View Full Version : The Boston Marathon Bombing 8.5 Years Later

21st October 2021, 05:03 AM
Paul Craig Roberts, The Boston Marathon Bombing 8.5 Years Later
Paul Craig Roberts, The Boston Marathon Bombing 8.5 Years Later

October 19, 2021 James Fetzer blog



Paul Craig Roberts, The Boston Marathon Bombing 8.5 Years Later

October 19, 2021 James Fetzer blog
Paul Craig Roberts

Eight and one-half years ago on April 15, 2013, there was a bombing claiming three victims at the Boston Marathon that had elements of a false flag event, such as crisis actors with pretend injuries. Two brothers, Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev were blamed for the bombing. Tamerlan apparently died while in police custody. Dzhokhar, shot by police, somehow managed to escape and was later found hiding under an overturned boat in someone’s back yard where he allegedly had written a confession in the dark on the side of the boat he was hiding under.

There were many anomalies about the bombing event, the getaway crimes allegedly associated with the brothers, and the capture of Tamerlan. The entire city of Boston, including airport, was shut down while police went house to house searching for Dzhokhar, a wounded 19 year old. Troops with tanks occupied the city. There was unethical intervention by US prosecutors with the Tsarnaev family. Media did not investigate and simply repeated the prepared narrative.

Many experts raised questions. The crisis actors were exposed. The unprecedented closing of an entire city while police ordered families out of their homes while their homes were searched were shown to be extreme measures just to capture a wounded teenager.

In other words, a thriller terrorist story was orchestrated to make certain the public saw the brothers as dangerous terrorists.

I covered the story at length on my website (see for example August 17, 2015). John Remington Graham saw that the brothers were being quickly convicted in the media, which raised the question whether media conviction was substituting for the lack of evidence.

After 8.5 years the case has reached the U.S. Supreme Court. John Remington Graham, an experienced prosecutor and defense attorney filed an argument for friends of the court before the U. S. Supreme Court, pointing out that the trial of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev ignored the exculpatory evidence that was never heard and proved him not guilty. Here is a statement from Graham’s argument:

“In sum, during the trial of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev in Boston, decisive exculpatory evidence of record or subject to judicial notice, and showing the actual innocence of Mr. Tsarnaev, was never called to the attention of the jury at trial, was left unmentioned by counsel on both sides, and was ignored by the presiding judge when the sentence of death was imposed. The same decisive exculpatory evidence was called to the attention of the circuit court by these friends of the court on motion granted, then again ignored.”

In November 2017, attorney Graham intervened with the US Court of Appeals for the First Circuit pointing out that exculpatory evidence had been ignored in Dzhokhar’s trial. The appeals court set aside the death penalty, not, however, on the basis of the ignored exculpatory evidence, but on the basis that Dzhokhar was under the influence of his older brother, Tamerlan, who was primarily responsible, and for the failure of the trial judge to question jurors whether they were influenced by extensive pre-trial news coverage.

Despite Biden’s opposition to the death penalty, the Biden justice (sic) department has asked the US Supreme Court to overrule the appeals court and to reinstate the death penalty. With the Boston Marathon Bombing narrative set in stone, the actual innocence of the accused has become irrelevant. The orchestrated narrative is likely to conclude with an act of judicial murder.

John Remington Graham on Dzhokhar

On the day of, or the day after the explosions, FBI investigators found a blown out black backpack near the postbox in front of the Forum Restaurant on Boylston Street in Boston. This blown-out black backpack had carried the pressure-cooker bomb which had been ignited by the culprit in the this case. It was necessary only to find who had carried the black backpack. We have two clues, the first being a video run by Whiskey Steak House on Boylston Street, which includes a still-frame showing Dzhokhar carry a light-weight white sack over his right shoulder at the time of the explosions, the other an article by Toni Cartalucci (cited on page App. 7 of our appendix) including photos of men in paramilitary gear who carried a black backpack which perfectly matched the blown out black backpack found near the postbox in front of the Forum Restaurant.

These facts were made known to the press and the judges. Everybody knew that Dzhokhar was not the culprit whose white sack did not match the black backpack found near the postbox in front of the Forum Restaurant, but that one of the men in paramilitary gear, identified in the photos published in the article by Mr. Cartalucci, were responsible. The men identified by Mr. Cartalucci were not approached or questioned by FBI investigators or other peace officers. Federal prosecutors went after Mr. Tsarnaev, even though he was carrying a white sack over his right shoulder at the time of the explosions, and could not have been guilty.

Court-appointed counsel for the accused in the federal district court in Boston, the First Circuit, and the Supreme Court were all aware of the same facts; they likewise knew with certainly that Mr. Tsarnaev could not have been guilty, and probably that the men identified by photos in the article by Mr. Cartalucci were responsible, but they nevertheless admitted that Mr. Tsarnaev was guilty, as the knew was not true. The case could and should have been dismissed by pre-trial motion in behalf of the accused, supported by Brady evidence. The lawyers on both sides refused to acknowledge these facts of which they were aware, and framed the issues in this case as if these facts did not exist. This charade is the central reality of this case. If you have questions or comments, please feel free to contact me. – John Remington Graham, a member of the bar of the United States Supreme Court (admitted August 5, 1971, #83902)

The Exculpatory Evidence

https://ci5.googleusercontent.com/proxy/tULC2BLToMc511Ig55LY8pTNBW_aG7nr-1drwBFFa-McXhhtkJhEeePE2jqWIgEHBJ_17EaYFSgOmTBOOewNhKmnFIiC tGjVeUzwSKUk6JfncNb1u548WIbP_DG5EiHPNr0=s0-d-e1-ft#https://jamesfetzer.org/wp-content/uploads/The-Exculpatory-Evidence-300x188.jpg

The Actual Perps in Boston

https://ci5.googleusercontent.com/proxy/XI_9CgjNU-cq0wvRd60hE14T3PNFo_O8Qy0ODh90YcIscBa2Ot2geXORYp2y HfIV02Wx3vc4Iwv5Ikwecu5Xd1R3l__-Ck_P0JKAK6mKGl37Bk-LXXqvw2zJqRA2RTY=s0-d-e1-ft#https://jamesfetzer.org/wp-content/uploads/PCR-the-actual-perps--300x181.jpg

For more on Boston

Amazon.com–Surprise! Surprise!–banned my book about it, which has a dozen contributors, but it remains available at moonrockbooks.com:

https://ci5.googleusercontent.com/proxy/JPHrdAG1CpgLlgi2fhToFOIJPW8YIoP5cANNM-4xfs-sE_zND23exXiZHOb2tgcYBOLz5h1SGOgbwcZpzyPb1AB3eRM2i oB_CTOemdbM71G5WrHi8By1JYLoBPs7e7-XbDTgKLIoZQ=s0-d-e1-ft#https://jamesfetzer.org/wp-content/uploads/BOSTON-front-and-back-cover-1-300x199.jpg


Dachsie comments:

On 25th April 2014,I started a little sub-study on the alleged amputee victims of the Boston Bombing event of April 15, 2013.
It was so amazing to me that this plot was so carefully planned. I remember the Spaulding (as in Spaulding tennis rackets) rehab centers throughout the greater Boston area were used for staged settings for photos be taken of the "recovering amputees" to come in for photo shoots.
And I remember so many lying hospital administrators and M.D.s forced to be on camera and participate in this theatrical production.


Sixteen Boston Bombing leg Amputees / VicSims / Amputee Crisis Actors ? (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?77156-Sixteen-Boston-Bombing-leg-Amputees-VicSims-Amputee-Crisis-Actors&highlight=amputee)

21st October 2021, 05:29 AM
If my memory serves I recall that the Boston Marathon bomb incident (theatrical performance) occurred on a day when a bombing terrorist drill was scheduled.

Drills tend to be realistic.

Now for the really bad news:

A worldwide earthquake drill is scheduled today



21st October 2021, 06:07 AM
"If my memory serves I recall that the Boston Marathon bomb incident (theatrical performance) occurred on a day when a bombing terrorist drill was scheduled."

Yes, Dr. Fetzer has documented the drill element of this event. "This is a drill" blared loudly on a speaker when they were executing this event, and this audio is in several videos.

21st October 2021, 07:41 AM
Dr. Leana Wen who has been in the news recently was a crisis actress at the "drill"



Bitchute 4:24 minutes

(ALSO IRONCLAD PROOF THE B/B WAS A STAGED EVENT) Well Well Well, What Do Have Here, What a Cohen-cidence Huh....
This Fucking Gook Infiltrator Crisis Actor Piece of Shit Is Sat There in Media Studios Telling People to Get "Vaccinated" (Sterilized) and There Are People Out There Who Will Soak Up Her Lies and Deceit and Put Their Childrens Lives at Risk Through This Scumbag,
𝗚𝗲𝘁 𝗧𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗩𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗼 𝗢𝘂𝘁 𝗘𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘆𝘄𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲 the Media Are Using Failed Crisis Actors to Get the Death Shot in to People and They Must Be Held Accountable When the Day of the Rope Arrives.
(All Content Posted To This Channel Will Be Duplicated At The Sites Below)
ODYSEE LINK ----> https://odysee.com/@Harry_knowledge123:a
WORLD TRUTH VIDEOS LINK ----> https://worldtruthvideos.website/@Harry_knowledge123
ARCHIVE. ORG ----> https://archive.org/details/@harry-knowledge
BRIGHTEON ----> https://www.brighteon.com/channels/harryknowledge123
GOYIMTV ----> https://www.goyimtv.tv/home
BITCHUTE ----> https://www.bitchute.com/channel/iLB0Ibex4Pxg/

21st October 2021, 07:45 AM
Yes, Dr. Wen is popping up all over the place. Talented multi-purpose crisis actor, and Chinese to boot.

27th August 2022, 08:08 AM
I could not find the more detailed thread on Leana Wen and her Boston Bombing and Covid-19 crisis acting. So reposting this Youtube clip here:

CNN: Doctor treated Boston victims, worried husband was one


Leana Wen, CFR member (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Members_of_the_Council_on_Foreign_Relations) (CNN medical analyst, Washington Post columnist, former president of Planned Parenthood, global health fellow at the W.H.O., Rhodes scholar), WEF member (https://www.weforum.org/people/leana-wen), and lead emergency room Doctor for the Boston Bombing hoax, last year:

reason.com: CNN's Leana Wen: The Unvaccinated Should Not Be Allowed To Leave Their Homes (https://reason.com/2021/09/10/cnn-leana-wen-unvaccinated-travel-outdoor-ban/)

Leana Wen is a visiting professor of health policy and management at George Washington University, a Washington Post columnist, the former president of Planned Parenthood, and a medical analyst for CNN. She appeared on the network several times in the past 24 hours to react to President Joe Biden's sweeping new vaccine mandate—which she evidently believes does not go far enough.

"We need to start looking at the choice to remain unvaccinated the same as we look at driving while intoxicated," she told CNN's Chris Cuomo Thursday night. "You have the option to not get vaccinated if you want, but then you can't go out in public."...

"The vaccinated should not have to pay the price for the so-called choices of the unvaccinated anymore," she continued...

"I think we really need to make it clear that there are privileges associated with being an American," said Wen. "If you wish to have these privileges, you need to get vaccinated.

Are Dr. Leana's mother instincts conflicting with her Military Industrial Complex and Marxist International Communist hoaxing efforts?

WaPo: Opinion I’m a doctor. Here’s why my kids won’t wear masks this school year. (https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2022/08/23/my-kids-wont-wear-masks-school/)

By Leana S. Wen Contributing Columnist
August 23, 2022
For the first year of the coronavirus pandemic, my family and I were extremely cautious...

After coronavirus vaccines became available to adults, I wrote that vaccinated people could relax their precautions based on their level of risk tolerance. My tolerance remained low because of my unvaccinated kids...

Given how careful we’d been, it wasn’t easy to change my mind-set to accept covid-19 as a recurring risk...

Over the past several months, my family has eased back on our precautions...

I accept the risk that my kids will probably contract covid-19 this school year, just as they could contract the flu, respiratory syncytial virus and other contagious diseases. As for most Americans, covid in our family will almost certainly be mild...

To be clear, my family’s decision not to mask our kids should not be mislabeled as being antimask; we would never stigmatize other parents and caregivers for the difficult choices they must make.

27th August 2022, 11:51 AM
Another example of disaster or false-flag hoaxing attempt reported in the MSM (Omaha World-Herald newspaper)
For some reason emergency services decided not to participate this time?

omaha.com: Omaha charity workers recount terror of 'shooter' firing gun; only bosses knew it was a drill (https://omaha.com/news/local/crime-and-courts/omaha-charity-workers-recount-terror-of-shooter-firing-gun-only-bosses-knew-it-was-a/article_c9f1d920-22fc-11ed-a1a3-1787397f317e.html)

Aug 24, 2022
It was a Thursday morning in May. Five days after a shooter killed 10 people in a Buffalo grocery store. Five days before a shooter killed 19 children and two teachers at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas.

Tresor Kolimedje, 28, was at work in a state government office across the street from Catholic Charities’ location at 93rd Street and Bedford Avenue in Omaha.

From her desk, she heard gunshots, peered out the window and saw people running from the building, past other people who were lying on the ground. “She believed (they) had been shot,” according to a detective’s affidavit.

She wasn’t the only one. Multiple Catholic Charities employees rushed out of the building — some believing they had seconds to live.

What they knew: A man with a semiautomatic handgun had opened fire. Victims were on the ground, streaked in blood.

What they didn’t know: Their bosses had approved the “drill” — hiring the gunman who, in turn, brought along the “victims” to play dead after he fired off several blank rounds.

Now, the pretend gunman, who at the time described himself to police as an Offutt Air Force Base “citizen police officer,” is in jail — facing five charges of terroristic threats and one charge of weapon use...

Authorities are scratching their heads that any organization would think Channels’ active-shooter drill was kosher.

“Bad, bad idea,” Douglas County Attorney Don Kleine said Tuesday. “Bad enough what happened — somebody could have gotten killed. Just think of the potential things that could have happened with this — it’s frightful.

“Thankfully, nobody else got hurt more serious than the mental damage these individuals suffered.”

The World-Herald sent a series of questions to Catholic Charities of Omaha Executive Director Denise Bartels, asking why the agency didn’t warn employees about the drill and what the agency was doing to help those employees in the aftermath.

Bartels declined to answer questions. She had authorized the exercise and agreed to Channels’ request that she shield from employees the fact that it was a drill, according to police.

According to the affidavit, an employee ran out of the office behind Bartels and asked “what was going on numerous times,” but neither Bartels nor anyone else responded.

Bartels issued a statement Tuesday that said: “Catholic Charities has cooperated fully with the Omaha Police Department and continues to do so. This is an ongoing criminal matter and we have no further comment at this time.”

Kleine said it is unclear how many employees were at the Catholic Charities office that morning. But Kleine said he has been informed that some were so shaken up they have yet to return to work, three months after the May 19 drill...

In the nine-page affidavit, Omaha Police Detective Derek Mois detailed what happened:

Catholic Charities’ compliance coordinator, Carrie Walter, and Security Director Mike Welna agreed on April 28 to pay Channels $2,500 to conduct the training. Walter stated the idea of conducting an “active shooter” training “had been discussed for some time ... due to having the new facility open ... which contained a domestic violence shelter.”

Walter said she and Welna had little idea how to go about organizing such training, so they yielded to a security guard’s suggestion of hiring Channels. Channels had claimed to have conducted other active-shooter drills and claimed that law enforcement “would be present during the training event and would even participate and ‘play along’ with the scenario.”

“Walter stated that Channels planned to start by shooting victims outside of the office windows and doors to be viewed by employees, then make his way through the building (with keys provided by staff) hoping to cause employees to flee from the building or hide,” Mois wrote. “Walter stated Channels specifically stated he did not want the Catholic Charities staff to be informed that the scenario was only a drill and wanted to feel as though they were in danger.”

28th August 2022, 03:32 AM
James Fetzer usually catches each latest, large or small, false flag / drill fiasco, but I do not think I have heard this even briefly mentioned on any of his shows. I may send that link from an Omaha newspaper about that semi-failed false event.

It is really rich that "Catholic Charities" photo of building and that entity played a crisis- actor role part of this Omaha drill. Catholic Charities has become a corrupt woke hoax. I am not surprised that CC is in on this disgusting false event.

Here is a better article (see below) with dates telling of this extremely fishy looking "drill". It looks like Catholic Charities supervisors were informed in advance of the drill by a man who was working for a private security building-security-guard company planned but did not tell the Catholic Chariies employees. Very fishy and looks like several city and county agencies also "failed" to get the word out in advance of the drill. Now this John Channels fellow is being charged for multiple law infractions, but, I guess not really. This was meant to be a gun control operation - a 9mm blank gun- For some reason this operation failed and did not come off as planned. Whenever multiple entities just sort of goofed and failed to do their duties, that is a sure sign of something other than simple "clerical errors." FISHY!

I really think that all the efforts to question false events in the "social internet media" and on local radio stations and local public access TV has contributed to exposing this evil that has taken over the USA and all its societal institutions and governmental entities.

I watched Alex Jones in his very early days on local media and one thing I could see was that he "could see" the unfolding future and how everything was really trending toward ultimate Marxist totalitarian communism for the USA. One of his early videos was (?) "Police State 2000" and he did successive versions of excellent videos on that subject.

I was unable to fully grasp that reality that he perceived at the time but I was seeing how corrupt politics was and how infiltrated the Catholic Church had become. Alex was very popular in his very early days on local KLBJ radio and public access TV, but it was all Protestant form of Christianity and that unfortunately, in the USA anyway, was already heavily cloaked in covering up banksterism and Zionism influences in the Western world, and Catholicism was also well on its way in that direction too, until E. Michael Jones came along.

We each have our own individual journeys in seeking and finding our way to reality and truth. There are many pitfalls and rabbit trails and false philosophies we can get caught up in along the way. But I see that we have succeeded more than we know.

Paul Craig Roberts was always somewhat of a disappointment to me because he apparently is not a Christian and he has never been able to acknowledge the Zionism / banksterism influences especially in PNAC group and just calling them "neoconservatives/ neocons" and only exposing the Left wing in kind of a left-handed way, not truthful way.

The neocons of back then, that is, the "conservatives", are the brutal despotic totalitarian authoritarians we see today who took over Ukraine in 2014 and are today's Azof batalian neo-NAZI types who have seemingly taken over the whole world.

We seem trapped and afraid to expose the truth and that is where faith in God and his personal help to guide us comes in.

God please help us all in this evil world system.



Omaha Man Charged With Six Felonies After "Active Shooter Drill"
Omaha Scanner
2-3 minutes

On Thursday May 19th, 2022 around 9:40 a.m. Omaha Police, Omaha Fire and the Douglas County Sheriff's Office responded to a call of a multiple victim shooting at Catholic Charities, 9223 Bedford Avenue. Upon arrival, it was found that a private security guard, John A. Channels, was conducting "active shooter training" which included firing a 9mm blank gun and actors playing the role of victims. According to the police report, Channels did not notify law enforcement agencies or neighboring businesses of the training. Catholic Charities staff also reported to law enforcement that Channels requested for their staff to not be informed of the scenario in order to produce a "fear response". Multiple employees reported that they were not aware of the scope of the training and fled the building in fear of their safety.

On August 18th, 2022, an arrest warrant for John A Channels was issued for six felonies stemming from the May 19th incident. Channels is charged with 5 counts of terroristic threats, a class 3 felony and one count of use of a deadly weapon-firearm to commit a felony, a class 1 felony according to court documents.

On August 23rd, 2022, Channels was taken into custody for the above warrant and taken to Douglas County Corrections. His first appearance is scheduled for August 25th at 1:00 p.m.

According to a Facebook comment left by Exousia Protection Agency on the Omaha Scanner post about the active shooter drill, the page stated that, "An informational flyer with all the details of this exercise were handed over in person to NSP, Douglas County, and OPD central HQ several weeks ago. The information was supposed to be disseminated to the crews working, and sent over to the dispatchers. Unfortunately, that did not occur, which is why a full response was initiated." The full comment is posted below.


image link



29th August 2022, 08:01 PM
There is another suspicious event and again in Oregon.

Oregon is an extremely blue state.

Shooter had an AR 15

I guess this one could be true but I, as the song goes, "I haven't got time for the pain."



Shooting at Oregon supermarket leaves 3 dead

Aug 29, 2022

2:01 video runtime

94.9K subscribers
Authorities say at least three people were killed during a shooting inside a Safeway grocery store in Bend, Oregon, on Sunday.