2nd November 2021, 07:48 AM
Dachsie just Sounding Off a bit.
The beautiful capital city of Texas is on the road to rack and ruin.
Prop A
Prop A is an Austin voter petition signed by almost 30,000 folks designed to make all areas of our city safer. Despite a skyrocketing population, Austin now has the lowest police staffing levels it has ever had. Prop A fixes this by requiring the city to hire and maintain more police officers, double their annual training, and take them out from behind desks with a mandated 35% community engagement and patrol time.
VOTE: November 2nd or Early October 18th - 29th
Visit the Prop A Site
I am not going to vote this time because I believe, like Mike Lindell has proven, our ES&S voting machines are crooked and the many drop box mail-in absentee voting procedures are corrupt. We will never have an Austin full forensic audit for November 3, 2020 presidential election but I believe many "down ballot" races were fraudulently counted throughout the entire state because NONE of the brands of the electronic voting machines in Texas operate honestly.
However I know that $150 million dollars was taken out of our city police department budget and moved somewhere else in the budget by unanimous vote of the Austin City Council without being put to a public vote. This is a part of the "defunding police" strategy of many of our "elected" "leaders."
This "theft" against the citizens' police law enforcement and protective services was done over one year ago.
SaveAustinNow had a proposition vote a few months ago to reinstate the ban on public camping by the homeless. The people voted for and passed that proposition but now...
we are being told that we need this Proposition A today because the money that our City Council secretly stole from the citizens must be put back in the police budget because we now have a 90% increase in homicides and a sharp increase in other crimes because of too few police officers. They have been unable to take some or all of 911 calls and rape calls to 911 are not responded to other than, according to a recent add on TV for this Prop A, and the victim is told to just fill out a form online and send it somewhere. Business owner victims of crimes are advised to "just gather the evidence themselves" like that would stand up in court.
I wrote to one of these Pro Prop A groups and asked why the City Council could not be made to put back the $150 million that they stole and we not need another public vote. Put the pilfered funds back they same way the took it - grievously and secretly.
I got a non-answer. something like 'It is unfortunate we have to work so hard to get the funding for police that is so needed."
I submit that SaveAustinNow KNEW FULL WELL before their campaign for Proposition for re-instating the camping ban ordinance that even if that proposition was voted for and passed, the lack of adequate police department funding would, as they are telling us this day, not be enough funding available to actually ENFORCE the newly re-instated camping ban, so SaveAustinNow KNEW way back before their first campaign that the lack of police department funds would make enforcement of homeless encampment ban all over the city of Austin impossible. They also knew that our City of Austin Police Department was seriously debilitated by defunding and the Police would no longer even be able to provide basic public service protections to the citizens of Austin.
SaveAustinNow knew and knows that once the City Council decides on their own to swipe some Police Department funds, there really is no way to make them return the stolen funds except by maybe passing this Proposition of today, and even that is unlikely to pass and even if it did, again there would be no enforcement of the new law because following the law and protecting the citizens is NOT THEIR AGENDA.-
(It looks like there are many local non-profit helping agencies are against Prop A today because they feel if it passes, their funding will go down if the Prop A re-funding of the police happens. That does not look good for these non-profits because it looks like they do not care about basic public safety police protections for the people of Austin.)
The beautiful capital city of Texas is on the road to rack and ruin.
Prop A
Prop A is an Austin voter petition signed by almost 30,000 folks designed to make all areas of our city safer. Despite a skyrocketing population, Austin now has the lowest police staffing levels it has ever had. Prop A fixes this by requiring the city to hire and maintain more police officers, double their annual training, and take them out from behind desks with a mandated 35% community engagement and patrol time.
VOTE: November 2nd or Early October 18th - 29th
Visit the Prop A Site
I am not going to vote this time because I believe, like Mike Lindell has proven, our ES&S voting machines are crooked and the many drop box mail-in absentee voting procedures are corrupt. We will never have an Austin full forensic audit for November 3, 2020 presidential election but I believe many "down ballot" races were fraudulently counted throughout the entire state because NONE of the brands of the electronic voting machines in Texas operate honestly.
However I know that $150 million dollars was taken out of our city police department budget and moved somewhere else in the budget by unanimous vote of the Austin City Council without being put to a public vote. This is a part of the "defunding police" strategy of many of our "elected" "leaders."
This "theft" against the citizens' police law enforcement and protective services was done over one year ago.
SaveAustinNow had a proposition vote a few months ago to reinstate the ban on public camping by the homeless. The people voted for and passed that proposition but now...
we are being told that we need this Proposition A today because the money that our City Council secretly stole from the citizens must be put back in the police budget because we now have a 90% increase in homicides and a sharp increase in other crimes because of too few police officers. They have been unable to take some or all of 911 calls and rape calls to 911 are not responded to other than, according to a recent add on TV for this Prop A, and the victim is told to just fill out a form online and send it somewhere. Business owner victims of crimes are advised to "just gather the evidence themselves" like that would stand up in court.
I wrote to one of these Pro Prop A groups and asked why the City Council could not be made to put back the $150 million that they stole and we not need another public vote. Put the pilfered funds back they same way the took it - grievously and secretly.
I got a non-answer. something like 'It is unfortunate we have to work so hard to get the funding for police that is so needed."
I submit that SaveAustinNow KNEW FULL WELL before their campaign for Proposition for re-instating the camping ban ordinance that even if that proposition was voted for and passed, the lack of adequate police department funding would, as they are telling us this day, not be enough funding available to actually ENFORCE the newly re-instated camping ban, so SaveAustinNow KNEW way back before their first campaign that the lack of police department funds would make enforcement of homeless encampment ban all over the city of Austin impossible. They also knew that our City of Austin Police Department was seriously debilitated by defunding and the Police would no longer even be able to provide basic public service protections to the citizens of Austin.
SaveAustinNow knew and knows that once the City Council decides on their own to swipe some Police Department funds, there really is no way to make them return the stolen funds except by maybe passing this Proposition of today, and even that is unlikely to pass and even if it did, again there would be no enforcement of the new law because following the law and protecting the citizens is NOT THEIR AGENDA.-
(It looks like there are many local non-profit helping agencies are against Prop A today because they feel if it passes, their funding will go down if the Prop A re-funding of the police happens. That does not look good for these non-profits because it looks like they do not care about basic public safety police protections for the people of Austin.)