View Full Version : Gemstone University, Status correction, inpowermovement?- Anyone know anything?

10th October 2021, 08:18 AM
Anyone know anything about this--is this worth looking into or just another dead end???

I remember someone telling me that she and her husband were going to do this as a way of breaking free (at the time, it made no sense to me, I just didn't understand how that would help once they get to the point of telling you that you can't buy things or work without the mandated vax passports and digital currency). Another friend of mine also said he thought this was the solution- but I just don't get it.

Anyway, I stumbled onto this one with Dr. Andrew Kaufman and Amandha Vollmer and it sounds like Dr. Kaufman was doing the status correction with Gemstone University (at least back in July 2020 when this video was posted). (I think in one of the earlier videos I watched with Dr. K, he mentioned the impowermovement also)

Here's the video
Dr. Andrew Kaufman and Amandha Vollmer - The Current Scientific Revolution and Gathering The Tribe..


It was a pleasure to talk with my friend, the brilliant Dr. Andrew Kaufman, about truth, science, community, law and what's to come. We had a candid conversation, nothing planned, just authentic and honest communication about how we are preparing for all the changes and what we need to do to free ourselves and find our new tribes.

Would you like assistance connecting to your Tribe? Sign up here: http://eepurl.com/g_qCX9
We will announce new villages, gatherings, and private societies as they are created.

Ken Cousens: https://thepromiserevealed.com/gemst...ity-interview/ (https://thepromiserevealed.com/gemstone-university-interview/)
In Power Movement: https://www.inpowermovement.com/

Here's another one with Amandha Vollmer on status correction

Status Correction Process with Ken Cousens Founder of Gemstone University (status correction- a slave no more)

https://yummy.doctor/video-list/stat...ne-university/ (https://yummy.doctor/video-list/status-correction-process-with-ken-cousens-founder-of-gemstone-university/)

Ken Cousens is the co-founder of the Panterra private society and of GemStone University. Cousen’s organizations believe that the history of the United States and of our constitution is not what we have been taught. His organizations teach people a different version of our history and work to establish a different status for it’s members; that of Private American National.

(https://sarahwestall.com/people-creating-new-societies-shedding-their-u-s-citizenship-why/)And it seems like these people here are also talking along the same lines:

Report 267 | Matrix Freedom Panel 1: Remedy in Private Law & Equity Vs the Rigged Legal System

More expansive conversation with the technical team at Matrix Freedom--to follow on Report 264, Interview with Iain Clifford--to further examine closely the failings and in-built and entrenched corruptions of the current legal system of contract law or Maritime/Admiralty law operating in commerce and in the public, while elucidating the powers, strengths, and remedies inherent in Private Law and Equity (based on common law) which allows everyone a remedy by operating in the private, in honor and integrity, and with hope of actual recourse. Also discussed are ways in which Equity would work, and how, in the case of any grievance with anyone, one needs an Affidavit or statement of truth with two witnesses, written with care and void of threat or aggression, aimed directly and personally at the offending party, which in the case of corporations including government corporations would be the CEO, how one can come to an equitable agreement with the defendants, and what one can do in the failure of such in terms of taking liens out on people's property and so forth. Finally, also discussed are the ways in which Matrix Freedom, an education, training, and mentorship organization can help people understand and apply these concepts and procedures better, with much private learning available online and a private membership space with access to webinars and templates.

To sign in to MatriX Freedom's platform with access to the learning materials—while supporting the work of this channel—please use this link:
https://matrixfreedom.life/know-the-biggest-secret/?code=15059&ag=Ramola%20D (https://matrixfreedom.life/know-the-biggest-secret/?code=15059&ag=Ramola+D)
Listen in to Report 264, Iain Clifford on Find Your Freedom from the Matrix: https://www.bitchute.com/video/gD5vicQHwTo9/

Sign in to the Matrix Freedom platform for more information:
https://matrixfreedom.life/know-the-biggest-secret/?code=15059&ag=Ramola%20D (https://matrixfreedom.life/know-the-biggest-secret/?code=15059&ag=Ramola+D)
Watch the Roadmap to Freedom Video mentioned during the panel:
https://matrixfreedom.life/wp-conten...eedom_head.mp4 (https://matrixfreedom.life/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/MatrixFreedom-Road-Map-to-Freedom_head.mp4)

Check out the Matrix Freedom website for an overview:

So, I guess this is all about that Admiralty Law and the gold fringe on the flag (I think years ago I listened to a bunch of shows about this on RBN with Stadtmiller and guest). Just found it-his guest was the author of this book https://www.amazon.com/They-Own-All-.../dp/1439233616 (https://www.amazon.com/They-Own-All-Including-You/dp/1439233616)

And I listened to this one, which was really interesting about trust agreements and how the govt got us into debt to the international bankers (never even paid off the debt to the bankers for the Revolutionary War):

256- A Path to Freedom for those Fictitiously Lost at Sea (Free)

https://www.crrow777radio.com/256-a-...t-at-sea-free/ (https://www.crrow777radio.com/256-a-path-to-freedom-for-those-fictitiously-lost-at-sea-free/)

We have done many shows on law and we feel like our guest may have found a path to the private realm. In this episode we lay down the timeline of what happened to us and when – and then, a workable solution to roll back your standing to pre-1933 standards, before you were classified as an enemy of the state and turned into a corporate entity and lost at sea. Up until recently we had found no all-inclusive path forward, from a legal standpoint. We feel that is now changed and a path has been found for those who no longer wish to be indentured servants, subject to corporations masquerading as the Law. This may well be the threshold we have searched for that will allow living men and women to take back what was basically stolen all those decades ago. Buckle-up as this episode is a mind blower.

Apparently, there's a part 2 somewhere where they go over the solutions and what to do, but I don't know where that is. The guest recommended reading this: https://famguardian.org/Subjects/Tax...st%20fever.pdf (https://famguardian.org/Subjects/Taxes/Articles/trust%20fever.pdf)

Anyway, if anyone has any thoughts on this let me know. I guess in the meantime,I'll start looking into it because I'm totally desperate--I don't want to be a part of this digital slave grid they are setting up.

10th October 2021, 08:18 AM

Gemstone group is a private law society.
I don't know how it applies to Americans?

This country has public law.


The original American Government as of 1781, consisted of: a Union, a Federation, and a Confederation of different kinds of "states" and "states of states" operating in different jurisdictions -- and there is a hard and fast demarcation between Soil/Land and Sea/Air.
https://tasa.americanstatenationals..../colonies1.jpg (https://tasa.americanstatenationals.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/colonies1.jpg)
The Soil/Land jurisdictions are populated by people, that is, Lawful Persons.
The Sea/Air jurisdictions are inhabited by persons, that is, Legal Persons.

And never the twain shall meet, like the land is separated from the sea.

The only interface is located in international jurisdiction where Lawful Persons populate the land and Legal Persons inhabit the sea, and they may be converted either unlawfully or lawfully, one into the other.

What we are doing by reclaiming our birthright political status as American State Nationals and American State Citizens and by expatriating from all presumed Territorial and Municipal citizenship(s) is to lawfully convert Legal Persons back into Lawful Persons.

We are explicitly declaring our political status and officially returning our Good Names, our Trade Names, to the Soil/Land jurisdiction of our actual States of the Union. We are doing this specifically and one by one serving Notice on the Public Records of the commercial corporations operating the Sea and Air jurisdictions so there can be no further "accidentally on purpose" mistaking us for 'US Citizens" or "Citizens of the United States" or "citizens under the 14th Amendment" to the Territorial Constitution reconfigured as the Articles of Incorporation for a Scottish Commercial Corporation that went bankrupt in 1907.

So what is a "State of the Union"? It's the soil jurisdiction Union of republican states being referenced, which holds the underlying land jurisdiction States as possessions. You could just as well read it as "State belonging to the Union" in the sense of ownership, while the State itself is a member of The United States of America, an unincorporated Federation of States.

In the same way, the States of States that were members of the original Confederation of States belonged to the States in the sense of ownership. Georgia owns The State of Georgia, which operates under Georgia's Sovereign Letters Patent.

The State of Georgia which has been mothballed since 1868 along with all the other actual Federal States of States is an American State Corporation held under Sovereign Letters Patent.

These States of States can be called Federal States of States, since they belong to States that are members of the Federation of States, or they can be called Confederate States because they are members of the States of America Confederation formed under The Articles of Confederation in 1781.

This original Confederation of States of States doing business as the States of America was enabled to carry out all the business of the States in several jurisdictions: international jurisdiction of the sea, territorial jurisdiction, municipal jurisdiction, commercial jurisdiction --- the States of America was a Jack-of-All-Trades operating in all the jurisdictions of the Sea and the Air, owned and operated by the American States and People.

The Constitutions were to break up the functions of this original Confederation doing business as the States of America.

The Lion's share of the business remained with the States of America under the actual Federal Constitution called "The Constitution for the united States of America". To put it simply, the States chose to Delegate certain Powers to their own commercial corporations, which were then liable for providing the services stipulated under the Constitution.

Another portion, the Territorial functions and business, including control of the Naval Armed Services, Commercial Fleet, Trade Policies, and U.S. Territories was split off and delegated to the British Monarch under the Territorial Constitution called "The Constitution of the United States of America". The services stipulated under this Constitution were determined by Treaties leading up to the end of the Revolutionary War and were administered by British Territorial United States inhabitants temporarily residing in our States and the District of Columbia.

As part of the Great Fraud they try to pretend that we are all "United States Citizens' who are unpaid volunteers working for the Territorial United States and its commercial corporations while temporarily residing in our own country.

Finally, a portion of the business was split off and delegated to the Temple Government operated by Westminster, the so-called Inner City of London, which is an independent international city-state and part of the Municipal Government of Rome under the Roman Pontiff and the Holy Roman Empire. The functions of this Municipal Government affiliate were severely limited to the ten miles square of the District of Columbia. This global Jurisdiction of the Air entity received a separate Constitution called "The Constitution of the United States".

Thus, the Federal Government was carved out of the States of America Confederation.

The Federal Branch of the Federal Government was operated under the States of America as an extension of delegated power belonging to the States and their Federation doing business as The United States of America. According to the duty, it could operate in the international Jurisdiction of the Sea or the global Jurisdiction of the Air.

The Federal Branch of the Federal Government was sometimes referred to as The Republic, a reflection back the to republican states that ultimately own everything. This entity was operated by Deputies chosen by The State of State Legislatures-- Senators elected to serve as part of the Federal United States Congress and by popularly elected Delegates serving the Federal House of Representatives.

However, please note that the Federal Congress, also known as the United States Congress, was composed entirely of Confederate "States" -- that is, commercial corporations run as "States of States", operating in the Sea/Air jurisdictions, as opposed to the Continental Congress operated by the Soil/Land jurisdiction States.

The Territorial Branch of the Federal Government was operated by the British Territorial United States as a Democracy.

The Municipal Branch of the Federal Government was operated as an independent international city-state, the Washington Municipality. This Municipal Government was entrusted to the members of the Federal Congress, who were supposed to operate the District of Columbia and Municipality of Washington, DC, as a neutral meeting ground for the States and People. The members of the Federal Congress were given power to operate the Municipal Government as a plenary oligarchy.

All of these entities, the commercial corporations making up the States of States of the Confederation that were responsible for running the Federal Congress and overseeing the Municipal United States Government, the Territorial United States Government and the Municipal United States Government, can be called in some respect "the" Federal Government, because they are all part of the original Federal Government, and yet, it takes the sum total of all three functioning together as intended to make up the actual Federal Government owed to the member States of The United States of America.

In 1860, this entire arrangement was torn apart. The members of the original Confederation split apart. The Northern States of States in support of the original Confederation adopted the stance of being champions of the Federal cause and became known as "Union" troops. The Southern States of States which were more honest simply reorganized a new Confederation doing business as The Confederate States of America.

Emerging on the other side of the mercenary conflict misnamed "The American Civil War", which was all fought by the commercial corporations that were States of States members of the original Confederation, the Federal Branch of the Federal Government was destroyed and subject to Reconstruction.

Before that Reconstruction could be properly addressed or the population given adequate Notice, the British Territorial Government operating the Armed Forces of the Northern States of States of the original Confederation substituted Territorial States of States for the Federal States of States, a cuckoo bird maneuver that took place in 1868.

The original Territorial Constitution called "The Constitution of the United States of America" was also deceitfully reconfigured as the Articles of Incorporation of a new Scottish commercial corporation doing business as "The United States of America, Incorporated".

As a single commercial corporation under foreign control, the members of the new Territorial United States Congress took over as a Board of Directors. Amendments to the Articles of Incorporation disguised as the actual Territorial Constitution didn't require ratification by the States, only approval by the deceitful traitors occupying vacant Federal Congressional offices under false pretenses.

This is why no Amendments since the 14th Amendment have ever been properly ratified by the States of the Union. This is also how the United States Senators of the Federal United States Congress ceased to function as Deputies (Fiduciary Officers) of the States and became instead merely popularly elected Territorial United States "Senators" whose only fiduciary allegiances were to the foreign Scottish corporation masquerading as "The United States of America-----Incorporated".

Grant, Sherman, and other Union Generals were no match for the European bankers and corrupt politicians who were equally influenced by British and Holy Roman Empire agents and the American Robber Barons -- American Industrialists, especially steel, railroad, newspaper, arms, and drug/medical empire builders who made vast fortunes during the Civil War and who fully intended to continue to capitalize on their gains after the war.

They did so at the expense of this country and its States and its People.

And the British Monarchs and the Lords Mayors of Westminster and the Popes who all owed us Good Faith Service, sat mum and ordered their minions to do likewise. Generations of American military and police and yes, even Bar Attorneys, have been dumbed down and told that all of this is a "matter of National Security". They simply haven't been told which nation's security is at risk, and as it turns out, it's Great Britain, followed closely by Westminster and Vatican City.

The Gross Breach of Trust which has taken place has no equal in the history of the world and the damage done to our States and our People cannot be estimated either in terms of natural resources, lives, or money lost, embezzled, and frittered away by the mixed bag of criminals, British sympathizers, banker flunkies, and fools that have sat in the Territorial United States "Congress" ever since, all under conditions of fraud, color of law, and false pretenses.

Called to account for it, John Paul II, apologized, but maintained that it was our fault for wanting too many government services and not paying better attention to the corruption of the commercial corporations providing those services.

Please note that the Federal United States Congress --neither before nor after the Civil War -- ever had any authority to interfere with the States or the People of the Soil and Land jurisdictions. We were never part of the Civil War, even though millions of Americans suffered and died then and for 150 years afterward as a direct result of it.

As long as we claim and maintain our birthright political status, none of this skullduggery pertains to us, and we are not subject to the Queen nor the Pope nor any repugnant legislation coming out of either the Territorial or the Municipal "United States Congress", nor any of their numerous Territorial or Municipal State of State franchises.

Above and beyond all else, this is because we are Lawful Persons and they are all Legal Persons.

When Abraham Lincoln was forced to declare the Northern States of States bankrupt in 1863, he issued the Lieber Code to the military leaders of the Grand Army of the Republic. The British Territorial United States Government has continued to operate under the Lieber Code (also known as General Order 100) ever since. The Code has since been adopted as the Hague Conventions.

Lincoln also began operating exclusively as the Commander in Chief of the US Military, and exercising this power via the issuance of Executive Orders, a practice which is the basis of Territorial Presidential executive powers to this day. Thus, at the Territorial level, we have a military junta and "Presidents" of foreign commercial corporations acting as dictators and at the Municipal level we have members of the Territorial Congress grossly usurping powers intended for the Federal Congress and attempting to extend the hegemony of their largely illegal oligarchy far, far beyond the borders of the District of Columbia.

And none of this has anything to do with the American States or the American People, except that we have been asleep for a 150 years, and we have been repeatedly raped and robbed by our erring Hired Help.

10th October 2021, 08:19 AM

https://livingintheprivate.blogspot.com/p/home.html (https://livingintheprivate.blogspot.com/p/home.html)

"IN THE PRIVATE" (https://livingintheprivate.blogspot.com/p/home.html)

EVERY natural man and woman is born “in the private”. Whereas the State is public, and therefore its Public Servants, and its legal fiction creations are “in the public”, including its artificial legal “persons”.

A man or woman can either “live” “in the private”, or “act” “in the public”. However ...

We are trained from an early age to accept a higher authority as normal. Most people exist in a culture of submission and conformity, allowing numerous aspects of their lives to be controlled by the Government. The populace is manipulated to become dependent (debt-money), and conditioned to become fearful (racism, terrorism, and wars). The manner and appearance of “authority” is usually intimidating by design, while the language of legal fiction commerce (Legalese) is deceptive.

You are indoctrinated to “act” in the “role” of an artificial legal “person (https://livingintheprivate.blogspot.co.nz/p/a-person-has-no-body.html)”, which is a creation of the State and a debtor serving as “surety” for the corporate debt of YOURNATION (INC.).

Every nation with a Central Bank under the Bank for International Settlements has been indebted by the “incorporation” of its government into the debt-money system, thereby surrendering its power of sovereign money issuance.

A global system of debt-bondage has been established by “incorporating” governments,
and by programming the people to “act” in the fictional “roles” of “artificial persons”,
which as legal fictions having no innate productive capacity, are debtors by default,
serving as “transmitting utilities” for human energy.

An artificial legal “person” is a dead entity. It is a legal fiction “persona” in the “theatre of commerce (https://livingintheprivate.blogspot.com/p/theatre-of-commerce.html)”, and it is under the foreign Admiralty Maritime Jurisdiction, the international “Law of the Sea”. On the contrary, you are born into your own sovereign Estate of body, mind, and soul. As a sentient man or woman you live within the sovereign Common Law Jurisdiction, the national “Law of the Land”.

The “Common Law” follows “Natural Law”, a living system of “right or justice” held to be common to all humans and derived from Nature rather than from the rules of society. In “Natural Law”, all people are born equal and endowed with unalienable rights.

Your sovereign jurisdiction, including your inborn Unalienable Rights (https://livingintheprivate.blogspot.co.nz/p/unalienable-rights.html), cannot be taken from you without your fully informed and willing consent.

Legal “person” “actors” for incorporated governments, banks, and all corporate entities, need to contract with other legal “person” “actors” to extract their “commercial energy”.

These legal “actors” make the PRESUMPTION that you are also “acting” in the “role” of a legal “person” in “legal fiction” commerce, which is why they are seeking a contract “performance”. They ALWAYS want the NAME and often the creation date of the legal “person” to establish “joinder”, forming an “adhesion contract”. They NEED A “PERSON”, because there is absolutely no way they can contract directly with a living man or woman. They need a man or woman to CONSENT TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY IN THE MATTER OF THE “PERSON”, unknowingly or knowingly, which is JOINDER.

In this way, a man or woman becomes party to the action involving the “person”, which is “joinder” of the parties into a single case in legal fiction commerce.

When a living name is “mirrored” by the registration of an artificial legal “person” on the Birth Certificate (https://livingintheprivate.blogspot.co.nz/p/when-you-are-born.html), an Estate Trust is formed, such as MR JOHN DOE TRUST. Any living man or woman unknowingly in JOINDER to such a legal fiction NAME blindly takes responsibility for the alleged debts of the Trust as its Trustee. Whereas an aware living man or woman can separate themselves from the legal fiction NAME and become the rightful controlling Agent, Beneficiary, Executor/Executrix for MR JOHN DOE TRUST.

Legal “actors” will attempt to engage the “person” by posting letters, by phone, or on the highway, to make and enforce a contract. Misrepresenting a living man or woman as a fictional “person” causing unwitting “joinder” is the crime of “personage”, and it is perpetuated by “barratry”, the crime of bringing false claims in court. The term “barratry”, appropriately, comes from the “Bar Association”.

Under the Common Law Jurisdiction (Law of the Land), both parties must enter into every contract “knowingly”, “voluntarily”, and “intentionally”, or the contract is unenforceable and void.

However, under the Admiralty Maritime Jurisdiction (Law of the Sea), consent to contract is often presumed by silent acquiescence, unless the party contracted thereby rebuts the presumption of consent.

If you do not wish to consent to their contract offer (presentment), you must Rebut The Presumption (http://livingintheprivate.blogspot.co.nz/p/rebut-presumption.html) that you are “acting” in the “role” of a fictional legal “person”.

Maxim of Law:
Quid fas non veritas est. Legality is not Reality.

The first step is to separate yourself from the legal fiction. If you answer to the artificial legal “person” NAME, you contract by “joinder” to become a liable debtor. However, if you “stand” truthfully as a “man” or “woman”, not “acting” as an artificial legal “person”, the two are separated.

Because of years of conditioning, it takes time to separate the legal fiction from reality, in your mind and in the real world. A powerful and lawful approach is simply to verify everything.

You are never obliged to answer questions or to provide government issued ID. Truly, to uphold your government of the People, it is not your duty to answer questions, it is your duty to ask questions. You have the Right to know who is making a claim against you, the Right to know who the injured party is, the Right to conditionally accept any claim against you upon verification, the Right to reserve your rights without prejudice, and thereafter the Right to remain silent to avoid self-incrimination.

By failing to exercise their Rights, the People have been betrayed, and have allowed their governance to be turned against them, so that the People have been “monetized”. The original offices of de jure unincorporated government institutions have been usurped, and are mostly unoccupied by de jure public servants working for the People in a de jure public capacity. The “public” State has been captured by financial piracy, and has become a commercial enterprise, operating by contract under the Admiralty Maritime jurisdiction (Law Merchant), in the international Law of the Sea.

The following definitions apply to the de facto incorporated State, in which the agencies of government, and all artificial legal “persons”, are merely corporate franchises.

https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-NSg_we1pZ...ic-700x354.png (https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-NSg_we1pZxo/WCzqOypVFeI/AAAAAAAAFTk/QqV3pkP-7KQHju5r1wbSqXrH_UH_a0PRQCLcB/s1600/in-the-public-700x354.png)

Private: To be “in the private” is to “live” in a “private capacity” as a Man or Woman, with flesh and blood, arms and legs, a conscious mind, a spirit, and Life. All Men and Women are created as equal Sovereigns, endowed with Unalienable Rights and Properties, including Credit equating to their valuable human energy. As natural Men and Women, they are Creditors, because they are born naturally with innate productive capacities. Their right to contract is Unlimited, and they have unlimited liability, being responsible adults. They are outside and above the State. From Latin privatus “set apart, belonging to oneself (not to the state)”.

Public: To be “in the public” is to “act” in a “public capacity” as an “accommodation party” in “joinder” to an “artificial person” created and governed by the State. All Men and Women who “act” in legal fiction “roles” for the State are granted revocable Privileges and Benefits prescribed in legislative “Acts”. As Artificial Persons, they are Debtors, because they are created legally without innate productive capacities. Their right to contract is Limited, and they have limited liability, being legally incompetent “creatures of the State”, its legal children. They are inside and under the State. From Latin publicus “of the people; of the state; done for the state”.

Home (https://livingintheprivate.blogspot.com/)Living In The Private (https://livingintheprivate.blogspot.com/)

Educate Yourself, Ask Questions, Verify Everything

10th October 2021, 08:19 AM

I looked into Gemstone University several years ago, as I recall they wanted a very hefty fee to join their Private Contract Society.


Welcomes all American's who want to correct their status without charging anything for doing so as it is our birthright as American's to be free.

They have a streamlined process to correct your status.
https://tasa.americanstatenationals....t-your-status/ (https://tasa.americanstatenationals.org/correct-your-status/)

The One Page Declaration

Get started on your way to becoming an American State National or American State Citizen!

The Long-Awaited One Page Declaration

The attached One Page Declaration is sufficient in-and-of itself to replace the (928 pdf) documents for purposes of participation in the State Assemblies and conduct of all business that people may normally engage in.

It reverses all presumptions being held against them and blocks any further interference by the “governmental services corporations” and their officers.

The only inputs required are the name of the State where they were born, and the name of the County and State where they currently live, plus the day, month, year, and their hand-printed signature, plus the participation of the Recording Secretary of the State Assembly (someone elected to fill that office) as Notarial Witness.

That is, the man returning home signs his name in printed Upper and Lower Case, as taught in Grade School, not in cursive.

As the State Assemblies elect their Recording Secretaries, they should establish their Election Record, which shows the names, addresses, and dates of election and terms of office, plus record of their affirmation done with their hand on a copy of the Bible.

Please note that the United States Supreme Court has ruled that any affirmations or oaths of office
that are not taken on the Bible are invalid and illegal for purposes of international conduct of business. We take our affirmations on the Geneva Bible and they take their oaths on the King James.

So, all the Assemblies need to finish up their Seals and elect Recording Secretaries and establish their Election Records.

Once the Block Chain Recording System and ID generation is ready we can input the names and addresses of the Assembly Members in each State Account.

They won’t need to record anything with any Territorial State of State and pay fees to them anymore and they won’t need to file tons of paperwork denying and reclaiming and moving things around.

They will need to record as State Nationals or as State Citizens with their Assembly, and each Assembly will have to determine a reasonable fee or donation for the recording service and for the ID’s, private property plates, etc. and, I suggest, establish a waiver of these fees for the poor, so that everyone can return home.

We will work on a similar document for Naturalized Americans and hope to release that later this week.

10th October 2021, 08:20 AM
@Bigjon- Thanks for your posts. I'll move this later. I'm just looking for solutions, but I have no idea if this could even work. I listened to the video with Ken Cousens and Dr. Amandha Vollmer last night and it was really interesting, but I still didn't have a sense of what you do or how you live like this. It did seem like this Ken Cousens guy had a true and accurate understanding of the history of how we got here and all their trickery with trusts and Admiralty law.

But I lost some faith in this guy toward the end, when he said "big things" were happening and that "Trump has a lot of military support" and there are 100's of thousands of indictments ---so he's a Q follower.

I also listened to the Ian Clifford video with Ramola D--same idea, but he's in the UK, says you can go to his site and read their info for free.

One thing Ian Clifford said that Ramola seemed to agree with was that at some point in the near future they are going to say that you have to have a QR code to use the internet. So this guy was saying the people in his community have to set up their own internet (how the hell can you do that?)

Also, the reason I started looking it this was because Dr. Andrew Kaufman said he was doing it, and since he seems sane and reasonable, I thought it was worth looking into. But Dr. K mentioned this back in July of 2020, I haven't heard him mention it since. So I'm wondering how that worked out for him. All I know is that I do NOT want to be a part of this new digital slave system.

10th October 2021, 08:20 AM

Not sure about Ian Clifford; I think it is Dean Clifford, from Canada.

The fee Gemstone was asking for their service as I recall was either 20,000 or 30,000 frn. They said they wanted people who made a serious commitment to their cause.

As far as Drumpf goes he is a Lubavitcher convert like his family. Every lie is a prayer.
I think anybody who touts him is ignorant and delusional.

10th October 2021, 08:20 AM

As far as Drumpf goes he is a Lubavitcher convert like his family. Every lie is a prayer.
I think anybody who touts him is ignorant and delusional.

You hit the nail squarely on the head

10th October 2021, 08:44 AM
I recall reading unfavorable reports about Ken Cousens somewhere in the past. I did a search but only came up with this

Complaint / review text:

This is notice of Ken Cousins Of Riverside California, also doing Business as Panterra DeOro. Ken Cousins has for many years abused the referance of "Human Being". He is one of the scums of Society.

PLEASE DO NOT have anything to do with him, he has been ripping people off for multiple scams in the amounts of hundreds of thousands of dollars. He tries (or claims to) operate internationally with so called business partners as well.

He has slandered countless innocent people when they ask him questions about what he does. He tries to ruin their lives as well and - him and his wife Claim to "Lead a Christian Lifestyle" yet profess that there is "NO GOD".

PLEASE PROTECT YOURSELF, your family and friends against this poor lost soul. He operates in the areas of Law, Finances and Real Estate. He tries to take over anything he comes in contact with. He has tried to extort Millions of Dollars from many of my friends and family.

Contact information:
Author: Contact with Author (https://usacomplaints.com/user/Contact+with+Author/)

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10th October 2021, 09:12 AM
I recall reading unfavorable reports about Ken Cousens somewhere in the past. I did a search but only came up with this

Yes, it seems like a lot of people like this seem to have an understanding of what has gone on and how we have been taken over, but at the same time, there always seems to be a shady element.

I like to listen to these audios to understand the history and all of the trickery involved in taking over the planet, but I'm not convinced that these approaches are really going to work, given what we are up against.

Even if you pay the 20K, go through the whole process of status correction, etc, how does that help you get into a grocery store that requires a vax passport for entry and digital currency for purchase? Do you just say "I've corrected my status and I am no longer a part of your trust agreement/Admiralty law system, so let me in and take my silver coins?"

Like I said, I was intrigued because Dr. Andy K seems to be a sane and reasonable guy. Amandha Vollmer is new to me, but she seems intelligent enough. But I just don't get how this is going to work.

I honestly don't know what the answer is.

10th October 2021, 09:56 AM
Yes, it seems like a lot of people like this seem to have an understanding of what has gone on and how we have been taken over, but at the same time, there always seems to be a shady element.

I like to listen to these audios to understand the history and all of the trickery involved in taking over the planet, but I'm not convinced that these approaches are really going to work, given what we are up against.

Even if you pay the 20K, go through the whole process of status correction, etc, how does that help you get into a grocery store that requires a vax passport for entry and digital currency for purchase? Do you just say "I've corrected my status and I am no longer a part of your trust agreement/Admiralty law system, so let me in and take my silver coins?"

Like I said, I was intrigued because Dr. Andy K seems to be a sane and reasonable guy. Amandha Vollmer is new to me, but she seems intelligent enough. But I just don't get how this is going to work.

I honestly don't know what the answer is.

Maybe the Amish have it figured out. Be self sufficient.

That is not feasible for the multitudes in the cities.

10th October 2021, 10:25 AM
Maybe the Amish have it figured out. Be self sufficient.

That is not feasible for the multitudes in the cities.

Well, I've actually thought about moving near the Amish--I think there are lots of them out in Lancaster PA.

I've also been thinking about the whole digital currency nightmare--I refuse to participate in that, so does that mean I have a death sentence hanging over me? I'm assuming they will at some point (since they own everything and everyone) they will make us pay for utilities with their digital currency, but if I'm not in that system, then I guess I won't be able to have electricity?

I literally think about this everyday. Back in 2008/09, I got all my gold/silver preparing for a collapse, which was certainly a frightening future (who wants to live through an economic collapse),but back then I thought I would be able to survive with gold/silver and a barter system--in some ways, I thought the collapse would be a good thing because then we could start over.

But now, everything has changed--they have this digital enslavement grid they are forcing upon us, and I just can't figure out how to survive while staying out of their system (which I refuse to participate in).

I used to hold out hope that there was a way out, but now it doesn't seem like there is. The govt is completely captured, and as Bill Still said toward the end of Money Masters, most politicians don't even understand the monetary system (Dr. Ron Paul was the only one), so there's no way they will ever do anything to stop or fix things. Maybe things are different at the state level--I think Utah has gold/silver as legal tender, so maybe I have to move there.

I know Shami here things crypto (bitcoin, Monero and the rest of them) are the solution, but I'm not convinced--Catherine Austin Fitts says they will find a way to shut them down. And in that Ramola D video with that Ian Clifford guy, they were talking about how the ruling psychopaths have plans to controlling the internet,but making it accessible via QR code (so you have to be in their system to access it).

These people have been plotting this takeover for centuries and it just feels like they have gamed everything out already. I'm starting to think the only way out is an asteroid or that 12,000 year disaster cycle (sun micronova), which is apparently due in coming years.

10th October 2021, 10:50 AM
Well, I've actually thought about moving near the Amish--I think there are lots of them out in Lancaster PA.

I've also been thinking about the whole digital currency nightmare--I refuse to participate in that, so does that mean I have a death sentence hanging over me? I'm assuming they will at some point (since they own everything and everyone) they will make us pay for utilities with their digital currency, but if I'm not in that system, then I guess I won't be able to have electricity?

I literally think about this everyday. Back in 2008/09, I got all my gold/silver preparing for a collapse, which was certainly a frightening future (who wants to live through an economic collapse),but back then I thought I would be able to survive with gold/silver and a barter system--in some ways, I thought the collapse would be a good thing because then we could start over.

But now, everything has changed--they have this digital enslavement grid they are forcing upon us, and I just can't figure out how to survive while staying out of their system (which I refuse to participate in).

I used to hold out hope that there was a way out, but now it doesn't seem like there is. The govt is completely captured, and as Bill Still said toward the end of Money Masters, most politicians don't even understand the monetary system (Dr. Ron Paul was the only one), so there's no way they will ever do anything to stop or fix things. Maybe things are different at the state level--I think Utah has gold/silver as legal tender, so maybe I have to move there.

I know Shami here things crypto (bitcoin, Monero and the rest of them) are the solution, but I'm not convinced--Catherine Austin Fitts says they will find a way to shut them down. And in that Ramola D video with that Ian Clifford guy, they were talking about how the ruling psychopaths have plans to controlling the internet,but making it accessible via QR code (so you have to be in their system to access it).

These people have been plotting this takeover for centuries and it just feels like they have gamed everything out already. I'm starting to think the only way out is an asteroid or that 12,000 year disaster cycle (sun micronova), which is apparently due in coming years.

That sums up my feelings on this situation pretty well. Out here in the desolate desert of Central Nevada we can always eat deer and antelope or even mustangs. There are several cattle ranchers to barter with for beef.

So long as there is access to diesel fuel we can generate electricity too.

Desert coolers work for refrigeration . I tried to find a picture of one but there doesn't seem to be any on on net. A desert cooler is basically a wooden framed screened cabinet covered with burlap. A container of water sits on top and drips down the four sides saturating the burlap. The evaporation of the water drops the temperature down enough to keep milk, meat, butter etc. Out here the relative humidity is often less than 12% so a desert cooler is very efficient. They will not cool where the relative humidity is high.

My grandmother canned venison, fruits, jams and jellies etc. and kept them in a root cellar. They made homemade soap by rendering lard and dripping water through juniper ashes to obtain lye they combined with the lard. The soap was used for laundry purposes. It is too strong for personal use.

10th October 2021, 12:19 PM
Well I still think that Anna's group is using the "right" strategy.

The Declaration of Independence just got it right, by summing up the situation then and now.

It sets the precedent in law and governance, with people where they belong at the top of government, not under some pope or king.
If you go with them they are putting in place using existing law the restoration of the government structures we are owed. U.S. Marshals, Militia, Courts, Justices of the Peace, American Common Law, A Banking system for the people.

I want to do it, but my wife is afraid. She wants to be a slave, pay her taxes, stick with the devil we know.



10th October 2021, 12:40 PM
Well I still think that Anna's group is using the "right" strategy.

The Declaration of Independence just got it right, by summing up the situation then and now.

It sets the precedent in law and governance, with people where they belong at the top of government, not under some pope or king.
If you go with them they are putting in place using existing law the restoration of the government structures we are owed. U.S. Marshals, Militia, Courts, Justices of the Peace, American Common Law, A Banking system for the people.

I want to do it, but my wife is afraid. She wants to be a slave, pay her taxes, stick with the devil we know.

Okay, can you give me a link to Anna's info, so I can look into it?

10th October 2021, 01:10 PM
Okay, can you give me a link to Anna's info, so I can look into it?

It's pretty much all contained here. There are a lot more than just Anna working on this.



10th October 2021, 01:46 PM
Well I still think that Anna's group is using the "right" strategy.

The Declaration of Independence just got it right, by summing up the situation then and now.

It sets the precedent in law and governance, with people where they belong at the top of government, not under some pope or king.
If you go with them they are putting in place using existing law the restoration of the government structures we are owed. U.S. Marshals, Militia, Courts, Justices of the Peace, American Common Law, A Banking system for the people.

I want to do it, but my wife is afraid. She wants to be a slave, pay her taxes, stick with the devil we know.


I think so too. At my age I am not going to worry about it though.

10th October 2021, 02:32 PM
It's pretty much all contained here. There are a lot more than just Anna working on this.



Thanks- I'm going to look into this very seriously. I refuse to be a part of their new system. I'm not sure how they are going to roll it out. Maybe they will collapse the dollar, so people will be desperate and will do anything. Or maybe it will be slower. I think Lynnette Zang says they already introduced bills in the House and Senate calling on the Fed Reserve to set up digital wallets for all citizens (obviously, the Federal Reserve bankers wrote the bills). So that might be the trick to get people to agree to the new system--if there's "free money" in the digital wallet, most Americans will sign right up.

I'm still going to listen to more of this stuff, just because I like the history lesson of how all this happened.

Crrow777 interviews Ken Cousens November 25, 2020.

10th October 2021, 02:47 PM
I posted a video in Coronavirus thread today featuring Dr. Judy Mikovits. In abou the last 20 minutes of the show she mentioned something called PMAs -- Private Membership Association.

If you have a business of some kind and you want to keep it separate from "the system" you can, she says, go to an attorney and get your busiess entity set up as a 508.C1B
or a 508 C3 and that puts your business's activities in the private realm status.

sounded interesting


Just be extremely careful and do not hand over large sums of cash to anyone. There are some extremely slick operators out there. James o'Keefe of Project Veritas sent a $165,000 payment to some of his attorneys via computer and it got stolen from O'Keefe and there is nothing he can do about that.

I have listened to alternative patriot radio shows since the early 1990s and have heard all these "gold fringe flag" types and their various schemes. Never heard of any great outcomes of those programs. Just try to form communities of a few people you can trust and then you all support each other in various ways.

Just use your common sense and hold on to your money and go cash and withdraw as much as possible from using digital for buying and selliing.

10th October 2021, 03:36 PM
I have listened to alternative patriot radio shows since the early 1990s and have heard all these "gold fringe flag" types and their various schemes. Never heard of any great outcomes of those programs. Just try to form communities of a few people you can trust and then you all support each other in various ways.
Just use your common sense and hold on to your money and go cash and withdraw as much as possible from using digital for buying and selliing.

Yes, I've listened to a number of the "gold fringe flag" types too, and it seems like people always end up going to jail. Maybe back around 2010, I used to listen to a show on Republic Broadcasting Network (I think they paid Stadtmiller for the time slot) and these people were talking about taking back the country by taking over the governors and telling them to resign--it was a totally crazy plot, but I was kind of intrigued, so I kept listening. Anyway, it didn't work and I think people went to jail. It was probably done by the FBI or something.