View Full Version : Vaccination Extermination
6th May 2021, 12:16 PM
Jeopardy contestant...
6th May 2021, 12:22 PM
The Karen Remover
6th May 2021, 12:25 PM
6th May 2021, 12:27 PM
6th May 2021, 12:29 PM
6th May 2021, 12:52 PM
9th May 2021, 06:32 PM
Ben Shapiro's sister
9th May 2021, 07:01 PM
New VR game helps kids get sterilized with ease.
13th May 2021, 09:05 AM
15th May 2021, 09:32 AM
He got turned into a robot!
15th May 2021, 09:36 AM
Soy Boy Becomes Soylent Green
Spun Gold
15th May 2021, 08:14 PM
this thread made my day
resist the cabal
midnight rambler
15th May 2021, 08:40 PM
Do you have a donut or not??!?!!
23rd May 2021, 12:48 AM
23rd May 2021, 09:40 AM
Young Model Stephanie Dubois In Coma After Astra Zeneca Vaccine
She has died.
25th May 2021, 12:44 PM
That means it's working!
25th May 2021, 04:46 PM
That means it's working!
Yeah, and they also say "that means it's working" when anyone talks about the severe side effects. Unfortunately, the sheep seem to be buying it.
25th May 2021, 05:56 PM
I have talked to a few people who have had the shots and none of them have had any problems. I just figure they are a ticking time bomb.
25th May 2021, 07:49 PM
I have talked to a few people who have had the shots and none of them have had any problems. I just figure they are a ticking time bomb.
Yeah, and I also wonder if some are getting a placebo, since it's still an experiment (I've definitely heard both Dr. Carrie Madej and Dr. Simone Gold say people who get the shots are participating in an experiment, and at least Dr. Carrie once mentioned the possibility of some getting a placebo). Also, my elderly mother says her elderly friend and husband both got the shots and had no problems. Also, Dr. Yeadon mentioned that they may have a timing mechanism with the shots, such that adverse events/death kick in a bit later, to give them plausible deniability.
Also, looks like we're on our way to Children of Men ( territory:
From Cassandra Casey, who forwarded this urgent email from a geneticist who runs a fertility clinic:
Hello Everyone,
I am writing because I am part of a physician and healthcare worker group, the Health Independence Alliance (, working to stop the unprecedented push on this shot into our germline population despite the lack of longitudinal data.
We need help. We need all hands on deck. Regardless of if you’re in healthcare (all you counselors), or if you’re one of my fellow activists, we could use help. Regarding if this is causing fertility issues, I can— from the front lines of my fertility clinic—tell you our last staff meeting was about, “Why do we have so many miscarriages?”
We’ve had “unexpected” IVF results as well, having all embryos arrest despite the patient being young and in otherwise good health, but it’s difficult to pinpoint them recently getting the shot as the problem, as we often lack longitudinal data in fertility clinics (IVF is expensive, so not many people do multiple rounds of it). There is a very concerning case out of Texas, however, with an egg donor where we do have the longitudinal data. She’s done four consecutive rounds of egg donation and then got the shots. Despite good fertility two, four and six months ago, this round saw all the embryos arrest; most of them at the point the cells for the placenta should have started to form. This exact concern has been brought forward by many (silenced) researchers—that the spike protein antibodies have many homologs in the body, including a protein in the placenta.
Putting this shot into our young, germline population that is meant to carry humanity forward, when it is new tech never before used, and for which we lack longitudinal data, is unfathomable to me given the very low risk of this illness to the young. From the other data I have seen, fertility issues will be the least of our concerns with this shot moving forward.
If you have had similar misgivings and are looking for a place to get involved to make a difference, we would love to have you join us.
26th May 2021, 12:21 AM
We are living through the literal separating of the wheat from the chaff.
Those who accept the injection have severed their ability to connect with God. Once his creation has been altered (genetically) by man it ceases to be of his image and becomes foreign.
My heart sinks when I ponder how many have fallen from grace. I fear that they have rendered themselves beyond His redemption. The one unforgivable sin is to mock the Lord. To corrupt one's very core and essence - I can think of no greater offense to the Creator.
26th May 2021, 05:46 AM
We are living through the literal separating of the wheat from the chaff.
Those who accept the injection have severed their ability to connect with God. Once his creation has been altered (genetically) by man it ceases to be of his image and becomes foreign.
My heart sinks when I ponder how many have fallen from grace. I fear that they have rendered themselves beyond His redemption. The one unforgivable sin is to mock the Lord. To corrupt one's very core and essence - I can think of no greater offense to the Creator.
The most common reason I'm seeing from people on why they took the 'jab', is to have freedom to go out and to travel. It never ceases to amaze me and saddens me to hear people so willing to poison their body to avoid any hassle. Most of them don't know anyone that has died, or were critically ill from the covid.
I have really lost faith in people. Maybe it's just time for our civilization to fall.
26th May 2021, 10:16 AM
The most common reason I'm seeing from people on why they took the 'jab', is to have freedom to go out and to travel. It never ceases to amaze me and saddens me to hear people so willing to poison their body to avoid any hassle. Most of them don't know anyone that has died, or were critically ill from the covid.
I have really lost faith in people. Maybe it's just time for our civilization to fall.
Yeah, I've just accepted the fact that my traveling days are over.
My elderly mother just told me that she went to get her haircut and the woman who always cuts her hair got the shot. Apparently, she and the rest of her family all got the injection so they could go to Disney World!!! OMG! can't believe it, poison your body get your kids sterilized, get your entire family on their way to becoming cyborgs for freaking Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse!!!
And this after I sent her (the haircut lady) my flier and all of my info on how this is a psyop to bring in the Great Reset. Just proves you can't wake some people up! Unfreaking believable-- you can literally spell it all out for them and they are going to go with the fake media. Oh, and apparently, the haircut lady believes in Covid b/c her mother had it, so again, she didnt' read any of my info on the bogus PCR test.
This is why I have to get out of this state by the end of next year---people in this blue state are too brainwashed and gullible.
26th May 2021, 11:11 AM
Yeah, I've just accepted the fact that my traveling days are over.
My elderly mother just told me that she went to get her haircut and the woman who always cuts her hair got the shot. Apparently, she and the rest of her family all got the injection so they could go to Disney World!!! OMG! can't believe it, poison your body get your kids sterilized, get your entire family on their way to becoming cyborgs for freaking Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse!!!
And this after I sent her (the haircut lady) my flier and all of my info on how this is a psyop to bring in the Great Reset. Just proves you can't wake some people up! Unfreaking believable-- you can literally spell it all out for them and they are going to go with the fake media. Oh, and apparently, the haircut lady believes in Covid b/c her mother had it, so again, she didnt' read any of my info on the bogus PCR test.
This is why I have to get out of this state by the end of next year---people in this blue state are too brainwashed and gullible.
Pretty sad, isn't it.
Just ask them what else would they do for their freedom.
26th May 2021, 02:18 PM
I have really lost faith in people. Maybe it's just time for our civilization to fall.
Humans have been propagandized since they were born. Few can withstand it all. Every one of us still has some sort of programming after realizing we were under this spell. It's a constant battle to keep your sanity. That's why most "conspiracy theorists" come off as insane to the public, since many people break down mentally when they realize what a messed up world we have.
26th May 2021, 02:26 PM
And this after I sent her (the haircut lady) my flier and all of my info on how this is a psyop to bring in the Great Reset. Just proves you can't wake some people up! Unfreaking believable-- you can literally spell it all out for them and they are going to go with the fake media. Oh, and apparently, the haircut lady believes in Covid b/c her mother had it, so again, she didnt' read any of my info on the bogus PCR test. 2c59832587753c_1.jpg
Just a tip try not to make things appear like they come directly from you. It could come back to bite you.
Most humans "wake up" to things when approximately 7 people they know or trust mention it, minimum. You may notice something you told a family member or friend an inconvenient truth and they blew it off, but once they heard it from a few of their other friends THEN they accept the new idea, usually forgetting that you were the one who initially told them.
Most propaganda has to be told to people constantly for it to get ingrained into people.
Humans have been bred to be herd animals and few are capable of independent thought. Historically humans they didn't follow the tribe and survived out in the wilderness died off, so were removed from the gene pool
Humanity is very easy to program and control if you have enough money and power. A lot of the Covid restrictions is mostly sadistic pleasures. Like the controllers are laughing at people wearing multiple masks. They keep making up more humiliating acts since they find it hilarious killing people and making them look stupid at the same time.
Thank goodness I have aspergers.
30th May 2021, 06:01 AM
30th May 2021, 06:54 AM
30th May 2021, 07:53 AM
World renowned doctor blows the lid off the vaccine
MUST WATCH: Dr. Peter McCullough discusses the dangers of the novel COVID vaccine and it's roll out. This is a product that had minimal testing but is being pushed on the masses. Must we all get the shot for things to "go back to normal"? Are you going to get the shot?
*Fleccas is not giving any medical advice here ;-)
Dr. Peter McCullough has been the world's most prominent and vocal advocate for early outpatient treatment of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Infection in order to prevent hospitalization and death. On May 19, 2021, he was interviewed regarding his efforts as a treating physician and researcher. From his unique vantage point, he has observed and documented a PROFOUNDLY DISTURBING POLICY RESPONSE to the pandemic -- a policy response that may prove to be the greatest malpractice and malfeasance in the history of medicine and public health.
Dr. McCullough is an internist, cardiologist, epidemiologist, and Professor of Medicine at Texas A & M College of Medicine, Dallas, TX USA. Since the outset of the pandemic, Dr. McCullough has been a leader in the medical response to the COVID-19 disaster and has published “Pathophysiological Basis and Rationale for Early Outpatient Treatment of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Infection” the first synthesis of sequenced multidrug treatment of ambulatory patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 in the American Journal of Medicine and subsequently updated in Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine. He has 40 peer-reviewed publications on the infection and has commented extensively on the medical response to the COVID-19 crisis in TheHill and on FOX NEWS Channel. On November 19, 2020, Dr. McCullough testified in the US Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs and throughout 2021 in the Texas Senate Committee on Health and Human Services, Colorado General Assembly, and New Hampshire Senate concerning many aspects of the pandemic response.
Professor of Medicine, Texas A & M College of Medicine
Board Certified Internist and Cardiologist
President Cardiorenal Society of America
Editor-in-Chief, Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine
Editor-in-Chief, Cardiorenal Medicine
Senior Associate Editor, American Journal of Cardiology
For more information about Dr. McCullough, please visit:
2nd June 2021, 03:27 PM
Looks like they are getting desperate to get more sheep injected with the bioweapon
Bribes so far:
Ohio- offering $1 million lottery for vaxxed, even has catchy website,
CA- offering $1.5 million lottery
And now WVA offering trucks and guns
2nd June 2021, 04:58 PM
West Virginia: Guns and Trucks for Bioweapon
They're so desperate they're bringing Trump back to Facebook/Instagram so he can promote getting the vaccine. Kinda sucks when only the compliant Commies are killing themselves.
4th June 2021, 11:01 AM
Looks like they are getting desperate to get more sheep injected with the bioweapon
Bribes so far:
Ohio- offering $1 million lottery for vaxxed, even has catchy website,
CA- offering $1.5 million lottery
And now WVA offering trucks and guns
Looks like CA is giving away much more in their vaccine lottery than indicated above:
Imagine a virus so deadly, the government needs to attract the population with prizes and financial benefits to increase the willingness to vaccinate.
California to Give $116.5 Million in Prizes for Vaccinations
7th June 2021, 03:00 AM
When something is free, you're the product.
7th June 2021, 04:20 PM
Pretty credible evidence that the kill shot may be the mark of the beast spoken of by John in the book of Revelation. Well worth watching. In fact, it may be the most important video that you ever watch.
8th June 2021, 03:48 PM
“Vaccine” impacts update // New documentary on Gov. de Santis (
This update is from last week. Go to to keep track of their efforts to keep track (not an easy task, I’m here to tell you).
From Kathy Dopp:
Vaccine Safety Update ( 23 May 2021. (
News Round-up
The U.S. CDC is investigating several dozen reports of heart inflammation in teenagers and young adults after receipt of the Covid mRNA vaccines, reports the New York Times (
According to the India Times (, heart attacks and strokes are the leading causes of death among vaccine recipients
A study in the journal Cureus ( claims there’s a link between receipt of a COVID-19 vaccine and the onset of Type 2 Diabetes
America’s Frontline Doctors ( has done a cost/benefit analysis of the Pfizer vaccine
The Royal College of Emergency Medicine, The Society of Acute Medicine and Royal College of Physicians ( have released guidance on treating blood clots caused by the AstraZeneca vaccine
According to articles in the BMJ ( and the Telegraph (, there are still concerns about giving the Covid vaccines to Children. The AstraZeneca trial ( involving children and teens has been suspended following fears of blood clots. HART has petitioned Parliament ( not to give Covid vaccines to children until Phase 3 Trials are complete
In the U.S., the FDA has given approval ( for children to receive the Pfizer vaccination following recommendations from the CDC ACIP Committee (
An article in the Journal of Experimental and Clinical Transplantation ( addresses key concerns about COVID-19 vaccines (pre-print)
Three people have died in Scotland from what are believed to be side effects of the vaccines, as reported by the BBC ( and Telegraph (
The BMJ ( and the UN ( both published advice about how to counteract “vaccine hesitancy”, acknowledging that “when you look at hesitancy and parental vaccine hesitancy in the U.S., the group who is most likely to purposefully choose to not vaccinate are highly educated. In speaking with them, these are people who have read the primary literature themselves, and they’re correctly interpreting it, so it’s not a misunderstanding.” (p.26 of the UN Guide to Covid Vaccine Communications)
EudraVigilance ( – the equivalent of the Yellow Card reporting system in the EU – has logged reports claiming 10,570 people have died and 405,259 have suffered injuries following receipt of the vaccine in the EU up to May 8th
VAERS (– the American version of the Yellow Card reporting system – has logged reports claiming 5,888 have died from vaccine side effects in the U.S. since 1990, of which 4,196 (71%) are linked to Covid vaccines administered in the last five months
Great documentary. See why Florida had the least number of COVID deaths by age groups in the US.
[Exclusive Documentary] DeSantis: Florida vs. Lockdowns ( May 31, 2021. What compelled Governor Ron DeSantis to re-open his state months before other governors? How did he balance saving lives from the virus and preserving constitutional liberties? And what does he believe is truly at stake?
15th June 2021, 04:03 PM (
Inside source that can confirm over 25,800 deaths from the vaccine. I'll be making a video soon showing how you too can extract this information from government databases. This will be a huge embarrassment for the Biden admin, CDC, FDA, and NIH. Info has been in plain sight.
To see the proof and 4 independent ways to get the data, see vaccine victims group on ( I posted to YT but they removed it. One hour video. If you think I made an error, tell me the correct number and what mistake I made.
So, I joined that locals group so I could find the video:
Also, I'm pretty sure it was Dr. Peter McCollough, who in a video I recently watched said there was a guy named Steve Kirsch who was offering $1,000,000 to anyone who could demonstrate that the govt or Fauci did anything right during this "pandemic." So, I'm thinking this is the same guy.
We have 1,100 members!!
Thanks for joining! I am not going to rest until the vaccine is stopped and Fauci has resigned.
Twitter is throttling my followers, YouTube censored my Truth About the Vaccines video within an hour of posting it. Locals is the way to coordinate our response.
We now know from 4 different ways that over 25,000 Americans have been killed by the vaccines. I have a whisteblower inside HHS helping me collect data.
The CDC is focused 100% on getting more people vaccinated. Few resources tracking adverse events.
Brian Tyson says vaccine victims now outnumber COVID patients 10:1 in his clinic!!
Now we need to 10X our size. And do that a few more times.
If each of you posts to your twitter or facebook account urging people to join this group, we can increase our mass exponentially. Then we can put pressure on the system.
Two requests:
1. Please ask your friends to join the fight by joining:
2. If you can help get me mass exposure, please facilitate an intro. You can message me here.
Here's why this is important. This is a draft video I did to show how we get the death numbers of 25,000 dead. I will redo it to be less emotional and more "matter of fact".
20th June 2021, 08:11 AM
( Americian Jewish Congress: Marjorie Taylor Greene, Your Apology is NOT Accepted! (
June 15, 2021
The American Jewish Congress strongly rejects Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor-Greene’s (R-GA) June 14 “apology” for equating COVID mask-wearing with the forced-wearing of the Star of David during the Holocaust. In response to her persistent abuses of the memory of the Holocaust, we have launched a social media campaign – #NotAProp – featuring Holocaust survivors who provide searing testimony about their experiences and their reaction to actions that demean the Holocaust...
“Greene should find a different career. Her values don’t align with what we expect out of our Congresspeople,” said American Jewish Congress President Jack Rosen. “There should be no place in American political dialogue for equating the extermination of six million Jews with life-saving medical intervention...
Rep. Greene’s retraction comes three weeks after comparing COVID-19 restrictions to the Nazis anti-Jewish restrictions, particularly the requirement for Jews to wear a yellow star. In the meantime, she doubled down and compared the Democratic Party to the Nazi Party, and even yesterday she refused to back down from those comments.
Forcing the Jews under Nazi control to wear the Yellow Star of David was the first step of dehumanizing them on their way to the extermination camps.
I know, it happened to me. It took me from wearing the Yellow Star, to a Nazi slave labor camp in Hungary. I escaped from there. This is why I am able to bear witness today." -Frank Shatz, holocaust survivor
20th June 2021, 08:39 AM
( Americian Jewish Congress: Marjorie Taylor Greene, Your Apology is NOT Accepted! (
Every one alive today is a Holocaust Survivor. Think about it. Some Jewish doctor cut my foreskin off; I want it back. What ever happened to informed consent?
20th June 2021, 09:13 PM
21st June 2021, 10:25 AM
OMG!!! That's INSANE!!! So, her 13 y.o nephew dies post bioweapon injection, but she still recommends people to get their kids injected?!?!?!? These people are truly insane. I don't know any other word for this. It's sick!!!
29th June 2021, 09:50 PM
30th June 2021, 05:40 PM
Dr Vernon Coleman
UPDATED - How Many People Are the Vaccines Killing?
Important note:
There have been reports in the press that the AstraZeneca vaccine is causing blood clots. This is true but so do ALL of the experimental vaccines being given allegedly to prevent covid-19. There have been many deaths, with more than 1,000 in the UK alone, and a vast number of adverse events. It is important to remember that these experimental vaccines which are being given to healthy people do not prevent covid-19 or stop it being passed on, and the risk of a young, healthy adult dying of covid-19 is extremely small.
13-year-old child dies within three days of his vaccine with heart inflammation (video - (
Latest CDC VAERS data for 12 to 17-year-olds include 7 deaths, 271 serious adverse events following covid vaccines (article - (
MHRA data shows a 3016% increase in number of women who've lost their unborn child as a result of having the covid vaccine
(article - (
Stephanie Wasil, 51, dies of cardiac arrest from the Moderna vaccine (video - (
Family of Italian woman who died after Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine launches legal action (article - (
Vietnamese woman dies after receiving AstraZeneca shot (article - Chiang Rai Times (
Greek woman dies following AstraZeneca vaccine blood clot (article - (
Parents speak out after their son died from taking the J&J covid vaccine (video - bitchute (
'Fun loving' mum 34 dies days after having AstraZeneca vaccine as heartbroken husband pays tribute (article - (
Ahmed developed myocarditis after covid vaccine (video - bitchute (
CDC emergency meeting to discuss reports of myocarditis in young people after covid vaccines (article - (
USA MSM Talk Toxic Covid vaccines (video - (
10,570 dead, 405,259 injuries: European database of adverse drug reactions for covid-19 "vaccines" (article - (
Latest VAERS data show: 5,165 deaths reported following covid vaccines (article - (
Nun prayed for 50 jab deaths "protect the children" (video - (
Politician Marty's mum died from the vax: Dr said it was like being strangled (video - (
More Bell's Palsy after vaccine (video - (
Mum claims second dose of covid vaccine left her mute (article - (
Young woman suffering serious heart problems after Moderna jab (video - (
Bad reaction to J&J jab lady speaks from hospital bed (video - (
J&J reaction to jab (video - (
42 days of hell after 2nd Pfizer Jab (video - (
Dr Michael Yeadon: the vaccine is fifty times more likely to cause death in children than covid (video - (
Yet another teenager hospitalised with heart inflammation after covid vaccine (video - (
Woman with permanent injuries following Johnson & Johnson experimental vaccine stuck with one million dollars in medical bills (video - (
Twelve died last week after covid vaccination, four suffered miscarriages (article (,-four-suffered-miscarriages))
7 U.S. Teens Developed Heart Inflammation After Second Pfizer Vaccine, New Study Shows (article - (
Compilation of injuries and deaths after the covid vaccine (video - (
920 women have reported the loss of their unborn baby after having the covid vaccine. (article - (
40+ Doctors Tell UK Drug Regulators: Vaccinating Kids for COVID is 'Irresponsible, Unethical and Unnecessary ('
Covid vaccine victims ( - Telegram
Brother had to take covid shot for job now in hospital (video - (
More Deaths Reported After J&J, AstraZeneca Vaccines, Plus Researchers Link AstraZeneca to Strokes in Young Adults (article - (
BBC Radio Newcastle presenter Lisa Shaw died aged 44 after suffering blood clots following covid AstraZeneca jab, her family reveal (article (
18-year-old diagnosed with inflamed heart after second jab (video - (
18 children in hospital just in Connecticut suffering heart problems after 'vaccine' (video - (
Urgent warning - teens experiencing heart problems after jab - Dr Jane Ruby (video - (
39-year-old model, Malaysian Olympic archer dies days after covid vaccine (article - (
Blood clots from AstraZeneca vaccine - 18-year-old student nurse (video - (
Oregon woman reports blood clot after Johnson & Johnson shot (video - (
Father/son hospitalized with blood clots after taking the vaccine - another dies after the shot (video - (
Canadian woman dies after the AstraZeneca jab (video - (
Vaccine side effects - news stories compilation (video - (
French ambulance man and nurses alert massive increase in deaths following the shot (video - (
MMA fighter who got sick after Pfizer injection speaks out (video - (
Funeral homes deaths: 2020 no increase in deaths, 2021 increase in deaths after "vaccine" roll out (video - (
Doctors urged to watch out for signs of stroke following covid vaccination (article - Hereford Times (
Covid-19 injections killing and injuring people across the world (article - (
Dr Richard P. Bartlett of Texas - says more patients from injection events than covid (video - (
Eric Clapton feared he would 'never play again' after 'disastrous' time with vaccine (article - (
NHS GP receptionist: Shocking reality of covid jabs ( (audio)
Man had 6ft of intestine removed ( after blood clot developed from taking the covid jab (video)
Warning! If you are injured by this injection you are on your own ( (video)
A good man down ( the fatal reality of vaccine adverse reactions. UK Column reports yet another tragic death following covid-19 vaccination (video)
'Vaccine' destroys antibodies ( in plasma (video)
Covid vaccine testing on animals stopped due to high death rates ( (video)
Severe adverse reactions in children ( who took the covid-19 vaccine (video)
Bombshell: Connecticut Govt. secretly tells health care workers covid vaccines are deadly ( (video)
Reaction to Pfizer 'vaccine' ( (video)
5-month-old baby among dead ( after mother breast-fed following second Pfizer shot (video)
Brazil suspends AstraZeneca use in pregnant women, 23 weeks pregnant mother dies ( (video)
Healthy teenager hospitalised ( with brain blood clots after the 1st Pfizer vaccine (video)
Paramedic whistleblower ( 'I am watching vaccines killing people'
Emotional video showing covid vaccine injuries and deaths ( (video)
25 personal testimonies ( of severe adverse reactions & death from the experimental covid injections (video)
30th June 2021, 05:41 PM
Australia confirms five new cases of blood clots ( from the AstraZeneca vaccine in over 50s
Stamford man vows to battle back ( after losing his leg weeks after receiving AstraZeneca covid-19 vaccination
180 deaths after covid-19 jabs ( till March 31, 75% within 3 days
"Never has a vaccine injured so many" (The Israeli people's committee report of adverse events related to the corona vaccine (
Utah man developed blood clots ( from the covid vaccine (video)
16-year-old girl dead ( following two doses of the experimental Pfizer covid injections
Woman in her 40s develops blood clot disorder ( after covid vaccine (video)
Australian man dies of a massive blood clot ( days after receiving covid-19 vaccine
More blood clots ( (yet more people developing blood clots after being vaccinated, which the MSM are describing as rare.) - video
52-year-old woman died ( after the AstraZeneca vaccine (video)
Courageous woman speaks out ( about her adverse reaction to the covid vaccine (video)
Three covid vaccine ( victims tell their stories (video)
Euro Data 7,766 dead and 330,218 injured ( in reaction to covid-19 jabs
1,047 dead and 725,079 reported injuries ( following covid-19 experimental vaccine reported in the UK
Pentagon tracking 14 cases of heart inflammation in troops ( after covid-19 shots
Six people with autoimmune conditions ( in Israel developed shingles after getting Pfizer shots
Shocking adverse reactions ( from the covid vaccine (video)
Paris prosecutors seek involuntary manslaughter charges ( over AstraZeneca deaths
Paralysis cases reported ( after Pfizer injection
Breast-fed baby passes away ( after mother had the Pfizer covid vaccine
Two teenage girls suffer cardiac arrest ( and sadly die within days of having mRNA covid vaccine
27-year-old fit and healthy engineer dies ( three weeks after having AstraZeneca covid vaccine as NHS investigates his death
Mississippi man suffers stroke ( 4 hours after receiving covid vaccine
Pfizer vaccine may cause heart inflammation in people under 30 (, leaked study suggests
30-year-old man hospitalised ( with blood clots after covid vaccine
Two-year-old girl dies ( after being given two covid shots (video)
Vaccine left girl fighting for life ( (video)
Pfizer vaccine injury ( - Angelia Deselle (video)
33-year-old woman paralyzed ( 12 hours after getting the first shot of the Pfizer vaccine (video)
Adverse reaction ( from Johnson & Johnson vaccine (video)
Canadian doctor shares his concern ( about covid vaccine after lifelong patients develop side effects (video)
Man emotionally affected ( because his aunt was injured by the covid-19 vaccine (video)
Bell's Palsy from the first dose ( of the Moderna vaccine (video)
Pfizer covid-19 vaccine injury ( - transverse myelitis (video)
Frontline workers' testimonies ( vaers reports (video)
Death by vaccine ( - man drops dead after vaccine (short video)
Covid jab injury ( from AstraZeneca vaccine (short video)
Young, healthy man suffers stroke ( after getting the covid vaccine (short video)
Family testimonials ( of covid vaccine deaths (short video)
Woman suffers adverse reaction ( to the Johnson & Johnson vaccine (short video)
Severely injured 12-year-old girl after covid vaccine ( - Maddie's story (short video)
21-year-old student ( dead 24 hours after covid injection
34-year-old mother of two dies ( 10 days after AstraZeneca jab
Woman suffers terrible reaction ( after getting the covid vaccine
20-year-old dead ( 12 hours after the covid jab (video)
48-year-old woman dies ( after covid vaccine (video)
Teen diagnosed with Guillain-Barré ( weeks after first covid vaccine
Number of covid vaccine injuries reported to VAERS surpasses 50,000 (, CDC data show
22-year-old dead ( following experimental injection
Young lady injured after vaccine ( (short video)
65-year-old woman dead ( 30 minutes after AstraZeneca shot
Finally, mainstream news reports on vaccine fatality ( (video)
We need to ask questions - dad died after vaccine (
The harsh reality of vaccine adverse effects ( - Nicola describes her husband's condition
No smoke without fire part 3 ( vaccine adverse reactions
Georgian nurse dies of allergic reaction ( after receiving AstraZeneca covid-19 vaccine, Tbilisi to continue rollout of British jab
Jeanie M. Evans 68, of Effingham, Kansas died unexpectedly ( on Wednesday, March 24, 2021 at the Stormont-Vail Hospital from a reaction to the covid vaccine
The covid blog (
Woman dies from brain haemorrhage ( in Japan after having Pfizer jab
70+ miscarriages in US and UK ( after vaccines (video)
Healthy Mother Died of Cardiac Arrest ( Just Hours after Taking First Dose of the Vaccine (short video)
Teacher dies hours after getting AstraZeneca jab in Italy ( - Manslaughter Investigation Launched
Boxing Champion Marvin Hagler Dead ( At Age 66
Woman suffering from Bell's Palsy after covid jab ( (short video)
39-year-old woman dies ( after 4 days after second Moderna vaccine, autopsy ordered
34 cases of spontaneous miscarriage ( and stillbirth reported after experimental mRNA vaccines
9 European nations suspend experimental AstraZeneca covid vaccines ( due to fatal blood clots
Whistleblower reveals many pregnancy complications ( following experimental covid injections leaving a trail of devastated mothers
Whistleblower: 25% of residents in German nursing home died ( after Pfizer vaccine
45-year-old man dies ( after getting second dose of covid-19 vaccine
Number of injuries to CDC after covid vaccines climbs by nearly 4,000 in one week (
The second dose killed my dad ( and many others. Latest reports coming in (video)
Man in Greece died 8 minutes after vaccination ( against covid-19
A 60-year-old woman dies ( hours after taking second covid-19 vaccine
67-year-old dies ( days after second dose of covid vaccine
CA woman gets covid vaccine ( then suddenly dies of something else
59-year-old health worker dies ( hours after covid vaccine
One-third of all deaths reported to CDC ( after covid vaccines occurred within 48 hours of vaccination
Volume 1: Social media posts ( about covid-19 vaccine deaths and severe injuries (video)
22 elderly with dementia dead in 1 week ( after the experimental mRNA covid injection in the Netherlands
Covid vaccine side effect - tremors, my life is upside down ( - Angela Lynn Story (video)
Covid-19 vaccine effects on my army husband's heart ( (video)
Nurse develops Bell's Palsy ( after receiving covid jab (video)
A 28-year-old mother from Winconsin is brain dead ( after the second dose of the covid injection
58-year-old woman dies ( hours after getting first dose of Pfizer vaccine
46 nursing home residents in Spain die ( within one month of getting covid vaccine
Video of woman injured ( by covid vaccine
36-year-old doctor dies ( after second dose of covid vaccine
German nursing home whistleblower says elderly are dying after covid vaccine (
‘They’re dropping like flies’ – Courageous nursing home CNA speaks out (
Short video showing that many people in Israel are dying after the covid jab (
Man drops dead in New York ( 25 minutes after receiving vaccine
FDA and CDC officials are investigating 36 cases ( - including one death - of immune thrombocytopenia
Gibraltar: January ends with 71 dead in one month ( (vaccination rollout began on the 10th January 2021)
Miscarriages and stillbirth ([]=Abortion+spontaneous+%2810000234%29&SYMPTOMS[]=Abortion+spontaneous+complete+%2810061616%29&SYMPTOMS[]=Foetal+death+%2810055690%29&SYMPTOMS[]=Foetal+heart+rate+abnormal+%2810051139%29&SYMPTOMS[]=Foetal+heart+rate+decreased+%2810051136%29&SYMPTOMS[]=Foetal+hypokinesia+%2810068461%29&SYMPTOMS[]=Foetal+movements+decreased+%2810016866%29&SYMPTOMS[]=Premature+baby+death+%2810076700%29&SYMPTOMS[]=Premature+delivery+%2810036595%29&SYMPTOMS[]=Premature+labour+%2810036600%29&SYMPTOMS[]=Stillbirth+%2810042062%29&VAX=COVID19) shortly after being given the covid vaccine
19-year-old hospitalised ( with heart inflammation after covid vaccine
39-year-old nurse aide dies ( within 48 hours of receiving the covid jab
Seniors dying of covid vaccine ( labelled as natural causes
Californian dies hours after receiving covid vaccine ( as investigation into the cause of death gets underway.
Covid infects 35 vaccinated staff ( and residents at care home
Vaccine injury video ( deleted from facebook (Warning: disturbing video)
X-ray technician dies ( two days after getting the second dose of the covid vaccine
22 residents dead in three weeks ( in Basingstoke nursing home - 'It is understood the outbreak started as residents began to have their coronavirus vaccines...'
A 41-year-old Portuguese mother of two ( who worked in paediatrics died at a hospital in Porto just two days after being vaccinated against covid-19
Norway is investigating the deaths of two nursing home residents ( who died after being vaccinated against covid-19
Chinese health experts call to suspend the use of mRNA-based covid-19 vaccines following the deaths of 23 elderly people in Norway (
In Florida, U.S., a doctor died after suffering a stroke ( after receiving a covid-19 vaccination.
A 32-year-old medical doctor suffered seizures ( and was paralysed after receiving the covid-19 vaccine.
A 46-year-old healthcare worker dies ( 24 hours after receiving the covid-19 vaccine but government says death is not related to the jab
German specialists are looking into the deaths of 10 people ( who died after being vaccinated against covid-19
Norway warns frail patients over 80 ( of vaccine risks after deaths
Norway investigates 23 deaths ( in frail elderly patients after vaccination
Doctors in California ( call for urgent halt of moderna vaccines after many fall sick
Two people in India die ( after receiving the covid jab
Coronavirus vaccine put on hold ( as volunteer suffers serious adverse reaction
California pause some covid vaccinations ( alifornia,according%20to%20The%20Associated%20Pres s.) after reactions
Baseball legend dies ( of ‘undisclosed cause’ 18 days after receiving covid vaccine
Woman injured by vaccine ( (Warning: disturbing video)
Mother seriously injured ( by covid vaccine (Warning disturbing video).
Those are just some of the possible deaths and injuries that have followed vaccination.
I have no doubt that the authorities will claim that these deaths were coincidental.
And let us remember if a patient dies within 28 days of being tested positive for coronavirus (and the test doesn’t mean that the patient even has the disease since most tests are false positives) then the death will be listed as a covid-19 death and the patient will be said to have died ‘with’ covid-19. So by the same token, it is perfectly reasonable to say that if a patient dies or falls ill within 28 days of being vaccinated then the death or illness was related to the covid-19 vaccine.
Will the mainstream media ever start recording these deaths or illnesses? Or are journalists going to continue to promote the official government line – and to deny, distort or suppress the truth?
How many people have to die before the media wakes up?
30th June 2021, 05:42 PM
Deaths Shortly After Covid Jab - Yet Another Coincidence
A leading health officer has warned Aussies not to jump to conclusions following the deaths of two men ( after they received the covid jab
A 46-year-old man died ( a day after taking the covid vaccine - "No relation with corona vaccine"
A Northern California man died several hours after the covid vaccine ( - "My first inclination is that it's probably not related to the vaccine"
236 Brits died after covid jabs ( - but vaccines "didn't play a role"
Woman dies from brain haemorrhage in Japan ( days after vaccine - "link uncertain"
63-year-old man dies 2 days after covid-19 vaccination ( - "it's too early to tell whether the jab was related to his death"
56-year-old woman dies ( days after covid vaccine - "no link established so far"
Virginia woman dies shortly after receiving coronavirus vaccine ( - "no link has been found"
88-year-old dies hours after covid vaccination ( in second such incident - "in both cases, medical professionals do not believe the deaths were connected to the vaccines"
Other Important Covid Vaccine Information
Censored in the corporate media hundreds of medical professionals speak out on Medscape forum warning about dangers of covid injections (article - (
Member of Parliament in Finland warns government that they are guilty of genocide for misleading public on covid-19 injections (article - (
The New Irish Soviet: State Bans Seniors from Travelling Until They've Had 'Second Dose' of AstraZeneca Jab (article - (
Fans who've had AstraZeneca vaccine won't be allowed into Bruce Springsteen's New York concerts (article - (
Canadian doctor removed from hospital duty after speaking out about covid vaccine side effects (article - (
UK Column news 10th May (excellent video containing some very important vaccine information (
The novel coronavirus spike protein ( plays additional key role in illness
Halt covid vaccine (, prominent scientist tells CDC
What is going on in India ( (video)
Facebook deletes 120,000 member group ( where people posted stories of adverse covid vaccine reactions
Covid-19 injected people becoming a threat to public health and safety (
Winconsin Catholic priest defies authorities ( and warns his flock on the dangers of the covid injections
NHS whistleblower exposes vaccine policy ( (hugely important video, please share widely)
Sudden adult death syndrome ( - or how to cover up vax deaths (short video)
Johnson & Johnson vaccine halted ( (The Highwire with Del Bigtree - video)
We put a code inside the vaccines ( (short video)
Tanzanian president ( who was sceptical of western vaccines dead after missing for two weeks
Norwegian Doctor AstraZeneca's Covid Vaccine Triggers Blood Clots (
Before Covid, Gates Planned Social Media Censorship of Vaccine Safety Advocates With Pharma (, CDC, Media, China and CIA
Bill Gates: Vaccines Are 'Phenomenal' Profit Makers (
Coronavirus vaccine deaths aren't covered by life insurance ( because jabs are "experimental medical intervention"
Pfizer demands nations put up collateral ( to cover vaccine injury lawsuits
Investigation: MPs and SAGE heavily invested in vaccine industry (
What covid-19 vaccine AstraZeneca contains (
Covid-19 vaccine trials ( to include participants as young as 6 months
Experienced care home manager deeply concerned ( about the effects of covid-19 and vaccinations, on both staff and the elderly, within care facilities across the country (video)
How those who die following covid jabs ( are treated in the media
Belgian regulators advise against giving AstraZeneca to over 55s (
Germany says Oxford/AstraZeneca should not be given to over 65s (
Flu almost wiped out ( and at lowest level in 130 years
Switzerland delays approval ( of AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson covid-19 vaccines due to ‘insufficient data’
Covid-19 vaccine side effects world map (
Pathogenic priming in older adults ( yet another concern with covid-19 vaccines
Top coronavirus official warns that second dose of covid vaccine ( tends to cause even worse side effects than first dose
CDC: Anaphylaxis rate ( with covid vax 10 times greater than for flu shots
Warning: mixing coronavirus vaccines (
UK draws up plans ( to mix coronavirus vaccines
Helsinki Committee ( to declare Pfizer performing unauthorized human experiment in Israel
12,400 people in Israel tested positive ( for coronavirus after being injected with the Pfizer vaccine
Australian vaccine abandoned ( over false HIV positive results
Covid-19 Vaccine – Possible Vaccine Side Effects The pro-vaxxers like to tell you that vaccines are perfectly safe and perfectly effective. Even when they wouldn’t be considered safe enough to use as oven cleaner, the fanatics enthuse about them. Young people and those who know little about medicine or science, talk about vaccines with reverence because they’ve been indoctrinated into believing the pro-vaccine lies.
And the pro-vaxxers are lying, of course.
Vaccines cause a lot of illness and quite a few deaths and they don’t always do what they’re supposed to do. Governments around the world have paid out many billions of dollars to patients who have been made ill by vaccines – or to the relatives of patients who were killed by a vaccine.
There are, for example, grave doubts about what the covid-19 vaccine actually does. Since the vaccine is a new type of vaccine and is being given before the usual tests and observations have been completed no one knows what will happen to the people who have the stuff injected into an arm.
What side effects will there be? How many will die?
Well, I don’t know and nor does anyone else.
What if a woman is pregnant when she has the vaccine or gets pregnant after being given the vaccine? The vaccine isn’t supposed to be given to pregnant women but not all pregnancies are planned.
Will the vaccine interfere with essential life-saving drugs? Many elderly patients already take a number of prescribed drugs. Will the vaccine interfere with them? No one knows. The covid-19 vaccine is the biggest experiment in history. And, unlike a proper clinical trial, it is largely unregulated. As with all vaccines most of the problems which develop will never be reported or recognised.
It is estimated that in the U.S., only 1 in 100 vaccine side effects is reported.
The best we have is a working list of possible adverse event outcomes which the FDA has published in the US. (Here is the link to the draft working list (
Since I believe everyone is entitled to know what side effects there could be with a heavily promoted vaccine, I’m going to read you the official list of possible side effects. This is, remember, not my list but a draft list compiled by the FDA – the Food and Drug Administration in the US.
Guillain-Barre syndrome
Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis
Transverse myelitis
Acute myocardial infarction (heart attack)
Autoimmune disease
Pregnancy, Birth outcomes
Other acute demyelinating diseases
Non anaphylactic allergy reactions
Disseminated intravascular coagulation
Venous thromboembolism
Joint pain
Kawasaki disease
Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children
Vaccine enhanced disease
You aren’t necessarily going to get all of those or even any of them if you have the vaccine. But those are the possible side effects that the FDA has listed. They’re all unpleasant, most of them very serious and you can’t get more serious than death.
And if you are mad enough to have the vaccine then you and your doctor should keep a look out for the symptoms of all the diseases on the FDA’s list.
Your government won’t tell you about these dangers – they don’t believe in fully informed consent as far as vaccines are concerned.
Indeed, most governments are now doing everything they can to ensure that all criticisms of vaccines are banned. Depending on where you live it is, or soon will be, illegal even to mention that vaccines might not always work or might make you ill.
Finally, if your government really cared about you they would conduct a very simple, cheap trial.
They would keep a note of all the health problems affecting 20,000 patients who had the vaccine and compare that list with a list of all the health problems affecting 20,000 patients who didn’t have the vaccine in the same period. They make the comparisons every 3, 6 and 12 months.
Of course, they’d have to find some honest doctors to oversee the trial because it would be very easy to fiddle.
But it would give some very interesting results so I doubt if they’ll be doing it.
Please share this article with everyone you know.
8th July 2021, 08:38 AM
^ . . .
27th July 2021, 10:40 PM
How it started...
How it's going...
3rd August 2021, 12:24 AM
2nd November 2021, 10:18 AM
At least ONE Canadian politician is on record expressing concern! Canadian Politician demands urgent investigation into rise of sudden deaths among Teens following Covid-19 Vaccination (
October 27, 2021
A Canadian politician has written to the Commissioner of the Ontario Provincial Police requesting an urgent investigation into a series of sudden deaths that have occurred throughout Ontario, Canada in otherwise young and healthy individuals following Covid-19 vaccination.
Randy Hillier has served as a member of the Provincial Parliament for Ontario, Canada since 2007. The 63-year-old was initially elected as a member of the Progressive Conservative Party, but has served as an Independent since 2019.
On the 22nd October 2021 the MPP wrote to Commissioner Thomas Carrique of the Ontario Provisional Police requesting an immediate investigation into the sudden deaths of young and healthy individuals.
I have requested the commissioner of the OPP Thomas Carrique to immediately begin investigating a series of sudden deaths that have occurred throughout Ontario inotherwise young and healthy individuals; in municipalities outside of OPP jurisdiction, to refer such investigations to the local municipal police services.
This request is based on Ontario public health data revealing a disproportionate occurrence among younger age demographics of potentially serious adverse reactions to COVID-19 vaccines. Cardiovascular conditions are of particular concern. Such trends are being observed inpublicly available data worldwide, prompting several countries to suspend the use of certain vaccine products altogether, or restrict their usage among these young demographics.
As an elected official, it is my obligation to question public policy, especially when evidence suggests that public policy may have a detrimental impact on the public. The increasing occurrences of sudden deaths in young and healthy individuals is cause for great concern, and we owe the complete truth to the families of the deceased who are seeking answers.
You can read my letter to OPP Commissioner Thomas Carrique on my website:
Randy Hillier
Google or Bing News searches did not return any results reporting these EU Parliament members opposing vaccine passes. Censorship! Fact Check-The European Parliament has not opposed use of COVID-19 vaccine passes (
October 29, 2021
The European Parliament has not opposed the use of COVID-19 vaccine passes, contrary to claims on social media. While a small number of MEPs voiced opposition to mandated use of passes, this is not representative of the whole parliament.
On social media, users have shared a video (here ( , here ( zOoDqKcW6w9-53CdOZYvE4nYpsfBf159rc5JLsvj9fYo)) that shows four members of the European Parliament (MEPs) holding a press conference.
The footage shows a news conference held in Strasbourg, called: “Defending fundamental rights by opposing the misuse of Digital Green Certificate”.
BREAKING : EU Parliament Opposes Vaccine Mandate Agenda (22nd October, 2021)
3rd November 2021, 07:20 AM
Australian Senator Gerard Rennick expresses concern for Victims in the Database of Adverse Event Notifications triggering Sky News corporate whore Tom and Senator Murray Watts to callously dismiss victims and cough up pro-vaccination medical advice.
Senator Gerard Rennick destroys Sky News
New Zealand's Prime Minister and World Economic Forum member Jan Ardern iconic clip.
When faced with comment from a reporter, she is revieled as not competent enough to even be a decent elementary school teacher.
Future viewers from a recovered society will probably wonder most at that unhealthy muzzled 'man' but not a man to her right representative of the collapsed society.
AWKARD NZ Press SHUT Down As Ardern Storms Off & DEMANDS “We’re All On The Same Page” No No No
5th December 2021, 08:31 AM
One of my vices is watching establishment news propaganda. My excuse is there was no other option for news for most of my life. There are some great alt-media content creators offering guided tours through the worst of this MSM muck.
Anyway here is one from popular leftist youtuber David Packman that is a little more than normal. I could expect this news coverage to be representative of the 'new normal' of the 'great reset' if the internationalist cabalists get their way.
Ends at 4:30 (the rest is direct corporate shilling). Just before 4:30 is the best part.
Fox Guest Says Dr. Fauci Like Nazi Doctor Josef Mengele
David is such a reptilian gaslighting sociopath. Here he is devouring an innocent and unsuspecting Andrew Yang. Ostensibly David should be on his side, but David is a member of the tribe and I expect Yang is being punished for attempting to bridge the political divide.
Most have probably already seen the clip below. I've observed and been the victim of this abuse from sociopathic abusers in a power position the workplace a few times, but I've never before seen this open rage with fear from a politician on camera!
‘Stuff it, shove it’: a furious Michael Gunner blasts those against vaccine mandates
1:37 Covid Omicron: Time to consider mandatory jabs, EU chief says (
3 days ago
On Wednesday, Ms von der Leyen said it was "understandable and appropriate" for EU members to discuss mandatory Covid vaccinations given that a third of the bloc's population was unvaccinated.
"How we can encourage and potentially think about mandatory vaccination within the European Union? This needs discussion. This needs a common approach, but it is a discussion that I think has to be led," she told a news conference in Brussels...
Austria has announced compulsory Covid vaccinations from February next year, while Greece is fining all unvaccinated over-60s €100 (£85) a month.
Germany's incoming Chancellor, Olaf Scholz, has said he supports compulsory jabs. In an interview with Bild television, Mr Scholz said he wanted compulsory vaccinations from March and also said a faster rollout of booster jabs was needed...
Asked about the severity of cases, WHO epidemiologist Dr Maria van Kerkhove said: "There is some indication that some of the patients are presenting with mild disease. SHOCKING: In the wake of Austria's drastic lockdown of unvaccinated people, EU chief calls for throwing out Nuremberg Code (
12th December 2021, 08:13 AM
Ontario MPP Rick Nicholls Asks Parliament Why 86 Stillbirths of Fully Vaccinated Mothers Have Occurred (
December 10, 2021
MPP Rick Nichols of Ontario recently addressed Parliament about the rising rates of stillborn children in the Province, and asked the Minister of Health, Christine Elliot, the following question:
In the Waterloo area 86 stillbirths have occurred from January to July, and normally it is roughly 1 stillbirth every two months.
But here’s the kicker. Mothers of stillbirth babies were fully vaccinated. And you have clearly said on numerous occasions that the vaccines are safe.
So minister, what do you say to the doctors who told expecting women it was OK to get fully vaccinated, and what should they tell the mothers who deliver a stillborn baby?
Christine Elliot did not answer the question, dealing with the facts concerning so many stillborn children occurring, but instead gave the standard vaccine cult religious answer which is an appeal to authority (the vaccines are safe because we say so).
It is safe. It has been tested. We are recommending that women who are pregnant do receive the vaccine for the protection of themselves, protection of the baby as well.
And that has been proven, it has been accepted by the Health Canada, by the World Health Organization, by the FDA.
She never addressed the high rate of stillborn babies.
Watch for yourself. Listen to the demonic voices start to rise in the background as soon as Nichols starts talking about the shots and babies dying.
She attended the University of Western Ontario where she received her honours Bachelor of Arts degree in history. She graduated from Western Law School and received her Bachelor of Laws degree in 1978. She was called to the Ontario Bar in 1980. She started off her career as a bank auditor for one of Canada's largest banks. She was a founding member and partner of the Whitby law firm Flaherty Dow Elliott & McCarthy, where she practised in real estate, corporate/commercial, and estate law...
Elliott was married to former Finance Minister Jim Flaherty...
Patient Ombudsman of Ontario
On December 10, 2015, she was appointed by Minister of Health and Long-Term Care Eric Hoskins as Ontario's first Patient Ombudsman effective as of July 1, 2016. The duties of the non-partisan position included acting on behalf of patients who have not had their issues resolved through normal complaint resolution processes. She said, "Ensuring that patients in Ontario's health-care system will now have a strengthened voice is a responsibility I am looking forward to taking on."
On February 1, 2018, Elliott resigned as Patient Ombudsman to enter the Ontario PC Party leadership election.
Edit to add: 28X increase in stillbirths in multiple parts of Canada? (
Dr. Nagase reported the rate of stillbirths in Waterloo was 28X times higher than normal but only to vaccinated moms.
Video: Dr. Daniel Nagase exposes the exploding cases of stillbirths in Canadian women and tells Canadians what they can do about it ( November 23, 2021
This is a story we hear nowadays from everywhere, especially from morticians who've been horrified by the huge increase in deaths of these babies in vaccinated mothers.
The 4 minute video shows Dr. Nagase explaining the stillbirths are happening in different parts of the country and they are ONLY happening to vaccinated mothers. Start listening at 45 seconds.
Nagase’s source for the Waterloo data is a provincial prosecutor (comparable to a State Attorney General) who in turn got the data from a nurse who works at the hospital.
People that Nagase talked to in the past are now staying completely silent. Something has made them afraid to talk.
On the flip side, there is a denial that anything bad is happening.
Member of the European Parliament answers Australia's SOS
Christine Anderson speaks out on Australia's behalf. She says she will do whatever she can to stop the [government vaccine] tyranny we're experiencing.
Dec 6, 2021
Important clarification needed: Western politicians and public servants have created and are now running Democidal totalitarian regimes.
Here is another clip of Christine Anderson talking about the importance of resisting totalitarian government. Seems like she's been 'contacted by' the modern western Stasi: 2:16
17th January 2022, 07:11 AM
Leftist 'journalists' and pundits are horrible terrible people. While we have gotten used to the fact they will ignore any reason or truth to 'own the right', but if it comes down to issues involving the health of children, the children then just become collateral damage! This is fucking disgusting! They don't care at all about the health of children and will knee-jerk promote pro-vaccination lies without that will kill and injure children as they gloat and (falsely) pretend Joe Rogan got 'owned' by one of them. Horrible terrible people!
Corporate devil bullies Joe Rogan, Joe was not wrong but gets all cucky so the facts don't matter left gets all attacky in showing Joe Rogan was wrong. The corporate journalist on Joe's show was wrong about the reported risk for children, and neither Joe Rogan nor the corporate Australian devil report that 'myocarditis' reported from covid is a much different thing, with different things detected, is 10-100 times less dangerous, and people's hearts can mostly heal from, unlike the mostly permanent myocarditis damage caused by vaccines.
This misinformation is especially dangerous at this time in the midst of western vaccinate the children abusive government campaigns right now. ABC News presenter in fiery clash with Joe Rogan in dispute over Covid 'causing a serious illness in young males more often than vaccines' (
14 January 2022
An Australian news host has stared down a challenge from Joe Rogan over wild claims a rare heart condition is related to vaccines on the American's hugely popular podcast.
Josh Szeps, ABC Weekend breakfast news presenter who is known in the United States as a former host of Huff Post Live, disputed Rogan's claim that boys who receive a Covid jab had a higher risk of heart inflammation.
The Aussie guest was proved right on the influential show, which is downloaded 190 million times a month, and the pair's feisty exchange went viral in an online clip. Top Cardiologist Warns of Deadly Vaccine Induced Myocarditis in Children (
Dec 12, 2021
dr peter mccullough explains how myocarditis differs when caused
Dr. Peter McCullough, a top cardiologist in his field, has warned that myocarditis due to the vaccine is “way more serious” than myocarditis contracted from the virus itself. Myocarditis, or heart muscle inflammation, is a side effect of both COVID and the mRNA vaccine. The difference is that the ailment produced by the natural infection tends to elevate troponin levels, according to Dr. McCullough, which is a protein found in cardiac and skeletal muscle. “[T]he myocarditis in COVID-19 is mild, it’s inconsequential, and it’s largely a component of election [of troponin].”
In contrast, contracting the ailment through the vaccine may cause lipid nanoparticles to go directly to the heart, the doctor stated. “The heart expresses the spike protein, the body attacks the heart. There are dramatic EKG changes. I don’t want anybody to think that the myocarditis of a natural infection is anything like what we’re seeing with the vaccines,” the top cardiologist warned.
Dr. McCullough said the heart injury due to the vaccine is around 10-100 times higher than the troponin seen in natural infection. Worsening matters, the doctor states that when kids develop myocarditis after the vaccine, 90% require immediate hospitalization to prevent heart failure. “Vaccine-induced myocarditis is a big deal, and in children, it’s way more serious and more prominent than a post-COVID myocarditis.”
Additionally: COVID Shots Could Cause ‘Crippling’ Neurodegenerative Disease in Young People, MIT Scientist Warns (
The Hard Bastard does a great job exposing this on his news review stream from 1/15/22:
46:50-1:14:30 1:40:35-1:52:50 2:08-2:11
And a╭∩╮FUCK YOU╭∩╮to the modern western Stasi that I assume responsible for vandalizing my car just after I dared criticize and call out our pedophile like prime minister a few days back for his child grooming children to accept unneeded and toxic injections.
Bully-coward criminal evil satanist bloviating pedosatist's destruction
Legion of oversized blown-out out rectums
18th January 2022, 06:43 AM COVID-19: Democratic Voters Support Harsh Measures Against Unvaccinated ( against_unvaccinated)
January 13, 2022
While many voters have become skeptical toward the federal government’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, a majority of Democrats embrace restrictive policies, including punitive measures against those who haven’t gotten the COVID-19 vaccine...
55% of Democratic voters would support [proposal for federal or state governments to fine Americans who choose not to get a COVID-19 vaccine], compared to just 19% of Republicans and 25% of unaffiliated voters...
Fifty-nine percent (59%) of Democratic voters would favor a government policy requiring that citizens remain confined to their homes at all times, except for emergencies, if they refuse to get a COVID-19 vaccine. Such a proposal is opposed by 61% of all likely voters...
Nearly half (48%) of Democratic voters think federal and state governments should be able to fine or imprison individuals who publicly question the efficacy of the existing COVID-19 vaccines on social media, television, radio, or in online or digital publications...
Forty-five percent (45%) of Democrats would favor governments requiring citizens to temporarily live in designated facilities or locations if they refuse to get a COVID-19 vaccine...
Twenty-nine percent (29%) of Democratic voters would support temporarily removing parents’ custody of their children if parents refuse to take the COVID-19 vaccine.
So half of Democrat voters are as bad as we have been taught were at war Nazis and Hitler now.
And that is assuming people who don't want to have toxic health damaging experimental drugs injected into them and their children are as bad as Jews.
And they would have a third or so of the population put in these versions of detention camps, not just a few percent.
Mayor Muriel Bowser
Remember that starting Saturday you will need these three things before heading out:
1. Proof of Vaccination (12 years +)
2. Proof of Vaccination and Photo ID (18 years +)
3. Mask
For more information visit
Jan 11, 2022
In related news: Democrats tell parents they are NOT 'clients' of public schools, that children should be taught 'what society needs them to know' - and that taxpayers should stay out of education (
18 January 2022
22nd January 2022, 09:38 AM The unvaccinated (
JANUARY 19, 2022
TORONTO, January 19, 2022—The results of a national survey released today by Maru Public Opinion delves into the attitudes of Canadians towards the one-in-ten (9%) of their neighbours nationally who admit they are currently unvaccinated..
Canadians view the unvaccinated as responsible for overwhelming the health care system (48%), people who are holding Canadians back from having a new normal life (40%), endangering society (36%), misguided conspiracy theorists (36%), good people with legitimate reasons/concerns (27%), reckless (26%), super-spreaders of the virus (17%), and/or heroes for free speech/choice (12%). In addition, A majority (54%) say they don’t have sympathy for the unvaccinated who get seriously ill or die from COVID (46%)...
Regardless, two-thirds (66%) of Canadians favor mandatory vaccinations for everyone aged 5+...
For those who refuse to be vaccinated, Canadians find a variety of measures acceptable, in varying degrees, that might be used to more forcibly encourage them to get the jab: ongoing restrictions from entering public spaces and premises such as restaurants, cinemas, libraries, liquor and cannabis stores, and various retail outlets (77%), followed by having them pay out of pocket for the full medical cost if they are admitted to hospital or an ICU because they have contracted COVID (61%), pay a monetary healthcare surcharge on their taxes of up to $150 per month (61%), refuse to allow them access to any publicly funded hospital/medical services (37%), refuse them the renewal of their driver’s license (33%), and even for some (27%), have them serve up to five (5) days as part of a jail sentence for endangering others/overwhelming healthcare system. ..
One-in-ten (9%) Canadians have refused to get a Covid vaccine. This group is most likely to be found in Alberta (12%), Québec (12%), and Ontario (11%), followed by those living in Atlantic Canada (5%) and British Columbia (5%), and Manitoba/Saskatchewan (3%).
These individuals are equally likely to be men (10%) and women (9%)..
A majority (54%) of Canadians don’t have sympathy for an unvaccinated person if they become seriously ill or die as a result of contracting COVID As America Enters Year Three of COVID, The Biden Regime Struggles to Reprogram Its Pandemic-Crazed Base (
January 20, 2022
22nd January 2022, 11:09 AM
A two day event in England to shut down vaccination centers, with complaints filed in England and in the International Criminal Court. Will this go anywhere or is it like the Hague Civil Court with no teeth?
The videos are embedded in the article
Covid vaccination under criminal investigation in England: Campaign to close vaccination centers with police support (
18 January 202219 January 2022 ( Writing of Diario de Vallarta & Nayarit ( Counter face (, Plandemia: The other side of Covid 19 (
CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION OF THE METROPOLITAN POLICE 6029679/21. A complaint was filed as a result of the catastrophic figures of deaths and injuries, and an operation was launched to collect testimonies from the victims. There are vaccination centers that are being notified of their "crime scene" quality. They organize teams to close down centers, with the assistance of the police, on two special days: Thursday, January 20 and Friday, January 21.
Covid vaccination is under criminal investigation in England, following the catastrophic figures of deaths and injuries, both adults and children.
On Monday 20th December 2021, a criminal complaint was formally lodged with the Metropolitan Police at the Hammersmith Police Station, London ( The case was reported to all police stations, which were forced to get involved in data collection. The victims of the injections were requested through various means to provide their testimony.
As a result of this process, there are vaccination centers that are being notified of their "crime scene" status.
Video: Complaints cause closures and notifications to vaccination centers
In the following videos, the actions of lawyers and citizens who come to report and notify the vaccination centers of the case are displayed. If they are denounced for not meeting certain legal conditions (first video) they are withdrawn. The same has been done by some groups in Spain and Argentina.
Video: NHS mobile station is lifted
Reproductor de vídeo
Video: They notify a vaccination center of the criminal case
Reproductor de vídeo
0Video: They denounce center and pidentify police support
At the same time, the existence of the cause is being spread, and teams are being organized to close the centers, with the assistance of the police, in two special days: Thursday 20 and Friday 21 January. The slogan is to visit as many vaccination centers as possible, and peacefully, with the support of the agents, close them down.
Covid vaccination under criminal investigation in England: Case 6029679/21
The complaint was filed by Philip Hyland, attorney at PJH law, Lois Bayliss, attorney at Broad Yorkshire Law, ( The doctor. Samuel White (, a doctor, and Mark Sexton, a former police officer.
Dr. White was fired from the English public health service for questioning the safety of vaccines and the reliability of PCR tests. White had received an 18-month ban from the UK General Medical Council. But he won the case in Superior Court.
Why I resigned as a GP Partner
Samuel White (
— ЯΞD PILL LΞD (@Red_Pill_Led) June 8, 2021 (
Indictments of the crimes of gross negligent homicide and misconduct in public service were brought against Dr. June Raine, a medical doctor and executive director of the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), and Charlie Massey, executive director and Registrar of the General Medical Council (GMC).
Serious criminal charges were also brought against UK government ministers, civil servants and media directors.
The complaint was supported by hundreds of professional reports on deaths and serious adverse effects following the Covid "vaccination".
The Metropolitan Police accepted the allegations and provided the reference number 6029679/21, which triggered an ongoing criminal investigation.
Due to the volume of information that must be handled, the NGO UKCitizen2021 ( offered the help of its 250 members deployed throughout the country to take the statements.
The complaint has also been recognized by the International Criminal Court and has been assigned the reference number OTP-CR-473/21. (
These events take place at a time when rumors are growing that the Covid vaccination campaign will be interrupted for security reasons. (
Video: Lawyers report the case to London police stations
Dialogue Transcript (
Police action: advertisements in newspapers and on public roads
It is now up to the Metropolitan Police (the police force that covers London and Greater London) to carry out a full and competent investigation into the aforementioned allegations of serious crime.
This initiative resulted in posters on public roads and advertisements published in newspapers asking citizens to report deaths or adverse symptoms associated with the application of Coovid injections. Also about threats related to dismissal from a job for refusing to be inoculated.
NATIONAL EMERGENCY. They ask citizens to provide testimonials.Call to citizens from all over the world
The professionals behind the complaint request that the UK Police be supported in their criminal investigation:
“We need you to add your details to the crime report so that the Police can contact you in a timely manner to help with their investigation. We understand that, in due course, you may apply for “crime victim” and/or “witness protection” status. We also understand that you may request to be interviewed in person at your home or office. We are aware that many of you reside outside of the UK. However, please do not underestimate the importance of the evidence you have, regardless of the country you live in.”
There is compelling evidence of serious and systemic criminality at the international level, so your evidence may be more important than you think.
We ask that you email the following four police officers:
Detective Inspector Trevor Struthers, Criminal Investigation Department (CID), Hammersmith Police Station:
Detective Sergeant Oliver Mallett, Criminal Investigation Department, Hammersmith Police Station:
Detective Constable Tobias Hussey,Criminal Investigation Department, Hammersmith Police Station:
Constable Irvine, Hammersmith Police Station,
Format for submitting data to the London Metropolitan Police (valid for any country)
"Dear Sirs,
Detective Inspector Trevor Struthers
Detective Sergeant Oliver Mallett
Police Officer Tobias Hussey
Irvine police officer
I am aware that a criminal complaint has been filed, with reference number 6029679/21.
The original informants have asked me to provide my data to the research team and I request that the team know my data as soon as possible.
My name is …. (full name, including title).
My profession/occupation is…..(doctor, lawyer, scientist, nursing home worker, mother, housewife, postman, plumber, student, unemployed).
I live in…(country).
My email address is…
My phone number is…
I have evidence to support the allegations that have been made and I am willing to assist the Metropolitan Police in their criminal investigation.
I am aware that an application has been made to the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague on behalf of the UK. This request has been recognized by the ICC and has been assigned the reference number OTP-CR-473/21. I will offer my assistance to the ICC investigation in due course.
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1st March 2022, 07:20 AM Covid-19: High Court quashes 'unlawful' vaccine mandate for police and defence force staff (
25 February 2022
The High Court has quashed the Covid-19 vaccine mandate for police and Defence Force staff.
The order required Defence Force personnel, and police constables, recruits and authorised officers to have two doses of the vaccine by 1 March (, or face termination.
On 6 January, three unvaccinated staff sought a judicial review of the mandate.
They were supported by affidavits from 37 of their colleagues in the same situation.
Justice Cooke today released his decision which upheld their claims the vaccination order breached their rights under the Bill of Rights Act.
While the judge did not accept some of the applicants' arguments, he agreed the mandate infringed on section 11 and section 15 of the Act.
"The order limits the right to be free to refuse medical treatment recognised by the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act (including because of its limitation on people's right to remain employed), and it limits the right to manifest religious beliefs for those who decline to be vaccinated because the vaccine has been tested on cells derived from a human foetus which is contrary to their religious beliefs," Justice Cooke said.
He pointed out the court's decision did not affect any other vaccine mandates nor internal vaccination policies of the police or Defence Force.
"In essence, the order mandating vaccinations for police and NZDF staff was imposed to ensure the continuity of the public services, and to promote public confidence in those services, rather than to stop the spread of Covid-19. Indeed health advice provided to the government was that further mandates were not required to restrict the spread of Covid-19. I am not satisfied that continuity of these services is materially advanced by the order," he said.
Horrible terrible western politicians and public servants set against their native citizens are now entering the bargaining phase of their grief.
What does trying to save face look like?…
Lots of this going on around the west last few weeks too. Covid News: Three West Coast States Will Ease School Mask Mandates (
Feb. 28, 2022
California, Oregon and Washington said they would drop school mask mandates after March 11. A new poll reports a drop in virus fears among Americans. New York City Set to Drop School-Mask Mandate and Vaccine Mandate for Indoor Venues (
FEB. 27, 2022
Starting next week, two of New York City’s biggest pandemic restrictions will almost certainly come to an end Ontario lifts vaccine certificate system, remaining capacity limits in all indoor settings (
Mar 01, 2022
Starting Tuesday, proof of COVID-19 vaccination is no longer required at most Ontario restaurants, gyms and movie theatres. Nightclubs, sporting and concert venues can get rid of capacity limits and restrictions are also lifting on social gathering sizes.
While Ontario is ending most of its major COVID-19 public health measures, Premier Doug Ford has said mask mandates will likely be in place for at least a couple more weeks.
10th March 2022, 10:10 AM
At least ONE Canadian politician is on record expressing concern! Canadian Politician demands urgent investigation into rise of sudden deaths among Teens following Covid-19 Vaccination (
October 27, 2021
A Canadian politician has written to the Commissioner of the Ontario Provincial Police requesting an urgent investigation into a series of sudden deaths that have occurred throughout Ontario, Canada in otherwise young and healthy individuals following Covid-19 vaccination.
Randy Hillier has served as a member of the Provincial Parliament for Ontario, Canada since 2007. The 63-year-old was initially elected as a member of the Progressive Conservative Party, but has served as an Independent since 2019. MPP Randy Hillier has Twitter account suspended permanently (
Mar 08, 2022
He had previously tweeted his extensive support for the anti-vaccine mandate protesters who occupied downtown Ottawa and shared media disparaging and criticizing Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Even before the “Freedom Convoy” protests became popular, he had circulated conspiracy theories about COVID-19, including one that the virus had been given a “gain of function” — meaning it had been genetically engineered in a lab to be more virulent.
Hillier had also retweeted others who urged people not to obey public health measures and amplified tweets about the risks of vaccine side effects.
On Tuesday, Hillier’s account page was empty aside from a message that said: “Account suspended. Twitter suspends accounts which violate the Twitter rules.”
A Twitter spokesperson confirmed that Hillier’s account had been suspended permanently because he had violated the company’s COVID-19 misleading information policy, which stipulates that users cannot use Twitter to share false or misleading information about COVID-19 which may lead to harm.
10th March 2022, 11:08 AM MPP Randy Hillier has Twitter account suspended permanently (
From your postings it sounds like the documents Pfizer had to release re their venom under the FOIA in the U.S. haven’t circulated in Canada.
20th April 2023, 10:32 AM Ontario doctors give up licences after complaints over COVID vaccine exemptions, misinformation (
Apr 18, 2023
Two Ontario doctors accused of spreading COVID misinformation, including one who provided groundless vaccine exemptions to 168 people, attesting that the shots would expose them to “unacceptable medical risk,” have agreed to give up their licences to practise, and to never seek one again...
Hassell, a family doctor who practised in Richmond Hill, entered a plea of no contest at a College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario disciplinary hearing in November. The regulator found Hassell committed professional misconduct for his prescribing of the controversial anti-parasitic ivermectin for COVID-19, and for providing mask and vaccine exemptions without adequate medical justification.
Rona, a general practitioner who had a solo practice in Thornhill focused on complementary medicine, made “inflammatory” statements about vaccinations, suggested in his Twitter posts that the public was being conned by medical experts and called Dr. Anthony Fauci, the top U.S. infectious diseases official who became the face of America’s COVID response, a “murderer,” according to agreed facts at his disciplinary hearing.
Both doctors agreed to never re-apply to practise medicine in Ontario, or any other jurisdiction, again.
Their cases are part of a crackdown by the doctors’ college on members it has accused of spreading misleading, unscientific and deceptive information about COVID-19. At last count, there were 50 investigations into 30 physicians as of January.
In April 2021, the college threatened to investigate and discipline doctors who were making anti-vaccine, anti-masking, anti-distancing and anti-lockdown statements, or promoting unsupported or unproven treatments for COVID.
The regulators’ response to renegade doctors has stirred such strong emotions and threats, the college was forced in January to limit public access to its Toronto building.
“Over the past couple of years, College staff and Council members have been receiving threatening and hate-filled calls and emails,” a spokesperson said in an email. Some included graphic death threats. “Our building has been shot at multiple times, breaking the front windows. Fecal matter was hung on the College’s front door.”
“These threats are rising.”...
The agreements to give up their licences mean the college avoids a contested hearing, which could be lengthy and with no guaranteed outcomes, for either party, a college spokesperson said. Nearly all BC MLAs vote to condemn Freedom Convoy, praise vaccine mandates (
April 18, 2023
All but one of the MLAs present at the BC Legislature on Monday evening voted to condemn the Freedom Convoy and applaud lockdowns and vaccine mandates.
“Be it resolved that one year after the anti-vaccine protests in Ottawa and communities including Victoria, South Surrey, Kelowna and Cranbrook, this House denounces the freedom convoy protests and affirms that public health orders, including vaccine requirements, have been an essential tool in B.C.’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic,” the motion read.
The motion received 64 yeas and 1 nay from lone BC Conservative John Rustad. 20 MLAs skipped the vote, including both BC Green Party members...
Approximately 2,500 healthcare workers in BC were fired after declining the Covid-19 vaccine. Meanwhile, hospitals are understaffed and some rural emergency departments had to close for long periods of time due to insufficient staffing.
5th September 2023, 05:16 PM New Zealand PM denies vaccination was compulsory despite widespread mandates, redefines what words mean (
SEP 4, 2023
We are at the ‘no one made you take it, it was your choice’ stage of the pandemic.
Here is New Zealand Prime Minister Chris Hipkins telling reporters at a press conference on Sunday
“In terms of the vaccine mandates, I acknowledge it was a difficult time for people, but they ultimately made their own choices. There was no compulsory vaccination, people made their own choices.”
New Zealand had widespread workplace vaccine mandates, as well as proof of vaccination requirements for entry to cafes, gyms, businesses, and for travel.
No jab, no job.
Former Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern,
“If you want summer, if you want to go to bars and restaurants, get vaccinated. If you want to get a haircut, get vaccinated. If you want to go to a concert or a festival, get vaccinated, if you want to go to a gym or a sports event, get vaccinated. If you are not vaccinated, there will be everyday things you will miss out on.”
Reporter: So you’ve basically said, you probably don’t see it like this, but two different classes of people, if you’re vaccinated or unvaccinated. You have all these rights if you are vaccinated…
Ardern: That is what it is, so yep.
‘Choice’ ( [Covid 19 Delta: 'No jab, no job' - who's covered by the vaccine mandates, and when are the deadlines?]
In Australia recently, Pfizer representative Dr Brian Hewitt pulled the same stunt in a Senate Committee Hearing, telling Senator Pauline Hanson that despite widespread work vaccination mandates, “no one was forced to have a vaccine,” but that people were rather offered an “opportunity” to get vaccinated. [Youtube (]
So here we are, at the ‘no one made you take it’ stage of the pandemic.
Here is more on starting New Zealand Federal vaccine coercion. From 2-8 minutes then PM Jacinda explains their system with "vaccination certificate regime" to operate and she states requirement that 90% of an areas population be vaccinated for business and social coercions to be eased downwards. At 19:30 another politician explaining the coercion system says he believes that businesses that do not participate in the vaccination certificate regime should not receive any government assistance.
Youtube: PM Jacinda Ardern reveals NZ's new Covid traffic light system ( Explained: What the traffic light system is and how it works (
23 November 2021
On 3 December, the country will leave behind the alert level system which has been in place since early 2020 and move into the traffic light system...
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced the move today, saying the most important thing to communicate about the traffic light system was "for the most part, if you're vaccinated, you can go about doing all the kinds of things you'd usually expect ... what varies is just how large those gatherings are at different levels"...
Vaccine levels will play a key determining factor for which regions go into red and which go into orange on 3 December, Ardern said.
"We will look at ... vaccine rates, we will look at case rates, and that will be the major determining factor but we'll also be pragmatic. So you know, a good indication is if you've hit 90 percent first dose is a good indication of where you're heading."
"If you want to be guaranteed that no matter the setting that we are in, that you can go to bars, restaurants and close-proximity businesses like a hairdresser, then you will need to be vaccinated," Ardern told media in October. Govt reveals its Covid-19 Protection Framework (
22 October 2021
The government has announced details of its Covid-19 Protection Framework, involving the roll-out of a 'traffic-light' system once all DHBs hit 90 percent full vaccination rates.
Chris Hipkins: "There was no compulsory vaccination, people made their own choices." [Supercut]
Wikipedia: Chris_Hipkins (
Hipkins became regarded as Labour's "fixer". His tenure as minister of health was widely praised, and he was central to the government's highly effective response to the COVID-19 pandemic in New Zealand. The elimination policy became the primary focus of the 2020 election, helping Labour win in a landslide. After the victory, Hipkins took on more responsibility, serving as minister for COVID-19 response from November 2020 to June 2022. On 21 January 2023, Hipkins became the sole candidate to succeed Jacinda Ardern as leader of the Labour Party after she announced her resignation. He became party leader after being elected unopposed on 22 January 2023...
Hipkins received a Bachelor of Arts with a major in political science and criminology
18th October 2023, 05:00 PM
Chris Hipkins' attempt at re-election: ‘Bloodbath’: New Zealand Voters Decisively Reject Liberal Party (
October 14, 2023
The voters of New Zealand spurned the liberal Labour Party in Saturday’s national elections, knocking them into the minority and electing a conservative coalition led by the National Party ...with [Christopher] Luxon, a former businessman and corporate executive.
The center-right National Party earned about 40% of the vote, while Labour managed to win just over 25% of the vote, a sharp decline from the 50% share it earned in the last election prior to former Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern’s abrupt resignation from her post, according to the AP. Labour had been in power for six consecutive years, but voters rejected the party at the polls after it pushed stringent COVID-19 lockdown policies, vaccine mandates and presided over a high-inflation economy as well as a wave of criminality in the island nation...
David Farrar, an experienced conservative polling expert, described his immediate reaction to the voting trends seen throughout the country as a “bloodbath” for the country’s left, according to the AP. The New York Times described Luxon’s incoming government as New Zealand’s “most conservative government in decades.”
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