View Full Version : Existence

4th June 2021, 05:31 AM
Refer to Las Sietes Partidas and the first law of the defendant



In Texas the owner of abandoned property is the one who pays taxes on that thing. In Texas things don't exist until someone pays a tax.

Corollary ... Paying taxes to Texas acknowledges proof that Texas exists and at the same time Texas cannot deny the existence of the one who is paying the tax.

Apparently existence in the world of commerce is involved with the transfer of money and the payment of tax.

existence (n.)
late 14c., "reality," from Old French existence, from Medieval Latin existentia/exsistentia, from existentem/exsistentem (nominative existens/exsistens) "existent," present participle of Latin existere/exsistere "stand forth, come out, emerge; appear, be visible, come to light; arise, be produced; turn into," and, as a secondary meaning, "exist, be;" from ex "forth" (see ex-) + sistere "cause to stand," from PIE *si-st-, reduplicated form of root *sta- "to stand, make or be firm."

De non apparentibus et non existentibus eadem est ratio. The reason is the same respecting things which do not appear, and those which do not exist.

Appearing (by paying tax) is key to existence.

Does COVID-19 exist? Doesn't that depend on whether the COVID-18 TAX has been paid? Proof of existence is as simple as a receipt produced that shows a tax was paid. No receipt means it isn't real!

4th June 2021, 07:00 AM
Who owns COVID? Has it been copyrighted? If so is the copyright owner liable for trespassed committed by his property? Has any state, country, nation or territory accepted a COVID based tax, fee or donation? If so by accepting such a payment are they accepting all public safety responsibility for liability incurred?

If it doesn't exist then why is the state imposing COVID related duties on society?

Recognizing the concepts of TRESPASS and ownership are key to battling "the virus". If anyone damages you whether by auto, mugging or rape demand to be made whole. Does that sound unreasonable?

Nothing exists until it appears. You are permitted to damage yourself if you do choose but, People, responding to an illusion has been associated with insanity by previous generations.