View Full Version : Colossal disaster in Afghanistan!
15th August 2021, 03:15 PM
Now I see why the gold cartel smashed gold last week. They didn't want gold going to $2,000 when this disaster hit.
Looks to be a good week for gold coming up. We shall see.
15th August 2021, 05:49 PM
It looks like they are still beating it down.
15th August 2021, 09:09 PM
A thread on the colossal disaster in the White House Rex on
15th August 2021, 09:29 PM
It’s the funniest thing, everyone on pol is cheering on the Taliban.
17th August 2021, 03:14 PM
not disaster, part of larger plan to rebuild isis/qaeda. in the months leading up to when isis burst onto the scene, there were many large prison breakouts of the former qaeda soldiers
nyc/dc/izzy is building back better -- supplying the terrists with equipment and weapons left behind
note that syrian prisons contain much of isis (80,000 fighters/kin) -- so biden made a move....and (yellen) too
3 weeks ago
The Biden administration imposes new sanctions on Syrian prisons and officials.
US Treasury imposes sanctions on Syria prisons, armed groups
when have you ever heard the president....and farking treasury dept sanctioning PRISONS?
midnight rambler
17th August 2021, 04:28 PM
According to China Joe the Afghan National Army consisted of 300,000 troops, he also said they were well equipped (courtesy of Uncle Sugar). Imagine that, all that equipment and materiel, enough to sustain an army of THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND(!) for an extended period of time all handed over gratis to those who chant death to America and gun down their own countrymen in the street.
Anyone who doesn't see a serious problem with all that suffers from a rectal cranial inversion.
17th August 2021, 07:30 PM
Clown world deluxe.
This is Pelosis dream along with Schumer. I doubt it but do hope there is some sort of plan cause if this keeps up we aint gonna shoot our way out of it with the current MSM BS
17th August 2021, 08:37 PM
There is no way to fix this disaster short of starting a new war with 100 thousand troops, or more, brought in, with many Americans losing their lives.
We will all pay for this for a very long time.
It's hard to believe our election was stolen and this much damage could be done in such a short amount of time.
17th August 2021, 11:01 PM
not disaster, part of larger plan to rebuild isis/qaeda. in the months leading up to when isis burst onto the scene, there were many large prison breakouts of the former qaeda soldiers
nyc/dc/izzy is building back better -- supplying the terrists with equipment and weapons left behind
note that syrian prisons contain much of isis (80,000 fighters/kin) -- so biden made a move....and (yellen) too
3 weeks ago
The Biden administration imposes new sanctions on Syrian prisons and officials.
US Treasury imposes sanctions on Syria prisons, armed groups
when have you ever heard the president....and farking treasury dept sanctioning PRISONS?
Yeah, that's what I think too--this is deliberate. There was even a guy on MSDNC (ex CIA or Army guy who had been in Afghanistan) Matt Zeller who said something like he had been repeatedly telling the senile pedo in chief's administration what to do and they refused to listen.
And I noticed on the ZioMSM that now they are talking about "oh,no, maybe Al-CIA-duh could attack us again" (shame on all the brainwashed American sheep who never woke up to the truth about 9/11), so kind of seems like they are laying the propaganda groundwork for more false flags.
Thought this was interesting:
Did you catch that? There are no coincidences. Pay attention.
Reminds me of this: (scroll down for photo of the license plate)
According to Mike Dash, a writer for the blog at the Charles Fort Instiute (“the world’s leading resource for scholarship and research in the understanding of strange experiences and anomalous phenomena”) the license plate could easily be interpreted as “A (for Armistice) 11-11-18 – which means that the death car has always carried with it a prediction, not of the dreadful day of Sarajevo that in a real sense marked the beginning of the First World War, but of 11 November 1918: Armistice Day, the day that the war ended.”
That's how much control these Satanic bankers have--they have all their numbers all over the place because everything is planned decades in advance.
18th August 2021, 08:30 AM
nyc/dc/izzy/obama built up isis
orange man destroyed it
nyc/dc/izzy/biden to build back better
in the months leading up to this move there were prison breakouts of isis in syria
more to come..
18th August 2021, 10:33 AM
Use this as a learning opportunity.
If you want a revolution you have to be prepared to actually succeed. If not playing then with guns and IEDs falls in the category of mental masturbation.
If the Taliban fail in governing they should consider pointing their guns at each other.
19th August 2021, 07:21 AM
6 Questions we NEED to ask about Afghanistan So, what’s REALLY going on? Is the apparent Taliban “victory” masking the true narrative? Kit Knightly
Afghanistan has “fallen”, that’s the line. The Taliban forces have taken the opportunity of US/NATO withdrawal and swept across the entire country, taking every major city within a week and with barely a shot fired.
Joe Biden is being blamed for his “lack of plan”, even as Democrats try and shift the blame to Trump ( who first decided to pull the US out of Afghanistan over 18 months ago (
Meanwhile, the press are reporting dozens of stories about the humanitarian crises, refugees fleeing the new regime, the fate of women under the Taliban, and “shocking videos” of desperate people.
That’s the official story. But what’s really going on?
1. Did the Taliban really just win? Firstly, let’s be clear, the US has not “pulled out” of Afghanistan, not in the true sense of the phrase. They still reserve the right to bomb the place. There are still private contractors in the country. And the Pentagon are already booking their return tickets (
Secondly, the Taliban didn’t “win”, they were unopposed. More than unopposed, they were directly aided. When the US abandoned Bagram airbase they left hundreds of armored vehicles, weapons and over 5000 alleged Taliban prisoners…all of which “accidentally” fell into the hands of the advancing Taliban forces (
The Afghan army, under command of US puppet President Ashraf Ghani, essentially folded without a shot being fired. Tens of thousands of US-trained and armed troops did nothing to stop the advance of the enemy.
There are a LOT articles in the MSM endeavouring to explain this. The Guardian ( And The Telegraph ( The Financial Times ( And the non-financial Times ( They all give it a go.
The Washington Post’s Max Boot, writing for the Council on Foreign Relations, ties himself in mental knots trying to explain how the Afghan army, with superior numbers AND firepower, “collapsed under pressure” (
The Independent reports that the billions the Pentagon spent on training Afghan security forces has “accidentally” benefited the Taliban (, who have now seized vehicles, missiles and aircraft.
The press clearly sees it for what it is – a hole in their story they really need to plug.
All things being equal, the simplest explanation is often the most likely. And the simplest explanation here is that the Afghan security forces were ordered to stand down as part of a deal with the Taliban. There are reports and rumours on social media of deals being done:
The Secret Deal b/w US, Taliban & Afghan Govt (A thread): It is said that the trio agreed to peacefully handover #Afganistan ( to #Taliban ( Which is why the 350K Forces including 10K AirForce collapsed like dominos in the span of a week only and without a single bullet fired. 1/7
And, of course, the exact terms of the peace agreement, signed by Trump and Taliban last year, are not known. But it’s interesting to note that this agreement actually called for a handover of exactly 5000 Taliban prisoners ( The same number “accidentally” left unguarded at Bagram Airbase.
One interpretation is that the withdrawal has gone exactly as planned in the deal signed by Trump. And that the melodrama and “chaos” of the pull-out was either a part of the deal, or a later addition to either cause a distraction or save some face.
2. Is the chaos real? The media have been generating memes to sell the “chaos” of the Taliban’s advance. The go-to comparison has been the fall of Saigon, because the (completely unintentional) “near-identical images” ( unintentionally) “went viral” (
We’re treated to a lot of viral video footage. Ranging from the questionable:
Does this video not ring true to anyone else? If these are all desperate refugees, where are the women & children? Why are most of them jogging nonchalantly & making no effort to get on the plane? Why are people stopping, smiling & waving to the camera? #AfghanistanAirport (
To the outright bizarre: (tweet with video of Taliban on bumper cars at amusement park)
All of this serves a purpose, aside from the distraction of emotive metaphors and lurid headlines ( It all aids in the construction of a narrative.
In this case, the ideas of US “mistakes” and “incompetence” and “wishful thinking” ( are discussed at length (, without ever touching on the true mendacity at the heart of the Afghan invasion (
The “end” of the Afghan war is being used to re-brand its beginnings. The Taliban are propped up as villains, again, and associated with Al Qaeda (, as if they were ever anything but a Western tool in the first place.
People are talking about “spreading democracy” and “counter-terrorism” ( as if they were the real aims of the war, instead of long-discredited lies.
Marketing Afghanistan as a “defeat” for the US camouflages the truth of it – the war was a VERY profitable business venture.
And, of course, it all serves to reinforce the frail official story of 9/11, a vital keystone in the construction of our geo-political “reality”.
3. What about the heroin? The press has a long history of, not just lying about Afghan heroin, but totally inverting the truth. In 2019 for example, during the farcical “leak” of the Afghanistan Papers (, the press lamented the US’ “failure to curb” the opium trade.
Afghanistan currently produces around 90% of global heroin. When the US invaded in 2001, that number was much closer to zero. The Taliban outlawed the growing of opium poppies in early 2001, and by the end of the year the business was almost extinct.
The US invaded in November 2001, and opium production has increased almost every year since then. We don’t need to go into the CIA’s links to the drug trade ( here, or how much money people have made from this heroin production. That’s not relevant, what we need to ask is, what now?
Will the newly-reinstated Taliban put an end to this trade again? Or will production continue?
According the press, the heroin will continue to flow. In fact the Taliban will increase production because the “illegal drug trade helps fuel” ( them.
Reuters reports that the US plan to halt heroin production “failed”, and that the opoium trade is a “boon” for the Taliban (
The Telegraph headlines that “Taliban mulls flooding the West with heroin to shore up Afghan economy” ( So we should be prepared for the illegal heroin trade to increase now the US has “withdrawn” from Afghanistan.
But the idea that heroin benefits the Taliban, and the US wants to put an end to it is a myth. Afghan heroin is, and always has been, a US/Deep State/corporate enterprise to the bone.
And, If the Taliban do allow the US to continue to use their land to mass-produce heroin, that is yet another piece of evidence supporting a deal between the Taliban and the West.
4. Will there be any Political Fallout? So what are the next steps? Where is this going?
Well, in the US, President Joe Biden is experiencing some pretty heavy FLAK. Even his usually-stalwart supporters at CNN ran the headline “Joe Biden is facing a crisis of competence” ( Which could mean they’re in the early stages of prepping us for President Kamala Harris.
Geo-politically, the talk is of Russia and China – the only two counties to officially recognise the Taliban government – “stepping into the void” ( This is being played as a victory for America’s enemies (and another stick with which to beat Biden), but does that really mean anything?
The Covid “pandemic” has been an eye-opener in terms of conflict between nations. They’ve shown us that, when they really need to, they work together to the same end. They tell the same lies, sell the same stories, and want the same thing. The wall at the back of the theatre has been revealed, in that regard.
The truth is, no matter which nations notionally hold sway in Afghanistan, the profits from the war, the lithium and the heroin will all end up going to the same few pockets. Corporations rule, not countries. Nation-states are no longer the players of the Great Game, they are the pieces. Toys for corporate megaliths. Their owners can make them fight each other, or bump them together and make kissy noises. Each is equally meaningless.
5. Is there another “Refugee Crisis” on the way? The Afghanistan narrative will fuel other big narratives going forward.
Firstly, there is the coming “refugee crisis” (
The “worst since world war II”, according to Tobias Elwood MP (who can always be relied upon to promote Deep State talking points), which is weird because I’m sure that’s what they said about the refugee crisis in 2016 (, too. Oh, and in 2019 (
The UK’s Defence Secretary has already announced plans to allow Afghan asylum seekers into Britain without passports ( Merkel is advocating for similar steps in Germany (, and the US press ( is also on board (
Will these refugees be forced to stay in “quarantine hotels” at their own expense? Have they all been “double jabbed”? We don’t know. Nobody’s thinking about that, that’s from the other narrative. We’re talking about refugees today, Covid can wait.
Anybody opposing asylum seekers entering the country because of Covid will be branded a racist, and medical professionals will claim that “racism is a public health issue more dangerous than covid”, just like they did when the Covid narrative collided with the Black Lives Matter narrative ( last summer.
That importing asylum seekers, undocumented, from a near-failed state could be suggested at all during an allegedly “deadly pandemic” is a sign of just how contrived both narratives are.
It’s not said much – but corporations love refugees. Just like illegal immigrants, undocumented refugees can be used as cheap labour, with none of the legal protections of full citizens. They can then be blamed for deteriorating living standards, unemployment and wage stagnation. They act as a heat-sink for public anger.
Further, “refugees” with no passports are a great way to get your trained mercenaries, agitators, saboteurs, and/or special forces across national borders without leaving a trail.
The resulting army of undocumented men of fighting age can then serve as a pool of potential “terrorists” who can be “radicalised” at a moments notice and deployed to spread panic at home or abroad.
Which leads us neatly onto…
6. Will we see a major terrorist attack? It’s only been a few days since the “fall” of Kabul, but already the “renewed terrorism threat” is making waves in the press.
The Sun, in its usual understated style, headlines (
RED ALERT Britain faces ‘direct threat of terrorism’ from Taliban’s Afghan takeover in new wave of terror against West
A rather more sedate report in from AP says ( “Concerns over US terror threats rising as Taliban hold grows.”
The New York Times goes almost fully schizophrenic, reporting “A decade ago, a U.S. withdrawal from Iraq opened the door for the Islamic State. Will the withdrawal from Afghanistan do the same for the Taliban? and warning of other terror attacks ( in the future…
…without ever acknowledging that the US never “withdrew” from Iraq at all. Or that they armed, and trained, ISIS.
Bloomberg warns ( that “The Taliban are already inspiring terror beyond Afghanistan”. The Times is worried about the “terrorist elite” ( the Taliban freed from Bagram prison.
Project Syndicate reports ( that “The world should not ignore the risk that Afghanistan under the Taliban could become a breeding ground for international terrorism.”
Politicians from France (, the US and UK been eager to talk it up, too:
Immediate priority for UK govt: secure safe passage for British citizens & Afghans who have supported us. But the long term threat is that terrorists will use Afghanistan as a base to attack the UK. PM must set out a strategy for strengthening our counter-terrorism capability.
The former head of NATO has said the West needs to “bolster its terror defences” (, whilst the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs has said “terror groups will re-constitute in Afghanistan faster than expected” ( and the UN is calling for “unity against the global terrorist threat” (
There’s a common theme to some of these dire warnings, too. Tobias Elwood MP (him again), told the Independent (
I would not be surprised if we see another attack on the scale of 9/11, almost to bookend what happened 20 years ago,
Whilst Ivor Roberts, another senior Tory, used the exact same phrase in the Metro (, as does this article in The Sun (
All of that in just the last two days.
Does this mean we will see a major terrorist attack?
Maybe, maybe not. We are past due for one, certainly. Major international terrorism, much like the flu, took some time off during the “pandemic.” ( But, in many ways, the threat is just as effective as the attack itself.
The Covid fear fog is thinning, people are starting to wake up a little, and the people running things need everyone to be afraid.
Conclusion To sum up the official narrative on US withdrawal from Afghanistan in bullet points:
Trump signed a deal with the Taliban, over a year ago, to withdraw from the country and hand over 5000 prisoners.
Despite having over a year to plan, the US “withdrawal” was chaotic and messy.
The US accidentally left behind weapons, helicopters, ammunition and armoured vehicles, which the Taliban took.
The US accidentally left behind 5000 prisoners, whom the Taliban freed.
Without US support, the Afghan army, which outnumbers and outguns the Taliban, folded without firing a shot and the Taliban took control of the entire country in less than week.
Despite shutting down the heroin trade prior to the US invasion, the Taliban now intend to keep it going, and even increase production.
Do you believe this story? Is it at all believable?
Ignore the sound and fury from the media. The press are like a street magician, if you want to understand what they’re up to you have to look past the hand he’s waving in your face, and look at the one behind his back.
It seems fairly obvious, to me anyway, that US gave weapons and vehicles to the Taliban in exchange for a promise to keep the heroin production going (and maybe access to mineral mines, no word on that yet).
Meanwhile, the “fall out” of the totally manufactured “chaos” is being used to fan the flames of fear-porn. Promoting division over asylum seekers and spreading panic about terrorism.
In short, the Afghanistan story, as related by the mainstream press, is a twisted illogical ball of confusion, intended to provide fuel for future narratives of control.
…which is pretty much true of everything in the news, these days.
Also, highly recommend watching this - 7 min worth your time. Lara thinks this is all deliberate-exactly what TPTB wanted. Says US knows supply lines for Taliban are from pakistan, so could have bombed but didn't. Says Taliban is supported by Pakistan ISI, and that the US govt actually pays for Pakistan ISI (so looks to me like US govt supports Taliban via middleman Pakistan ISI)
19th August 2021, 07:22 AM
6 Questions we NEED to ask about Afghanistan So, what’s REALLY going on? Is the apparent Taliban “victory” masking the true narrative?
Kit Knightly
Afghanistan has “fallen”, that’s the line. The Taliban forces have taken the opportunity of US/NATO withdrawal and swept across the entire country, taking every major city within a week and with barely a shot fired.
Joe Biden is being blamed for his “lack of plan”, even as Democrats try and shift the blame to Trump ( who first decided to pull the US out of Afghanistan over 18 months ago (
Meanwhile, the press are reporting dozens of stories about the humanitarian crises, refugees fleeing the new regime, the fate of women under the Taliban, and “shocking videos” of desperate people.
That’s the official story. But what’s really going on?
1. Did the Taliban really just win?
Firstly, let’s be clear, the US has not “pulled out” of Afghanistan, not in the true sense of the phrase. They still reserve the right to bomb the place. There are still private contractors in the country. And the Pentagon are already booking their return tickets (
Secondly, the Taliban didn’t “win”, they were unopposed. More than unopposed, they were directly aided. When the US abandoned Bagram airbase they left hundreds of armored vehicles, weapons and over 5000 alleged Taliban prisoners…all of which “accidentally” fell into the hands of the advancing Taliban forces (
The Afghan army, under command of US puppet President Ashraf Ghani, essentially folded without a shot being fired. Tens of thousands of US-trained and armed troops did nothing to stop the advance of the enemy.
There are a LOT articles in the MSM endeavouring to explain this. The Guardian ( And The Telegraph ( The Financial Times ( And the non-financial Times ( They all give it a go.
The Washington Post’s Max Boot, writing for the Council on Foreign Relations, ties himself in mental knots trying to explain how the Afghan army, with superior numbers AND firepower, “collapsed under pressure” (
The Independent reports that the billions the Pentagon spent on training Afghan security forces has “accidentally” benefited the Taliban (, who have now seized vehicles, missiles and aircraft.
The press clearly sees it for what it is – a hole in their story they really need to plug.
All things being equal, the simplest explanation is often the most likely. And the simplest explanation here is that the Afghan security forces were ordered to stand down as part of a deal with the Taliban. There are reports and rumours on social media of deals being done:
The Secret Deal b/w US, Taliban & Afghan Govt (A thread): It is said that the trio agreed to peacefully handover #Afganistan ( to #Taliban ( Which is why the 350K Forces including 10K AirForce collapsed like dominos in the span of a week only and without a single bullet fired. 1/7
And, of course, the exact terms of the peace agreement, signed by Trump and Taliban last year, are not known. But it’s interesting to note that this agreement actually called for a handover of exactly 5000 Taliban prisoners ( The same number “accidentally” left unguarded at Bagram Airbase.
One interpretation is that the withdrawal has gone exactly as planned in the deal signed by Trump. And that the melodrama and “chaos” of the pull-out was either a part of the deal, or a later addition to either cause a distraction or save some face.
2. Is the chaos real?
The media have been generating memes to sell the “chaos” of the Taliban’s advance. The go-to comparison has been the fall of Saigon, because the (completely unintentional) “near-identical images” ( unintentionally) “went viral” (
We’re treated to a lot of viral video footage. Ranging from the questionable:
Does this video not ring true to anyone else? If these are all desperate refugees, where are the women & children? Why are most of them jogging nonchalantly & making no effort to get on the plane? Why are people stopping, smiling & waving to the camera? #AfghanistanAirport (
To the outright bizarre: (tweet with video of Taliban on bumper cars at amusement park)
All of this serves a purpose, aside from the distraction of emotive metaphors and lurid headlines ( It all aids in the construction of a narrative.
In this case, the ideas of US “mistakes” and “incompetence” and “wishful thinking” ( are discussed at length (, without ever touching on the true mendacity at the heart of the Afghan invasion (
The “end” of the Afghan war is being used to re-brand its beginnings. The Taliban are propped up as villains, again, and associated with Al Qaeda (, as if they were ever anything but a Western tool in the first place.
People are talking about “spreading democracy” and “counter-terrorism” ( as if they were the real aims of the war, instead of long-discredited lies.
Marketing Afghanistan as a “defeat” for the US camouflages the truth of it – the war was a VERY profitable business venture.
And, of course, it all serves to reinforce the frail official story of 9/11, a vital keystone in the construction of our geo-political “reality”.
3. What about the heroin?
The press has a long history of, not just lying about Afghan heroin, but totally inverting the truth. In 2019 for example, during the farcical “leak” of the Afghanistan Papers (, the press lamented the US’ “failure to curb” the opium trade.
Afghanistan currently produces around 90% of global heroin. When the US invaded in 2001, that number was much closer to zero. The Taliban outlawed the growing of opium poppies in early 2001, and by the end of the year the business was almost extinct.
The US invaded in November 2001, and opium production has increased almost every year since then. We don’t need to go into the CIA’s links to the drug trade ( here, or how much money people have made from this heroin production. That’s not relevant, what we need to ask is, what now?
Will the newly-reinstated Taliban put an end to this trade again? Or will production continue?
According the press, the heroin will continue to flow. In fact the Taliban will increase production because the “illegal drug trade helps fuel” ( them.
Reuters reports that the US plan to halt heroin production “failed”, and that the opoium trade is a “boon” for the Taliban (
The Telegraph headlines that “Taliban mulls flooding the West with heroin to shore up Afghan economy” ( So we should be prepared for the illegal heroin trade to increase now the US has “withdrawn” from Afghanistan.
But the idea that heroin benefits the Taliban, and the US wants to put an end to it is a myth. Afghan heroin is, and always has been, a US/Deep State/corporate enterprise to the bone.
And, If the Taliban do allow the US to continue to use their land to mass-produce heroin, that is yet another piece of evidence supporting a deal between the Taliban and the West.
4. Will there be any Political Fallout?
So what are the next steps? Where is this going?
Well, in the US, President Joe Biden is experiencing some pretty heavy FLAK. Even his usually-stalwart supporters at CNN ran the headline “Joe Biden is facing a crisis of competence” ( Which could mean they’re in the early stages of prepping us for President Kamala Harris.
Geo-politically, the talk is of Russia and China – the only two counties to officially recognise the Taliban government – “stepping into the void” ( This is being played as a victory for America’s enemies (and another stick with which to beat Biden), but does that really mean anything?
The Covid “pandemic” has been an eye-opener in terms of conflict between nations. They’ve shown us that, when they really need to, they work together to the same end. They tell the same lies, sell the same stories, and want the same thing. The wall at the back of the theatre has been revealed, in that regard.
The truth is, no matter which nations notionally hold sway in Afghanistan, the profits from the war, the lithium and the heroin will all end up going to the same few pockets. Corporations rule, not countries. Nation-states are no longer the players of the Great Game, they are the pieces. Toys for corporate megaliths. Their owners can make them fight each other, or bump them together and make kissy noises. Each is equally meaningless.
5. Is there another “Refugee Crisis” on the way?
The Afghanistan narrative will fuel other big narratives going forward.
Firstly, there is the coming “refugee crisis” (
The “worst since world war II”, according to Tobias Elwood MP (who can always be relied upon to promote Deep State talking points), which is weird because I’m sure that’s what they said about the refugee crisis in 2016 (, too. Oh, and in 2019 (
The UK’s Defence Secretary has already announced plans to allow Afghan asylum seekers into Britain without passports ( Merkel is advocating for similar steps in Germany (, and the US press ( is also on board (
Will these refugees be forced to stay in “quarantine hotels” at their own expense? Have they all been “double jabbed”? We don’t know. Nobody’s thinking about that, that’s from the other narrative. We’re talking about refugees today, Covid can wait.
Anybody opposing asylum seekers entering the country because of Covid will be branded a racist, and medical professionals will claim that “racism is a public health issue more dangerous than covid”, just like they did when the Covid narrative collided with the Black Lives Matter narrative ( last summer.
That importing asylum seekers, undocumented, from a near-failed state could be suggested at all during an allegedly “deadly pandemic” is a sign of just how contrived both narratives are.
It’s not said much – but corporations love refugees. Just like illegal immigrants, undocumented refugees can be used as cheap labour, with none of the legal protections of full citizens. They can then be blamed for deteriorating living standards, unemployment and wage stagnation. They act as a heat-sink for public anger.
Further, “refugees” with no passports are a great way to get your trained mercenaries, agitators, saboteurs, and/or special forces across national borders without leaving a trail.
The resulting army of undocumented men of fighting age can then serve as a pool of potential “terrorists” who can be “radicalised” at a moments notice and deployed to spread panic at home or abroad.
Which leads us neatly onto…
6. Will we see a major terrorist attack?
It’s only been a few days since the “fall” of Kabul, but already the “renewed terrorism threat” is making waves in the press.
The Sun, in its usual understated style, headlines (
RED ALERT Britain faces ‘direct threat of terrorism’ from Taliban’s Afghan takeover in new wave of terror against West
A rather more sedate report in from AP says ( “Concerns over US terror threats rising as Taliban hold grows.”
The New York Times goes almost fully schizophrenic, reporting “A decade ago, a U.S. withdrawal from Iraq opened the door for the Islamic State. Will the withdrawal from Afghanistan do the same for the Taliban? and warning of other terror attacks ( in the future…
…without ever acknowledging that the US never “withdrew” from Iraq at all. Or that they armed, and trained, ISIS.
Bloomberg warns ( that “The Taliban are already inspiring terror beyond Afghanistan”. The Times is worried about the “terrorist elite” ( the Taliban freed from Bagram prison.
Project Syndicate reports ( that “The world should not ignore the risk that Afghanistan under the Taliban could become a breeding ground for international terrorism.”
Politicians from France (, the US and UK been eager to talk it up, too:
Immediate priority for UK govt: secure safe passage for British citizens & Afghans who have supported us. But the long term threat is that terrorists will use Afghanistan as a base to attack the UK. PM must set out a strategy for strengthening our counter-terrorism capability.
The former head of NATO has said the West needs to “bolster its terror defences” (, whilst the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs has said “terror groups will re-constitute in Afghanistan faster than expected” ( and the UN is calling for “unity against the global terrorist threat” (
There’s a common theme to some of these dire warnings, too. Tobias Elwood MP (him again), told the Independent (
I would not be surprised if we see another attack on the scale of 9/11, almost to bookend what happened 20 years ago,
Whilst Ivor Roberts, another senior Tory, used the exact same phrase in the Metro (, as does this article in The Sun (
All of that in just the last two days.
Does this mean we will see a major terrorist attack?
Maybe, maybe not. We are past due for one, certainly. Major international terrorism, much like the flu, took some time off during the “pandemic.” ( But, in many ways, the threat is just as effective as the attack itself.
The Covid fear fog is thinning, people are starting to wake up a little, and the people running things need everyone to be afraid.
To sum up the official narrative on US withdrawal from Afghanistan in bullet points:
Trump signed a deal with the Taliban, over a year ago, to withdraw from the country and hand over 5000 prisoners.
Despite having over a year to plan, the US “withdrawal” was chaotic and messy.
The US accidentally left behind weapons, helicopters, ammunition and armoured vehicles, which the Taliban took.
The US accidentally left behind 5000 prisoners, whom the Taliban freed.
Without US support, the Afghan army, which outnumbers and outguns the Taliban, folded without firing a shot and the Taliban took control of the entire country in less than week.
Despite shutting down the heroin trade prior to the US invasion, the Taliban now intend to keep it going, and even increase production.
Do you believe this story? Is it at all believable?
Ignore the sound and fury from the media. The press are like a street magician, if you want to understand what they’re up to you have to look past the hand he’s waving in your face, and look at the one behind his back.
It seems fairly obvious, to me anyway, that US gave weapons and vehicles to the Taliban in exchange for a promise to keep the heroin production going (and maybe access to mineral mines, no word on that yet).
Meanwhile, the “fall out” of the totally manufactured “chaos” is being used to fan the flames of fear-porn. Promoting division over asylum seekers and spreading panic about terrorism.
In short, the Afghanistan story, as related by the mainstream press, is a twisted illogical ball of confusion, intended to provide fuel for future narratives of control.
…which is pretty much true of everything in the news, these days.
Also, highly recommend watching this - 7 min worth your time. Lara thinks this is all deliberate-exactly what TPTB wanted. Says US knows supply lines for Taliban are from pakistan, so could have bombed but didn't. Says Taliban is supported by Pakistan ISI, and that the US govt actually pays for Pakistan ISI (so looks to me like US govt supports Taliban via middleman Pakistan ISI)
midnight rambler
19th August 2021, 05:07 PM
20th August 2021, 05:29 PM
Same old same old?
But now with more western population replacement. 232. Memorandum of Conversation Washington, April 14, 1975, 3:30 p.m. (
Biden: What concerns us is that a week ago Habib told us we would be formulating a plan. A week has gone by and nothing has happened. We should focus on getting them out. Getting the Vietnamese out and military aid for the GVN are totally different.
Kissinger: The plan for American evacuation is in pretty good shape. But we had a report that if we pulled out and left them in the lurch, we may have to fight the South Vietnamese. It was that we were concerned with and that is why we wanted to go to Thieu so we didn’t do it in the context of a bug out. The second problem is getting American citizens out in an emergency. Third is the Vietnamese to whom we have an obligation. This is infinitely more complicated and large-scale. It requires cooperation from the GVN and maybe the North Vietnamese.
Biden: I feel put upon in being presented an all or nothing number. I don’t want to have to vote to buy it all or not at all. I am not sure I can vote for an amount to put American troops in for one to six months to get the Vietnamese out. I will vote for any amount for getting the Americans out. I don’t want it mixed with getting the Vietnamese out.
President: There are three operations that are intertwined. There is getting out 4,500, the last 1,800 and the Vietnamese. The worst way to do it is to label it evacuation aid...
President: If this is a meeting to plan an evacuation, this will panic the GVN [South Vietnam] totally.
[The meeting ended]
21st August 2021, 06:20 PM
The Afghanistan Debacle, Zalmay Khalilzad and The Great Reset
By F. William Engdahl
19 August 2021
Image: Attribution: Credit: US State Department photo by Ron Przysucha / US representative Zalmay Khalilzad (left) and Taliban representative Abdul Ghani Baradar (right) sign the agreement in Doha, Qatar on February 29, 2020 / Public Domain remony_in_Doha_(49601220548).jpg
Much of the world is shocked by the apparent incompetence of the Biden Administration in the human and geopolitical catastrophe that is unfolding in Afghanistan. While Biden speaks out of both sides of his pre-scripted mouth, stating that everyone else is to blame than his decisions, then stating “the buck stops here,” only adds to the impression that the once sole-superpower is in terminal collapse. Could it be that this is all part of a long-term strategy to end the nation state in preparation for the global totalitarian model sometimes called the Great Reset by the Davos cabal? The 40 year history of the Afghan US war and the Afghani Pashtun who shaped the policy until today is revealing.
The airwaves of mainstream media across the globe are filled with questions of military incompetence or intelligence failure or both. It is worthwhile to examine the role of the Biden Special Representative for Afghanistan Reconciliation at the State Department, Afghan-born Zalmay Khalilzad. For the one figure who has shaped strategic US foreign policy since 1984 in the Administration of Bush Sr., and has been US Ambassador to both Afghanistan and to Iraq at key times during the US wars there, as well as the key figure in the present debacle, astonishingly little media attention has been given the 70-year old Afghan-born operative.
The Shadowy Khalilzad
Khalilzad, an ethnic Pashtun born and raised in Afghanistan until High School, is arguably the key actor in the unfolding Afghan drama, beginning with the time he was the architect of the radical transformation under Bush Jr of US strategic doctrine to “preventive wars.” He was involved in every step of the US policy in Afghanistan from CIA training Taliban Mujihideen Islamists (organization banned in Russia) in the 1980’s to the US invasion of Afghanistan in 2001 to the Doha deal with the Taliban and the current disastrous collapse.
The May 8 1992 New York Times reported on a leaked Pentagon draft ,later called the Wolfowitz Doctrine after the Pentagon official under then Defense Secretary Dick Cheney. Paul Wolfowitz had been charged by Cheney with drafting a new US global military posture following the collapse of the Soviet Union. According to the Times leak, the document argued that, “the US must become the world’s single superpower and must take aggressive action to prevent competing nations—even allies such as Germany and Japan—from challenging US economic and military supremacy.” It further stated, “We must maintain the mechanism for deterring potential competitors from even aspiring to a larger regional or global role.” ( It was de facto a declaration of unilateral imperialism.
At the time Zalmay Khalilzad worked under Wolfowitz as Assistant Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Planning, where he was tasked with drafting the new doctrine, working with Wolfowitz and outside consultants, including Khalilzad’s doctorate professor at the University of Chicago, RAND neo-conservative “godfather”, Alfred Wohlstetter. Wolfowitz had also studied at Chicago under Wohlstetter. This group became the core of the so-called neo-conservative warhawks. Khalilzad once said Cheney personally credited the young Afghani for the strategy document, allegedly telling Khalilzad, “You’ve discovered a new rationale ( for our role in the world.” That “discovery” was to transform America’s role in the world in a disastrous way.
Khalilzad’s highly controversial policy proposal, while it was later deleted from the published document by the Bush White House, reappeared a decade later as the Bush Doctrine under Bush Jr., also known as “preventive wars” and was used to justify the US invasions of Afghanistan and later Iraq.
Bush jr., whose Vice President was Dick Cheney, initiated the invasion of Afghanistan in October 2001,urged on by his Afghan adviser, Zalmay Khalilzad, using the excuse that Osama bin Laden, the alleged architect of the 911 attacks, was hiding under protection of the Taliban regime in Afghanistan, so the Taliban must be punished. In May, 2001, some four months before 911, Bush National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice had named Khalilzad as “Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for Gulf, Southwest Asia and Other Regional Issues.” The “other regional issues” was to become huge.
Khalilzad had headed the Bush-Cheney Transition team for the Department of Defense. His influence twenty yearas ago was enormous and largely hidden from public view. Former Khalilzad boss Wolfowitz was Number Two at the Bush Jr. Pentagon and former Khalilzad consulting client, Don Rumsfeld was Defense Secretary.
Bush declared war against the Taliban regime for refusing to extradite the Saudi Jihadist Bin Laden. There was no UN role, no debate in Congress. It was the new US doctrine from Khalilzad and Wolfowitz and their neo-con cabal, that might makes right. Here began the 20-year US debacle in Afghanistan that never should have begun in any sane world of rule by law.
Taliban Origins
The origins of the Taliban come out of the CIA project, initiated by Carter Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski in 1979, of recruiting and arming radical Islamists from Pakistan, Afghanistan and even Saudi Arabia, to wage irregular warfare against the Soviet Red Army then in Afghanistan. The CIA code-named it Operation Cyclone and it lasted ten years until the Red Army withdrew in 1989. A Saudi-CIA asset, Osama bin Laden, had been brought into Pakistan to work with the Pakistani ISI intelligence to draw money and Jihadists from the Arab states into the war. A significant number of radicalized Afghan Pashtun students called Taliban or “seekers” were recruited from radical madrasses, some in Pakistan where the ISI protected them. That CIA war became the longest and most costly CIA operation in its history. By 1984 Khalilzad was in the middle of it all, as US State Department Afghan specialist.
During the latter part of the 1980’s CIA war in Afghanistan, working with radical Islamist Mujahideen and Taliban mercenaries, Khalilzad emerged as the most influential US policy figure on Afghanistan. By 1988 Khalilzad had become the State Department’s “special advisor” on Afghanistan under former CIA head, George Bush Sr. In that post he was the one who dealt directly with the Mujahideen, including the Taliban.
By then he had become close to Jimmy Carter’s Afghan war strategist, Zbigniew Brzezinski. Joining the US State Department in 1984 after teaching at Brzezinski’s Columbia University, Khalilzad became Executive Director of the influential Friends of Afghanistan lobby where Brzezinski and Kissinger associate, Lawrence Eagleburger were members. The Friends of Afghanistan, with USAID money, lobbied ( Congress for major US support to the Mujahideen. Khalilzad also successfully lobbied to give advanced US Stinger missiles to the Mujahideen. During this period Khalilzad had dealings with the Mujahideen, Taliban, Osama bin Laden and what came to become Al Qaeda (a terrorist organization banned in Russia).
In the George W. Bush Administration, Khalilzad was named Special Presidential Envoy to Afghanistan in early 2002, and was directly responsible for installing CIA asset Hamid Karzai as Afghan president in 2002.Hamid’s brother, warlord of the country’s largest opium province, Kandahar, was paid by the CIA at least since 2001. Khalilzad was clearly aware. (
Khalilzad himself had reportedly been “selected” by CIA recruiter, Thomas E. Gouttierre, when Zalmay was an AFS exchange High School student in Ceres, California in the 1960s. Goutttierre headed the CIA-financed Center for Afghanistan Studies at the University of Nebraska at Omaha. That would explain his later career rise to extraordinary influence in US Afghan policy and beyond. (
Notably, the disgraced current Afghan “President in flight,” Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai, the American-appointed “co-president” of Afghanistan, was a classmate of Khalilzad in the early 1970s as an undergraduate at the American University of Beirut, as were both of their future wives. Small world. (
By 1996 following several years of civil war among the rival factions of the CIA-backed Mujahideen the Taliban, backed by Pakistan’s ISI, took control of Kabul. The Taliban takeover of Afghanistan by 1996 was a direct consequence of Khalilzad’s arming and backing of the Mujahideen in the 1980s, including of Osama bin Laden. It was no accident or miscalculation. The CIA was in the business of weaponizing political Islam and Khalilzad was and is a key player in that. Khalilzad served as board member of the Afghanistan Foundation during the Clinton years, which advocated that the Taliban join forces with the anti-Taliban Mujahideen resistance groups. (
During the end of the Clinton Presidency Khalilzad played a key role in shaping the military agenda of the next President with his role in the Project for a New American Century (PNAC), together with Cheney, Wolfowitz, Don Rumsfeld, Jeb Bush and others who played key policy roles in the George W. Bush presidency. After the 911 attacks in 2001 Khalilzad orchestrated the Bush war against Taliban in Afghanistan and became Bush Envoy to Afghanistan. By November 2003 Khalilzad was US Ambassador to Afghanistan where his hand-picked President,Karzai, was installed. In February 2004 Ambassador Khalilzad welcomed US Defense Secretary Rumsfeld and a Brigadier General Lloyd Austin in Kabul. Austin knows Khalilzad.
By December 2002 Bush had appointed Khalilzad to be Ambassador at Large for Free Iraqis to coordinate “preparations for a post-Saddam Hussein Iraq.” Khalilzad and his PNAC neocon cronies had advocated a war to topple Iraq’s Saddam Hussein since the late 1990s, well before 911. Two years later after the US war against Iraq began, Khalilzad was made Ambassador to Iraq. No one person has been more responsible for the rise of radical Islam terror groups from Taliban to Al Qaeda in those two countries than Zalmay Khalilzad.
No “Intelligence Failure”
In 2018 Khalilzad was recommended by US Secretary of State and former CIA head Mike Pompeo, to be US “Special Representative for Afghanistan Reconciliation” for the Trump Administration. There was no hint of reconciliation from Khalilzad or Taliban. Here the wily Khalilzad entered into exclusive US-Taliban talks with their exiled envoys in Doha Qatar, the pro-Taliban Gulf state that houses leading Muslim Brotherhoods figures as well as Taliban. Qatar is reportedly a major money source for the Taliban.
Khalilzad successfully pressed Pakistan to release the co-founder of Taliban, Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, the key strategist of the Taliban victory in 1996, so that Baradar could lead the talks with Khalilzad in Doha. Then-President Trump reportedly approved that Khalilzad would negotiate in Doha solely with the Taliban, without the Kabul regime present. ( Baradar signed the February 2020 “deal” negotiated by Khalilzad and Taliban, the so-called Doha Agreement, in which the US and NATO agreed to a total withdrawal, but without any Taliban power-sharing agreement with the Kabul Ghani government, as Taliban refused to recognize them. Khalilzad told the New York Times of his deal that Taliban had committed to “do what is necessary that would prevent Afghanistan from ever becoming a platform for international terrorist groups ( or individuals.”
This was highly dubious and Khalilzad knew it, as Taliban and Al Qaeda have been intimately linked since the 1980s arrival of Osama bin Laden in Afghanstan. The current leader of Al Qaeda, Ayman al-Zawahiri, is reportedly alive and in Taliban safe haven inside Afghanistan. In short, this is the “deal” Khalilzad struck with the Taliban for then-President Trump, a deal which was accepted by the Biden Administration with only a minor change stating initially that September 11, 2021 be the date of final US pullout. Talk about symbolism.
The fall of Afghanistan was not the result of an “intelligence failure” by the CIA or a military mis-calculation by Secretary Austin and the Pentagon. Both knew, as did Khalilzad, what they were doing. When Austin approved the secret dark-of-night abandonment of the strategic Bagram Airbase, largest US military base in Afghanistan, on July 4, without notifying the Kabul government, it made clear to the US-trained Afghan army that the US would give them no more air cover. The US even stopped paying them months ago, collapsing morale further. ( This was no accident. It was all deliberate and Zalmay Khalilzad was central to all. In the 1980s his role helped create the 1996 Taliban takeover, in 2001 the Taliban destruction, and now in 2021 the Taliban restoration.
The real gainer in this insanity is the globalist agenda of so-called Davos “Great Reset” cabal who are using it to destroy the global influence of the United States, as Biden domestically destroys the economy from within. No nation, not Taiwan, not Japan, not Philippines, not India or even Australia, nor any other nation hoping for US protection in the future will be able to trust Washington to hold its promises. The fall of Kabul is the end of the American Century. Little wonder the China media is filled with schadenfreude and jubilation as the discuss Silk Road deals with the Taliban.
F. William Engdahl is strategic risk consultant and lecturer, he holds a degree in politics from Princeton University and is a best-selling author on oil and geopolitics, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook” (
21st August 2021, 08:26 PM
^^From the last paragraph: The fall of Kabul is the end of the American Century.
21st August 2021, 08:59 PM
^^From the last paragraph: The fall of Kabul is the end of the American Century.
I thought that was the last century.
21st August 2021, 09:06 PM
Afghanistan’s “Color Revolution”? Narcotics and the Opium Trade
By Prof Michel Chossudovsky
Washington is involved in managing the strategic transition towards the formation of a Taliban Islamic Emirate. Earlier reports suggested that a so-called interim Afghan administration was to be headed by Prof. Ali Ahmad Jalali, who just so happens to be a US citizen. “Regime Change” in Afghanistan? Troop withdrawals coupled with a US sponsored color revolution?
Six Things You Need to Know About Afghanistan and the Taliban
When it comes to Afghanistan, the mainstream media hides the most inconvenient facts for the West. Once you take those into account, you get a completely different story.
Palantir Buys Over $50 Million Of Gold Bars: "Preparing For A Future With More Black Swans"
Michael Krieger@LibertyBlitz ( mbed%7Ctwterm%5E1427690488937603072%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctw con%5Es1_& 2Fpalantir-buys-gold-bars-preparing-future-more-black-swans)
When the spooks tell you a false flag is coming, a false flag is coming. (yes, this is what I think--they are laying the propaganda groundwork for this. How sad is it that it's been 20 years and the dumb sheep still believe the official BS fairy tale)
Whitney Webb is relatively new to me (I think I just found her in the past few years),but good to know that she knows the true history:
Resharing an old article I wrote on Afghanistan so people can familiarize themselves w the real reasons the US invaded in 2001: 1. The Taliban turned sour on the UNOCAL pipeline deal 2. The Taliban fatwa banning opium cultivation It was about drugs + oil
How the New US-Afghanistan Peace Deal Rekindled a "Business Friendly Taliban"
How Trump's US-Afghanistan peace deal is likely to turn Afghanistan into a South-American-style narco-state run by the Taliban and a CIA-backed president.
The US supported the Taliban, hoping to create a "second Saudi Arabia" in Afghanistan and offered them covert support for years. The Taliban dumped UNOCAL (now part of Chevron) + started to favor a non-US oil company for a major pipeline in '98 and that's when things turned sour.
The US govt created, armed + financed Afghanistan’s Mujahideen forces, which included those who would go on to create both Al-Qaeda + the Taliban. It is one of the longest + most expensive covert programs in CIA history. Where's the accountability in the US for this policy?
The CIA has a multi-decades-long history with the illicit opium/heroin trade. The Taliban banning opium cultivation in 2001 was arguably the last straw. They said they would reverse it if the US attacked. FYI, the first US boots on the ground in 2001 were CIA, not DoD.
The Taliban offered bin Laden to the Bush administration, they didn't even bother to negotiate it. 9/11 was the public pretext, not the real reason that the US invaded and occupied for 20 years. There is likely an ulterior motive to the Biden withdrawal too, time will tell.
Devvy Kidd: Afghanistan: Predictable Outcome
Lara Logan is the only one worth listening to here, start @2:38 It was all DELIBERATE!!!
This is a good way of putting it:
Playing heel for the MIC isn’t a permanent position but it comes with a great severance package. - it's all just theater for the sheep
This is all a coordinated fuck up. Endgame, ship as many able bodied afghan men into America. The media narrative will be changed in a few, they're hatching another psyop to distract the masses.
( in the 60s and 70s, before it was socially engineered into the weaponized islam by TPTB:
22nd August 2021, 03:38 AM
I thought that was the last century.
You must have missed the PNAC meetings. "C'mon Man!" , get with it.
24th August 2021, 09:42 AM
A doctor from France says: "In France, the medicine is so advanced that we cut off a man's muscles, we put them into another man, and in 6 weeks he is looking for work."
A German doctor comments quietly: "That's nothing, in Germany, we take part of the brain out of a person, we put it into another person's head, and in 4 weeks he is looking for work."
A Russian doctor says boasting: "That's nothing either. In Russia, we take out half of the heart from a person, we put it into another person's chest, and in 2 weeks he is looking for work."
The U.S. doctor laughs and answers loudly immediately: "That's nothing my colleagues. You are all way behind us. In the USA, a few months ago, we grabbed a person from Delaware with no brains, no heart, and no balls… we made him President of the United States and now... the whole country is looking for work!
24th August 2021, 12:36 PM
Looks like Russell Brand doesn't fall for the BS. I don't understand why so many Americans can't figure this out and still believe the official fairy tale story of 9/11 and the BS that the US fights terrorists (as opposed to arming, training and funding them, and using them as proxies). Is it the dumbed down public education system? Why are Americans so dumb?
Taliban Afghan Hell - Was it All DELIBERATE???
28th August 2021, 04:49 PM
Afghanistan’s Vice-President pledges to lead the resistance against the Taliban and says that the US “blackmailed” his country into accepting the Taliban.
“We were blackmailed.”
In February last year, the United States signed a deal with the Taliban setting a timetable for US withdrawal based on the Taliban meeting peace commitments, which included not harbouring Al Qaeda terrorists.
The United States committed to release Taliban prisoners held by Afghanistan’s government, but the government itself was not a party to the peace talks and resisted releasing the 5,000 Taliban prisoners.
“We were told [by the US] that this is part of the deal, if you do not release these people, we will cut aid for you and for your forces; we will cut the civilian assistance; will cut the economic assistance,” said Mr Saleh.
“We thought because these global powers are negotiating, they have the necessary safeguards for the implementation and verification of the deal they are reaching with the Taliban.
“We did not imagine in our wildest dreams that a terrorist group will deceive the whole global community and they will push the Afghan people into an unimaginable tragedy.”
(Here “ABC” = Australian Broadcasting Company)
Hadi Nasrallah
(’s Nasrallah just said that the US have been using helicopters to save ISIS terrorists from complete annihilation in Iraq and transporting them to Afghanistan to keep them as insurgents in Central Asia against Russia, China and Iran. Thus the beginning of ISIS-K.
Are we even surprised; In 2016 the Obama/Biden-administration bombed anti-ISIS Syrian forces in Deir Ezzor, TWICE, killing hundreds of soldiers which empowered ISIS and allowed the Jihadists to capture strategic hills and oil fields. Biden is back, America is back, ISIS is back
Last year ISIS welcomed the US assassination of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani, who was vital for the war on ISIS. In their Al Naba newspaper, ISIS said that the death of Soleimani was an act of “divine intervention” and that it will benefit their “jihadist cause”.
In 2017 and 2020, Syria’s SANA reported that that US helicopters transported between 40 and 75 ISIS militants from Hasakah, North Syria to an “unknown area”. The same thing was reported for years in Iraq by the PMU along with reports that US helicopters dropped aid for ISIS.
Russian diplomats have been exposing this scheme for many years now. The SCO summit next month, where Iran will finally become a full member, takes on added importance.
from 2018:
Russia Claims US Supplying Weapons To Terrorists In Afghanistan In Unmarked Helicopters
Russian Foreign minister Sergey Lavrov on Tuesday said United States should provide an explanation to alleged claims of unmarked helicopters delivering weapons to terrorists groups, including Islamic State (ISIS) in northern Afghanistan.After meeting his Pakistani counterpart, Khwaja Muhammad Asif, Lavrov, in a press conference in Moscow, dredged up past claims regarding U.S. and NATO's alleged involvement in supplying weapons to ISIS in unmarked helicopters.
He said, “We still expecting from our American colleagues an answer to the repeatedly raised questions, questions that arose on the basis of public statements made by the leaders of some Afghan provinces, that unidentified helicopters, most likely helicopters to which NATO [North Atlantic Treaty Organization] in one way or another is related, fly to the areas where the insurgents are based, and no one has been able to explain the reasons for these flights yet. …. In general they [the United States] try to avoid answers to these legitimate questions.”
Lavrov revived the conspiracy theory that first reared its head in May 2017 when the governor of Afghanistan’s northern Sar-e Pol province Mohammad Zahir Wahdat alleged unmarked military helicopters landed in a known military stronghold.
However, to explain the lack of substantiate proof to support the claims, he said none of the security forces in the area were able to film the incident, Drive ( reported. He did not provide any reason as to why they were unable to do so.
The claims made by the governor didn’t point at any particular country, but Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs released a statement, based on news reports, which claimed the helicopters had flown to the main international airport in the city of Mazar-e-Sharif, which also hosts a major base belonging to the NATO-led coalition in Afghanistan.
Later, many media outlets in Russia jumped on the bandwagon, citing un-named locals who claimed they witnessed a number of these unmarked helicopters delivering weapons to the local terror groups in the region.
In June, referring to the reports on the helicopters, Russia Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova told reporters U.S. should provide a rational explanation behind the unmarked helicopters carting weapons to terrorists groups.
“We’ve taken note of new reports about unmarked helicopters ferrying the fighters of ISIS Afghan branch, as well as weapons and munitions for them, in eastern Afghanistan,” Russia Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova told reporters ( a press briefing Wednesday.
“It is symptomatic that neither the Afghan authorities nor the U.S. and NATO military contingent officials in Afghanistan have offered a rational explanation for the increased number of flights made by unidentified helicopters providing support to ISIS fighters in many Afghan provinces,” Zakharova stated. “Silence in this case is becoming increasingly conspicuous.”
Russia has been calling out the BS for years, yet most Americans continue to believe that the US is fighting "terrorists"
From 2019
US Plans To Use ISIS In Afghanistan In New Round Of Geopolitical Standoff In Central Asia
Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) says that US intelligence agencies are transferring ISIS terrorists to northern Afghanistan.
Sergei Beseda, head of the 5th FSB service, warned that the militants were transferred there to be used as a way to destabilize the region on the borders of member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), and possibly in the entire Central Asia in the future.
He noted that law enforcement agencies and intelligence of CIS states should identify “dangerous trends” at an early stage. This is necessary in order to ensure security and prevent the “destructive influence of external forces.”
On September 23rd, the 16th meeting of the heads of CIS intelligence services was being chaired by the director of the Foreign Intelligence Service, Sergei Naryshkin, in Kazan. The forum is attended by delegations from Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.
There have been numerous reports of ‘mysterious’ helicopters ( extracting ISIS militants from the Middle East and their subsequent appearance at other points, notably in Northern Afghanistan.
In February 2019, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia Mikhail Bogdanov said ( that ISIS militants were appearing in northern Afghanistan under unclear circumstances.
He said that this posed a threat to the countries of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO).
According to him, this contributes to the growing danger of the flow of the Middle East conflict into the post-Soviet space.
“There is a growing danger of Middle Eastern terrorism flowing into the post-Soviet space through the territory of Afghanistan, where, under unclear circumstances, ISIS people manage to transit through some neighboring countries,” the deputy minister said during the Valdai conference on the Middle East in Moscow.
Bogdanov also added that ISIS is settling in Libya and is strengthening ties with al-Qaeda, taking advantage of the fact that the system of government in the country is ruined.
At the same time, al-Qaeda “raises its head” in the area of the “oil crescent” along the Mediterranean coast.
It should be noted that the warning of Bogdanov was made before Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar began his offense on Tripoli to finish cleansing the country of terrorist elements.
Earlier, Russian Deputy Interior Minister Igor Zubov said that ISIS fighters were massively flown by helicopters from Pakistan to the Tajik border, while Moscow did not rule out provocations of “squeezing” refugees towards Russia.
In March 2019, the head of the Main Directorate for Combating Extremism of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Oleg Ilinykh said that after being largely defeated by Russian, Syrian and Iraqi efforts, ISIS militants are shifting their focus to Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Armenia.
According to him, ISIS supporters hatched plans for the formation of sleeping cells, which could demonstrate the ability to carry out terrorist attacks around the world.
“The strategic defeat of the Caliphate in Syria and Iraq entails a shift in the interests of the Islamic State on the territory of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia,” he said. (
The surfacing of ISIS militants in northern Afghanistan and along other parts of the CIS border states is no recent tendency, and attempts to create another hot point in Central Asia is becoming quite apparent. Speculation of US intelligence activities orchestrating the situation are also not appearing for the first time.
Meanwhile, in Afghanistan the US peace talks with the Taliban have all but collapsed. (
“Mysterious Helicopters” Continue To Evacuate ISIS Members From Battlefields Across Middle East (
midnight rambler
28th August 2021, 05:41 PM
Someone sent me a video file of the Taliban executing 10 men lined up kneeling (reportedly translators) but I don't know how to render it into a video to be viewed online.
It's a very clear, disturbing example how Uncle Satan treats friends and allies.
28th August 2021, 07:50 PM
Someone sent me a video file of the Taliban executing 10 men lined up kneeling (reportedly translators) but I don't know how to render it into a video to be viewed online.
It's a very clear, disturbing example how Uncle Satan treats friends and allies.
If you have a Vimeo account you can post the video there an post a link to it here
Example ~
midnight rambler
28th August 2021, 10:58 PM
If you have a Vimeo account you can post the video there an post a link to it here
Example ~
Thanks for the tip however I don't understand it and I'm unable to get the file from the text I received over to Vimeo.
29th August 2021, 12:33 AM
WTF is going on!?!?!? Why are they doing this?
I know the US govt is PURE EVIL,but I don't get the agenda here. Deliberately leaving Americans there to die- why??? They are obviously setting something up here. I figure the Afghan refugees are coming here so they can be the new patsies for the false flag terror attacks, and the govt. can set up more of a police state. But what's the agenda of turning the country over to the Taliban and leaving Americans there.
John Cardillo@johncardillo
( mbed%7Ctwterm%5E1431772224365678593%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctw con%5Es1_& %2Fblog%2F2021%2F08%2F29%2Faugust-29th-2021-presidential-politics-resistance-day-222%2F)I'm hearing from people very close to TF Pineapple that the State Dept. is actively blocking the private extractions of Americans by our private operators. Why? Why is the US Govt. leaving Americans stranded to be killed in Afghanistan? Something very sinister going on.
John Cardillo@johncardillo
( mbed%7Ctwterm%5E1431786154047770624%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctw con%5Es1_& %2Fblog%2F2021%2F08%2F29%2Faugust-29th-2021-presidential-politics-resistance-day-222%2F)Now being told that State Dept. is telling nations surrounding Afghanistan not to allow private jets handling the private extractions to land and/or refuel. This is inexplicable and evil.
Rep. Mike Waltz@michaelgwaltz
( embed%7Ctwterm%5E1431827944792629252%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ct wcon%5Es1_& %2Fblog%2F2021%2F08%2F29%2Faugust-29th-2021-presidential-politics-resistance-day-222%2F)US citizens are not being allowed into Kabul international. Biden has ordered the gates closed. Our fellow Americans will soon be left behind. Unbelievable and unforgivable.
Ronny Jackson@RonnyJacksonTX
( tembed%7Ctwterm%5E1431801064282595331%7Ctwgr%5E%7C twcon%5Es2_& %2Fblog%2F2021%2F08%2F29%2Faugust-29th-2021-presidential-politics-resistance-day-222%2F)Aug 28, 2021 ( Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1431801064282595331%7Ctwgr% 5E%7Ctwcon%5Es2_& %2Fblog%2F2021%2F08%2F29%2Faugust-29th-2021-presidential-politics-resistance-day-222%2F)
I am furious!! My team has been on the phone all day trying to get AMERICAN CITIZENS out. They have been just outside the airport numerous times, but the State Department WILL NOT help them.
Ronny Jackson@RonnyJacksonTX
( tembed%7Ctwterm%5E1431801064282595331%7Ctwgr%5E%7C twcon%5Es1_& %2Fblog%2F2021%2F08%2F29%2Faugust-29th-2021-presidential-politics-resistance-day-222%2F)They have been beaten by the Taliban at check points and told to leave and come back with large sums of money. Biden is going to get them killed! Enough!! We have put someone who gives a damn in charge RIGHT NOW!
Dan Crenshaw@DanCrenshawTX
(, you need to know this: Biden is not letting US citizens through the airport gates. It has been impossible to get anyone through for the last 24 hours. This administration has been lying about their intent to save Americans. Unforgivable.
Lara Logan@laralogan
( Americans don’t understand what’s happening in Kabul - been on this all night again w no end. US citizens are fighting through enemy lines to get to the airport. When they show their blue passport to 82nd soldiers at the gate, many are turned away & sent back to the Taliban.
All that stands between these Americans & safety/home is the US govt & military.
29th August 2021, 05:33 AM
WTF is going on!?!?!? Why are they doing this?
I know the US govt is PURE EVIL,but I don't get the agenda here. Deliberately leaving Americans there to die- why??? They are obviously setting something up here. I figure the Afghan refugees are coming here so they can be the new patsies for the false flag terror attacks, and the govt. can set up more of a police state. But what's the agenda of turning the country over to the Taliban and leaving Americans there.
All I can figure is demoralization. It is important for them to humiliate those whom they are enslaving and leading to destruction. I think they are having a lot of fun with us. Being 'played' indeed.
29th August 2021, 06:40 AM
The solution is waiting in the wings
29th August 2021, 08:25 AM
Alen West posted this on GAB
Everyone, this is from my close friend, former Recon Marine Chad Robichaux, who has been on the ground and in theater coordinating rescue efforts. This is unconscionable and there are many who need to be held responsible and accountable for this, starting at the top with Joe Biden.
“Our two guys on the ground spent all night rescuing 7 buses loads of people:
300 orphans
100 Christians
25 Americans
The families of the pilots that have been shuttling our flights.
After getting them on the airport and into a holding area, the Colonel over the 82nd had the whole group kicked off the airport and into the hands of the Taliban because he didn’t like the fact that we were out there rescuing people.
Essentially murdered them.”
Joe Biden must answer for this!
UPDATE FROM CHAD: “We have unofficial intel that they ended up in the hands of the Taliban.
29th August 2021, 09:59 AM
News analysis from John Birch Society
There’s more than meets the eye when it comes to the recent withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan. For example, did you know the War in Afghanistan was prominently led by members of the Council on Foreign Relations? For those unaware, the CFR’s mission is a one-world government, not an independent United States.
Within 9 days we have witnessed the fall of the Afghan government and the rapid sweeping advancement of the Taliban across all of Afghanistan. So what’s really behind the mayhem in the middle-east? Art Thompson will bring you a bit closer to the truth on this week’s episode of Activate America.
Afghanistan Another Pawn in Globalists’ Quest for One-World Tyranny
Recent news has been awash with reporting of the failed draw-down and defeat of the Afghanistan war, with many in government and the media pointing fingers. With all the factions in the war, and that it’s been the longest war in American history, it’s easy to get lost in all the noise.
However, Bill Hahn points out just how simple this subject really is, in this hard-hitting episode of Analysis Behind the News.
29th August 2021, 04:17 PM
I find it telling that china met with the talmudban, and the head of the mossad met with the cia head a few weeks before the pullout.
29th August 2021, 04:21 PM
What Afghanistan? I thought they were going to call it Talibanistan now.
After all, even a forest can contain parks, warrens and chases.
29th August 2021, 05:04 PM
For anyone interested in state-forming read the dissenting opinion at around page 57 of Cherokee Nation v Georgia
30th August 2021, 06:25 AM
Post-Breton Woods how do you determine if a country exists?
A simple question requires a simple answer. In this case 3 elements:
A country exists
1. When it has officers representing it.
2. When it has territory (this might be as small as an embassy somewhere far from where you believe the country exists historically)
3. It continues to perform in the repayment of it's debt.
Take the U.S. Dementia Joe says he represents. The U.S. The U.S. has forts, embassies and even quasi-courts around the world. There is a problem with repaying debts though. They stopped repayment on civil war debt in 1878 and it has stood at 346,681,016 dollars since that time.
Now if the U.S. wants to help Afghanistan they could start by setting a good example.
31st August 2021, 07:30 PM
fwiw looks like an independent journalist guy in India (I think) has caught some media fakery related to Afghanistan:
Comment from elsewhere:
Well, this is interesting. Seems the guy the taliban supposedly hung, wasn’t. He was suspended, trying to install a taliban flag. Dumbshit way to do it, but what do you expect? Neocon propaganda trying to whip up support to go BACK to Afg? (hard to pull up that page, but there are videos that clearly show guy hanging is alive)
Here's another story from that site:
This one says some of the footage shown of Kabul airport was actually of ATT stadium for a Cowboys/Seahawks game. The fake media has been caught doing stuff like this over and over again.
Also, some seem to think that there was fakery with the first military plane that flew out of there (the one where the crowd was running with the plane,but the people were smiling, and the plane number had a 9/11--I think it was 11009
Update- so maybe my eye is getting better at detecting these things. When I first saw that original plane leaving, it looked like CGI to me, but I wasn't sure. Anyway, looks like Russ Winter also thinks CGI:
The Ultimate in CGI Fake-Persona Stagecraft: The Kabul Airport Skullduggery Psyop and the 2018 YouTube HQ Shooting
Major Truth Bombs from Lara Logan
At 10:19 in the Lara Logan/Glenn Beck audio, Lara says:
“Since 1951, 70 years straight, the US has been funding Pakistan literally billions and billions of dollars. Why are we sending tax payer dollars to Pakistan to finance the Taliban, Haqqani, and Al-Qaeda to kill soldiers on that battlefield? Why are we not acknowledging our allies, the former VP Saleh, who is now acting President, who is fighting right now? Why are we pushing the Taliban’s propaganda narrative that all the Afghans surrendered and that the Afghan army and special operations, that they are worthless? All that money spent, and all those years- look at them they’re so useless. How many times have you read that or heard that? It’s an abject lie. Many units kept fighting. Why would you take a highly specialized spec op force, trained by the best in the world, that relies on mobility and strip it of its mobility, the US air support? And at the same moment take away contractors that kept the Afghan air force in the sky, and take away all support in one moment. We could obliterate Taliban leadership.”
So Lara Logan is basically saying the US govt has been using tax payer money to support terrorists who have been killing US soldiers and that for 20 years we have been paying for both sides of the war. Sure sounds like TREASON to me. And the rest of it sounds like the treasonous US govt made a decision to get rid of its Afghan puppet govt and deliberately let the Taliban (who apparently works for the US govt since US govt is paying them?) take over Afghanistan.
What if 80 million of us stopped paying taxes? Would that make the govt collapse?
14th September 2021, 06:55 PM
Who's responsible for the Joe Biden Taliban billboard over I-83 in York County?
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