View Full Version : Suspicious Observers space, weather science channel
12th May 2021, 04:04 PM
Just found this new science channel, Suspicious Observers:
Info here will probably only make sense if you've done some research into Professor James McCanney's work, electric universe, catastrophism, read some Velikovsky, or watched some of Joe Rogan's shows with Randall Carlson and Graham Hancock, or looked into the work of Professor Robert Schoch. Apparently, Earth goes through massive catastrophes every 12,000 years or so. Last one was 12,000 years ago. Seems to be due to cycles of the sun. This guy at Suspicious Observers (actually a lawyer who is self-taught on this info) seems to think that our sun micronovas on a regular 12,000 year cycle. So this is basically a back to the stone-age event. Only positive in this is that this should disrupt their Great Reset/4th Industrial revolution plot against humanity (this is probably the event TPTB know is coming and why they built their underground tunnels, but they may not survive there).
Also, this guy says Earth's magnetosphere is weakening, which means going forward in time, more of the sun's cosmic rays should get through and cause major weather events, and perhaps a Carrington event (I guess something like that would blow out the internet and their digital currency plans).
7th January 2022, 09:31 PM
This should free us from the Great Reset...though many will be wiped out and it will be back to the stone age (whoever survives better warn the others about the satanic jew bankers).
At 16 min or so, Dr. Anthony Peratt talks about how there is a disaster every 10,000 years (some say more accurately, every 12,000 yaers, last one was 12,000 years ago) that wipes civilization out (back to the stone age). The general idea is that this is due to the wave from center of the galaxy, the galactic current sheet, the sun micronovas every 12,000 years. There's some guy Douglas Vogt who has studied the idea of sun micronova and says the side of earth facing the sun gets wiped out.
THE Earth Disaster Documentary
The Most Important Items Combined Into One Video | No more "Watch the dozens of videos", no more "Go watch the series playlist"... now there is ONE catch-up video for the earth catastrophe cycle... share it wisely. First, combine Chan Thomas, Charles Hapgood, Major White, August Dunning, Robert Felix, Robert Shoch, Albert Einstein, Randall Carlson and Douglas Vogt. Then, combine mythology, religion, 4 fields of astrophysics, 8 fields of geophysics, archeology and paleontology. Then add on the signs of the disaster unfolding now on earth, the other planets, the sun, nearby stars... and realize that the cycle timing is perfectly due again now. It's coming. Are you ready?
More on this in Robert Schoch's book:
Forgotten Civilization: New Discoveries on the Solar-Induced Dark Age
In 2012 (when the first edition of this book was printed), most astronomers still accepted that our Sun has been relatively stable for tens of thousands of years, or longer, but now the paradigm is changing and the scientific community is slowly realizing that our Sun is a typical star that undergoes periods of significantly increased and decreased activity on timescales of centuries and millennia, including both at the end of the last ice age and in modern times. Interestingly, a micronova type event 12,000 years ago, which I discuss in this revision and which the data supports, also explains small impactors hitting Earth, as a solar explosion could well blast off dust and debris along with the ionized gases that would (that I believe did) sweep across our planet..
I read his book, Forgotten Civilization (First edition) and he wrote about how there were pyramids all over the place thousands of years ago, suggesting a global civilization that got wiped out.
8th January 2022, 05:57 AM
"This should free us from the Great Reset.."
If bankruptcy can't do it a natural disaster won't.
"there were pyramids all over the place thousands of years ago, suggesting a global civilization that got wiped out"
The greatness of a society is measured by the artifacts they leave behind? Leftover pyramids is poor design. Engineers today design buildings for a useful economic life. Making buildings sturdy means it will cost more to demolish.
Case in point is the 10 story library at Tulane University where so much attention was paid to making the building light that the architect forgot it was to be full of books and they had to include stairs down to the first floor. Any lighter and it might have floated away.
9th January 2022, 07:03 AM
"This should free us from the Great Reset.."
If bankruptcy can't do it a natural disaster won't.
"there were pyramids all over the place thousands of years ago, suggesting a global civilization that got wiped out"
The greatness of a society is measured by the artifacts they leave behind? Leftover pyramids is poor design. Engineers today design buildings for a useful economic life. Making buildings sturdy means it will cost more to demolish.
Case in point is the 10 story library at Tulane University where so much attention was paid to making the building light that the architect forgot it was to be full of books and they had to include stairs down to the first floor. Any lighter and it might have floated away.
This one hopefully won't make it past the drawing board... Whitey don't apply. Anyone remember the chick engineered bridge in florida? Yeah...
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