25th September 2021, 12:26 PM
Maricopa County Audit Report: Over 57k Votes In Question
Wendi Strauch Mahoney -
September 24, 2021
The Finding Summary Table below provides a quick overview, showing over 57,000 illegal votes, almost 6x the margin of 10,457 votes tallied on Nov. 3 for Biden.
Middle column makes up the 57k "votes in question" figure.
Senator Fann wrote a letter in sending the final official report to the Mark Brnovich, AZ Attorney General.
It was a very weak letter. It did not mention 57k votes in question and it APPEARS that the ball is solely in the court of the AG now as to what is to be done with the data in the report and the 57k votes in question. In fact, if you read the letter it sounds like a mild letter showing suggestions for improvement in practices.
Dachsie Comments:
I do not know what is the next step for the Cyber Ninja group or the group that made this full forensic audit happen. But if the future plan is to do a full forensic audit of every county in the state of Arizona, I would say cancel those plans because if this all that happens with the audit results' real import, including a resolution and decision on each of the 57k votes, then all the work and questionable votes revealed would only be an even bigger "nothing burger."
I could find no good reporting on this today other than this one from the Uncovered.com website. No good video reports at all.
I am sad to say that this weak letter throwing the outcome of this effort into the hands of an AG who has fought against the audit effort, then this could indicate to many of us that this entire forensic process was politically hijacked and honest elections are now over for America..
Maricopa County Audit Report: Over 57k Votes In Question
Wendi Strauch Mahoney -
September 24, 2021
The Finding Summary Table below provides a quick overview, showing over 57,000 illegal votes, almost 6x the margin of 10,457 votes tallied on Nov. 3 for Biden.
Middle column makes up the 57k "votes in question" figure.
Senator Fann wrote a letter in sending the final official report to the Mark Brnovich, AZ Attorney General.
It was a very weak letter. It did not mention 57k votes in question and it APPEARS that the ball is solely in the court of the AG now as to what is to be done with the data in the report and the 57k votes in question. In fact, if you read the letter it sounds like a mild letter showing suggestions for improvement in practices.
Dachsie Comments:
I do not know what is the next step for the Cyber Ninja group or the group that made this full forensic audit happen. But if the future plan is to do a full forensic audit of every county in the state of Arizona, I would say cancel those plans because if this all that happens with the audit results' real import, including a resolution and decision on each of the 57k votes, then all the work and questionable votes revealed would only be an even bigger "nothing burger."
I could find no good reporting on this today other than this one from the Uncovered.com website. No good video reports at all.
I am sad to say that this weak letter throwing the outcome of this effort into the hands of an AG who has fought against the audit effort, then this could indicate to many of us that this entire forensic process was politically hijacked and honest elections are now over for America..