissues include natural vitamin E, selenium, vitamin C and shilajit mineral tar. Also, shortness of breath can be secondary to heart failure. The latter usually responds to megadose thiamine (Vitamin B1), say 20-100 times the RDA. Never take a single B vitamin without taking a full B-complex supplement with the thiamine.

26th February 2021, 05:33 AM
You may have emphysema and/or anemia. There are other less common possibilities. In any event the good news is you can rebuild your lungs and your body. Commit to quitting tobacco (ween off over time can be done easily using supplements) and commit to a strict diet with supplements. Research the dietary recommendations of Dr. Joel Wallach on Youtube. I can assure you that if you strictly adhere to his recommendations you will experience significant symptomatic improvement within a few weeks and virtual recovery within a year.

In the short term supplements that improve oxygen delivery to and ameliorate oxidative damage (from smoking) to the tissues include natural vitamin E, selenium, vitamin C and shilajit mineral tar. Also, shortness of breath can be secondary to heart failure. The latter usually responds to megadose thiamine (Vitamin B1), say 20-100 times the RDA. Never take a single B vitamin without taking a full B-complex supplement with the thiamine.

All good recommendations, and I'd include one more supplement which is N-Acetyl Cysteine (also called NAC). It's key role is to help the body build its most powerful Antioxidant Glutathione. There have also been studies shown that it has helped improve those suffering from COPD which you sound like you might be in the beginning stages of.

Just take a single 600mg pill a day of NAC, along with the recommendations that Mamboni provided with a change in diet and that should go a long way in helping you breath better.

26th February 2021, 10:01 AM
I have no useful information, but I wish for you get to feeling well soon Cebu.

Maybe liquor and whores?


26th February 2021, 10:34 AM
Thanks people, I have some shilat tar on my desk from days gone by will start to use it again. I have started a B complex that seems to really help. Just ordered some NAC also. Seems like a chest infection that just never went away. Other than that I am very well.

I will give this all some time and see where I am at. They say it sucks getting old but I will never get old lol...

26th February 2021, 10:36 AM
I have no useful information, but I wish for you get to feeling well soon Cebu.
Maybe liquor and whores?

Beer and hookers since I quit my evil ways...


26th February 2021, 11:12 AM
I notice that vit D3, improves my oxygen uptake.

I routinely take 10,000 iu per day and when I feel it's slipping, I take 100 to 150,000 iu's. As a precaution I take vit K2 with it especially for the high doses.

D mobilizes calcium and K2 steers it to the bones and out of the tissues.

26th February 2021, 12:26 PM
Take a couple tablespoons of blackstrap molasses a day.
It contains high levels of easily absorbable iron, which iron deficiency is usually what leads to anemia.

26th February 2021, 01:08 PM

26th February 2021, 01:12 PM
zinc vit c d3 cal mag ... sounds like u have the rona. I had it and dang! i couldnt catch my breath and was taking honks from one of those oxygen canisters they sell in all the high elevation places. Mamboni is priceless, a real dr. in the house!

26th February 2021, 01:33 PM
For about 10 months, maybe longer been short of breath. I do smoke about 5-7 home rolled cigarettes a day without that fire safe paper crap.

I got a cold a while back, turned from sinus to throat to chest. Thought I got that gone but the chest thing never went away. No other symptoms. Cough up clear foamy shyt, never any other color. Seems like it's foamy and chokes the fuck out of me. Stupidest shit I know I will type. I go out for a smoke and cough a couple times and spit that out and I feel fine.

But it remains, day after day. Licorice tea kinda helped but wife stopped making it (first sign). Just kidding, not sure what to try or where to go. Jogging not an option since I cant breathe.

The whole world seems to be closed and getting any answers are under wraps. My doc's and nurses tell me they are not allowed to tell me anything anymore. I am not going to a hospital, nope never. Unless I break a bone or something.

WTF is this?

Seriously anything that helps me breathe.

A bit like what I have experienced as well. I never got the diagnosis confirmed with tests, but I think I had COVID19 in March. I was ill but not very ill for a couple of weeks. Then I got better, but still after I got this shortness of breath from exertions. I am slowly improving but still not perfect.

Its called Long covid, and it happens to some, seems somewhat unrelated to severity of original disease. I find that the more active I am without getting breathless the more I improve. Face masks and being locked down in your home, is shit. Get out and walk in the fresh air.

26th February 2021, 01:46 PM
zinc vit c d3 cal mag ... sounds like u have the rona. I had it and dang! i couldnt catch my breath and was taking honks from one of those oxygen canisters they sell in all the high elevation places. Mamboni is priceless, a real dr. in the house!You bring up a good point. Apparently, the 5G frequency causes resonance of the O2 molecule which prevents its binding to hemoglobin, hence the shortness of breath. I suspect this is what the elderly testing false positive with the COVID PCR test who are short of breath are suffering from: 5G poisoning. I don't know how toe counteract this short of living in a Faraday cage.

midnight rambler
26th February 2021, 01:49 PM
I don't know how toe counteract this short of living in a Faraday cage.

Vaya con Dios.

Apparently, the 5G frequency causes

Looking forward to 6G. /s

26th February 2021, 01:50 PM
Take a couple tablespoons of blackstrap molasses a day.
It contains high levels of easily absorbable iron, which iron deficiency is usually what leads to anemia.Blackstrap molasses is an excellent source of minerals including iron and copper. Ironically (pun intended) it is the leftover byproduct of processing cane sugar to produce white sugar; and it is very inexpensive. Another example of one man's garbage being anothers treasure.

26th February 2021, 02:07 PM
Don’t laugh at this....
In 2008 they started chem trailing really heavy. I had 2 -10 year old dogs. One morning I went out to feed and there were pretty blue skies. I came back in to get ready. An hour latter I went back out and the whole sky was filled with trails. We went to town and came back about 6 hours later. Both my older dogs we coughing up phlegm, Piles of it, enough to fill a dinner plate....each. From the research I did, I found that the nano particles in the chem trails were slicing and dicing the lungs. More commonly called CHEMPHLEGM For the next 3 years, almost every time they chem trailed my dogS hacked up phlegm. One dog passed of other issues, but Gus would just stand there and pant really heavy and could not move. I tried keeping him in on those days but it still got to him. At 13, they were going Hard at it one day and it was the worse I ever saw Gus. He died the next day. He labored in every breath till he took his last.

A few years later, I was having breathing issues. I did not hack up phlegm , But I was breathless all the time. I could not ride a bike a mile without it taking 20 minutes to catch my breath. I ended up fasting for a week every 3 months. After the first fast I was having a noticeable difference in my breathing. My body detoxed so much crap, my whole torso was full detox bumps. Also started taking red clay from California Earth Minerals. It helps pull toxins out of you. It is also loaded with minerals and iron. It totally cleaned out my blood. It is basically drinking dirt, but it works.



26th February 2021, 02:09 PM
Negative ions probably counteract the effects of EMF like 5G by promoting improved oxygen transport and general tissue health. Also, they are proven to be the best way to eliminate fine particulates such as Chemtrail nanoparticles from the air. I keep my home flooded with high levels of negative ions and run electrostatic air filters 24/7.



26th February 2021, 02:11 PM
Don’t laugh at this....
In 2008 they started chem trailing really heavy. I had 2 -10 year old dogs. One morning I went out to feed and there were pretty blue skies. I came back in to get ready. An hour latter I went back out and the whole sky was filled with trails. We went to town and came back about 6 hours later. Both my older dogs we coughing up phlegm, Piles of it, enough to fill a dinner plate....each. From the research I did, I found that the nano particles in the chem trails were slicing and dicing the lungs. More commonly called CHEMPHLEGM For the next 3 years, almost every time they chem trailed my dogS hacked up phlegm. One dog passed of other issues, but Gus would just stand there and pant really heavy and could not move. I tried keeping him in on those days but it still got to him. At 13, they were going Hard at it one day and it was the worse I ever saw Gus. He died the next day. He labored in every breath till he took his last.

A few years later, I was having breathing issues. I did not hack up phlegm , But I was breathless all the time. I could not ride a bike a mile without it taking 20 minutes to catch my breath. I ended up fasting for a week every 3 months. After the first fast I was having a noticeable difference in my breathing. My body detoxed so much crap, my whole torso was full detox bumps. Also started taking red clay from California Earth Minerals. It helps pull toxins out of you. It is also loaded with minerals and iron. It totally cleaned out my blood. It is basically drinking dirt, but it works.

ImaSee my prior post. You should do this for you, your family and your dogs!

26th February 2021, 03:00 PM

Is this anything like an ozone generator? I used one in a newer house and it made it smell like over cooked broccoli!

26th February 2021, 03:10 PM
Is this anything like an ozone generator? I used one in a newer house and it made it smell like over cooked broccoli!No - it does not generate ozone. As it is a negative ion generator, trace amounts of ozone must be generated. Trace, as in undetectable to my nose.

midnight rambler
26th February 2021, 03:13 PM
Is this anything like an ozone generator? I used one in a newer house and it made it smell like over cooked broccoli!

Ozone generators are used for killing odors. I've used one to eliminate tobacco smoke from a used vehicle I purchased as a work vehicle. It took over 30 hours of use, it was pretty heavy, now not noticeable. It is not healthy to breathe ozone for more than a few minutes, as in while you've in the vicinity of the ozone generator while turning it off.

26th February 2021, 03:43 PM
You bring up a good point. Apparently, the 5G frequency causes resonance of the O2 molecule which prevents its binding to hemoglobin, hence the shortness of breath. I suspect this is what the elderly testing false positive with the COVID PCR test who are short of breath are suffering from: 5G poisoning. I don't know how toe counteract this short of living in a Faraday cage.
I heard that sandpaper on walls stops all the emf. DOD. one dr. put it on every wall that was an outside wall and plastered over it. something about the quartz crystals in the sand paper.

26th February 2021, 05:09 PM
Last summer I was coughing up some clear gooey bubbly kind of phlegm in the mornings and I thought I might be developing congestive heart failure. I had a thorough check up and my heart is in good shape. Every thing else was normal too.

I injured the ligaments in the metatarsal joints in my feet last fall when I spent six weeks hauling hay. I was crawling in and out of my big truck and farm tractors loading and unloading hay. I was also doing a lot of walking on hard ground in between too. I guess I was hitting the ground to hard and stretched the ligaments around the joints in my feet.

I saw a podiatrist and started using some orthotics and anti inflammation pills but wasn't making any progress with healing one of my feet until I started using DMSO. There has been a steady improvement since then. DMSO is anti inflammatory and is also a diarrhetic.

At first I was just rubbing it in to my feet but later on I got some pharmaceutical grade DMSO and started using that.

I take half a teaspoon of DMSO in a cup and a half or two cups of warm water twice a day.

Besides helping with my feet I noticed I wasn't coughing up any phlegm anymore in the mornings, I felt better and had more energy.

I'm just now finishing off an 8 OZ. bottle of Dr. Jacobs 99.98% DMSO. The Dr. Jacobs costs quite a bit and I'm going to start using some 99.995% DMSO and I'll leave a couple of links below.



Two books that I have are "DMSO Natures Healer" by Dr. Morton Walker
and "DMSO The Universal Healer" by Dr. Kendra Nathan.

Thought I'd also edit this post and add that the podiatrist I saw the last time told me to discontinue the anti inflammatory pills he'd prescribed and to continue on with the DMSO.

26th February 2021, 05:14 PM
Hey Cebu, sorry you're feeling poorly. Try nebulizing some quality silver hydrosol a couple of times a day and also nebulizing lomatium. They have helped me. Vit d3 is important. The rest of the suggestions are golden.

26th February 2021, 07:30 PM
No - it does not generate ozone. As it is a negative ion generator, trace amounts of ozone must be generated. Trace, as in undetectable to my nose.

I like a little ozone, it smells sweet. The smell of a spring thunderstorm. Just a little, not a lot.

26th February 2021, 07:55 PM


As long as your immune system is up to par, your body can overcome most if not all viral invaders
Dr. David Brownstein has successfully treated more than 230 COVID-19 patients using immune boosting strategies such as intravenous or nebulized peroxide, iodine, oral vitamins A, C and D, and intramuscular ozone. None has died from the infection
Beta carotene is a water-soluble form of vitamin A that does not provide immune boosting benefits. For that, you need the fat-soluble form, so make sure you’re taking emulsified vitamin A
At the first signs of illness, Brownstein recommends taking 100,000 units of vitamin A and 50,000 units of vitamin D3 per day for four days, along with 1,000 milligrams of vitamin C per hour during waking hours as well as 25 mg of iodine until symptoms recede. Nebulizing peroxide with iodine is also recommended
Hydrogen peroxide is a topical disinfectant that kills viruses on contact. It’s also an oxidative therapy that stimulates the redox pathway, thereby stimulating energy production and repair cells. It also improves oxygenation and may have a detoxifying effect on your lungs

Dr. David Brownstein, who has a clinic just outside of Detroit, Michigan, has successfully treated over 200 patients with what has become my favorite intervention for COVID-19 and other upper respiratory infections, namely nebulized hydrogen peroxide.
A peer-reviewed consecutive case series of 107 COVID-19 patients treated with nebulized peroxide and other remedies, including oral vitamins A, C and D, iodine, intravenous hydrogen peroxide and iodine as well as intravenous (IV) vitamin C, along with intramuscular ozone, was published in the July 2020 issue of Science, Public Health Policy, and the Law.1 All patients survived.
Nebulized Peroxide and IodineAt the time of this interview, the number of patients successfully treated with these all-natural strategies exceeds 230, and he has now published a book describing his approach, titled “A Holistic Approach to Viruses (https://cube-blackbird-rjba.squarespace.com/shop/p/a-holistic-approach-to-viruses).”

“[Among] our [COVID-19] patients, we've had no deaths,” he says. “We've had a couple of hospitalizations, but much smaller than should be for the reported statistics. And we're still using the same protocol we've been using for 25 plus years for flu and flu-like illnesses.

A patient I called over the weekend told me ‘There are two things out of what you gave me that I could tell really made me feel better.’ I gave him the whole protocol of oral vitamin A, C, D and iodine and nebulized peroxide and iodine.

He said, ‘I forgot to use the iodine the first day or two. When you asked me about it, I re-added it back in orally. That made the difference. My mucus thinned out, my breathing was better. I forgot to put the iodine in the nebulizer [too], and [when] I did both at the same time — the oral iodine and the nebulized hydrogen peroxide with iodine — everything cleared up …’

His breathing was 80%, 90% better shortly after the first or second dose of iodine. He's another success story that we've had, which is supporting people's immune systems during these viral illness times … I would implore my colleagues to add iodine into whatever regimen you're using to treating patients who are ill with flu-like illnesses such as COVID-19.”

27th February 2021, 05:38 AM
I saw a podiatrist and started using some orthotics and anti inflammation pills but wasn't making any progress with healing one of my feet until I started using DMSO. There has been a steady improvement since then. DMSO is anti inflammatory and is also a diarrhetic.

At first I was just rubbing it in to my feet but later on I got some pharmaceutical grade DMSO and started using that.

I take half a teaspoon of DMSO in a cup and a half or two cups of warm water twice a day.

Besides helping with my feet I noticed I wasn't coughing up any phlegm anymore in the mornings, I felt better and had more energy.

I'm just now finishing off an 8 OZ. bottle of Dr. Jacobs 99.98% DMSO. The Dr. Jacobs costs quite a bit and I'm going to start using some 99.995% DMSO and I'll leave a couple of links below.


DMSO! , how strange.
"DMSO" I heard every day at my previous job.
Never heard of its healing effect.
Is not DMSO a little bit like soap?
( At least that's what all our analytical chemists use to say - its a soap. )

27th February 2021, 06:59 AM
We have a friend who literally bathes in a solution of guessing 25% dmso, 75% filtered aloe vera juice.

Many years ago she had a surgery that got infected and she used it to fix the problem that the doctors couldn't.

27th February 2021, 08:41 AM
DMSO! , how strange.


It's one of those things the big pharmaceutical companies don't want you to know about. It's used quit a bit by veterinarians on horses and you can get it at veterinarian supply stores over the counter.

28th February 2021, 01:09 AM
You bring up a good point. Apparently, the 5G frequency causes resonance of the O2 molecule which prevents its binding to hemoglobin, hence the shortness of breath. I suspect this is what the elderly testing false positive with the COVID PCR test who are short of breath are suffering from: 5G poisoning. I don't know how toe counteract this short of living in a Faraday cage.

I won’t argue that 5G frequency doesn’t have this effect on oxygen absorption, but 5G rollout isn’t that widespread yet, as far as we know at least. I was sick in “rona” at my vineyard bunker complex where we really have very little mobile coverage, can’t even speak on phone unless you go to a hill nearby. Sure you saw initially most people with breathlessness syndromes in metropolitan areas where they had 5G rollout, but its also the same places which would be ideal for epidemic spread, a densely populated area with a larger proportion of global travelers.

As for myself I was working in Istanbul for 2 weeks seeing lots of patients in beginning of March last year and was supposed to fly back to Sweden on the 14th of March, but the flight was cancelled due to Rona. So on that day i started driving towards my vineyard which is 250 miles away. In mid drive it hit me like a rock, very suddenly, got dizzy, slightly feverish, weak dry cough. I had to take a couple of paracetamols to be able to continue driving. And after arriving at vineyard i was sick for 11-12 days. Officially Turkey had no 5G network at the time, even though it is possible they may have had in the parts of Istanbul where I have a clinic. But I am pretty sure they didn’t have any network where dis-ease hit me on thd road and certainly not in my bugout location. Could the “5G poisoning” be a delayed reaction?.

Then in end of March I was able to fly back to Sweden via Belarus, but since then I have had the “long covid” shortness of breath, and my little town in the middle of nowhere has no 5g either.

I am certainly not a friend of 5G. I think its main purpose is to power and communicate the control grid network of implanted microchips, and I do think that it certainly can make breathlessness worse or create it on its own, but I don’t think it is the only or even the main issue in what we have been seeing the last year, but it certainly is interesting that its rollout is coming at the same time as rona-vax-fascism. In terms of mobile phone communication I haven’t met anyone who complains that 4G is too slow when working well in reasonable vicinity to antenna, so 5G isn’t really a market demand, unless the market was preplanned to be this pervasive control grid.

Certificate Of Vaccination ID-19 (=AI if you count the letters A and I)

28th February 2021, 04:20 AM
I got the exact same shit going on. Sometimes wake up and have like a coating on my lungs it feels like. It takes some deep coughing too loosen and finally cough it up.
I'll look into some of the suggestions here. Thanks everyone for posting.
For about 10 months, maybe longer been short of breath. I do smoke about 5-7 home rolled cigarettes a day without that fire safe paper crap.

I got a cold a while back, turned from sinus to throat to chest. Thought I got that gone but the chest thing never went away. No other symptoms. Cough up clear foamy shyt, never any other color. Seems like it's foamy and chokes the fuck out of me. Stupidest shit I know I will type. I go out for a smoke and cough a couple times and spit that out and I feel fine.

But it remains, day after day. Licorice tea kinda helped but wife stopped making it (first sign). Just kidding, not sure what to try or where to go. Jogging not an option since I cant breathe.

The whole world seems to be closed and getting any answers are under wraps. My doc's and nurses tell me they are not allowed to tell me anything anymore. I am not going to a hospital, nope never. Unless I break a bone or something.

WTF is this?

Seriously anything that helps me breathe.

28th February 2021, 06:45 AM
I stopped tobacco about 6 years ago & only vape about 6ml a day of 12mg juice.Dont have issues but a pimple on my nose from the juice sticking up on it.

28th February 2021, 01:28 PM
Update? Did you follow Mambonis advise? Maybe check also, for black mold in your house and garage.

28th February 2021, 04:17 PM
zinc vit c d3 cal mag ... sounds like u have the rona. I had it and dang! i couldnt catch my breath and was taking honks from one of those oxygen canisters they sell in all the high elevation places. Mamboni is priceless, a real dr. in the house!

This loss happened before I think I got the COVID. The wife mentioned that she couldn't smell anything, lasted a week or so. A couple weeks later I was working on someones truck and he was using a ton of brake cleaner. I couldn't smell it at all but my voice changed due to it. I realized I couldn't smell anything at all. Very strange stuff man. A couple weeks past and I started to smell things again.

Past couple days been taking B-complex, some Russian tar crap and vitamin D along with some tea, forget what it is. Last night I felt like I could go jogging if I wanted. Today was also very good breathing wise. A few spits of phlegm and all good.

Beer. Drink it every day, some days I grab some in the morning and then my evening 6 pack. Besides the Covid I think I am in storage of bad shit, heavy metals etc. Used to stick with clean vodka and never had an issue besides bad decisions and black outs. I am in a dry county so all I can get is shit high octane 8.9% beer.

Alcohol will put you in the hospital with what it does to your heart, add B-complex = no hospital. This is still not good or a work around. Quit shitty beer one day and feel good. I think I figured the main issue out.

The other issue was I always (besides winter) had days in the sun. Tore the deck down cause it was a hazard and had zero sun last summer. Did not take any D3, I think that also took a toll on my breathing.

SO I have to keep up on the basic vitamins, russian tar and stuff and try not to drink too much shitty beer. Seems simple to just quit drinking but I'm not a quitter.

Does not seem to be a way to post the work I have done on my deck... Hmm.

28th February 2021, 04:36 PM
This loss happened before I think I got the COVID. The wife mentioned that she couldn't smell anything, lasted a week or so. A couple weeks later I was working on someones truck and he was using a ton of brake cleaner. I couldn't smell it at all but my voice changed due to it. I realized I couldn't smell anything at all. Very strange stuff man. A couple weeks past and I started to smell things again.

Past couple days been taking B-complex, some Russian tar crap and vitamin D along with some tea, forget what it is. Last night I felt like I could go jogging if I wanted. Today was also very good breathing wise. A few spits of phlegm and all good.

Beer. Drink it every day, some days I grab some in the morning and then my evening 6 pack. Besides the Covid I think I am in storage of bad shit, heavy metals etc. Used to stick with clean vodka and never had an issue besides bad decisions and black outs. I am in a dry county so all I can get is shit high octane 8.9% beer.

Alcohol will put you in the hospital with what it does to your heart, add B-complex = no hospital. This is still not good or a work around. Quit shitty beer one day and feel good. I think I figured the main issue out.

The other issue was I always (besides winter) had days in the sun. Tore the deck down cause it was a hazard and had zero sun last summer. Did not take any D3, I think that also took a toll on my breathing.

SO I have to keep up on the basic vitamins, russian tar and stuff and try not to drink too much shitty beer. Seems simple to just quit drinking but I'm not a quitter.

Does not seem to be a way to post the work I have done on my deck... Hmm.I believe that you are suffering from 5G poisoning. We are all being bath with varying levels of 5G. The symptoms of 5G poisoning are identical to those in purported COVID infected requiring extraordinary measures: shortness of breath, non-productive (little clear fluid) cough, decreased platelets, spontaneous bleeds, low blood oxygen. There is no COVID virus: it has never been isolated or demonstrated to be transmissable. The original Chinese papers describing the discovery of COVID are utter junk science and in my day never would have got past the reviewers to be published: no proper controls, no validation of the tests used etc.

Watch this:



As avoiding exposure to 5G is all but impossible, the effects can be ameliorated by traditional agents that deactivate free radicals, oxidative damage and inflammation. There are many natural options: vitamin C (ad libitum), vitamin E (400-1000), selenium, carotenes (green juices and fresh vegetables, rutin and hesperidine (white of citrus skins), resveratrol, green tea extract, clove oil, grape seed extract, sulfur-amino acids (eggs), garlic, turmeric and many others.

Avoid pro-inflammatory foods: sugar, processed carbs, fried foods, smoked and luncheon meats (nitrates and aromatic hydrocarbons), gluten (anything containing barley, wheat, rye, oats), distillates of spirits (alcohol), smoking.

28th February 2021, 05:02 PM
Avoid pro-inflammatory foods: sugar, processed carbs, fried foods, smoked and luncheon meats (nitrates and aromatic hydrocarbons), gluten (anything containing barley, wheat, rye, oats), distillates of spirits (alcohol), smoking.

Fried foods, alcohol, smoking. 3 out of 6 is a good start? I avoid much of the rest. Not making a joke here.

What can remove the heavy metals of shitty beer, no joke, there is shit in this stuff that builds up. The russian tar helps remove along with giving rare elements I know. I would post a picture of what I have but is illegal on this forum. I will keep up with the B-complex and beat myself to finish that deck.

https://scontent-atl3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.15752-9/152765369_250490293231512_107912354083588712_n.jpg ?_nc_cat=106&ccb=3&_nc_sid=ae9488&_nc_ohc=Fp49fakFeL0AX-eXsYd&_nc_ht=scontent-atl3-1.xx&oh=493a40b676cd05dcdcb894bed7956904&oe=606214A1

1st March 2021, 03:01 AM
What can remove the heavy metals

The fastest way is to go on a 7 day water fast.
You an take a healing clay called California Earth Minerals. www.californiaearthminerals.com
But it will take months.

1st March 2021, 08:54 AM
This loss happened before I think I got the COVID. The wife mentioned that she couldn't smell anything, lasted a week or so. A couple weeks later I was working on someones truck and he was using a ton of brake cleaner. I couldn't smell it at all but my voice changed due to it. I realized I couldn't smell anything at all. Very strange stuff man. A couple weeks past and I started to smell things again.

Loss of smell is a sure sign of Covid. Assume you both got COVID when smell was lost.

1st March 2021, 10:28 AM
Loss of smell is a sure sign of Covid. Assume you both got COVID when smell was lost.
Actually, colds and flus have long been noted to kill the sense of smell. This is nothing new. Covid is nothing new.

It should be noted and we all should accept the fact that the power of suggestion is one of the most potent ways of controlling perceived reality. If the individual and the myriad of individuals that comprise society can be propagandized completely enough, they can be made to accept amazing falsities as truth.

Worrying that you have a bad ailment can make a person sick; you can literally worry yourself to death. There are cases of tribal taboos that were inadvertantly crossed and the person actually died from the belief that they would die. The power of suggestion is responsible for the placebo effect, which is a powerful healing agent. The anti-placebo effect is just as powerful.

I would make the case that much of the illness we have been seeing is due to the indoctrination/propaganda/anti-placebo effect.

I am not saying that Cebu is suffering from an imaginary illness, but I am responding to the post I quoted which points toward Covid as if Covid is something more than a flu.

This is an interesting article that explains the anti-placebo/nocebo effect:
Is there an “anti-placebo” effect? - The Straight Dope (https://www.straightdope.com/21342877/is-there-an-anti-placebo-effect)

I'm really not trying to be a dick here (it just comes naturally) vacuum; it is just that I have Covid fatigue, just like I have nigger fatigue and I'm sick to death of all sorts of shit.

1st March 2021, 10:43 AM
Cebu, are you rolling your own? My wife was rolling her own and I watched her slide downhill healthwise for a couple years before she ended up with COPD. I truly believe the tobaccos that are being sold, have been tampered with. I think they started putting something in them about 4 years ago. They stopped selling the organic, mild rolling tobacco that she was using and replaced it with different stuff. Some claim about state mandates at the time. It could be as simple as something sprayed on it in the curing stage. A friend of mine who helped family bring in tobacco crops in the South, told me they were spraying the leaves down with anti-freeze prior to storage/curing. Creepy. This was 10 years ago. I noted while reading 'Behold a Pale Horse' by Cooper, he states that they have been adding tailings from uranium mining to the tobacco fields, but how do we know. My old chemistry book claimed that the phosphate fertilizers have trace amounts of Uranium that is perhaps responsible for much illness. Again, who knows? You may want to buy some Winstons or Pall Mall and re-roll them.

Man! I'd love to smoke a Winston or a Pall-Mall again. It's been almost 40 years since I had a smoke. Tobacco that is.

1st March 2021, 12:29 PM
Loss of smell is a sure sign of Covid. Assume you both got COVID when smell was lost.

I haven't been able to smell myself for years.

Probably not a bad thing but others might disagree!!

1st March 2021, 12:52 PM
Actually, colds and flus have long been noted to kill the sense of smell. This is nothing new. Covid is nothing new.

It should be noted and we all should accept the fact that the power of suggestion is one of the most potent ways of controlling perceived reality. If the individual and the myriad of individuals that comprise society can be propagandized completely enough, they can be made to accept amazing falsities as truth.

Worrying that you have a bad ailment can make a person sick; you can literally worry yourself to death. There are cases of tribal taboos that were inadvertantly crossed and the person actually died from the belief that they would die. The power of suggestion is responsible for the placebo effect, which is a powerful healing agent. The anti-placebo effect is just as powerful.

I would make the case that much of the illness we have been seeing is due to the indoctrination/propaganda/anti-placebo effect.

I am not saying that Cebu is suffering from an imaginary illness, but I am responding to the post I quoted which points toward Covid as if Covid is something more than a flu.

This is an interesting article that explains the anti-placebo/nocebo effect:
Is there an “anti-placebo” effect? - The Straight Dope (https://www.straightdope.com/21342877/is-there-an-anti-placebo-effect)

I'm really not trying to be a dick here (it just comes naturally) vacuum; it is just that I have Covid fatigue, just like I have nigger fatigue and I'm sick to death of all sorts of shit.

Thank you.

It should be noted that "flu" has never been proved to be a transmissible disease or a virus. It has never satisfied Koch's requirements. We as a society need to question much of what the medical establishment has purported to be fact or science.

3rd March 2021, 04:34 PM
first day of NAC. Smells like shyt so it must be good lol. Took 1 soon as it came in today, coughing up the same stuff but a little more moist IE: easier to cough out. I usually only have to cough this in the mornings so this is definitely a new experience.

Vit D, iron, B complex, and now NAC.

Will update.

3rd March 2021, 09:49 PM
Not sure what "Russian tar" is, maybe you could use yogurt as a substitute? :)

3rd March 2021, 09:58 PM
Not sure what "Russian tar" is, maybe you could use yogurt as a substitute? :)

Maybe he meant Russian tsar, I dunno I'm a retard

4th March 2021, 01:34 AM
Not sure what "Russian tar" is, maybe you could use yogurt as a substitute? :)


4th March 2021, 03:54 PM
Ah Shilajit!!??

Are L silent in Russian?

5th March 2021, 10:48 AM
first day of NAC. Smells like shyt so it must be good lol. Took 1 soon as it came in today, coughing up the same stuff but a little more moist IE: easier to cough out. I usually only have to cough this in the mornings so this is definitely a new experience.

Vit D, iron, B complex, and now NAC.

Will update.

Only been a few days and mornings seem better, not totally out of breath like before. Still coughing up shyt throughout the day so I imagine the lungs are clearing a bit. Still too early to tell but at this point I would not want to quit taking this all.

5th March 2021, 05:58 PM
Definitely better. Do not have to take a break after throwing one deck board up (pathetic but it is what it is) Used to have to stop and break for about 5 min to get my breath. I feel my heart and do breathe a bit harder but absolutely NO comparison with before. I think the NAC stuff is making some huge difference in letting me cough the shyt out during the day. Ongoing saga, on another note I have not had a back attack in 3 days now, another VERY WELCOME attribute.

7th March 2021, 11:25 AM
You bring up a good point. Apparently, the 5G frequency causes resonance of the O2 molecule which prevents its binding to hemoglobin, hence the shortness of breath. I suspect this is what the elderly testing false positive with the COVID PCR test who are short of breath are suffering from: 5G poisoning. I don't know how toe counteract this short of living in a Faraday cage.
Resonance frequency is kind of a big deal. From the silver bridge collapse to the moving of huge stones in ancient times, and all of Teslas hidden discoveries!

8th March 2022, 10:37 AM
Update? Did you follow Mambonis advise? Maybe check also, for black mold in your house and garage.

Always been a bit of mold on the basement walls. It's refinished over cinder block with carpet that used to get soaked when it rained a lot. I stopped most water infiltration but didn't tear out the finished walls or carpet. There is a light, dusty covering of mold on most painted walls. I have a filter running 24/7 along with a dehumidifier that runs all summer.

So, I never had any issues before moving to this house which was about 10 years a go. Since then the only time I would work out was when I had to fight my boy and he left a couple years ago so no working out at all. Workout room is in the basement. Can't workout because I get too short of breath. After getting up from sleep I go through a daily cigarette lung cleanse that takes about 1 hour away or out of the house to clear otherwise I am jacked all day.

Last month I caught another lung infection and went to the doc for antibiotics. They told me I had high blood pressure and gave me some crap I threw in the garbage. BP was pretty high though 207/77 pulse was 82ish. Rehydrated and that's all back to normal, even quit drinking daily because I don't really want to die yet.

Since I have taken smaller projects like motorcycles etc into the basement so I can have comfortable heat in the winter I closed all doors down there and only heat the area I work in.

2 days ago I went into one closed off rooms and noticed a slightly different smell than the rest of the basement. Musty but not much mold visible for the most part. No big deal. About 10 minutes later outside I started my breathless coughing fits, eventually coughing up the same cloudy clear lung juice. Persisted for 2 smokes and about one hour before I could breath again. As soon as that was over I'm thinking WTF was that all about?

That room. That basement. Something just ain't right down there. I even quit drinking. I am going to start with spraying / killing what mold I can see. Too much to be scrubbing and washing right now. I need to run a couple wires for upstairs walls so I will make that job easier and tear out the back drywall. Then I can spray and seal the cinder block and see what else I can get to. After that or during going to start vacuuming the carpet again that should probably be ripped out. Vacuum is a HEPA deal so should help some.

Got to start somewhere... wow.

8th March 2022, 10:54 AM
Always been a bit of mold on the basement walls. It's refinished over cinder block with carpet that used to get soaked when it rained a lot. I stopped most water infiltration but didn't tear out the finished walls or carpet. There is a light, dusty covering of mold on most painted walls. I have a filter running 24/7 along with a dehumidifier that runs all summer.

So, I never had any issues before moving to this house which was about 10 years a go. Since then the only time I would work out was when I had to fight my boy and he left a couple years ago so no working out at all. Workout room is in the basement. Can't workout because I get too short of breath. After getting up from sleep I go through a daily cigarette lung cleanse that takes about 1 hour away or out of the house to clear otherwise I am jacked all day.

Last month I caught another lung infection and went to the doc for antibiotics. They told me I had high blood pressure and gave me some crap I threw in the garbage. BP was pretty high though 207/77 pulse was 82ish. Rehydrated and that's all back to normal, even quit drinking daily because I don't really want to die yet.

Since I have taken smaller projects like motorcycles etc into the basement so I can have comfortable heat in the winter I closed all doors down there and only heat the area I work in.

2 days ago I went into one closed off rooms and noticed a slightly different smell than the rest of the basement. Musty but not much mold visible for the most part. No big deal. About 10 minutes later outside I started my breathless coughing fits, eventually coughing up the same cloudy clear lung juice. Persisted for 2 smokes and about one hour before I could breath again. As soon as that was over I'm thinking WTF was that all about?

That room. That basement. Something just ain't right down there. I even quit drinking. I am going to start with spraying / killing what mold I can see. Too much to be scrubbing and washing right now. I need to run a couple wires for upstairs walls so I will make that job easier and tear out the back drywall. Then I can spray and seal the cinder block and see what else I can get to. After that or during going to start vacuuming the carpet again that should probably be ripped out. Vacuum is a HEPA deal so should help some.

Got to start somewhere... wow.
First thing, get rid of the carpet. That stuff is disease waiting to happen. Sounds like you have asthma. I get asthma attacks sometimes and molds will do it. Coughing fits and feels like I'm just not getting any oxygen. When it happens, it is because of dusts and molds. You may have some type of dust that you don't realize is there. Furnace issues? Make sure filters are clean. Sounds like you are smoking cigarettes? If so, realize that they are not as pure as they once were.

There are very good products now for sealing and maintaining concrete. Maybe put up a gutter if your roof is shedding water along the wall of the basement.

Sucks cutting back on the beer. I realy enjoy drinking beer but have really cut back lately; stomach issues and I'm a fat-ass. Gotta get trim to feel good again.

Good luck with it. Your spring is probably starting and weather getting nice. That should help.