View Full Version : UK Column News - 24th September 2021: Australia under siege.

24th September 2021, 08:50 PM

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Mike Robinson and Patrick Henningsen with today's UK Column News.
00:21 - Australia Under Occupation


Sky Article: - https://bit.ly/3CJS7pm

Mail Article: - https://archive.is/9PWCq

19:42 - European Protests


LC Article: - https://bit.ly/2XKIqrk

13:43 - Where We Are - In Context


Integrated Operating Concept: - https://bit.ly/3CCSn9m

BI Article: - https://brook.gs/2W7LEoi

WHO Article: - https://bit.ly/2ZovoAB

Times Article: - https://archive.is/UfcQm

National Security Capability Review 2018: - https://bit.ly/3AECHBT

Operation Temperer: - https://bit.ly/3u791Le

Ben Wallace Statement: - https://cutt.ly/FEjXcwQ

Sun Article: - https://bit.ly/3i6C9xD

NPCC Transformation Fund: - https://bit.ly/3lVux1X

NATO Tweet: - https://twitter.com/NATO/status/798825956655833088

Mirror Article: - https://bit.ly/3AECZZr

32:41 - COVID Political Stars Losing Popularity


Guardian Article: - https://archive.is/IHX1d

AP Article: - https://bit.ly/39CPfhg

The High Wire: - Episode 234: https://bit.ly/39BFlg4

UKC Article: - https://bit.ly/3EL4e7r

37:47 - Caption Contest Winner

39:17 - Energy Price Shock


Boris Johnson UN Address: - https://bit.ly/3zCz6mD

'i' Article: - https://bit.ly/2W9gAEK

Telegraph Article: - https://archive.is/0s3vI

43:43 - The HGV Driver Shortage?


BBC Article (Title Change): - https://archive.is/yUdYe

OCN Article: - https://bit.ly/3uaO8z5

Unite Article: - https://bit.ly/3u7Ildk

TT Article: - https://bit.ly/3CMjsqD

48:11 - The Myth of Short Term Inflation


Jerome Powell Statement: - https://bit.ly/3CHeYBD

Exchange Letters: - https://bit.ly/3o5objm

Rishi Sunak Opinion: - https://bit.ly/2XPekna

Evergrande: - https://www.evergrande.com/

51:47 - AUKUS


21CW Article: - https://bit.ly/3zFIIx5

WeiWei Dai Tweet: - https://twitter.com/WEIWEIDAI4/status/1440964514686521346

Spectator Article: - https://archive.is/VsOdu

BBC Article: - https://archive.is/ObA3S

New Dawn Magazine #188: - https://21w.co/nd188

1984 Disputed Zone Map: - https://bit.ly/2XXnOMT

01:03:09 - Are Insulate Britain Controlled Opposition?


City A.M Article: - Port of Dover Blocked By Climate Protestors

MS Article: - https://bit.ly/3COtp7j

Stand Up X: - https://www.standupx.info/

The Road To Kill the Bill: - https://bit.ly/3zyhYP0

01:09:28 - The January Guided Tour of the White House


BL Article: - https://bit.ly/3kAyzxo

01:12:48 - U.N. General Assembly Speeches


Joe Biden Speech: - https://bit.ly/3i6vjbr

25th September 2021, 02:43 AM
Australia is scheduled to exit bankruptcy in 2022.

To the uninformed that means open season is declared on sovereigns. While you arent allowed to kill them (yet) the rules of chess permits you to put them in check.