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3rd March 2021, 11:48 AM
The First American Public Law in Over a Century

It has been a year as of this month since the whole virus scare began, and to date, absolutely no serious effort has been made to isolate any such virus. That tells you one of two things, Campers: (a) the "government" corporations know everything about this virus because they created it and caused the whole problem in the first place, or (b) there is no such thing and we have all been led on a long and incredibly expensive Snipe Hunt.

I personally believe that there is a virus, that the perpetrators created it, so that they could step in with their solution to the problem they created--- their own very expensive vaccine.

This so-called vaccine serves a completely different purpose than any vaccine. Its Messenger Ribonucleic Acid payload is patented nanotechnology and once it enters itself into the victim's genome, it provides an excuse for the patent holders to claim that the victim is now a Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) that they own. Literally.

This results because of a loophole in patent laws that allows this and creates a means of commercial entrapment and enslavement.

So the American State Assemblies have moved to close the loophole and issued the first American Public Law in over a century. This measure passed with a three-quarters vote of all State Assemblies, eight abstaining or still in process.

This measure makes it illegal throughout The United States for any corporation or commercial entity or person however defined to claim any patent interest or make any ownership interest claim against living people based on the injection or other introduction of patented gene fragments or nanotech into the natural genome of men and women.

Any claim that anyone is redefined as a Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) by ingestion or injection or any other receipt of patented genetic materials is prohibited and punishment for offenders is established.

Perhaps most important, no profit can be gained by any genetic material patent holder above the explicit cost of service or product and no obscene and secretive claim of slave ownership or Genetically Modified Organism "product" status can be advanced against unwary individuals; this includes protection of American members of the U.S. Military Forces and Federal Civil Service. All such repugnant claims are outlawed in all venues and are unenforceable in this country as of 1 January 2021.

We suggest that all other national governments take immediate and similar action to protect their own people from unscrupulous corporate raiders seeking to exploit this new fraud scheme promoting commercial enslavement.

This new Public Law takes the profit motive away from the corporate sponsors of this deplorable episode in our history and will hopefully provide the necessary dis-incentive for more dabbling and entrapment of this kind. Anyone who has taken any "vaccine" containing mRNA nanotech since January of this year is protected.

Full Text of the Law:

By Roll Call Vote of The United States of America in Assembly

It is hereby declared and recorded as Public Law of The
United States of America that no person or Person or PERSON of any kind shall in any respect claim to have any commercial or trade ownership interest in a living man or woman, baby, boy, or girl, by any means at all.

Re-labeling living men or women by the use of other descriptions such as “male” and “female”, or via their acceptance of professional or other titles, or via their enrollment in offices of citizenry or personhood, shall not be used to confer undisclosed obligations upon them, nor shall any such means be used to convert the nature of living people, so as to excuse their abuse as animals or inanimate things.

This prohibition established as Public Law restricts the use of copyrights, trademarks, and patents to establish ownership interests in living things, and in particular forbids the use of patents to create or enforce any commercial or trade ownership interest in living men and women as Genetically Modified Organisms. The injection or other introduction of patented genetic products or other kinds of engineered products into living people or into their genome, whether this is done voluntarily or under force, shall carry no implications of any ownership interest in the recipient by the patent holder(s) and shall have no commercial value or trade value or use beyond the price of the product or procedure itself, and shall not affect the standing of the recipients as free and independent living men and women owed all natural and unalienable rights.

The interest that each unique man or woman holds in their own gifts and their own biological, intellectual, spiritual, and material assets is unlimited and cannot be abridged, bought, sold, traded, waived, or bartered. Any corporation(s) or individual franchises(s) promoting any plan to convert living men and women into Genetically Modified Organisms or advancing ownership claims based on the receipt of patented genetic products or seeking to use living people and their assets as collateral based on such claims, shall be subject to immediate and permanent liquidation, stripping of the corporate veil, and prosecution of their officers for crimes against humanity.

This Public Law of The United States of America shall be effective immediately as of the first day of January in the year of 2021 upon final enrollment of concurring votes from the State Assemblies and shall continue in force and be placed upon our Federal Record (https://theamericanstatesassembly.net/federal-record) as Public Law A1010121._________

3rd March 2021, 12:16 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__cft__[0]=AZWoU6GtTbir9_T97GZl5oGSf5F77ApXMrwFOnerLVhGlZ67B ZQQS2D5KMgOZHCFHshQBucjDpR_bTNgfSHVqUlNDzb0QwvpHd-NDHYmONTbu_9w4b9vk55ORb-MAtyawRQ&__tn__=-UC%2CP-R)
11h (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/3736534996395553?__cft__[0]=AZWoU6GtTbir9_T97GZl5oGSf5F77ApXMrwFOnerLVhGlZ67B ZQQS2D5KMgOZHCFHshQBucjDpR_bTNgfSHVqUlNDzb0QwvpHd-NDHYmONTbu_9w4b9vk55ORb-MAtyawRQ&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-R) ·

Who Are You Calling Fat?

We have a very large, very black, very long-haired cat. She started out with the name "Duchess" but she was quickly elevated in rank to "Princess Agatha von Tabbi". As luck would have it, although I was her original sponsor in the household and although she more or less graciously tolerates my services, she fell in love with my son, the Royal Cat Petter, and with my husband, whose lap became the Royal Throne. Padded and heated, of course.

A couple winters ago, Her Royal Princess put on a few pounds and as my husband regarded her Royal Weightiness engulfing his lap, he looked down at her and said, mildly enough, "Your Majesty needs to cut back on the Fancy Feast. You've gained quite a bit of winter fat...."

And upon the utterance of the word "fat" she lifted her chin, looked him straight in the eye, and flexed her claws against his thigh.... for the first and only time she ever did that---- as much as to say, "And who are you calling FAT?"

Prick, prick, prick, flex, flex, flex....

So with that instructive lesson from the Ancient and Honorable Kingdom of Cat firmly in mind, consider this recent email conversation between me and yet another know-it-all Sheeple:

Him: "Good luck getting free utilities, not paying taxes and thinking you can do whatever the hell you please. Delusional mo...fos.... Don't like the rules here, maybe Iraq will take you."

Me: "It's our country. We own it. It's not "the government's". It's the people's. We are the Employers. They are the Employees. Talk about "delusional Mo...fos"? Count yourself as one of them."

That's right. Sheep are delusional. They think that the government owns this country and that we are all little serfs who owe the government a living.

Wrong. Got that all backwards and upside down. Who are you calling fat, buzzwit? Who do you think pays all that payroll payola? Just what and who do you think you are? An American or a slave to the Company Store?

When's the last time the government paid your bills? Hmmm? Don't know about you, Jillie, but I am 65 years-old and I have yet to see all that "federal" money pouring into my mailbox. No, in my experience, it has been exactly the opposite. It's been my assets and my labor in the outgoing and their I.O.U.s. in my inbox.

So, pardon me, dipwad, idiot-script, ewe-uker, if anyone here is dumb enough to go to Iraq, it will probably be ewe, again. Obviously, ewe were dumb enough to go the first time and didn't learn a flyspeck of anything from it, including the fact that you were used up and lied to and paid spit wages as a cheap, Cheap, CHEAP mercenary.

For God's sake, if you are going to sell your life and body to go murder innocent people and blow up buildings and guard shipments of opium, at least have the self-respect, common sense, and brains to go out as a full blown, knowing, honest-to-God mercenary being paid top wages for being a thug ---and forget the assinine lies and pretensions and flag-waving.

Yeah, who do you think you are calling out? I've been here working my butt off the whole time and yes, I have sense enough to know where the "balance of payments" lies. And guess what, you Clueless Goober? It's not on my side of the ledger.

I happen to know and have direct evidence observable to all sentient beings, that we, Americans, are owed: (1) all our land and gold and silver assets which have been purloined by our own Employees; (2) all our credit assets which have been deliberately and fraudulently withheld; (3) yes, your "US National Debt" is in fact our "American National Credit" and (4) that doesn't begin to count the accruals, interest, investments, and dividends that are owed to us, the American People.

So, come on, Genius Sheeple--- tell me again, who is it you are calling delusional? Here's the news Numbnutz--- if "the US" paid off your mortgage, paid all your utility bills, all your medical bills, bought you a new car every year for the rest of your life, paid your credit card bills, college loans, etc., plus paid you back all the money the IRS collected from you and all the property taxes and franchise taxes and excise taxes you paid but never actually owed---- they still wouldn't have paid you back one-tenth of one percent of what they owe you.

Got that? So don't stand there blowing your s-for-brains mouth off at me, because I've got guts enough to tell the truth and actually say it in words that even a True Moron like you can understand: the "government" owes me, I don't owe it a brass farthing. Period.

3rd March 2021, 12:38 PM
Do you own the cow or do you own the brand on the cow?

Do you own the land ...or do you own the boundary markers that establish the limits of the property?

Do you own the affidavit ...or do you own the seal on the document?

Do you own the name ... or the body it attaches to?

Do you own the vaccine ... Or the body it is injected into?

3rd March 2021, 12:46 PM
Do you own the cow or do you own the brand on the cow?

Do you own the land ...or do you own the boundary markers that establish the limits of the property?

Do you own the affidavit ...or do you own the seal on the document?

Do you own the name ... or the body it attaches to?

Do you own the vaccine ... Or the body it is injected into?

Maybe we need our own courts, American Common Law, where the Jury tries both the law and the claim.
What do you think "our" BAR courts will decide?

3rd March 2021, 01:29 PM
What do you think "our" BAR courts will decide?

Something entirely irrelevant to men or women but 100% applicable to corporations, legal fictions and dead people.

3rd March 2021, 02:46 PM
Something entirely irrelevant to men or women but 100% applicable to corporations, legal fictions and dead people.


That's why they are not our courts.

4th March 2021, 03:00 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__cft__[0]=AZVhe3u4E_3XyMy3r4ke0HQUmbgn07mJb4v0jb7WCvoQxYV88 QmXd9Ifmkajymeog5HODDNNwe1CpBoD-hbqU41Bu4j_fR0SaNCdm45nq-JiCxsYbNNcrc-4zZNsEOt15js&__tn__=-UC%2CP-R)
17h (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/3737538656295187?__cft__[0]=AZVhe3u4E_3XyMy3r4ke0HQUmbgn07mJb4v0jb7WCvoQxYV88 QmXd9Ifmkajymeog5HODDNNwe1CpBoD-hbqU41Bu4j_fR0SaNCdm45nq-JiCxsYbNNcrc-4zZNsEOt15js&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-R) ·

More Charts and Our Invocation of Law

In recent days we have been making a real effort to provide "charts" to people so that they can see how things fit in a sequential, more graphic form. This simplifies and condenses vast amounts of information down to a very few pages.

Our first chart shows the entire structure of the American Government and the Federal Government --- together with the Missing Pieces that are still awaiting Reconstruction.

Our second chart shows the Assembly Process that our States are currently undergoing step by step.

Our third chart shows the essence of what we informally call "the Second Great Fraud: 1930-33" --- this chart distills (in only three pages!) what FDR's Administration inflicted on Americans and on our country.

Please note that we have suffered multiple Great Frauds ---the first Great Fraud took place just after the hostilities of the Civil War ended, the second one took place in the 1930's, and the third Great Fraud is trying to take place right now.

It's up to us to stop it. Ain't nobody here but us chickens. Oars are available.

We've declined the Pope's offer to contract with the Biden Administration and explained why in very simple terms. Joe is a self-admitted influence peddler and crook. That's really all we have to say. It doesn't matter how many of our Municipal Employees like him.

Francis will have to pull a more acceptable rabbit out of his hat and it is anybody's guess how he will manage that, after having engineered a phony election process to get Biden elected in the first place.

That's his problem and his pocketbook. We aren't going to make it our problem or expend our money to solve the dilemma the Church Leadership created for itself beginning in 1865. We have enough to do to clean up the results of our own stupidity without borrowing anyone else's Task List.

The new chart will be posted and available at my website: www.annavonreitz.com (https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.annavonreitz.com%2F%3Ffbc lid%3DIwAR0-IWBQ3Fv_qG6nFmd7iAkyew1dztQX0ux5EbWjoYPER2jNyxZMfu PZFGo&h=AT1fI05uJ-vcYy7wNtV1PrAEvXgoxCU6wSkjve6BPweHJIh5MYXBamVHAIua y108znO23pl2X4rheynoCib5FZfehq5rRd-ZPK4S70yBHOEb1XVBc2MgN_1Akl-_&__tn__=-UK-R&c[0]=AT2a3tjyvp_mP5zBPuSkdVgyNdF39lv98R3jrTWiifx37BSHE 8DkCT6EjhB-9sCO_XrPZw9_QxeKNEGeDuESRZewYaCd1BNpUuwZHvGy0fXaRC jJgHCRi2dl_JzZsOxEQF2xS_vyfQHkvfl2laiRZsIftg) and at www.TheAmericanStatesAssembly.net (http://www.theamericanstatesassembly.net/?fbclid=IwAR0FlZ052uU_S2FFmyGu5IwWHf9zoOZmebM0W9_y 6Yg_1aUBW5YGEDOHbW4) website.

I suggest that everyone download these charts so that you have a ready reference for your own study and understanding and can also just print them out to give friends and neighbors.

Charted information is dense, but it gets the pain over and done with fast!

This latest chart also contains a very, very important little thing called an "Invocation of Law" as the very last box on the last page (3).

As all my students know, law comes from religion--- no matter which religion, it all comes from religion. So, when you "invoke the law" it is the same basic act as what goes on in an "Invocation" in a Church. You "address" the Law and thereby give it form and force when you invoke it.

In the present situation two forms of Law are invoked --- Admiralty Law and Roman Civil Law.

These are the two forms of Law that our erstwhile British and Papist Employees use as the basis of their operations in our country, and as it turns out, they have each grossly violated not only the Public Trust, but their own Laws as well.

Admiralty Law requires that "Possession by pirates does not change ownership." and as our Employees have acted as Inland Pirates, it is obvious that all our assets need to be returned to us and to our control.

Roman Civil Law requires that "Fraud vitiates everything it touches." By that standard, everything that has gone on in this country and the administration of its government since 1865 has been one fraud scheme after another.

They stand condemned under their own Law.

And we've invoked it.

Amends and correction must be made without any further shilly-shally.

http://annavonreitz.com/greatfraudof193033.pdf (http://annavonreitz.com/greatfraudof193033.pdf)

4th March 2021, 05:19 AM
Partly true. Admiralty law is that portion of maritime law dealing with the transportation of cannon. Maritime law is a much larger field involving itself with commerce (usury, all forms of prostitution) and insurance (home, health, auto, life).

Roman civil law requires a male dominated head of household.

Common law is male but equity (which is female law) is by and large the most commonly practiced by courts because it ordains a single judge dictator-like powers and gives him the title of Chancellor.

Anna seems to be female so isn't it odd that she doesn't see female dominated law as a problem?

4th March 2021, 09:40 AM
Partly true. Admiralty law is that portion of maritime law dealing with the transportation of cannon. Maritime law is a much larger field involving itself with commerce (usury, all forms of prostitution) and insurance (home, health, auto, life).

Roman civil law requires a male dominated head of household.

Common law is male but equity (which is female law) is by and large the most commonly practiced by courts because it ordains a single judge dictator-like powers and gives him the title of Chancellor.

Anna seems to be female so isn't it odd that she doesn't see female dominated law as a problem?

She does not mention Maritime law, only you do, why is that?

4th March 2021, 02:00 PM
She does not mention Maritime law, only you do, why is that?

She brings up Admiralty Law! Admiralty is a narrow subset of maritime that deals with cannon.

Maritime is risk management. Limited liability. Bonding. Ever read Halls Clerkes Praxis?

The problem isn't government related. The problem is you cannot handle responsibility. Learn to do this and government will fall into it's proper place.

4th March 2021, 08:14 PM
She brings up Admiralty Law! Admiralty is a narrow subset of maritime that deals with cannon.

Maritime is risk management. Limited liability. Bonding. Ever read Halls Clerkes Praxis?

The problem isn't government related. The problem is you cannot handle responsibility. Learn to do this and government will fall into it's proper place.

Your statement does not make any sense to me.

midnight rambler
4th March 2021, 10:25 PM
She does not mention Maritime law, only you do, why is that?

It's because Anna is FOS and JPS, as well as being full of herself, i.e. shit. She's not nearly as smart as she thinks she is.

midnight rambler
4th March 2021, 10:26 PM
Your statement does not make any sense to me.

I suspect that's because Anna has pumped you full of shit.

4th March 2021, 11:06 PM
I suspect that's because Anna has pumped you full of shit.

So you are the smart one.
Please tell me what is wrong with what she says?

4th March 2021, 11:08 PM
Your statement does not make any sense to me.
Ask yourself ...."why is there an INLAND MARINE clause in some insurance policies?"

4th March 2021, 11:11 PM
Please tell me what is wrong with what she says?

Her appeal is to EMOTION rather than LOGIC.

4th March 2021, 11:17 PM
Her appeal is to EMOTION rather than LOGIC.

Seems very logical to me.
If you have no specifics you have no case.

4th March 2021, 11:25 PM
It's because Anna is FOS and JPS, as well as being full of herself, i.e. shit. She's not nearly as smart as she thinks she is.

You literally never say anything remotely intelligent.

5th March 2021, 06:32 AM
You literally never say anything remotely intelligent.

If you rely on Anna for intelligence likely you aren't a very good judge of the subject.

5th March 2021, 06:50 AM
If you rely on Anna for intelligence likely you aren't a very good judge of the subject.

Zero is more appropriate as your handle.

Nothing intelligent ever comes from you either.

5th March 2021, 07:29 AM
Zero is more appropriate as your handle.

Nothing intelligent ever comes from you either.

Intelligence got you where you are today.

5th March 2021, 08:10 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__cft__[0]=AZXtMuua2TccLL6HUq6JhcO5rLsc82eZqVZ-4xskojdufxQprzqaDRmP7Mk1Dq3DVC_dO_8_pphYNWg-L1SuIh-VGq8eNW_rUfI2cu-F4dZZCb6PijjxlAnPDZFOrNzty0k&__tn__=-UC%2CP-R)
15h (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?eid=ARAedDUhfl_cNQ5StZRKvcFHZMbZ-i010qFWMSLPM7f_w3h2z6tjsFHuhq4zt4uoZRlBgGMMvfaYsOY 7&hc_ref=ARQhsO9_IGSHXC0e59bnBGx_PTJoULnseySz_lQEw7e _MxeERqHlfPMaep9DESsDrOU&fref=nf#) ·

Public International Notice - Notice to Vacate

1. The commercial organizations that have been hired by the British Government(s) and the Holy See to provide governmental services stipulated under the three (3) Federal Constitutions have been terminated in bankruptcy; our contracts are not with these subcontractors, but their bankruptcy and bad performance does impact us, and we do have cause to manage our own affairs and to make decisions with respect to the new service providers.

2. Our actual contracts are with the Principals-- the Pope, the Queen, and the Lord Mayor of London. We have not approved and do not have contracts with any of the new Municipal Corporations and/or Territorial Corporations which are seeking to create contracts by Assumption of Contract in Succession;

3. We have specifically provided Notice to the other Principals and have denied any assumption of succession by the Biden Administration for Cause. Mr. Biden is a self-admitted influence peddler and crook; there is, therefore, no controversy. He admits it. We accept that admission. The number of our Municipal Employees and Dependents who may or may not have voted for Mr. Biden is a moot issue. This decision not to hire the Biden Administration and not to allow it to represent us and forbidding access to our credit is a business decision, made by lawful Deputies, and it may not be presumed against;

4. We are the Employers and the Presumed Donors of the Public Trusts; as Donors we have returned and demanded the liquidation of the Public Trusts and the return of the Assets, unharmed and unencumbered. This includes all State Trust and Cestui Que Vie Trust Assets, all gold and silver assets purloined and deposited offshore, domestic and overseas investments, and all credit owed to the American States and People. We have provided the means to accomplish this removal of the artificial trust structure(s) that have been imposed under False Legal Presumptions and have allowed for a safe and gradual transition to State Assembly control;

5. All the territories that entered Territorial Statehood between 1860 and 1959 have been enrolled as States of the Union and have entered in to their true capacity as States according the Equal Footing Doctrine as of 1 October 2020;

6. All Territorial State-of-State organizations are provided Notice to Vacate and must begin withdrawal and transition planning. Municipal STATE OF STATE organizations which should not exist under the provisions of the Federal Constitutions have already had ten (10) years to reorganize and liquidate their business interests and are, together with their Federal Agencies, not being allowed to continue unlawful and unconstitutional incursions.

7. It is unfortunate that this very significant down-sizing and removal of Municipal Interests is necessary, but it is clearly contra-indicated by our Founding Agreements, our Will, and our Public Intent--- not to mention being contrary to common sense and our practical benefit. The mistaken presumption that the Municipal Government represented our civilian government in our purported "absence" has resulted in our States and People being charged for a complete redundancy of Federal and federated state-of-state services by two self-interested commercial corporations, both in the business of providing governmental services. As a result, we have been paying for two departments of labor, two departments of defense, two court systems, two political administrations, and we have been putting up with not only the cost, but the confusion and infighting that results from this duplication of effort.

8.The actual State Assemblies are now in Session and prior assumptions of authority seized upon by the Territorial and Municipal Government Contractors and their respective state-of-state organizations must be released in an orderly, gradual, and peaceful manner without fear or rancor. Provision for the necessary transfers of authority and measures to re-task and re-employ people affected by this necessary restructuring are underway and should prove beneficial for all concerned.

9. All members of the General Public and International Investors as well as all members of State-of-State Legislatures have cause to know that as of 1 October 2020, all State Trust interests and all assets contained therein, have reverted to the living people of these Several States of the Union and these assets are not available for any continued speculation, use as collateral, sale, encumbrance, or abuse by the members of the United States Department of Justice serving as the US TRUSTEES nor by members of the United States Congress serving as United States Trustees together with their heirs and assigns, nor are any State Trust assets subject to any sale, distribution, secondary administrative contract, or other agreements entered into by state-of-state legislatures;

10. The Enrollment of the Western States has been made effective with and retroactively contemporaneous with their original entry into Territorial Statehood; all right, title, and interest must be yielded to those Americans who have returned and who are daily returning to their lawful standing on the land and soil of this country;

11. As a matter of Law and of proper Public Administration, all rights, titles, duties and interests in the international and global realm which were once exercised by the Confederation of the States of America and the Federal Republic have returned by Operation of Law to our unincorporated Federation doing business as The United States of America which was and is the Delegator of all mutually-held Delegated Powers of the actual States;

12. Also as a matter of Law and proper Public Administration, all rights, titles, duties and interests in the national and local government realms vest in the State and County Assemblies which are now in Session for the first time in many years, and all foreign trusts and foreign trust interests otherwise presumed to exist are dissolved;

13. The return of the actual American Government to full force and function cannot be accomplished overnight, but the foundational work to rebuild and reconstruct both the Confederation of the States of America and the Federal Republic is underway and ongoing; as the only true Sovereign Interests in this country representing all people of all ethnicities, races, religions and backgrounds, our State Assemblies hold aloft the banner of national sovereignty and self-determination, and through their unincorporated Federation of States, they similarly uphold the ideals of individual freedom and self-determination, and yet also fully accepts voluntary cooperation with other nations for the advancement of mutual peace, security, friendly trade, social and cultural exchange, and environmental issues;

14. In the transition period, there will be a migration of elements of the American Armed Forces to occupy the position of the original Federal Republic, which is ultimately an instrumentality of our unincorporated Federation. In this way the function of the original American Federal Subcontractor can be restored without having to complete the entire Reconstruction first. Mr. Trump is selecting those elements of the American Armed Forces necessary for the task before us and they are being funded on a temporary basis until the actual final Reconstruction is in place and the entire American Government is functioning as intended.

15. Mr. Trump will be called upon to help us secure all those American assets that have been held offshore in diverse locations and we are all obligated by international law to return control of those recovered assets back to the actual unincorporated Union of States doing business as The United States, which is our domestic National Government of the Several State Assemblies, for reassignment of a portion of those assets to our unincorporated Federation, The United States of America, which is our international and global government, which then assigns resources to the Confederation and the Federal Republic which Mr. Trump and elements of the American Armed Forces, particularly The United States Army and The United States Air Force and The United States Space Force will be occupying.

16. These assignments and the correct lawful and legal arrangements have already been made and stand upon the Public International Record of the Uniform Commercial Code, but it remains under the watchful eyes of the international community to be sure that no further substitutions or impersonations or other legal chicanery is attempted by the British or other European Interests seeking to derail or delay our process or impersonate our lawful unincorporated government again;

17. Upon the receipt of control of our returned trust assets we shall be authorizing the minting of United States Silver Dollars for domestic use, and American gold coinage for use internationally; this does not imply that credit-based notes will be removed from circulation, but necessary changes will be made across a spectrum of currency products that are either based on other commodities or are commercial or military scripts; we do not anticipate that anyone needs to be harmed in this process at all;

18. We have thus far published the Enrollment of the States created during and after the so-called American Civil War and the first American Public Law in over a hundred years, which establishes punishments and prohibitions for corporations seeking to meddle with the natural genome of individual people using nanotech and patented genetic materials to create the basis to claim these same people are Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) subject to ownership by the patent holders. We have also published and re-issued, several years ago, our renewed Sovereign Letters Patent and our recognition of The Declaration of Independence of 4 July 1776 as the Source and Foundation of our lawful American Government;

19. The renewed Sovereign Letters Patent referenced above are our acknowledgement and receipt of those land and title interests which are ours by venerable Grant and Treaty Agreements made before, during, and after The War of Independence, and these renewed Sovereign Letters Patent represent our peaceful and mutual sharing of land and soil interests among the living people present within the borders of each one of the Several States, including the members of the Native American Nations, who are as individuals welcome to participate in the State Assemblies and who are inheritors of all the same constitutional guarantees and protections;

20. We formalized and recorded and gave International Notice of these actions to make it clear that we are the lawful Possessors and Inheritors and we are in full command of our records, our history, and our depository receipts, grants, treaties, land patents, and all presumed titles and deeds issued in our purported absence. We are not confused or incompetent or engaged in any war or controversy and wish only for a peaceful and lawful and logical way forward for our country and for the rest of the world;

21. Our government is not now nor has it ever been engaged in oppressing anyone, dictating any religious belief, harming or depriving anyone based on their race or ethnicity, promoting any system of bondage, or depriving anyone of the full enjoyment of their assets both public and private;

22. We recognize and everyone else must recognize that while there are urgent needs to be addressed throughout the world, the necessary and lawful changes will not happen instantaneously or occur at the same pace in all places; a daunting process of evaluation and education lies ahead not only for America and Americans, but for the rest of the world community. We embrace these challenges and opportunities in a spirit of brotherhood and with great determination to preserve all that is best in our communal past, while forging in the present time a firm and happy and simple basis to go forward into the future;

23. As part of our dedication to making government simple, sensible, and non-invasive, a great many of the more than 80 million statutory laws, codes, and regulations which have resulted in such nullities as victimless crimes and thought crimes and unconscionable infractions will be set aside. Both the injustices promulgated by this proliferation of private statutory laws and the economic burden of enforcing them is unsupportable and not in any sense necessary for nor conducive to the Public Good;

24. Legislation which has imposed upon the Natural and Unalienable Rights of individuals and those rights and prerogatives guaranteed by the Constitutions will similarly be rooted out, set aside and nullified, resulting in the release of many prisoners who have been victims of state-of-state, Territorial, and Municipal Prisons-for-Profit schemes;

25. Along with the long overdue nullification of these burdensome and often oppressive or nonsensical statutory laws comes the similar restructuring and removal of Administrative Codes and Administrative Agencies. The gross duplication of governmental services created in this country and the degree of public ignorance regarding the applicability of Administrative Codes which have no authority outside the corporate administration of our subcontractors will similarly be addressed;

26. All the reforms referenced above necessitate a similar reform of the court system(s) which have been administering the enforcement of these statutes and codes and expediting their improper imposition upon the General Public. Our American Justices will be returning to their proper places as Administrators and Comptrollers and those Lesser Courts of strictly limited jurisdiction, including the courts of Special Admiralty and their Judges, will be retired and circumscribed as the American Courts revive and the lawful duties and limited jurisdictions of the foreign courts are imposed. Most particularly, Hired Jurists and Territorial and Municipal elected Judges are advised to recognize the actual identity of Americans misaddressed by court summons and faulty case initiation processes, so as to avoid further trespasses against their Employers;

27. All Political Parties which have been endured and employed as a means to foment constant Public Policy debates related to our foreign subcontractors and their incorporated commercial corporations in the business of providing governmental services--- are merely lobbyist organizations similar to labor unions or professional associations like the Bar Associations and the American Medical Association --- all of which are foreign with respect to our actual American Government and devoid of any authority related to our States, our People, and our Country. The elections which have resulted from the activities of such organizations are self-evidently private corporation elections, and do not, as they have misrepresented, result in public elections nor the lawful occupation of public offices. While we stop short at this time of outlawing such organizations generally, we do insist that their activities be disclosed for what they are, and that all those elected and appointed to private corporate offices as a result: (1) perform their constitutional duties; (2) observe the limitations of their offices; (3) fully disclose all impacts, obligations, effects, resulting legal presumptions, and applicability of registration processes-- including Voter Registrations; (4) fully disclose the limitations, applicability, and results of their foreign licensing agreements and foreign guild requirements, in the event that any American thus fully informed should choose to participate or imagine that these foreign requirements and practices have anything whatsoever to do with them.

28. Insurance is legalized gambling, and in our purported absence, a vast compendium of insurance services and insurance conglomerates with ties to international organized crime have sprung up on our shores and have been used for purposes of money laundering, unjust enrichment, and illegal investment pooling. While we realize the short term benefits that can be gained by individual investments in various forms of insurance and the institutional profits that can be realized by allowing the insurance industry to exist, we also observe the social evils associated with insurance: bonding of assets, failure to pay, widespread unilateral and unconscionable contracting practices, misrepresentation of Insured Parties, and so on. The insurance industry like the even more corrupt and corruptible securities industry, has been operating without competent Third Party oversight in virtually all States of the Union; this situation requires the establishment of State-mandated Third Party oversight and enforcement, consumer protection and Ombudsman services specific to the insurance industry, and insurance arbitration services available to the General Public;

29. Securitization of living flesh is illegal; it has been illegal and unlawful since the days of slavery and was universally outlawed on a planetary basis as of 1926. Yet, we observe the current situation promoted by the labor bonding practices of the Municipal United States Government and its co-conspirators at the Federal Reserve and DTCC, which have all promoted a ghastly trade in securitized labor and securitized living flesh despite the clearly worded prohibitions which stand as Public Law throughout the known world. The loophole used to promote this abhorrent situation is our guaranteed freedom to contract and the inability of the government to restrict our ability to contract. This freedom has been used as a means to enslave us via unconscionable contracts with babies and other minors, undisclosed third party contracts entered into "for" us by people pretending to be our agents, trustees, executors, or others in power over our affairs and assets, and military press-ganging which has been outlawed for over 200 years. These claims ask us to entertain the idea that we can choose to enter into contracts to perform illegal acts, subject ourselves and others to criminal practices, enter into unilateral contracts with ourselves and other personas representing ourselves, be subject to contracts we are totally unaware of, and via the exercise of our freedom to contract, justify any kind of criminal activity whatsoever so long as there is a contractual obligation present. These practices, claims, and the social insanity predicated upon them are fully denied and rebutted by our Public Law, our actual binding contract requirements, and most of all, by the illegal, unconstitutional, and unlawful results of these foreign legal practices and presumptions being misapplied to Americans--- all of which serves to make the Municipal United States Government sponsored by the Holy See and those corporations conspiring with it to engage in these contracting practices, recognizable as an international crime syndicate engaged in crimes against humanity. Our Municipal Subcontractors are responsible for the misdirection and misadministration of their hirelings and franchises; they have cause to know the limitations of their service contracts, the Public Law of this country, and their own obligations to anyone born on our soil; they have deliberately and with apparent malevolent and self-interested intent built a foreign, evil, invasive, and unauthorized criminal empire on our shores in contravention of our Public Law and in violation of International and Global Law; they have employed falsified records, impersonation, constructive fraud, and barratry to do it. As a result of these crimes and the usurpation against our lawful government evidenced by the spread of Municipal Government enclaves and activities far beyond the limitations set by our constitutional agreements already noted, corrective measures have been taken and will continue until the entire criminal edifice is extracted, together with the corporations and interlocking trust directorates and individuals connected to these activities and practices.

30. In 1865, the Territorial United States Government failed its duty to fully inform and support the Federation of States. The same Territorial United States Government claimed emergency powers that were never granted to it, and used this claim as an attempt to justify its continued abrogation of its own constitutional limitations and obligations owed to the American States and People. In 1868, this same Territorial United States Government created a Scottish commercial corporation merely calling itself "The United States of America" --- Incorporated, and in an act of undisclosed constructive fraud and attempted legal enclosure, published the Articles of Incorporation as "The Constitution of the United States of America". In 1870, this same Territorial United States Government acting as the U.S. Congress, claimed that it had the right to issue corporate charters in our names---- something never authorized or granted to the Territorial United States Government, and naturally residing by Operation of Law and Jurisdiction with our unincorporated Federation of States. In 1871, these same jackals exercised this false claim of power and authority to create multiple Municipal commercial corporations in our names and used these as instrumentalities of the District of Columbia. They also claimed to own all United States Corporations and the assets thereof as personal property. Every iota of this was accomplished under conditions of fraud, non-disclosure, and treasonous usurpation against our actual American Government and all of it was done by self-seeking foreign Employees on our payroll, being either: (a) misdirected by the foreign Principals responsible for their activities, or (b) being allowed to run wild and do all of these things by the other Principal Parties to the Federal Constitutions without oversight. In all cases, the British Monarchs, the Lord Mayors of London, and the Popes --who owed us "Good Faith and Service" in these matters were derelict and criminally negligent in the performance of their duties, including the duty to protect and inform their Employers. A similar situation accrued to the misadministration of our Patent, Trademark, and Copyright Offices. As a result, corrective measures have been taken and will continue to be taken. The ownership interest in United States Corporations belongs to our unincorporated Federation of States, The United States of America, and to the States and People of this country, in whose names these entities were created under conditions that are otherwise constructive fraud and without any vestige of authority to exercise any such sovereign power; all corporations formed since 1860 "in the name of" either the United States or the United States of America are subject to the ownership and authority of the unincorporated American Government and our Public Law, including the Federal Constitutions. All such corporations have been given one (1) year to correct and amend their Articles of Incorporation accordingly, or choose voluntary liquidation.

31. Our relations with the Pope, the Queen, and the Lord Mayor of London are, understandably, quite strained as a result of these criminal activities and various forms of usurpation which have been employed and allowed to prosper against our lawful government. Various other Bad Faith abuses of actual Delegated Powers by these same Parties such as Giveaway Trade Agreements, Federal Block Grant kickback programs used as inducement to evade constitutional obligations and unlawfully convert local governments, especially city governments, and widespread improper enforcement of foreign contracting processes and forms of law, including the Spanish Law of the Inquisition, and participation in foreign tax schemes such as the "New Green Deal" and American Wealth Redistribution schemes predicated on the idea that our entire country was "abandoned" and without a government, and claims by the self-interested Creditors of our foreign Subcontractors that all our assets distributed worldwide were "unclaimed" and "abandoned" ---all of this and more serves for prickly Foreign Relations going forward, as it is abundantly apparent to all Parties that we have been horrendously disserved by our Employees and the Principals responsible for their employment at our expense, for the past 158 years.

32. As disturbing as all this is, together with the fact that our supposed friends and allies have in fact proven to be our most intractable and unkind and dishonest detractors, it is nonetheless the Truth. Our Affidavit of Probable Cause has been published worldwide and distributed worldwide since 2015 as part of our book, "You Know Something Is Wrong When....An American Affidavit of Probable Cause" and wet-ink signed and witnessed copies have been provided to the Principals and other responsible officials; courts serving in the international and global jurisdictions have been given proper Notice and Invocation of the Law, including the International Court of Justice, the Court of the Lord High Steward, and the Vatican Chancery Court--- and all have been moved to action upon Maxims of Law pertaining to the forms of law they each employ. The fundamental crimes of fraud, Breach of Trust, and piracy both on the High Seas and Inland Piracy, form a common thread impacting all jurisdictions of the actual Public Law on this planet. Those who have been compartmentalized and left unaware of these circumstances must now awaken and undertake correction, together with those of us who have already labored long and faithfully in the cause of decency and freedom for Mankind.

Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America

midnight rambler
6th March 2021, 11:20 AM
I gather Anna's Kool-Aid is an acquired taste...?

I just wanna puke when I taste Anna's Kool-Aid.

6th March 2021, 11:54 AM
I gather Anna's Kool-Aid is an acquired taste...?

I just wanna puke when I taste Anna's Kool-Aid.

At one time I maIntained a residence in Washington City. It was located on Pennsylvania Ave. I found I couldn't afford the maintenance cost ( it was over 200 years old and had been damaged by fire in 1812) so I abandoned the project. I hear some communists moved in though and set it up as a home for unrepentant plagiarists and pedefiles.

10th March 2021, 03:05 PM
Heave your guts out guys. lol
Hoping to make you as miserable as your lack of logic is.

Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__cft__[0]=AZWrkUoSWQ_07M3MxA4nZEfA1KdQW9bRyvr9KiaSwwphGCfoI UIu6V6wkOt8h2SoYGVch4DrToCxndFWnq4q9M3ylq6jQZUUO7a ifEKkOBefubZDG51us9rvI_FFHO3ywpc&__tn__=-UC%2CP-R)
17h (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?eid=ARAedDUhfl_cNQ5StZRKvcFHZMbZ-i010qFWMSLPM7f_w3h2z6tjsFHuhq4zt4uoZRlBgGMMvfaYsOY 7&hc_ref=ARQhsO9_IGSHXC0e59bnBGx_PTJoULnseySz_lQEw7e _MxeERqHlfPMaep9DESsDrOU&fref=nf#) ·

A Fundamental Understanding -- How to Change the Courts

Every day of my life I am assaulted with a flood of complaints and horror stories about the "justice" system in America, because quite plainly, it is not a justice system. It is an injustice system.

There are reasons for this and once you know the reasons, it is easy to grasp the reasons why.

This system was set up in the wake of the Civil War by the triumphant Union Army and their British Allies as a means to collect war reparations from the Southerners.

What you are dealing with are the infamous "Carpetbagger Courts", so-named because Hired Jurists from the North and overseas arrived carrying their belongings in "carpet bags" --- bringing with them their foreign law, known as the King's Equity Law, in which the King owned all Equity.

The way this "law" works is that all the victims of it are pre-judged and defined as criminals, so that when you walk into one of these courts there are no actual court proceedings or evidence. You are already condemned simply on the presumption that you are a rebel and owe the King money.

Read the infamous Fourteenth Amendment of the Scottish Interloper's Articles of Incorporation masquerading as "The Constitution of the United States of America" published in 1868 with new eyes.

All Municipal "citizens of the United States" --- the Federal Civil Service workers who sided with the South, are criminals and debtors by definition, as well as all the hapless black plantation workers who had this citizenship status "conferred" on them the year prior.

This allowed the King's Hired Jurists to come in and set up private debt collection agencies in the form of courts; these Hired Jurists are instructed to provide "an appearance" of justice ---- that is, to act under color of law, and to appear to go through a court procedure, when in fact, that isn't what is happening at all.

What their actual job is, is to seize upon assets belonging to you for the King's benefit, and they get a fat cut of the proceeds for doing so. Examine the CRIS system, which is a pension system based on rigged betting on court cases.

With a 96% conviction rate, betting on the results of American court cases is a pastime akin to shooting fish in a barrel, which is why it is so popular with sleazy investors. It's a "sure thing" because everyone is guilty by definition.

This proved so highly lucrative for the King and his Hired Jurists that nearly all the courts employ these same means and modes of operation. They are not in the business of providing justice --- they come right out and tell you that their courts don't consider the Law or the facts.

And now, doesn't it all begin to make a lot more sense that Bar Attorneys are Shipping Clerks in the British Merchant Marine Service?

It's their job to ship your assets (minus a healthy cut for their services) back to the Pope and the King.

So, about now, you are outraged, stunned, realizing that these filthy pikers have been sitting in your courthouses, pulling this racketeering scam for decades, and have gotten away with it and have only become more brazen about their racketeering over time.

And you are beginning to realize that these are not your courts at all.

They are literally foreign courts, and they are enforcing foreign law on you, in direct violation of our Public Law, Amendment XI of all three Constitutions: Americans are not subject to any foreign law ---- so how'd you wind up in their docket?

By being misidentified.

The British Territorial United States Government has pretended (and falsified records to the effect) that you are a Municipal citizen of the United States, while in return, the Municipal United States Government has presumed that you are a British Territorial Citizen, like someone born in Puerto Rico.

Neither one of these foreign political statuses can rationally be applied to you, an American --- but until and unless you object and take action to repudiate these cozy "legal presumptions" --- they stand.

So far as the registrations of your name show, you are a Municipal citizen of the United States, subject to Territorial (British Commonwealth) Law ---- the King's Equity Law. You are guilty by definition.

And if you object, they will be happy to consider you a Territorial U.S. Citizen subject to the Spanish Law of the Inquisition in their Municipal COURT, which they run in tandem with the Pope's Hired Jurists.

So you are damned if you do, and damned if you don't, and neither "side" of this "double-ended impersonation scheme" is willing to give it up. There's too much easy money involved, and they are afraid that they will be gibbeted as inland pirates if they ever admit to what they've done here.

Thus, they put on their best poker face and try to bluff their way out of a situation that is too blatant and now too well-proven.

The question remains--- what do you do to change this situation?
These are foreign courts on our shores, practicing foreign "law" which is essentially extortion in the name of their King (or Pope, if it is a Municipal Court). Clearly, you have no direct control over foreign courts --- and they should have no control over you.

This is how the Colorado Nine got into trouble, mistaking these foreign courts for American Courts, and unwittingly transgressing against them.

It would be like mistaking a guy who looks like your Cousin Waldo, talks and walks like your Cousin Waldo, for your Cousin Waldo ----and so you walk up to him, slap him on the arm, and say, "Where's that ten bucks you owe me?" And in return, the guy looks at you like you are nuts, charges you with assault and battery, and defamation of character, and questions your sanity.

These courts have impersonated our courts to promote their activities under color of law. Of course, they look like "Cousin Waldo" --- they appear to be American Courts, but they aren't --- a fact that I tried to get through to Bruce Doucette and the others involved in the Colorado Nine Debacle.

There's no point in addressing them as if they are American Courts when they aren't, even if they are staffed by Americans hired to act as Jurists, even if they are protected by armed private security forces composed of other Americans hired to act as Law Enforcement Officers. It's like a stage play with a cast of characters.

It turns out that you cannot change them, but you can change you.
You can reclaim your birthright political status as an American, you can join your State Assembly, you can help organize your Assembly Jury Pool, elect your Justices and other Court Officers, and operate your own courts again.

When you do, these other foreign courts are obligated to step down and no longer address you and yours. See Ex Parte Milligan, 72 US 2.

After all, you are just as foreign to them as they are foreign to you. And you have a well-established right and provenance to self-govern. All you have to do, is to get off your rump and do it.

You can't change their courts, but you can restore your own, and force them to stop addressing you and other Americans who have better things to do than be harassed by criminals.

Please see the new Anna's Chart published today on my website(s) as "How to Change the Courts" which gives you a step by step path forward. Go to: www.annavonreitz.com (https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.annavonreitz.com%2F%3Ffbc lid%3DIwAR3bapLS64n8FMDDWdgwMRG7f76Y5OWGZ9l91SzAz8 0Q7_OTEUN1dQgtMiE&h=AT3lf9_kqRCwM_RTaVdzzHA1Yvj4wwGtSn-bCux-_1KncAyPVKggIU2X6QiUdVM4tF3tZDSYeinAEysfDxmozpEAYn hTx5QnkD8Zw2PbOOHxieP5ybPHeDPO6DU7&__tn__=-UK-R&c[0]=AT2Ry3sqCzrQsEE2ifzJCLL-sS7B6_s1pkvjiiOv-raIJCH8dXiGicSeD0RI39TndyQzaqc1etYcuzk4TGJdLIgwzXl 41JoXwv7tlzCbNJEyvkVT1Be0KIG6hXYLzM1Eg79b8KULNpfC0 tdaztgfpb_Y5Q) and to www.TheAmericanStatesAssembly.net. (http://www.theamericanstatesassembly.net/?fbclid=IwAR0ooREmq90A7VypwMq3RhgBwlEtiPvSRSv4YE6u TPfgnfDqVzyfm_DM98E)

10th March 2021, 04:35 PM
Don't be blaming anyone else for your world. You are the creator and only you are responsible. There is the past, the present and the future. Largely what you view as THE PAST is hearsay provided by a 'witness' who wasn't there either. Your future is based on speculation, dreams and wishful thinking. What is more important is your present. This is defined by your hearing, sight, touch, taste and smell.

I doubt if Anna would subscribe to this philosophy as her screed is all about blaming others and taking on no responsibility herself. Her audience is composed of similarly disadvantaged mental deficients (no disrespect intended).

10th March 2021, 04:41 PM
Don't be blaming anyone else for your world. You are the creator and only you are responsible. There is the past, the present and the future. Largely what you view as THE PAST is hearsay provided by a 'witness' who wasn't there either. Your future is based on speculation, dreams and wishful thinking. What is more important is your present. This is defined by your hearing, sight, touch, taste and smell.

I doubt if Anna would subscribe to this philosophy as her screed is all about blaming others and taking on no responsibility herself. Her audience is composed of similarly disadvantaged mental deficients (no disrespect intended).
Personally, I don't think she's mentally deficient; quite the opposite. She is addicted to over analyzing those things which really don't matter. Aren't we all in some way? Sometimes intellect will get in the way of seeing things as they are. Can't see the forest for the trees.

10th March 2021, 04:56 PM
She isn't having a huge impact on the sheeple. All you need to do is take a stroll outside and see the percentage of the inhabitants with face diapers.

10th March 2021, 07:10 PM
Personally, I don't think she's mentally deficient; quite the opposite. She is addicted to over analyzing those things which really don't matter. Aren't we all in some way? Sometimes intellect will get in the way of seeing things as they are. Can't see the forest for the trees.

Ok...I will concede that the logically challenged might also fall into the mentally challenged subset but an apple is still classified as a fruit and an apple on the tree might be classed among the living while an apple on the ground is most certainly on a fast track to decay.

10th March 2021, 09:06 PM
Don't be blaming anyone else for your world. You are the creator and only you are responsible. There is the past, the present and the future. Largely what you view as THE PAST is hearsay provided by a 'witness' who wasn't there either. Your future is based on speculation, dreams and wishful thinking. What is more important is your present. This is defined by your hearing, sight, touch, taste and smell.

I doubt if Anna would subscribe to this philosophy as her screed is all about blaming others and taking on no responsibility herself. Her audience is composed of similarly disadvantaged mental deficients (no disrespect intended).

Where is the logic in any of that?

Of course there is blame to be laid at the feet of those who lied their way to power. What was done is a matter of record and it is a pretty shabby record of lies and deceit by self interested players willing to lie cheat and steal on the way to make the world we live in today.

Anna and you and I had nothing to do with the creation of that record. Our job is to make sense out of what preceded and put the govt back on a lawful path.
I think she has done a masterful job in making sense out of all those lies told as if they were our law, when it's patently absurd that making a contract with a new born baby freshly born is any kind of lawful event.

I think you are the apple on the ground, rotten to the core.

10th March 2021, 09:19 PM
She isn't having a huge impact on the sheeple. All you need to do is take a stroll outside and see the percentage of the inhabitants with face diapers.

They, like you are waiting for someone else to make the world right.

We have the law based on all that went before us. There are a lot of voices out there saying similar things, but only Anna and her group are doing these things.

What do you suggest?

11th March 2021, 04:51 AM
"I think you are the apple on the ground, rotten to the core."
The definition of being includes various elements. One of these is the ability to change. The apple hanging from the tree has the ability to remove itself (a change) while the apple on the ground no longer has that ability. The apple never has the right to change the parent tree to an oak so that it can become an acorn.

If you have being then change but don't try to make the tree change. If the tree wanted change its' next move would be to a wood stove.

The tree (it would seem) only wants vaccinated apples hanging from it. Your choices are to take the vaccine and remain or detach yourself and see where gravity takes you.

Once you have opted out you have detached yourself. There is no vaccine made that will permit you to reattach. You cannot separate yourself from social security (the illusion the tree gives to the apple that there will be a net to catch it) and later demand it.

Ever see a shriveled apple hanging from the tree? It never changed. In the meantime an apple on the ground might become an apple tree. It will never become an oak.

11th March 2021, 07:43 AM
They, like you are waiting for someone else to make the world right.

We have the law based on all that went before us. There are a lot of voices out there saying similar things, but only Anna and her group are doing these things.

What do you suggest?
There are more than 100 million people who are unaware that there is anything wrong with our system of government. Too many of them are on the government tit, uneducated by the broken public indoctrination system. You won’t change their minds since they don’t have to work for a living.

The communists working to overthrow our government are well organized and well funded. Anna’s group does not have that kind of financing and networking. She is well up in years. Who will put forth the effort she does after she is gone?

For thirty years I have preached to my co workers and family about what we are facing. Most thought and think I am a crazy old fool.

By changing her status from legal fiction on the sea to a living woman on the land is she immune from prosecution by the current government? I doubt it. If she were to become a real thorn in their side I suspect she and her followers might suffer the same fate as the Branch Davidians or Ruby Ridge. They killed LaVoy Finicum to shut him up just for teaching people about private property rights and the Constitution.

If Anna is able generate a large enough following to restore the Constitutional government in a few states her movement might be successful.

I believe she will have to defeat the international banking cartel to do any good.

To answer your question, I don’t have any suggestions. The problem is much bigger than I.

Edit: Our legislature convenes every two years. The first of February was the beginning of the session. I wrote to several Senators and Assembly persons asking them what they intended to do about Klaus Schwab’ World Economic Forum Great Reset and the digital currency. I suggested they implement gold and silver coin as tender for payment of debts as required by the U.S. Constitution using an electronic debit card to draw on the actual physical precious metals account on deposit with the state depository. I sent them a copy of proposed legislation New Hampshire has proven workable. I also suggested they revitalize the Nevada State Militia per Article I §8 Clause 16 of the U.S. Constitution to enforce the laws and to secure the blessings of liberty for themselves and their posterity.

I wasn’t surprised when not a single one of them answered, which is what I fully expected.

11th March 2021, 07:59 AM
There are more than 100 million people who are unaware that there is anything wrong with our system of government. Too many of them are on the government tit, uneducated by the broken public indoctrination system. You won’t change their minds since they don’t have to work for a living.

The communists working to overthrow our government are well organized and well funded. Anna’s group does not have that kind of financing and networking. She is well up in years. Who will put forth the effort she does after she is gone?

For thirty years I have preached to my co workers and family about what we are facing. Most thought and think I am a crazy old fool.

By changing her status from legal fiction on the sea to a living woman on the land is she immune from prosecution by the current government? I doubt it. If she were to become a real thorn in their side I suspect she and her followers might suffer the same fate as the Branch Davidians or Ruby Ridge. They killed LaVoy Finicum to shut him up just for taching people about private property rights and the Constitution.

If Anna is able generate a large enough following to restore the Constitutional government in a few states her movement might be successful.

I believe she will have to defeat the international banking cartel to do any good.

To answer your question, I don’t have any suggestions. The problem is much bigger than I.

I agree and I have a wife who has as much good sense as you, who keeps me out of all the trouble I would get into if left to my own actions.

I am a cheer leader for what Anna and her group are doing, but I don't have much hope anything will come from it.

11th March 2021, 08:57 AM
I agree and I have a wife who has as much good sense as you, who keeps me out of all the trouble I would get into if left to my own actions.

I am a cheer leader for what Anna and her group are doing, but I don't have much hope anything will come from it.

Years ago Beefsteak, Liberty Tree and I all got involved in the Tim Turner restore the Republic movement. It wasn’t long before we discovered there were some very unsavory characters involved, two of them came knocking on my door. I told Beefsteak who they were. He did some research and discovered one whose name I have forgotten was in trouble with BATF. At that point we decided it would be wise to bail out.

3rd May 2021, 11:57 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__cft__[0]=AZU4PlpYEvwwFjPOPG2yexe2K1lx_OqVTv4KN0-5iHZn8yxQK6UwElXWLuSfwCFgtOjCGMJKv59YP_UOSLIp_Sqq3 kl_yZijQ6ltHWGfS7C-37MCmYmmjRzTrZ_Que1dCb0&__tn__=-UC%2CP-R)
18h (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/3907626792619705?__cft__[0]=AZU4PlpYEvwwFjPOPG2yexe2K1lx_OqVTv4KN0-5iHZn8yxQK6UwElXWLuSfwCFgtOjCGMJKv59YP_UOSLIp_Sqq3 kl_yZijQ6ltHWGfS7C-37MCmYmmjRzTrZ_Que1dCb0&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-R) ·

I Cannot Over- Emphasize for the Military Veterans

If you wish to serve as actual American County Sheriffs, or wish to become members of the lawful State Militias, you must send the head of your branch of service a letter notifying them that you have left Federal Jurisdiction and returned home to your birthright political status.

This is necessary in addition to receiving your DD214.

If you were an Officer in your branch of service, you will need to surrender your Commission held in the U.S. Armed Forces, and retain your Commission in The United States Armed Forces.

This clears up any ambiguity created by the similar names. Be sure that you say, "The" United States Armed Forces and include "The" as part of the name.

This simple notification process and proof that you sent it actually completes the discharge process. I recommend sending such important correspondence via Registered Mail, Return Receipt Requested.

Do not use Certified Mail for this. Certified Mail is a special class of mail between government offices and government officers. If you are not acting as a Federal Person of some kind, you should not use Certified Mail.

Changing your political status back to your birthright political status as an American does not change or endanger any pensions or other benefits owed to you as a U.S. veteran.

With respect to militias, the only militias recognized under the Constitutions are the "well-regulated" militias operated by the State Assemblies. This is important to know, because unless you are operating as a State Assembly Militia, you can be "mistaken" as a "rebel" (I guess they assume that you are at least 174 years old and still a threat?) or "insurgent" or "insurrectionist".

Please do not jeopardize the legitimacy of your claim to your constitutional guarantees by back-sliding and failure to declare your identity and political status as an American State National or American State Citizen.

Help us all out here by joining your official State Assembly Militia and putting an end to any supposition about who you are and what you are doing --- and your right to keep and bear arms in your own country.

The greatest threat to our Constitutional Guarantees, including the right to keep and bear arms, is our generalized failure to declare and record the fact that we are Americans and are therefore owed those Guarantees.

Think about it. There are Certificates of Live Birth identifying you as British Territorial United States Citizens, and there are BIRTH CERTIFICATES identifying you as Municipal US CITIZENS defined under the Diversity Clause, but where is there any Public Record of you being an American, born in Akron, Ohio?

There isn't one until you create one.

That oversight on your part is what has allowed your Public Employees to abuse your rights and prerogatives: you have not been identified as an American who is owed the guarantees of the Federal Constitutions.

You have been deliberately misidentified as a Territorial U.S. Citizen (like someone born in Puerto Rico) or as a Municipal US CITIZEN like IBM, INC., instead.

This is also how they have assumed a Public Trust Interest amounting to custody of you and your estate and your estate assets.

So put an end to this infringement upon your freedoms and your contractual guarantees and put the politicians in their place.

Go to: www.TheAmericanStatesAssembly.net (http://www.theamericanstatesassembly.net/?fbclid=IwAR1_ewCrZHbP6nY70LCvmF48a1RA677Vqu0jrBwi KU_cqn9EDYXJAsO78sI) and learn more today!

4th May 2021, 11:37 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__cft__[0]=AZWSz_-1qcuOGVLB1qbsypZHyRB39MfxthPUm-N1O8oA04WPj-dnWFjBq-UoDE2r7fNLUQ8mj0Ka8Y_v_Cleb_Gikcceo4hV6m9q7TNlG9O1 bhgdlcTWNa1tqFYkUNpVgyY&__tn__=-UC%2CP-R)
Yesterday at 12:55 PM (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/3909536182428766?__cft__[0]=AZWSz_-1qcuOGVLB1qbsypZHyRB39MfxthPUm-N1O8oA04WPj-dnWFjBq-UoDE2r7fNLUQ8mj0Ka8Y_v_Cleb_Gikcceo4hV6m9q7TNlG9O1 bhgdlcTWNa1tqFYkUNpVgyY&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-R) ·

Important Points to Remember -- Call Out to Assemblies

There are many new people coming into the Assemblies, dragging their indoctrinations and assumptions based on past experience with "government" behind them.

I've been having to reiterate certain basic facts over and over and over for these Newbies, so I am calling on all the Assemblies and Assembly Members to help me out here and make sure that these Important Points are part of the Orientation we are providing new people.

1. The actual government of this country is not a democracy. The Territorial United States Government is a democracy. They work for us, but they are not us. All this stuff you have heard all your life about "our democracy" is in fact "their democracy". It's the form of government that the U.S. Citizens chose to adopt, and has nothing to do with our "republican form of government" guaranteed to us.

2. We don't need large numbers of people, or even a "majority" of people, because we are not a democracy. We don't have political parties, either. No Democrat/Republican divide and conquer allowed. Our government is run at a grassroots level by plain old Americans who don't necessarily use make-up and hair spray. Our actual government embraces people all across the political spectrum who simply want to be free and protected and enjoy their constitutionally guaranteed Natural and Unalienable Rights.

If you want to be a conscript in a military at "perpetual war" --- that's the Other Guys running the British Territorial United States Government and representing the U.S. Citizens and their dependents.

If you want to be a slave for the Pope and the City of Rome, that's another group of Other Guys. That is a foreign plenary oligarchy that rules over the Federal Civil Service employees and their dependents, who are known as "citizens of the United States".

These other foreign governments are under contract to us. Their contracts are spelled out as "The Constitution of the United States of America" and "The Constitution of the United States" -- respectively. These are the only contracts we have with them, and they are obligated to perform.

3. Over 90% of the Federal Code does not apply to us and never has.

The part that does apply to us is recorded on the Federal Record.

The part that doesn't apply to us-- which is the vast bulk of it -- appears on the Federal Register.

There is no reason for an average American to study the Federal Code. The only thing you have to study is the two (2) aforementioned Constitutions, which define your relationship with both Federal Service Providers.

Unless you regularly travel and conduct business on the High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways, or choose to participate in interstate commerce as an incorporated entity ("commerce" is defined as business between two incorporated entities), or are engaged in the manufacture, sale or transportation of alcohol, tobacco, or firearms, or have cause to conduct business on Federal Property, such as Naval Bases, it is unlikely that you, as an American, have any reason to know anything about Federal Code at all.

4. There are two basic forms of law --- Public Law and Private Law.

You, as an American, stand under the Public Law, which includes the Constitutions, The Declaration of Independence, The Articles of Confederation (once we finish the Reconstruction), The Northwest Ordinance, the United States Statutes-at-Large (the Unrevised Version is still in effect), and The Ten Commandments.

If anyone hauls you into any "district court" all you are actually required to reply is --- for an example: "My name is Mildred Honeycutt. I live in Millford, Oregon. I am an American and a member of The Oregon Assembly and I stand under the Public Law."

Any district judge who proceeds to act against you after hearing this simple declaration is standing in the shadow of the Admiralty gallows.

Average Americans are not required to know or stand under any foreign law. Foreign law includes State of State Statutes, the bulk of Federal Code, Public Policies, Administrative Code, and all Regulations. See Amendment XI.

5. Unknown to you, other countries around the world have thought that your actual government was "gone" ---- "missing in action, presumed dead" ---"in interregnum" and otherwise "absent".

That is because our actual State Assemblies have not been in Session for a very long time.

Our Assemblies appeared to be replaced by "District Assemblies" ---- either Territorial District Assemblies populated by our Military Employees and their families, or Municipal District Assemblies populated by our Federal Civil Service Employees and their families.

These U.S. Citizens and "citizens of the United States" may have been born in this country and may consider themselves as American as you, but they are occupying a different political status which obligates them to serve a foreign democracy [Territorial] or a foreign oligarchy [Municipality], respectively.

For the duration of their Tour of Duty, and for as long as they continue to adopt foreign citizenship, they and their direct dependents stand under the Private Law of the foreign corporations which employ them.

They are the ones that the 90% of the Federal Code applies to, all the State of State Statutory Law applies to, all the Noahide Laws apply to, all the Administrative Codes apply to, all the Agency Regulations apply to..... and so on.

6. During our American Government's purported absence, our Territorial and Municipal Employees have assumed a Public Trust Interest in us and our assets. Now that we woke up and rebooted our actual State Assemblies, there is no reason for them to continue to assume any such custodial role--nor any merely "presumed" authority related to us and our assets.

This news and realization is just now trickling out into the vast spider web of "federal" and "federated state of state" organizations and officials, so it is our responsibility to speak up and tell them and to fully inform all the other national and international governments, to dispel this long-held idea that we and our American Government just disappeared over the horizon and never came home again.

7. By declaring your birthright political status, recording it, and joining your State Assembly, you are setting yourself apart from your Employees and their duties, and accepting your Public Duty instead. Your Public Duty is to uphold the Constitutions and the Public Law.

As mentioned above, your foreign Employees are accountable to the Federal Code appearing on the Federal Register, the State of State Statutes, the Administrative Code, the Agency Regulations, the Public Policies adopted by the foreign corporations that employ them, etc., etc., etc.

Their respective Territorial State-of-State Governors or Municipal GOVERNORS can violate their Natural and Unalienable Rights as a condition of employment, and they have no constitutional guarantees.

This is the "Secret" to why you have been abused, too.

Because your Federal Employees are miserable and unprotected, they have shared the cup and included you as one of them.

Please take note that among the injustices that must be addressed, the mistreatment of Federal Employees is also on the list.

11th July 2021, 10:36 PM
I Post this:

As a good example of what happens when good men sit on their hands and let someone else do the work,needed to keep a great country great.
I have been sitting on my hands far too long.

The rats show up and steal all the cheese.

(excerpt from ensuing article)
Because the Federal Subcontractors have run off-track and profited themselves greatly by doing so, they don't want the States in Session, and they don't want the unincorporated Federation of States breathing down their necks and forcing them to abide by their constitutional obligations.

Friday, July 9, 2021

Removal of Coordinator in Texas -- Notice of Procedure

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-1jhdFv1heEQ/YOkfyL0gS9I/AAAAAAAAFGI/ZsCojK65jxQ029r3DPMopsMq1o8NlgC2ACLcBGAsYHQ/s16000/image.png (https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-1jhdFv1heEQ/YOkfyL0gS9I/AAAAAAAAFGI/ZsCojK65jxQ029r3DPMopsMq1o8NlgC2ACLcBGAsYHQ/image.png)

To: All State Assemblies
From: James Clinton Belcher

Be it known to all to whom these presents come, that there is a lawful and legal means provided for Texas and every other State to assemble, and that means of lawful and peaceable assembly requires the process to take place under the authority and guidance of a recognized Summoning Authority.

There are three (3) possible Summoning Authorities charged with the responsibility.

The first Summoning Authority is The President of The United States of America. This Office has been vacated since 1860.

The second is a quorum of nine (9) States in Session --- used during recesses and temporary adjournment. The only State left in Session was Texas, so no quorum was possible.

The third and only remaining option is for the owner of the Great Seals to call the States into Session and operate The United States of America, our unincorporated Federation of States to do it. So that is what has been done.

It has fallen to the Federation (which is not the "Federal Government") to call the States into Session.

That responsibility carries with it the obligation to ensure that the Assemblies thus created are "peaceable" and composed of qualified people living within the borders of each State, who have declared and recorded their adoption of their birthright political status, and from there, to provide the discipline, framework, and guidance to establish in each State a General Assembly, a Business (sometimes called "International") Assembly, a Public Court, and a State Assembly Militia.

This is a process not given to interpretation, and we have followed it to the letter.

Please note that the Federation must ensure the legal and peaceable nature of the process and the State Assemblies that result from it, or our activities could be mistaken as hostile actions and legally suppressed by military force.

Once each Assembly has been assembled and each portion of this process has been accomplished, each Assembly will be "fully seated" --- meaning that all basic functions are in place and operating. Until each Assembly is fully seated, it remains under the guidance of the Federation.

That is why the Federation is involved in the State Assembly process and why it is significantly in control of this process until such time as the State leadership is fully educated and the basic functions of American State Government are restored.

After such a long hiatus and so much confusion it is understandable that a mighty educational process is necessary, even about comparatively simple things, such as the role of the Federation as the Summoning Authority, the role of the Coordinators who act as Federation Officers--- not to be confused with "Federal" Officers, the structure of the State Assemblies and the functions of the State Assemblies.

It is also understood that people will continue to be confused and need to be educated on a continuing basis as new questions and issues arise and as new people join the Assemblies.

We can and we must deal with this educational process as transparently and honestly as possible. None of it is rocket science. All of it is ultimately under the control of the people in each State.

Anyone who feels that the Federation is being heavy-handed has a clear road to get the necessary work done, establish the structures, provide the functions, and complete the assembly process.

Once fully seated, each State Assembly is responsible for performing under the treaties and constitutional agreements already established and for supporting the restored American Government, the Reconstruction thereof--- and also becomes responsible for the conduct of the restored Confederation and Federal Republic. This grave responsibility also includes preserving the peace --- not undermining it.

Even some Coordinators have gotten off-track, despite the simplicity of the process, and have promoted the idea that the Federation is the equivalent of the "Federal Government" --- deliberately confusing the Federation with our run amok Subcontractors.

Everyone concerned needs to realize that the actual Federation is the only means that the people of this country have to control the operations of the Federal Subcontractors.

Because the Federal Subcontractors have run off-track and profited themselves greatly by doing so, they don't want the States in Session, and they don't want the unincorporated Federation of States breathing down their necks and forcing them to abide by their constitutional obligations.

As a result, certain public employees and agencies hired by them using our money, have undertaken to undermine the peaceable nature of our State Assemblies and have attempted to commandeer our efforts and to misdirect the assembly process so as to create an excuse to brand our efforts as insurrectionist activities ---- and provide themselves with an excuse for crushing our activities with overwhelming military force.

It was recently discovered that Eric Dingus, former Peacekeeping Task Force Director, was deliberately engaged in disobeying our instructions and the Mission Statements for both the Peacekeeping Task Force and the Continental Marshals Service. His actions, if left unopposed, would have led to the creation of an illegal "unified" and "national" armed military force, which would have provided the needed excuse to terrorize and kill and confiscate the property of innocent State Assembly Members.

We removed him from the position of Peacekeeping Task Force Director as soon as the nature of his activities came to light, and subsequently had to remove Susan Hauck, also. We are now in the process of publishing the Mission Statements so that everyone has an absolute and clear understanding of the role of both the Marshals Service and the Peacekeeping Task Force.

It was also discovered that Eric Dingus directly threatened Texas Coordinator Le Laroi on three separate occasions and forced her to step down, and that he subsequently engineered her replacement with Kimberly Reynolds as Texas Coordinator.

We advised Kimberly Reynolds of this circumstance and instructed her to divorce herself from any continuing influence promoted by Eric Dingus. Instead of taking this as a "hold harmless" action on our parts, she chose to continue on the road of artificially induced insurrection and to promote actions in Texas that are contrary to the peaceable assembly process.

She has, accordingly, been removed as Coordinator in Texas.

Those who live in Texas know the Public Law and know that when you take a job, you have to ride for the brand.

Our brand is devoted to the peaceful and lawful enforcement of the Constitutional Guarantees, and the protection of the lives and property rights of Texans and all other Americans.

We do not and we will not condone or participate in any form of insurrection, rebellion, or creation of armed forces other than the lawful State Assembly Militias, operated as they are supposed to be operated within each State, and our land-based Continental Marshals Service, which is our jurisdictional interface with the U.S. Marshals Service.

These actions removing Eric Dingus and Kimberly Reynolds are regrettable. We would far rather have good faith and service in the common cause of restoring our lawful government, than a lot of illegal interference in the process; however, with trillions of dollars worth of land and other assets at stake, we must be prepared for the ongoing attempts to mischaracterize us and our efforts.

Those who have benefited themselves and their cronies at our expense for the last 160 years are not likely to let go without trying to get a fight going --- a fight that they would surely win.

Our steady course remains--- to use international law and Public Law to rein in the brigands and the politicians responsible for abusing the Public Trust, to enforce the Constitutional Guarantees and Protections--- and to do this peaceably, honorably, and lawfully via the processes and agreements established to secure these ends.

Unless you wish to see this country and its people engulfed in yet another unnecessary, deliberately provoked, and self-interested Civil War, you will immediately understand the necessity that prompts us to expel those who propose any other course of action.

If any Assembly or member of an Assembly hears anyone in their Assembly or any other Assembly promoting violence, preaching against the Federation "as if" the Federation was the de facto Federal Government, moving to incorporate any function of any Assembly, setting up any foreign structures apart from the General Assembly, International Business Assembly, Public Courts, and the lawful State Assembly Militia, refusing to record political status of members, taking money from foreign corporations, selling information about the Assemblies or Assembly Members, using the Assemblies or Assembly Members for unjust enrichment, promoting Ponzi schemes, Trust schemes, memberships in Secret Societies or otherwise remaining out-of-step with the simple program outlined above---- you are encouraged to notify us directly, so that prompt corrective action can be taken. Use the email: avannavon@gmail.com and the subject line: "Jim".

James Clinton Belcher, Head of State

The United States of America

12th July 2021, 02:07 AM
That is a lot of words to describe a Private Expressive Association, a form of trust that permits free speech within its' framework and between its' members but also carries with it the dreaded concept of OBLIGATION to obey the statutes that come with membership.

12th July 2021, 09:11 PM
That is a lot of words to describe a Private Expressive Association, a form of trust that permits free speech within its' framework and between its' members but also carries with it the dreaded concept of OBLIGATION to obey the statutes that come with membership.

This is a more apt description of the club operating out of the District of Columbia.

13th July 2021, 02:44 AM
This is a more apt description of the club operating out of the District of Columbia.

All clubs require an action that symbolize or can be construed as "joining".


Now you just have to identify the portal and avoid it. Not as easy as it sounds. It involves REAL ID and being JABBED.

The portal is camoflaged with illusion and even has gatekeepers. You only need to attempt to pass into a "federal" courthouse to see these mechanisms being played for your benefit.

15th July 2021, 04:35 AM
The Picture for Texas:

By Anna Von Reitz

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-mp5FKUCOlrM/YO-ABzQJqkI/AAAAAAAAFIE/h9cu2cBiGGkfmbPfBJeCZadm9QsrrZ0FgCLcBGAsYHQ/s16000/image.png (https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-mp5FKUCOlrM/YO-ABzQJqkI/AAAAAAAAFIE/h9cu2cBiGGkfmbPfBJeCZadm9QsrrZ0FgCLcBGAsYHQ/image.png)
I have faith in the people of Texas.

The Federation of States has no desire or intention to shut The Texas Assembly down --- just need to shut down the activities and influences that have been trying to create an excuse to attack us and label a lot of innocent people "armed insurrectionists" and "extremists".

People don't realize that our enemies have a LOT to gain by painting us as insurrectionists and extremists, and this is exactly the scenario Eric Dingus was setting up. They have been preparing to kill their Priority Creditors for a long time, but in order to get away with it, they need a cover story. Making us look like the aggressors and law-breakers suits their interests to a T. They’d love to attack us and blame the victims, too.

Everyone is aware of what happened at Ruby Ridge, at Waco, and to LaVoy Finicum. Don't forget the Colorado Nine and the tragic story of young Schaeffer Cox, jailed for 26 years for a "thought crime". All these actions were promoted and executed by the FBI.

It does not take rocket science to figure out what the FBI is capable of ---and understand the need to keep an eye on them. They watch us. We watch them. As long as everyone stays in their lane, that's fine enough. But when they trespass, things get ugly.

Their bosses have motivations and business interests contrary to ours, and sometimes, things go sideways. They get uppity and start planning and hiring operatives (for big money) to "garner influence" and "spread confusion" and "compromise the organization". That's their lingo, not mine. Right off the page in front of my nose, on their letterhead.

Pretty soon, you've got a situation like we've got right now.

Eric Dingus has been presented to you all as an innocent Texan, wrongly accused, slandered, harmed by outsiders, the Big, Bad Federation. Your instinct to protect a fellow-Texan, your sense of justice and fair play, your well-established dislike and distrust of the Federal Government ---even though the Federation is resoundingly NOT the Federal Government, it is being deliberately confused with the Federal Government---all that, is being manipulated and used to fuel high emotions. But high emotions are not called for.

What is called for is cold analytical evaluation.

The FBI admits that Eric Dingus is an "asset" and that he has worked for them providing information (and selling that information to them) about the Texas Militias for over sixteen years and has also worked undercover for the DEA. When applying for the job as PKTF Director, he admitted the DEA connection, but not the FBI connection.

Why admit one and not the other? That's the first question.

When we ran a routine background check prior to him coming on board, it came back squeaky clean, so clean that both I and one of our security chiefs said, "It looks too clean. Looks like its been scrubbed." Then our contact on the ground came back from Amarillo and said, "This guy barely exists." None of these reports were definitive --- that is, we couldn't prove anything one way or the other, but it wasn’t a warm, fuzzy feeling.

When Eric started the job, we gave him the Mission Statements for both the PKTF and the Continental Marshals as a starting point. This is perfectly routine and there is no reason in the world that we didn't or wouldn't do this. There are multiple ways we can verify that we did. So he had cause to know what the PKTF was supposed to be doing from the get-go, and he also had cause to know the completely separate mission of The Continental Marshals Service.

Now he is claiming that we didn't give him that information. Why wouldn't we?

It's public information, used to define and organize both organizations, all of it discussed multiple times and in multiple ways in many emails. There's no way or reason that we would pay a man $2000 a month, plus project money, plus offer him use of a 37' motorhome and a car---- and not tell him what his job was.

He had those Mission Statements, but he ignored them and deliberately didn't share them around with the men and women involved. Why?

The most likely answer is that it's a lot easier to misdirect people if they don't know or aren't sure of what their mission really is.

Next question, what did he do?

He put himself in the middle, told the Marshals that he was in charge of them (and every single one of those men will affirm it) and proceeded to commandeer the Marshals Service---- something not even remotely related to the job of the PKTF Director. That's contrary to the Mission Statements of both organizations and contrary to any directive spoken or written ever given to him.

Then, there's the sequence of events---

Le Laroi introduces Eric Dingus as a likely candidate for PKTF Director.

Eric get his intro.

Eric threatens Le Laroi privately, three times, she “mysteriously” steps down from being Texas Coordinator.

Kim Reynolds is brought forward by Eric Dingus, vetted, and installed as Texas Coordinator.

Eric goes to Utah and gets embroiled in a child custody complaint --- having nothing to do with his job at all.

Eric stays in Utah.

During this same time, the FBI/State of Utah installs a gun bunker on the property of Jackie Smyth, the Utah Coordinator, attempting to frame her as a “violent insurrectionist” and give themselves an excuse to kill her and confiscate her property.

We foil their efforts, dissolve the Utah Assembly so there is no target for them there, and expose them to Interpol and other law enforcement groups. They recoil and move on.

Eric begins moving all over the western states, notably to Colorado and Oklahoma and Texas and Nevada. We track his movements. He makes many inexplicable side trips between Point A and Point B, and not to visit anyone associated with our Assemblies. We give him the benefit of the doubt and think at first that he is meeting with covert militia leaders, trying to get them to come in under the safety of the official and “well-regulated” State Assembly Militia. But no.
We still don’t know all that he was doing, but we do know that several of the places he visited are FBI Safehouses.

So, go figure. Didn’t admit FBI employment. Was present throughout the big Dust Up in Utah. Was visiting FBI Safehouses while purportedly on business trips for us.

Walks like a duck. Quacks like a duck.

Eric brings forward a proposal to contract with a Canadian company for our secure email and internal communications system. Canada is always the backdoor for the Brits to spy on us. We inquire about this aspect of the proposal and get a Shine On answer.

Eric starts negotiating with private corporations for funding, including corporations known to be shelf corporations for government agencies.

Fast forward, in rapid fire succession, Wayne Whomsley, California Coordinator, comes under fire for being irresponsible with petty cash. Scott Sanford, Colorado Coordinator, is threatened and a real estate Ponzi scheme gets “attached” to him without his knowledge or consent --- he is being set up for criminal charges and removal as Colorado Coordinator, in broad daylight.
We intervene and derail the real estate gambit they are trying to foist off on Scott. Again, we report them to Interpol and police corruption investigators.

At this point, I sent Eric a nasty note and told him enough is enough – get back in his box. I order re-investigation of what happened with Le Laroi and send a team to investigate Eric’s cover story on the ground in Amarillo. Comes back that Le was threatened and coerced to resign her post as Coordinator by Eric, after having befriended Eric and having recommended him in the first place. Investigation in Amarillo is inconclusive; has a house there, but no real presence.

Texas, Utah, California, and Colorado Coordinators, all successively attacked and targeted for removal and replacement --- the four most important states in the west from a military standpoint. Coincidence?

We get wind that Eric is pushing “something big” and a copy of correspondence in which he promotes forming a “unified” and “national” force ---- something roughly equivalent to the National Guard, financed by the private corporations mentioned before. The problem is that the National Guard is illegal as it is presently composed, and so would any such armed force promoted by the Assemblies. Creation of such an armed force extending beyond individual State borders would give the FBI and other Agencies all the excuse needed to crack down and go to war against all the “violent armed insurrectionists” Eric was trying to create out of thin air.

So we sacked him and not a moment too soon. Eric vows revenge and that there will be trouble.

We named his Co-Director, Susan Hauck, to replace him, and then had to replace her, too, because barely a week later, she moved to decommission The Continental Marshals Service --- an action that Eric had planned prior to his departure, and which she attempted to carry through, and which neither one of them had any authority to do.

Three weeks after sending Eric packing, all the simmering misbehavior in Michigan erupts, Kim Reynolds is warned to make tracks away from Eric and his agenda, but instead, she starts bad-mouthing me and the Federation and plotting an end-run around our authority, Wayne Whomsley is found in dishonor by a second independent investigation, and Josh Gandy, the now-former Hawaii Coordinator, has another “episode” in which he spews all sorts of gossipy nonsense and slanders Le Laroi and my Executive Officer.

So the way I read this, Texas, Utah, California, and Colorado were targeted and attacked, while Michigan and Hawaii and possibly Nebraska, had “sleeper cells” of people who had infiltrated and were undermining morale and progress in those States.

Someone said that I was cleaning house and I hope to do a good job of it.

Assembling a nation is a serious job and responsibility. There are a lot of Big Business interests that don’t want to see us succeed, and a lot of Federal Agencies that are armed to the teeth and do whatever they are told, no questions asked.

Every assembly and every assembly member has to be clued in and vigilant and has to know that these things happen. And it’s the Federation’s job to make sure things don’t go astray on the road to get where we are going.

If you think we were wrong about Eric Dingus --- look where you’d be without us.

First, you wouldn’t be assembling at all, You’d be cowered down in your homes, waiting to be “resettled” so as to expedite Chinese and Arab Creditors of the U.S. Corporation coming in and seizing your homes and businesses and moving you to nice internment camps. Or on the lam, fighting a guerrilla war with whatever gunpowder you had.

Second, you wouldn’t have any public records identifying you as Americans. You’d all be misidentified as Territorial Subjects of the Queen and Dual Federal Citizens, owned as property by the Roman Pontiff.

Third, the rest of the world wouldn’t have ever known what was going on in this country. No action in your favor would have been brought in the High International Courts. Nothing would have been said or proven and this entire country would have been deemed “vacated” and without a government operating in international jurisdiction.

Fourth, your Continental Marshal Service would have been decommissioned on paper, and there would be no international peacekeeping officers in your land jurisdiction, which would have allowed the UN an excuse to move their officers into your States and begin the “resettlement” described in the first item listed here.

Fifth, if Eric Dingus had had his way, you would be blamed for creating an illegal armed force and that illegal armed force would have been liberally described as a rabble of armed violent insurrectionists and extremists, and the various Agencies would have been let loose on you with the support of the National Guard, and this whole country would shortly look like the siege of the Branch Davidians in Waco.

Do you need the Federation to guide you through this and keep you safe?

You’d better know that you do.

Anna Maria


19th May 2022, 10:10 PM
The Public Employer's Directive (http://www.paulstramer.net/2022/05/the-public-employers-directive.html)

By Anna Von Reitz

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/a/AVvXsEiDxOG3Bl28WQ-pazh0mrcF5BZEPmchNpnzahkVx5YTRb25tcoQJ2hcn0oloiMz3 DXlQyp_Jtnrxc0wYZABDV4N0eoR6RhPPHWUX-lLQRXGSLYVBrb4GjIZ17EpvFKaTT1RFXF1nH4yEhALcbHL9DYX _KRddsP3gKe82wtUD6kmQYLnxky9oCIHwTCM=s16000 (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/a/AVvXsEiDxOG3Bl28WQ-pazh0mrcF5BZEPmchNpnzahkVx5YTRb25tcoQJ2hcn0oloiMz3 DXlQyp_Jtnrxc0wYZABDV4N0eoR6RhPPHWUX-lLQRXGSLYVBrb4GjIZ17EpvFKaTT1RFXF1nH4yEhALcbHL9DYX _KRddsP3gKe82wtUD6kmQYLnxky9oCIHwTCM)

This is being sent to all Public Employees within the borders of The United States. These are plain facts long established upon the Public Records of this country, plus a few directives from the current American Government to help you discern what your duties and limitations are.

1. First, we, Americans populating the States of the Union, are your Employers;

2. We, Americans, pay your wages, salaries, pensions, and emoluments;

3. In consideration of your wages, salaries, pensions, and emoluments, you owe us Good Faith Service and allegiance;

4. We, Americans, your Employers, do not reside in your States-of-States; instead, you reside in our physically defined States of the Union;

5. It's our Congress of States, not your Congress of States-of-States, that has the right to declare war;

6. It follows that no Public Employee or group of Public Employees has standing to declare war, and any misunderstanding otherwise needs to be cleared up immediately and permanently;

7. Likewise, no Public Employees have any right or standing to confer foreign citizenship obligations on their Employers;

8. No Public Employees have any right or standing to legally presume anything at all about their Employers' political status;

9. No Public Employees have any right or standing to label their Employers in any manner whatsoever, and that includes misidentifying Americans as "Enemies" or "Enemy Combatants" or "Sovereign Citizens";

10. Your Employers are not, generally, subject to any of the foreign codes, statutes, rules, regulations, ordinances, or trust mandates that you have subjected yourselves to as Public Employees and Dependents;

11. The private laws promulgated by your State of State Legislatures to direct the functioning of your governmental service corporations are foreign with respect to your Employers and what applies to you "as law" as a condition of your employment or dependency, does not, generally, apply to your Employers;

12. The Military Employees are obligated to function within the limitations of The Constitution of the United States of America. All Civil Service Employees are required to function within the limitations of The Constitution of the United States;

13. All Constitutional Amendments not ratified by the States of the Union are Unapproved By-laws having no contractual authority;

14. Both Territorial and Municipal Employees are Dependent on their American Employers' sovereignty and will be stateless if our sovereignty is breached as a result of malfeasance, usurpation, incompetence or political overreach by our Employees;

15. No US President or President of the United States has ever been granted unilateral or dictatorial powers over his Employers;

16. Our Employees are required to follow the directives of their respective corporate Presidents in exactly the same way that their Presidents are obligated to honor their contracts with us, their Employers. If any corporate officer gives orders that are not in compliance with the respective Constitution, that man or woman is to be arrested and charged with treason;

17. We retain the right to hire and fire, to direct, to critique, to manage, and to correct our Employees without any obligation to join any of their organizations or clubs or districts or enclaves, adopt any foreign citizenship obligations, subject ourselves to any foreign laws, or conform to Employee demands of any kind, apart from the routine exercise of those powers we delegated to our Employees --- so long as they adequately and honorably perform those duties;

18. We, your Employers, are not required to register anything at all; registration is part of the foreign British System that is made available to British Territorial U.S. Citizens residing in this country;

19. We, your Employers, are not Federal citizenry, and are not generally subject to Federal Law, until and unless we take part in activities that are consensually known to be federally regulated by treaty or under constitutional contract;

20. We, your Employers, are not subject to laws that appear on the Federal Register; the only Federal Laws that may apply to us appear on the Federal Record, and only when we are engaged in those activities that are legitimately under federal regulation;

21. We, your Employers, do not recognize any "Emergency" occasioned by the failure of the American Confederation of States-of -States in 1860; our Federation of States is more than competent to carry on without the Confederation and did so from 1776 to 1781 when the Confederation was created;

22. Likewise, we, your Employers, do not recognize any "State of Emergency" occasioned by the fall of the American Federal Republic, which was an adjunct of the Confederation;

23. We, your Employers, do not condone or support and will not tolerate illegal mercenary conflicts on our shores or let such activities be promoted "in our names"; any Public Employee caught engaging in or promoting any such activity is to be immediately arrested and charged with treason;

24. We, your Employers, do not play games and tell lies and quibble with the meanings of words so as to create confusion and evade our obligations --- and we do not condone any such activity by our Employees. The adoption of such conventions of semantic deceit to create a literal Federal Code, including changing the meaning of the word "person" in Federal law to mean "corporation", and "natural person" to mean "corpse" and "State" to mean a political subunit of the District of Columbia and so on, is not in keeping with the traditions, standards, and requirements of your Employers who have declared common English to be the Official Language of our Government;

25. We, your Employers, abhor the abusive use of deceptive and special language conventions to prey upon the General Public, and we specifically object to the use of these foreign conventions and specialized legal terms in connection with us and our Government and the administration of any function of our Government, delegated or otherwise;

26. We, your Employers, expect our Employees to uphold rigorous standards of honesty, decency, respect, accountability, and loyalty to our American Government at all times and in all places. The American People deserve no less;

27. We, your Employers, are owed every jot of the Constitutional Guarantees published as prerequisite to the adoption and continuance of the constitutional contracts that allow our foreign employees to remain on this Continent and no foreign court may address us under any presumption that our Government is "absent" or that we are "lost at sea";

28. We, your Employers, are properly declared and recorded as American civilians who do not voluntarily accept or adopt Federal citizenship obligations. Our States of the Union, by roll call vote of our State Assemblies, have issued an International Peace Proclamation ending any presumption of war existing on our shores;

29. Our Employees are not enabled to continue any vestigial "civil war" or pretend that we are now or ever were part of that or any other mercenary conflict that they have promoted without explicit action by our Congress, which is the only Congress competent to declare war;

30. We, your Employers, hereby direct you to shut down and limit all "registries" and "registration" functions to apply only to actual British Territorial U.S. Citizens who are legitimate Employees or Dependents of that foreign government, and to cease and desist all activities latching onto Americans and copywriting their Given Names and Family Trademarks as property belonging to British Foreign Situs Trusts. All such activities and false claims are repugnant to The Constitution of the United States of America and all other Treaties and Service Agreements we have with the British Government and with Westminster;

31. We, your Employers, are not at war and have not been at war at any time since 1814; our Employees must release all American assets, especially all land and soil assets, that they have been claiming and holding under False Presumptions of custodial interest;

32. We, your Employers, have nothing but your best interests at heart and despite a checkered and ugly past, we hope that you all realize that your actual job is to protect your Employers and our property assets within the limitations of the respective Federal Constitutions---nothing more and nothing less;

33. We, your Employers, have never granted our Employees any authority to impersonate us so as to access our credit, nor have we allowed you to convert our Post Office into a Postal Service, nor have we allowed you to say anything about our health nor to misaddress us via your own foreign courts, and we have not knowingly, willingly, and with full disclosure ever agreed to enfranchise ourselves or our assets as collateral belonging to any foreign corporation, bankrupt or otherwise;

34. We, your Employers, have been the Source of virtually all goods and funds and benefits for you and yours and the other Principals that act as middlemen in the chain of command, and now we are telling you --explicitly-- to straighten up and quit all the monkey business if you want your contracts renewed.

Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America


See this article and over 3600 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com

25th May 2022, 10:34 PM
Wednesday, May 25, 2022
Public International Alert -- Order to Cease and Desist: 25 May 2022 (http://www.paulstramer.net/2022/05/public-international-alert-order-to.html)

By Anna Von Reitz

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/a/AVvXsEgeMvBicDx2qoqPbZ4v64PS_x2nVz1S2D1-2MV-HIe-tDiVjWVpMYQoSFfNLOhw5vKq88wIAlYAGcdIpETryf7QlYN4mT xBT4LpJZM995JwyezQmp94qwCygZTYjKEJd_LI3hVnuj4SBOXB 6Kn_lvYyHZOlDE_qPd_ZLdIYymatSdrN5TmYGIXQZBta=s1600 0 (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/a/AVvXsEgeMvBicDx2qoqPbZ4v64PS_x2nVz1S2D1-2MV-HIe-tDiVjWVpMYQoSFfNLOhw5vKq88wIAlYAGcdIpETryf7QlYN4mT xBT4LpJZM995JwyezQmp94qwCygZTYjKEJd_LI3hVnuj4SBOXB 6Kn_lvYyHZOlDE_qPd_ZLdIYymatSdrN5TmYGIXQZBta)
The Queen's Government, working in concert with the Lord Mayor of London (Inner City) and the British Crown Corporation, is actively engaged in a new illegal, unlawful, and immoral scheme to reward collaborators and conspirators who have sought to undermine the lawful American Government, defraud the American people, and wreak havoc on the rest of the world.

This is yet another attack in Breach of Trust and violation of commercial service contracts owed by these Principals to us, and it is undertaken under convenient False Presumptions of perpetual wars that do not in fact exist. Such illegal and undeclared mercenary war is merely being used as an excuse to evade performance of contractual duties and treaty obligations.

The Queen's Undeclared Agents are presently making the rounds in our country promoting the idea of a "Second Declaration of Independence" which would mean the loss of all we gained from The Declaration of Independence written by Thomas Jefferson.

These Undeclared Foreign Agents, who appear to be as American as apple pie, are teaching the ignorant and unwary members of the General Public that there exists in the present world a political status called "national of the United States" per 8 USC Chapter 12 of the Federal Code, when in fact, that political status is forever attached to our own inoperative American Federal Republic.

These Undeclared British Agents are trying for another Substitution Scheme.

This time they are trying to substitute Trump, the "President" of their British Crown Corporation doing business as "the" United States of America, Inc., for our American President holding The Office of The President of The United States of America.

And they are trying to gin up their own version of our Federal Republic -- a British Territorial "Federal" Republic, instead of an American Federal Republic.

This is treasonous as well as being dishonest and deceitful. It is utterly inappropriate for our British-based Subcontractors to "offer" to replace any part of our lawful American Government with a British substitute.

Our States of the Union are now in Session and preparing to address the long overdue Reconstruction. The resurrection of the only Federal Republic that has ever existed is in our hands, not theirs.

The entire so-called Operation Phoenix is a confidence racket scheme against the interests of this country and its people.

I will also note that the Queen's Government is now giving away tons of fiat USD in an effort to say that they have paid their debts and rewarded their loyal British Territorial U.S. Citizens by "paying" them paper I.O.U.'s based on their own credit, in "equitable exchange" for their land and soil, businesses, and other material asset interests.

Thus, the Queen's Government pays out paper based on the American's own credit in exchange for their substance (their land and soil, body, home, gold and silver, etc.) and devalues the fiat USD at the same time --- and all in purportedly "equitable consideration" for their assets. The assets these British henchmen obtain using this deceit are then cashiered in a Territorial National Trust, and America is transformed into a British Territory (aka, Colony) again.

These unlawful and illegal pretenses are unwelcome on our shores and should be universally recognized as crimes against us, against any moral world community, and against the Public Law which requires registration and identification of Foreign Agents.

To date, there has been no full disclosure made to the American people concerning their birthright political status and the consequences of adopting British Territorial U.S. Citizenship. There has equally been no disclosure concerning the bankruptcy of the United States, Inc., and the silliness of setting up "the" White House Office, Inc., with Joseph R. Biden acting as the Registered Agent.

Exactly what office attaches to the White House or any other house? And while we are at it, what flag can any of these scoundrels legitimately fly?

We loaned them the use of our Title IV flag during their exercise of delegated duties and as anyone can see, they have trespassed against us and against other nations of the world by engaging in mercenary wars and activities never authorized under their contracts, while also failing to perform their actual duties.

They've allowed their contract to lapse via repeated bankruptcies and unauthorized and unrecognized claims of succession, with the result that all delegated powers have returned by Operation of Law to the Federation of States that granted those delegations of power in the first place.

If the British Territorial citizenry are to have any role or standing going forward it must be in terms of being allowed to retrieve their State National political status and in flying the peace flag.

The craziness needs to stop, and with it, the insane promotion of perpetual war which has done nothing but enrich defense contractors and empower crooked politicians at the expense of the entire rest of this planet.

The ruse that the British-backed Territorial U.S. Government hit upon at the end of the so-called American Civil War --- to keep the "war" going in the jurisdiction of the sea and the air, even long after it was ended on the land --- has been copied again and again to the detriment of law, order, and decency.

We find that not only was the American Civil War purportedly never resolved (until 2020) but neither was the First World War, the Second World War, and the infamous Korean War / Conflict. All these wars were left in an active status at sea and in the air, which allowed the Perpetrators to continue to assess and collect "war reparations" even 160 years after the end of actual physical hostilities.

World War I ended in an Armistice and a singular Treaty of Versailles that encompassed peace on the land jurisdiction only. World War II was similarly denied any complete ending; although hostilities in fact ended in September of 1945. In this case, an impossible to satisfy United Nations accord stands in the way of peace -- an accord that requires all Parties to the Second World War to sign off on the peace treaties ending it, which is impossible because numerous Parties to the Second World War no longer exist as political entities.

Like the American Civil War, the Korean War was in fact the Korean Conflict -- an undeclared, unauthorized, and entirely dubious struggle that never actually ended with any trilateral peace treaties on air, land, and sea.

This is our Order to Cease and Desist all pretensions of war related to these and any other prior wars and conflicts, and also our Order to Cease and Desist all British-affiliated attempts to press-gang and buy off Americans adopting U.S. Citizen political status without the benefit of full disclosure.

All British-affiliated and Papist-affiliated and UN CORPORATION -affiliated Foreign Agents are directed to immediately Cease and Desist all presumptions of war and to comply with the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA).

For all practical and administrative purposes:

The American Civil War has been officially and permanently ended as of the first of August 2021: https://annavonreitz.com/ipp8121.jpg

The First World War, also abbreviated as WWI, ended on November the Eleventh 1918; any Party having cause to claim otherwise has thirty days to object to our Office of Reconciliation or forever hold their peace.

The Second World War, also abbreviated as WWII, ended on the second of September 1945; any Party having cause to claim otherwise has thirty (30) days to object to our Office of Reconciliation or forever hold their peace.

The Korean War / Conflict ended on the 27th of July 1953; any Party having cause to claim otherwise has thirty (30) days to object to our Office of Reconciliation or forever hold their peace.

The Vietnam War / Conflict ended on the 27th of January 1973; any Party having cause to claim otherwise has thirty (30) days to object to our Office of Reconciliation or forever hold their peace.

The War on Iraq, variously named the Gulf War, Desert Shield, Desert Storm, etc. began the 19th of March in 2003 and was formally ended December the 15th in 2011; any Party having cause to claim otherwise has thirty (30) days to object to our Office of Reconciliation for forever hold their peace.

Anyone having any cause to object to the end of these or any other mercenary conflicts or actual declared wars is hereby given Notice that they have thirty (30) days to object to us closing the books and declaring a final, official, and permanent end to these wars and conflicts.

Otherwise, on the 25th of June in the year 2022, an automatic and unassailable Lawful and Legal Assumption of Peace will be established precluding and prohibiting any continuance of hostilities in any jurisdiction related to these wars and conflicts; all expenses and charges related to any war reparations or ongoing costs or claims must cease as of that date.

All settlements must be in kind. Physical assets must be paid for with physical gold and silver or the certificated equivalent.

Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals. Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents.

By: James Clinton Belcher, Head of State
The United States of America

By: Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America

Office of Reconciliation
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652


See this article and over 3600 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com (http://www.annavonreitz.com/)

26th May 2022, 01:14 AM
"who appear to be as American as apple pie"

https://www.southernliving.com/food/desserts/pies/history-apple-pie#:~:text=According%20to%20Food52%2C%20apple%20p ie,set%20foot%20on%20Plymouth%20Rock.

apple pie first originated in England, where it arose out of culinary influences from France, the Netherlands, and the Ottoman Empire as early as 1390—centuries before the Pilgrims set foot on Plymouth Rock

It appears that Apple Pie needs to register under the Foreign Agent Registration Act.