View Full Version : Texas plan to deal with illegal immigration via Mexico -

5th November 2021, 11:19 PM


6:23 video runtime

Razor Wire, Massive Containers: Abbott Outlines Methods To Stop Caravans, 'Unprecedented' Migration
Nov 4, 2021
Forbes Breaking News
1.01M subscribers
At a border security roundtable in Midland, Texas, Gov. Greg Abbott (R-TX) outlined how his state will stem the flow of "unprecedented amounts of illegal immigration."


Dachsie comment:

I am thankful to Governor Abbott for his good sounding plan. I hope we get some reports soon if his plan really is resulting in fewer apprehensions.

However, I always have questions.

Why do they never mention New Mexico when talking about states with border illegal immigration problems. All they have do do is get in illegally through the New Mexico border and then come around into north Texas border with New Mexico that is not on the Rio Grande, or through Oklahoma.

I have been studying this issue somewhat for many years. I never can figure out EXACTLY how these illegal aliens are actually deported from the USA when they say they have deported them. They somehow get out of custody and just stay in the USA and do not actually get out of the USA.

I do not like the idea of putting these illegal aliens "behind bars" in Texas. Why should the taxpayers have to pay for their trial and incarceration.

I know this sounds too simplistic but I think all of those new 7,500 DPS or national guards people ought to just catch the people on USA side and hold a high powered gun on them and make them start wading back across the Rio Grande until they are out of sight?

6th November 2021, 03:12 AM
Bah.... it would be easy to stop them. Just do nothing and get out of the way while allowing civilian volunteers protect our borders.

6th November 2021, 05:34 AM
People should be free to travel the planet without paperwork. It is the socialist economic idea that travelers draw resources that citizens won't have access to that drives dissatisfaction.

Of aliens there are only two types:.



Friends you assist on their journey IF ASKED.

Enemies you capture, imprison or kill depending on the circumstances. Enemies of course REQUIRE a declaration of war. The only such declarations currently on the table are poverty and drugs. And in these the government has taken a position on the wrong side.

Everyone you are likely to meet is going to be alien. That even includes self-proclaimed 'citizens'.

6th November 2021, 06:07 AM
Reply to

"People should be free to travel the planet without paperwork. It is the socialist economic idea that travelers draw resources that citizens won't have access to that drives dissatisfaction."

Not true if you want to have discreet sovereign countries with each country having its own constitution or laws. Some government is required because human beings are fallen creatures.

The people of the European countries of old used to travel freely from country to country, like France to Italy. That happened without any papers having to be presented because the people were all of one religion, and some say because all were white skinned. Socialism happened when large numbers of foreign people of completely other kinds of cultures, not same religion and very different physical characteristics. That is when the separate government structures of countries within Europe stopped operating rightly and without out of control conflicts between humans and dissolution of that country's laws.

Same thing happened in USA. E. Michael Jones' book, The Slaughter of Cities, explained how all the forced mixing of different people groups caused "White flght" to the suburbs of large cities in north and northeast and now in all large cities throughtout USA. It used to be like there were ethnic neighborhoods within large cities, each in their own Catholic parish - Polish, Italian, French, Slavic etc. All of this started with Democrat, socialistic, plans implemented by Sargeant Shriver,, father of Maria Shriver Schwarzenegger whose mother was part of the Kennedy clan.

It think the story of the Tower of Babel in the Old Testament of the bible Genesis !!, tells that God did not like the one world government ideas of the infamous King Nebuchadnezzar so God destroyed the Tower and scattered the people off each to establish their own little countries with their separate people groups. It is very difficult for fallen flawed humans to live together peacefully in a pluralistic diverse society like the USA now and like Europe has become.

Socialistic one world government ideas with fake ideas of freedom has never worked in this world and never will because that kind of government always ends up treating all humans eqally like animals, except of course, by the billionaires running the show. (See my post in Relgiion section about French Revolution.

6th November 2021, 06:32 AM
It think the story of the Tower of Babel in the Old Testament of the bible Genesis !!, tells that God did not like the one world government ideas of the infamous King Nebuchadnezzar so God destroyed the Tower and scattered the people off each to establish their own little countries with their separate people groups. It is very difficult for fallen flawed humans to live together peacefully in a pluralistic diverse society like the USA now and like Europe has become.


6th November 2021, 07:02 AM
Bah.... it would be easy to stop them. Just do nothing and get out of the way while allowing civilian volunteers protect our borders.

If civilians were ever to lift one finger to stop a foreign enemy terrorist invasion, the military would be quickly brought in to swat them down and put them in internment camps.
The military no longer protects America, they are a tool of the globalist now.

6th November 2021, 07:28 AM
Not true ...Some government is required...
because human beings are fallen creatures."

You carry your government with you. That is to say you bring your law with you. Many people have no law either with or without government present. This fact can be determined by their words or actions. Presence (aka appearance) is an action and if the animal has not entered by an approved portal then it will be classified as 'illegal'.

Illegal animals that are levant et couchant (laid down for rest and observed sunrise) may be distrained and held for ransom by their keepers. If not then certain natural rights are transfered to the animal.

6th November 2021, 08:42 AM
If civilians were ever to lift one finger to stop a foreign enemy terrorist invasion, the military would be quickly brought in to swat them down and put them in internment camps.
The military no longer protects America, they are a tool of the globalist now.