View Full Version : Garden 2021

16th March 2021, 08:47 AM
Anyone started? I will have seedlings out in a week. Onions arrive in a fortnight.

16th March 2021, 08:53 AM
Not yet. Thinking about getting a greenhouse. Need to make more raised beds; lots of work.

16th March 2021, 09:14 AM
Not yet. Thinking about getting a greenhouse. Need to make more raised beds; lots of work.

Depending on your tastes, this is one idea for budget and height. Especially if you can get them free. Might need a trip to the car wash.


Wood and steel are obscenely too high unless you can get it for free.

16th March 2021, 09:48 AM
I am going to start tomatoes and peppers this week. It is still too cold to plant anything outdoors yet. I'll plant peas and lettuce in a couple of weeks

16th March 2021, 10:39 AM
I will start peppers in a week or so. Maters a week after that. I don't like to plant nightshades before mothers day.

16th March 2021, 10:43 AM
I will recommend Boogie Brew. https://www.boogiebrew.net/

I think it is good stuff. Been using it for 5+ years. Stuff is still good after that time. Just ordered another batch and got it in 4 days. It does take effort and a bit of equipment, but the plants love it.

31st March 2021, 12:54 PM
Hope to plant the remainder of my broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage in a few days.

Calling sub 25 next few nights. No need rushing it.

Peas just started pushing out. Not bad for 10 year old seed.

48 peppers and 16 more basil started. Using some saved pepper seed.

Start tomatoes after new moon.