18th August 2021, 04:46 PM
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“They were cleaning out their house for their grandmother, and they cleaned out the refrigerator,” he told WEWS-TV (, “threw out all the garbage, grabbed all the freezer stuff, put it in a bag, and then the grandma was like, ‘Hey, there’s an envelope with $25,000 in there, don’t lose that,’ and she’s like, ‘Grandma, I already lost that. I’m like, it’s in the garbage!'”
And indeed, the grandmother’s cash was on its way to anonymity in the Oberlin landfill. Once the garbage truck reached the landfill and dropped off its unsavory cargo, it would be too late.
“What happens when they get to the landfill is, they will come in, they’ll drop off their load of garbage, the bulldozers will immediately start smoothing it out, pushing it into the hill, dropping dirt on it and start covering up the process of the landfill,” Capan explained.
“And we do that in a nonstop process. If it got dropped there, there’s no finding it anymore.”
Capan and others rushed to identify the truck ( that had serviced the family’s nei ghborhood and determine if they could retrieve the envelope or not.
Thankfully, they found the truck before it headed to the landfill and were able to have it stop at a recycling ( center.
The truck dropped six tons of garbage ( for workers to start sifting through. Ten employees helped look for the buried treasure.
“I told the girls, I said, if it’s in there, we’ll find it for you, because they were pretty upset,” said Dan Schoewe, operations manager at the recycling center and one of the employees who helped dig through the trash.
Surprisingly, it only took Schoewe minutes to locate the money.
“They were cleaning out their house for their grandmother, and they cleaned out the refrigerator,” he told WEWS-TV (, “threw out all the garbage, grabbed all the freezer stuff, put it in a bag, and then the grandma was like, ‘Hey, there’s an envelope with $25,000 in there, don’t lose that,’ and she’s like, ‘Grandma, I already lost that. I’m like, it’s in the garbage!'”
And indeed, the grandmother’s cash was on its way to anonymity in the Oberlin landfill. Once the garbage truck reached the landfill and dropped off its unsavory cargo, it would be too late.
“What happens when they get to the landfill is, they will come in, they’ll drop off their load of garbage, the bulldozers will immediately start smoothing it out, pushing it into the hill, dropping dirt on it and start covering up the process of the landfill,” Capan explained.
“And we do that in a nonstop process. If it got dropped there, there’s no finding it anymore.”
Capan and others rushed to identify the truck ( that had serviced the family’s nei ghborhood and determine if they could retrieve the envelope or not.
Thankfully, they found the truck before it headed to the landfill and were able to have it stop at a recycling ( center.
The truck dropped six tons of garbage ( for workers to start sifting through. Ten employees helped look for the buried treasure.
“I told the girls, I said, if it’s in there, we’ll find it for you, because they were pretty upset,” said Dan Schoewe, operations manager at the recycling center and one of the employees who helped dig through the trash.
Surprisingly, it only took Schoewe minutes to locate the money.