View Full Version : BLM: anyone flying an American flag is a raycist

midnight rambler
8th July 2021, 03:01 PM
That about sums it up.


8th July 2021, 03:08 PM
"anyone displaying the American flag, a "symbol of hatred," is automatically racist and must be avoided "

So who knew it was this easy to be avoided?

Although if I were cruising a dark alley in the south side of Chicago at 2 a.m. I believe I would have the flag illuminated with Leds just to aid in avoidance.

8th July 2021, 03:57 PM
"anyone displaying the American flag, a "symbol of hatred," is automatically racist and must be avoided "

So who knew it was this easy to be avoided?

Although if I were cruising a dark alley in the south side of Chicago at 2 a.m. I believe I would have the flag illuminated with Leds just to aid in avoidance.

That would give your position away.

8th July 2021, 04:11 PM
That would give your position away.

The FLAG gives your position away. The LIGHTs just say "Bring it on!"

8th July 2021, 06:05 PM
The FLAG gives your position away. The LIGHTs just say "Bring it on!"

Moths run to lights not to flags.

8th July 2021, 06:16 PM
Moths run to lights not to flags.

I'll be honest. I have never seen a moth run.

Do you suppose there would be money on moth races.

8th July 2021, 09:22 PM
I've been flying my home flag upside down since Jan. 6th and will continue to do so until the danger and distress our country is experiencing, has passed.

9th July 2021, 11:48 AM
I've been flying my home flag upside down since Jan. 6th and will continue to do so until the danger and distress our country is experiencing, has passed.

Do not hold your breath for that. :D

9th July 2021, 11:51 AM
I'll be honest. I have never seen a moth run.

Do you suppose there would be money on moth races.

Talk to Vegas. I'm sure they would create a race just for wagering.