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31st October 2021, 08:25 AM

Caught in the Act of Being Scripted

Short Videos that Help Prove Public Figures Are Centrally Controlled

June 18, 2021
Conspiracy, Media, Politics

From 2003: Watch the prime ministers of the “sovereign” countries of Australia and Canada giving identical speeches advocating the war against Iraq:

embedded video



Watch as numerous mainstream TV news anchors—from different networks (Fox, ABC, CBS, NBC)—read identical remarks from their teleprompters. Ironically, their script says social media is endangering democracy with fake news—the very phenomenon that they themselves exemplify:

embedded video



Like lemmings, leading politicians and public figures from around the world, from Joe Biden to Greta Thunberg, all tell us we must “Build Back Better”:

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Two OB/GYN doctors promote the COVID vaccine, reading the same script:

embedded video

a RikTox veo
no alternate URL, view within article at site
26 second video

This is good!

These videos help demonstrate what we in alternative media have said all along—that behind the façade of democracy, a wealthy oligarchy has been steadily consolidating its control over governments, media, banking, industry and medicine. Its final objective is a world government, ruling over a global population vastly reduced in size. But there are limits to how much they can conceal, and it’s hard to escape the observations of discerning Internet surfers.

“All the world’s a stage.”—William Shakespeare

30th March 2023, 07:43 AM
nypost.com: Senate repeals Iraq war power authorization 20 years after US invasion (https://nypost.com/2023/03/29/senate-repeals-iraq-war-power-authorization-20-years-after-us-invasion/?utm_campaign=applenews&utm_medium=inline&utm_source=applenews)

March 29, 2023
WASHINGTON — The Senate overwhelmingly voted Wednesday to repeal the 1991 and 2002 Authorizations for Use of Military Force (https://nypost.com/2023/03/28/lloyd-austin-hid-iran-drone-attack-during-senate-iraq-vote-gop-lawmakers/) (AUMF) against Iraq...

Eighteen Republicans joined 48 Democrats in supporting the bipartisan measure co-sponsored by Tim Kaine (D-Va.) and Todd Young (R-Ind.).

“These authorizations for long-ended wars [were] passed almost entirely by members of Congress long retired,” Young said Wednesday.

“These authorizations are outdated, they’re a detriment to our national security strategy and they’re an abdication of Congress’ constitutional role in declaring and, yes, ending wars,” he added.

Senators from both parties have long sought to repeal the AUMF in order to restrain the presidential power to direct forces overseas without legislative approval.

“We should never send our sons and daughters overseas without the consent of the American people through their elected representatives,” Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) said in a statement.

“Today, we are one step closer to finally terminating two outdated Iraq-related AUMFs and reasserting one of Congress’ most solemn responsibilities.”

The White House has indicated President Biden will sign the repeal legislation if it passes the House of Representatives.

The US invaded Iraq on March 20, 2003, after President George W. Bush’s administration accused Saddam of keeping weapons of mass destruction...

While the Pentagon ended the US military’s combat mission in Iraq in December 2021, 2,500 troops have remained at the Baghdad government’s invitation to train and work with Iraqi forces.

“Today Iraq is a strategic partner, an ally in advancing stability across the Middle East,” Young said.

“A lot has changed in the last 20 years, and yet according to our laws, today we are still at war with Iraq.”

