View Full Version : Haven (XHV)

26th April 2021, 08:31 PM
There's a privacy stablecoin tied to the privacy coin Haven (XHV) you all may want to look into, but I still need to do more research on it. Haven even has a privacy stablecoins for both Gold (xAu) and Silver (xAg). It works by burning/minting new Haven coins for the spot price of the metal. The actual XHV coin is speculative, meaning the value goes up and down, and it is what is used to maintain stability of it's stablecoins.

This technology has already been used with another coin called Reserve:
Speculative Coin: https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/reserve-rights-token
Stablecoin: https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/reserve

This needs more research so I recommend you guys look into it too. I don't trust this system yet, but it will be pretty amazing it it does as it says for the long term. Private stablecoins are a game changer.

Haven is working on a Debit card for xUSD (it's stablecoin). I don't know how long this will last but it's currently under the radar of the IRS. This would be a realistic way to cash out and never have to pay taxes, but I doubt the government will stand for it once they catch wind of it.

Reporting capital gains taxes on stablecoin to stablecoin is basically 0 taxes.

I don't own any Haven currently but researching it.

2nd May 2021, 10:57 AM
I’m pretty interested in this. It would be perfect to swing into at the top of the bull market.

2nd May 2021, 11:11 AM
I'm likely going to just stick to Dai.

It's the only stablecoin I really trust right now that can't be frozen by the government like Tether and USDC can.

22nd September 2021, 10:32 PM
Interview with one of the Haven devs.


I still haven't invested in Haven for the record but I'm watching the project still.

7th November 2021, 04:14 PM
Haven 2.0 is releasing on November 15th.

That interior above is really interesting. they are working on creating various assets, for example things that track gold, silver, euro, etc. to get any of those, you have to first acquire then burn XHV.

So of they’re successful, XHV could be extremely undervalued.

14th November 2021, 07:19 PM
I’m probably going to buy a bunch of XHV very soon.

17th November 2021, 09:39 PM
The vaults unlock in a few hours, and people who’ve been locked into their assets may start selling. My understanding is that this could push the price of XHV down. Might be a good buying opportunity.

27th January 2022, 10:31 PM
I’m probably going to buy a bunch of XHV very soon.

Haven is down 90% since the above post.

I never ended up buying. Now might be a good time though.

Always keep in mind that haven price action includes minting and burning xhv to go in and out of stable coins. So one reason the price could be down so much is that people are exiting xUSD and hence minting XHV. If that’s true, then there could also be wild swings to the upside or the reverse happens and people go into xUSD and hence burn XHV.

31st March 2022, 08:10 AM
Haven is down 90% since the above post.

I never ended up buying. Now might be a good time though.

Always keep in mind that haven price action includes minting and burning xhv to go in and out of stable coins. So one reason the price could be down so much is that people are exiting xUSD and hence minting XHV. If that’s true, then there could also be wild swings to the upside or the reverse happens and people go into xUSD and hence burn XHV.

Haven is up 6x this month. Cake Wallet is adopting it and it's getting integrated with THORChain.
I sadly still don't own it as I've been DCAing into Dero. Dero is basically is like a privacy version of Ethereum.

2nd April 2022, 04:38 PM
Haven is up 6x this month. Cake Wallet is adopting it and it's getting integrated with THORChain.
I sadly still don't own it as I've been DCAing into Dero. Dero is basically is like a privacy version of Ethereum.

Unfortunately I haven’t bought yet either, but it should come down from these levels.

3rd April 2022, 06:08 AM
"Haven is up 6x this month"

Icarus ignores Daedalus's instructions not to fly too close to the sun, causing the wax in his wings to melt. He tumbles out of the sky, falls into the sea, and drowns. The myth gave rise to the idiom "don't fly too close to the sun".

28th May 2022, 02:57 PM
It seems like this project is dead.

Luna proved that the idea behind Haven is not feasible.

31st May 2022, 06:48 PM
It seems like this project is dead.

Luna proved that the idea behind Haven is not feasible.

Yeah Haven has pretty much collapsed with UST/LUNA.
I'm glad I never invested in it, but I'm a major proponent of Dero now on Twitter. I'm also a miner.

Monero has also held up better than almost any cryptocurrency too, and it's getting more and more adoption daily.

This Bear market we're in is absolutely brutal, and will continue to get worse. I'm very heavy cash right now. I have more cash now than my entire net worth 2 years ago. Everything is risk off right now.
We're in an environment with high inflation where there's a supply chain break down (intentionally), so it's essentially stagflation. In other words you're screwed no matter what you do unless you're investing in commodity futures like crude oil, corn, or something like that. There will be a collapse in real estate within the coming 6 months likely.

I actually am so Bearish I think Gold/Silver are going to continue crashing. I originally thought they'd survive this market, but they will get hit badly too. The only thing holding any value is the US Dollar and the Russian Ruble, which is absolutely insane. I'd never thought things would play out this way.

1st June 2022, 01:46 AM
"There will be a collapse in real estate within the coming 6 months likely"
Estate...Meaning "collective assets of a dead person or debtor" is from 1830.

Real...as opposite of IMAGINARY

REAL ESTATE is neither real nor estate. Instead the concept is a construction of the mind.

When I mention ILLINOIS your mind likely considers that to be the outline of a land mass generally west of Lake Michigan and east of the Mississippi River. While this might describe the territory ILLINOIS claims it is not ILLINOIS. ILLINOIS is the officers appointed to oversee the affairs of the capital city. It is a municipal corporation and NOBODY LIVES THERE!!

1st June 2022, 12:39 PM
Yeah Haven has pretty much collapsed with UST/LUNA.
I'm glad I never invested in it, but I'm a major proponent of Dero now on Twitter. I'm also a miner.

Monero has also held up better than almost any cryptocurrency too, and it's getting more and more adoption daily.

This Bear market we're in is absolutely brutal, and will continue to get worse. I'm very heavy cash right now. I have more cash now than my entire net worth 2 years ago. Everything is risk off right now.
We're in an environment with high inflation where there's a supply chain break down (intentionally), so it's essentially stagflation. In other words you're screwed no matter what you do unless you're investing in commodity futures like crude oil, corn, or something like that. There will be a collapse in real estate within the coming 6 months likely.

I actually am so Bearish I think Gold/Silver are going to continue crashing. I originally thought they'd survive this market, but they will get hit badly too. The only thing holding any value is the US Dollar and the Russian Ruble, which is absolutely insane. I'd never thought things would play out this way.

Good analysis. I am still in crypto nearly completely right now. But I agree that things are looking really bad.

It’s a bipolar scenario between a collapse and hyperinflation.

I think we are going to have a blow off top in equities and crypto then a massive crash. Right now everyone is hedged against a downturn. Plenty of people are in cash. For a real crash to happen, people have to think the bull market is back on and everyone needs to go max long.

Then we will go strait up, break all time highs, and keep going. Once everyone is max long and borrowing starts increasing, at some point the debt market will crack. When the 10 year yield on debt starts rapidly increasing, then it’s over. 80% crash in the stock market, 95% crash in crypto, huge crash in metals. Commodities will crash as well.

At that point, go into metals, crypto, and commodities.

Look up Dave Hunter and Henrik Zeberg.

The problem with the bearish thesis right now is that nothing has actually happened. The fed raised a fed funds rate, which no one even uses, by 0.5%. Literally nothing. We have 8% inflation. All of the financial tightening has been done by the debt market on its own in anticipation of the fed.

The big thing that the fed will actually do is QT where they start reducing their balance sheet. They are going to start selling $46 billion per month, then increase from there. Starting this or next month.

But what happens if something breaks (big bank, hedge fund, etc) and they are unable to continue with QT? If that happens the fed loses credibility. Everyone knows they have lost control and go max long overnight. Their 0.5% fed funds rate or 0.75% or whatever they will do will mean nothing. So that’s what could trigger the blow off top. Only when the debt market jumps on board and rates start going up does the crash occur.

That’s my hopium at least, I have been converting some of my stock to crypto recently.

If all that doesn’t materialize, I am at least expecting a bear market rally. My timeframe for the blow off top or bear market rally is this summer, crash in fall.

Good for you that you got out early and haven’t suffered large drawdowns.